WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1920 TO OUR PATRONS I wish to announce to the public that I am prepared to supply you with a line of GOOD FEED, SALT, LIME, FERTILIZER, CE. MENT, COAL, ETC. Red Rose 20 per cent Protein | Handle in Cow Feed mime ’ser cunts. I have a'special Good Pig and Hog Feed to carry your pigs all through the séason. I have quite a large lot of friends on this Feed. I also have Hog Tankage that will do them good (try it). 1 have Chicken and Chick Feed in 100 lbs. or ton lots, either Laying Mash or Scratch, Beef Scrap, Oyster Shells, Oats, Corn, Cracked Corn and Wheat. FOR HORSES, I have a molasses feed that horses like and do well on. Try it and you will be convinced. Also Bran, Middlings, Cotton Seed Meal, Gluten, O. P. Oil Meal, Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Straw, Hay, Cement and Land Lime. Call Bell Telephone 81R2 and get my prices. I deliver in town Also take outside draying by truck. I solicit your business. =~ H. ZERCHER At P. R. R. Freight Station MOUNT JOY, PENNA. East End of town Lanc. Dairy 20 per cent Protein 11 D1 OT A | Il T0000 on | EO vemost circus performers. 0 HL : THE QUESTION OF FURNITURE OUALITY There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- ture. Often things that people buy fo personal wear and for home use are not always expected to last a long time, but this connot be said about furniture. When you buy furniture. you are buying something you expect to render you long service. It will if you buy it here, because here we think of quality first. All the furni- ture we buy must measure exactly up to requirements which we make as to the manner of workmanship. And, after all, in the long run, well-made furniture is the cheapest sort of furniture to buy. We invite comparison, look around, compare qualities and prices and then come here and see our vast assortment. - . Westenberger, Maley & Myers a 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. 0 OO 10 1 1 TNR 00 OL -~ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. BIG DOUBLE CIRCUS COMING THIS WAY | = E | This locality has entertained many ‘circuses, but never anything to com- [pare with the gigantic double shows = | billed as Ringling Brothers and Bar- num & Bailey Combined which will exhibit afternoon and night at Har- isburg, Monday, May 31. The merging of these mammoth in- { stitutions in one circus of colossal | size, constitutes the amusement sur- { : ii prise of the century. Nothing to ap- | proach this gigantic, new circus has lever before toured America. It has ® been formed by merging the pick and m | the cream of all that was biggest and = | best in the two famous shows. It = | would be folly to attempt to enumer- ® [ate its many wonders. Some idea of m | the enormous scale upon which fea- a | tures are presented may be had when = it is stated that a quarter of a mil- B lion pounds of elephants take part in m 2 single act. In other words —six = times as many of the big-eared giants than have ever before been een in one main-tent exhibition. All Ise to be seen is in proportion. The — arenic stars embrace all the world’s There are three hours of novelties and big tumed characters and beautifu horses take part in it. The mornin street parade is the longest and mos] brilliant ever given anywhere an offers something entirely new an] novel in processional display. It =| a stupendous, double-circus th baffles description. rll “Cold In the Head" {s an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. P sons who are subject to frequent * | in the head” will find that the us | HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE build up the System, cleanse the Bld and render them less co. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh lead to Chronic Catarrh. | sensational acts. The menagerie is ny far gnd away the most colossal ever ®, traveled. For instance—a herd of - eight giraffes are exhibited in place =| of the two or three shown in the = past. The great tournament which | | opens the main-tent program, is the m | most magnificent thing in pagentry = | yet produced in America. Hundreds u upon hundreds of gorgeously cos- - a ec HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE {s # Regular Length, 7 inches For Sale at your Dealer, Made in five grades Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, MW YORK CHOICE Tomatoes 12 oz can Oc Just the size for a small fam- ily. Public confidence spells success to every firm or individual that means disaster. aL This may seem a terse statement, but it is none the less true—th enterprise is always measured by this standard. ness we know of. “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE (Our Very Best) 1b., 42¢ There are more people drinking ‘“Asco” Blend today than ever before. Only one reason— Quality—fifty-cent value for forty-two cents. Why pay more? paying 80c or ©0ePPPRERRPRRROROEEPPOOPREOPEEEOPOROPOOEG CONFIDENCE LIES AT THE ROOT OF PERMANENT PATRONAGE enjoys it, Our hundreds upon hundreds of wide-awake, bright, clean stores are visible, living, tangible testi- mony to the fact that our customers must have received entire satisfaction, both in QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE otherwise this business could not have developed to such gigantic proportions. : We enjoy the confidence of more homes in the four States where we operate than any other busi- MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ‘ASCO” BLEND TEAS (Our Very Best) We have just the blend you like. age of ‘“‘Asco” please you and you will save money. VICTOR BREAD, The Loaf Unmatchable. . . en internally and acts through the B on the Mucous Surfaces of the Syste All Druggists 75c. Testimonials freq $100.00 for any case of catarrh HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will C7. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. 2 EX India has a land frontier of n ly six thousand miles and a seab of about nine thousand miles. seventeen hours for contents of very high clouds to 1 the earch. It takes “ASCO” Cornstarch pkg 9c Why pay more? and failure to gain it e success of every clean business 1b., 45c If you are 90c a pound elsewhere, try a pack- today. We know our teas will 8c “ASCO” BEVERAGES, CHOICE RED BEETS, bottle 1215 ¢ Big Can, 12c¢ Ginger Ale, Rovtbesr, Sarsa- Young, tender beets, cooked, : P - Strodtiine ready to serve. Delightful Delightful an Whey ping | served hot or cold. Buy a dozen thirst quenchers. Y DPaY | ans for future use. This price more, The quality is the very | finest to be had. yery low. FINE QUALITY CRUSHED CORN, can 121¢c Exceptionally good quality. Packed with all the garden freshness. Delightful for corn fritters. PP0e00000000000000000000000000RRROOOO ELKHORN American Cheddar KRAFT or Pimento CORO 00RRROOOOO es up to all the term applies. THIS COUPON IS VALUE FOR Cut it out and present in any American store. you purchase a can of Elkhorn Kraft Cheese. American Stores Co. BULLETIN, TREO BEST PINK ALASKA SALMON, tall can...19¢ | Splendid served as is or made into a salad— delightful for salmon croquettes. - | standpoint of MIROSA CAKES, Ib... ... 23c | “Asco” Baking Powder, Fresh from the N. B. C. can 5c, 9c ovens. A very delicious cake, Qualier Corn Flakes, pkg... de i most everyone. omato Puree, can....... c Pleasing bo Tender Sugar Corn, American Maid Catsup, : bottle 10c Pride of Farm Catsup bot 17¢ Sour Pickles, big bottle... .15¢c Chow Chow Pickles, bottle, 15¢ Best Peanut Butter, glass. .13c Calif. Tuna Fish, can..... 21c Red Alaska Salmon, can... Pure Jellies, glass. ....... 15¢ Calif. Meaty Prunes, 1b... .28¢c “Asco” Macaroni, pkg. ....10c “Asco” White Distilled Vinegar, big bottle, 12¢ Best Rice, Bi Pe ceses .19¢ i ’s Sala ressing, Schimme bottle, 14e Two Pure Butter Substitutes of Exceptional Merit NUT MARGARINE, Ib....35¢c Made from pure vegetable oils—no animal fats used. “ASCO” OLEOMARGARINE, 1b., 40c The best made—we know the quality will please you. Bologna, Tm 50 EE mC H E E S Ew | [OT VOOC WON UNC VEC WOT NCO AN OPPORTUNITY TO TEST THE BEST CHEESE MADE AT 28% OFF REGULAR PRICE Cut out the coupon below, present in any American store, and we will sell you an 18c can of Cheese fir 13c! We never apply the superlative degree term Best to any commodity unless it fully measur It is redeemable at its face value when. Not redeemable after May 29, 1920. 1100 0 1 1 0 0) a | VICTOR BREAD, The Loaf Unmatchable. . It is utterly impossible to make a better loaf } of bread than Victor; whether viewed from the | entirely by itself. PPPOCRRRRRPRRRPEPRPOOOOEO® MOUNT JOY, PA. | - 9ch quality or quantity it is in a class | PAT-A-CAKE, pkg....... Works like magic. Every- thing in the package but the water, and that’s free. Just think of it—a good, home- made cake in a and it only cost Cents. few minutes, Twenty-nine Hershey’s Cocoa, can..10c, 19¢ Del Monte Orange Marmalade 14 oz. can, 25¢ Fancy Calif. Peaches, can. .35¢c Campbell’s Pork and Beans can 1215¢ Calif. Lima Beans, Ib Best New Cheese, Ib... ... 35¢ Shopping Bags, each. ..... Fine Table Salt, pkg { OEPPEOEEOO PENNSYLVANIA D° "CH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Ich bin now en bower un hob der bower bisniss feel shtudy gevva de pawr wucha os ich doh by meim friend bin. Mere shtaena morgets free uff un wons net tsu wind ich is don sdea mere glae-sooma. Dorrich der dawg saea mer hovver, maucha fensa un greega reddy far welshkarn blonsa. Bisht du in dime laeva free uff g’shtonna un nows ins feldt ons glae-sooma sae un um about sivva uhr rei cooma far di breckfesht essa fun goot shoonka- flash un ga-bockna oyer, gooter booder un weis brote? Won du net husht don husht ains fun succeeded in ains fun da beshta socha in dime Bo v Ge Goss—Dettinger A pretty wedding was solemnized at the manse of the Presbyterian church when Miss Mary E. Dettinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dettingen, of Marietta, was united in marriage with Raymond L. Goss, son of Prof. and Mrs. C. E. Goss, of Bainbridge. iain A ei The Polynesians and the Malays always sit down when speaking to a superior. East Donegal Farms Not many farms are offered for sale thruout the Donegals but I have liri ng three within the past few days. I am also in a po- sition to give any young man that has a little money, a chance to buy these farms. and accept one-fourth the amount in cash next April and take mortgage for the balance. Now if any one is interested get busy. Call or phone at once if interested as I propose selling these farms quick. They Realtor, Mt. Joy. limestone land. Jno. —— CE ———— I will sell any of them | consist of 69, 8: and 89 acres of E. Schroll, tf If you want a home at a right fig- ure, see J. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy, Pa. tf. HERE is an art in making flapjack pan- cakes, griddle cakes or wheats, call them what you will. But it is an art very easily and quickly acquired if you follow the right recipes. . Here are some recipes for a variety of breakfast cakes that will make grandmother envious. The secret, of course, is Royal Baking Powder. Royal Hot Griddle Cakes 2 cups flour 14 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 13% cups milk 2 tablespoons shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi- ents; add milk and melted shortening; beat wel. Bake on slightly greased hot grid- dle. Griddle Cakes with Eggs 1%; cups flour 14 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 2 eggs «1% cups milk 1 tablespoon shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi- ents; add beaten eggs, milk and melted shortening; mix well. Bake immediately on hot griddle. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure “Bake with Royal and be Sure” Another Royal Suggestion GRIDDLE CAKES and WAFFLES From the NEw Royal Cook Book Buckwheat Cakes 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 cup flour ~ 6 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 114 teaspoon salt 215 cups milk or milk and water 1 tablespoon molasses 1 tablespoon shortening Sift together flours, baking powder and salt; add liquid, molasses and melted short- ening; beat three minutes. Bake on hot greased griddle. Waffles 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 34 teaspoon salt 13%; cups milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon melted shorten ing Sift flour, baking powder and salt together; add milk to yolks of eggs; mix thor- oughly and add to dry in- gredients; add melted short- ening and mix in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in well greased hot waffle iron un- til brown. Serve hot with maple syrup. It should take about 1% minutes to bake each waffle. FREE New Royal Cook Book containing these and scores of other delightful recipes. Write for itto-day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . 115 Fulton Street New York City 9 Ou oo Os 9% o%% 9 00 09% 0% 00 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% % % o% 0? 96% 09 0S 0000 000.0 0 0 0000 00 SI 00 VI 0000 CPP 0009059 049 000 0,9 0,0 0 09 000 000 059 00 Garber’s Garage authorized Ford Sales and Service Station is now located in their new quarters Number 833 South Market Street, Elizabethtown, Pa. We have installed the latest improved equipment and are now able to give better service than ever before. Mechanical service until 11 p. m. week days. 9s 0% 0% 0. 9 2 & 06% 9, > 9, * 9 P0620 o% o%0o% OE ts eitedteddededed * Op 00 On 0a oa 00 0a oS: a? 0% 0% 0% 06 04% 059 03% 9 0s o jrofeddeddodded * 9 * ° Po-o% 0% 6% 4% .¢% ¢% o% eideihrdediidedededed CR) +e ° % hi o% o% 0s 0% 0% 000% 0% 0% 026% 20-02-02 o % 00 0% 0% o% 6% o% o% o¥ 0 oY Os 0% 0% 0% 0% o°, frdede dele dodo dele de dndodndd RANA XG NENG RGR XRG Xe Xa Ng Xe Xe Xa Xa Xa Xa Xg Xa Xa Xe X 2X 2 CORD TIRES Built to give, unsurpassed mileage —and they give it. Next time—BUY FISK X Next iime— BUY FISK from your dealer