We make a mixing feeds. We have a standard Horse, i We have for \ Farmers Read This Zerco Feeds Always Fresh specialty of full line of Dairy, Hog - and Poultry feeds. sale in bar- rel lots, the highest grade FEEDING MOLASSES. “I E.H. Zercher Bell Phone 81R2 MOUNT JOY, PA. | It’s Fourteen Here Thirteen-cent sugar is on sale at Lancaster groceries (12 at Millers- !ville), and it is predicted that the l price will drop to 10 soon. re A A Ge Mr. Carl Dyer of Lancaster, was a Lisher to town Thursday. ‘Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. | Ladies get your new Spary Sirs lat Las tz’s.” Many to select from at Laskewi of Erom. FOUND—A sweater west of Flor- in, owner may have same by proving B. property and paying for ad. A. Martin. oct.20-1t FOR RENT—60 acre farm on the shares. Apply to Albert Strickler, {Mount Joy, Pa. oct.20-tf L 3 FC Columbian Oak ‘No. 25 heater and pipe I good con- |dition. Apply to A. B, JoRet sind I will run my truck to Marietta on Saturday evening, Oct. 30. Will start at Brown’s Corner atsx n Round {trip fare 50 cents. as. Derr. mp oct.13-2t FOR RENT-—A farm of 53 acres in East Donegal township on the shares. Call on or address Jacob | Hoffines, Mount Joy, Pa. oct.13-2¢ Ladies’ Hair Nets, all colors with land without elastic, 3 for 25c. oct.20-1t WANTED—A young married man to work on a good farm by the day 'and farm tobacco. A nice home to live in, rent cheap. Apply Amos N. | Mumma, Mt. Joy, Pa., Route 1. | Oct.20-tf | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, THE DOINGS AROUND FLORIN ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Mr. Joseph Haines spent Sunday at Annville, visiting friends. Mrs. White is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Eichelberger this week. Mr. William Smith is spending a week at York county visiting rela- tives. Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald of Paoli, was a Monday visitor at her parental home. Mr. William Eichler of Newport News, is here on a visit to his parents. Mr. Jacob Eichler of Elizabeth- town, was a Tuesday visitor to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike were Sunday visitors to Mrs. Wolfort at Kinderhook. Myra and Mrs. Ed. Booth attended the funeral of Mr. Haupt at Lancas- ter on Monday. Miss Laura Hossler of the Capital City, was a Sunday visitor to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shires. Rev. M. H. Miller attended the Christian Endeavor convention at Christiana last week. Messrs. William Weidman and James Eschbach spent Tuesday at Blaine, Perry county. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoll of Mount Joy, were Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Stoll. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geyer of Har- risburg, were here on a few days’ |THE ROLPH SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Westerly Building 1627 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Get a command of clean, pure, force- ful language by a few minutes of jhome study every day. Knotty | Problems solved, mistakes corrected. Add charm and value to your busi- ness and social life. Get abreast of the times. Make yourself 100% ef- ficient. Write for particulars. Terms moderate and easy. oct.6-4t-pd | | WANTED—A lady stenographer or one who is willing to learn. State |age, experience, salary expected. Ad- dress Box 108, Florin, Pa. 9-15-tf WIOOO00 IDIOO0O00 LOOO00000000000000000DDDDLOOO. _ ED () ¢ HR B i COAL ] MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE FE Both Telephones 00000000000 000000000000000000OOO00000O0OOO0 ~ IOOOVVOLLOLLLOLOLLLOOOLLOOLLLDLLLOLLLLLVLOOLOLOODOLLOLOLR For Prompt and Satisfactory Service Go To The Mount Joy Auto Supply Co. 208 East Main Street Prest-o-lite Batteries and Battery Service Kelly-Springfield Tires Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading I. L. Shearer & H. E. Garber 0 * * * Ls LS *, 0 0 * £0 0 * J 0 0 0 LJ 0 * 0 0 *, * 0) * 0 0 0 £ £) 0 * * £3 * * * * &’ Ls * 0 * 0 * *, J 0 J ¥, * WANTED—Money, in large or small amounts, for investment in first mortgages in good local real estate. Needed April 1, 1921. Will pay all Q | expenses of preparing security and ® recording. Insurance in excess of $/amount of mortgages. Henry G. Carpenter, Mount Joy, Pa. tf PUBLIC SALE On Saturday, Oct. 30, 1920—The undersigned will sell at No. 140-142 'Park St., Elizabethtown, a 21% Story Frame Double House, Frame Stable, Ete. Also a large lot of household goods by David B. Brandt. Aldinger, auct. PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920 The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises in the village of Florin, Mount Joy township, the fol- lowing described real estate to wit: Two Lots of Ground Fronting 80 feet on Market street, Florin and extending in depth of that width 200 feet to a public alley. The buildings thereon erected are a 21 STORY FRAME DOUBLE HOUSE contain- ing 8 rooms and two summer houses. Slate roof on house. Frame stable, chicken House, and outbuild- ings. This is a corner property and is very pleasanytl located. There is a well of good water on the premises and a cistern in the summer kitchen. All the buildings are in good repair. There is an abundance of fruit such as pears, plums, cherries, apples, ete. Any person wishing to view same prior to day of sale will please call on George S. Vogle, residing nearby. Sale to commence at 3 p. m. when terms and conditions will be made IS ZN SCHOCK Lind, ETE. TE r~eS Ad .\./ A Bo SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM. NOT USED ANY MORE. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! LUMBER and GOAL MOUNT JOY, PENNA. known by Mrs. Annie W. Schwanger Geo. S. Vogle, Auct. |S. Nissly Gingrich, Clerk. Sale Starts at 1:25 Sharp {85 HEAD OF ERIE CO. AND NEW | YORK STATE COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS Bought direct from the farmers by the undersigned AT PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1920 The undersigned will sell at publie | sale at their stock yards, Mount Joy, | | Pa. t he following five stock: Come and our prices will positively start at |, Con 1s:—Note at 60 days with | |approved secnri ity and bank discount | added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. | F. B. Aldinger, auct. {Coble & Kreider, Clerks. $1 box of Perma How About Those Pictures You Made Sunday? Better bring the films here for developing and printing. Your pictures get the benefit of our ex. perience and up-to-date methods. The result is re- "“W. B. BENDER, E00 0 OO 122 E. Main St. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Loc Patches And a 75¢ Can of Radiator cement all for $1.15 §| Schock Garage § . 1 ; Marietta Street | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. |8o0c0000000000000000000068 | visit to Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Geyer. Mrs. Paul Buohl and Miss Betsy Musselman of the County Seat, Sun- dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mas- terson. VA Pound -social surprise will be given in the United Brethren church this evening in honor of the pastor, Rev. M. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Musselman spent several days here the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Musselman. Messrs. Jacob Y. Kline, P. G. Shelly, William Weidman and Eugene Garber accompanied the excursion to Luray, Va., on Sunday. The party who stole a tire at Welfley’s crossing Saturday after- noon is known and if not returned in a few days further proceedings will be done. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker and Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Gantz spent Saturday and Sunday at Phila- delphia, making the trip in the lat- ter’s car. Mrs. H. Roy Nissly entertained on Saturday evening at her home in Florin one hundred and fifty guests. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers. A large number played five hundred, and eight very useful prizes were given. The music was furnished by Roth’s orchestra of Lan- caster. William Rote the efficient caterer of Lancaster served. EEE... Farmers’ Day at Manheim Manheim will observe its second Indications are that this will sur- LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. annual Farmers’ Day on Friday and fe Saturday, October 22nd and 23rd. HOHE IBBE MB s ” ( Open Saturdays Until 9 P. M. ETERS Your Home Can be Furnished at the “Keystone” at Very Little Cost To satisfy yourself—come here and look at the qualities we offer—compare our prices—then ask your friends and neighbors about Keystone values—and especially our service, Your money will bring the most values at the Keystone and we are proving it every day—For example look at these big specials. | Il 4 J li = = All sizes—all leathers in calves and tapestry up to $600 to chose from. Daven- port opens up to a f ize bed, is steel construction, and a very convenient article. Dor’t fail to see this ,, »rful bargain. 8 Piece Oak Bedroom SUITS special at $69.00 9x12 Congolean RUGS special at $16.45 9x12 Seamless Tapesiry Brussel Rugs $27.98 $ 12 Delicious COLUMBIA 5 Selections of Your Own Selection and a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA to your home Don’t fail to take advantage of the wonder- ful offer—get your order in now for the SELLERS MASTERCRAFT No. 2—Automatic Lowering Flour Bin Costs us $52,000 extra, annually. No. 4—Dovetail Construction. As used in all high grade furniture. Costs us §7,500 extra, annually. No. 6 Glass Knobs. Cost us §2.250 extsa, annually. No. 1-0Oil Hand-rubbed Finish. Costs us $9,750 extra, annually. No. 3—Automatic Base Shelf Extender, Costs us $9,000 extra, annually. 2% S-Dusts provi Base Topundernaath fos, annually. No, 7—Aataroof Casters. Cost us §10.000 extra. aanually, SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS Reducted To Lower Prices Heavy cabinet with all spool casters—also lower- holidays. ing floor bin and base shelf extended—most con- venient and best constructed kitchen cabinet on the market—see it and be convinced. HEATERS $1 2.75 up C—O WS SE OSS = RES A TET WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1920: Liberty We Bonds deliver same anytime FURNITURE CO. free of cas 12 & 14 W. KING STREET charge pass last yaer’s exhibit of farm pro- odds. A public meeting will be held on Friday evening in the big tent given Friday evening, Saturday af- ternoon and Saturday evening. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded the exhibitors. The exhibits will be classified by competent judges. Practically all of the space has now been engaged, by exhibitors. The farm products and fancy work will be ar- ranged in a large tent sixty feet square. All roads will lead to Man- heim for the Farmers’ Day event. ———— eee THE PRICE IS BOUND TO TAKE FURTHER TUMBLES There are $330,000 tons of raw gugar in Cuba, says William A. Mer- chant of Havana, president of the | National Bank of Cuba, and he warns | | growers against hoarding their pro- j { duction in the hope of better prices. if sold between this and Nov. 15. Im- Apply to J. E. | | © There is no scarcity in the United ¢ S rhe ducts and farm machinery by big OPPRPEPROG erected on Market Square for that “Asco” purpose. Speakers of prominence Best have been engaged for this evening. PORK Saturday afternoon a public sale for Pink cattle and cows will follow the ex- and hibition. The amusements will be SALMON under the guiding hand of the BEANS American Legion and the Athletic can 18¢ Association. Band concerts will be can 12c More than six thousand men and women! Few people realize the size of this business family—the amount of human effort required to effect the economies constantly reflected in our LOW PRICES—in the immense savings that our Produce-to-Consumer Plan makes possible. Our organization numbers more than six thousand employees, each skilled in some particular branch of the grocery business, and each one an important link in the chain of business endeavor that enables us to secure and place on your table your daily grocery needs of such HIGH QUALITY at the minimum of cost. We are an organization of skilled messengers—whose scope of duty is world- wide—whose re- ward is the satisfaction of work well done, as proved by the public’s ever-increasing patronage. What would groceries be costing today were it not for the American Stores Co.? MOUNT JOY, PENNA, HALLOWE'EN SUGGESTIONS : , OUR STOCKS ARE FULL and COMPLETE St and f rs that 2nd 3 is the “Pinion Fancy Mixed Nuts, Ib. va, 28c Fancy Golden Pumpkin, can....... FRNRIAT y of 200,000 tons on Decors Large Filberts, Ib................... 0000 20c Bal cer %s Coconut, can le oy re RS 15¢ He ad te ecem- | Fancy Calif. Walnuts, Ib. ................. 30¢ Fancy Stuifed Olives, bottle......... 28c, 35¢ re hide Ty est crop | Extra Fine Calif. Almonds, Ib............. 37¢ Fancy Queen Olives, bottle. Sr enie sai 286, S5¢ of the United States wi : | Calif. Seeded Raisins, pkg...........i.... 28c¢ k. Cake delogaphe. .... co... 0 NTA 20c 200,000 tens grea { Fresh Pack Currants, pkg............ 00. 25¢ illard’s Chocolate, 1; 1b cake. 0 14c and the best l ‘Asco’’ Peanut Butter, glass. ........... 1215¢ ” Baking Powder, CaN, al vanes Bc, 9¢ mated ! Pure Jelly, glass. .... 0c. vii) 8 sires 15¢ tocrat Apple Cider, bottle. ........: i2%e¢ 900.000 tons more Del Monte Peach Jam, can............... 23¢ ” Brand Mince Meat, Ib............. 27c 1919. > | Pure Apple Buiter, can... .. . i. 00 .22¢ Dromedary Golden Dates, ‘pkg IR 22¢ —————r——— | | : Pure Grape Juice, bot...... iio. vio vuiivs 29¢ \ | Cer Entertained Choir v i ray . . H. C. Brunner, our local under | "VICTOR" BREAD, Lig quality loaf....... 8 “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE, lb............ 29¢ taker entertaine d the choir of the! The loaf that’s perfect in &, y way—its taste The rich, full, heavy body, delightful aroma Church of God, of this place at a | and keeping qualities are hard to match. Just and satisfying flavor is pleasing more people ev- dinner at his home on West Main a reminder—don’t forget to buy enough Victor ery day than any blend we know of. Why not street on Monday. The occasion being ! (fresh from the oven) this a ternoon for break- ry & ponndMtodey of this low prices, and lef us his birthday. Mr. Brunner received | a number of useful and beautiful | gis All | present greatly enjoyed | themselves, wishing Mr. Brunner many more e happy birthdays. ——— OC ene: Ulrich—Fravel James Ulrich and Fannie Cassel | Fravel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cassel, were married Sat- | urday afternoon at Elizabethtown by | Famer Stock. Mrs. Fravel was a Y. | Ww. A. worker at Camp Lee, Va. fe the war. Following the cere- ! mony the couple left on a wedding | tour They will reside in Elizabeth- town. : A I Here’ a Bargain A 10 acre tract of land near Mt. | { Joy, with 8 room dwelling with slate { roof, bank barn with galvanized roof, | large and small chicken house, 1% acres medium timber, farming im- | plements, pair good mules, 1 cow and ' { about 50 pullets. All for $3,500 cash mediate possession. Schroll, Mount 303, Pa. 2600 @oo000C prove to you what it means to drink a REAL, fast tomorrow. GOOD CUP. GOODRICH BRAND TOMA- TO SOUP, can 5¢ uality very good. Buy a do¥en cans at this special price. NEKCO BRAND CALIF. SARDINES Soused....,. | Big Kippered. : 5 19¢ Tomato Sauce. Teco Self-Rising Pancake and Buckwheat Flour pkg., 9¢, 3 pkgs. 25¢ Makes, in a few minutes, the most delightful cakes you ever ate. “ASCO” PRICES CUT; TABLE Five or six big, mealy fish COSTS ‘+ in every can, enough for a fam- “Asco” Rolled Oats, pkg...11c Choice Peas, can......... 14c ily of 4 or 5 persons. Only the very choicest white | “Agee” Sifted Peas can 20, 23c oats grown packed under the Choice Rolled Oats, Ib..... 6¢ BEST CALIF. LIMA ‘““Asco” Brand use the best? then why not Snowdrift Shortening, can.26c¢ American Maid Catsup, bot 17¢ Choice Tomatoes, can 10c¢, 15¢ Sweet Sugar Corn, can....1llc Rich Creamy Cheese, 1b... .35¢ BEANS, Ib. 12%¢ Buy a few extra ‘pounds at this low price. Pat-a-Cake Flour, pkg.....23c Every ingredient necessary in the package (except the wa BEST HEAD RICE, 1b... .16¢c Splendid for rice pudding, or ey to make the finest home- Bologna, Ib.............. ic ry some steamed as a vege- RR Ye [TE oe hey To Crackers, 1b....... heen i7¢ Government Bacon, Ib. .24c¢ Tobacco, 3 pkgs for. ......25¢c “ASCO” OLEOMARGARINE, Ib........ ..36¢ “ASCO” BRAND FLOUR, 12ib bag. ...... 88¢ Pure, nutritious and wholesome—use it for The best for making bread and all kinds of the table and all kinds of baking. pastry. @ORORPRRORERRRERRRRRRRRRROPPPOCACOOODH 0006 © © © © @ QE Q[Q0/C/0[0/0[0/Cl0[Cl0[00/0CLL0CCLRCECEELELELEEEEERLCLCLCCOL)