THE “BLUES” ROYALLY ENTERTAINED THE “REDS” y Tuesday night the “Blues” en 8 tertained the FReds" of the Church |° of God Christ eavor Society The s 1 w ] of | Ww ckle stre € i ende 1: sold e solo, W My Swarr: 1 due M Mrs Shires, Pau » MacDa Bs £ Ie Cre Y 1 we S¢ Th pre I I \ B Re and Mr L.A. M a ar Mr Fred 1 My Bm ¢ AT» ( f11vy Pa MaeD Tiss Be H J I H Ns Jay 1 b a | fd. Shires I d M dith Myer Mr. Diffenderfer, hatt rs. Arthur Myers, children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Con ad and daughter, Mrs. Samuel Geib Mrs, Harry Leib, Mrs. Eli Smeltzer, Vernon Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman and son, Hannah Shatto, Misses Ada and Alberta Sprout, Har vey Hawthorne, Harry George Shatto, Jay Barnhart, nauer, Lillie Gochnauer, Winfield Gochnauer, Mrs. R. J. Myers, Mrs. Hiram Spickler, Miss Anna Hoffer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beamesderfer and son, Helen Greenawalt, Clara Shatto, Rachael Hoffer, May Haw- thorne, Miss Earla Baer, Mrs. Harry Darrenkamp, Mrs. Elizabeth Mateer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dishong Mrs. Harold Garlan, of and Mrs. G. W. Shickley. —eettl) I —— ——— A SINGING EVAN. GELIST IS CONDUCTING SERVICES AT REICH’S Jaer, Mamie Goch Rev. L. J. Derk, the singing evan- gelist, opened a series of meetings at Reich’s church Sunday evening at 7 o’clock, Rev. Derk has been conduct- ing similar services at East Peters- burg and because of his splendid sue- ‘cess there during the past two weeks the congregation had induced him to spend last week in their midst also. For this reason he was unable to fill the pulpit at Reich's on Sunday even- ing as was previously announced. A large congregation had gathered to hear him on Sunday and were conse quently disappointed. ev. Derk is a well-known evan- gelist, having toured much of the United States and a part of Canada. He has been engaged in this work for fifteen years. He received a part of his training at Moody Bible Institute. He has a very good voice and sings many solos at his meetings. He is a forceful speaker and preaches old- time sermons filled with vim and F fire. Wherever he has gone he has & left a marked influence behind him. | At East Petersburg there were ten b conversions up to Saturday night. On that night they had a real old-time reviy al meeting. Last Spring he con- ducted services at Rutherford Heights and was very successful. Rev. Derk has a wonderful mes- sage for the world and the people of Reich’s are privileged in having him as their spiritual director for these meetings. re re ee Marriage Licenses The following marriage licenses have been granted by the Register: Harry K. Clausen and Ruth N. Shissler, Elizabethtown. ns ll M ' MOUNT JOY MARKETS day by our local merchants: D. F. GABLE, Joy. nov.3-1t Oak Grove Butterine. N. Barbara St., Mt. BQST—A 30x31% tire and rim. Reward for.its return to Irvin Kay-| lor, Mt. Joy. nov.2-tf FOR S 1% tons Koehlér truck. Apply ‘ta Ak Strickler, Mt. Joy. nov.3-1t LOST—A side curtain for an auto with two lights:~ Finder please return to Amos N. Mumma. noy.3-2t-pd | FOR SALE—50 Brown, 50 White Leghorn hens. Call“63-11 Mt. Joy ., | yards of the 1} and son, | Philadelphia | and Ruth Elmer E. Zink, Marietta McCullough, Christiana. i Abner Hollinger, Mt. Joy township | and Emma G. Becker, Rapho. The following prices are paid to 1 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, SALE REGISTER. 3 | sales ei ther advertised | t 9, he? All public s were printed at this office, will be advertised in this list FREE week until day of sale: Friday, Nov. 5—At the stock Florin Hotel, Florin, Pa.,’ ¢ lot of Tioga, Potter and Bradford | 3 ws, bulls, heifers 1e home- | 3 its by C. S. Frank & Bro. prem- by the Frank, 9, * every 9, 0 Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa) o 0 Ey eee do aleed * * v Market House C Old P.; nan's Mill, well o% J bo >4 * al choice 3. 8. Frank. At their large lot of cows by J. B. Kel-| ger, auct. See 004% * stock 9, * +9, steers J * 9, ad- 9 = . 0 Jeelededs Jacob S nile east of Mount Jae. H. Stel . 15—On the * real ate by hman . Frank, auect.. Nov. 16 the C.S La’ + On the prem and Hum-| from the by H. S m iuesaay, J heale dled along {1ses Middletown > elstown J > res See advertise- | Roth. ser, auct ment. | Thursday, Nov. 25—At Donegal > Springs, three miles west of Mount | og Joy, eighty head of Duroc Jersey | o% Hogs by Raymond B. Zook. Al-{ $ dinger, Auct. | %® Saturday, Nov. 27—On the premis- | o5¢ es on West Donegal street, Mount & Joy, household goods by Mrs. Benj. 3: Mickey, *%* Vogle, auct. ti —— A 9 + Oh Where, Oh Where Can It Be On Sunday a Belted Hampshire pig disappeared from the farm of Hiram | Witmer, Route 3, Mount Joy. Hel would be pleased to learn of its! whereabouts. J + 9, + 9 * PUBLIC SALE oe | of valuable oe REAL ESTATE oe | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1920 *T | The undersigned will offer at|ege (public sale the Jacob S. Stehman & | farm, on the road leading from the 3 Harrisburg pike to the Manheim |¢@ road, known as the Seitz road, one s + half mile east of Mount Joy the fol- | lowing to wit: A TRACT OF LAND { Containing 113 acres adjoining lands 9 0, 0, Saiaxe’ + of John E. Longenecker, Christian | 9g Seitz, Harry Stauffer and Simon R.|¢% | Snyder. On which there are erected 3 a 23% STORY STONE * HOUSE, with 11; Story [user oe ies 1 Frame Kitchen attached, [s oe Good Pump, Wash House 9, 9, 0%, + LARGE BANK BARN, Tobacco Shed to hang 6 acres tobacco, Large Corn Barn, Wagon and Implement Shed, Carriage House, Hog Sty, Wood and Coal Shed, Smoke House. There is ample room to hang 14 acres of tobacco by using the barn. The buildings are. all in good re- air. . There 9 CORK J (09090005 9, abundance of fruit on the premises, such as apples, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, etc. A good well of water ‘at the house with pump and gasoline ‘engine. This property conveniently lo- cated and close to schools, churches and mechanics of all kinds. The land is in a high state of culti- 1S an 0 9. ho? %%% * 18 0-020-0%04 * % vation and is well worthy the atten- ** tion of persons looking for a good 6 farm. | Any person wishing to view same 2° prior to day of sale will please call | o@ on Jacob Stehman residing in Mount 3 Jovy. ”" Sale to commence at 2 o’cloek p. oo m., when terms and conditions ‘will $ be made known by * JACOB STEHMAN | o;¢ *>4, * C. S. Frank, Auct. Jacob Zeller, Clk. 9, 0, 9, * PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE |¢% REAL ESTATE oe 0-020-0%0-0%-¢ > ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, '20 The undersigned will offer at public sale on Saturday, November { 6th, 1920 at 2:30 p. m., on the prem- | ises the following ceseribed real es- [tate} | AHN that certain piece of land situate at the corner of New Haven and Henry Streets in the Borough of NC 9 9, ($00 080.00, + - 0. 0, aS * Mount%Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. F. A. Farmer, Pays: I Containing in front on the east 3 Eggs, per doz. ................ 70¢ side of Wew Haven Street 52 feet, | 4 Butter, per ib... ......... 60c [more or less and extending in depth $ Yard, per db... .......... chen 23¢ of that width along Henry Street, * Potatoes, per bu............s 103 and % feet, more or less. On |#%® 1. D. Stehman : Pays: which is erge ted a newly built b Wheat, per bu. ..... ...52.00 BRICK MARKET HOUSE $ Corn, per bu................ 1.10 with tin roof 44 feet wide by 98 feet * Oats, per bu... ..........n0.» long and 14 féet high with an 8 feet 22 Wide Tooled open addition along its KX eng Wanted, Sales;Rent, &ec. The whole buliding h as a cement & floor, is exceptignally well built, & FOR SALE—A large Penn Oak windows on all Sides, wired with 3 under draught heater with heater electricity and watkr piping in the |e pipe. I also sell Cream.of Nut and building. At the shme time there & will be sold the market stalls in the market house. This building would make an excellent garage, factory or warehouse. Sale to commence at 2: 30 p p. m. on Saturday, November 6, 1920, terms and condition made known by MT. JOY MARKET HOU C. S. Frank, Aver, i Isaac R. Heer Harold G. Ripple | Attys. 9. 9 9, ($000 060 04% COR) $0905% 2% * * 9, Sale Starts at 1:25 Sharp 75 HEAD OF COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS 9 * Po % o% XX a Bell phone. oct 29.4 WANTED—A tenant farmer to | farm a 10-acre farm for shares or a| man with family to work on same by | the year. Algo. a tenant house for | rent. Apply to Amos W. Mummau, | Willow Spring Farm, Bell 132-11 Mt. Joy. ect. 27-2t FOR _SALE—Steel Trough, 200 as new, Swmitable for water, milk or| feed trough; se inside 4 ft. 8 i long, 2 ft. 4 in. witteand 1 ft. 2 in. | deep. Price $10.00. Bemj, M. Baer | Salunga. Oeil 27-4t | = WANITED—Money, in arge Od small amounts, for investment ell an hour spare time sod Hosiery. Agents $100.60 per { Jolute necessity, e large | time cr ing "Guara making 7 Good Wacuarantee $36.00 per week full ori pte = gale, Come : ABproved yecurity and bank discount | Bought direct from the farmers by the undersigned 9, 00% AT PUBLIC SALE > 9. Po? % ON FRIDAY, NOV. 12th, The undersigned will sell at 1920 public | , 9% * yo sale at their stock yards, Mount Joy, | f the following live stock: Pa., 0 oe %% 0, 9, > 9, $050, o . o® % — o® o9, ales moi tgages in good local real oviate] Se & Needed April 1. 1921.7"WJll pay | oe expenses of preparing sec ultey an ud |78 Head Cows, Heifers, Bulls, Steers | record iing. Insurance in evYeess About 50 cows and WE and the | 3 amount of mortgages. Henry iy Yala ce bulls and steers: Loge Carpenter, Mount Joy, Pa. tf T'his will be another good lot. [ of Also stock and Feeding Cattle at! and get our prices | positively start ate ry ooo} Joel s sale will 1:25 sharp. Conditions:—Note at 60 days with | 43 E 4 !. B. KELLER & BRO. | RFs. ay TER | o, y Qe = ao ad 0, Xa x ol lhe LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. 9 mus ooo ede ade ede odeate dodo edooeade ideale adele dadeadecdoedsefeetoadedectecfeadeafeafeifeadnadecdeio free afore Soadeefosfoifeifeadeadradeidededeede des Store wy { Pa gn es § WAN ne ", WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, |! 0 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4, 5 and 6 FACE POWDER $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face Powder, 2 for $1.01 Soft, delicate and pleasing to all. Just ad- mired by the ladies because it adheres to the skin. White, Flesh, Brunette. REXALL CHERRY BARK 35¢ Rexall Cherry Bark............ 2 for 36¢ Undoubtedly America’s best known and largest selling cough syrup. Pleasant to take. STATIONERY, SUNDRIES AND HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 60c Lord Baltimore Paper, white pink, blue and buff, 2 for 61c 15¢ Valour Powder Puffs. ...... 2 for 16¢ 10c Esky’s Washing Compound. .2 for 11c 75¢c Hair Brushes......... w+». for 76c 10c Klernzit Erasers. .......... 2 for 11c 5c Kleannite Erasers. .m......... 2 for 6¢ 10c Rainbow Dyes....... ie .2 for 11c 25¢ Men’s Handkerchiefs. ...... 2 for 26¢ 15e Wash Cloths... ........... 2 for 16¢ 28¢c Wash Cloths... ............ 2 for 26¢ 85¢c Wash Cloths... ............ 2 for 36¢ 15¢ Dea Mae Real Human Hair cap nets, 2 for 16¢c Se Chewine Gam. .............. 2 for 6¢ Se Mints. ......... :.., 2 for 6¢ FOOD PRODUCTS 35¢c Symonds Inn Cocoa........ 2 for 36¢ B0c Mea... ..... iss ieiiv.s 2 for 61c 75¢ Ballardvale Grape Jam.....2 for 76¢ 30c Old English Table Sauce... .2 for 36¢ 10c Symonds Inn Baking Chocolate, 2 for 41c 15¢ Symonds Inn Pudding...... 2 for 16¢ 50c Pure Olive Of)... . ......... 2 for 51c 40c¢ Mayonnaise Salad Dressing. .2 for 41c¢ 40c Table Syrup .2 for 41c 50c Peanut Butfer.... ...:...... 2 for 51c 15¢ Delicio Sweet Chocolate. . ..2 for 16¢ REXALL COLD TABLETS > Rexall Cold Tablets ..2 for 26¢ 30 tablets in each box. They do wonders in breaking up a cold. £1 MAXIMUM HOT-WATER BOTTLE The largest selling bottle in the world. The price everywhere REXALL BABY COUGH SYRUP 95¢. ...2 for-36c For the treat- ment of hoarse- ness, whooping cough, spasmod- jc croup and similar affections of the air pas- | sage in infants and children. BOUQUET RAMEE TALCUM POWDER A delightful preparation, made of the finest Italian Tale, double is $2.50 each. Full two-quart bolted and purified. Contains the capacity. Guaranteed for one combined perfumes of rose, jas- year. mine, heliotrope and lilac. Standard Price, One bottle $2.50 Standard Price, One Can. ...50c This Sale, two bottles. ....$2.51 This Sale, Two Cans........Blc MAXIMUM 2 QUART FOUNTAIN SYRINGE MEDICATED SKIN SOAP This is one of the finest Syringes that can be Produces a soft, creamy lather; is recom- manufactured. The quality is extra fine. This Syringe is guaranteed against imperfections in mended very highly and keeps the skin soft and healthy. If used once, you will not be without KLENZO TAR SHAMPOO SOAP A very large cake, and an exceptional bar- gain. To those who like to use a tar soap for the treatment of the hair we can assure that in this soap they are obtaining what we believe to be the finest cake of soap, for the money, on the market. Be sure to try at least a few cakes of this soap. Standard Price, One Cake This Sale; Two Cakes. .......... ....., HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET GOODS 35¢c Rexall Almond Cream... ...2 for 36¢c For wind, burn, chapped hands and other kindred ailments. 25¢ Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder. .2 for 26¢ An exceptional value in high quality tooth powder. 25¢ Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap.. .2 for 26¢ 25¢ Rexall J eslredee ofa Mount Joy, .Pe¢ 9, 9, O. O alae A] - BED BdDDBbNd 1920 a) QZ * 9, > 0, >, > », ho’ 9, 9, (OLS 00000, nm > @, 0, 0 ho? bo doade do dled J RS * — 4 ® 9, a? x, Ca) ©, * CIR) Lal ©, > 9 * @, > 9 * 9 O90 00 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0-0 0 0 x he? 9% 0% Na Xa Xa Xa Xa XJ 70% 06% 0% QJ * \ 0 0. 0. 0, 0. 0 9, pF 00 S000 | S009 059 090.0 000000000, 9. e% 9% Vo? 00 o%% 0, o> 06% QJ Ree’ 0S Se rode dedededdedoddeddoddeddedloddeded * 9, & J * COR RK RK WR SO 6 6 ®, * J * CORR) > 9, * 0, of. be? % 9 ho edleileadoaded 9 * J * < : & & CW) P0000 COW) aX * Seeieo 9 edfeddeddededed CORR J 0 * Oso bo dtoided * 0 9 be % ho? % COR) ho & $0599, 9, 9 P00, * 0, 9, o®% 0, > fale dled * / ® 0 riled 0 % 9 0 aad * Oy o%