AFEGUARP YOU STARTING "8 LIGHTING SYSTEM =x REPAREDNESS is a big word—a word of importance to every motorist. Don’t wait until your car is stalled to think about the battery that furnishes power for your starting system. : Now is the time to equip your car with an “Exide” Battery. Years of service have proved the absolute dependability of the ‘‘JEX{de’’ Battery. It is the original “Unit-Seal’’ battery—no bulky sealing compound, maximum power, easy to care for, easy to inspect and repair. : Let us show you the ‘Exide’ and explain its many exclusive features. Remember an “Exide’’ means “A Sure Start Assured. Find out the condition of your battery. We inspect all makes of batteries free of charge. E. B. ROHRER MOUNT JOY PA. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. GOOD WILL ONLY DIVIDENDS FROM SALVATION STORE; = LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE | HAULING EE EE ARIS ANS 3 LARGE TRUCKS EMERSON ZEAGER Route 1 MOUNT JOY, PA. Inquire at A. H. STUMPF'S RESTAURANT BOOOO0O000000OOO0000OOOO00OO00O0OO0OOOOOOOOOOOOODOOD the industria] homes the broken down i } i i | | { Net Bip — A RELIEF SUPPLY MENDING GARMENTS DEPOT i No; the Salvation Army has not | relies of humanity are put to work re gone into the wholesale grocery busi- | juvenating broken down _houschole ness. The picture shows merely one | goods—chairs, table beds, | of the Army's relief stations. It is| and shoes and other a Ie just like scores of others scattered It is a 50-50 pi tl throu h the cities and towns of wne| down-and-outers al evi he country at strategic points where | faith in them 1 in ( at th quick relief can be given in emergency me time 1 1 Cases niture and hi i ! el Not limited in their stock to grocer-| back, too, tl iY alva jes only, these Salvation Army relief | tioni tor het hl t en epots earry clothing, underwear and | couragencr | gl other necessaries for men, women and | back ir ind to them children. It is the aim to have at] selves and t¢ band for immediate distribution food | What bec l : ide furni and clothing for any kind of a case of | ture? Famili it a peed. More than 700,000 destitute per-| the Salvation Army i nit sons were served temporary relief | Because he re wl ) witl from these stations last yeas | the industria | alva And Salvation™ Army relief dove-| tion Army Is able t ly imp tails. It is systematic as well as sen- | it families 1} sible. The industrial department gears | absurdly low prices or without neatly with the relief department. In| charge at all, according to the circum stances, RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY Florin U. B. Church Rev. M. H Miller, Pastor OOOOO0000000000000000000000000 GOOD FURNITURE 1s'the only kind I sell—Furafture that is Furniture Extension and Other Tables, Davenports, China Closets, o Kitchen Cabinets. H. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PA. BOOOOOO0OOO0000O0O0OO0OCOOO0O0OCO0OOOOOOOOOODOOO000C - NOOOO0000O000O0O0O0OLOLLLOLLLOLLLLLLIOULIVLVLLLLLLLLLVLLLLODOU Rs. ==INVESTMENTS-- Baltimore & Ohio R. R. 6 per cent. Secured Gold Bond due 1929 At Price to Yield 8.25 per cent. McClain & Company 534-536 Woolworth Building LANCASTER, PA. DOOOO000O00000000D00 @ LIL IOOOOOOO0OOO000OOOOOOO0OO0OOOOOOOS WEILL LOOLLOOLLLLOLLLOLDLE Sunday School 9:30 Sermon 10:30. § Children’s Day Exercises at 7:39 Reformed Church ®Rev. Christ S. Nolt, Pastor The Reformed Mennonites will ville next Sunday June 20, because of the repairs on the road. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M Evening Service 7 P. M Reception to mew members to- night in the Sunday School room. T. U. Evangelical Church . Rev. G. R. Mergenthaler, Pastor Prayer service Wednesday evening 7:30. S. S. Sunday morning 9:30. Preaching Sunday morning 10:30 Prayer service Sunday evening { 6:45. Preaching Sunday evening at 7:30. Choir Practice Friday evening at 8:00. Come to these you are welcome. . services Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Michael Farry Davis, Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 10:30 Preaching Service, Sermon, “The Race.” 7:30 Children’s Day Service. Wednesday evening, June 16, 1920 The service this evening will be given over wholly to Bible study. The subject is “The Canon.” If you want to know your Bible be present and learn with us. You will find a hearty welcome at all these services. A011 O01 OE 0 COAL COAL ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM. MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. FE. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! LUMBER and GOAL Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA. OL 0 1 A omit the regular services at Landis-| MOUNT JOY MARKETS | The following prices are paid to day by our local merchants: F. A. Farmer, Pays: Bogs, per doz. .........3...... Butter, ner db. ....:......c.v 85 ard, per'lb............. Potatoes~per bu........... I. D. Stehman Pays: Wheat, per bu..... dhe. 82.75 Corn, per bu........ 1.90 Wheat, per. bu......... +. 353.00 I. D. Stehman Sells: Wheat, per bu. CE ai. R0 Corn, per bu. 2.00 Oats, per bu... See eine J... Bran, per 100 1bs............. 3.20 Mixed Feeds, per 100 ibs. ..... 3.25 Glutten, per 100 lbs., 3.75 Cotton Seed Meal............ 1.00 Linseed Meal, per 100 1bs.. 4.00 Beef Serap.........covv: .+ Db. 9b Calf Meal, per 100 lbs.,....... 4.560 Timothy hay, per 100 lbs...... 2.00 Tankage, 100 lbs..... b.75 ienieie 90 Straw, per 100 lbs SRE Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. | HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts | through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces | of the System. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed c n of the | mucous ining of the Tube. ! When this tube 13 in rumbling sound or imy ect p { when it is entirely closed, Deafnes | result. Unless the inflammation can be re- j duced and this tube restored to its nor- mal condition, hearing may be destroyed | forever. Many cases of fness are caused by Catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 5c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ee ee etl RO SALE REGISTER ian De Friday, June 18—At their stock yards, Mount Joy, 100 head of cows and bulls by Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, aust. See advertise- ment. Saturday, June 26---On the premi es in Mount Joy township, near Baker’s Bridge, large lot of house- hold goods for the estate of Barbara H. Brandt, deceased by D. G. Brandt, administrator. Frank, auct. ee sess Gennes Sure Is Getting Scarce |; Several weeks ago a daily in the northern part of the state printed an issue on wall paper. This week one of our exchanges comes to us printed on wrappi paper—news print being =o scarce. What ? » next? Sn ,ri>n Who Wants This Chance? I have a 114-acre farm near Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow, sand land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobae- co shed and cellar. Price $118.00 per acre. Act quick if you can use it. Call, phone or write Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf. - nettle. A Peculiar Eluctrocution Mrs. Thomas Bugiskeck, of Phoenixville, placed an electric heater in the bath tub to heat the water. When she stepped in she was electrocuted. BR An Expensive Try Hon. Asa A. Weimer, of Lebanon, defeated candidate for the nomina- tion for Congressman in the 18th District, Republican ticket, spent nearly $4,700 to lose the fight. er eli Waco A-revision of the French diction- ary which was begun in 1878 now is expected to be finished about 2020 or 2025. “~ AUTOMOBILE OWNERS | \ BUY AT HOME | d AND SAVE MONEY! AUTOMOBILE TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES I line for you to se- from and my have a large | lect prices are in your favor. I also sell, repair recharge Wil- lard Storage Bat- and will be’ serve and teries pleased to you. J. W. ESHLEMAN. 70 East Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 00000000000000000000000000 YOUR KODAK NEGA- TIVES ARE WORTHY OF THE BEST THAT IS IN THEM—USE VELOX. Special—Regular—Contract W. B. BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. Put this in the drinking water. Most people lose half of every hatch, and seem to expect it. Chick cholera or white diarrhoea is the trouble. This loss is needless and easily stopped, by putting Avieol in the drinking water. We prove it by this offer: — Call at our store for a 25¢ or 50c¢ package of Avicol. If you don’t find that it promptly stops your chicks dying, cures white diarrhoea and all other bowel diseases of poultry, your money will be refunded. Avicol revives the drooping chicks and helps them grow and develop rapidly. Shows positive results in 48 hours. Easily used and inexpensive. DRU G CHALDLERS ! always have on hand anything b the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. { Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttos H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone . Vhy Not Use The Best # Martin's Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. WW URAL SESS HERSHEY. 212 South Market Street Bell Phone 75R2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Din. W. Gomecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET T 5 Jeweler Watchmaker---Engraver City Shoe Repairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 850 and 52 South Queen Street LANCASTER. j PENNA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th, 1920. WOLGEMUTH & SON FLORIN, PA. Request that anybody who is using grain sacks with the names E. S. Moore or J. N. Hershey printed on, please return them to their warehouse at once. The wheat crop will be moving soon and the sacks may need necessary These sacks been purchased with the property. repairs before that time. have all We have large stock of feed constantly on hand. Highest cash prices paid for grain. rtem— 3 We take this means of thanking you for the business which you have given us in the past. Our deposits have increased wonderfully and at the end of our sixth year in business, which we will celebrate on April 1, 1920, { our surplus will be $80,000.00 and we have invested your money 4 so carefully that we have not lost a dollar in all the years we have heen in business. There is no bank in the County that can beat this record. We will pay you 5% interest for money by the year. Personal checks taken in payment of certificate of deposit. Security—Over Two Million Dollars. All business held Strictly Confidential. PEOPLES BANK OF MAYTOWN, Maytown, Penna. N. F. ARNTZ Cashier M. R. HCFFMAN President OO0000000000O00LOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0O00 OOO0COO0OCOO000DOON ———_——— RENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. CLA = THE QUESTION u OF FURNITURE QUALITY w : There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- ® ture. " Often things that people buy fo personal wear and for home m use are not always expected to last a long ne, but this connot be - said about furniture. When you buy furniture you are buying us something you expect to render you long service. It will if you buy it here, because here we think of quality first. All the furni- ture we buy must measure exactly up to irements which we make as to the manner of workmanship. after all, in the long run, well-made furniture is the cheapest sort of furniture to buy. We invite comparison, look around, compare qualities and prices and then come here and see our vast assortment. reo Westenberger, Maley & Myers 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. 001 0 0 Eat Pie If You Want To « Don’t hesitate to eat anything you like — Dill’s Digesters will tone up your stomach and ward off indigestion, biliousness, sour stomach, distress from overeating. Sure and quick in relief. Your druggist sells Dill’s Digesters in the handy, vest-pocket bottle. D! LL'S igesters The Dill Company, Norristown, Pa., Makers of Dill’s Balm of Life IMPORTANT NOTICE We will move from 9 S. Queen .St., to our new office 25 SOUTH QUEEN STREET MAY 24th Eureka Laundry, Dry Cleaning & Dye Works 536-538-540 Locust St., Lancaster, Pa : AIO OOOOOOOOOE DOOOOO00O0000 5 OOOO OOOOOOO0COOOGERCOOOOOO0O00