WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1920 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. WATCH THIS LIST WEEKLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN REAL ESTATE. 1 CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS DWELLING HOUSES No. 4—The J. Harry Miller erty on Columbia Avenue, Mt. Joy. No. 81—A 3-story brick mansion rop- in Maytown, excellent location, has all improvements—a eal home. Has large store room and would be fine for business and dwelling combined. No. 83—A frame house and busi- ness stand on E. Main st., Mt. Joy, in business center. All improvements. No. 84 —A frame house adjoining No. 83; fine shape, all improvements. Prefer to sell both. No. 92—A 2%-story frame house on West Main St., Mt Joy. Price $2,000. . No. 117—Lot 40x200 in Master- with frame ete. sonville butcher shop, quick. No. 121—A tract of 1-3 of an acre at Bamford, or Harrisburg pike, 7 room house, concrete walks, frame stable, good well. Price, $1,500. No. 129—A fine, modern, newly built brick mansion, up-to-date with all conveniences on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy. No. 132—A fine modern frame house, 8 rooms and bath, heat, gas | in every room, large stable, resi- dential section; Marietta St., Mt. Joy No. 141—A 6-room frame house | near the furnace at the southern | limits of Marietta boro. $700.00. | No. 147—Acre of ground with 10- room brick house, good repair, | steam heat, at railroad. Near Mari- etta. house, stable Must be sold No. 149—A beautiful 7-room and bath brick bungalo in Marietta boro. ' Very modern, beautiful location and price right. No. 150—Frame double house on West Main St., Mount Joy; one side has heat and bath. Also bakery building and contents in rear. Price right. No. 155%--Pair of frame houses, 6 and 7 rooms, on Manheim st., Mt. Joy. Also adjoining property if de- sired. BUSINESS STANDS No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline! at Florin, together with all stock, machinery, buildings, contracts, etc. Price very low. No. 155—Former hotel brick build | ing in Mt. Joy, corner property; an excellent business opportunity. Price is right. No. 160—A very good business proposition in Mount Joy including several houses on Main street. Price will astonish you. LARGE FARMS No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm timber and pasture land in West Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma- No. 94—A 149 acre farm, iron stone soil, on Scravel pike, bank barn, 8-room house, shedding for 20 acres tobacco. $90 per acre. No. 95—A 65 acre farm near Con- ewago Station, all farm land, running water, bank barn, brick house, ete. for $6,000. Immediate possession. No. 102— An 86 acre farm in West Donegal, finest farm I ever offered, aoc unildings, on piked road, 4 acres timber ready to cut. No better farm in the county. No. 128—A 3l-acre tract of gravel land at Union Square, large house, lot of shedding for cattle, scales, ete., good well, also running water. Cheap. No. 137—A 69-acre farm of all limestone soil in East Donegal, 7- room house with steam heat and bath, barn, tobacco shed, all build- ings good and % of money can re- main. No. 138—A 8l-acre farm of all limestone soil in ast Donegal, 11- room stone house, barn, tobacco shed, 5 acres meadow, % of money can remain. No. 139—A 89-acre farm of all limesone soil in East Donegal, 9- room brick house, barn, new silo, to- bacco shed for 9 acres, 10 acre meadow, 3% of money can remain. No. 148—A 114 acre farm near Sunnyside, 10 acres meadow, sand land, 2 frame houses, big barn, to- bacco shed, ete., good reason for sell- ing. Price right. No. 151—A 170 acre farm, 80 A. farm land, balance pasture, some tim- ber; good buildings, 2 silos, shedding for 7 acres tobacco, a real farm. No. 154—183 acres, 120 farm land 31 acres timber, good buildings in- cluding silo, possession any time; a large portion of money can remain. No. 158—44 acres gravel land at Back Run, 7-room house, barn, shedd ing for 5 acres tobacco, some meadow and woodland. $125 an acre. No. 161—A 235 acre farm in In- diana Co., 175 acres farm land, bal- ance timber, good buildings, young orchard, fine water and close to mar- kets, schools and churches. No. 159---29 acres sand land near Milton Grove; barn, house, new hog pen and chicken house, good water. Only $3,000, and not the price of the buildings alone. i No. 161—The Clover Dale farm on state road 2% miles west of Eliza- bethtown, 95 acres, 15 acres meadow, brick house good barn, silo, ete., $137 an acre. TRUCK FARMS No. 15—Fine 12-acre truck farm close to Columbia, good house and barn, excellent land; produced $1,100 worth of tobacco in addition to all the trucking. Price $5,200. + How to Lower Your Meat Bills Hints From the Department of Justice - + NO STEER WITHOUT GOOD MEAT AT LOW PRICE. WANTED—A steer composed entire- ly of loins and ribs.—H. C. L. Unfortunately, “there ain’t no such animal.” If a porterhouse steer could be developed by a live stock Luther Burbank, we could all have porter- house or sirloin steaks and rolled roasts from the first and second ribs —next to the loin, and therefore most expensive, as your butcher will tell you. Nearly everybody wants high-grade cuts, but there aren't enough ribs and loins to go around. These cuts com- pose but 27 per cent of the carcass, the loin constituting 18 per cent. What's the answer? If people would buy more chucks—they make excellent steaks—or briskets ana clods (all fore- quarter cuts) there would be cheaper girloin and porterhouse steaks. Ask your butcher or food economist about the possibilities of the fore quarter, also cheap cuts from the hind quarter. Then there is the flank. Ever eat a good flank steak? Tt possesses a flavor that cannot be duplicated. The full flank composes 4 per cent of the beef carcass, the square-cut chuck about 24 per cent. In New York and other Eastern cit- jes far removed from the packing house center, ribs and loins can be sold at lower prices than in Illinois, be- cause of the heavy demand by the for- eign-born population for rounds, chucks, rumps and other cuts less pop- ular in the West. The least expen- | sive part of the beef carcass is the shank, which is excellent for stews and soups. The round will supply roasts as well as steaks. Pot roasts, steaks and braising meat are fur- nished by the rump at medium ex- pense. Chucks supply roasts, steaks and stews. The shoulder clod, another economical cut, is used by well-taught | and pot roasts. There | is a large variety of extra .portions that many housewives know little about, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and sweetbreads. But you must know something about beef cuts to know what to buy and | how to buy. Then you can neglect the | costly steaks for the time and return to them when the price has been equal- ized by the more general buying of the | fess-familiar cuts. Woman purchasing agents of the home, in learning more about the va- ious cuts and their culinary biiities, will have impressed upon them 8 knowledge of the limited quantity | cooks for steak possi- {in shortening, add milk gradually, pat | out | thinner and dropped from a spoon into {well | { oil: add mustard, celery seed and to of loins and ribs and the excessive de- mand for them which causes the price to keep up. When ordering the foods for the day the meat part of the meal is always the first planned, and the remainder built around it. Housewives should be familiar with all cuts and then cook them so as to get the best flavor, Rump Pot Roast of Beef With Dump: lings. 3 pounds beef rump, | 14 pound salt pork, 14 cupful carrots, onion, celery and | turnips. 1 teaspoonful parsley, 1 bay leaf, 4 cloves, 14 teaspoonful pepper, | Salt, 3 cupfuls water, Wipe the meat, dredge with flour and brown the entire surface in pork fat. Place on a rack in a kettle, sur round with vegetables, spices and wa- ter. Season, cover closely and sim- mer slowly four hours, keeping the liquid below the boiling point. Re- move meat and vegetables to hot plat- ter. Thicken stock and serve with vegetables as a sauce around the meat. The sauce may be strained if desired. Dumplings. 2 cupfuls flour, 4 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1, teaspoonful salt, 2 teaspoonfuls fat, 2-3 cupful milk, more if needed. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Work one-half inch in thickness, cut with small biscuit cutter. Cook from 12 to. 15 minutes. Do not lift the lid while cooking. This mixture may be made slightly the stock for cooking. Smothered Beef. 3 pounds of rump or clod, 3 large onions sliced, 3 tablespoonfuls oil or drippings, 2 tablespoonfuls mild prepared mus. tard, Flour mixed with salt and pepper, 1 teaspoonful celery seed, 1 cupful strained tomatoes or u can tomato soup. 5 | Dredge meat with flour, in heavy pan. Srown Br i i rown onions in Pour this sauce meat ind cook slowly three hours or more over Inatoes, lwae boweri un ren darrer gowl kawfa os goota points {won are en loafer ware done wara si PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Der onner dawg hov ich en brief greeked fun ma maidel un doh is are un my answer: “My Liever Boonastiel: Ich het garn os du mere ous meim druvvel helfa daidsht. Ich hob tzwae boova os cooma mich saena. Ich bin de ansich duchter un my dawdy hut tz- blendy geld uff in- dressa. Der aned fun denna boova is en hard shofficher bowers boo. Are is shae ga-nunk awver si hend sin row un si glaeder fitta ene net. Are is so arlich un uff-richtich os der dawg long is un denked de weldt un olles fun mere. Der onner is en yunger mon os in sime laeva nix ¢’shoft hut un nemond wase we are en laeva maucht. Are hut olsfart de beshta glaeder un se fitta ene os we's bobeer uff der wond—awber ’sis ga- report os are daid net uft ga-nunk settla mit sime shnider. Are is or- rick polite, is en gooter donser un con schwetza os we en lawyer. Are sawgt are wet mich usht far n lady—en “ornament” hut are mich g'hasa—un ich breicht in meim laeva nix shoffa. Now, Gottlieb, sawg mere wella fun denna boova sull ich hira Sally Lauderbach. Well, Sally, ich hob usht ae mohl g’hired in mim aeva un ich glawb net os ich widder so en risk runna daid os we ich sella mohls hob. Dohare bin ich net ga-booked uff so owver ich geb dere my opinion un es sull dich nix kushta. Der bowers boo hut rowe hend, un si glaeder fitta net. Well, ich wet olsfart liever socha, ene shtageers Ferleicht os de row. wised os en fedder hut. De hend sin hend glot. Won arawet en shond is don sin si rowe hnd en disgrace. Si eglaeder fitta ene net? So! Well, fer- leicht duch batzawled. Der onner will dich hir un nunner seddla. Sawg du eme are set arsht sin se boo mn ton of stove or six hours in a fire less cooker. No. 70—A b-acre truck farm at Donegal Springs, none better, excel- lent buildings, an abundance of fruit, good water, etc. Price, $3,500. No. 107—An 8% acre tract of land in East Donegal, near Reich’s church, frame house, tobacco shed, barn, ete. $4,000.00. BUILDING LOTS No. 2—Four Lots, each 50x200 ft., {on North Barbara St., Mount Joy. No. 835—One Lot 50x65 ft., on | West Donegal St., Mount Joy. | No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x- | 200 ft. They front on Church ‘St. No. 77—Very desirable building lot fronting on the south side of Marietta street. Will sell any num- | ber of feet you want at $6 per foot. No. 57—A 5-acre tract i. the boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot and wauld be a money-maker for truck- ing or speculating on building lots. No. 145—A tract of land contain- ing 161% acres adjoining Manheim boro. Fine building sites. FACTORY BUILDINGS No. 140—3 acres and 49 perches of land in East Donegal with large stone mill converted into flats for residences. $2,000. FACTORY SITES No. 10—A tract fronting 107 ft on the P. R. R. siding in Mount Joy has many advantages and centrally located. One of the best in the town I also have a number of properties that owners do not care to have ad vertised. If you don’t find what you want in this list, call and see me. ! have it. Also 20 Lebanon Co. farms from 40 to 200 acres at $4,000 to $22, 000.00. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Jno. E. Scroll Mt. Joy, Pa. TIRES TUBES Fresh Stock of \Dry Sells We Serve and Repair Storage ‘Batteries Schock arage A Read the Bulletin. » Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Marietta St. li Pays fo Use Our FLY SPRAY On your, Cows, Horses and in the Poultry Houses. The spray should be applied with a sprayer and should not be diluted—well shaken. FOR COWS—Spray all parts of the animal’ except the udder, just before milking, it makes milking a pleasure. Your cows will give more milk and is a great comfort to the animal. For Horses—Horses should be sprayed lightly, and more frequently in warm or windy weather, also heavy spray interior of stalls. For Poultry—Spray interior of poultry houses, ‘being careful to thoroughly spray the roosts, boards and run-ways; nests, may be sprayed sparingly. Hen houses should be sprayed twice a week until the lice disappear. DRUG CHANDLER'S STORE W. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. City Shoes Repairing Company CLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 850 and 52 South Queen Street LANCASTER. PENNA. People Read A. Rl atirer nn i iT IN CWS Ba per That's why it would be I you want & job If you want fo hire somebody § If you want to sell something If you @sant to bay something If you want fo rent your house If you want to sell your house If you «ant to sell your farm If you want to buy property If there is anything that yoo aant the quickest and best way to supply that want is by placing an advertisement in this paper wrreT—y = The results will surprise and please you po RSTRNT ge After all others Fail Consult $ OLD DR, THEEL S i719 Spring Garden Street Phila. The Jldest and known as the Greatest Specialist from Coast to Coast. WHOSE COMBINATION TREATMENT NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE HEALTH and HAPPINESS Gives IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM ANY AIL. MENT, NO MATTER WHAT CAUSE OR ORIGN IF FUE TO INFECTION OR INHERITED, SEND for Book It will surely open your syes put you wise office hours, 10to 4, evening6to9. Sun. 10 to 1. | these farms. uff-seddla—mit sime shnider. My lieve Sally, en arlicher, uff-rich- | ticher, ondlicher, flisicher bowers boo is so feel wart os en gonser shoaf- shtoll foll fowlenser. Der aned boo will dich holda we en lady. Duch net? Hut are g’sawt? Mit dime dawdy sime geld! E-yaw? En mon os so reddy is far farshprecha maucha is der arsht mon far se farbrecha, un en mon os net wase we mer geld far- deened dare wase aw net wee’s tsu holdta. Dime dawdy si howfa mawg grose si awver ich hob in mime laeva nuch ken geld-sock g’saena os so long is os are ken budda hut. En arliche hond os row is en waurem poultis uf- fera drowericha fraw eram hartz, awver de glod hond fun ma ga- polishta raskal is so kold os en grut in ma hussa-bae. Hire du ken mon far si hend un si glaeder—aw net for si ga-polishte monneer wun si shae ° JUST TAKE THE TROUBLE TO INSPECT- OUR. WORK YOU'LL FIND ITSQUITE CORRECT ! NSPECT some of the plumb- | ing that we've done for | some of your friends. We know that you will be convinced that it’s the kind of work you want done in your own home. Then call us | up on the phone and let us start in on the job immediately. | —————, BROWN BROS. W. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. From Old Carpet | RAG CARPET Made to Order WE BUY CARPET RAGS Call or Write Conestoga Rug & NEW RUGS MADE! 3) ATTENTION FARMERS We appeal to you once more in Feed Demonstration Day, which will be held Aug. 2nd, in S. R. Snyder’s mill on the Harrisburg pike, just within the limits reference to our Home-made of the borough of Mount Joy. Come and let us show you what we can produce from your crops. This will positively help you solve your feed problem. Come rain or shine. E. H. Zercher BELL PHONE 81R2 MOUNT JOY, PA. Carpet Company Ind. Phone 431-Y | 13214 S. Queen St.,, Lancaster, Pa. may-26-3mo. Announcement To Auto Owners I am now prepared to recover or repair auto tops or retrim your machince. | Stopinandget anes- timate on your job. g’schwetz. De sin oll shae won mers afforda con, awver se sin net so note- wennich os en arlich hartz un en uf- frichtiche hond. My dawdy hut ols g’'sawt: “Besser en shtickle brote im sock os en fedderly uff em hoot,” un | | | | STRAW and PANAMA | luss mich dere sis woreheit dart drin. Du waisht now wos ich mane. De glaeder sin der shtamp uff’'m dawler —der mon is es guld. EE — EVERY STREET IN MOUNT JOY Has Its Share of the Proof That Kidney Sufferers Seek sawga Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed with urinary ills Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don’t have to look far. Use what Mount Joy people rac nend. Ev ery street in Mount Jo ts cases Here’s one Mount Joy man’s perience. Let Arthur Henry Arthur Henry B: Brown tell wn, Bart ara st my |} prac | ( > W again al (ly well, I a return of pain through those organs and the smal of my back, which gave me no little bother. I used Doan’s Kidney land I ea they ‘greatly hel; [me and V this pain.” | Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Henry Brown had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfers. Buffalo, N. Y. —————— Gene. ee East Donegal Farms Not many farms are offered for sale thruout the Donegals but I have succeeded in living three within the past few days. I am also in a po- sition to give any young man that has a little money, a chance to buy I will sell any of them and accept one-fourth the amount in cash next April and take mortgage for the balance. Now if any one is interested get busy. Call or phone at once if interested as I propose selling these farms quick. They consist of 69, 8: and B89 acres of limestone land. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influ- anced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won- derful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. bir St mite Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. G. MOYER | 1 | MOUNT JOY, PA. HATS Straws from $2.50 to $5 Toyos from $2.50 to $4 Panama hats from $5.00 to $9.C0 ! WINGERT & HAAS JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. No. 144 N. Queen Street QUALITY SERVICE | \ | 1 \ i \ J \ iia F rock and Smoked Meats Also Brookfield Butter | Chas. J. Bennett Peddling Days—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday East Main St. MT. JOY, PA. Shaving Hair Cutting Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry Goods called for Monday. East Main Street, Mount Joy ic OO m = a 8 pe H 2 THE QUESTION : | RD tH re i x ¥ =] ® CF FURNITURE QUALITY = There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- un B® ture a " Often things that people buy fo per i] wear and for home peot 3 = @ Use are not always expected to last connot be ® said ut furniture. When yuu buy rn 1 buying = in ou t to render you lor It will if you HB o 3 bec: here w first. All the furni- m r ments which we = . : Ba EE na o tl il, In the & B® on fur to ® ® buy W ( and wm a Prices and t ; ¢ a = re mw 50 ti. : 2 . kK = . © RA " = Westenberger, Maley & Myers " = ” " 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, FA. | PHILADELPHIA _&SPIAMOND > GRID BATTERY With the PHILCO Slotted Retainer Guaranteed For Two Years Most Automobile Starting and Lighting Bat- teries are not guaranteed at all. Some are guaranteed for short pericds. Others are guaranteed by the Service Stations that sell them and not by the manufacturers, None of these gives you the business-like protection and assurance of continuous, satisfactory service that you should have. Mind you, we do not claim that there are no other good bat ries—for there are. But we do claim that the | ladelphia Diamond Grid Battery, with its two exclusive engineering features—the Diamond Grid—built like a bridge for strength —and the Phi.-o Slotted Retainer, is more than a “good” battery— It is a battery whose engineering betterments justify the manufasturers in backing their confidence in it by sts Two Year Guarantee. Schock Carage MOUNT JOY, PA. 5 T =e Firth of Forth Bridge is an example of Diamond Consiruction 0 ——— RET TRY Vala Pas THAT 1S RIGHT AT YOUR DOOR [Dere BECAUSE We Pay, Your Gur Fare ® On Total Purcioa; ts Phila