The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 11, 1920, Image 4

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Rev. L. S. Carper and wife and
Mrs. Amos Curry, of Palmyra, were
MT. JOY BULLETIN the weekend in the home of Phares
Rohrer and family.

Sale Ends Saturday Night Store Closed Thursday Night

MOUNT JOY, PA. Mrs. Howard Doerstler and daugh- | the guests of relatives and friends in
: » | ters, Edith and Grace, are spending |the borough. \
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro's. several weeks in the home of her| Scott Smith, Ira Herr and Elan 3
- .- _ |grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob|Herr after a week’s vacation at i I
iss . | Kauffman. Mrs. Emma Hershey and |lantic City, have returned to their |
Subseription Price $1.50 a Year on Ralph are spending several duties again. : LN
Sample Copies. ..... FREE | weeks at the same place. | Misses Stella Sheaffer, Dora Smith, ha

Single Copies. .... 3 Cents Mrs. Jennie Wagner and daughters| Emma Wenger, Evelyn Sheaffer and
Three Months. ....40 Cents {Ruth and Sue, Mr. Day, Mr. Charles Mr. Amos Wenger motored to Her-
Six Months... ... 75 Cents {Miller and Mr. Amos Miller, of [shey to visit friends.
2 { Coatesville, and Ralph Pease, of William Lebzeltzer and wife and
ee ren Philadelphia, spent Sunday in the !|sons Paul and Donald, and C. V. Kin-
Entered at the post office at Mount home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Hi. Decleor sey and wife and son, Veron. were
Joy as second-class mail matter. nd f lv. Ray Brubaker. of Lan.|tecent visitors at Lebanon.
The date of the expiration of your Che spent Iny at the same Peter Gruber and wife, Peter Groff

subscription follows your name on : a. and wife, and two children and Caron
the label. We do not send receipts for place ‘3 R "3 1 olf . 1 "nr a
subscription money received. When-| Mr. and Mrs. David Rohrer and Replogle and wife and son visited
ever you remit, see that you are given |daughter Verneal, Mr. and Mrs. relatives at Campbellstown.
Pv . 3 + | ¥ any y 1 A. ire . Pp i ,
proper credit. We credit all subscrip-' Abram Shacklet and son, Ernest, all] Rev. C. C. Madeira, of Harrisburg,
tion on the first of each month. of Pekin, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. 2 former resident here, had his right
he subscription lisis of the Lan-| y. 1.¢ Bookar ane SONS Illi: hand seriously injured recently. The
I : B : an sons, illiam | hal :

disville Vigil, the Floeln News and the! = 1 1 Harry Turner and |injury caused amputation of the in-
Mount Joy Star an Meo 1oo [son Robert and daughter Marion and | dex finger.
Berged with that OF Je oun Ja Ernest Rutledee. wife and children Pricter Harvey E. Reem, who re-
ary Evi : Malinda, Gertrude and Ernest, all of sides oa East Hummelstown street,
ordinary y. Philadelphia, spent a week with Mr. has an exceptionally fine crop of po-
and Mrs. Christ H. Rohrer. Mr. and |tatoes in his lot. One stalk had
CHESTNUT HILL Mrs. Harry G. Rohrer spent Sunday | thirteen fine tubers, which weighed
Su at the same place. |four pounds. The yield is large and
: [the tubers all of good size.

E. R. Neideigh and S. H. Tressler, |
: : 4 —_————
were transacting business on Satur- ’ - !
day at Maytown. 'ERISMAN S CHURCH Mrs. Barbara Miller, Lancaster’s
Misses Edith Huber and Ruth | —— olilest woraan, oolebrated:. het YOLL
Neideigh were Columbia visitors on Kirk Johnson & Co. sold a piano to | brthday on Thursday.
Saturday evening. A. B. Erb.

Chas. Minnich, wife and son of| Miss Esther Rohrer was a guest of |
Mt. Joy, were Sunday callers at the Esther Snyder on Sunday. PUBLIC SALE
home of Chas. Berrier. | Misses Ella and Lizzie Witmer A CARLOAD OF VIRGINIA
Clayton Portner, wife and daugh-|were entertained by Henry Erb’s on |
ter Ethel of Elizabethtown, were cir- | Sunday. on + O RS ES
culating in our midst on Saturday. { Mr. and Mrs. Christian Bucher |
Johnnie Stum, father of Mrs. Chas. | were callers at David Nissley’s on |
Coller, of near Marietta, has gone to|Sunday.

Perry County to await development Mrs. Abram Metzler from near |
at the Blaine picnic. | Lititz, spent the past week with her |
Charles Berrier informed us that son Monroe and family. |
the proceeds from the ice cream Messrs. David N ssley, Jr., John |
stand that he had charge of at Kin-! Brubaker and Elam Stauffer were on |
derhook netted $46.00. the sick list last week.
Messrs. Chas. Bresher and Christ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keener and
Stauffer, accompanied by their fam- | fa ind Mr. and Mrs. Elias Metz- |
ilies were enjoy ng a picnic uting ler and son Martin Sune d with
over at Hershey, on Thursday A. B. Erb’s

Miss Annie Neideigh accompanied

: Kauffman and daugh-

by her aunt, Mrs. Beckie Ma , | ter callers in the home of on, JL) =,
of New York, were visiting friends at the family on Fri- | ida
the lower end of the County on Sat- day ex 2. | At my Sale and Exchange Stable
urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and Mr. | Mount Joy, Penna.
That buckwheat field of Charles Martin Metzler and Elizabeth Bru-| SATURDAY, AUG. 28th, 1520
Berrier’s is certainly a growing one, baker are spending this week at range from 3 to 6 year olds
and that’s no dream Juckwheat | Ocean Grove and also expect to visit and weigh from 1,000 to 1,400 lbs.,
cakes and breakfast bacon are cer- the greatest city of the world. {and consist of goodibig draft horses.
tainly a fine lay out. | Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gibble, Mr.|A few good general purpose horses
We had the pleasure of seeing that and Mrs. Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin {and several well mated teams in
little gem of Mrs. Ella Coller last Lo cker, Mrs. Elam Longen-|grays, blacks and browns. This is a
Weck and we are rient hore to say|ecker of near Lititz, and Mr. and [Very good lot and it will be to your
that it is a duplicate of its mother Mrs. Aaron Landis and family dined | advantage to come and look them
and that means something. jyith Harvey Metzler’s on Sunday. | Sale to commence at \1:30 p. m.,
That cake walk and ice cream| Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witmer and| hen terms will be made known by
festival that was being held at Kin-|daughter Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Earl | 2 \
derhook on Saturday evening, came | Witmer, Mr. and Mrs. Elam Longen- | I- Brinser, Auct. Ed A
suddenly to a terminus when a heavy ecker, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Long-|J. H. Zeller, Clerk. 1 gam
rain storm put in its appearance. enecker and daughters Rosa and|

Rev. Minnich, wife and son of Anna and C. E. Rohrer were guests |
Broohivh, N. Y. are visiting the home | of John Metzler and family on Sun-| i PUBLIC SALE
of Chas. Berrier, wife and mother, |day. | OF 334 HEAD OF HORSES

enjoying the pure oxygen that]
Chickies Hills are amply supplied |
Miss Florence M. Kreider, daugh- ~ ar to ww. ;
ter of Thomas Kreider, a road super- |. Sam $. Tagoman j& Busy dress
visor of this district has returned to} ng TOF toto Basins: a
her home at Reading Sigep Tina in the village this week. Returned to us by Adjutant General
R Very pleasant visit te, er fat er Abraham Holwager is working for | Beary, of the State of Penna., and
and sister, Mrs. Elmer Stauffer. {the Bridge Construction Co. were used in the Instruction Camp at
Tri Baten of es fon Toney Isaac Gibble and family were|Mount Gretna, Pa.
Jills; kinder 00% And 0 on the banks | Visitors at Lawn on Sunday. i ON MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1920
of the Chicohomony, back of Christian |, bernard G. Thome spent a week at at 10 o'clock a. m. at
Stauffer’s farm at this present writ- | Elizabethtown among friends. H. B. Gingrich & Bros’ Stock Yards
Thiv are hacia P eof Be Milton Grove was well represented Lawn, Lebanon Co., Pa.
Ing Peas ig a Taos at Mt. Gretna camp meeting. They will consist of—41 Head of
Cass Vs ok NT ic » " = Mrs. Harvey D. Wittle who was|Condemned Horses, 39 Head of Good
onibi Meine oa ¥ seriously ill is improving slowly. Useful Horses, 58 Head of Good
the past. All encumbered debts|™g"y Gingrich transacted busi-| Smooth Southern Horses and Mares,
against us have been liquidated and ness at Elizabethtown on Monday. |109 Head of General Purpose and
there are fifteen bucks left to en-| pv Tilak onday. Farm Chunks, 43 Head of Good Low
d : Harvest Home services at Risser’s
courage us in another reunion. How church were well attended on Satur- Dok» Chupke and Drafters, 44 Head
is that for high? ° ancy Driving, Saddlers an .

ake i » Blaine | 487: ficers Horses.
tos vig dg er fe 32. Dame Mrs. Louisa M. Gingrich was at-| These Horses range in age from 3
Lath t Sh an’s P: “4 er Sb oo tending camp at Mt. Gretna the past |to 15 years, and have them weighing
a erman’s rars, ang get a week, [from 900 to 1350 lbs. each. These
report for insertion on our return
written in full and converted into the
Chestnut Hill items for publication
in the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
During an electrical storm that
passed over Kinderhook about four
o’clock Sunday afternoon, the home
of Mrs. Wolford received a severe
stroke, stunning the inmates and
making a wreck of the furniture. One
Mrs. Jacob Haldeman is having her | ROTSES have been used by Co’s A B C
house painted which makes a fine ap-|D EXGH 1J Kand M of the state
DeRranes, |of Penna. They having no further
Yocob P. Fry. and € os {use for them, the orders are to sell
8 I. y ang urtis Good | every horse on his merits for the
were noticed in this place Sunday High Dolalr.
morning. Among this lot of Horses you will
F. B. Grosh is visiting his daugh- [find a gery large number of Young,
ter, Mrs. C. Brunner and family, at|Clean and Sound 4 to 6 year-olds of
| Harrisburg. : jhe at 20) gendsl i type,
Snr 2 aa |that will finis out good or the
looking glass was demolished, scat- oe use nd ye children | gp ring Sales and for the Eastern
tering the pieces around Pro-l amily on Sunda «Yh TOY and| Market. These Horses were bought
miscuously. Chas. Berrier, a near | Miss Live pf : FT : {in Virginia and Pennsylvania in the
neighbor, responded to a eall and {is spondis ae Ri Jten of .ancaster, | different counties of Dauphin, Leba-
merdhalled a Force of mer. fo otro] 2 spending a short vacation with her non, Lancaster, Cumberland, Frank-
Red ’ & 2 mother, Susan Swade. {lin, Berks, York, Mifflin and Juniata.
bueket brigade and after strenuous! BN; FP, Grosh of Mt. Gretna and Then there are some of the fanffs
efforts subdued the fire that was mak- Samuel G. Hershey of Elizabeth-|W- M. Grove Western Horses, the

ing quite a headway on the house. fom, were callers in this place on 1790), JING WH) Dob Dood aime
hursday. {or LS Sw
ia . : |good colors, bone, foot and shape to
SPORTING HILL Stanley, the infant son of B. 0. | themselves. Plenty of Quality with

and Vivian Grosh, was buried in the | this lot. Alsa some extra fine Driv-
Milton Grove cemetery on Wednes- |ing and Saddle Horses from Virginia.
day afternoon. |Some well bred Trotters and Pacers
Miss Daisy Putt, of Mt. Hope, | Mrs. 8. L. Gingrich and Louisa G. | with and without Records. A lot that
Mr and Mrs. Phares Streikler and
family, spent Sunday at Lancaster.

r 3 : [Mares weighing from 800 to 1150 Ibs.
Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Clayton R. Gibble at-|cach, ready os the Soutnets reo
William Rice and family at Manheim, | tended the funeral of Mrs. George | right now. Quite a few good decent
Mr. Samuel Harper and an auto-| Greiner at the Colebrook Lutheran | horses in the condemned lot. Then
spent Sunday in the home of Frank | Thome, after spending some time at | are worth looking after on day of
Yonz. | Atlantic City and Philadelphia, re. | Sale. I also think you can find from
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheaffer spent |turned home. |60 to 80 head ‘of Smooth Southern
mobile party from Philadelphia spent church last week. | the real good old fashioned work
Sunday in the home of G. N. Acker. Mr. J. Metzler from Kansas is plug, suitable for everything in the
man and family. spending some time with his sister, | Work line. Of course in this large
. ts Vr on i *ollection and number of horses vou
Rev. and Mrs. P. F. Strauss and | Mrs: Isaac Kopp. Mr. Metzler has not | ; rise ols ®
children, Helen and Philip, of Stein.|been east for twenty-five years. 20.5na the burgh. tlso, but cven
over, Long Island, were Visitors) Tol. C arles G. Becker and fam-| Tam sure that if you need a horse
among friends here. {ily and S. L. _Gingrich and family, [for service or for speculation you
Mrs. Reinhart Hodecker, of Sport-| Were visitors in the family of Mr. will be pleased if you attend this sale.
ing Hill, spent several days in the|2"d Mrs. Samuel Stern near Eliza.|All horses will be sold, for what they
home of her daughter, Mes Richard | Pethtown, are and mention made of any defects
Lenk, at Philadelphia, or faults they may have and known
to us. Among the 41 head of Con-
Mr. John Niss i
Donia Nisley em ELIZABETHTOWN demned horses you will find a lot of

t good useful horses in many ways, and
lumbia, spent Wednesday in the : ——— ; some real bargains with care and at-
home of Mrs. Andrew Vogel. | Miss Edythe Jackson, of Rawlins [tention should be real meney makers
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Miller and, Ville, spent a few days with relatives |for the buyer.
daughters, Tressa, Pauline and Mary, | Mrs. Roy Sheaffer and daughter,| Lawn, Pa, where we |are having
of Sporting Hill, spent the week-end | P0T0thy, were the guests of relatives |0Ur sale is situated along the Corn-
in the home of David Miller and fam. |at I-ancaster. well and Lebanon R. R., plso along
ily, at Lancaster. Mrs. Howard Freyer spent the past it aad, Sea between
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Fissel and week in Philadelphia, visiting rela- | nine miles from either place. : Road
Mr. and Mrs. John Fissel and Hilda |tives and friends. in very good condition for|automo-
Heagy, of Manheim, spent Sunday in Miss Elsie Geberich, of Palmyra, biles. Train service is very good.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fissel spent a few days with relatives and, Trains leave Conewago, Pa., 8:15 a.
at Sporting Hill. friends in the borough. m. and 12.23 noon. Trains leave
Miss Mary Raffensberger and Miss, Miss Lucy Heagy, of Danville, was| Lebanon, Pa. 6:33 a. m, 9:38 a. m. the limit, and are selling the goods as advertised too.---Some merchants prefer to put a low |
" : : ] g :10 p.m. Also v { ip- . - . ° . |
Myrtle Coller, both of New Bloom. Hy Pf er Sirs, Yes, Noah ping facillties; will take care of Toad | Price on an article and then limit the sales or else tell you how sorry they are that the article i
field, Perry county, are spending sev- ing and shipping all stock. The ho-


Copyright 1920 Hart Schaffner & Mag
Continues with full vigor--The selling has been wonderful
This is the greatest clearance sale we have ever attempted--
There has been an unabated interest ever since we made our announcements regarding
this semi-annual event which offers all our Spring and Summer merchandise in order to
make room.---Our customers have been pleased, satisfied and delighted with the unusual
values they find here.---The known standards we are selling are bringing the crowds because
our qalities and low prices are winning out by comparison, they are unmatchable and that’s
why we are having such a rush these days. rl Boren - =
The reason most people like to come to Getz’s is because they know we do

not handle odds or ends, manufacturers’ discards, left-overs or undesirables,
but that they can get guaranteed goods which we will exchange or refund
your money in case they are not absolutely satisfied with their purchase. |

Palm Beach Suits Shoes |
5 Suits Were $22.50 Now $16.50 $ 7.00 Shoes Now... . $4.85 Ee
7 Suits Were $20.00 Now $15.00 $ 8.50 Shoes Now . .... ...... 56.10 |
3 Suits Were $27.50 Now $20.00

$3.00 Munsingwear.......... $2.50 $2.00 Hosiery ................... 81.50 |
$2.50 Munsingwear.......... $2.00 $1.50 Hosiery............ .%...31.10 |
$2.00 Munsingwear.......... 8 1.60 $1.00 Hosiery... ..........\.. .78 |
$1.00 Balbriggan Underwear .83 75¢, 50c and 35¢ Hosiery Reduced
Underwear Hosiery )

Remember these prices will positively be withdrawn Saturday night as we have gone |


Br tts aio, Loe of Edward | Se ater, | Soristion, in oof accommodations are good. Lunch | 1S @ll gone. None of that here.---We have plenty and will leave you buy all you want until |
be and family. S9Ys 20Y alter Sheat-| will be served on the ds. % . . % J
Mr. and Mrs. Draper Hershey, of |fer autoed to Palmyra to visit|rain or i : ® Brounge ge Saturday night at these prices. \ \ iy
Manheim, spent Sunday in the home |friends. Conditions of sale to be niade } :
of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauffman.| Mrs. Florence Hubley and son, known on day of sale by \
Mrs. Frank Beasley and son, Frank,|Melvin, of Philadelphia, spent a few D. B. KIEFFER & CO.
of Newark, N. J., spent several days|days with Benjamin Portner and|J. C. Hess \
at the same place. family. S. S. Bomberger © Auctioneers |
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Rutledge| The Misses Drohan held a picnic at Isaac Brinser %
and daughters Gertrude and Malinda, [Hershey in honor of their guests, the |Sale Monday, August 16, 1920 at 14 & ® 9
and son Ernest of Philadelphia, spent Misses Lowry and Clifford. of Phila- a. m. at Lawn, Pa.