The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 08, 1920, Image 1

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Mount Joy, Penna.,, Wednesday, Sept 8, 1920
he Mount Joy Bulle
$1.50 a Year ia Advance

If you want a good farm, Now Is the Time to Buy. Call or Phone Jno. E.
Assessment returns, available to
date at the Court house, show more
men voters than women in Lancaster
couvty. Early expectations that
wo. 4n v-'2rs would outnumber the
men, wen ‘discredited when with five
county districts missing, 119 districts
of city and county showed 55,758
men and 45,746 women have had
their names placed on the assessors’
books. In Mount Joy the ladies have
a big majority. There are 55 more
women registered in the East Ward
than men and in the West Ward the
ladies lead by 49. This is a total of
104 for the town. There are 320
men in the East Ward and 332 in the
West Ward, a total of 652. Ladies
here’s one of your opportunities to
rule the men (provided that enough
of you have back-bone to stick, even
though the political lieutenants spill
a flowery story).
The work of assessing and enroll-
ing voters was ended Wednesday.
The figures are:
Men Women

Conoy 456 406
Donegal, East—
Eincoln S. H..........220 193;
Mayiown. ...........5321 363 |
Springville ..........211 219
Donegal, West. ........
Elizabethtown Boro.....996 1,129
Hempfield, East—
Landisville... ......... 406 |
Petersburg . 33 371 |
Rohrerstown . .322 334 |
Hempfield, West—
Mountville ...:.......116 111
Northwestern .......125 106
Norwood ............227 170
Silver Spring 266 283
Manheim Twp |
Northern District. ....426 108 |
Southern District. ....754 612
Manheim Boro—
Ist Ward. ........... 313 364 i;
2nd Ward. +401 472
8rd Ward...... . .. 137 138
Manor New......... .250 254
Indiantown .........307 299
Millersville 862
Marietta Boro—
Ise Word... . ..... 178 182
2d Ward... .,... . . ..: 195 235
3rd Ward... ...... .208 256
Mt. Joy Boro— |
East Ward 5

West Ward. .

Mount Joy Twp—
Upper ....... civil 208
Yower ......... ... 172 177
Milton Grove........180 187
Mountville Boro. .......253 284
Junction 110 108
South 184 181
Unionville... ....... 284 292
Newtown: .......... . 96
Sporting Hill . +5 167
trickler’s S. H..... 213
Union Square....... 330
Upper Ward. ‘, 88 78
Lower Ward ........ 69 62
el ee i
Should Be Repaired i
“Pinch Road,” between the Ch: wa- |
tauqua and Campmeeting Grounds !
Mount Gretna, has again appeared in |
Lebanon court proceedings. The
centre of the road is the dividing
line between two townships and
neither township wants to keep it in
repair T} » hill 3 ha ] condition
——— — OE :
Will Initiate a Class
On Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the
Moose Degree team of Columbia,
will confer the degrees on a class of

thirty for the Elizabethtown Moose.
The work will be done in Market Hall
and there is every indication that

there will be a large turnout
bers on this occasion.
DQ Wee
of mem-

Purchased Creamery Building
Mr. Henry J. Engle, proprietor of |
the Central House, has purchased the
ground, buildings and
the former Reist, Nissley & Co.
creamery bwiflding on the Manheim
road near the covered bridge.
Y purchased at private sale
private terms. ts
—— Ce een
Women Must Pay Tax
Now that women have secured the
right to vote in the United States
“hey will be compelled to pay taxes.
whether they vote or not. To vote
this fall they must pay 50 cents.
This they must pay every year in ad-
dition to $1.00 school tax.
———— Eee
equipment of
It was
and on
Auxiliary Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the General Hospital Auxiliary will
be held at the home of Mrs. Dr. J. J.
Newpher on Thursday afternoon,
Sept. 9. Members are urged to at-
5 ——
Private Sale of Mules
Mr. Ed. Ream has fifty head of
young mules ranging from 18 months
to foun-year-olds that he is selling at
private sale at his sale and exchange
stables here. They will be on sale
ot ‘and after Friday, Sept. 10.
eee © eeeeereee
Mrs. Christ Movich, of Fourteen
Spruces, Chester County, murdered
her baby. Its continual crying got
' ~» nerves, so she stuffed rags into
ip mouth and it died from strangula-


Paul Bostick, arrested in Akron,
Ohio, on charges of forgery on two
Lancaster county banks, has been
brought back to Lancaster by Sheriff |
Homsher for trial here. Bostick, who |
is about 30 years old, formerly lived
near Marietta, and the alleged for-
geries were committeed six or eight
months ago.
It is claimed he forged the name
of Harry S. Nye to a check for $300
on the Marietta National Bank. On
that charge he will be given a hear-
ing before Justice of the Peace
Grahm at Marietta. It is also charged
that he forged the same name on a
check drawn on the Union National
Bank at Mount Joy for $50. Com-
plaint in this case has been made
before Alderman Spurrier in Lancas-
Both banks are members of the
Pinkerton Detective Agency and its
operators traced Bostick into Ken-
tucky and other places in the South,
finally arresting him at Akron, Ohio.
The local end*of the case was handled
; Detective Broome.

Grocers are saying that sugar will |
sell at 12 cents within a month.
Horace Overly, at Ephrata, has a |
cherry tree in blossom, the second
time this year.
20,000 anthracite coal miners are
out on a vacation and many more are
expected to follow suit.
The revenue taxes in this onils
were $84,000 less during August
than the preceeding month.
Landisville shut out the Middle-
town team at the former place Sat-
urday by a score of 12 to 0.
September 15th, the subscription
price of the Lancaster Inquirer rais-
es from $1.50 to $2.00 a year.
A revival of broom corn cultiva-
tion which was common in Lancaster

Bostick admits his guilt cn both |


hold their next public stock sale at
their yards here on Friday, Sept. 17,
when they will sell 100 head of Cows,
heifers, bulls and steers. * This will be ;
another very good lot. 2t
eel AD eee.
Boy Scouts at Conewago
Captain Armstrong of the Boy
Scouts of Chester and twenty-five
members went into camp along the
Conewago Creek on Sunday for a
two-week’s sojourn.
A ihihboo»nzc

A Mammoth Tomato
Mr. Albert Strickler brought a to-
mato to this office a few days ago!
that weighs 1% pounds. It grew on
his farm northeast of town.

means of thanking all who in any
way assisted.
hold their next public stock sale at
their yards here on Friday,
when they will sell 100 head of Cows,
heifers, bulls and steers.
another very good lot.
Council was
the regular night, as a quorum was
be held for the transaction of the
business of the regular meeting.
County 60 years ago is reported.


| prepared
| things for the inner man.
At the close of the choir rehearsal
at the Church of God on Thursday
night the members of the choir were
| invited into the Sabbath School room
where Janitor Pennel and wife had
a table loaded with good
This was
the gift of the pastor. The following
| named persons were present, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Stauffer, Mrs. Smeltzer,
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mumma, Miss
Greiner, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, Paul-
ine MacDannald, Beatrice Hawthorne
Verne Morton, Earle Bear, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Shires, Miss Emma
Shookers, Mrs. I. A. MacDannald, H.
S. MacDannald, wife and daughter
Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shick-
ley, Fred Bucher and wife, Lillian
Mumma, Harry Bear, Jay Linde-
muth, Mrs. Harry Leib, Edith Myers,
Mrs. R. J. Myers, Dr. MacDannald,
J. J. Pennel and wife.




— Se
Keller & Bros.” Next Sale.
Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will
Sept. 3,
This will be

BE —
. 5
Meeting Postponed
monthly meeting
not held
The of Boro
on Monday,
acking. A special meeting will now

lection of mammoth potatoes that

would make a similar display at a
county fair look like thirty cents.
They weigh from 11 lbs. up and
comprise many leading varieties.
AT =o ———— -
Everybody Come V
On Saturday, Sept. 11th the base
ball team of this place will hold a
festival in the park here. Many
good things to eat and drink will be
served. The Manheim Band will
furnish the music.
The highest federal position ever
held by a woman is that of civil ser-
vice commissioner, Mrs. Helen H.

John Sarbaugh, formerly of Co-
lumbia, died at York, aged 40 years.
+ Wm,
a complication of diseases,
Nau, died at Columbia from
aged 36
Ruth, 9-year-old daughter of I. H.
Basehore, of Elizabethtown, fell off a
hay loft and injured her shoulder.
Eleven-year-old Paul H. Blouch.
of Bachmanville, died of lock-jaw
caused by a wound received when he





charges and states he will plead Mr. Aaron J. Dupler, of Elizabeth- rn
cuilty at the first opportunity. In town, took out bankruptey proceed- | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE
default of $1500 bail he has been | ings on W ednesday, August 25. MANY COMERS AND DOERS
committed to jail for a hearing. The | This is the week of the Reading » vie
money obtained by him on the forged Fair. Allentown will follow next IN THIS LOCALITY
checks he said he spent in having a week, then Lancaster and York in = eu
good time. order, Mr. Benj. Groff spent Lebor Day
cera cess | Why is it that Lebanon county |at Lebanon. : :
| CAN SCARCELY BE BELIEVED Y3ey Do pesupailon fas for yomen : ta Povngen of Pottstown,
’ at 15 cents anc auphin county 5 as 1 A ay.
BUT SAID 'TIS QUITE TRUE utr k iy Mr. Frank Sprout spent Sunday at
Two hundred lives were lost last efon Jr., aged 15 Elizabethtown with friends. 3
'Wednenday, boca ase they wore ¥ we bald earle on his Miss Lillian Knier of Manheim,
watching an airplane flying over Sun- father’s at Fairmount, this pent a few days in town with Mrs.
bury, according to James Carl. Carl county. Walter Kpamer, 4 . :
[hace chitken thre he a Whe Our monthly price lists show in- Miss Lillian Philips of Harrisburg,
the big machine noisily passed over | Crease: of from 10 per cent. up on | spent Sunday and Monday in town
his hennery 200 growing chicks |2ll kinds of printing papers. When [With Mrs. wm. Dishong ;
craned their necks through the wire | Will it stop? Mrs, Harriet Bless hg ol oe
| fernccinin When the plane was gone The Conestoga Traction Co. asks and Miss | me i
not one of them could get back and the Public Service Commission of this bura } ) ¥ an Sa t ;
when he went to the chicken coop State for a permit to increase its ¢ ; M i bn :
he found them all dead, every one y express rates 19 per cent. : 3.2 are sn
having hanged itself in its strugeles' , *0€ pa 3 ling girls in the | Pith Mons
| to escape the enmeshing wire, famine ridden districts of Peking at > of Harrisbu
le aioli $10 each. We can beat that. Here he ee s with
the fellows just go out and get ’em r. Mi B ng of th
rs Teddy Can Vote In August this year there were 123 | P
Peddy, the large malt marriage licenses issued and in the nd Mrs. Norman E. Garber
living with the ! ame month in 1919 there were 1186, 1 burgh, s several day
on Marietta street, w twenty-one go that this month shows but little in- | here as guests of his mother on Maa
| years old last weel;, and will be crease over last vear. { otta street.
eligible to vote for Harding as he Howard 1. Bax er of Columbia, | 1 Buna Sponseller and chiidren,
would have very little chance in a was arrested, charged with having |! ind Clyd ' New Oxford
beauty contest, being minus an eye, | two wives. One liv at Girard, O., | spe: ) Mr. and Mrs
everybody in that neighborhood will and the other at Columbia. The |J. Willis Freed
agree that his voice has anything former has two children. Ow mer townsman John K
beaten to a frazzle that they ever Henry Hess and Walter Sheaffer, Kover, Rout Lititz, spent sev-
heard. of Elizabethtown, got into a ficht | eral de in town last week
me—— —— est . ? "yi | t
after their day's work at the shoe 1 old friends and acquaintances.
Jot Can Do It factory. Now Sheaffer has a fraec- Mr. and Mrs. P. BE. Getz are en
By an advertisement elsewhere in tured jaw and Hess has a law suit. |Jjoving an automobile trip to Niagar:
i this issue it may be seen that Joseph Jack Dempsey proved that he is | Falls and dther nt of interest
W. Broadnax, of Marietta, has taken the world’s real heavy weight | thruout New Yor] te this week.
charge of Mr. Walter Welfly’s black- champion by knocking out Billy Mr. Wm. Musser,’ Sr.,, Mr. Wm
smith shop, west of Florin. He does, Miske in less than three rounds, out Musser, Jr. and family, Mr. Chas. B.
practical horseshoqjng, repairs anto- at Benton Harbor, Mich., on Monday. | Turner and family of Philadelphi:
mobile springs, does general repair = aL ’ spent the holiday with Mr. and Moe 5.
por of all kings and MRiacmey J. MILLER ESHLEMAN CO. 4 _ ng a Hise M
| the Acme obacco shears. Joe Mr. and Mrs. . farmer, Mr.
{ guarantees all his work. | cers BRIDGE CONTRACT | and Ms, Jos. Charles, Mr. and
i i Sy , V 7” Construction of bridge over Mill Jax ig Hat and Mr od Mes
- Chemical Engine Is Here creek near this place, will be started | Soran >aer: Sp ; Sunday and
Che new chemical fire engine re- immediately by the J. Miller Eshle- Monday at their Ling camp on
cently purchased for Frien dship Fire man Company, of Landisville, who the mountains near Mt. They
Company, arrived here and is now on were awarded the contract for the made the trip by auto.
| the old P. R. R. siding at Stehman’s building of this bridge yesterday by yo
mill. It is expected a factory repre- the county commissioners. The same LOCAI D I
sentative will be here within the next company was awarded the contract WIRES 0 NGS
day. It will be unloaded this after- for a smaller bridge over Mill creek
noon at 4 o’clock. at Stoner’s mill, but construction on IN REA! STAT
— ova this will not be started immediately. . 4 » Aadiniisg
The Lancaster Inquirer Says: Two bids were received for the niin
Lancaster County has a Berkshire building of the concrete bridee No. Mr. Samuel Gar} din:
ne breeders as solution, and one 4, over Mill creek near Mt. Joy. The | of purch
Hampshire bre $; one of Ches- O.- B. S. ( Philadelphia, | Risse Bort: 1 |
ter White breede being organ- Pid $19 the J. Miller | consid {or holt 7,000
The « of stick-the- Xshleman Co of $16,078.12. AT ARTY 1 n'hi
£ i 4 Ne or ry
] h Z€ ~
this county a hur S ago. | 2 1
etl © URS | rs
Cut While Lon 4 a
Jacob S. Henny, a er of near % : Ire 6
Lancaster Junction, received a se- yy R
vere cut ross the back of his right | fu; 0 ic ase it
the result of an accident > Yn Hee )
y : ered the horse
> threshing one day last week. f+ wer. | With improvemer r
As he reached for a sheaf, the man | A : Toi big voodland. The wo
| who was opening the sheaves cut an | ; vio lik I H
ugly gash in his hand. lino nredey SE %
iH i jh : the question. | §
{ Why not offer Gretna the ( pl
= Very Unusual | gasoline fire at present used wetioned
You have often heard of people | by Friendship Fire Company? : 5
{nding Tour-lented clover but one of { would be a far bette r buy, a more | SHOE FACTORY INSPECTION =
10st unusual extra leafed clover | modern apparatus and just the thine | IS DELAYED ONE WEE
we ever saw was found on the lawn | forf Mt. Gretna. : a —— i
in the rear of the Bulletin office, It! { ert reine On account of the delay by the
has six perfectly formed leaves, Five | ~N Automatic Sprinkler Company and
are set in a circle and the sixth grows A Wonderful Success" the tank erectors it has been decided
from the centre. That big festival in the park at to postpone the day for public in
——— Florin Saturday is now a thing of spection of the shoe factory from
Income Tax Now Due \/ the past, with the greatest record | Saturday, September 11th to Satur-
The third installment of the in-|S'®" Made on any similar occasion. | day, September 18th. By that ti
come tax is now due and must be It was held by the Florin Hall As- things will be in better shape and
paid not later than September 15. sociation and from the receipts there | operations will be further advanced.
Remittances for residents of this | 1S ey indication that everybody et a %
Jisiries Ynst be Soot to the Lancaster ry —t al Teco were A Wonderful Exhibit
ice of the post office build- penses $155.00, Persons passing this office are
ine leaving a balance of $455.00. There astonished t * oo - 1 a bie di Tay
PA ie Or was a mortgage of $300 on the build- ol g Ite 0 See Se : Rt on =
; ‘ ing and this was burned Sut “io exceptionally large potatoes in
Keller & Bros.” Next Sale nicht. 1% Surned urday | our window. There are about a
Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will ig e Association takes this | qogen exhibitors and we have a col-

. |wife and son Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. hrs 14: ) .
stepped on a steel garden rake at his NM. BR Drumm Miss ’ Mery Toman Erman Huber, Baltimore, formerly
home Mis © ther : I M : Ie “1 10f Columbia, conductor on the same
- P I~. a . TDS Ean rs { Syome train. He is in the Columbia hospital
ary Frank of Manhel ied ati coller, ‘Lhestor, ~omn ahd Sala suffering from a dislocated hip. .
Harry Frank of Manheim, died at|pgtticoffer, Mrs. Ella Diehm, Mrs. rT, : :
the St. Joseph's Hospital last Wed- ed : 3 W. F. Zellers, Harrisburg, engin-
1e St. Josephs spit: ash Mabel Diehm, Ralph Diehm. Howard 199 : : >
asda nine. He was formerly alm eer on 832. Injured internally.
nesday morning. He was formerly apiihy Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Butzer, Morris Nace. Harrisbure, fireman
barber and is survived by one daugh- | [1 Brandt. Mrs. D. H. Brandt. E JC.OLTIS Nace, Har 2,
ter lH a 1 BE 'S Re . of * 1 » “lon train 832; injured about body.
= + 000, i, ». WOOL, wile ang SON | my, ater two were discharged from
{Irvin; Miss Mary Strickler, Miss the hospital yesterday morning
Mrs. Sadie Waltz Clark [Mary Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | hos Hye! 2y Mon
5 uly y stark. died Failure of Zellers, engineer on the
Mrs. Sadie Waltz Clark, died at { Kiphorn. 3 :
i : 1 1 el : second train, to head a caution signal
her home in Harrisburg and was| At noon an excellent dinner pre-| :
; tanh | , said to have caused the accident.
buried there. Deceased was a daugh [pared by the ladies present, was ry :
: Wal { this 2 first train was traveling west
ter of the late Peter Waltz o 11S served on the lawn and the tables! ¢ | '~o1.mbis at a rate of about ten
ro] y p | from Columbia at a rate g
place, and was very well known here. | well supplied with all the | ; T in ¢
| | : £1 ich all) miles per hour. The second train, it
cies » seasol hs : 2
[3 ie1es Of he seaton to wnich al iis reported, wos traveling dbout fif
Nathan W. Gingrich d ample justice. At 4:30 all were], . Passing through a tun-
Nathan W. Gingrich, a prominent |invited to the tables again after first train had inst rounded 3
huilder and contractor, of Manheim hich all expressed a desire to par- | irn when the engine of the
i his home after an ings: of L} cipate in another reunion one year | cond crash into the rear of it. The
ths, 7 years. e 1s sur- | hence. h turn anc ) ade it im-
hi d two children, | mim A WB ear harp ¢ u 2 and tunne 1 made it im
SE ( 1 1 | 1 ossib! for the engineer of the
J | Leona, both at home. | GEORGE WEBER WAS RUN | second train to see the first. The
- DOWN BY AN AUTOMOBILE | cabin of the first train was reduced
Donald L. Gingrich 7a ; — {to kindling. Fourteen cars were de-
Donald IL., the 24-day-old son of | Mr. George Weber, oldest son of {railed and Lemmers was killed in-
Br nd M R. Gingrich os. Web on West Donegal street, | int His body was cut in half.
. { th i anv 4
1 oO We n t with il. ad I vesterday
10 ; )- iY vy : ot Third Train Figures
; 4h | ate j he 5:30 troll ¢ 4 \ few minutes after the accident
rs on 4 : ' I, ; + {had strewn cars over east and west-
t 0 Frida ig [1 {hil i | bound trac third train traveli ng
1 a : ! 4 sDeF 1! | started to vun.d t1 | toward Columbia, plowed into the
| wet the ear at Lumber street but in| recka % were hrown into
4 { ) h t ¢ cross the | he hel 3 rs of whati lnown as Ker.
will { st flort to get on the rear | "2ugh la part of the old eanal,
wil mR y : A% he crossed the The i 1 had be removed by
{ the Mason { | Fei vont pt an automa) this time I half of Lemmer’s body
a led : | TE ot . U Lrootiad Titra ad De red. third train
er a lo ! f I 0 ! } 1 he body
non Mn ve | —~ : s at first supposed that two
. | y . 1 1 " "i
rme? lent of a, | } He sustained x d i illed The injured
textile worker. He] ad Teste taken to the Columbia hospital
yi} Masonic Home | 1 Th 1 r 1 relief
J 1e a Y ¢
ur nd wa nember of | amber 35.7 S and west bound
church. of| eS lI 1 distance of about
*hiladelphia . et, and traffic was de] ved
ha OW he S ) ERY) EN 1 hour Wreckers hs
Mrs. Abram M. Kel | IS SPENDING OUR MONEY 1 Lancaster, Royalton and
Ip. of Salu die Fhursd ! Lol { 1e the first train
ftor 0 of omvlieati a ay Ly m, and those
: r ars. 3 mont} 9 td [ for a con=
1.10 a daughter of freop the [uid tance along the tracks.
1 Elvina Mille pottom, | Fy - ars that had been merely
¢ Ran Dece ed suffered heavier damage
ih bof th hen the third train hurled them into
rer vd is survived by her husband he water .
nd the following children: Mrs. Earl 7 semp——aetl fifteen maar
Snyder, this boro; Ellen, : thar n FRIENDSHIP FIRE CO.
nd Amos at home. Also the fo : ADOPTS A NE
ing brothers and sisters: Milton, |% rs W CODE
nr od
Reuben, Harry and Mrs. Amos Ober, |" rular monthly meeting of
of near Salunga; Samuel and An ¢ was held
f this 1 rvice ; day I with a good
1d or n ; 0 a tegular routine business
I M ni ted. Since the installa-
Church ( ent in 10 | | Prey vo oy TW
hay 3 [1 h } ) 1 ren rm Sys-
Church of 8 Brethi cemetery | branch the Ri stores here 1 | nen code wz ced upon
; - | ection with pharmacy g | 11 be od i re
| | A -
Mr M tha B arton Instr clea t a ote | he ] of fire bell.
\] M I B: Li S } f Se ¢ follows.
P Y inv T 4 x7
1 1 1 1 : = 3 West of
: ( j bou ; ; od c } ( Blows: T ’s.
f nlics Tar 1 1 | A ) East
ND 0 borr in| re MS ( “Rl of
) ' BR s: Three
’ f Boro.
} ! f ( B : One Long
( I 1 4 1 7
' : n -
( Se — ;
N{¢ ON A LED sted.
W IS | Ep | fire vou are re-
I : phone opera-
Y at once.
large bell
: 1 I I f f the
2 he | The | id 1 1 } ;
1 | or
} 72 |i Dor vis] | tap be ra yf taps
= a en V a | t Sir 1 :
1 € start
SCHOOL BCARD ELECTED 106 ch he i 1 ¢ have enera
A NEW TRUAN ER ht o He pr £01 hou eanir of the building on
eee I¢ of 1 ( rt con Mon ) ne t 13 and ¢
i ( Nnpe A y I i ana all
To Boro Sel Board met | and: Ox . Aron 1:
Vou ] I to a : f nt t ve the fence Ireme ¢ quested to « round
y r 1 Y 1onthly S¢ OI ——— nl eee + IN + be on
g De J a h S be « pre-
vening and transacted iis regular! NUMBER OF FARMS IN D: to receiving the new equip-
routine usiness, ne PENNSYLVANI DECREASING | ment.
to use the vacant roon on ee emma (Eien
1 bv convert 'h ANT © rim p Q Q
1 by mn 8 i H The Pe In Department of Spent Sunday at Gettysburg
- he Joard y 2 Agriculture notes that the number of The following persons spent Sun-
to make nu i on 2 mn eel farms in Penn na in 1900 was | day at Gettysburg Mr. and Mrs.
00} Wing I *hange © 2 1 « . 1 A TATA .
book : Ww i to e £ aL : ind the number of 1910 was {John Horstick, Mr. and Mrs. John
IPTICn \ v the State ¢ ritl tthe d 3 ]
gurnen np. oy A : 4 s elected tru- : If the deer e in the num- | Dabler, Mr. d Mrs. John Hendri-
Mr. ( hristian a S | be aims 1s as great during the | Mr and Mrs. Clinton Longenockay
. ol 8N r F sweomer | . . 9 3
ant oe 1 24D — 3 ; . er | last decade as during the period from | Mrs ry Spickler, Mrs. Sadie Mil-
ras ele ( 1 oilicer, 2 ( Oc po
was Shout ( Be Tee hor | 1¢ 900 to 1910, the 1920 census, now rS, ry Wintermyer, Mrs.
are 43: pils 011¢ ( scnool y $3 3 . “ .
are 3 pur ie 1) I re | Pein compiled, will show proxi- Star Mrs. James Childs,
today. Seventy-three 0 re mately 214,470 farms. Tis 3 i Weidman, Alberta
from the townships. There are 95 | — Cre , :
BL > yy Tre Sprout, Me ary Keener, Mary Kramer,
pupils in the High school and forty I~ Amanda Sides, Ada Sprout, A
are from the rural districts. All the Legal Advertising RE da Sieeh ra aa _ Splout, Annj
bills were paid and the Board ad-{ Wm. S. Neiman, of Florin, is the Wintermyer, Helen Wagner, Eliza-
1 re pa an( ‘ a IThitermver
journed 3 ji administrator of the estate of David |Peth Wintermyer, Edna Pennell,
journed, H. Wittle, late of Mt. Joy township. |Cathryn Wintermyer. Mabel Shud-
A Novel Event M: 4 E. Flowers is the administra- | der, Mrs. Sides, Mary Stover, Messrs.
3 “ven o Y y 4
OV . trix of the estate of Addison S. |Charles Johnson, George Groff, John
All the Rexall stores in the U nited {| . RL, yo2 x
Tad q radius of 500 miles | Flowers, late of this boro. Weidman, Russel Sumpman and Ab-
States wi 11n a aamuas o 5 nies ~
Sta 1 Hollbwhna te at. | ner Sprout.
of St. Louis, Mo., where the an wal | Wm. M : Hollow bush B, the af ner of
convention will be held. will be given | ar in both estates. ne notices .
: ¢ : may be found in our advertising col- Frank & Bros.” Sale
a pair of well trained homir
: : bivde wil umns. C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their
eons. All these birds will be

free at an appointed time and are
participate in a race to St. Louis. Dr
Garber’s store here will be eliminated
from this contest as it is outside the
500 mile radius. About 5,000 bi:
will be liberated.

A reunion of the
John and Eliza Diffenderfer, was held
on Sunday, at the home of Benjamin
Vhite, at Sporting Hill, the old
homestead of the Diffenderfer fam-
ily. Those present were: Rev. Mar-
tin Ebersole and wife and the follow-
ing children; Jacob Ebersole, Amos
Ebersole, Chester Reinhold and wife,
and daughter Erla; Rev.
tin, wife and children as follows: Ma-
bel, John, Sarah. Mary, Chester, Ella,
Samuel; Ross Albright, wife and chil-
dren as follows: Martin, Paul, War-
ren, Minerva; Miss Mary Wright,
Sol. D. Ebersole, wife and children as
follows: Gertrude M., Edith, Myrtle,
Mabel; Eli Ebersole and wife. George
Ebersole and wife; Rev. John Eber-
sole and wife and three children,
Harold, Irvim.and Alma; John Young,




et eee ttl eee.
Is Shipping Tobacco
Abner M. Hershey spent sev-
eral days at Watsontown, Pa., wher
he purchased a lot of tobacco that he
is shipping to his warehouse here.
descendants of
Amos Mar-

Schreoll, Mount Joy
One man was killed and three
others were hurt, none fatally, early
Saturday afternoon on the P. R. R.
lines at Chickies Rock, east of Mari-
etta, when the engine of extra No.
832, a freight, rammed the rear end
of extra 5242, also a freight.
The dead man is A. W. Lemmers,
of Wilmington, Del.,, brakeman on
train 5242.
The injured are:





next 5 sale of live stock at the
stock yards in Florin, on Friday,
Sept. 10, when they will sell a lot of
extra good Tioga and Potter fs
cows, bulls and heifers. Also a 16%
home-raised shoats,