THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1920 nN AFEGUARP YO STARTING "& LIGHTING — SYSTEM aN re BATTERY 2 REPAREDNESS is a4 big word—a word of importance to every motorist. Don’t wait until your car is stalled to think about the battery that furnishes power for your starting system. Now is the time to equip your C “Exide” Battery. Years of service have proved the absolute dependability of the ‘Exide’ Battery. It is the original ‘Unit-Seal’’ battery—no bulky sealing compound, maximum power, easy to care for, easy to inspect and repair. Let us show you the “Exide” and explain its many exclusive features. Remember an “Exide’’ means “A Sure Start Assuredy Find out the condition of your battery. We inspect all makes o E. B. ROHRER MOUNT JOY PA. ar with an We Have Just Received a Full Line of Mason TIRES AND TUBES This is a good dependable tire, having attained its reputation by actual road work. Come in‘and see them if you need tires. Prices ‘are right. BROWN BROS., West Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. For Conservative Investment McClain & Company Investment Bankers 534-536 Woolworth Building LANCASTER, PA. DOOO00O00000O000 OO00 0O00000C000000CO0O00000008000 | y REMARK ABLE THR DO 1110000 O00 1 Wi x ® 2 [I = : ; = ® 3 .m" = rena \ =u Party Leaders Convinced by Extraordinary Curative ® °, # £ Results of National Can- oer of Ldn E. Pikee BE “ vass of Editors. am's, Vegetable Compound. |Z \ . : : ® ———— Philadsiphia, Pa—-T want to let you |® All Our Foods Are Under Cover. We Have Lowered Our Selling Price On Our = { know what good Lydia E. Pinkham’s | @ . . 5 . = VINDICATES FORMER POLL. "™ m z egetable Com- | Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries. Would Advise Buying Now. = | B a ound has done me. |B . . - | dverwheiming Veto Like That of Year, Pint orcas row {il Big Savings In Many Departments . Before From Both 8ides of 3 bles and am going | oo u Political Fence. through the Change ' = . of Life. I was taken | = it yas |. Wisiiagtonstune: ries of beth side and @ bad head: WE QUOTE YOU SOME OF THE REDUCTIONS: political parties here are greatly In- ache. I could not , terested in the results of a national lie down, could not » | poll on the question of government eat or sleep. I suf- |= $3.50 Men’s Overalls and Jackets. ......... .$1.98 55¢ Bleached Cambric, per yard. ............ | operation among over 5,000 newspa- forced Somsing et $1.65 Men’s and Boys’ Work Shirts. ......... 95c¢ 38c Unbleached Muslin, per yard. ............ J | per , 30ts Hismighon By Sunt : 3 San is loc: | 25¢ Men’s Stockings, Black; Tan and Mixed. ..19¢ 58¢ Light and Dark Outings, 36 in., per yard. . 1 | Wit 3 per cent o 1ese editors, re- : > c ; , i 3 & i : 4 ines D7 gardless of political faith, giving It as |me no good at all--my pains got worse 25¢ W omen s Black Stockings.............. 19¢ 450 Light and Dark Ontings, 27 in. per yard.. i their Impartial opinion that the public instead of better. 11 began taking the 'ss 18c Men’s Canvas Gloves. ................ 12%c¢ 45¢ Canton Flannel, 27 in., per yard......... ; is more than ever opposed to the gov- Yegaiavle Tampa Ja fei » Rpnge $1.50 and $2.00 Men’s Dress Shirts........ $1.19 48c Shaker Flannel, yard wide, per yard..... { D 3 a ee. e a= . . : ernment going into business in com- 4 ions ns Pais through the Change Good Swiss Alarm Clock. ....... sei $1.95 Apron Ginghams, per yard................., | petition with Its citizens, observers |. yife‘to try it, for it cured me after 1|= $5.00 Men’s Black Auto Gloves... . Marrs v0 $2.95 $2.45 Wood DeLoods, yard wide...........$1.98 here see little chance that either DO- hag given up all hopes of getting better. 50c Decorated Fruit Dishes......... &...... 35¢ $1.95 Wood DeLoods, yard wide........... $1.50 litical party will find it a profitable | You can pablieh oie od I on so) m 58c Dark Pongee, yard wide..........5.... 35¢ $1.25 Wood DeLoods, yard wide, per yard... .$1.00 campaign Issue. any one who writes to me e good [= 4 il Bleach : . Ii 57 in. ’ In the opinion of party leaders this |it has done me.”—Mrk. MARGARET = Xx Ww Seaniny Juss per yard wert eo Rly 125¢ Sojored Poy ne - = » per yard Sheil oni nes sort of a canvass among newspaper Danz, 1525 N. Alder St., Phila, Pa. un c eachec uslin, per yard............ . c olorec ew Cloth, Mmyperyard.......... editors is the best possible Index of It hardly seems possible that there is | = bit inl They recall a similar | woman in this country why will con- = puil’c opih ion y : 1 tinue to suffer without giving, Lydia E. | jg questionnaire sent out a year ago IN| pi phamis Vegetable Compound a trial | = { connection with the proposition that 11 the evidence that is continually |B \ : after all the evidence that is conti y|= the government fake over the rall-|heing published, proving beyond contra- |g WE HAVE SOME SURPRISES FOR YOU AT OUR GROCERY COUNTER roads permanently. Replies at that | diction that this grand old medicihe has |= hb, J ; gran : time from approximately the same |relieved more suffering among women ® COME AND SEE THEM. THEY ARE NOT LISTED HERE | number of editors showed 83 per cent |than any other medicine in the worlds = ’ i against the principle of government 2 3 A operation. They recall also that with- LANC JUNCTION \ - Jersey Corn Flakes, per pkg.............. 8c Skimmer Noodles, perdb. coils 18¢ 1 in ten days from publication of the . BM Mother's Oats, Der PRE: + ccvsivrevv essa 12%¢c 4 lbs. California Soup Beans for............ 25¢ 1 result of the former questionnaire the m Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per PRE. oes, 12¢ 10c Pack Skimmer Real Egg Noodles......... 6c sentiment for return of the rallroads ; 2 Pork and Beans, per can..........00veinen 7c Sugar Table Syrup, quart. ...... to thelr owners had definitely crys arenes RE A nl - 4 pieces Fairy Soap 0 EI RS SE 25¢ Large Can tr Y: %% alive : 2 sveliatiswskiih 1h 40 with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 Ibs. Bachman’s Cocoa.........cevevununn afc |i TE TE MR tr < aha nD » a. a, ago con- Jonas Snavely. 5 pieces Master Soap...........0 ..ooiiiinn 30c Headquarters for Dog and Puppy Biscuits and all vinces the political student mot oRly Mr. gud Mes, Snisvan Rates Smith Noodles, per 1b. ..................., 10c stock remedies. that these editors have beer accurate and A ers, I ay 2 M Sr in their judgment, but that party con- spent Sunday wit Fan TS, Als | siderations played no part in form- bert Kling, near East Petersburg. a ing it. From Democratic and sup- | Mir, enc We, Cac, (Tone So fcal T , for example, . . posefly radical Texas, fof svamp guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. East Main Street 1 the present questionnaire brought re- plies from editors of 244 papers, only three of which are Republican. Yet the percentage against government ojeration was 92, which Is exactly the same as that given by 200 editors from Republican Michigan, among whom were representatives of only three Democratic papers. Other states that pair percentages signifi- cantly are Massachusetts and Nevada, with 100; Connecticut and South Caro- lina, with 97; Maine and West Vir- ginla, with 96; Kentucky and New York, with 91; Missour! and Pennsyl- vania, with 89; Ohio and Oklahoma, with 87. DGUSEACO0000000000C am ag NL < PRE TR gases En DS Pf ARNOT IFS EIT RT { WF ORES J bods Bd ofi% dill ¢ es bpiz kind [| sell—Farn e that is Furniture ¢ ‘ 8 ers, Mirrors, Halli Racks, P ire Frames, Ladies’ Docks, Extension and Other Tables, Dauvenports, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets J In Fagt Anything in the Furmiturs Lime UNDERTAKING D EMBALMING NY i ine - BRUNNER MOUNT JO¥, PA. that you experience after meals is quickly relieved by Dill’s Digesters. Dill’s Digesters are the boon companion of persons who suffer from indigestion, heartburn, biliousness, sour stomach. You will be able to do justice to any menu. Carry the handy vest- pocket bottle with you at all times, At all drug stores. im of Lifg Wie SS > FOOOOOC CH SAI IOT ITIOMONOOTN AOOCOO0NCOOION00N ADOC. RE That Stuffy Feeling The result of the present poll as to government operation in each state are graphically shown by the follow- ing chart: OPPOSED TO GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIR EEE % IN FAVOR OF GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIR C19 DOUBTFUL OR FAILED TO REPLY. DEL. SE ——— MASS. A —— NEVADA —— N. HAMR ———— VERMONT —— | | CONN. ——— S. CAR. — UTAH A — MAINE —————— W. VA. EE — MD. mm s— N. CAR, EE — TENN. 2 MICH. 2 N. JER. aaa = | TEXAS SE) | [lowA ES ory —— 1 N.Y. i] R-3. FLORIDA LA. I'l mo. PENN. | 1 ARK. KAN. a MISS, “| | oHIO | oka. | {OREGON : VA. | | WASH. ¢ | Lh. $ IND. | | MONT. | wis. 5 | WYO. | | aril, || cAL. | | MINN, g | | 10AHO 7 N. MEX. SPR -7 NEB. — coLo. —— 2) ALA. gs 16-8 GA. CE; -G 8. DAK. z " N. DAK, — A > 55 | ToTAL |ZO0K'S Harry Shearer and daughter, Amelia, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Geib and son Rufus, of near Old Line; Miss Anna Cassel and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Becker. rrr tl Gr eee 11 1 OO S. B. BERNHART, Mount Joy, Pa. x Hn JO O01 OT East Donegal Farms Not many farms are offered for sale thruout the Donegals but I have succeeded in liring three within the past few days. I am also in a po- sition to give any young man that has a little money, a chance to buy these farms. I will sell any of them and accept one-fourth the amount in cash next April and take mortgage for the balance. Now if any one is interested get busy. Call or phone at once if interested as I propose selling these farms quick. They consist of 69, 8. and 89 acres of limestone land. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf reer ttle. 1921 Calendars If you are thinking of giving out Calendars for 1921, now is the time to put in your order. Don’t wait un- til December and expect to get prompt service. Send us a card and we will call and show you our fine line for next year. At Lima, Peru, the sun is scarcely ever hidden by clouds for a day throughout the whole year. DB ree Read the Bulletin. Carnations Chrysanthemums IN SEASON Design Work a Specialty Telephone oders given immediate attention GREEN | HOUSE BELL PHONE 30R5 ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ) nov.g8-2t Krall’s Meat Market | ® [ always have on ‘hand anything i» the line SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, ‘Mutton Read This to live. sale. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. : ein Bl sr { gon mile post 4 I have a fine small home in Bam- fordville, along the Lancaster and Harrisburg pike, 7 room frame house, concrete porches and walks, frame stable, hog pen, excellent well of wa- ter, 1-3-acre of land. Beautiful place Will take $1650 f ick ill take $ or a hs Work Guaranteed afd In anciet times maty roads radi- ted to all parts of thy empire from he forum at v H. H. KRALLY, Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA, I hav, opened a Tailor Shop at 17 East Main St., Mount Joy where I am prepargd to ALTER, CL PAIR LADIE CLO , PRESS AND RE- ' AND GENTS’ ING = Pgices Are Right icit your pathonage DISHO . Moun Bon, ocd 3 I sd 17 E. oy, Pa. 0 M 6-18 JO OOOO SELECT YOU = AND GET $25 WORTH OF NEW RECORDS = i FREE! y , . pe - & . HERE’S no string to this offer; no joker init. $25 = . worth of Pathe or Actuelle records free, if you buy a a Pathe Phonograph (except the small models 3 ar 6, » which are not included. - No matter if you pay cash or'extend the terms on m easy payments--the $25 worth of records will bel EEE REC | » delivered with the instrument as quickly as you ® make your selection. sith (Except N and you pi $25 Worth of RECORDS FREE with any Pathe Phonograph yourself! For a Limited Time R CHRISTMAS PHONOGRAPH os. 3 and 6) ck them out 1 8 Costs no more ¥ ¥, 1) ——— Yes--and you ny than the ordinary . suggest the terms 77] Phonograph - H. E. Hauer, Mt. Joy. : ee oeE SALE CTP IN ERE Sie areata an art T To The Public EF have leased the entire smith cstablishment fiom Walter S. | Welfly, west of Florin and will con- black- | | tinue the business there. HORSE:SHOEING A SPECIALTY REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS GENERAL REPAIR WORK Manufacturer of the FAMOUS ACME TOBACCO SHEARS All Work Guaranteed Charges Very Reasonable A I solicit a share of your patronage Joseph W. Broadna FLORIN, PA. apg. 25-tf Don... Gorretht ACOOOOO0O0000000000S00O0O00O0ODOOTOOOIFIOTF IIIT QO h, % \\ For Prompt and Satisfactory Service N\ \ Go To The Mount Joy Auto Supply Co. 208 “East Main Street Tire and Battery Service Station Battery Charging and Rebuilding Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading AOOOOO0O00O0O0000000000000OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOODOD I. L. Shearer & H. E. Gal A { 37 WEST MAIN STREET | [ Jeweler i & aker--E& os OO000000% ra