WEDNESDAY, JUNE Oth, : 4 1920. THE } MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, u § A. z - MILLERSVILLE NORMAL NOTES (Too late for last week) Miss Dorothy Myers was home prover the week-end. Misses Ellen Mumma, Anna Bru- baker, Grace Henderson and Frances {| Beatty accompanied the normal school to Washington, D. C., on Thursday. A very educational and delightful time was spent there. They returned home on Saturday. Miss Anna Brubaker spent Sunday at her home. Miss Mary Rohrer was home over the week-end. Miss Lavina D. Sampsel of Shenan- doah, Pennsylvania, was the guest of Miss Frances Beatty over the week- end of the 21st. The Normal School played the F. & M. Academy on Wednesday. 11-4. Miss _Mildred Fellenbaum home over the week-end. The Commencement exercises of the Normal school will be held on June 23. Summer school begins on June 28. Memorial services were held at the |in the barber shop, badly cracking it. sale Normal on Sunday and Monday. On Sunday they were held in the chapel was | Mount Joy High School Graduating Class 1920 RUNAWAY HORSE AT E’'TOWN DASHES INTO A WINDOW Benjamin Zimmerman, who resides several miles south of Elizzabeth- town while on a business trip to that place on Thursday morning, accom- panied by his mother and little son, met with an accident which is a mir- acle that no one was injured. While throught the square a bolt from the buggy fell down and struck the animal on the leg causing him to freigchten and run away down South Market street, and came in {with an auto standing in Dierolf’s dry store, tearing off the front wheel on the right | little further down the buggy struck a telephone pole tearing off the rear wheel. At this instant Mr. Zimmer- passing contact | 2 The | man jumped and called to the others] ti Normal school was victorious, score to follow, but they were to scared to |Presenting I [ 5 methods of conducting the PUBLIC g The animal then crossed the street and the buggy caught at a tree {in front of Shissler’s barber shop | which stopped the animal but not | before he had ran upon the cement {pavement and knocked his head |against the large plate glass window ldo so. {The aged lady and little boy re- mained in ¢* e buggy all the time and front of| side. A] WILL HOLD A PUBLIC MEETING ON FAIR GROUNDS | —— | THE AUCTION TOBACCO |SALES COMPANY OF LANCAS- [TER (to be incorporated) has se- cured the use of the Grand Stand of the Lancaster County Fair Associa- tion for the purpose of holding a special meeting for all tobacco growers and also the use of the big Exhibition Building and rights-of- way for their proposed PUBLIC SALES FLOOR for the purpose of establishing a permanent and satis- factory tobacco market for all Lan- [caster County tobacco growers. The Preliminary Board has ar- ranged for a special meeting of all tobacco growers on Saturday after- noon, June 19th, at 1 o’clock, in the Grand Stand, for the the most satisfactory |SALES FLOOR for Lancaster Coun- ty. The tobacco growers will be given information as to market conditions and instructions as to how to pre- pare their 1920 tobacco crops for over the PUBLIC SALES FLOOR. and on Monday they were held on the |it was a most narrow escape from in-Vited for the occasion. school campus. a | Miss Anna Foreman spent the week-end at her home in Rheems. Miss Pearl Quimby, a former teacher of the Normal, is visiting us at this writing. Onur new tennis court has been congpleted. This makes four courts fog the school. he Page Anniversary held on MBy 21st was very well attended. A pldasing program was rendered. \ en a ere. The farming business is the largest single industry in the United States. BIRD EPONS PRODUCTS We sell slate-surfaced roll roof by Bird & ings has carned a Son. {stant death. i plete wreck. | remarkable for one of her age. | — E———e—— The buggy was a com- Baker—Nye Kreider Shoe Factory, and Miss Florence Nye, of Elizabethtown, | were married Saturday at the home {of the bride's brother, Rev. H. H. | The ceremony was performed by Rev. Nye and the couple was unattended. | They will reside in Elizabethtown. The lady’s bravery was! ; | |has been patented that opens its en- John E. Baker, an employe of the; Nye, 165 Park street, Elizabethtown. | { 9 For quick action a pistol holster [tire length when a weapon is with- | drawn. | eee) ee mmmennt | A solder has been invented which {holds rimless lenses against the metal parts of eyeglasses without screws. { ——— 0) —e— | A Mexican in Arizona drank near- ly a quart of wood alcohol and | worked 10 hours on the railroad the next day. INES made Each one of their roof- wonderful reputation for good looks, durability, and economy. Most everyone knows of Neponset Puri, It is the best roll roofing made. Ido jor BIRD & SUN, Lic osiablish Roll Roofings of Reputation Don’t choose roll roofings hastily. What looks like a saving in first cost may in a few years prove a big expense. garages, porches, farm and factory build- ings. Artistic red and green colors. American Ready Roofing is great for siding as well as for roofs. Impregnated with asphalt and surfaced“ with slate, it gives wonderful wear at Come in and put your roofing ques- tions up to us, and get your frée copy of booklet “Repairing and cd 1725) East Walpole, Mass, H. S. NEWCOMER, Mount Joy, purpose of, Some good speakers are being in- RELIGIOUS NEWS CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY St. Mark’s U. B. Church Rev. C. A. Snavely, Pastor Sunday School 9:00 A. M. C.E. 6:45PM. Worship and Sermon 7:30 P. M. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:15 A. M. Morning Service 10 A. M. Evening Service 6:30 P. M. the services for next Sunday. Church of God dress by pastor. program. No endeavor service in evening. St. Luke’s Church Rev. O. E. Newton, Rector Second Sunday after Trinity. 9:15 A. M. Sunday Sch DRIVES AUTO INTO FENCE 2 undzy Sehool TO AVOID A COLLISION { The automobile of J. C. Snader, of Sermon. 2.35 P. M. meeting of the Men’s Landisville, was driven into a fence |¥ederation of church, Mr. J. A. Her- opposite the Almshouse, on the Lin- man, of Harrisburg will be the coln Highway, Sunday, to avoid a |gspeaker. collision with the car of Dr. Charles Stamm, dentist, of 132 North Prince street. The latter was going west and the Landisville car was moving zast- ward, the driver going around several other cars going in the same direc- tion. The Stamm car appeared just as the other was passing another auto, so to avoid a crash the Landis- ville machine was driven upon the |pavement and against a fence. No- body was hurt. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is “@nly one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, d that is by a constitutional remedy. L'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness fis an inflamed condition of the ing of the Eustachian Tube. tube is inflamed you have a d or imperfect hearing, and ly closed, Deafness is the inflammation can be re- There will be no evening service. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Michael Farry Davis, Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 10:30 Preaching Service, Sermon, “Discipline or Apostles.” 6:30 Epworth League, Leader, Mrs. E. W. Garber, Topie, Common mistakes in daily living, Prov.24:27- 34. 7:30 Preaching Service, “The pearl of great price.” Wednesday evening, June 9, 1920 come out to prayer service this even- ing and enjoy a “Question Box Meet- ing,” with us. Sermon, T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. G. R. Mergenthaler, Pastor ’ Prayer service Wednesday evening :30. S. S. Sunday morning 9:30. Preaching Sunday morning 10:30 for the children the subject, “The lesson of the Rose.” Prayer service 6:45. In the evening at 7:30 the Chil- dren’s Day program will be ren- dered. restored to its nor- may be destroyed of Deafness are is an inflamed fac mal condition, hea | forever. Many a Sunday evening | case of Catarrhal Deafness |be cured by HALLS MEDICINE. | All Druggists T5c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. re i —r— NJ Ladies’ Aid Society meets after ' 2 prayer service Wednesda ni SALE REGISTEK : y. eyoning. The official board of the church will i Friday, June 11—At their stock have a meeting Thursday evening in the church at 7:30. Come to these welcome. COUNCIL HOLDS "REGULAR MEETING - (Continued from page 1) plies. Also the sub reservoir being cleaned. The supervisor, Mr. Henry Smeltzer was ordered to clean the main reservoir on Saturday evening, June 12, if weather is favorable. % The Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. asked for a four inch connection to the water main to supply their new plant. Same was left in hands of the water committee with power to act. {yards of the Florin Hotel, Florin, Pa. (a lot of cows, bulls, heifers, and {shoats by C. S. Frank & Bro. Friday, June 18—At their stock (yards, Mount Joy, 100 head of cows ‘and bulls by Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, aust. See _advertise- ment. 2 services you are » Finance Committee Mr. Hauer, of the Finance com- mittee reported the approval of a number of bills. Ordinance Committee Mr. Longenecker, chairman of the Ordinance committee presented an ordinance prepared by the Borough solicitor Mr. John A. Coyle for the purpose of annexing to the Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Penna. land owned by the Bachman Choco- late Manufacturing Co. and Eli B. Helman. The above ordinance was read by the clerk, voted on and passed its first reading. Five mem- wom cee). ARMIERS ] NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE Kindly note the change in time for Evening at 7:30 Children’s Day 10:30 A M. Morning Prayer and rf” ) —— | The Famous Emerson Side Rake and Tedder. . ......$100.00 Worship and Sermon 10:15 A. M. . . $105.00 The Equally Famous Emerson Cylinder Loader. Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor Children’s Day services on Sabbath The morning S. S. service at 9:30 will be combined with preaching ser- vice, music by children, a short ad- International Riding Cultivator, spring trip. ........ 62.00 John Decke Riding Cultivator, spring trip........... 62.00 Other Riding Cultivators, as low as. ........ veins 5000 Perry Havewh, a tooth... .............,..... ... 1.00 Spring Tooth Harrows, 3 sections. . . . . .. seer uv... 40.00 Dain Rake, Bar Hay loader. .................... 110.00 Bemis Tobacco Plnter.,..............~ tvveves 85.00 Tiger Tobacco Planter. ie ea a sel ae 80.00 Plows from........ 3 Ta ver....$10.00 up to $23.00 International Shovel Harrows and Iron Age Shovel Har- rows at special prices. Potato Diggers different kinds at equally special prices. 8-ft Deering Binder, $235.00. Deering and Emerson Mowers and Swab Farm Wagons at reduced prices. We also have Deering and Plymouth Binder twine. We sell Ontario Drills only at attractive prices. All implements at reduced prices. Come and look over our implements ‘and talk it over with us—Our Guarantee Goes With Them. Also Building Supplies—Cement, Plaster, WhiteCoat, Roof- ing Paper, Nails and Hardware of all kinds. We will gladly estimate on your new building or repairs. We book orders for Seeds and Fertilizer, and, would advise placing your order now. CR ———— G. MOYER W. Donegal St, MOUNT JOY, PA. \.GARBERS’ GARAGE Authorized Sales & Service Station 833 Sauth Market St., Elizabethtown, Pa. A Modernly Equipped Service Shop Using Genuine Ford Parts We Solicit Your” Patronage “a, Mechanical Servids, From 6.30 A. M. to 10.00 BR, M. Week-days N bers voting “yea” and one “nay.” Property Committee Mr. Ream of the Property com- mittee reported placing a new rope on flag pole at Post Office. also a few other repairs at Council Chamber necessary. Same was ordered. Light Committee Mr. Eshleman of the Light com- mittee reported new light placed at the residence of Mr. Elmer Ebersole on Hemp street Chief of Fire Department Mr. Mumma, chief of Fire depart- ment, reported the engine in good condition and stated the company has only about 1,000 feet of good hose at present. He reported the new Siren fire alarm received and would be installed as soon as a few changes have been made at the Council Chamber. Also made the following ‘ suwgestions before the new fire ap- . pagatus arrives: a longer drain pipe placed in the gutter in front of the fire house, a catch placed on the main doors so as to hold them open while taking apparatus in and out, aiso the floor being in bad shape. Same was left in hands of the property com- mittee with power to act. HILO0O000000000000O0OOOCO0O0O0COO0OO0OOOOONNOOONNNNNS The Lease Amusements Will*Arrive in Mount Joy , on June 14th and be ready for business the Evening of. June 15th and close June, 22nd Yes the merry-go-round and everything will look b er than last year. Come and see us on the old Tennis Court on Columbia Ave., Mount Joy. Je , \ LO OLLEOOLOCOOCO0OCC000000000000000O00OO0OOONO:: Bank treasurer showed balances in the three accounts as follows: Boro, $470.78; Water, $666.00; Total, $1,971.12. After payment of a bills Council adjourned. - OE low gost. number of 1.32... 4% 2 Building’ Auxiliary Meeting iY The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. T. M. Breneman on ‘ Thursday afternoon, June 10th at 3 . o'clock. It is requested that all un- paid dues be sent in. 2t. J The report of the Union National » $834.34; Interest, | 8 DOOOOGTO0OO0C00 ore Now Open ine Line of Groc tions, Etc, D py CHA West Main Street Formerly Rickrode’s Fico EALANS ‘MOUNT JOY; PA. Pa. \ \ \ MAIVLOOO0O0O0000OOOCONT ————" Look Over These Prices \ Hm? ag! at lur fra be sul re he en Bi ly the af fr Li pl