WEDNE AY, SEPT. 8th, 1920 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. “ab a ‘Get the Kind of School Supplies that Last IGOROUS children require supplies that wear well. Get their Basketball and Foot- ball equipment, Lunch Boxes, Bookstraps, Pencil Boxes, Vacuum Bottles, Rulers, Foun- tain Pens, etc., at the Winchester Store: We supply the carpenter, the mechanic, the farmer, the housekeeper, the fisherman, the hunter, with solid worth in Hardware and Sporting Goods. You will find it also in our School Supplies. Come in today. H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy THE WINCHESTER sTorRE i.) = RH 11 OE 0 EEL EO TG JO 0 We Buy Right That's Why We Sell Right Gerfin Tobacco Shears, each Penna. Quality Lawn Mower, each Columbia—Dry Cells No. 6, each Penna. Bicycle Tires, each Vacuum Cup Tires, each Vacuum Cup Cord Tires Diamond Tires. 30x33 in Diamond Tires 30x3 in 6,000 Mile guarantee Norwalk Tubes, 30x31% in Ford Spark Plugs, any make Set of Ford Spark Plug Cables Universal Auto Lens approved by Penna., pair........ Genuine Stewart Speedometer Joints, each. ............ Right or Left Hand Drive Weed Chain Jacks, each Tire Pumps. $1.75 to Combination Tire Locks, $1.25 to All 50c size patching material for tubes .40 MOBILOIL, A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL GRADES AT OLD PRICES. GET THE HABIT—BUY RIGHT FRANK B. GROFF HARNESS—SADDLERY AUTO OILS—TIRES MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 1 ATTENTION FARMERS We must move in the next two weeks one hundred or more tons of our own make of BRAN and MIXED FEEDS, owing to our storage cap- acity being crowded. Have made a special reduction on ton lots or more of from four to five dollars per ton. If interested let us hear from you at once, as our special offer will be withdrawn as soon as the above amount is sold. I. D. Stehman MOUNT JOY, PA. A OO i Attention! Farmers WE HAVE ON HAND TIMOTHY and ALFALFA BOTH OF BEST GRADE AND TEST FERTILIZER A Carload in our warehouse. Anoher in a few days. This is Baugh’s and that means Quality. Michigan Limestone Ask about it. Success Potato Diggers, Ontario Drills, Blizzard Ensilage Cutter Also Case Tractors OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT GCG. MOYER Better and Cheaper Than Lime for Fall Use. West Donegal Street 8 EEO 10 10 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. fii 10001000 THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Herewith is a corrected weekly re- port of the Lancaster markets rela- tive to produce and live stock: Lancaster Retail Produce Market Fruits Apples: Ramboes supply good home grown 20ca30c per % peck. Duchess 25ca30c per % peck. Crab apples 20ca25c per 14 peck. Bananas: Supply medium good quality and condition 30cab0c per dozen. Blackberries: Home grown fair sup- ply good quality and condition 30c per qt. Cantaloupes: Some soft and over ripe 5calOcalbc each. Honey Dew Mellons each 25cad0c. Elderberries: Good supply 10e per qt. Grapes: Concord, home grown alOc a pound. Grape Fruit: Supply limited qual- ity fair 15ca20c¢ each. Huckleberries: Fair supply limited quality and condition 30ca3bc per qt. Lemons: Good supply fair quality and condition 2bcad0c per dozen. Oranges: Supply limited good quality and condition 50ca80c per dozen. Peas: Home grown, watermelon, and other varieties 20ca30c per % peck good supply. Bartlett 30cad0c per '% peck. California 15¢ per box. Peaches: New Jersey peaches fair supply good quality and condition 25¢ per % peck. Home grown EIl- bertas good supply good quality 10c- albe per qt. box 20ca25¢ per % peck 5% basket $1.25a$1.75; some low as $.100. Pine Apples: Abbaca 35cablc ea. Plums: California medium supply good quality 10calbce per box. Home grown 10calbc per quart. Watermelons: 25cab0c¢ each. Butter: Country 65ca70c¢ per 1b. Creamery 68caTac per pound. Eggs: Nearby fresh 62a65c. Most- ly 65c. . Poultry: Dressed $1.25a$2.00 each. Broilers 75¢a$1.00 each. Squabs 30c- ab0c each. Both the Curb and Central Mar- kets were well stocked with choice fruits and vegetables and the usual crowd of buyers were present. Home- grown stock pre-dominated and was of excellent kuality and condition. Peaches of choice quality and con- dition were plentiful and sold readily in % baskets. A goodly stock of corn, tomatoes and apples was of- fered and all other fruits and vege- tabes were in good supply. Eggs con- tinue to advance in price but ap- pear plentiful. Prices remain about the same as last week on most of fer- ings: 8c- Vegetables Beans: Home grown 10calbe per % peck. Yellow Wax excellent qual- ity and condition 20ca2bic per % peck. Lima Beans 20ca2bc per quart. Red Beets: Home grown good quality and condition 5¢ per buneh. Cabbage: Home grown supply good excellent quality and condition 5ca- 10c per head. Cauliflower: Home grown supply limited fair quality 10ca25c per head. Corn: Home grown supply good, good quality 15ca25c per dozen, mostly 20c. Celery: Home grown supply good quality excellent 5callOcalbc per stalk. Cucumbers: Supply good lca3cabe each. Home grown pickles 10c doz.; 40ceca75c¢ per 100. Carrots+ Good supply and condi- tion 5calbc per bunch. Egg Plant: Fair quality medium supply 10calbca20c each. Lettuce: Home grown good supply and condition 10cal5ca20c head. Romanie 8calOc per head. Onions: Yellow Bermudas condi- tion variable 10c per box; 20c per %4 peck. Crystal White Wax quality and condition good 10c¢- per box Spanish 5cal0Oc each. Peppers: Good quality 1lcadcabe ea Peas: Green 40ca50c per % peck; supply limited. Sugar 40c per % peck; supply limited. Potatoes: Irish Cobblers No. 1 home grown 30ca3bc per % peck; supply good. Per bushel quality and condition good $1.75a$2.00. Irish Cobblers No. 2, 20ca25¢c per % peck. Per bushel quality and condition good $1.2ba $1.50; Culls low as 90e. Sweet Potatoes: Supply limited quality nd condition good 40ca50e¢ per % peck. Parsley: Home grown good quality = land condition 3cabc per bunch. Rhubarb: Home grown fair supply excellent quaity 5c per bunch. Radishes: Home growm good sup- ply and condition 5ca8c per bunch. Summer Squashes: 5callc each. Spinach: Home grown good supply and condition 15¢ per 1% peck. Tomatoes: Home grown good sup- "|ply and condition good 10cal5c per 1% peck 50ca65c per 9% Turnips: New supply per 1% peck. re lf A Aen ALL TIRED OUT basket. limited 40¢ Hundreds More in Mount Joy in the Same Plight Tired all the time; i Weary and worn out night and ay; Back aches; head aches, Your kidneys are weakened. You should help them at their work. Let one who knows tell you how. Mrs. Jacob Childs, Mt.” Joy Street, Mount Joy, says: “I had been suffer- ing for a long time with terrible pains in my back just over my hips. Headaches and dizziness were fre- quent with me, too. My kidneys showed signs of weakness and bothered me on that account. I would feel all tired out. I was told of Doan’s Kidney Pills and got some. From the first, Doan’s helped me and finally I was completely cured of the trouble. I now feel like a different woman.” _ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Child’s had. Fester-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ’ Last week we had an item relative to a Jig being stolen over in Brooklyn ere’s one better. On Friday cargo “{ next? probably Plen at Chicago What 3 JOY, ©0068 ire freight train and its| PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Der Porra Mohler maned ich het ene misrepresent in ains fun mina ledshta breef we ich g’sawt hob os are daid Gud donka os si g'mae eme si loo raegler olla fardle yohr yohr batzawla daida. Are sawgt mere ware ons wennich geld os are saena daid es yohr room, un fum geld far des yohr’s loo het are nuch gor nix ¢'sana. Ich hob ene g’frogt we are don laeva daid, don hut are g’sawt uff wos onner leit net essa wella un de pawr grumbeera un reeva os are in sime gorda ga-raised hut dorrich der soomer. Now, es hut mich orrick o'shipte des tsu hara. Ich daid mana en mon kent net goot breddicha mit sime mawga foll reeva. Awver des is uft der fohl. De leit mana en porra set laeva we en engel. Se treata ene so. Won are um der wake is don sin se so glod os en ga-bigelde wonse es un olles os are sawgt is recht. Se doona olles far ene os we ene ba- tzawla un sell is es hawbt ding. Se missa uff borricks kawfa odder far- hoongera, un won amohl en porra ma mon a pawr dawler shuldich is un are denked are waerdt net batzawled don is em porra si influence ivver seller mon fardt. Der porra daids garn ba- tzawla won are es wexel het, awver si g’'mae batzawled net un we wil are si shoolda batzawla? Ich hob amohl en porra ga-kent os shier olla Soondawg tsu sinera g’mae g'schwetzed hut waega Endlich is en oldter fore-shtaeer, woo olls en farde dawler es yohr gevva hut tsu em porra, uff g’shtonna un hut g’sawt are het g’'maned se hetta ene sime loo. ene ga-dnked far breddicha far era sala un net olsfart far era geld. Der oldt porra hut ene awenich aw ga- gooked dorrich si brilla un hut derno g'sawt. “My liever brooker, ich bin doh far breddicha far eir sala, awver sala con ich net essa, un won ich kent don daids tzae dowsend nemma we diny far ma hoongerich mon en resh- pectable breckfesht maucha!” So hut’s su feel karricha-gaer olla wie. Se treata en porra we en kanich bis se ous finna os are usht en con- moner mensch is un derno treata se ene we en sow. De socha sin oll lets. Der lieb ud frogt nemond far uff reeva laeva so os are saelich shtarava con, un won ich en porra ware un se daida mich net besser batzawla don daid ich my ob-shits breddich maucha we der oldt porra we are g'sawt hut: “Geld regeneered de weldt, un doomheit Globberdawl.” Eee COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Hon. Charles L. Landis, President, and Honorable Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lan- caster and Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Session of the Peace in and for the County %of Lancaster, have issued teir pre@ept to me directed, requir- ing me, ong other things, to make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick, ithut a Court of Oyer and Terminer &nd General Jail Delivery, also a Coult of General Quarter Ses- | sions of thd Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Com- monwealth of} Pennsvlvania. ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER (the 13th), 1920 in pursuance of Which precept public notice is hereby given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancas- caster, in said county, and all the Justices of the Péace, the Coroner and Constables of the said City and County of Lancaster, that they be then and there, in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inguisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices ap- pertain in their behalf “to be done; and to all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be, in the jail ¢f the said County of Lancaster, are top be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. \ Dated at Lancaster, Pa., the 19th day of August, A. D. 1920. C. F. HOM SHER, Sheriff. BIG TIRE REDUCTION 19% Of 2 On Any Single Tire : Two or More 20% Off Schock Garage City Shoe Repairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 50.52 S. Queen St., ‘Lancaster, Pa. OPERATION By Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Compound. Many Such Cases. Cairo, 11.—"Some time ago I got so bad with female trouble that I thought 1 would have to be operated on. I had a bad displacement. My right side would paint. me and I was 50 aervous I could not hold a glass of watér. Many times I would have to stop my “work and sit down or I would fall on the floor in a faint, 1 consulted several doctors and the same but I kent every one ighting on. 1 told ‘me to keep from having the opera- had read so many times of Lydia I. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and t helped my sister so I Began taking it. have never felt betteg than I have since then and 1 keep howse and am able to do all my work. The Vegetable Com- pound is certainly one grand medicine.” Mrs. J. BR. MarTHews, 8311 canon Street, Cairo, Ill Of course tl ire many seriou hat only a si cal operation will lieve. We freely acknowledge this, b the above letter, and many others like if imply prove that many operations are recommended when medigine in many ases is all that is needed : If you want special advice write to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. dential), Lynn, Mass, (conti THE PUBLIC I have purchased of Mr. George Springer, his entire route and will hereafter do all the former draymen, kinds of hauling such as freight; also local and long distance hauling with 1) my new truck which I have just re- ceived. I will appreciate a share of your patronage. Zerco Horse Feed Have you fed it? Horses Thrive On It Positively the best feed for them. Cheaper than Oats. One trial will convince you. E. H. Zercher BELL PHONE 81R2 MOUNT JOY, PA. has. Z. Derr 216 S. Barbara St., MT. JOY, PA. Bell Phone 11R4 STUMPFS Restaurant and Pool. Room 62-64 West Main St. MOUNT JOY PENNA. CLAMS, CRABS AND OYSTERS IN SEASON CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS ETC. SPECIAL DINNERS DAILY FRO 12 to 1:30 ~ T y R. HU. Stumpf, Propr. Ind. Phone PL ACHES Fairview Orchards FLORIN, PA. EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK Peaches Delivered in Mount Joy BELL PHONE 143R6 WANTED LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE QUALIFIED TO SOLICIT AND OBTAIN FOR A SAVINGS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT YIELDING 10% Per Annum For Particulars 214 No. 15th Street PHILADELPHIA Why Not Use The Best rm ——— Martins Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Wm. F. Conrad BARBER eres ————————————— n Hair Cutting. 25c¢ Shaving Cai Siig 15c¢ Open every evening at 5 p, m. and all day Friday and Saturdays E. Msin St, MOUNT JOY Formerly The L. P. Heilig Shop aug.18-tf INTEGRITY FINANCE CO. ® Often things that people buy fo = s something you expect to render you long service. To Our Customers and Friends We take this means of thanking you for the you have given us in the past. business which Our deposits have increased®wonderfully and at the end of our sixth year in business, which we will celebrate April 1, 1920, our surplus will be $80,000.00 and we have invested your money so carefully that we have not lost a dollar in all the years we have been in business. on There is no bank in the County that can beat this record. We will pay you 5% interest for money by the year. Personal checks taken in payment of certificate of deposit. Sceurity—Over Two Million Dollars. All business held Strictly Confidential. PEOPLES BANK OF MAYTOWN, Maytown, Penna. N. F. ARNTZ Cashier M. R. HOFFMAN President THE QUESTION OF FURNITURE QUALITY There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- ture. personal wear and for home use are not always expected to last a long time, but this connot be you are buying It will if you buy it here, because here we think of quality first. All the furni- ture we buy must measure exactly up to requirements which we make as to the manner of workmanship. And, after all, in the long run, well-made furniture is the cheapest sort of furniture to buy. We invite comparison, look around, compare qualities and prices and then come here and see ur vast assortment. said about furniture. When you buy furniture Westenberger, Maley & Myers 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. 100 0