Brant Stum and wife who left that | romantic country 14 years ago and are now located at Rinera, Iowa, | Blaston | having an irresistable inclination of | visiting the scenes of their childhood | up near Blaine, Pa. ntl CI — WHY IT SUCCEEDS CHESTNUT HILL Paris Koser and Charles of Locust Grove, were circulating in| | our midst last Saturday. That was some rain we ex- perienced on Saturday evening hav-| ing been a victim to its terrific force | coming home from Florin. | Because It's For One Thing Only and THE' MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. Po. %-o% 004% 00.4% Goadoagesfedfradrafeifeddraiodrfrdeioairifrddrddedd ied ide ded ddr de de ded didn ndnd ANNOUNCEMENT Business Men's Association of [Mount Joy Gommencing Th The following Bufines men will close their respective places at 12 o'clock noon in order to give their employees a half holiday. ~ Painting \ 3 aufo of yours to| If you want that look like a 1920, take it to Bruba- ker’s Garage and getja job of real painting. Charges and work must be satisfactory. Big Tire Sale I am closing out all my tires at greatly reduced prices. P. S. Brubaker Mount Joy, Pa. Tommy Kreider, the hustling Mt. Joy People Appreciate This supervisor of the Lancaster and Mar-| Nothin can be zood for every- jetta turnpike company was out onj_, 4 Sunday evening en the beau- ing « hing well brings suc ties of nature. g. Abrsz tham Wi al nd fam visited Doan’s Kidne Pills are for one his -in-le I lown thing only. near Sr S driv- For weak or disordered kidneys. ing that two m ud I Ask . i ! . Jacob E. Williar wife and his! Hel Joy evidgnce to . 1 rove bright little d . Martha, of Irs eit, W. Main St., near Ehoems gn ) i the hospital- says: y Pills have been ities of E. R. Neideigh 1 Tamiy | ysed in as far back as 1 on Sunday can ren My, back used to Luther Ww ntzel, a former resident ’'pain and ache so I had to have it of Blaine. of whom we frequently | rubbed. My kidneys became weak met during our days up the re was a and bothered me on that account. I cheerful hand shake over at A. D. used Doan’s Kidney Pills and cer- Garber’s store at Florin last week. tamnly, gan say Yiwu doubt, this During that terrific storm that i he RRL Seals predominated around here on Satur-|] haven't had to use them in a long day night, a large tree located near time.” { the barn of farmer Dress, above here Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t! received the effects of an electric simply ask for a kidney remedy—get stroke. Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that That Perry county reunion is gett- MIS: Geistweit had. Foster-Milburn fig More ripe every day und its gon Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ing to culminate into a grand suc- mo cess, if the court knows itself and that’s no dream either. G laring pos- ters put upon conspicuous pk aces and turned out from the Bulle fice will explain all. E. R. Neideigh and wife, your cor- MMERM respondent, Charles Berrier, Samuel wh I H. Tressler and son Claud, Willis Smith and wife called at the home on BOND of Chas. Coller and wife to pay their respect to Brandt Stum and wife who Will Sa are visiting his sister for an in- ve definite ER We were exceedingly surprised the other day when we were sum- moned to an automobile to shake Perry boy hands with a county You'll Find There’s Luck in the Right Fishing Tackle E have given a great deal of attention to selecting the kind of tackle that brings home the fish. Here are the most successful Lures— strongest, best wearing and least conspicu- ous Lines—smooth running Reels for hard service—Rods that properly combine elas- ticity and power—Landing Nets, etc. Let us fit you out for good luck. H. 5. Newcomer, Mt Joy THE WINCHESTER store ol ia [1 XE] | WIIDLOOOLLO0LO00O0O0DOLLLOLDOLODLOOLOOOLDOOOLODLOLOLODODOOOU | see us. 131 N. Queen St. "STAGE COACH DAYS Our forefathers their own glasses. They also traveled in stage coaches. They did both for the same reason—there was no other way. | Today stage coaches are a curiosity—their utility has passed with the invention of more modern methods, just as “selecting your own glasses” has given way to scientific eye testing. Our methods of testing are the latest and most scientific known and our work is fully guaranteed to be satisfactory. Call and | W. W. Appel & Son | JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS Lancaster, Pa. HROBDOLOLPHY 18888 PEOPLES Restaurant and Pool Room 62-64 West Main St. MOUNT JOY PENNA. selected CLAMS, CRABS AND OYSTERS IN SEASON The Lease Amusements § Have arrived and are located on § the old tennis court | Come and see the improvement Will be here untill JUNE 22nd, 1920 3 WILL OLO0O0OO0000OOO0OOOO0OO000OOOOOOOOOOCDNOODOOOL Regular Length, 7 inches For Sale at your Dealer, Made in five grades Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NW YORK Tr AZ. THE LANCASTER STORE THAT IS RIGHT AT YOUR DOOR Bin TA - CLR, a Gr A W. Donegal St., CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS ETC. [SPECIAL DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 to 1:30 A. H. Stumpf Propr. Ind. Phone You get 25 to 35% Actual Overstrens(h in a Mellinger Extra Ply Tire. Danger of | Sione, bruise or blow- outs_is reduced to a Siam Mellinger Extra Ply Tires. are Hand Mzde of Super-Vitalized, White Rubber—bhave the Vacuum tread and are GUARANTEED 8000 MILES Our representative will tell you the saving you make. in buying Mellinger Tires. Also ask about HH wai Special Tires, a quality tire at a Popular > Price. DISTRIBUTED EXCLUSIVELY in Lancaster County by HOWARD E. GARBER Bell Phone 137-R3 MOUNT JOY, PA. may-19-3mo. Please Remember I Sharpen Knives All Kinds Saws Cutting Tools, Etc. I make a specialty of sharpening and Repairing Lawn Mowers C. S. Gingrich MOUNT JOY oct-22-1;n very reasonable | 5 |Our Morturary Automobile { Anna, of Recording (Continued from page 1) Chicago; Mary and Earl at home. Also one brother, Monroe, |of Florin. Deceased was aged 60 | years, 9 months and 20 days. Funeral services will be held from the house ion Saturday morning at ten o’clock. | Interment in the Mt. Joy cemetery. { Philip Floyd Philip Floyd died at hig home at Cordelia, Monday night from the ef- fects of a stroke, aged 70 years. Be- | sides his wife he is survived by four Abram and Edward, of Cor- delia; Philip, of Lancaster, and | Jaco, of Mountville. One brother, residing in Dallastown, and a sister, in Harrisburg, also survive. Fu- neral services were held on Thurs- | vices at the Ironville church. In- | terment was made in the adjoining cemetery. \ | Sons- Wayne McClurg Wayne McClurg, a son of John Mec- { Clurg, of Elizabethtown, died on Tuesday night in the West Chester Hospital, aged 30 years, death re- sulting from pneumonia after a brief illness. The deceased had gone to West Chester for treatment for epil- epsy and pneumonia developed, necessitating his removal to the hos- pital. His parents and two brothers, Hoffer, Philadelphia, and Frank, of Elizabethtown, The funeral was held in Elizbethtown on Satur- | day with interment in Mt. Tunnel cemetery. survive. Mrs. Martha Brandt Brandt, aged bite of David Brandt, died Friday at | her home, in Elizabethtown, follow- ing a long illness. She was a mem- Martha Missimer 76 | ber of the Church of the Brethren | for 55 years. The deceased is sur- | vived by her husband and seven chil- | dren. Four sisters, Mrs. Louisa | Thome, Mrs. Harriet FEngle, Mrs. Anna Witmer, all of Mt. Joy, and Mrs. Kate Snyder, of Milton Grove, as do 18 grandchildren children. Fu- held on Tues- also survive and 10 great neral services grand were day morning from the late home. In- terment was made in the Florin cemetery. John K. Ney John K. Ney one of the oldest and best known residents of Elizabeth- town, died on Saturday afternoon af- ter a long illness from Brights di- sease. He was 70 years of age and was a farmer by occupation. He was a member of the Church of the Brethren for many years. Five chil- dren as follows survive: Rev. H. H. Ney and Mrs. John E. Becker, of Elizabethtown; Ella, wife of Harry Koser and Ray, of Milton Grove; Kate wife of Joseph Meashey, of Mt. Jor. The following brothers and sis- ters also survive: Jacob K., Daniel K., and Christian K., all of Elizabeth- tewn; Amos XK. of Marietta; Mrs. Jacob Shiffer, of Bachmanville; Mrs. Jaccb Shell, of Palmyra, and Mrs. Oliver Hite of Elizabethtown. The fu- aeral was held on Tuesday afternoon interment in Green Tree cemec- tery. --_— Marriage Licenses, Abram E. Hershey, East Donegal and Mary R. Horst, Lebanon county. Joseph N. Gingrich, Florin, and Elizabeth S. Fry, Route 3, Elizabeth- town. weet) Ul —— Notice, Boy Scouts. All Boy Scouts are requested to meet Thursday evening at 6.30 sharp at Scout headquarters. Be prepared to hike. Bon’ Miss This Sale es AND SHOATS PUBLIC SALE 100 HEAD| COWS, STOCK BULLS AND SHOATS \ ne ON FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, 1920 The undersigned will sell at public sale at their stock yards, Mount Joy, Pa., the following live stock: GOGB00000000000000000G00000ITEEOOTHIITBOOBECETTTOOOIOOSDTOTOSOTTS000 100 Head of cows, Bulls and Shoats This is a good lot of cows and stock bulls so don’t fail to attend this sale. This sale will {positively start at 1:25 sharp. Conditions i—Nagte at 60 days with approved security ‘and bank discount added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. F. B. Aldinger, au Coble & Kroided Ci lerks. J. D. Easton Ind Phone 831-A1 FLORIN, PA. USED & ANTIQUE FURNITURE | BOUGHT AND SOLD If you have anything you want to ' sell, phone or drop me a card. If. you do not care to make sale, I will buy your entire equipment. for cash. — z = < | — { 1 0 0 0 0 0, 0 edie 9, * 9, * 9, 9, 9. 0 9, ($0500.00, ($0,000 0.00, * 9, * 0 + ml 9, * 0 adeaded 9, * 9, 9, * 9, 0, 000002, Soo 200% $0 XaX 9, * S. B. Bernhart / F. A. Farmer H. E. Hauer Chas. Wealand | Eshleman Bros. / H. C. Brunner / Harry Laskewitz American Store’ D. F. Gable 9, + 4 9, ® $0, 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \/ 0, (P00 00 0 P08 0000S 000009, 9, aa’ 9, > ~ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 . ursday, June 24 P. E. Getz H. S. Newcomer Brown Bros. G. Moyer Mrs. Mina Dierolf H. S. Seaman Don Gorrecht S. H. Miller E. L. Zerphy 90 g » & Henry G. Carpenter W. D. Chandier : b ; <, oo + KR? Jo a30 650650450430 030 430 07045 oadedeadedoddedododdoddocdoded Pgs age ee ageel: tosdededededededondedededd > 0 e% 0% > ® 9, J J 000% 0% *, $0080.09, RQ RAR aXe Xa Xa) o®% a’ > > J * J > 0. $, > COR) J * $0. (POSS 0000 9 o 0 4% % Lala’ 9, * 9, », 9, » 9, > 9, * 9, * + 9, * &, * 9, &, * 9, > 9, Ra XE RE RR MR > J +> $0, 0, 0, 0 SARA REA NARA RAR GX > oe | %T0 eo oN s TRADE AT THE BUSY ‘STORE. QOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH0 Weekly Half Holiday Begins Thursday, June 24th Our Store Closes Every Thursday at 12 Q’clock, Ending September 2nd We hope you will do your shopping early that we can give you the best service HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES HAVE FOUND IT DECIDEDLY PROFITABLE TO OUR AIM THROUGHOUT IS TO SELL THE BEST QUALITY OF MERCHAN- DISE FOR LESS. BY THIS METHOD WE ARE SAVING THRIFTY MOUNT JOY AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY SHOPPERS CONSIDERABLE ON THEIR Splendid for fiving or ehoriening trade from then on. PURCHASES. BLOOMERS Cocoa, par-1b:..... 0. av niin 21c Jersey Bloomers .............. 4 2, 89¢ | 5 Ibs, Cocoa:for. . lJ... oui. ics:iinn 95¢ Crepe Bloomers ................. dBc] Cheese, per Jo. [oo uhh isons 33c Sill Bloomers . nua. ....$2.19 | The quality of this could not be any better. Pork and Beans, percan............ 10c Campbell’s Beans, per can........ 12Y,¢ SILK CAMISOLES Apple Butter, periealt. .. a... ..n. ound, 5¢ 98c, $1.25, $1.39, $1.89 and $2.49 y Large Bottle Amonia, per bottle. ...... 9c \E aporated Milk, per can.......... 4 13c UNDERWEAR 3iffy Jell, per phe. ......... aa. 12%Yc Our line of Underwear is quite complete. | Currants, per 1b.................... 21c We sell the Munsey wear, Forest Mills, | 5 Ips. Currants for............. . .95¢ Comfy and Fitrite. HOSIERY FISH Ladies "White Cotton Hose, per pair. ..16¢ Ocean Whiting Fish, 3 lbs for. ... .10c Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose per pair. ...23c Mackerel, per ib............. Naan 18c | Ladies’ Attificial Silk Hose, per pair...23c Salmon, ; per €an.... .. . ho . .18¢c | Men’s Cotten Hose, per pair......... 18c Tuna Fish, all white meat, per can. ..26c | Men’s, Artifigjal Silk Hose, per pair. ..27c Gray Bish, per can.............. ...18¢ | Children’ S Hose, per palin... i. oe 29c¢ GROCERIES | BLOUSES AND WAISTS Mucatoni, 318. Hor. oo a ames 25 | You will have %p see our line of Middy Green Peas, per 1b... .. ; Looe el | Blouses and Shirt Raise to realize their Noodles, per DRE... ti. viiveiv von con 5c | real value. Post Toasties, per pkg............ .11c \ Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, per pkg. ... 11c SHOES AND OXFORDS Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkg....... ..8¢c | For every one in the family to realize the Swift Wool Soap, per bar.............8¢c | value of our shoes you will have to try a Santay, per can. ........ ie alate als «4+ 26c | pair. We are sure we Wilpete your shoe | 3 pr H. E. HAUER, MT. JOY SOOIQOOOOTT EW DCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 DOC pg ti a ”i \ OCOOOOCOOOO0E £ J oy SOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0OGO0O0000O0OCO00 BRETT Er Pr 3