) PUBLIC SALE of a ABLE STORE PROPERTY ATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1920 be sold at public sale on the ses in the village of Sporiing m1 ancaster County, Pa., the fol- g described valuable store stand anu business place, viz: ETN, Consisting of a THREE STORY | BRICK STORE and DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Stable and other out- buildings, and a lot of ground there- to belonging on the south east corner of the Manheim road and the road leading to Lancaster. known as the Colebrook road, adjoining property formerly of John Metzler, and on the north and west by said two roads. This is a first-class business stand, having been conducted as a general store for at least 75 years, and has always enjoyed a large country trade. The buildings are in a good state located, enjoy- surrounding churches, of repair, pleasantly ing a fine view of the country, convenient to schools, post offices and a healthy section and surrounded by an intelli- gent and progressive class of people, and therefore well worthy the atten- tion of persons looking for a pleasant home, and a profitable investment. Persons wishing to view the prem- ises prior to the day of sale will please call on the present occupant. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock p. m., of said day when attention will be given and terms and conditions made known by H. M. MILLER, Agent For the Quincy Orphanage Home. JOHN K. STAUFFER M. N. Brubaker, Clk. Columbia and Brunswick Records Come in and hear the following records, they are beauties: The Love Nest—Vocal and mental. Pretty Kitty Kelly. Silver Threads Among the Gold. Memories of Galilee. Church in the Wild Wood. In the Gloaming. Tell Mother I'll Be There. Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown. Wayside Cross. My Wild Irish Rose. Sweeter As the Years Go By. In Sweet September. My Isle of Golden Dreams. Marion (You’ll Soon Be Instru- Marryin’ PUBLIC SALE of a VALUABLE FARM ter County, Pa leading from Mount Joy Square, 5 miles north of the and 1 mile south of thé the following described viz: Consisting of a Gravel Land, Bradley, Frank Hiestand, Jacob Baker and others containing thirty seven (37) acres more or less. The { improvements thereon consist of a| | One and a Half (1%) Story Log] i Weather Boarded Dwelling House, Fre ne Summer House, Wood Shed, m. stocke running water on the f: The place is well variety of fruit peaches, grapes, etc, The land is vation under veniently laid off one of the best producers in that sec tion of the County. The buildings are in state of repair. This farm is pleasantly convenient to churches, schools, offices, in a good neighborhood, rounded by an intelligent gressive people, the attention of those pleasant home vestment, Persons wishing ises prior to the day of please call on Mr. N. H. siding thereon. Also at the same will be sold the household goods viz: good fences, con sale, time Couch, THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, a. ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 2344, 1920 | a Will be sold at public sale on the South, was premises, in Rapho township, Lancas- , on the public road | to Union| York County. former latter place, real estate, tract of First-class | adjoining lands of J. S.| with same by calling at this office. a large Bank rn, with wagon ered] corn cri b, hog sty, chicken house, a well of never failing water pump therein near the door, there | are also two fine springs of excellent | »d with a such as pears, | in a high state of culti- | into fields, and is | | a reason able | | atoll { post | | SUr- | Owner can have same by proving the and pro- |, mount lost, and paying for this ad. and is well worthy looking for a and a profitable in- will and place following articles of | consisting of Kitchen | counters, shelving, etc., E. Getting Near Here v A home-made whiskey still of the variety used by moonshiners in the found by government revenue officers hidden in the wood- lands, a few miles south of Delta, in eee etl Ae This Chap Is Some Tall Archie Lewis, of Antrim, who is only 13 years old, is nearly 6 feet tall. His grandfather is 6 feet, 3 |inches, and one of his uncles stands |6 feet, 3% inches in his stocking | feet. Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. FOUND—A pin owner proving property and paying for ad may have 9-15-1t | Will have oysters in every style | beginning Saturday at A. H. Stumpf’s | restaurant, West Main street. 9-15-1t | LOST—An account book. Finder will please return to Wm. Henry, Florin, Pa. and receive reward. | sept.15-1t-pd. for light housekeeping, 2 man, wife and two What have you to 9-15-tf Wanted vr 3 rooms by small children. {offer? Apply at this office. FOUND—Small sum money. {Inquire at 55 W. Main St., Mt. Joy, | Pa sept.15 >-1t. WANTED—A lady stenographer to view the prem-|or one who is willing to learn. State a lage, experience, salary expected. Ad- Givler re-|dress Box 108, Florin, Pa. 9-15- tf store fi stares show cases, L. Zerphey ALE—AIll the scales, FOR S Dresser, Cupboards, Chests, Sink, | Mount Joy, Pa. sept.15-1t Iron Kettle, Chairs, Rocking Chairs, | - Ching, Glass and Queensware, a lot| WANTED—A girl or middle aged of tobacco lath, and a variety of {lady for kitchen work. Apply to Mrs. other articles too numerous to men-|A. H., Stumpf, West Main St., Mount tion. (Joy. sept.15-2t Sales to commence at one o’clocl p. m., of said day when terms and{ FOR SALE—Manure. Apply P. O. | | |B 0X Me). and hundreds of titles to select from. our sound-proof booths. Don’t buy a you like it. I. A. SHIFFER 39 S. Market St. Elizabeth other very good Hear them ir demonstrat record unless ne Private Sale —eOF — MULES On and After Friday, Sept. I will have for sale at my Sale and Exchange Stables, Mount Joy, Pa. Ranging in age from 18 months to 4.year-olds. Among them are some If you want good yong mules, the kind that will make | money, them. broken mules. here’s your chance to get Ed Ream 100 HEAD OF ERIE FORD COUNTY HEIFERS AND BULLS Bought direct from the farmers by the widersigued COWS AT PUBLIC SAL E ON FRIDAY. About 75 cows and Heifers and the balance bulls and steers. This will be another good lot. This sale will 1:25 sharp. Conditions:—Note at 60 days with approved security and bank discount | added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. F. B. Aldinger, auct. Coble & Kreider, Clerks. Don. W. Gorrecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET Jeweler Watchmaker---Engraver 0h, HEL The Digest goa | known a as MENT, NO TT] IF DUE TO INFECTION OR INHERITED, far Book it will surely oponyey your 0398 ut you wise 10th: 50 Head of Mules AND CRAW- |. 100 Head Cows, Heifers, Bulls, Steers | !! positively start at | 2 conditions will be made known by 8, Florin, Pa. sept.8-2t-pd ELIZABETH GIVLER, Widow C. S. Frank, Auct. WANTED—A hired man for day M. N. Brubaker, Clerk {labor. Apply to Arthur Martin, R. D. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. se ept. 1- tf] ORPHANS’ COURT SALE femme eee rte ee, of valuable FOR SALE—1%ton Kohler Truck REAL ESTATE cheap. Address P. O. Box 253 Mt. sa’ Iu JRDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 Joy. aug.25-tf | By virtue of an order of the or-| —— | Phan’ Court f or County, FOUND—Auto tire on road lead- tne jv signed ators of from Bainbridge to Elizabeth- the Jz baker, de- Owne may have same by 1 FR hip, will » property and paying ad. Ap- ses the Myers, National Hotel, 3 ¢ bed 3 real es- > sept.14-1t : All That Certain Farm W ANTE D- Antique figures in 3 StLoon tae iblic road > a of people and animals, Old | 4, It. Joy to M: Ma an hie im 7 stitch in silk linen {1 : ae veen Man- thread bead worl te id M very near y prices for articles | Ex ' 5 ress H. J., Mt. Joy, | B. Hiestand. n whiel AND 1; STORY MANSION HOUSE Bank Barn, Large Corn Barn, Large Hog Sty, | Numerous Chicken sary outbuild Rn ig I | erected a 2 | FRAME | Frame [land on { of cultivat | e To 56 Salo n Sc: iturda 1y, 2 o’clock p. | liti wil 1 own by the undersigned. ANNA H. BRUBAKER Sal HARY EY RETTEW, | = Iministrat of Liz S. Frabe er, deceased. B. Frank Kready, Atty. | Chas. S. Frank, Auct. | Henry G. Carpenter, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ! REAL ESTATE { On turglay, September 18th, e sold at public sale on the Tow? € ing to wit: A Tract of 80 Act es ining n Shun Levi on the land is There This : i wing a With conarote road : I’ is close fo churches, : Is, trolley and the P.| R. R. station. Any one wishing to view same | prior to day of sale will please call | on the undersigned residing in Florin Sale to commence promptly at 2 | o’clock on Saturday, September 18th, | 1920, when terms and conditions will be made known by : E. S. WEAVER S. Frank, auet.; J. H. Zeller, Clk. PUBLIC SALE On Friday, September 17th, 1920 the undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises near Erisman’s Mennonite chureh, in Rapho town- ship, Lancaster county. Pa., midway between Manheim and Mount Joy the farm known as the “John Eris man farm” containing 132 acres and 71 perches of land on which are erected a dogble brick dwelling house, large bank barn, tobacco shed, corn barn, garage and other neces- sary out buildings. This farm is nicely located in a good neighbor- hood, and will Be sold as a whole or in parts to suit the purchaser. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock p. , on said day. ACOB E. BE . H. H. Snavely, Auct. CkeR Miller & Koser. Clerks, m. LI prem- the at- ie coun- [ roperty will ld in order to close | t Any per- | Drenisns 1920 y 1 of water | sep.15-1t-pd. WANTED--Laborers. Chocolate Co. 9-8-2 Apply Nis- r Swiss SWISS WANTED—Lady assistant stenog- rapher and bookkeeper. Apply Nis- | ley Swiss Chocolate Co., Florin, Pa. sep.8-2t WANTED A man to call on Auto- the estate of mobile owners with a neces- sity that every motorist needs land wants. Nothing on the market like it. Sells on site. No experience required, ex- clusive territory, large profits. | | If you are looking for a real . | money maker, write at once. | MERIT PUBLISHING CO. LANCASTER, PA. sept.1 TRATORS’ NOTICE. ADMINIS nted to the | ns indebted | uest to make im- nent, ‘and those having ims or demands against the same, V present them without delay for settlement to the undersigmed. ANNA H. BRUB AKER, Manheim, R. D.52, Pa. HARVEY RETTEW, Manheim, R. D. 3,% a. Ad inistaions |B. Frank Kready, Atty. 8.4 -6t ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Estate of Addison S. Flowers, late of Mount Joy Boro. deceased. Letters of administration on said |estate having been granted to the | andersigned all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same. will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned resid- ing in Mount Joy, Pa. MARY E. FLOWERS, Administratrix. W. M. Hollowbush Attorney. 9-8-6t ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Estate of David H. Wiftle, late of Mount Joy Township Lancaster Co., Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons , indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same. will {present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned resid- ing in Florin, Pa. WM. S. NEIMAN, . Adminigtrator. W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. | 9-8-6t D. B. KIEFFER & CO’S.% Annual Fall Opening Sale’ —) — Four Carload of Good, Big Western Horses and Colts, 75 Head of! Acclimated Horses & Mules SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 at 12:15 p. m. at the Farmers’ Hotel, Middletown, Pa, Kleinfelter Bros., Propr. We will sell the following live stock: 4 Carload of Extra Good, big, rugged and all pur- pose Western Horses and Colts, shipped direct by W. M. Grove who has taken his time and used his best judgment in buying thege 4 load of the best western horses and colts that grow, and he advises us | that he has bought only the best money can buy. Each and every one the real kind with the size, ghape, weight and color that belongs to a good bred draft horse or colt.’ They will consist of the good, big, rugged feeders, farm chunks, wagon and all purpose horses and colts with class and quality all over. Will have quite a few mated teams in bays, blacks and roans that have the size and weight to themselves. Also some ex- tra good shapy mares with shape all over, and the kind that will make id brood mares, as they are of the Belgium and Percheron breed. These horses and colts range in age from 2 to 5 years old and have them weighing from 11 to 16 hundred lbs. each, all kind and gentle and the greater part of them broke to har- ness. : P. S.—Mr. Grove also advises us that all these horses were bought right off the farms and a great many of them are right out of harness, and vou all know that they give more real satisfaction both for profit and use than any other horse we or any one else have ever shipped and when finished they have more quality and class and in fact the handiest horse ever worked in harness for farm or general purpose use, and are the easiest horses to fatten and mature with every day work that lives; the most profitable investment a farmer can make as ther : less sickness and more enduranc among them than any other horse shiped. Ask your neighbors about the W. M. Grove horses, he tells you they're the best work horses that ¢ 5 Head of Acclim ated Horses and Mules of all kine ( sting of the good, Fy finished horses, wagon horses, far line leaders, all purpose, fancy driving hors dollar ones, in fact any person in need of ness or pleasure horse. T range.in age fron S¢ Ti 10 years old, have them weighing up to 16 | ar hundred pounds The mules consist of good, mated teams, also a few good sin mules. We start selli 1 tly at p. m., with the W« nl Colts, then the A and Mules Note 0 | D. B. KIEFFER & CO. Hess & Brinser, Auct. | Sale Saturday, September 25, 1920 | at Middletown, Pa. PUBLIC SALE ot ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OCTOBER 2nd, 1920 ned attorneys for | REAL SA’ TURDAY, unde 1 situate on the from the Iron I Turnpike in F about one-half Iron Bridge, h: a TWO AND ONE STORY FRAME with a one story frame back building thereto at Frame Stable ings, adjoining Mumma and thereon HALF HOUSE, + out build- f Amos N. Jacob Hoffin This proper is in good repair, has a large cis ern und ler the kitchen and a variety of you fruit trees in bearing condition, is well located and 1d’ F a | The Pluse of the World's Food Markets ; A the same time and place the | Often, when varying conditions in the producing centers bring about the opportunity for a re- ) ing sreonal . tu nH > 3 1 y one > 3 al rv rout t i 1 DR I opal prone ry will be duction in price, the dealer who has to buy through the wholesaler is not able to give you the benefit 3 5 cay, cothes ces, bedstead of the saving that should be yours. This is because the goods have to pass through the hands of any > es on am veral middlemen before they r ach your table. on ine, earpent 0 a . ‘Ns of customer of the “Agco” Stores, your advantages are patent in our Producer-to-Consumer Plan. Ha oNIOnga oO ouble bi ax, We act as the connecting link between your table and the producer—the Farmer, the Miller, the Can- {3 Iron tamper rels, hoes, | ner. the Packer, ete. Our pric s are affected—not by any middlemen, but only by the fluctuations I Wy Uk X bore in the actual food markets of the world, All intermediate profits are thus eliminated and you get the S 1 : - benefit in low prices. i” . o£ : Just Give This a Moment’s Thought- : . 1 : . ~ : : ies 2 What would oroceries be costing today: were it not Tor the American Stores Co? r, chopping ole locust posts, aw En B— lot of lumber | - MOUNT JOY, PENNA. o'el )( 1920 or and place A ‘ ’» will br SPECIAL PRICE ON BROOMS “VICTOR” BREAD, Big Quality Loaf. 8c oe | ea: 38c m . A a . | OUR 45¢c BROOMS CUT TO. The f the BEST HOME-M.: ADE ever B. H. NISSLEY, | Our 60c Brooms cat to 53c turned f an oven. Thousands of diserim- ’ ABR/ AM Z. HESS, Our 70c Broom cut to 63c Buy inatin ekeepers say so, and you will, too neys for the heirs of Pete Made from the choicest broom grown. uy when once you serve it. : = wine. two or three at this special low price. : C. S. “Prank, Auct. i John A. Coyle, Atty. 4 8 WE SPECIALIZE on a TRAVELING BAG AT $8 FOR LADIES AND MEN HOME MUSIC Co. 37-39 W. King St. WORN 3. HENS HERSHEY 212 South Market Street Bell Phone 75R2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Gr Pr aiid ws LANCASTER COUNTY, | LANCASTE Ry 7a WHITE OATS, BEANS, can 12¢ | BUTTER, glass 12c CORNSTARCH, RECORDS pkg., 1lc | pkg., 9¢ PHONOGRAPHS PLAYED ROLLS | “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE, BB ia 35¢ ASCO” BLEND TRAS, Ib............... 45c Rich, full, heavy body, delightful aroma, satis- Four Blends—Black, Mixed, Old. Count TRAVELING GOODS | fying flavor. Try a pound today, and Jot ny | style and India Covioh No Loticy ay STATIONERY prove to you what it means to drink a real goo had anywhere than o f “ » GREETING CARDS ‘cup” of coffee. ur famous “Asco’ Blend. GIFTS PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 104 i" TE i = i V ulcanizing I: — 3,000 Mile Cuaranteed Tires naer Erisman’s church, real estate by |= | Jacob E. Becker. Snavely, auct. | Now is the time to 100k into the retreading of your worn casing See advertisement. - and get a guarantee of 8000 miles more for one-third the price of | Saturday, Sept. 18—On the prem- mW new tires. Ie on the state highway at the west . Come in and let us show you the work we turn out. end of Floirn, a farm of 80 acres = Blowouts, Sand Blisters, Stone Cuts with improvements by E. S. Weaver. Frank, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Sept. 18—On the prem- mu 1 . . ises at Sporting Hill, a valuable brick and Stone Bruises Repaired ALL WORH GUARANTEED store property and dwelling by H. M. Miller, agent for the Quincy Orphan- 17 West High Street age Home and John K. Stauffer. See ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. SALE REGISTER. Friday Sept. 17—At their stock yards in Mount Joy, large lot of cows | heifers, bulls and steers by J. B. Kel-| {ler & Bro. Aldinger, auct. See ad-|® "vertisement. Friday, Sept. 17—On the premises | = 110] 1) Wednesday, Sept. 22—On the premises on the road leading feom Mount Joy to Green Tree church, Mount Joy Township, real estate or |m John M. Snyder. Frank, auct. 5 Thursday, Sept. 23—On the prem- | E ises one mile south of Union Square, » a farm of 37 acres with improve- - ments by Elizabeth Givler, widow. |y Frank, auct. See advertisement. Friday, Sept. 24—At the stock yards of the Florin Hotel, Florin, Pa., | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000GR0003 " a lot of Tioga and Potter Co. cows bulls, heifers, some home-raised shoats by C. S. Frank & Bro. | Saturday, Sept. 25—At the Far- Early in the summer this store announced that we would con tinue to remain open on Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock for the benefit of those people who eould not shop at any other time. mers’ Hotel stables, Middletown, 4 carloads of good big western horses We have found that the ‘General Public want this service and we will continue to give it. And so we announce our winter sched- u nu : u advertisement. 'm un u ALL WORK GUARANTEED Opposite the Hoover Store Building JI 1 EE ES T—— and colts by D. B. Kieffer & Co. See advertisement. Saturday, Sept. 25—On the prem- ises in Rapho township, near Eris- man’s church real estate by Harvey Rettew and Anna H. Brubaker, ad- ministrators of Lizzie S. Brubaker, deceased. Frank, auct. See adver- tisement. ule, confident that we are giving the people exactly what they Saturday, Oct. 2—On the premises want—and not arbitrarily arranging our shopping hours to suit in East Donegal township, half a mile west of the Iron Bridge, real estate and personal property by B. H. Nis- sley and Abram Z. Hess, attorneys for the heirs of Peter Troutwine. Frank, auct. See advertisement. ourselves. On and after Tuesday, September 7th and until further notice. THIS STORE WILL OPEN DAILY AT 9 A. M. CLOSE DAILY (EXCEPT SATURDAY) AT 5:30 P. M. CLOSE ON SATURDAY EVENINGS AT 9 P. M. THE DONOVAN CO. OO0O0O0000O00O0OO0OO0OO2O00000000000000000000000VVLY LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CO. |= Before You Buy a Used Automobile | See Our Bargains you do not care to make sale, I will MOUNT JOY, PENNA. I buy i RL ELL lelelelololelo Both Telephones 234 W. King St. | CORO CH , Dealers in Nash and Dodge Brothers | 5 Automobile, Trucks and Com- |: COA CO 8 msrelal Cars July-14-10t | 8 ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- 1 [4 MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. or 2 u B J. D. Easton 8 . Ind Phone 831-Al FLORIN, PA. | 3 1 B 2 i H. BAKER . T = USED & ANTIQUE FURNITURE §& TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. " BOUGHT AND SOLD 4a USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MCRE EGG! m | 3 wo If you have anything you want to Li u M BER and GO BL a sell, pho»e or drop me a card. If a i : S 3 o ¥ buy your entire equipment. for cash. © © 9 S © © © o Our Best Head Very Best Pink Rice Salmon Ib 16¢ can 18c geese onsen ses saisatis ies BREAKFAST CEREALS OYSTER SEASON HERE FINE NEW CHEESE, Ib. .35¢ Jersey Corn Flakes, pkg...10c : Shredded Wheat, pkg .13¢ Yellow Corn Meal, Ble BEST PURE LARD, Ib.,..25c | Fresh Cracker Dust, Ib... .13c Wy dutse Con esl, A i American Maid Catsup bot 17¢ opke. ia Sines Duffed Jigs, DEE sins -15e CHOICE NEW PEAS, can). 14c Tred 2 Seinen, Ib...... 18¢ FINE NEW CHEESE, Ib, .35¢ ¥ % nda e 15h, Yet, i... ... 17¢c BEST PURE LARD, Ib....25¢ Sour Pickles, tot... ly NEW SHORE MACKEREL each 13c, 17¢c CHOICE NEW PEAS, can, 14c¢ NEW SHORE MACKEREL, each 13¢, 17c¢c Mixed Sour Pickles, bot. ..18c Sweet Pickles, bot........ 18¢ “ASCO” ROLLED “ASCO” PORK AND | “ASCO” PEANUT “ASCO” PURE NECKO BRAND CALIF. | “Asco” Dried Beef, pk Cooked Sour Krout, can. .14¢ | SARDINES, big oval can 22c¢ r eef, pkg. ..15¢c 22 Similar in size to imported | Best Li B Calif. Tuna Fish, 3% 1b. can n 22¢ | herring. Taste Better, and the | oh ant b...... 15¢ Del Monte Peach Jam, can | quality finer. Three styless— | = gar Peas can 20c 23c Big Calif. Prunes, Ib...... 28¢ Kippered, Soused or Tomato | Oice Sardines, can....... 5c Calif. Seeded Raisins, Phe .28¢c Sauce. Toilet Paper, 6 rolls. ..... 25¢ Baker's Cocoanut, can. .15¢ | Lifebuoy Soap, cake....... 8c /¢Asco” Macaroni, pkg... .. 10c¢ GOV'T BACON, Bisi 5" «+24c |. Sani Flush, .capn......:... 19¢ Pure Grape Juice, bot. .... 29¢c 12 San | “Asco” Ammonia, bot...... 8c Pure Honey, Jar. coca 16¢c | GOV’T CORNED BEEF, 22 | Chloride Lime, big can....10c can Cc | | Big Box Matches,........ Goodrich Tomato Soup, can 6c Buy a liberal supply today. | 0000000000000000000000E0E00000000000000 BED oat caPaonis os cnseT sheer ReORR