Bw EN * building vacant. VOLUME XX NO. 35 Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, March 23, 1921 1'he Mount Joy Bulletin $1.50 a Year ia Advance Good Farm on Staie Road With All Li ui fy ve Stock, Crops and Implements $17,000: Double House and Bakery in Mt. Joy $5,000; Other Baroains. See Ji E. Schroll, Mount Joy NEW CHOCOLATE EQUIPPED WITH MODERN MA. CHINERY — PRESIDENT IS PIONEER RESIDENT AND BIG FACTOR IN BUSI- NESS IN HIS COM- MUNITY Lancaster County, famed for candy factories, will see another new factory in operation this month. The plant of the of the finest and most modern equi ped factories building is 116 feet 1 ; a store, Florin; John W. Eshleman, A large catechism class was tak- wide, four stories high and is of rein- | farmer, Elizabethtown, R. D.; Nor-|en in at the Lutheran church on Pa forced concrete construction, being | man F. Arntz, treasurer; John L.|Sunday. absolutely fire-proof. | Garber, farmer, Elizabethtown, R.| Two children at Lancaster, it h The Nissly Swiss Chocolate Com- | D.; Samuel E. Garber, farmer, Mt. [been learned, are suffering pany, Inc., was incorporated in 1920 { Joy, R. D. No. 3; A. S. Bard, opera- | Sleeping sickness, with an authorized capitalization of $400,000.00 consisting of $250,000 | 7% preferred $150,000.00 capital of common stock stock. large amount of this stock was sub- scribed long before the plant was in operation, giving testimony community. The company expects to a few grades of sweet coa powder. The wrappers that hav been designed and their package goods are considere among the prettiest and most attrac- tive mow on the market and it will only be a matter of a few weeks un- | til you will be able to purchase thei products most every place wher good candy is offered for sale. Thei factory is ideally situated between the main line of the Penna. railroad which runs between New York City and Pittsburg, Pa., and the Conesto ga Trae’ ‘on Company line running be tween Elizabethtown and Lancaster, Pa. The factory will have an an nual production of $2,000,000.00. y | bank here f S$ > time, is oving Mr. Walter B. Licht, who has been ha ere for some time, is moving Se menden of the Ideal Cocoa cently elected cashier of the Peoples | Pike county. This is the twenty- Mrs. Elizabeth Grove, widow and Shdealts Company, ig for | hank to succeed Mr. Norman F.|second dry county in this state. { Daniel Grove, who resides on a farm the past fi teen years will ave! Arntz. Mr. Snyder knows banking Vinegar eels have been found in {on the Marietta and Maytown turn- charge of production. Mr. J. M. Bar. | ber, who for the past seven years has | capacity of sales manager by the Klein Chocolate been employed in the Company, of Elizabethtown, wil have complete charge of sales and | distribution. | : | The officers of this incorporation {upon Dr. John D. Denny, of Colum- are: Mr. E. L. Nissly, President, E.|Pia, in the breach of promise suit y Jay Nissly, Secretary and H. Roy | brought against him by Hilda Min- The Nisslys will expect in the very near future io be of much benefit to the farmers in |Denny became this community by reason of the fact milk con- They themselves own seven | ¢tta. productive farms with .an aggregate of 700 acres upon which will be kept a number of well bred cattle, that will help supply the company with! Nissly, Treasurer. that they will be sumers. large milk too. Opening on Saturday The Nissly Swiss Chocolate Com- pany, Ine. is going to have a grand opening of their factory, Saturday, March 26th between the hours of 1 o'clock and 4 o’clock p. m. and they offer to every man, woman and child in Lancaster County and vicinity an invitation to come to Florin and in- spect their plant. Every person who comes will be given a sample of the different products they expect to make and every person will be made welcome. ———l Gr I c— Business Changes April first will find several busi- ness changes in this place. Mr. P. Franck Schock, who so successfully conducted a garage in the Ed. Ream property the past year, will vacate and occupy the large garage on Henry street in the rear of Burgess H. C. Schock’s residence. Mr. Schock is having an office equipped there at present. The chartge will not find the Ream Mr. Harvey Haw- thorne, who was the boss mechanic at both the Schock and Ream garage, will, in connection with Mr. Ed. Ream, continue the garage at its present location. We bespeak abundant success for all the above business men. — OE He Paints Autos Mr. E. H. Randler has leased the former Walter S. Welfly garage, a Nissly Swiss Chocolate Company, Inc., of Florin, Pa, has been completed and is one in the country. The long, 50 feet and | ELIZABETHTOWN WOMAN to the | equity suit filed by Jose bhine Meck- high standing of the Nisslys in this y ; manu- | he facture sweet milk chocolate almond | de bars, sweet milk chocolate cakes, sev- | eral penny pieces of milk chocolate, chocolate coating and a real Dutch process co- completed for! |FLORIN TRUST SELECTS sone or mxecrons GENERAL NEWS FOR FACTORY AT F LORIN { Trust Company of Florin, fn The stockholders of the first meeting in the Florin Hall fhursday afternoon and c.ected tne following directors to serve for the ensuing year: Ezra Engle, farmer, Mount Joy, R. D. No. 2; Aaron Gib- ble, farmer, Mount Joy, R. D. No. 3; { Harry Leedom, farmer, Mount Joy; Paris G. Shelly, produce, Mount Joy; ; E. F. Heiner, Florin, Pa., postmas- its | ter; Albert G. Walters, contractor, Florin; Jacob Y, Kline, concrete con- tractor, Florin; Daniel M. Wolge- muth, coal and feed, Florin; Amos W. Mummaw, farmer, Mount Joy, R. D. No. 3; E. Jay Nissly, leaf tobacco, P- | Florin; S. Nissley Gingrich real es- tate, Florin; A. D. Garber, general TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Miss Mildred Fellenbaum is ill, fifteenth birthday. Miss Mary Cramer is confined her home with sickness. - second Monday of May as Mothe Day. | tor, Rheems. ————— ee ee on East Donegal street. | WINS CASE AGAINST HUSBAND : - rested at Columbia for setting fire The Saturday heard the [numerous buildings there. Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah R. Kelle of Manheim, celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary on Sunday. The W. C. T. U. court |ley. Her husband Isaac Walter | Meckley of Elizabethtown, deserted r some time ago, she claims. The fendant confessed judgments, on which execution was issued against|day evening March 28th, at 7.30. € | tenance. Mrs. Meckley placed the value of [ the real estate owned by her husband ‘at $14,000 against which there are debts of only $1,731. She considered she was entitled to $10 per week. The case was continued to the June argu- € ment court, when the legal points Twill be argued. The court intimated (that an order would be made for the | support of the wife, but did not state { what the amount would be. ——t eee. ney of Lancaster county, d terday. R. R. on Saturday other cut in April 20. A gasoline pump has been installe r end of town, owned by A. S. Brub: ker & Co. . John H. Deitz is wiring the hom Is Moving Today { Mr. Simon F. Snyder; who has [been a teller in the Union National at the corner of W. Main view streets. {to Maytown today where he was re. {and we feel certain the officials made a good selection when they elected { him. Lancaster city’s health authorities reservoir request all con — ing. Gives Bail For $1,000 Jno. Esbenshade will The sheriff has served the writ|(the M. A. Rollman property or Longenecker road, to the property on the state road just wes of the boro limits. 1! { nich. Dr. Denny furnished $1,000 [ bail, Miss Minnich claims that Dr. engaged to her in 1919 but that the following year he married Miss Anna Libhart, of Mari- eration performed at hospital. the Genera He has quit public schoo School in the near future. Graybill Wolgemuth and ee — Longenecker are the e The Many Reosle Focld Com- |JoY township. The legal notice may pany at Florin, have a whistle on |P€ found in another column. oe their factory that sounds exactly like| Johnny Wilson was paid $42,500 the siren of our fire alarm system here and when this concern opened for business last week, and the whistle was blown for the employes to go to work, we had one telephone inquiry after another, “where’s the fire?” The inquiries continued to pour in for several days. etl Arbor and Bird Days minute. John D. take notice. ket ball game. The members are, Frank Germer, Lec Ellis and Peter Ellis. Dr. H. B. Work, city superintendent ara ver Pian So of York! of public schools, has been notified by United Evangelical church in this the Pennsylvania State Department that Arbor and Bird Days will be ob- served on Friday, April 8 and 15> The suggestion is made that suitable exercises will be held in the schools in order to call the attention of pu- pils to the value of such days. A place. This was donated to the church by the Willing Workers’ So- ciety. —— — ee INSTITUTIONS BENEFIT BY WILL FILED HERE In the will of Samuel S. Wolge- muth, of Mount Joy township, ad- mitted to probate vesterday, are the following bequests: $1,000 to the Mt. Pleasant Breth- ren in Christ Church. $1000 to the Old Folks’ Home of the Brethren in Christ Church at Harrisburg. 1,000 to the Children’s Home at Grantham, Pa. $1,000 to the Foreign Mission Board of the Brethren in Christ Church and $1,000 to the Home Mis- sion Board of that church. A Big Success A play by the members of the Senior Class of Mount Joy High School was given in the Mount Joy Hall on Saturday evening, it being a success. The play was entitled “The Rebellion of Mrs. Barclay” which was greatly enjoyed by the large at- tendance. A A Mn Their Opening Sale Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will hold their opening sale of this year at their stock yards in this place on Friday, March 25 when they will sell rn atti 100 head of cows, heifers, bulls and LG Rei i Hosts. Seo thelr sd.on ancien pane Poi Toh re itz on Tuesday, of the Eastern Men- nonite Board of Missions and Chari- BR NY L) short distance west of Florin, where he is prepared to do all kinds of auto and wagon painting in first-class or- der and at reasonable prices. He re quests you to see him before placing your next job. BR Ml LL rr™fmasmse”” Note the Difference Last year about this time potatoes sold at from $4 to $6 per bushel. A few days ago we learned of a man in town who bought fifteen bushels for $2.50. They were delivered in his cellar for that amount, just a fraction less than 17 cents a bushel. ll A sn Another New Building Captain Harry Brown, of Pitts burg, will donate enough money to erect a boys’ home on the Masonic grounds at Elizabethtown. It is es- tiamted to cost $75,000, will be 102x61 feet and will be erected along the Falmouth pike. ’ Moved to Denver N Mr. Harry Rice, formerly propritor of the Central House in this place, but who has been living at Lancaster the past few years, rented a hotel at Denver, this county and moved there last week. 103 Years Old Mrs. Sarah Miller, a resident of the Brethren Home, Neffsville, cele- brated her 103d birthday anniversary Saturday. She is the oldest resident of Lancaster county. She is in very good health. — Raised the New Barn Menno Wolgemuth north of Mil- ton Grove. held a barn raising on the spot where the one was destroyed by fire sometime ago. It was very large- ly attended and concluded with a fine dinner. ties, it was reported that in 1920 the board expended $7000 for India, $18,272.58 for South America, $26, 256.21 for the Near East and for German and Russian children. ——— Eee &“ Here's a Funny One Recently some person or persons, by mistake or otherwise, took three umbrellas at the Mt. Joy Hall. A man advertised that fact in the last issue of the Bulletin and the next night the three umbrellas stolen were placed in the yard of the owner. Br eens eet rere Will Contest Jacob’s Will A contest of the will in the estate of Hiram B. Jacobs, late of Donegal township, has been instituted, to be tried at a later session of the Or- phans’ Court. rs ee etl ee Milk at Pre-War Prices Frank Guntryman, a farmer near Manheim, is retailing milk to cus- tomers at six cents a quart. ———— —————— A Number Were Installed The Union National Mount Joy Bank recently installed a number of Store Changes Hands H. E. Sturgis, of Elstonville, who recently purchased the Old Line store from E. H. Hoffer, took possession on Tuesday. Mr. Hoffer moved to Man- heim, occupying the home on West High street, recently purchased from the Katherine Missemer estate. a Will Meet on Thursday The Ladies’ Bible Class of the United Evangelical church, will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Chris tian Sheaffer, on New Haven street on Thursday evening. A business session will be held which will include Safe Deposit Boxes in their vault. the election of officers. INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN.- The first installment of income tax | speaker of the paid at Lancaster is about $150,000. | Forester, of Erie, Pa., who Governor Sproul will proclaim the | interesting talk on “The Growth of | Court Chicques of this | [Place was presented with the officers’ | after Those who accompanied the Chief Gillums; Record- Williams, Senior | Frank Germer, | Orator H. E. Smith, Herman Hart- Harry J. Williams Jr., is moving { man, from | Vice Chief To date ten young men were ar- | worth of crops in this state annually. | the 73 Major Wm. C. Rehm, district attor- | wagon struck the rear of Mr. Gib- | Elizabethtown; Hemry G., Notices were posted by the Penna. at the Brubaker garage in the West of Aaron Metzler for electric lights, | driver. and Fair- | Judge Shull has refused to grant liquor licenses to all the applicants in and the sumers to boil the water before us- move from Mumma Mr. Benj. Shank is having an op- here and will enter Williamson Trade William executors of Samuel S. Wolgemuth, late of Mount LOCAL for whipping Mike O'Dowd in News York in forty-five minutes last week. That’s at the rate of nearly $1,000 a The newly organized drum corps : paraded the streets of Mount Joy J. C. Wednesday evening, prior to the bas- | MANY FORESTERS WERE R DIN | The Patriotic Foresters of America K of this place journeyed to burg on Thursday evening, accom- Sia {panied by the same order of Eliza- They were entertained at at Harrisburg by { the Patriotic Foresters of America in place with an illustrated lecture. evening were: | Brother Bailey, of Toronto, Canada, | C Miss Mildred Way celebrated her | who gave an bethtown. | the Red Men hall | that { The speakers of the illustrated | “The California Home,” rs’ | the Order. [ jewels. Im [order from this place were: { Ranger Ellwood T. as | ing Secretary H. J. Ranger John L. Schroll, Russell liams, Jr. niet Ble to | EXCITING RUNAWAY IN | 3, th| Mr. Thomas Stoler came driving | | up Main street with Jacob G. Brown’s will meet at the | two horse team on Saturday after- home of Mrs. Z. W. Keller on Mon- | noon when the | ran away. runaway passed the while the horse was not a- | reached Florin, having ran about [ro and a half. e age to the team, only a A MRS. ELIZABETH GROVE WILL - Jon May 27, 1921. woman followed’ farming all her life. t enjoys the best of health. Mrs. Grove is at the head of iit house for the past change hands many times. her son-in-law, Isaac Eshleman. EE DOINGS ship, near Ironville, to I evening. present tenant, Mr. derfer for $2,550.00. re eee eet eee ee BIRTHS. No. 3 announce the birth of a son. nounce the birth of Frank Coen. a son, Miss Ethel Wilt, a son. _ LiL Willing Workers Met the United Evangelical street. fancy work. Miss Esther Gingrich. Tribe, No. 11, Improved Mount Joy Friday Tribe, No. 59, of this place. lichtfully entertained. Leased the Quarries. poses. lA Bm Very Good Layers J Mr. Levi G. Dillinger, on East eggs. ’ reel ere “Dry” Bill Defeated. The Martin prohibition feated. AT HARRISBURG THURSDAY Harris- lecture on owned by to | this order and the Orphans’ Home in | | Rainbow Lake, New York, The other | of Manheim, died evening was H. gave an TOWN ON SATURDAY | Reading railroad. horses frightened and Mr. Enos Gibble an East two-horse | G., There was no dam- | frichtened BE 96 YEARS OLD IN MAY of a 1 { four generation family, and proud of Mrs. Grove has lived in the same fifty-five years and has seen all the farms about her The farm on which she resides is worked by IN REAL ESTATE Weller of Ironville, sold his truck farm in West Hempfield town- Albert B. Lockard, who will occupy it on April Auctioneer George S. Vogle sold a frame house on New Haven street, in this place, for H. E. Ebersole, trus- tee of Emanuel Greiner, deceased at public sale at the Bulletin office last It was purchased by the Harry Beames- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Koser of Route Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Coen an- Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Dorf Thomas, nee formerly of this place, now residing in Andersonburg, Perry county, announce the birth of The Willing Workers’ Society of church met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. S. Gingrich, West Donegal A short business session was held after which the class worked at Music was rendered by A A A Visited Mount Joy Lodge A large delegation of Osceola Order of Red Men, from Columbia, trailed to evening, where they paid a fractional visit to Otsego t After the meeting the Columbians were de- Mr. John Skipper, residing on W. Donegal street, has leased the Engle quarries, southeast of this place. He received a stone crusher and contem- plates crushing stone for various pur- Main street, has a pen of four com- mon hens that he is quite proud of. In seven days they laid twenty-five enforce- ment bill was defeated at Harrisburg last night. ~ Immediately thereafter a motion to reconsider was also de- OUR MORTUARY MANY WELL HAVE PASSED TO THE | GREAT BEYOND | Miss Annie G. Smith, formerly | | 53 years. J. | apoplexy. Charles Bradley Charles Bradley died at Marie a nine days’ illness, aged years. dren survive. Phares B. Knyer Mrs. John Fisher, Manheim, Wednesday afternoon, pneumonia, after a two weeks’ illness aged 50 years. employed by the Philadelphia Mrs. Anna Reese apopleptic stroke received David G., Christian G., all Catharine Rauch Zerphey. | sided with her daughter { These children survive: | Lagel, of Philadelphia; | Eppley, of Marietta: [sbothiomn and one son | Marietta. One brother, | of Florin, also survives, terment will be made in the cemetery pike, will be ninety-six years of age | 2djoining. She is the oldest | in her community, and has It is | nothing for her, in the summer time 1 | to assist in some of the lighter farm work, and she takes a deep interest in sewing and mending clothes, and Mrs. Elizabeth Reyburn Mrs, Frank K. Reyburn, a complication of diseases | place. She resided years but ter for the past. 23 years. a member of gelical church. her husband and the here for Grace United following sisters: Mrs. children also survive. services were held at the home of he son-in-law, H. 12:45 o'clock. at 2 o'clock. the Eberle cemetery. SER RE SOT A Party for Son of their son, Kenneth. Those present were: dis, Martha and Kramer. Mildred ter Derr, Russell Shatz, Matilda and Rye Mrs. Landis and Dorothy Charles. A pleasant time was had. rr —— Meee somrres A Spring Day Hike Joy enjoyed a fresh air hike Elizabethtown were the following: and Lois Forney, Amdnda, Fannie and Grace Wittle, Anna, Mary and Margaret Landis, Elsie Breneman, Stella, May and Bertha Kuhn and Messrs. Wesley Wittle, Roy Forney, Henry Lloyd Nissley, Jacob and Eli Arndt. After having a they all returned with a few ar- butus and some with a tired feeling. i Frank & Bros.’ Next Sale. C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their next sale of live stock at the Florin Hotel Florin, Pa., on Friday, April live stock consisting of 100 head of shoats, 45 cows. Also a few stock bulls and bologna cows. —— Sowed Oats Early John P. Risser of East Donegal, sowed a field of oats, containing eight He says the ground was in the best of condition and that it is the earliest he ever done any plowing for seed- ing. a ——— For Delivering Parcel Post Postinaster J. Willis Freed re- ceived a new push cart to be used by both our local mail carriers in de- livering heavy parcel post mail mat- ter. This will sure take quite a bur- den off the shoulders of Messrs. Gar- man and Smith. . RECORDINGS |. * KNOWN PEOPLF | He was a former canal boat- man. His wife and a number of chil- Phares B. Knyer, died at the home H. of his sister, into one of the J. Harry Miller houses | Brown, James Childs and H. J. Wil- He was a laborer, and Mrs. Anna Reese, widow of Samuel G. Reese, aged 86 years, died of an several weeks ago at her home in Elizabeth- of i of Lancas- resigned | ble’s spring wagon, knocking it side- jter, and Miss Anna at home. from the Penna. National Guard yes- [ wise and breaking both rear wheels, | funeral took place this afternoon, even | frightened. The runaway, with young | announcing an- | Stoler clinging to the lines, went up | I wages to take effect | Main street on the “dead run,” nar- | Well known former resident of this| | rowly missing collisions with the many | Place, died at the Messiah Home d | teams and autos in town at that time. | Harrisburg, yesterday, They were only stopped when they The , at| aged seventy- | | three years. She was at the home the | the a | Past year and prior to that time re- | cinity of the Rudolph Roth 30. The funeral |liantly colored { will be held at the Cross Roads meet. | ing house on Friday at 10 a. m. In- 'y | slides, he Elizabeth Reyburn, wife of | died Saturday morning at her home in Lancaster of after an illness of some weeks, aged 68 years. She"Wwas born April 3, 1852, near this many was a resident of Lancas- She was Evan- She is survived by following chil- McConnell, Blantonsville, Ill, and Mrs. Mary A. Felker, of this place and five grand- Brief funeral r H. Kreiner 3512 West James street, Tuesday afternoon at Services were held in the United Evangelical church. here, Interment was made in On Saturday evening, a crowd of voung folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Landis to cele- brate the tenth birthday: anniversary Games were indulged in and refreshments served John Heisey, Joseph Shaffer, Arthur Spickler and bmother, Merril Hoffer, Dewitt Lan- Helen Greenawalt, Richard Heisey, George Schatz, Wal- Clara Rosey Ruhl and Hilda Hartman, Carl and Herman, Jr., Hartman, Mr. and and On Sunday, Mar. 20, a number of girls and boys of Florin and Mount from and landed in a woods near Green Tree church. Among them | Misses Edith | jolly time | 1st, when they will sell 145 head of | acres, the work being done last week. | ] [REV. G. R. MERGENTHALER [here for | the another year's United Evangelical conferenc {recently held at Shamokin, Pa., [also to his wife. The Reverand and MANY COMERS AND DOERS n {his wife were taken much by sur- | os prise. The affair was held in the! IN THIS LOCALITY of | United Evangelical church and also a few invited guests. recitation, | Misses Esther and while the violin, 68 | Esther Gingrich gave musie, cial time was had by all. genthaler celebrated two eee 5; OUR JUNIORS GAVE THE 0 A reception was held Thursday Mrs. Nathan Zink and Mrs. Sara evening by the Juniors of the Mount Fasnacht spent Sunday at Salunga, Joy High school in honor of the Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Baer of this Senior class. school gymnasium and the senting St. entertained by a ] y ar | \ a ’ 2 y : wn. acted by the Junior class. Games his property. Mrs. Meckley filed this The authorities have doped out | Donegal farmer, had his horse tied in | town early Sunday morning, The pen ore aves aod at [ bill to prevent a sale of the property, [that weeds destroy $32,000,000 { front of the Union National bank. As | following children survive: Samuel : ‘Q y - y [so that she can secure her main- their guessing ability. land Senior classes and Catharine Rauch Zerphey, a very school teachers. etl A — ee ee Lecture in Pike School It is with much gratification patrons and slides addition to shows and costumes in also and admi defray expenses. Doors open promptly at 7:30. erases tA essen MOUNT JOY LEGION POST WILL SECURE HOME First steps have been taken for ih nh fel % and, J aneaster) the securing of a home for the Mrs. Mary ilkins, : = American Legion Walter S. Ebersole Mrs. H. H. Kreiner, Lancaster. The g » Post, No. 185, of this place. It is not certain whether this structure in the borough devoted ex- clusively to the use of the Legion or whether it shall take the form of a community house. The borough Legion will make ap- plication in the Lancaster Courts for a charter of incorporation on April 19. The names of the officers making application are: Bénjamin F. Groff, Jay L. Klugh, Frank F. Ger- mer, Solon V. Barr and Benjamin F. Kendig. DO Oren. A Farewell Party A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cramer on Lumber street in honor of Avis Hertzog on Friday evening. Refresh- ments were served and the evening was enjoyed by all in attendance. Those present were Anna and Esther Garber, Gladys Dolly, Lenna and Sarah Wentz, Anna Hinkle, Dorothy Schroll, Elizabeth Seiders, Dorothy Smeltzer and Mrs. Anna Fetter. On Western Trip Constable William Shields, of East Donegal township, is on a three weeks’ visit to Pittsburgh, Chicago and other places. At Chicago he will be the guest of Mrs. Thomas Conley, a niece. He will stop to see C. C. Hicks at Pittsburgh. ———— i ———— Mishap to an Auto An automobile ran down over the {side of the concrete road, west of {Florin and up an embankment into | the fence. The machine was slightly | damaged while the occupants es- {caped uninjured. eee tl een. Methodist Appointments. { At the conference in session at Phil {adelphia yesterday, these appoint- [ments were made: | Marietta, Rev. F. J. S. Morrow, | Mount Joy, Rev. M. F. Davis. Salunga, Rev. Percy L. Carpenter etl eee | | | Minstrels Saturday Night. | Billie Bradford’s Brownskin Babies la two-act musical review, will be giv- [en in Mount Joy Hall Saturday even- |ing, Mar. 26. This is an all colored {organization and they produce a real | show. See ad on another page. ree ee etl GC A Special Meeting There will be a special meeting of the W. S. Ebersole Post No. 185, American Legion of this place to- morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock p. m. rs tA Aen In Changing Your Address We desire to again notify all our subscribers who are moving this spring and desire to have their ad- dresses changed, to give us the old as well as the new address. TENDERED A ReczPhioN. OUR WEEKLY i reception was tendered Rev. G. Mergenthaler, who was returned | service by va and and all olumbia, died in Philadelphia, aged | members of the church were invited, | Miss | | Blanche Eshleman’ entertained those | William B. Carrolis, aged 74 years, | present with a A vocal from a stroke of |duet was beautifully rendered by the Alta Gingrich. {Ralph Eshleman a very talented mu- | at sician of the church gave several se- | tta lections on the Miss ang Friday piano | A luncheon was served and greatly enjoyed as well as a very s0- | Rev. Mer- occasions, Dr. W. M. for he was born on St. Patrick’s day. SENIORS A RECEPTION | It was held in the High decora- tions were in green and white, repre Patrick’s day. They were scene played and asked relating to St. Patrick’s day. The winners were awarded prizes for A luncheon | was served those present which con- |sisted of the members of the Junior the High that friends of the vi- | Pike school house shall at Marietta. | have the opportunity of listening to Mrs. John |the illustrated lecture on Japan and Mrs. David | the Tokyo Convention to be delivered Emma, of Eliz- | in the Pike school house by Pro. H. Blaine, of | K. Ober on Wednesday evening, Mar. Prof. Ober uses about 130 bril- showing Ja- panese life, architecture, industries. these full Japanese costumes, dressing up a child, lady, a man. He has very interesting experiences to relate and we feel sure the community wants to take advantage of this opportunity. Small sion, of 20 cents is charged to Everybody cordial- ly invited, bring your friends along. 7 o'clock, lecture begins will* be a | CARD BASKET | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE Miss Mary Greenawalt was visiting in Lancaster, Miss Clara Barlow is spending some time at Harrisburg. Miss Elma Wiley of Hershey spent | Sunday here with friends. Miss Eva Brocht visited her sister Lancaster on Thursday. Dr. E. W. Garber spent Thursday in Philadelphia. Milton Wittle, of Elizabethtown, was a visitor to town Sunday. Mr. Elmer Swords of York, spent | Vesterday in town with friends. Thome has returned from a vacation at Atlantic City. Mr. C. A. Seersher, of Lancaster, was a visitor to town, Thursday. Mrs. Benj. Myers, of Bainbridge, spent Sunday in town with friends. . | | | | | place, spent Mondav Rev. and Mrs. G. - | visited at Harrisburg, R. Mergenthaler friends Thursday at Lancas- ter. Calvin R. Kramer a clerk spent a three week. Miss Link, of Columbia, a trained nurse, visited Mrs. Irvin Easches on office” days vacation last pest Monday. Mrs. John Gingrich, of Middle- Own, was a visitor to our town Thursday. Joes Frank of Philadelphia, is / sending a week with his brother C. S. Frank. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. place spent Sunday with friends Miss Laura Long of spent Saturday and Sund with friends. Messrs. Jac. M. Schroll and Fred Schneider spent Sunday at Elm Leaf. near Reading. : Mr. P. Franck Schock and d ters Misses Dorothy at Atlantic City, B. Frank Greenawalt, of Harris. be burg, formerly of this town visited friends Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Conrad of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Conrad of this place. Mrs. Walter Kramer, son Omar and daughter, Sarah, were visitors at Lancaster on Wednesday. Misse Elva Strickler, Mary | Greenawalt and Marie Carson spent | Sunday at Chestnut Level. Dishong of this at Lancaster, Mountville, ay in town augh- and Jean, were Mr. and Mrs. James Hockenberry and son James returned after spend- {ing two weel Perry County. Miss Molly E. Owen, of Philadel- | Phia, is spending the week-end with Dr. W. D idler and family Mrs. Bertha Fisher gpd n of Ohi us 3. { Flusning, 10, were wisiting with Mrs. Leah Kraybill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Flory of Lane caster, spent Friday evening hers with Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Dillinger. Mrs. Fannie Heiser of Newport, and Mrs. Henry Heiser of Rheems, spent Thursday in town with friends Miss Grace Deitz of Dickinson Col- lege, Carlisle, is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman and son Glen, and Miss Kate Jury, all of Harrisburg, visited at the home of Mr. Frank Shatto. Mr. I. D. Stehman, our local miller, left on Tuesday for White Plains, N. C., where he will spend some time on account of his health. Martin Secvears of the Lincoln University is spending his Easter va- cation here with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Secvears. ™S, Misses Margaret Inners and Ruth Imbaugh of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Kra mer, on Lumber street. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pennell and children of Lancaster, spent Satur- day and Sunday in town with Mr. Jno. Pennell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Geistweit and Misses Bernice, Mabel and Mildred Geistweit and Harry Kaylor spent Sunday at Elizabethtown. Burgess H. C. Schock arrived home Sunday after spending several weeks at Atlantic City where he was recuperating from a spell of sickness. Messrs. Grover C. Winters, Crrvin Martin and Christian Hershey attend- ed the public sale of the Ferris Sani- tary Dairy Stock Farm, south of York Mrs. Amos Kaylor, Miss Florence Kalyor, Mrs. Simon Menaugh, Miss Dorothy Kaylor and Mr. Irwin Kay- lor spent Sunday at York with rela- tives. Mrs. Ralph J. Cramer and son Ralph and daughter Dorothy of Pottstown are spending a week here with her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cramer. sissies Entertained at Cards. . Mr. and Mrs. John Baer, on Eo Main street, entertained at six tal of cards last Thursday evening. ' decorations were in keeping wit} 4 St. Patrick season. ————— A — (7) Special Aluminum Sa Brown Brothers, the W# street hardware merchan a special sale of alumi Saturday. See their agg page of this issue. British oil inti concessions in n fields in northern