The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 06, 1920, Image 4

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= guests of


Subscription Price $1.50 a
Sample Copies. ..... FREE
Single Copies. .... 3 Cents
Three Months. . ...40 Cents
Six Months. ..... 75 Cents

Entered at the post office at Mount |
Joy as second-class mail matter.
The date of the expiration of your
subscription follows your name on
the label. We do not send receipts for
subscription money received. When-
ever you remit, see that you are given
proper cradit. We credit all subscrip-
tion on the first of each mcnth.
The subscription lists of the Lan-
disville Vigil, the Florin News and the
Mount Joy Star and News, were
merged with that of the Mount Joy
Bulletin, which makes this paper’s
ordinary weekly.
family Sun-
Monroe Metzler and
dayed at Manheim.
Mr. and Mrs. John
family visited relatives at
land on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter visited
Lititz on Sunday.
Levi Eby and family
tained by Reuben Kauffman’s
Petersburg on Sunday.
Walter Keener and family visited |
Christian Longenecker’s at Salunga,
on Sunday morning.
Martin Heistand lost a cow and a|
steer the past week from pneumonia |
and A. B. Erb lost a mule.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gantz and Mr. |
and Mrs, Samuel Myers were enter-
tained by John Brubaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
and family and Anna
Phares Graybill’s
Elm on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eshleman
and family were visitors in the home|,
of Abram Eshleman at Landisville on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmer, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Charles of Mt. Joy, Mr. |,

and Mrs. Elam Hostetter and daugh- Harrisburg, Carl Mount Hols a harrow escape w the steering
ter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Landis of |g rior ee i id rod on his ford delivery truck broke,
Florin; Misses Anna Rohrer and|,,.. Get shurg, York and Columbls while delivering bread in the vicinity
Mary Charles dined at H. G.
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Erb had as
their guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Hernley, Mr. and Mrs.
Hernley and Malon Hernley from
Scottdale and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seni netho : of i as contractor Jacob Snyder and
Hess from Lititz, and "Mr. and Mrs. | hep Pt out divine the Torsnast of force have moved the former Ham-
A. B. Erb and daughter. | October. Last is sonic bad nondl Lon Property. to the rear of the lot
Mr. and Mrs. H B. Erb enter- |: Ids Toom ari dons diet othe nd Mr. P. G. Shelly and force have
tained at their home on Sunday: Mr. [1,¢t davs of Octcber AL Pres w= 0 in ground for the cellar. Two
and Mrs. A. B, Nissley, Mr. and Mrs, : l >: GN carloads of brick and a carload of
Elam Longenecker, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Earl Witmer, C. E. Rohrer, Mrs
Moses Ober, Mr. and Mrs. Hitz, and
family and Elmer Ober and brother. |
A pocket book containing
and 50 cents was lost between the
Sporting Hill store and Erisman’s
church. Will the finder please report
his, find to Monroe Metzler, who will
reward the finder. The key is the
article wanted.
a key

Chas. Slider has opened an electric
store in the Fisher building.
Carl, son of Auctioneer Peter
Gruber, fell and broke his arm while
After since 1875,
being away
Leonard Schlegelmilch, of Columbus, |
Ohio, is here on a visit.
A mule, two horses and five cows, |
H. Levenight, died pre-
owned by J.
sumably from eating poison. {tory to building a coal fire. While | 30€ 0 badly injured that it is feared
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller an-|doing this, Mr. Fletcher ly |1¢ Will have to be shot.
nounce the birth of a son; Mr. and |left open one of the three ks. '. ™ Trr—_—
Mrs. Wm. Seiverling a son. { The old people were both quickly af
Thos. J. Hiestand has gone to New | fected,
York where he entered a ser
study for the Episcopal min
Ralph Meads left for
where he has accepted a position with |
the State Highway Department. !
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boozer an- |
nounce the birth of son and Mr. |
and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich a daughter.
Mrs. Howard Alexandria, a mis-|
sionary to China, spoke in the U. B.
church on Sunday. Her two children
'y to |

and. Miss Emma M. Neidig, of Wash-
ingtonboro, were granted a license
to wed.

Northwest Rapho
Shenk Bros. are still threshing for |
the farmers,
Lizzie Eby was on a business trip
to HocKersville one day last week.
The Rapho Township schools are
all in session, and the attendance far|
exceeds all former years.
Jerome Sowers and Abram Shenk, |
of Mastersonville, have each received |
a carload of New York State cows. |
Mr. H. H. Reifsnyder, of Lancas-
ter, was in this section delivering his
pianos. He has a large number of]
patrons in this section.
Mr. Rufiis Eby, one of Chiques|
Hill boys is now tutor at Milton
Grove Primary, and at leisure is en-
gaged with Ezra Waltz on the farm.
Since the Klein Chocolate Com-
pany discontinued receiving the milk,
some of the patrons are delivering
their milk to Milton Grove, others to
Mastersonville and others are making
Any one wanting a good small
farm cheap should not overlook the
Clayton Heisey property near here.
The regulars of the baseball asso-

ciation in the High School have were at York last Wednesday even- LANCASTER, PA.
Dr te roa 2% ta—— RECORDS
The enrollment +f the Milton How's This ? rg
Grove High School consists of six| we offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh
seniors, who have taken up French That aap be surdd by HALL'S TRUNKS
with the regular High School work. | “BALI'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak. TRAVELING COODS
Eleven juniors who will collect 20 in-| en internally and acts through the Blood STATIONERY
sects and thirteen freshmen, who are Ne ee arrares ot a GREETING CARDS
making a collection of 30 varieties of | Price 7c. Testimonials free. GIFTS

Year | daughte

UNT JOY, PA. S. J. King, P. R. R. signal foreman
1 LL, Editor & Pro’r.|of Willmington, Del.,
spent severa
days with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. John B,


| her mother at Steelton, Pa.
{ G. Graybill, the Elizabeth
y man transacted business]
ilce Mond:
1 f op ra <
aay and

E. S. Booth

»f the firm Stauf-
its of Mount
at the Isaac

Groff machine shop, Monday
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Bard, of Co-
burg, spent Sunday as guests of Mr.
{H. H. Bard and daughter Amanda.
Mrs. Jacob W, Heisey who met
| with a falling accident while walking
{upon the side walk is still confined
Henry and
s spent Sunday as guests of |ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN.

. | Chickies.
Miss Flo Smith has accepted a po-
Mr. and Mrs. John
was a Sunday visitor to his family.
Mr. Monroe Forney
were Sunday visitors to
[sition at, the Bachman
Studebaker, of Mr.
[ter Welfly.
visitor to Mr. and Mrs. John Kern
{at Landisville.
| Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fackler and
daughter Frances of Salunga, spent
{Sunday in our village.
Mr. George Kline is erecting a fine
Dyer visited
at Chestnut Hill, on Sunday.
Mr. Samuel Fair of Hummelstown,
and family
friends at
Mr. Harold Buller purchased a five
; | Miss Fannie Kline was a Tuesda
lumbia, Mrs. Jacob Bard of Harris-| lis Ne 2 Ed
stzler and | . .
Mage Hol {quainted with the noise look for aero-
New ol-|
Landis and |
Landis in|
were enter-|
near |
Brubaker |
Rohrer were |
Keener and fam- | pps.
Irvin |
1st the door of a room adjoining
Cresson, | their apartment and call for help.
— er cio
{a score of
i o ; {gathered at her home, spent the day.
Morris Fitzpatrick, of this place, |; a ;
{ Mrs.
[woman for her
{her most
{to her bed with slight improvements.
{ The buzzing noise of the fodder
{shredder can be heard in various di-
(rections. Those who are not ac-
brick and cement garage for Mr. Roy
Nissly at his mansion.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heisey and
daughter Ruth called on friends at
Silver Spring on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald of
Paoli, spent Monday as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Geyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neidigh of
near Mastersonville Sundayed with
Mr. and Mrs. Jgmes Eschbach.
Mr. Jacob Steges of the County
Seat, was a Sunday visitor to Mr.
i planes.
The S. S. Kraybill family and
| Frank Shank, postmaster attended an
[all-day Sunday school meeting held |
tat Strickler’s church near Hummels- |
(town, Sunday.
John M. Weaver, P. R. R. section
[foreman and force of men are re-
newing » D. G. Brinse rare S€ | 101: :
pm g the D. G. Brinser w irehouse | py 1, Buller, Sr. and family.
{siding with new ties. An ordinary
> : Mrs. Anna Fetter, Mrs. Simon
railroad tie costs about two dollars Menaugh, Mrs. Wm. Brown of Mount
} Mens » Mrs. . Bro ]
3 Joy. were Sunday visitors to John
Dyer ande family.
Mr. George Shires, Mr.
The Cope Brothers are receiving
the finest kind of sweet corn at their
evaporating establishment in Shires Miss Mary Shires, Mr
this place which has been in opera- :
[tion almost day and night the pasty epic] Myers and daughter Pearl
Wo Tanths J & a |autoed to Gettysburg, on Sunday.
ra et: | }/That well known hostilery, the
| Phis vicinity wal well represented |M,pip Inn, was again opened fér
|at the funeral of Mrs. John Martin | pyginess last week when Mr. C. H.
[throughout the Donegals where Mr Landis Yalloy moved his family and
Li "household effects to this place. He
invites everybody to call and get ac-
Mr. William Henry, one of our lo-
cal bakers and grocerymen had quite

[and Mrs. Martin spent many success
ful years on the Cameron farm.
| Frank Pierce, the Rheems tourist |
had the Aaron Groff family out for |
run Saturday, through


f Bossler’s church on Tuesday morn-
ing. The machine dashed through a
fence into a cornfield and turned
turtle. Mr. Henry was thrown out
but escaped with a few body bruises
met} S :
method It sure looks like a new bank now.
| without a
7 to his Max-
of two

idred and fi
Through pas
meu have chan

soil is in first-class condition and will {sand arrived last week. Mr. George
[hore but a few days to sprout the | Kline has finished the stone founda-
8 Co : | tion for the new building.
olin | The following town folks attended
{the United Brethren Conference at
| Palmyra, Lebanon
| {day: Mr. and Murs. George Geyer,
[ Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher, an|Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Raffensberger,
{aged couple of Elizabetthtown, are |Mr. H. L. Stoll, Mr. and Mrs. N. S.
{lying in a critical condition at their | Gantz, Mr and Mrs. H. Shoemaker,
{home as a result of having inhaled | Misses Esther Vogle, Stella Wach-
fumes from a gas stove at which they |stetter, Mr. Clarence Musselman, Mr.
were working in their kitchen. They [and Mrs. Ephraim Hertzler, Mr. and
are about 75 years of age and|Mrs, Jacob Shires, Mr, Frank Klugh,
| the physicians in attendance are|Miss Ruth Ebersole.
alarmed their condi- _— -—
| tion. They were overcome about 9:30
{o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Fletcher | ; Brutally Hurt Dog a
dia + zoain until] Some time ago, John McFarland,
[durs WOON Even thes residing at ( hickies, just below Mari-
{the husband remained unconscious. | ¢1t who is a Sportsman of some
[It was the presence of mind of the | bility, purchased a fine dog for
which may save | hunting season, and was getting him
He and his wife|im shape for the opening of the rab-
ing the gas plate they | 2it Season. The dog has been struck
itchen range, prepara. |" the head, evidently with a club,
| County, on" Sun-



husband, however
{both from de:
were di
had on the

though the
man was quicl
:d enough t


» knoek with his can

A Birthday Anniversary V
Mrs. Elizabeth Simons, residing in
East Donegal, near Marietta, at-
tained her seventieth milestone in
life on Sunday, and to celebrate this
event, she was surprised when about
relatives and friends
and partook of a sumptuous dinner.
Simons is a mostfr remarkable
age, and appears
many years younger. The table was
very beautifully decorated, and she
was remembered with gifts. One of
appreciative gifts was a
silver dollar for each vear of her
age, presented by her children.
From four bushels of Blue Victor

Yes we have them
Morris River Cove Oysters
and we don’t know i aything bet-
seed potatoes Mr. Cyrus Schroll Hr ” Ye You get fen, iy
raised sixty-four bushels of potatoes. { 1°ar In ming at -We..den't handle
Last week Mr. Raymond Zook ex-| Tub Oysters, all our oysters are
hibited his Duroc hogs at the Lan-|OoPened here. We sell them in the
caster fair and this week he is at the | shell if you prefer to open them your-
York fair. self.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus
Schroll entertained the following
guests: Jacob Horst, wife, daughter
Sadie and her son Earl, Cleve Horst
wife and son, Frank Horst and wife
and the Misses Cora and Ethel Fake
all of Harrisburg.
“Colonel” Mooney is nursing a 8
badly lacerated hand, the result of an
The Liberty Band is arranging for
a banquet and concert for its honor-
ary members in the near future.
Mrs. Ed. Miley and daughter Miss
Elizabeth, spent last Wednesday at
Bainbridge the guests of relatives.
Thirty-eight members of the
Woman’s and Girl's community Club

H. A. Darrenkamp
3 Doors East of Post Office

on a
37-39 W. King St.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.



O you remember the night
that you sat up in bed
wrapping the blankets around you
and swearing that by all that was
good and warm you wouldn’t let
another winter’s day go over your
head until you had installed the
proper heating mechanics in your
home? Translating ‘accomplish
it immediately’’—do it now!
W_ Main St, MOUNT JOY, PA,

mobile owners with a neces-
sity that every motorist needs
and wants. Nothing on the
market like it. Sells on site.
No experience required, ex-
clusive territory, large profits.
If you are looking for a real
money maker, write ‘at once.

I make a specialty of sharpening and
Repairing Lawn Mowers
c, S. Gingrich
W. Donegal St. MT. JOY |
A man to call on Autti)
P E G E TZ iach
hber Footwear

Hart Schaffner & Marx -
Styleplus and Society
Brand Clothes for
Men and Young Men
in the new Fall & Win.
ter Models: Single and
Double Breasted Coats
Medium Waistline in
Serges, Flannels, Tweeds
and Worsteds, priced
moderately to retail
irom $20.00 up.



Mount Joy


“U.S.” Boots—are madeinall
sizes and styles—~Hip, Half-
Hip and Knee. In red, black
and white

Warm—watertight—cleaned inaminute:
that’s the ““U. S.”” Walrus. :
model in the big U. S. line of rubber

It’s just one
new kind of overshoe
for farmers
The “U.S.” Walrus: watertight as a rubber boot— ,
as warm and easy to slip on as an arctic
HE combination you have always
needed—something to keep your
feet dry and warm and yet easy
to slip on and off! Here it is—the new
U. S. Walrus.
This new overshoe slips on and off
easily over your leather shoes. Its warm,
fleecy lining keeps your feet comfortable
in the coldest weather. And its smooth
rubber surface can be washed off as
quickly and cleanly as a boot.
The comfort and convenience of this
new overshoe are backed by real strength.
Made by the oldest and largest rubber
manufacturer in the world, the U. S.
Walrus is built for the roughest wear.
Its sole consists of five layers of the
finest rubber... All other points where
the strain comes are reinforced.
Ask your dealer to show you the U.S.
Walrus. After you've worn them you'll
realize why farmers everywhere are buy.
ing them.
Other types of “U.S.” Footwear
—built for rough service
U. S. Boots have the wear and comfort
which the accumulated improvements
of 74 years have given them.
U. S. Bootees lace on over the sock
like a leather shoe. You can weap
them all day long in the wettest
weather. Your feet will stay dry and
comfortable. iS
There is a U. S. model for every need
—arctics, rubbers, “overs.” Every one
has been designed by experts—every
one is backed by over half a century of
experience. Always look fcr the U. S.
Seal —it means solid wear and long
service for your money.
United States Rubber Company
on all “U.S.” Footwear

¢ -

—————————— i —


Artics, Himiners -