ss —— THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNE JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. and rotations and by the utilization of every foot of suitable available thought in planning succession crops Stand the Test ead BR : | KEEP THE GARDEN AT WORK Clothing That | By the exercise of care and fore- | | | \ space it is possible to grow consider- able quantities of vegetables on i areas ¢ SO sup nent the When butter holds at eighty cents a pound and eggs [limited areas and so supplement | family food supply. The principal around the same figures per dozen the city man fumes, @ | factors in agcomplishing this are the and frets—bhut after all is said and done HE WANTS I us of seed hs and hot beds to give FRESH eggs and GOOD butter—and so he pays the plants an early sber{ in spring before gg | seeds may be planted outdoors, the market price. use of outside seed bdds, to carry The same situation holds good with regard to CLOTH- A SRops Wis ING. Everyone knows that prices are high and no one x space, and the planting of late or regrets such a condition more than the Clothing store | succession crops as soon as earlier plants have been removed. { S "3 if one in sacri- ; But ven that does not justify any | The United States Department of | Vs itself. Agriculture believes that the home {garden is just as essential this year as it was during the war years and (is offering the advice of practical RX | scientific gardeners in helping to | solve the problems of those who want to cultivate home gardens, # | COMMON COURSE OF MARKET DEPENDS LARGELY ON SUPPLY The man’ engaged in either selling {or buying perishable produce will do (well to familiarize himself with the usual course Of the market in such lines during a season. The natural market course, according to market- ‘ing experts of the United States De- ipartment of Agriculture, is somewhat las follows: | It starts high with active move- [ment even for inferior stock because the demand has the sharp edge of 000000000 00000000CO0CO0O0OOCOOOCO00CO000000000O0OO00 novelty and appetite. The price | gradually declines and poor stock be- : comes harder to sell as the supply in- 0 0 DY | creases. Lowest prices arrive soon | teer the heaviest shipments begin, md a glut may occur, especially if imany sections are shipping at once E Band there is much poor stock. Then, | with a decreasing supply, prices ad- ficing quality for price. £9 » Ls LL) » LJ * * and we'll give you GOOD Clothes. ¥ LJ lines as Give us a FAIR price, We'll give you the pick of such world-famous Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Hirsh, Wick wire & Co., And if you land, we . » Fashion Park, Cortley Clothes and Monroe Special. can da better than that in any store in the bid you good-bye and good luck. | | | | | | Groff & Wolf Co, 126--30 North Queen Stree: Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store 0 LL Lc RT ly ance, sometimes recovering much of 8 the early decline but usually not = reaching the opening prices because = demand is far less keen at the end of |a long season. If the last of the ship- B ents are inferior, as happens fre- 8 quently with many perishable crops, @ the season may close at or near bot- tom prices. The common or natural market de- ,velopments do not always take place as might be expected. Quite. fre- = quently superior quality of the main crop or absence of general compe- { tition will bring higher prices in mid- season. Unexpected shortage may SAVE YOUR WORN TIRES WE can save you money on your tire expense each year-—and enough to make it worth while, too. The motoring public are being rapidly educated to re-tread their tires as soon as the original tread is mutilated to a’ point where damage to the canvas, through wear or rotting commences. Therefore, just as soon as the tread surface begins to develop blisters, or to separate from the canvas, and particularly’ where TEE a ceases faulty alignment wears away the ; Jo tread surface through continuous ce *e Pll stock in storage to skidding, re-treading should be {sell at high prices at the close of the | season, especially the less perishable | crops like potatoes, onions, apples, cabbage, etc. Careful study of crop shortage, supply, and shipment should enable a fairly good judgment to be made of the outcome. How- ever, quickly perishable short season crops like strawberries or melons are very irregular, so it is difficult to [form a reliable market judgment of them. Here is a medley of familiar say- ings——some with variations—each of {which applies to farm accounting and so to the problem of marketing farm products: “Figures don’t lie.” “A calculation in time saves nine.” “Foresight is better than hind- sight.” : “It pays to count the cost.” Specialists in the office of Farm Management, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, could add to | this list almost indefinitely, for their [studies of methods of farm manage- ment reveal the tremendous need of jaccounting systems on American farms. The farmer wants to know whether his wheat pays, whether his |cows pay, and whether his orrhard pays, and yet he seldom has suffi- ciently accurate figures to answer such questions. Above all he ought to know, and yet frequently does not know if his farm as a whole is a | paying proposition. Department of Agriculture specialists do not claim that the systems of accounting for farms which they recommend will be | absolutely exact. They are, never- | theless, sufficiently accurate for all ordinary requirements. The depart- ment does not furnish sets of books |to farmers. The systems which it irecommends require only such books as can be purchased of a stationer or dealer in books and school supplies. WHAT AN EGG CIRCLE DOES The community egg circle— Helps each member to dispose of his surplus eggs and to secure a more satisfactory price; Helps the community to build up a reputation for a guaranteed product; Helps the Nation to reduce the to- tal egg loss and conserve this sourse [of its food supply. The United States De partment of Agriculture will be glad to tell vou | just how to organize one. : The shell of a hen’s egg consti- [tutes about 11 per cent. the yolk 32 per cent. and the white 57 per cent. |of the total weight of the egg. immediately attended to. Don’t throw your old worn out tires away or sell them to the junk man just because they are tread worn, for we can re-tread them with new rubber for you so that you should get from 3,000 to 6,000 more miles of service out of them. AS WE RECEIVE IT AS YOU ies 11 EER li a ER u- a SE ER With Many Quality Bargains at Rock Bottom Prices New Spring Millinery Just Arrived in All the Latest Styles Our Line of Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps Are Equal to Those in Any City Store at One-Half the Cost See Our Ladies Skirts and Waists = The City Store in a Country Town H. Laskewitz OPEN EVENINGS MOUNT JOY, PA | SUFFERED THREE YEARS | Finally was Restored nf Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vagentle Compound. Lowell, S.— “1 was all run downand had an aw viul pain in my right side, was’ persistently consti- | {] pated and had very ay spells. I suf- fered for three years ; and was perfectly miserable until a fl friend was telling ane to try Lydia E. ham’s Vege- tabl@ Compound and I fold it a wonder- I can now 30 twice as SECIS much rk and 1 ro the Vegetable ( Ne nound to other women. You can these facts as a testimonmial.”’—Mrs, M. THEALL Biessry, 186 Appleton Street, Lowell, I Ww eC ue I so long iS moi 1 We ind when they can find health B. Pinkham’s Vegetahl le © For forty years it 1as been the stan ard remedy for female 1i! has re- stored the health of thousands of won who have been troubled with Such il. ments as displacements, inflammation, | ulceration, irregularities, etc : | If you want special advice w rite Lydia I. Pinkham Medici ine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and answere woman and peld in strict confider LANCASTER CO. SCHOOLS OF STANDARD QUALITY The following Lancas- ter County have been awarded a cer- tificate placing them in the list of standard schools of the State. The award was made by Hon. Lee Driver, Director of Rural Schools of Penn- sylvania: ! Stehman’s, Conestoga township. Oregon, Drumore township. Donegal, East Donegal township. Brick Hill, East Drumore township East Petersburg (4 rooms), Roh- rerstown (4 rooms), East Hempfield township. Hahnstown, Hohler’'s Steinmetz West Akron, Ephrata township. Cherry Hill and Rock Springs, Ful ton township. Bausman, Burrowes (4 rooms) Lancaster township. Centerville, Intercourse, primary and secondary, Weavertown, Gordon- ville secondary, Leacock township. Eastland, Little Britain township. Dillerville (3 Eden (2 rooms), Rossmere (3 rooms), Man- heim township. Cresswell and Rock Hill, township. West View tic township. Airy Dale, Doe Run, and Pleasant View, Columbus, Mount Hope and Stevens, Pequea township. Hickory Grove, Mount Airy and Pleasant Valley, Providence town- ship. Back Run, Elm Tree, Vernon, Union Square, ship. Refton, Strasburg township. 3areville (2 rooms), Upper Lea- cock township. Brunnerville (2 rooms), township. Metzler’s Camp Grove, Kehlen schools of Bitnerville (3 rooms), Second Lock, rooms), Manor and Mount Nebo, Mar Elstonville Penn township. Lincoln, Mt. Rapho town- Warwick Sunnyside, Talmage, West Earl township. ’s West Hempfield township. Fairview, Highland, Lampeter un- graded, Maple Croft, Mylin, West Lampeter township. ———- eee DON’T RISK NEGLECT Don’t neglect a constant backache, sharp, darting pains or urinary dis orders, The danger of dropsy or Bright’s disease serious to ignore. Use have your frie nds and neighbors. / your neighbors? A Mount Jov case. Harry IL R. F. D., savs: Doan’s Kidney Pills have cor is too tainly done me a lot of good and I highly recommend them for kidney disorders and weak back. Several vears ago I began to have some trouble with my kidneys, brought on by a strain from heavy work. Every time I stopped over and did anv heavy lifting, a sharp pain would catch me across the small of my back. My kidneys were irrecular in action and the secretions were scanty and unnatural in abvearance. TI read about Doan’s Kidney Pills and started to take them. Two boxes of this medicine entirely cured me and best of all the cure has lasted ” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidnev remedy-—oet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Beamesderfer had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgws., Buffalo, N. Y. ee Ure IF YOU OWN A FORD. SEE IF THIS IS TRUE? The Ford is my chariot. I shall not want. It maketh me to lie places. down in wet The butter industry of the United tates \ NI 111 0 I lk ton of Is 5 | ke : het. more thar, a ade per minute, 8 | d: iy and night, in 1915 yet this TO OUR PATRONS u enormous production scarcely meets = domestic needs. I wish to announce to the public that I'am prepared to supply r {able replacing of corn will be neces- you with a line of GOOD FEED, SALT, LIME, FERTILIZER, CE- B sary. Select enough good seed corn MENT, COAL, ETC. 0 make a second planting if such Red Rose 20 per cent Protein = | should become advisable. | Handle in Gow Feed Also My Own Make Feed I have a special Good Pig and Hog Feed to carry your pigs all through the season. I have quite a large lot ‘of friends on this Feed. I also have Hog Tankage that will do them good (try it). I have Chicken and Chick Feeds in 100 lbs.\or ton lots, either Laying Mash or Scratch, Beef Scrap, Oyster Shells, Oats, Corn, Cracked Corn and Wheat. FOR HORSES, I have a molasses feed that horses like and do well on. Try it and you will be convinced. Also Bran, Middlings, Cotton Seed Meal, Gluten, O. P. Oil Meal, Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Straw, Hay, Cement and Land Lime. Call Bell Telephone 81R2 and get my prices. I deliver in town Also take outside draying by truck. I solicit your business. E. +. ZERCHER AtJP. R. R. Freight Station MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Eagt End of town i. Lanc. Dairy 20 per cent Protein ae a, Leaps To Safety Leaping from an automobile going 40 miles ‘an hour, Danner Nelson Good, 16 years old, son of Harry Good, Glen Rock, escaped from three men who had kidnapped him near his home while on his way to school. The - | kidnappers were going toward the Maryland line. Good walked to Han- over and notified the police who are on the kidnapper’s trail. ent AY CBr mss: Ii Realty Bargains Here are a few bargains on quick sale propositions: I have a frame double house, 6 rooms on each side, one side has bath and heat, together with the entire , baking establishment of Wm. Sholing on West Main street. =n THRO 00400 00 oon ££ J. E. Schroll, Realtor. Le a i : There is a possibility that consider- | It destroyveth my soul. It leadeth me into the deep waters. It leadeth me into the paths of ridicule for its name’s sake. It prepareth a breakdown for me in the presence of mine enemies. I will fear more evil when it’s with me. It’s rods me, It anointeth my face with oil. Its water boileth over. Surely to goodness, if Lizzie fol- low me all the day of my life. I shall dwell in the house of the Nuts forever. and its shafts discomfort A Beene Frank Missed Three of Them F. B. Webber tells the Lititz Ex- press that the 14 snowfalls of the past winter—of which there were 17, not fourteen—gave white blankets varying from one-half inch depth to 61% inches, totaling 38 inches. ee niet No More Free Seeds Free seeds for distribution by members of Congress to their consti- tuents were knocked out of the agri- cultural appropriation bill in the | Senate Friday by viva voce vote. SD ins It pays to advertize ir. the Bulletin Doan’s Kidney Pills as { A PUBLIC SALE] CLEARED LAND Saturday, April 17th At 1 o'cleck P. M. Will be sold at public sale on the premises ser’s Mill in Mount Joy Township, a tract of road leading to Milton Grove and adjoining property of Michael Randler | acres and 30 perches, situated about one mile and Jacob Young. years, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. 1920, when terms and conditions will be made known by Peter H. Risser NOTE-—Possession will be given on or before May 1, ment of the purchase money. OF known as Horst’s or Ris- land containing about 6 Special—Reg W.B. B MOUNT JO from Horst’s Mill on the *This land has been cultivation at least five under sharp on Saturday, April 17, The Wineert & HAT STOR 1920 on pay- our WRIILLOLOLLOO0O000LOOOOOOOGLOCOOOO000000000DO00DD00 To Jur Customers and Friends We take Our deposits Sceurity— All busine IPL this means you have given us in the past. of thanking you for the business which and Gloves. We have all kinds at all prices. have increased Wonderrally and at the end of our JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. - Sg s, a will brat n A 1920, sixth year in business, which w=? ¥ celebrate o p 144 North. Queen Street surplus will be $80,000.00 and we have invested your mo L ter, Penna so carefully that we have not lost :. dollar in all the years we } ansasten : been in business. There is no bank in the County that « t this re We will pay you 5% interest for mor y the y PEOPLES Personal checks taken in payment of titkrate of depos Over Two Million Dollars. ss held Strictly Confidential. \ ® estaurant and p Pool Room 62-64 West Main St. | MOUNT JOY PENNA. 5 BANK OF MAYTOWN, Spring Hats We are the acknowledged headquarters for Hats, Caps : BY MAKING YOUR OLD CLOTHING SERVICEABLE We are doing it for thousands of others. believe a trial will convince you. FOOTER'S CLEANERS and DYERS CUMBERLAND, MD. AGENCY MR. P. E. GETZ, MOUNT JOY, PA. CLAMS RABS AND OYSTERS Maytown, Penna. IN. SEASON 8 \ yo — : 3 M. R. HOFFMAN . F. ARNTZ CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, ) EF E 50°T DRINKS : President Cashier ICE CREAM, S01 ~ ETC. X x 0000000000000OC00000O0000000CO000000000000C0000000E POO0O0O000O0OLOOOO0OOOOOOOO0O0 D00000000000OOOO0O00O000OOCOCCOOOOO0000OOVCOO0000C SPECIAL DINNERS DAILY KROM : . 12 to 1:30 ~ & —————————— 2 7 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY 8 A H. Stumpf Propr. Ind. Phone SANITARY BARBER SHOP H. J. WILLIAMS, M1. JOY, PA. Successor to Allen M. Way Why not for you? We | Agent for the Manhattan Laundry | Shop open daily. Monday till noon. (SATURCAY’S HAIR CUTTING 35¢ dec.31-tf 9, eoleeded o o*% * 9, 0 ro? 4, / a’ * * oo 9, * @, >, + / ¢ >-¢ ®, | $. 0. 0 POPP 0 S000 * 9, 9, 9, Xa 4, CS 4 $0. 0 0 _¢ aa’ Xa Xd o> + £2 9. 0. 0. 0 Xa Xa Xa) 9, > 9, + 0. 0 (900 00% 05%, 9, 9 ($0pP 050, * + COUR JOR PK RK RR J Bild ho? %% * 9 * qe efeeie KLEIN CHOCOLA BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD CO. METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY American Telegraph and Telephone Co. Sesfededdofeddediocdocodde eafedloadeddedd vofecdeddeadoadoddedd sede ade ele dedloddodio dee dleddofedioddeddedd Teele oo & 3 ® or oP %* * £ 7 per cent. and Safety 2 oe X o 0 oe 2 APRIL INVESTMENTS % 9.0 oe 0 oe \ TE COMPANY ( redeemable at 110 &. OR * 7 per cent. Cumulative Preferred Stock; 9. 0, $050, * > Earnings are Ten Times Dividend Requirements. Offered at price which yields investor 7.10 per cent. bo-620 62 0% > 9, * COW) > J > 6 per cent. Secured Gold Bonds due July 1, 1929 Secured by Reading R. R. Stock as Collateral. J o®¥, o % Offered to Market to yield investor 7.80 per cent. J oe 0, ho o® 0 0 0 $0.0 0.0¢, > Reading Pa. First and Refunding Mtg. 5 per cent due Bonds February 1, 1922 J 9. P0500, >, $, * Offered at Market to yield investor 7.25 per cent. WR) >, 9 0-4 (Bell Telephone System) 6 per cent. Five Year Notes due February 1, © nN > 9, Offered at market to yield investor 7 We recommend any of the above as Safe and Desirable Investments and will be ple, 534-536 Woolworth Building give full particulars. LIBERTY BONDS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS BOUGHT AND SOI McClain & Company INVESTMENT BANKERS, LA deededededrdedededoddededoddeddeddededdeddnlededededded en