The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 29, 1920, Image 4

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WY T JOY BULLETIN Blaine, were guests of S. H. Tressler
and wife, last week.
MOUNT JOY, PA. The sad and unexpeced death of
; *r.| George S. Rupp, a we intimate ,
% E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro OE oad _ emf or J 1 STARTING & LIGHTI NG
: .c : {came like a flash of lightning to me.
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year could hardly realize that it was a
Sample Copies | reality, but nevertheless it was true.
Single Copies. .... 3 Cents We extend to his wife and children
hree Months. . . ..40 Cents jour deepest sympathy in this their
3ix Months 75 Cents sad bereavement, and to his subor-
— dinates that who were associated
Entered at the post office at Mount | with him in his offical work, as
Joy as gecond less mail Batter our ticles agent at the P. R. R., depot
The date of the expiration at Florin.
subscription follows your name Su) Whatever is, is best attributed to
the label. We do not send Be an accident that befell up on the
subscription money received. 2 Donegal road near Rheems last
ever you remit, see that you are given ook
proper credit. We credit all subscrip- Benn Hip <x
tion on the first of each mcnth. I know as my life grows older,
The subscription lists of the Lan-| And mine eyes have clearer sight,
disville Vigil, the Plesin News and the That jude each rank wrong some-
Mount Joy Star an ews, Ww where
merged with that of the Mount Joy There lies the root of right,
Bulletin, which makes this paper'sip,.. . 0h sorrow has its purpose,
ordinary weekly. By the sorrowing of unguessed,
i That as sure as the sun brings to-
EMS hater TO sk ) ‘
RHE Whatever is, is best A 2 Daddy Thrift Susie Thrift
- I know that each sinful action
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Floyd and Its sure as the nigh ings shade r
A : Y Its: as : night brings shade : . OY ted
daughter spent last Saturday at Har Is somewhere, somewhere punished. REPAREDNESS is a big word—a word of fi } will join the will join the
risburg, combining business With|p [Ch ty Cl belonged delayed importance to every motorist.
pleasure. I know that the ol ony : Don’t wait until your car iS stalled to DOLLAR CLASS 10c CLASS
h D. G Die alter ied Sometimes by the heart’s unrest, think about the battery that furnishes power y and get and get
ome a few days for repairs 1s agalij ong to grow oft means to suffer for your starting system.
able to be at his desk in his usual But whatever is, is best. Now is the time to equip your car with an $50.00 $5 GO
manner enjoying the Christmas -- “wExide’’ Battery —— 4
rreetings. y do
. Mrs. Leander Groff who spent sev- ERISMAN S CHURCH Years of service haye proved the Shotts 4 M IN Th if .
eral weeks at the General Hospital — dependability of the Exide’ Battery. tist € : ot er rl t Nick Thrift
at Lancaster, returned to her home| Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eby entertained original “Unit-Seal battery—no bulky sealing 3 M join th
last week. the early families on Sunday. compound, maximum power, easy to care for, Ane
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Garman spent Martin Kready and C. E. Rohrer easy to inspect and repair. ‘
Christmas as the guest of the Frank|spent Christmas day with friends at Sy us Dect you the “Exide” and explain 50c CLASS CLASS 1A
Shank family, where turkey ap-|Elizabethtown. its many exclusive features. Remember an and get and get
peared upon the bill of fare. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Erb and fam- 8 ”" ‘ tart Assured.”
ily were visitors at Benj. Nissley’s at Exide’ means A Sure § ad | $25 00 $ 12 75

will join the
E. S. Booth resumed duty at KU Find out the condition of your battery. We
tower after a brief vacation caused|Landisville on Sunday. har
by sickness. Andrew Kuhn of Eliza- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Metzler were inspect all makes of batteries free of ge.
bethtown filled the vacancy. guests of Grandpa Metzler’s near \ $ 3 4
Rev. Hiram Kaylor delivered three|Lititz, on Christmas day. WiseGuy Thrift Baby Thrift
porkers to the Rheems village Messrs. Elmer Ober and A. H. Erb E B NY 3.3 Tig ae
butcher shop early last Monday | attended the Bible meeting at Stoney . . will join the will join the
morning. One of them dressed 379|Brook York Co. on Saturday. MOUNT JOY PA. . 25c CLASS CLASS 1
pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dresher and
Joseph W. Kraybill received a box| family were callers in the home of
| sm Tn ge . f
of honey and a loaf of home made {Levi Eby on Christmas evening. J
Mr. and Mrs. John Gantz and wo —- — - To TT Fb, Ee $12.50 $12.75
bread as a Christmas gift from Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Snyder of near Lit-|grandpa Brubaker's were guests of
tz, Pa. John B. Brubaker’s on Christmas
Sl ® } \ hill
and get and get

The Rheems schools in charge of |Day.
Mr. S. B. Landis and Miss Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Phares Kauffman
Greider held their Christmas exer-{and family feasted with Rev. Frank
cises last Thursday evening, Dec. 23| Kreider near Petersburg on Christ-|
witnessed by a large number of pa-|mas.
trons and visitors. Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Brubaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder and|Mrs. Moses Ober and C. B. Erb and]
family of near Lititz, Pa., Miss Eliza- family were guests of A. H. Erb’s on
beth Stauffer, College student from |Sunday.
New York city spent Christmas as{ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and daugh-
the guests of Joseph Risser and the|ter and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Metzler
Gabriel Risser family near this place. | were guests of Jacob Snyder’s on
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kraybill enter-| Christmas day.
tained Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kray-! Rev. Frank Kreider from Peters-
bill from Mifflin, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. |burg, delivered the Christmas ser-
Elmer Kraybill from the homestead|mon at Erisman’s church on Satur-
farm in Donegal, Mr. and Mrs. Ab-|day evening.
ner Risser from near Bainbridge on Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eshleman
Christmas Day. and family and Martin Metzler were
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser and|entertained by Henry Hershey near
daughter Myra of Lawn, Pa., Mr. and | Lititz, on Christmas day.
Mrs. R. G. Kauffman and son Reu-| Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Metzler and
ben of Mechanicsville, Pa., and|Rev. and Mrs, Isaac Brubaker and
James Brubaker of Mountain View, |Mr. and Mrs. Elias Metzler were
N. J., spent Christmas day as the|callers at Harvey Metzler’s on Sun-
guests of Joseph:W. Kraybill and the [day afternoon.
A. S. Dard Tamily. Mr. and Mis. John Metzler and
Charles Ricedorf, a prominent far-|family entertained on Christmas:
mer from Perry County who resides|Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metzler and
on the Forney farm adjacent to this|family and Mrs. Minnie Kreider
place delivered seven porkers{and family and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
(eleven months old) all of one litter | Becker and family.
that dressed 2,288 pounds to the —— eee.
Rheems village butcher shop where
they were converted into ham, pud- LANDISVILLE i
ling, sausage and lard. Sauer| The Hiestand Orchestra rendered
kraut and speck will prevail | the following program in the Lan- QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0
: disville High School on Friday at 8 EE ———————————————————— eS ———————————
P. M.: March, Washington Post | QO00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(Sousa), orchestra; violin solo, Miss
Stoneroad and Mr. Kline; vocal solo, |
Everybody is joining--we expect you to become a member--
of our circulars and decide in which class or classes you
House Wiring Oysters! Oysters! Vim,

First Class Work at Reasonable
Electrical Repairing Prompt Service
Open every ev
LeROY GC. BATES sano, aki
123 Barbara Street i
MOUNT JOY, PA. 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY, PA. Formerly T
Dec.15-3mo. nov.10-to apr. 1

Bachman Chocolate Mig. Co.
Mount Joy, Penna,


abundantly throughout the year of
1921 for the farm laborers.
The Rheems rural telephone com-
pany have entered into a contract
with the Western Union Telegraph Miss Boyer; cornet solo, Miss Helen a 8
Co., to place one cross arm on their |Erdman; reading, Miss Miriam Ed-
poles between the Elizabethtown | monds; flute solo, Humoreska
borough limits and the Rheems rail-| (Dvorak), Mr. Guy Habecker; vocal | 1
road arch. Two linemen from Har- solo, Or Car’lina (James Francis
risbure placed the cross arms and the Cooke), Mrs. Hiestand; violin solo, |
wires during the past 10 days. They Mr. Litzenberger; “Golden Sceptre,”
expect to have better service when [Overture (R. Schlepegrell), or- . .
completed, as the old line was in bad chestra; reading, Miss Miriam Ed- When You Ride on Quality
ondition and to repair it new poles monds; quartet, “A Silent Prayer”
and wires are necessarv te ake it! (Marie Louka), Messrs. Kline, x
and wires are necessary to rhake By €SSTS, ine, You Ride For Less
Best Pink
Salmon, can 15c¢

Open the Night Before Until 10 F
To Better Serve Our Customers
A REMINDER:—Buy enough “Victor’’ Bread, ‘‘Louella” Butter and all foods
you over until Monday morning.

satisfactory. Habecker, Harnish and Miss Stone-
eb road; cornet duet, Misses Erdman:
vocal solo, Miss Boyer; “Encourage- a a
CHESTNUT HILL [ment overture (5. Boctiger), or
E. R. Neideigh and family enjoyed AAT Nl 4 q es 118s
a Christmas roast. ' Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
A man can be down but don’t you py local applications as they cannot reach
forget it he is never out and I only the diseased portion of the ear. There
: only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
know it. and that ig by a constitutional remedy.
A Happy New Year is extended HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts
a: h h the Bl
to all Bulletin news readers and my throug) js Blood oh ie Mucous Surfaces C OC al a e
dear friends everywhere. | caused by an inflamed condition of, he
. iar . . : mucous lining o e Eustachian Tube.
Chas. Bertier nd Vite vers Feeh When thic tube ts inflamed you have a t
ing somewhat indispose ast week rumbling sound or iraperfect hearing, an M J P
. . when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the oun Oo a.
from severe cold attacks. | result. Unless the inflammation can be re- y,
Dr. Ingram of Marietta was sum-' duced and this tube restored to its nor-
oe . Joidei mal condition, hearing may be destroyed
moned to the home of E. R. Neideigh Tr ey a A Dr aoyel
on Sunday who was undergoing an caused by Fatah, which is an inflamed
- : | con on of the 1CO! rfaces. i ’ n i
attack of grip. ONE HUNDRED, DOLLARS for any | «T0000 00000000
A church entertainment was held case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
at the United Evangelical Denom- be cured by HALL'S CATA
Opt., of Rubin & Rubin
Harrisburg's Leading Eyesight Specialists

‘ASCO” FLOUR, 12:-lb. bag ‘ASCO” MINCE MEAT, cut
An excellent bread and pastry flour at an ex- Only the very best ingredient
tremely low price. This special price while it las

O0C 3000000000000 0O0 OOOO OOOO \ 3
Very Best Walnuts. Ib... .30c Hawaiian Pineapple, Temtor Prese
: is can, 19¢, 29¢ Curtice J
Fancy Calis 2 nasds, b 32 “Asco’ Ginger Ale, bottle, 10c —~ ee jn
Calif. Slice eaches, can. .25¢c Seedless Raisins, pkg ssor ru
California Cherries, can. ..25c New Pack Currants, pkg... Cooking Herb
Fancy Apricots, can..20c, 25c Pure Jellies, glass Sweet Marjo

ination at Kinderhook, on Sunday, "All Druggists T5c. Circulars free.
evening to a large assemblage of | F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Mr. Kendig and wife, Mr. Blotten-
berry and family of Philadelphia,
were enjoying a turkey roast at
Christian Stauffer’s.
Elmer Stauffer of New Jersey en-
joyed the hospitality of his wife, in- =] Owing to the great number of requests I. B.
dulging in a Christmas lay out care- Every two weeks Rubin will again rs his visits ot Joy
fully prepared for the occasion. 1 ’ making these trips every two months. He will
Christmas morning was ushered in Ota ring Jan. 8, 21 be at
around here in all its splendor and
magnificance and turkey as well as At 1 O'clock P. M. A Chandler’s Drug Store
chicken dinners ized in ¥
ag: > 0 me mE at the Florin Hotel|® Mount Joy, Monday, Jan. 3, 1921
From 12 Noon to 6 P. M.
Kinderhook School under the
Eyes Examined Free-No Drops Used
supervision of Miss Edna Graham, of | Any person having anything
Columbia, gave an entertainment on they wish to dispose of please
Your eyes examined and glasses TORIC LENSES—The kind
for far or near fitted into a which are curved the same as
Friday afternoon, to a fair sized . . '
audience, that were highly ap-|bring it to my place of busi-
gold filled guaranteed nose- the eyes curve. They set in
piece or spectacles. First close to the eyebrows, but do
preciated. ness and we will sell it on a
quality spherical lenses. not touch. In all sizes.
Rum, Romanism and Rebellion small commission.
$2.50 ‘$478
reigned supreme in Columbia Satur-

20c, 28c, 30c, 45¢ The very choicest Californi
packed in a delicious heavy s
Extra fancy, sweet, juicy fruit. Buy an ex-
tra dozen or two at this low price. Our 35c¢ Calif, Peaches, c

can 10c | ,. ARD CANDY MIXTURES, Thi
8c lasts.
Big value. This price very specif
Ib, 2
r b., 30¢
pkg., 28¢ c
Finest quality to be had. PURE CREAM MINTS 10 Thin skin g
Pp .y Cc

‘VICTOR BREAD, big quality loaf..." “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE,
“yi ” : Thousands and tho
Buy enough “Victor” Friday to carry you ApS An 0
until Monday morning. This will give you a £oF tic mmm x
splendid chance to test our claim that “Victor” and eve
baked today is just as good tomorrow as when it
the hour it came out of the oven. there's o
4 "” MACARONI, pkg 10 “ASCO” NOODLES, pkg.
straw hats along. Columbia is en- AT FLORIN HOTEL ASCO pkg 10c
d in them.
. Bs aie Saturday, January Sth, 1921
a county C. H_dnnzhof

Extra fancy Califg rs iy
stewed for hz
day evening. That certain friend of
mine could have his hands full if he ° .
gets on the job right away. Give Live Bird Shoot
EK her a whack “Jake.” Don't take any
