The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 11, 1920, Image 1

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TThe Mount J
If you want a good farm, Now Is the Time to Buy.
Family savings of years, represent-
QUICK READING ing several hundred dollars, were
tossed aside as worthless when
thieves raided the home of John
INTERESTING HAPPENINGS |0’Conner, well-known resident of
FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- Bainbridge, early in the evening.

TRY FOR THE BENEFIT Other valuables including jewelry, a
OF BUSY PEOPLE gold watch, one revolver and $100 in
cash were taken.
Lan pysver City has ordered a gen- Entry to the house was made by
eral cleanup in order to stamp out |means of the front door, the thieves
disease. evidently having spent several hours
Hummelstown has a speed trap for |in the house. Mr. O'Conner was ab-
autoists. If you pass thru there, bet- | sent and the family was attending a
ter be careful. moving picture theatre. Discovery of
10,000 people attended the annual | the robbery was not made until their
picnic at Muddy Creek, near Swartz- | return late at night. ; 2
ville, on Saturday. The entrants, evidently familiar
Samuel Myers Kline and Howard | with the house, had used a pass-key.
Hanlen, both of Marietta, have en-|During their visit they thoroughly
listed in the Navy. ransacked the house, pulling drawers
The No. 44 cigar factory at Lan-|from furniture and strewing their
caster, was sold to a New York syndi- | contents over the floor. Several
cate for a million dollars. trunks also were opened and their
The inventory of the late James | contents hurled to all portions of the
Shand, of Lancaster, was filed. The | house.
figures are $1,541,987.71. - Mr. O'Conner, who has little faith
Many of our former Perry coun- [in banks, for years has been placing
tians will attend the big annual pic- | his extra money in an old cloth. This
nic at Blaine on Saturday. cloth was found, evidently early in
Peter B. Fordney, the tallest man |the search, but its general musty ap-
in Lancaster, standing six feet and | pearance detracted from its real
five inches, died aged 78 years. worth and the bundle vas tossed
Jno. Miller & Son put slate roofs | aside. A count of the money by mem- |
on the six new houses that are being | bers of the family today showed none
erected by J. Harry Miller on East | missing.

Donegal street. q T——
Ten dwellings are in course of con- | THE MT. JOY CEMETERY
struction at Manheim and eight in NOMINATED DIRECTORS
Mount Joy. Wish we could say a
dozen times that many here. The lot holders of the Mount Joy
A farmer declares that bees can | Cemetery Association nominated the
get regular jags from cider; with | following officers and Board of Man-
humans it isn’t so much a question of | agers on Monday evening: Secretary,
getting the jags as the cider. { Samuel Donaven; Treasurer, R. Fel-
Six Rapho township farmers have | lenbaum; Board of Managers, Messrs.
joined the Mount Joy Cow Testing |Jno. W. Eshleman, G. Moyer, M. C.

Mrs. Jacob Boyer spent Wednes-
day at Landisville.
Miss Katharyn Kline called on Lan
caster friends on Saturday.
Mrs. Guerney Miller and children
spent Saturday at Hershey.
Miss Anna Dyer visited relatives
at Elizabethtown on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer called on
relatives at Conewago on Sunday.
Mr. John Malehorn of Maytown,
was a Sunday visitor to his parents.
Miss Mildred Brandt of near Done-
gal Springs, spent Sunday at Mount
The first festival of the season will
be held in the park here on Saturday
Miss Frances Beatty is spending
several weeks at Waynesboro, visit-
ing friends. "
Misses Mary and Dora Shertzer of
Palmyra, were Sunday visitors to
town folks.
Mr. John Carson spent Friday at
Philadelphia where he witnessed the
Cincinnati-Philadelphia ball game.
The Brethren in Christ held pray-
er meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Benj. Herr on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Donaven, Mr. Samuel
Donaven autoed to Gettysburg, on
Mrs. Irvin Geyer of Harrisburg,
is here on a visit to the family of her
father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Geyer.
The many friends of Mr. Joseph

Association. Farmers do well by tak- | Bowman, Levi Stauffer and Jno. H.
Two negroes came mighty near | the First National bank on the second
being lynched near Intercourse Sat- Tuesday of September between the
urday, residents claiming they were hours of 7 and 8 p. m.
implicated in a number of robberies | et
in that section. { STATE COMISSION DROPS
Mrs. Nellie Crandall, aged 60 | THE RAILWAY COMPLAINT |
years of Carlisle, is cutting her third | S—
set of teeth. Drs. Heilig and Longen-!| The Public Service Commission
ecker needn’t wory about that as it is | dismissed the complaint of A. L.
a very rare incident. Gantz against the action of the P. R.
The body of private Samuel Abel, | R. inclosing Aberdeen station on the
of Co. C, 16th U 8S. Infantry, arrived C. L. branch. This station is several
at his mother’s home in Wrightsville, | miles north of Elizabethtown and
Thursday for burial. He died in | Was closed some time ago as it was
France March 22, 1919. | deemed unnecessary. It was con-
The Elizatethtown Chronicle has | tended that the closing caused in-
changed ifs size and is now issued as | convenience, but the company de-

a T-cggumn eight page »~per. This |clared there were other stations with-
is a ‘Ypndard size and is a marked | in a short distance.
improvement over the former | RE -
Stung hundreds of times on all |
parts of the body by honey bees, | - a
Paul, fifteen-months-old son of Mr. | During a dispute over money mat-
and Mrs. Harry Dewitt, of Blooms- | ters, it is alleged that Abram M. Shel-
burg, is expected to die. The boy ; ley, of Mastersonville, “took a crack”
climbed on top a beehive, with the |at N. S. Zug of that place and as a
hive tipping over. | result he is now held in bail for a
Aurelio Angelin, of Lancaster, who | hearing before Alderman Stauffer of
murdered his two children about a | I-ancaster, on th: charge of assault
year ago, escaped from the asylum |and battery. Shelley was arrested
at Fairview three weeks ago. He was | [ast Wednesday by Constble Doutrich
captured at Lancaster Saturday, | of the County Seat.
. . . . ee etl Cee.
while searching for his wife and!
child, to pay them a visit, he said. | ATTACHMENT IS ISSUED
Preached at Reich’s Hs : :
The Reich United Evangelical bh. I. Davis and B. F. Davis, Jr,
church was filled Sunday when the | Fepresenting E. G. Myers, of Salunga
members and friends were given an | have issued an attachment for $324
opportunity to hear Rev. A. E. Ha-| against Leo McManus. The plaintiff
gen, of Harrisburg, presiding elder of | IS a well digger and he bored several
the district. Special music was ren- | holes in the dolomite land, near Bam-
ATE Lt Sh ford, for McManus, who is a con-
dered by the choir and the celebra- te t H > ’ 4 1 } h
: Jf the Lord’s Supper followed | tractor. e was unpaid and he has
tion « $ ! | issued an attachment to get $324.

the sermon. On Saturday evening! Lia | MARIETTA
the members of the church met in | ; | Samuel Britigan, of Reading, was
the second quarterly conference and! Ji Very Choice Tubers a town visitor during the ook
transacted considerable business. | This morning Mr. Chas. J. Ben- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Koehler, of
Rev. J. H. Ginder, pastor presided at | nett brought th ee potatoes of the Coatesville are spending a few days
both the services on Saturday even. | Rose of Erin variety to this office that with Sol ss ard f oi as Note oe
ing and Sanday a [re er ay wane ee Benjamin Engle, formerly of this],
pounds, the largest weig 114 Ibs. Dlace, but wi T oN Net?
Won't Exhibit at Fair . | They were raised by Harv y Sump- grange prove 2! Upton, Cal, is visit-
Claiming that they have been dis- | pan on Mr. Bennett's farm near | "5, uout this Pee Io, .
ceriminated against and are not being Florin and are now on exhibition in! The Girls Band, of Beaver
given a squs deal by the Lancas-!... window. (Springs, Pa., has been secured for a
ter County Fair Association, the up- | er AD Mba rai jconeery and street dance on Labor
wards of a half hundred members of | | Day evening, in Centre Square.
the Lancaster Automobile Trade As-| Festival at Florin |
sociation are up in arms and declare |
that they will not exhibit next fall at
the County Fair unless there is a
ing advantage of these organizations. | Stoll. The election will be held at |
Haines, who was injured on the rail-
road last week, will be glad to learn
{that he is improved at this writing.
Mrs. C. S. Manning of Elizabeth-
town and Miss Carrie Doutrich of
| Philadelphia, are welcome visitors at
the home of Mr. S. S. Stacks and
Misses Jane Zeller and Mary Sheaf
fer accomanied the family of Mr.
Hornafius, of Elizabethtown, on an
auto trip to a point near Pittsburgh
on Tuesday

Misses Elizabeth Stacks and Carrie
Doutrich accompanied the family of
Mr. Harry S. Olweiler, of Elizabeth-
town, to Harrisburg on Sunday
where they visited Mr. Harry Wilt
and family.
Misses Bertha Kuhn and Pauline
Sheaffer of this place, and Messrs.
Mahlon Foreman of Mt. Joy and Os-
car Newcomer, of Salunga, autoed to
Mt. Gretna on Sunday.
Misses Ruth Kaley and Evelyn
Kuhn of town, Me

5. Jonas Erb and

Floyd Zerphy of East Petersburg,
spent Saturday and Sunday as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Markley
near Maytown.
C. S. Wachstetter and family en.
tertained these guests on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprout and
daughter Kathryn of Lancaster, and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sload and
daughter Anna of Mount Joy.
The following town folks spent
Sunday at Mt. Gretna: Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Ne-
hemiah Gantz, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Fike, Mr. and Mrs. John Raffensber-
ger, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Krall and
daughter, Mr. George Shires, Miss
Mary Shires, William Shires, Miss
Pearl Myers, Jacob Shires, Frank
Klugh, Misses Ruth Ebersole, Miriam
Guhl and Mary Arndt.
etl eee
The altar boys of Holy Trinity
On Saturday, August 14, the! Catholic parish, of Columbia, under
American Legion No. 185 of this|the direct

tion of Rev. Joseph Schmidt,
place, will hold a festival in the hall |are spending two weeks at Wild Cat,
change in the attitude of the Nair|]2t Florin. Many good things to eat opposite this place.
will be served and there will be cake
cials toward them. ! : ! ® >
officia t walks and dancing. The American
ee etl Qn ere
. Beimsderfer—Mowerer will furnish the musie.
Wo on M. Beimsderfer, of East ————-—— {
Petersburg, and Dora H. Mowerer, of Something to Think About |
Mount Joy township, were united in !
marriage by Rev. S. G. Kauffman, just completed a trip around the
pastor of the Neffsville U.B. church, world, having traveled 25.000 miles.
on Saturday at high noon in the |p 41 the national objects of beauty
Neffsville U. B. parsonage at Lancas- | {}).t he witnessed, he says he most
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Beimsderfer left appreciated the whitewashed fences
by automobile for points of interest,| "the farms in good old Lancaster
and after their return will reside at County.
East Petersburg. er —————
Bt ———

Picnic at Donegal
About the Afflict.d Tomorrow, Thursday, August 12
Mrs. Charles Evans of this place, | the Presbyterian Sunday School at
was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital | Donegal Springs will hold its big an-
at Lancaster on Sunday for treat-|nual picnic in the grove there. The
ment. entire community is invited to come
Mrs. William H. Gantz, of Lititz, |and enjoy the day. This is an ideal
formerly of town, and the mother of | place for an event of this kind.
Mrs. Daniel H. S. Derr, on West Main ——- eee
street, was removed to the hospital at A Slight Fire
Léincaster for treatment. While painters were burning the
es Ter paint off the Myers property at New-
Keller & Bros.’ Next Sale. town one day last week, they set the
Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will |weatherboarding on fire. The flames
hold their next public stock sale at |slightly damaged the property before
their yards here on Friday, Aug. 20, |they were extinguished.
when they will sell 107 head of cows, Te.
heifers, bulls and steers. They will Sold Another Auto
: hedd of New York State and Mr. Ed. Ream, the local dealer,
vs, This will be one of | sold a Dort tpuring car to Mr. Long-

ock. Sale at 1:25 |enecker, of fear Bossler’s meeting
a 2tbhotusk, It wak delivered on Saturda


, |reservoir,
Large delegations of underwriters
of insurance companies from Lancas-
| Legion Band of Lancaster County | ter, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, York
and other places held an outing at
Accomac, opposite Marietta on Sat-
urday and enjoyed a chicken and
George E. Cooper, of Lancaster, waffle supper.
BE i ————
It Bears Repeating
A few years ago a certain news-
paper publisher made an appeal to
his delinquent subscribers in the fol-
| lowing manner, which is quite ap-
propriate now:
“Lives of great men oft remind us,
honest men don’t stand a chance. The
more we work, there grows behind
us, bigger patches in our pants. Our
pants once new and glossy, now have
stripes of different hue. All because
subscribers linger and don’t pay us
what is due. Now let all be up and do-
ing, send your mite, however small,
for when the blasts of winter strike
us, we may have no pants at all.”
The publisher claimed the poetry
“drew” like a porous plaster and we
hope it does the same thing for us.
———— Ee

Preached at Kinderhook
Rev. J. Minnich, of New York city,
delivered an eloquent sermon on Sun-
day morning in the Kinderhgok
United Evangelical church. i

Manheim is now building a resegve
Mand, oho

oy Bulletin
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1920
Call or Phone Jno.
Maytown had a scare Tuesday and
Wednesday caused by the appearance
the town of a soldier who would
give no account of himself but only
laid around the square in the hot sun.
It transpired that he was a deserter
from the national guard camp at Mt.
Gretna and he was taken back Wed-
It was at first thought
the man was insane, but many of the
townspeople also believed that he was
bent on committing burglaries in the
absence of the residents who yester-
day held their annual picnic at Her-
Mount Joy goes to Millersville on

Saturday and lost 5 to 3.
On Sunday Mount Joy will play
the Storage yards team at Marietta.
Maytown defeated the Harrisburg
A. C. at Hershey before a large pic-
nic crowd 11 to
St. Joe of Lancaster, will play the
local team here on Thursday even-
ing at 6 o’clock sharp.
The Aviation Eagles defeated May-
town on Saturday 5 to 3.
play at Dallastown next Saturday.
Mount Joy defeated the Columbia
Moose team at Columbia 2 to 1 last
Thursday evening. This
and deciding game.
very good game, giving Columbia but

Selma Landis
nesday night.
of her son Mr.
with wham she had been living, on
West Main street, Monday afternoon
at 4:15, death resulting from acute
cardiac collapse. Deceased was sixty-
nine years of age. The remains were
same evening
where they are being prepared for
funeral wil be held
that city and interment will be made
in the Prospect Hill cemetery there.
‘ame ‘to the town
sundown on Monday.
would he give his name or tell his
Instead he remained mum
and loafed in the square, seeking no
relief from the sun’s rays.
to the belief that he was insane.
To get some light on the matter
Norman F. Arntz,
Peoples Bank
Myers pitched a
Miss Annie Geltmacher
Miss Annie Geltmacher, a former
resident of Maytown,
Mount Vernon street,
Sunday night, following an attack of
apoplexy. She was a daughter of the
Margaret Gelt-
macher, and lived the greater part of
her life in Maytown. She was a mem-
ber of St. James’ Episcopal church,
Lancaster, residing
number of years.
seventy-fourth year. Deceased leaves
a brother, Frank,
and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Meshey, |
William Bontz, | THE 1921 AUTOMOBILE
Tied at Middletown
The locals went to Middletown Sat-
urday and went a dead heat with the
team there when telephones to
man answering the description of the
man who had appeared at Maytown
being missing the authorities sent an
ambulance and two officers to the vil-
lage that night and took the soldier
city a|with them back to
in her | They said he was a resident of Scran-
ton and had left camp without per-
Brown, rf. ..........

residing at York,
BR. Myers, of. ....... ————————
A. Myers, rf. .......
Steelton, and
remains were
to Maytown to the home of her sis-

Harrisburg, Aug. 9—The Highway
Department has adopted a yellow tag
with black lettering as the type for
Interment will be made in the May- | Pennsylvania’s automobile and truck
and orders for
funeral will be held this afternoon at
McGarvey. 2b Baker will officiate.
town cemetery.
greater quantity
owing to the numerous new registra-
tions continually
Clement K. Brubaker
Clement K. Brubaker, :
leisler, ef citizen of Elizabethtown, died at his|
of sarcoma, after in the State in 1919 and again three
———l eee.
“Abe” Makes Things Hum
Last week while Abram Hess was
operating a Ford truck owned by E.
", he accidently drove over
farming forty-
Philadelphia, is visiting her uncle, J
runs, Mt. Joy he Mennonite church and
in all its interests.
1e daughter, Mrs.
a badly inflicted bruise on
To further prove
operating a Ford
vived by his wife, }
actually tried to drive over two mo-

Base on errors, Mt. Joy,
9. Stelen bases, Mt. Joy

er, Miss Ella Brubaker, N
1 shing his stunt and was obliced to |
. : ATi Brubaker, this place; Nz:
Barr 8; by Conklin 8.
off Barr 2,.off Conklin 3.
————— eee
Joseph S. Moyer, of Naumanstown,
city. Funeral serv
bold attempt.
tN —
at the Mennonite church.
in Graybill’'s cemetery.
Marriage Licenses
” : : Garman, Elizabeth.
Miss Martha Clark

Neidigh, both of Mt. Jov borough.
Edward B. Zulick and Kathryn C.
Nevon, both of Mount Joy township. |
ter of the late James Brice Clark and Phil
; > | home in Lancaster, after a short ill-
G. Good, of Rapho township, at pri-
vate sale and on private terms. West Hempfield
Yves emplieid.
U. Z. Brethren Services
On Saturday John
Cornwall sold his small
in Rapho township,
school house,
» County Historical So-
all historic matters of the city and

been its president since the time of
The success of the
last annual June reunion of that so-
ciety was due largely to her efforts
and she has been since that time ac-
tively planning for the celebration of
the 200th anniversary of the found-
The farm of 107 acres and 2 per-|its organization.
Donegal town-
ship was offered at public sale last
Thursday by Mrs. Mary N. Habecker
executrix of Joseph H. Habecker.
was withdrawn at $102.00 per acre.
The barn on this farm was recently
Ministers are expected to be
ches situated present from Dauphin, Lebanon and
welcome to these services,
They Picked 91 Quarts
church and of the Philadel

probability rebuild the barn and re-
tain the farm.
The Pleasant Hill school house aad
plot of ground,


Horst, for $515. The
Frank & Bros.’

bidding started |

township, and 1

ree Aer

The Mount Joy Society of Farm

on Saturday at 1:30 with a large at-

all went to Henry
Mrs. Baer opened the meet-
ing by reading the 15th chapter of
Proverbs and all prayed the Lord’s
The roll call by the Secre-
Train Kills Cattle

when the inner man was satisfied Mr
was appealed
», killing several.
| pilot of the engine was broken.
owing trains received orders to be on
|the lookout for the animals.
a a —
companied by
reading of the minutes of the June This was greatly appreciated by the
favored with Engle’s appreciation
done the night of his recent fire.
eee) eee
Will Boats Ever Run?
ago, Congress
passed a bill appropriating a sum of
money for a survey of the Susque-
hanna River, to ascertain the feasi-
bility of making
several recitations
which: were very
participants and enjoyed by all.
Barr of Lancaster gave an interest-
ing talk on “Trees
He passed a number of
Lancaster, Take Notice
with which to improve its streets.
many other towns to do
the same thing but we are pleased to
say this is not the case in Mount Joy.
All our streets are Al.
EE rf —
showed several
derstand more fully his idea of lo-
cating flowers, shrubbery and trees.
Every person was given
tunity to ask any question
prints to un-
Both Are Curoisities.
Jacob Brown, of Florin, brought a
pair of curiosities to this office last
One is a very odd shaped
hen’s egg and the other was an ex-
ceptionally be goats
the Flower of
and it was later signed by the Presi-
some time ago and it is being con-
“Brighten the tinued by the Corps of Engineers, U.
corner where
members were added to the Society
which now numbers 30.
et) Ce
Baby Born With Tooth
In the maternity ward of the hos-
pital at York a girl baby was born
with a full-sized tooth.
reef ses one
Since Monday, milk costs 8 cents
a pint or 14 cents a quart at Harris-
A Close Call
Lightning struck a large tree near
a barn at Bender's Mill on Saturday
literally demolishe! it.
The tree was only a few feet from
August on account of the reunion of
the five Societies of Lancaster Coun-
ty at Mr. Sweigart’s meadow near
i August 21st,
. Nded where the
ber meeti. o

$1.50 a Year in Advance
E. schroll, Mount Joy

Mrs. Z. Keller and daughter Helen
left for Michigan.
Miss Elsie Breneman spent Sunday
at Mount Gretna.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peifer visited
at Salunga, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heiserman
spent Friday at Lititz.
Misses Marie and Mabel Carson
spent Saturday at Lawn.
Miss Goldie Schafer is spending
some time at Mount Gretna.
Mr. Dewey Hornafius is spending
some time at Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Stella Mae of near Rheems,
spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna.
Miss Mary Kramer visited at Eliz-
abethtown, Monday evening.
Mrs. Harry Charles and son Joseph
spent Saturday at Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Baer spent Fri-
day and Saturday at Philadelphia.
Misses Clara and Mary Greena-
walt spent Saturday at Lancaster.
Mrs. Alex Kramer and daughter
Mary spent Saturday at Lancaster.
Messrs. Martin and Henry Musser
are spending some time at Niagara
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Myre of Lan-
caster spent Thursday evening in this
Master Kenneth Leib is spending
some time at Lancaster with rela-
Mrs. Lizzie Zerphy is spending
Wednesday and Thursday at Lan-
Miss Aileen Neidig is spending
some time in Perry county with her
Miss Verna Cunningham of Lan-
caster, spent Sunday here with her
sister Sue.
Miss Julia McClellan of Ambler,
Quinley. :
Mr. and Mrs. G. Moyer and daugh-
ter have returned from a trip to
Wildwood, N. J.
Miss Louisa Rhodes spent the
week-end at Landisville as the guest
of Mrs. Fred Huhn.
Mr. I. D. Stehman, the local miller,
treated his employes to an auto trip
to Mount Gretna on Sunday.
Misses Ruth Kaley, Evelyn Kuhn,
of Florin and Mary Kramer spent
last Wednesday at Landisville.
Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Sr., and daugh-
ter Miss Mae and .Mrs. Harry Leib
spent Sunday at Mount Gretna.
Mr. Geo. Gurlock and Miss Bow-
man of Philadelphia, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Quinley.
Marion and George Wehemeyer of
delphia, spent two weeks with

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher of this
| place.
Mrs. Wilson Quinley left today for
her home in Youngstown, Ohio, af-
ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bricker and

er Edith spent Saturday and
In town with friends and
kev. and Mrs. L. M. Strayer and
daughter Miss Ann of Lancaster
isited in the family of D. W. Strayer
on Monday.
Mrs. J. T. Wilson accompanied) 7
> . [al wrt t 3
Burnice Geiswite are spend ng the

day w her son Samuel at East
Peters g.
¢ Misses Christine Moyer and Mary
Moyer are visiting at West Chester
and Philadelph They left yester-
la nornin
The Misses Frank of Philadel hia,
of sterda f their home having
or time here with their
\ K 1 d 1ichter
( Saturday after
S > south
hap} ’ es
Q Debosx
May Bid Mad Die
A A K¢ iste
1 K Sun-
da i
Droha r wo
! of
y Q eg h re
Y Ma» Chas Dil-
U. Gladfelter Dayton, Ohio.
ending sor time here with
J s Gladfelter and family. He also
his nephew, Mr. D. W.

Mr. « 3
Rec rd
as, W. Roll publisher of the
Coraopolis, Pa., while here
on a visit to merchant S. B. Bern-
hart made a pleasant call at this of-
fice yesterday.
Messrs. Herman Hostetter, Roy
Perris, Benj. Brown, Jos. B. Hershey
and Elston Hauenstein enjoyed an
automobile trip to Reading on Sun-
day, going via Mt. Gretna and Leba-
Mr. Samuel Newcomer, of Kang,
Pa., is here on a visit to his brother,
Mr. H. S. Newcomer. He said they
recently had four inches of hail up
there. What would that do to a
crop of Lancaster County tobacco?
Mrs. Alpheus Brandt entertained
these guests last week: Mrs. Susan
Lane, of Landisville; Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Engle, of Marietta; Mrs.
Oberholser, Miss Lizzie Dohner and
Mrs. Lutz, of Lancaster; Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Thome, two sons and
daughte Port Deposit, Md.

— ee eer:
Stoxfms in this county destroyed
four barns greatly damaged
crops gn various secilons on Saturday
night 4nd Sunday afternoon.

> * vy %N $e

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