The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 16, 1920, Image 1

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    The Mount Joy Bulletin 3
) VOLUME XX NO. 3 Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, June 16, 1920 $1.50 a Year in Advance

( m— p— - p— rr — m——— rem - = —— mone m—
There Wi in be : a \ Three Days’ Chautauqua on the School Grounds, [1t. Joy June 22, 23 and 24
.00 pe i. - - re -
TAU UA HERE SOON There are six Lancaster countians RECORDINGS The Board of Directors of the | Charles A. Barrett, of Middletown, THURSDAY JUNE 17
00 i in this year's graduating class who 50 a West Hempfield School Distriet met ANNUAL REUNION and Miss Fryer of Elizabethtown,
will receive their degrees at the MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE at Salunga Monday and elected | were married last Saturday.

.00 MT. JOY IS ENTHUSIASTIC FOR commencement exercises in the HAVE PASSED TO THE teachers for the term of 192021 |ppeinpp TO PRESENT THIS| John E. Ginder and Mrs. Alice §.|ONEY THE WEATHER WILL PRE-
ITS COMING—SEASON TICK- Schwab Auditorium this morning. GREAT BEYOND The salaries were increased and now BORO WITH A SUITABLE jy el he r Ma : vill ge le VENT THE MOST SUCCESS-
00 ETS GOING FAST Among them are a well known ae range from $90 to $110 per month MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF FO as FUL EVENT IN THE HI
rm young man of Bast Donegal and a, Jared Alexander, colored, died at The tax rate was fixed at six mills, THIS ASSOCIATION l/ ev Henry S. Zug. > > TORY OF THE CHURCH
On June 22 the Chautauqua will popular young 1ady of Bainbridge. Columbia in his 81st year. an increase of one-half mill. The oc- a Seomcmp———s er The twelfth annual reunion of the
.00 come to Mount Joy and for three Henry Eby comes from near here a { cupation tax was increased from $1 He Mount Joy 16nrs Ass nsianion Miss Minnie Stahl Engle, daughter Donegal Presbyterian Chureh will be
days we will enjoy the best in en- and will receive his dégree in the Claude Miller, aged 25 years, an! to $2. The schools will open on held ifs 344, suas) Teuton a) ae | of Daniel G. Engle, of Yarns was held at Donegal Springs tomorrow
tai 3) ¢ i irati rqe i ai wv 3 sle n 1 NODES SP \ . x a voy 92 Be aly 8 as: | : N Aw < ¢ x ’
00 po ment im Inspiration. i course in dairy husbandry. : He was eleetrician of Columbia, died at Yori. September 6 for a term of seven | ciation met in Mount Joy Hall at | married at Philadelphia to W. L. Har Thursday. It will again be an all day
The local committees are busy formerly a member of the 1918 elass | —— months. The teachers elected are as 10: 30 a. m. for registration and at| Vey of that city. celebration.

with many plans which indicate that and spent two years in the service as: Mrs. Oneida Kruger, formerly of | follows: Maple Grove, Mrs. John Es-|11:45 they marched in a body to : .
we are going to have a most suceess- a first lieutenant shortly after enlist- Columbia, died at Harrisburg aged 28 | henghade; Airy Vale, Florence Way; |S! an s woods, along the Little| David H. Kendig, of. Millersville
ful Chautauqua this year. ing in the ordinance department, He Years. Musser’s vacant; Silver Spring | Chickies creek, Where a basket pic-{ and Anna Heisey of near Milton
Season tickets are on sale and is a member of the Alpha Gammo m—— ! Primary, A. Elizabeth Long; Silver nic was held, and various sports on | Grove, were married at the Church
i ; Mrs. Margaret Reilly Brown, wife gaged in. | of God parsonage here last Thursday
seem to be going fast due to the fact ofessi sjcultur: PRL IS alga 3 vn, Wi Spring. Sec ary Ir arvs role. : i“ : . | of God parsonage here last Thursday
is Ruo . professional agricultural: fra of Chief Justice J. Hay Brown, died Spring Secondary; ‘Minerva Brack | The business session was held in|
The committee ineludes the follow=
ing: Rev. R. 8S. Quigley, Mount Joy;
Miss Martha B. Clark, Miss Rebecca
J. Slaymaker, Lancaster; Amos Gish,
Elizabethtown, R. D. No. 5; H. S.

afternoon at three o’clock by the pas-

he aplendi 0ST nas e iniiy r igh thant 1 : 1 Erie Weieaice tr Bolo] oY " as he |
00 that a splendig- program "as been ' ternity, and always prominent in the at Lancaster Sunday evening. | bill; Fairview, Ruth Youtz; Sylvan [the Hall in the evening at 7:30 in the | ihe Sap oo Newcomer. Mount Joy: Mrs, Jacob
premised. And from all appearaa:as activities of the “D. H.” Club, en | Retreat, Margaret Youtz; [ronville | absence of President Clyde E. Brown, | tor Rev. I. A. MacDannald. Zook, Mount Joy, R. D. No. 1; Hor-
00 the program will justify the claims | Miss Mary Engle, of Bainbridge, John B. George | Primary. Melba Wierman; Ironville | Chas. C. Gearhart of Philadelphia, | — J A > e 4
made for it | wi ill I luated f jobn B. G f Manhei tied | § . I Kel s selected as chairman Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Nissley, of |ace E. Heisey, Rowenna; Miss Bertha
acc Ior IL { who wi e raduatec from the John B. George, of Manheim, died | Secondary, Fannie Kneisly; Kehler's, {Was selected as che an. [ i id .
g : ; = Seconda n Si he The death of Samuel Harris of | Landiville, announce the marriace of B. Heisey, Wrightsville; Mrs. Mary


Pr Frederick Poole will op21 the course in vocational home |econ- Saturday at the County Hospital of | Ida Kimmich; Norwood Esther ; .
Ar= : 5 : MiG | : oe : WE : pee ? . oo Jnch SUE | fr visbure, a member of the associa-| their daughter, Mrs. Susan Nissley | Ingram, Marietta; W. L. Heisey, of
session with his: illustrated lecture! omics, and has aceepted a position as tuberculosis. Deceased was forty | Kline; Kinderhook Primary, Ethel | | nm wz mounced and suitable ac-| Mel 1 io. Benj ns K 1 Rheem
ct “rm . : p : LIC vas announced anda Ss e > ac- | McLanachan, to Benjamin S. Kendig, | iheems.
on China. “The March of the Yel | supervisor of homemaking : jeriel. vears of age and had been in the! Keeseyv:; Kinde ¢ Secondary, Ed- hey a oo . . g .
Tote ns” it is called 2nd a oer or ; hc » nok ng at Aieriel, ; A 2 € Th a Keesey; Wingerhiook econdary, Ed-|tion was taken in form of resolution. son of Dr. J. 8. Kendig, of Salunga, H. Burd Casell, of Marietta, will
LW, IONS, s called and 1s beau ‘avne C : r > 3 ar 108 PILE Si 3a dept ay 14th Jai, . Ie £ Sterling's, Mrs sser. | . is f arris or Was iniure : 3 :
3a : : : yng comb uring, the past year fila. Since NeDIemuer ? Na Gram and Sterling's, Mrs Musser. | Mr. Har of Harri burg was injured which took place recently in Phila preside at the morning session. Ad-
tifully illustrated with photographs she has been president of the Everyn tne —— in a railroad accident Sunday, June| | Yohi t tl 1 f R Eli dresses will be made by Prof. How
i | i i ! . v . : . de ia ¢ 3 3 r. Elias resses 3 c 3 » -
taken by Dr. Poole during his (Cottage, one of the women’s dormi- Mrs. Elizabeth Fairfax ¥ i 8th at Coatesville, resulting in al-{doiphia at the home of 1ev os ™
, ous 7 ; : : ; ; Mrs. Elizabeth Fairfax, widow of ¥ ! : most immediate death . Baker. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Kendig have |ard B. Grose, Jr, of Lancaster, and
adventurous travels in the land of tories; a member of the girls’ stu- Mrs. lize alriax, ALAN a § Mossy mediate deat, ; s Mi Anna M. Whart f Philadel
the yellow men. | dent council, and head of the social Richard Fairfax, died at her home in One of the principal features of | gone on a wedding trip to Delaware iss Anna ar an 0 8 *
oy te : ? 3 St iviothe : rai tHine : : the business session was the de-| Gay hia. Special musieal features w
The Versatilians arc also scheduled | service work of the ¥. W. CL.A. Marietta, death resulting from a R DYED he J ne ig on » 1 3 Fund | Gap. i D ne rl A = ki
: : p + o 1810 ( res 3% Memorial ft s —— Je S( 5 de = ssler, ’
t for this day. This trio of young la- ————— meee complication of diseases after a BR Y Lif i ) 154 : ; : . e solos by . yde Shissler, tenor;
a } i ) 8! ? ah ir ous wu with which to erect and present to| Mr. Charles S. Martindale and| Samuel B. Smith, Bass, and Master
dies have something new and origin- Need $37,000 lingering iliness aged 70 years. Two | the Borough of Mount Joy in the|Miss Catharine M. Eby, of Lemoyne, | walter Sickles, of Harrisburg
in songs sic. Pig riolin, | A ; ras inaucurated : : sisters residing fn Baltimore survive, | wd oe RABI THEIR ape res Bisons a Valter Sickles, « g 8 A
al in songs and music. P iano, von A move was inaugurate d at Lan- | GOOD PROGRAM RAM ARRANGED BY | neal mo SOT Slabs \diers Or.| rere Marri 1 at the home of Mrs. At the afternoon session Charles
xylophone and vocal music will mak® | caster last week to raise $37,000 lo- a THE METHODIST EPISCO- in communication of the Soldiers Or-| Etta M. Bennett, an aunt of the| + :
: : i | Mrs. 1"aac Doncch | ws it whan Sch s vreciati £1 hide 5 ataleal Thoreau oftan | W. Eaby, of Lancaster, will preside
this opening session well worth at-| cally for the relief of war stricken nat . PAL SUNDAY SCHOOL phan Sehool, as an appreciation o | ride, at 5 o'clock on Thursday after-| a} dress of wel
tending | Arsoiniane and their children. Men YTS. Ania, Wife of Isaac Donecho, | FOR JULY 20th. the kindly spirit manifested by the|noon, by Rev. R. S. Quigley, former | 8nd make the address of welcome.
= {7 gi ial sss iad 8 A 4 arietta Fridav | - a citizens of Mount Joy toward the|pastor of the Presbyterian church. | Addresses will be made by Lady
y res ar
died at her home in Marietta Friday | b I t yi a C
Brush the Great—Master of Magic representing every section of the coun
—will hold forth on the second day. | ty, have been appointed and who
Brush is perhaps the best known and | will have charge of the collections.
after a lingering illness of over a The Methodist Episcopal Sunday |Sixteeners in general. Miss Lowella| The ring ceremony was used. After | Herbert, of Glasgow, Scotland; Prof.
vear from a complication of diseases. School has arranged an excellent pro- | Appelton of Phil: de h hia, m ude althe wedding the bridal party had | Herbert H. Beck, of Franklin and
} oram for its Children’s Day exercises | movement which resulted in the ap-|luncheon after which the happy cou-| parshall College, and Col. D. Brain-

most popular magician on the Chau- | Those in thig vicinity are appended: Deceased was borp n Mariette, bay | on Sunday, June 20th. The program pointment of a committee of five to|ple left on a wedding trip. After erd Case, of Marietta
tauqua platform today. He also de-| H. Burd Cassel, Marietta, East ing livedithere all her life. She was | which includes both recitation and act, mn conjunction with the officers Sept ist they will be at home to their A opult . " got] : will be held in
th livers a leeture which is as interest-| Donegal and Conoy:; A. Hottenstein, fifty-two years of age. The funeral pysic, is appended: of the Association in executing the|friends on Herman Avenue, Lemoyne bor Lar meeting J >
; ia winavi Im was held on Monday. Opening Chorus, All Thy Works | project. The committee appointed as YW ” the evening, presided over by H. 8.
as is his wizardry. .. | Bast Petersburg; Rev. H. K. Ober, “a8 1 . I 8 ns, 1y ro IB \ q 1
The other half of the second day’s | Elizabethtow o Geo. HU i oat ren Shall Praise Thee, School; Respon-|D. W. Cottrel, Harrisburg; W. B.| A BUSINESS MEN'S \ Newcomer. Addresses will be made
he other half of the second day’s | Elizabethtown; Geo. H. Brown, Mt. Anos. Sheaffer. sive Reading, Creation’s Melody, by |Bender, Mount Joy; Harvey Shaar, ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED | by Rev. Frank G. Bossert, of Rox-
talent is a duo—the De Marco Enter-| Joy; H. W. Minnich, TLandisville; A Sheaffer, a well k resi- | Superintendent and School; Invoca- | Lancaster; Miss Louella Appleton, o. Philadelvhi
f- : ? a : WE ” Amos Sheaffer, a well known resi- | Superintendent and School; Invoca- | Lancaster; MISS . Sppleton boro, Philadelphia, and Rev. Freder-
tainers. These artists are great fa. | Rev. J. I. Knittle, Manheim. dent and painter of Florin, was found | tion, Reverend M. Davis; Recitation, Philadelphia; ; Thomas C. Knowles Last Friday evening the merchants | ick R. S. Morrow, Marietta.
vorites with Chautauqua patrons, for seston Meese =n sitting in a chair unconscious in his | A Sunny Greetinng, Kathrine Shirk; | Pottsville. Wm. B. Bender Was| of this place formed an organization Luncheon Will be served at one
their harp, violin, mandolin and cos- At Bradford Next Year shop at his home on Sunday. He |Recitation, Harry Fisher; Song, Sun- chosen treasurer of the fund. Sub- | which is a step toward progress and o'clock and supp at 5 o'clock. At™ 5
tume numbers seem to plese every-| The seventy-first annual conven- Was removed to his home and died | ny Sparkles, Primary Class; Recita- | scriptions to the fund amounting t0|,1} who have joined in the movement > A Suprar ge i ™
oho tion of the Great Council of Pennsyl- last evening without regaining con- | tion,” Outgrowing Her Clothes, June |more than $200.00 were made with-| 26 to be comgratulatedy Ait this | o'clock the Donegal Society will
o he last d Dr. Geo. P. Bib) I i Ord f Red Me sciousness. He leaves a. wife and |Minnich; Recitation, God’s Little [in a few minutes. { meeting they decided to close their [meet. Miss Martha B. Clark will
ou : te Iast ORY 60: et ® | vania, Improve TUOr 01 x0 el these children: Mrs. Edwin Witmer, | Child, Harry and William Darren- L he next reunion will be held the | ospective places of business every | preside. This society was organized
se will deliver his discourse on Fads | was held at Bethlehem last week. Huyrisburg; Harrison, of Reading; |kamp; Recitation, The Bird and the | 4th Thursday of June 1921. The fol-| Thursday noon at 12 M., commenc- | eight years ago to perpetuate the
and Extremes.” Dr. Bible is called | Next year’s convention will be held (Continued on page 8) » Rose, Maude Kipple;Song, The Call, |lowing officers were elected: Pres., ing June 24. memory of Donegal church, to col-
the “serious-humorist” and indeed he | at Bradford, McKean county. At SS —- By School; Recitation, Pink Rose-|Jacob A. Gramm, Harrisburg; 1st V. The officers sisetd at this meeting | 150t relics and antiques Veloreing to
: 3 + . 3 : ~ 1. ¢ dwar 2 ate Falts »odate + © 311C f
is. His lecture is a great combina- | last week’s session Jno. E. Schroll FIRE PUTS GAS WORKS v buds, June Minnich, Ella Shirk annd | Pres., Mrs. Kate Faltz, Deodate; 2nd | are as follows: P. E. Getz, President the ehurch, to preserve and beautify
OUT OF COMMISSION Esther Walters; Recitation, Charles |V. Pres., Mrs. Minnie Bayley, Phila- Clyde Eshleman, ey PF. A.
Minnich; Recitation, James. Kipple; |delphia; Recording Secretary, Grant Farmer, Treasurer; George H. Brown the graveyard and arrange the an-
A fire of unknown origin badly | Recitation, Helping Mother, Esther | Sowers, New York City; Corres-|,nq H. E. Hauer, Directors. The | nual reunion.
tion of facts and fun—there is a point | who represented Otsego Tribe No. 59,
and a reason to his lecture. You will | of this place, was made a member of

enjoy his talk, because there's a mes- | the State Board of Appeals for a term damaged the main building of the | Walters; : Recitation, Strawberries, ponding Secretary, I Miss Louella Ap- officers and directors of the associa- Automobiles will meet the trains
sage in it for you. __ [of three years, {Donegal Gas Company on West |Joln Garihan; Recitation, A Worker, pleton, Philadelphia; Financial Secre- | tion comprise the Board of Governors | at Mount Joy Marietta and Rheems.
And last, but not least, we will —teey |Main street last Thursday night | Thomas Garihan; Recitation, The tary, John Armstrong, West Fair-| The members of the association are ——— a
have the National Four, a quartette Moved Office Building labout 11:30. The alarm was sound- | Friend of the Children, Mary Diffen- | view; Treasurer Secretary, Wm. B.|as follows: The American Store, S. THE SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS
wa nie olay NL : io avd Biloadshic Five ’ _ | derfer; Exercise, The Sunday School | Bender, Mount Joy. B. Bernhart, F. A. Farme oe
that is different. The Nationals play Last Thursday Mr. Ed. Ream ed and Friendship Fire Company re- | derier; € e, e Sunday Schoo , 5 . Bernhart, F. A. Farmer, H. E. COMING TO LANCASTER
sponded immediately but when they | Chain, By Five Boys; Recitation, Be Those present at the reunion Were | Hauer, D. F. Gable, E. L. Zerphey,
arrived nearly the entire building | Glad, Kathryn Seachrist; Song, Wel- fas follows: J. A. Gram, Salunga, Pa.;|c A. Wealand, H S Newcomer Brown
sing and entertain, and their work | moved the former Farmers’ Cream-
was ablaze. Several streams were | come, O Radiant Roses, By School; John W. Cottwell, 1800 N. 106th St.. Bros., G. Moyer, Harry Laskewitz, When the Sells-Floto circus comes
is well above that of the usual quar- | ery office building to its new location


XJ 3 3 av HQ x Iya: wt 3 . ‘ " . ny Noche ATPOOT . . . idav
N tette entertainment. It will pay us| on South Barbara street, near his quickly played on the burning build- | Dialogue, God’s Ambassadors, Clase Harrisburg ; Ww HH ; Bichelherper, Mrs. Mina Dierolf, H. M. Seaman, to Lancaster, Friday, June 25 for af-
ci all to hear them. sale and exchange stables. Small jpg The building is brick. The en- (Continued on page 4) Royalton, Pa.; Mrs. Emma (Eichel- | pghleman Bros., P. E. Getz, Don W. |ternoon and evening performances,
i All in all, the program looks un-| trucks were placed under it and with tire roof and all the doors and win- YS Yffnencemene berger) Zimmerman, , Middletown, Gorrecht, S. H. Miller, H. C Brun- | great throngs of people from this sec-
usually attractive and there is prom-| Daniel Derr’s big traction engine, it ‘dows were burned out but the brick | A LOCAL SUNDAY SCHOOL Pa.; D. Ww. Cotgwel Payne ig ner, W D Chandler, H. G. Carpenter | tion, will be in attendance for we are
ise of a real big three-day Chautau-| was moved in a few hours. Now Ed Walls are not damaged. All the ma- MEETING AT FAIRVIEW ig D. . Oo v a oat The these ‘hol also decided to ob-| a), more or less circus hungry.
To ey cevbi rive 5 10: I hina nn pat Ne chinery in the building was more or re Mrs. Fauline e'le . yA serve these holidays during the next ~ . : :
qua. The eo-opexation given the 1lo-| has a real office. Les Nanated q g tondent P . en : : Joy. Pa.;: Mrs. Katie Witmer Foultz, year: July 4th, (Mond: 2 Iv 5tl The circus this season is the
% > i by th Chautauqua ir ell i ess damaged. Superintendent . A Sunday School meeting will be . . fone Cah day July oth) | a omaah 3 hi wrrirld iz
cal committee Dy e auts \ Frank Schock got busy immediatel : ; Deodate, Pa.; Mrs. Irene Cahoon Jailed al Picnic Day, Labor Dav. Set second largest in the world and has
Bureau has been excellent for no Name Maytown Pastor and Ror all the help available Tay held by the chureh of the Brethren | (vii or) Nahant, Mass.; Mrs. Gable 6th; Thanksgivin C Day Chratinas. the pick of the circus performers on
: , ; a : J A) : : ok ] & avalle FA € ¢ Pairview S : : 20, at | J ik oe Wc )i § ay, aristmas, | i x : } .
stone has been left unturned to sup-| Rev. C. W. Baker, formerly of making the necessary repairs and oe 21ry oy — unday, June P Mn Mount Joy, Pa.; Mr. ane Mts. 0 2 N w Year, Ascension Day, and Deco. | its roster. “The Birth of the Rain-
rr ply plenty of advertising and infor- [ Clcarficid, was elected pastor of ©&t. present indications are that they will :30 p. m. The committee In charge | Bender, yo Joys fiad or A-fration Day. bow” opens the great performance,
: “ : : : : ag . . as arrange sf fing program: | Gramm 1825 srry St., Harrisburg, The tog 1 : : :
§ mation in connection with the com- | John's T.utheran church at a congre- be manufacturing gas late today or hos arranged the following Dregran Gres a 2 Da Con alace Fasly The public should cc-operate with | heine followed by aerial acts that are
Fh : : . Jone. Congregs: . y ‘ px- | Pa.; Mrs. Gr: , arris 2, Pa.jl‘hese men : ; wake this o : * .:
ipg three-day program. gational meeting held Sunday morn: f the fi kept th i Congegmaon a : Warren Stourck, 114 S. 33rd St.. ont : ly help make this move-| (ijling; contortion acts, real fea-
. : x 5 . » work 3 me ce \ oises: / OS SOS le ye x Ly . | mer a Success.
Everyone “interested in. Worth.ljug « Bev. Baker comes fo guciesd Rare ro he ou th on So ne ee ey Scone! Camden, N. J.; Harry Lunger, 50 eet Be ee eee # | tures; ring acts that are marvelous;
3; 3 5p : : 4 ¢ 2S 1 3 » large storage | Forwar reme i 16.S. 'S..'¢ Je wa ’ TL: sae
while entertainment and instruction | Rev. Albert Sutcliffe, who left in & é Y : Forward Movement ‘in the S. y 4 Vine St., Danville, Pa.; Jas. A. Keirn Indian, dog, pony, monkey, riding,
tanks nearby. The damage is es-|« + Go upils i 2 8. 8."
should attend the local Chautauqua | March to accept a charge in Schuyl- timated at several thousand dollars. How Get the Pupils nwo the 8. 5,
and help make it a big community | kii' Flaven. ; EE Jno. K. Miller; b “How to Lead the
eli Gin nena Pupils to Christ,” Lizzie Becker; c
A FORMER RESIDENT “Daily Bible Study,” Allen G. Becker;
Wssington, Pa.; Annie M. Keirn, 1619 PUPILS OF MISS WELSH
16th St., Altoona, Pa.; Ale H. Keirn, a - IN A PIANC RECITAL
1615 16th St., Altoona, Pa.; Mildred The prano pupils of Miss Welsh : Fa
Keirn, Altoona, Pa.; Mrs. Nora Gan- primary and intermediate grades used this sesson. And a band of 50
animal, clown and scores of other
acts. Three rings and two stages are

4 as CoE Dseds Recorded RESCUES LITTLE GIRL S “] Lif f the Sunday | NOD Riddle) 156 N. 9th St., Leba- will give their annual recital in Mt. | musicians adds its bit to the program
COLORED MAN AT BILL- Cyrus G. Frey to Martin M. Har- —l oOng,; nner Jie 0 1¢ sundaay |* Is . 1s 920F a Jov Hall Friday nicht of this week molkine § the greatest performanee
3 s A kT IVES . nas? _1-o. | nON, Pa.; Joseph G. Baker, 2305 jth» Vy £2 friday night of this week | making it the greatest per g
MYER SHOOTS HIS GIRL | nish, property in Landisville, $1. ar. Jom wre; a son of William School Peacher, H. 4, Mer) ¥; | Ave, Altoona, Pa.; Mrs. Addie Wei. : 7 = 0 clock. The fo lowing pu- | undor canvas that will visit this Sct:
- | Benjamin O. Musser to Rohrer Shire, of this place, was wor king in| Song; Address, H. H. Nye, D} © S.} ...t 50 LaFayette ot York, Pa.;|PUus will play: Lillian Backenstoe, | {jon this season.

a truck patch near his home in York. | S." Secy.; Song, Round Tab} J. S.|nys. Ethel Weaver 36 LaFayette St. Dorothy Boyce, Charles and John

Miss Mildred Johnson, colored, | Stoner ; gy 4 : : tie $n on
’ ’ , property in Mount Joy, my. hae ae : Bron stor: Ta letter mark the date in your
aged about 24 years, whose home is | ¢1 000 os Colo Gi i Ss and al rong. Bring your puzzlir ques- | York, Pa.; Mrs. re! Sorgen 437 Brmdh Li Hor Frupnker, zabeth Pe to i . ie id non
| 04, . vear-olc aughter of Mr. : Mrs. : ; he oy : oul. es i by, arl : Yauli Dy Ald: calenda re he kiddies 1 you
at Lancaster, is confined to the Co-| john; Garman to Benjamin S. T. R oa isin A Hine tions for the Round Table. Kingdom Cooper Avenue, York, Pa; Mrs. Ratio: Elsie He ied By ; Alida neighborhood together and all come
lumbia Hospital suffering from a | gtauffer, property in Mt. Joy town- stream and fell into the yater. He Songs No. One will be used. Modera- Jann Sonoy (Rathaus) Middiern Robert Helig, Miriam rma and spend the day with Sells-Floto.
fracture of the bone of hor left 1eg | township, $1,500. | heard the child’s cries, waded into | tor, J. K. Earhart; Chorister, Mabel York: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shoemaker Mildred and Kathryn Lindemuth, | Be in time for the parade in the
between th knee and thigh, the re- rl Arn the water neck deep at the place the | Weaver. : ° now te Alice and Oliver Longenecker, Anns :
e € ¢. Te | (Stewart), 1120 Montgomery St., \ $ i Anna | morning.
sult of the accidental discharge of a Harding Nominated { child disappeared. Wading around —_— Harrisburg: J. W. Armstrong, West Mumma, Marion Musser, Martha
revolver in the hands of her sweet- Senptor Warren G@. Harding, of 2 the water he came in contact with CELEBRATES NINETY-FIFTH Fairview, Pa.; Mrs. Lizzie (Raxtel) Moyer, Dlandie Newcomer, Ethel Were Out of Cas
-t, Luther Sharpe, colored, who is ; the unconscious body of the child, BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY | Karanaugh, Middletown; Clyde Kar-|g¢Weomer, Helen Snyder, Laura Nii a Cio WW le
. heart, t pe, » W Ohio, was nominated for the presi- located in about five feet of water, nach. Middletown: Mrs. Sally David Sumpman. Owing to the fire at the Gas Works
employed in the Baker quarries at | dency on Saturday in the Republican | and brought it to the surface. He Sra. Biz hotly Rove who. is al] gh; in ey : Alice | > - last weels, we huve been unable te
Billmyer. The bullet passed entire-| National Convention at Chicago, on immediately began resuscitation by |. 1M . Hm . estilo eof Clellan (Eichelberger) Middletown; | Have You Bought Yours? V gperaiel our type setiin machine and
ly through the girl's leg, shattering | the tenth ballot, receiving 682 1-2 artificial respiration and before as- ing ‘her home ab the residence 0 Meo Goria Luft (Bhadt), Royalton’ The drive for selling tickets for |C°Wd therefore not sc the usual
the bone very badly. The wound is | yotes. Governor Calvin Colidge, of sistance arrived he succeeded in| Mr. and Mrs. lsase Fshlemon, n Yack Stokes 211 Coral St., {lance oH tho Mount Joy community Chautau- amount of Teading matter for this
a serious one and the outcome cannot | Massachusetts, was nominated for | | bringing her back to consciousness. | East Donegal, is receiving congratu- |i "oo ay 0 Middletow n; Jack |dua to be held June 22- 24, began on hi ¥ . ato Jet A oy Sate
be determined at this time. vice president oe it lations on her ninety-fifth birthday an | opi1as Windsor, York Co.; Mrs. Liz-| Monday and will continue during the ih : ffi ars, ener. g oh > I
” re eee / niversary. Mrs. Grove is the oldest | jo Bair (Appleton), 24 Broad gt.-{ entire week. This is the first Chau- hear n 3g Joa Noe Nv
; ; SCHOOL. BOARD IN ITS woman in the township, and despite | Lancaster; Mrs. Alice (Fulrton. |tauqua course this town has had and DS ATS ey Ag Ny
Five ee uly killed ut Bils Route : | MONTHLY SESSION | per age ig daily around the home at- Senft 733 East Chestnut St., Lan-| |it is hoped that it will be liberally Hb aa ven Sr
Steer The auto bus service between Eliza | ene tending to her usual duties. She will | caster; J. W. Boothe, 1415 "Green | Patronized. In order to get this| Poo 22 Gee” :
a crippled so badly that they | hethiown and Middletown has been | The School Board Tet Mount Joy : ’ Ld ow without | St-» Harrisburg; Mrs. J W. Boothe, | course, the committee had to guaran- :
; 18 %o be killed, by a train, on the! gjseontinued during week days, but Borough (four of the five directors) | 36 times Jesd aud Sew Withoa Harrisburg; Kathrine Heckert, 133|tee the sale of 300 season tickets. 3 Colng to Lebanon,
] Cornwall & Lebanin R. R., on Tues-| the Saturday and Sunday schedule {met in regular session Monday even- | glasses, and is anxious to reach the | yg. ¢ gt' Sunbury, Pa.; Olethea |The town has been divided into dis- The Deg: ge Jeam of Cour} Moun}
) . ing. The Board decided to open the | country milk. She is the head of a volo 27 Walnnt S «| tricts, and solicitors wi e ar Joy No. 228 [Foresters of America,
; day, near Bellaire. They belonged to | will be continued. 7 I y Heckert, 133 Walnut St., Sunbury; g rs will be around ill Lek n 8 1
; Rev. S. H. Hertzler, of Elizabethtown —_—r—— \/ schools on Wednesday, September 1.| five generation family, and feels very | Mrs. J. Ginderman, 1251 S. 13th St.,|t0 give everybody an opportunity to | #9 to Lebanon on +. .0ay,
- 8 HT s ] V The secretary was instructed to ad- ’ : z SY NGI iors Al Tar. | Drocure tickets. where they will initiate a Le class
and were killed near his farm. Will: Work up Into) Canada , ay proud of this. She received a num- | Harrisburg; Mrs. J. Gindeman, Har for the Court there. - Prive to the ins
) re react lems : P 0 a vertise for a janitor and an ad may | ,.. of beautiful gifts from relatives. |risburg; Mrs. Maggie Miller (Carr) =a itis tor they ll eg "1 il in th
Sh Russell Shiffer of West Donegal | be found sivewhere, in this issue. 2 Chester Ave., Coatesville; Mrs. El- Moved to Hershey. itiation they will give a drill in the
Deat nell o ooze has gone to Kamsas to work in har-|The list of exonerations asked for : aver ay 24 Qi : Mr. C. A Wile i : square.
| la (Weaver) Maxeld, 84 Simpson St. Mr. C. A Wiley moved his family Snr mimims
The prohibition amendment and | vest fields till the season ends in PY Tax Collector T. M.. Breneman A GENEROUS CONTRIB TION ok Wilkesbarre, Pa.; C. H. Fitzgerald,|and household effects to Hershey this 2
the enforcement act Were held con-| the most northern part of the wheat | cc S0ne over and he was exonerat- FOR A Ty 319 W. Walnut St., Lancaster, Pa.;|Week. Mr. Clarence Weaver, whose N J. B Keller & Bre Sila a
stitutional by the Supreme court| pelt ed from collecting taxes to the a- Wm. F. Gram, 234 N. 14 St., Har-|{home and household goods were re- Messrs, J. B, Keller bro v1
Mond In 4 upamimius decision . . mount of $80.13. All bills presented Mr. H. M, Stauffer, treasurer, re- risbure: Jas. H. Warper, 1835 Ross|cently destroyed by fire at Steelton hold their next public" sale of live
2 oy Sais Ge dal kell oe : -—re - were paid and the Board adjourned. | ports the following receipts in Mount | St. Harrisburg; John Luick, 471 Or-|will occupy the P. 'S. Brubaker prop- stock at their yards here on Friday
ene. ’ . 5 he UW 2
y eh 3 ought a Dort : Te \ Joy Borough for the General Hospital | agne St., Northumberland; Mrs. Jno. erty on East Main street vacated by June 18, w hen hey wi Sell 1% head
ooze. r E. 8. Weaver, the extensive horse Open Air Meetings ¥ campaign which just closed. The col- | Luick, Northumberland; Leo Simmers|Mr. Wiley. ws and bulls. ‘Sate; Stay 2
\/ dealer at Florin, bought a Dort road-; The Boy Scouts of this place, un-| jections by districts follow: 108 Susquehanna St., Harrisburg; re / 120 Sharp.
A Local Graduate / ster from the local dealer Mr, Ed. der the leadership of W. M. Work-| rs: Miss Louella Appleton, 823 Land Our Union Picni \
i p ofk-1pictriet No, 1... iii .8 23730 1 pp 3 on Picnic. \ : . Trocaten]
A class of sixty-two graduated | Ream on Saturday. man, have started to hold open air District No. 2 1.229.85 Title Bldg., © aadeinhiag Mrs. J. The annual union picnic of the Mr Re lo the Sep aa t
from Franklin & Marshall College at ———— Dieelings fo Thursday evening, oy Joe iy :. seereaiaeaaaes os Walton, 60 § Queen’ St, Lancaster; Sunday Schools of Mount Joy and |, on hi ji t le assisian 2
: V e first of which was held 1 ‘Distri bi eee tue siete o 9% | Chas. Ger art, 18 E. Mt. Pleasant vicinity will be held at Hers avic ec passenge ; Te, Wi .
Lancaster last week. In that class Sugar Rations June 12 1 ! eld last Thurs | “7%: No. 4 abe 253.00 | Avs Phi ro Rei Cah Te ci vsrlsich Saat Hershey Park |, ved to the General Hospital at
was Clarence H. Brubaker, of this| Rationi £ i i day. at the Union school house. From | District No. 2...... sees Ave., Philadelphia; Mrs. C. Gerhart,|on Thursday, July 22.
: ? REHONING of sugar av Mm war time | this on the meetings will all be held | District No. 5......0eeee.... 38100 | Philadelphia; Mrs Minnie (Shearer) | 2 : Lancaster yesterday by Dr. A. F.
Place: will go into effect in hotels ‘and outdoors except when the weather | District No. 6....... 30150| Bayley, 6325 Ross St., Philadelphia;| 576 N. 6th St. Pottsville; Mrs. H.|Snyder. He is suffering from in-
: : 0. Y.. ye y in NM innje | Eichelberger, 542 Spruce St., Leba- | ternal injuries. :
TY T restaurants all over the country on [does no permit. Disriet No. 7. 108.75 | Weston Bayley, Phila.; Mrs. Minnie , p ,
Cleaning Postponed June 21 frm semaines ss TSR0 ene “| (Brooks) Douglas, 1001 Lemon St.,jnon; Tom Knowler, Pottsville; Bob TT
: ; Industrial Plant Employes... 37850 Nigtas I Smith. Pottsville: Geo. W. Curt La od
On account of the fire at the gas ———————— Kills Self and Wife. Lancaster; Mrs. Lou (Sober) Beer- rd - 3 S e; Geo. W. Curis, To Lancaster Saturday,
works last week, the cleaning of the Cattle by the Dozen John Mull, of Lancaster, shot his man, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Mrs. Sadie|?2%« ‘ oF < St., Philadelphia; John The Degree team and quite a num
i is li otal seirvidnninininns $3,116.40 | (Barry) W Sunbury: Mrs. An.|A: Haas, 2136 N. Fifth St., Harris- | ber of members of the Jr. 0. U. A.
’ . wife, his little daughter and th (Barry) Wynay, Sunbury; Mrs. /
boro’s reservoir was postponed for On his f t Unicorn, M. R. Hoff g then Y
Hi ry Dk n his farm at Unicorn, M. BR, Hoff 1; .1¢ ™ The parents are dead but ———— na (Wonderly) Myers; Harvey Shaar|burg; Mrs. Haas, Harrisburg; John | M. of this place, will go to Lancaster
the present. oe wi i 2 man of Maytown fattened 120 head |the child will recover. Family trou-| Feathers are believed to have|711 E. King St, Lancaster; Mrs. Bale, 134 8. Third St., Harrisburg; | Saturday evening for initiatory pur-
prior to the cleaning of the basin. | of cattle this season. ble was the cause. evolved from the reptilian scale. Shaar, Lancaster; John McKinsey, |Miss Helen Bale, Harrisburg, Pa. poses.
: { ay / : 7
lL hd . 4 ne ; w - o