— 1914 - H. E. HAUER - 1920 The Busy Stores | EO . i bth Anniversary Three More Days Remain After to Day in This Sale We Wish to Thank the Public For Making This Sale a Big Success \ \ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, \ENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. FT TT Sale Continued GINGHAMS Ginghams, fast checks and stripes, per yard Apron large Dress colors desirable plaids, Lancaster Ginghams, assortment, per yard Zephyr Ginghams, value Mercerized Poplin’s, per yard Good Grade Tobacco Muslin, per yard VOILES A stunning assortment ranging in price from per-yard......... i ee a... 800 10 $1.28 All Wool Serge. ..$1.25, $1.75, $1.89 and $2.25 These are exceptional values. OUTING CLOTH Our entire stock of Outing Cloth at per yd. .33c TABLE DAMASK Red Table Damask, value Our price BR. M. C. Hair Pins, 2 FLOOR COVERINGS Now is the time we think about Floor Coverings, such as Rug Carpet, Linoleums, ete. We just received a large shipment of Rugs. Thru this sale we will offer our entire stock of Floor Coverings at a 10 per cent. reduction. again ROMPER CLOTH Romper Cloth in checks, plaids Splendid for kiddie suits, per yard and stripes. LINEN Remnants of Indian Linen, about 3% yds. to a piece, good quality, per yard LADIES’ COLLARS A fine assortment of the newest collars for Eas- ter. SHIRT WAISTS Ladies’ Shirt Waists, Voiles, Organdies Silks ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.49. and WORK SHIRTS A large assortment of $1.25 Work Shirts... .98¢c HOSIERY Good Quality Children’s Hose. ............ Ladies’ Fine Ribbed Hose Ladies’ Fine Cotton Hose Men's Fine Cotton Hose... .......... ia... Men's Gray Mixed Hose.................. MIDDIES Our line of Middie large this spring. We offer one style at a very, very low price.39¢ Blouses is extremely OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Rolled Oats, per 1b Dates, per Ib Sea Shell Macaroni, per 1b Elbow Macaroni, per lb Noodles, per 1b Dried Peas, per 1b Broken Macaroni, per 1b Ivory Soap Flakes, per pkg Peroxide Soap, per cake P. & G. Soap, per cake Fels Soap, per cake Biz Master Soap, 1@4 cakes. ......c..... .... 59c¢ Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pha... oc. cciv vr. . 12 Post Toasties, per pkg Shredded Wheat, per pkg Rose Bath Soap, 3feakes......... . . co. 22c¢ Palm Olive Soap, g§ cakes. ................, 25¢ Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkg 8c Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. ...... «ihc vi iin 31c Jiffy Jel, phe. of... coi ov dich ia 10c Cheese, best money can buy, per lb Picnic Shoulders, fper Ib..............%..... Lebanon Bologna, per 1b Patacake Flour, pkg Fancy Dried Peaches, per 1b Prunes, per lb Apricots, per 1b Seedless Raising, per pkg Seeded Raisinsfper pke.................... Currants, per pkg Pineapple, per can Pineapple, large can Honey, large bottle Peanut Butter, large jar Peas, per can Evaporated Milk, per can All 10¢ Tobacco {ww well o ob] WEDDING GIFTS OF SILVER You can’t think of a better Wedding Gift than Silver, because a better Wedding Gift doesn’t exist. Silver links the per- manent with the beauti- ful. Let your gift es- tablish its worth thru constant service in the home. We have an @¢ndless assortment of Dbeauti- ful patterns to choose from. . . LE ERE EE LI I Ea a" " I i Il i f on {i 1 EGG 111 1 101 We are the only custom manufacturers of Work Harness in Lancaster County. We invite all users of work harness to call and inspect our large and complete line of Farm and Work Harness. Our Work Harness are all custom made right in our own shop. Are guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. We As we have purchased the leather and hardware for these gears at the old price. can save you 10% to 15% on Work Harness. prices are 15% to 20% higher than our quotations. We give prompt service on repair work. Carry a complete line of Harness hardware especially for repairs. OUR MOTTO—SERVICE, LEGITIMATE PROFITS. the line of DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. H. H. KRALL West Main St. Bell Telephone Today's I always have on hand anything is SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttos MOUNT JOY, PA AMURANCE pd pé TY I IIE EEE WV Apel Jewelers & Opticians 131 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. oS ahd P 4 a 5 RAR AR I Ala aAd 1484 331 NORTH QUEEN STREET > ¢! LANCASTER. PA. bE ry eT TY TTY TI III $68000000800090000006 0 For Sale I have the following used cars, all of ‘which are in good condition, fo One Hudson 18) Touring Car One 1917 Buick Touring 7-pas- senger ] One 490 Chevrolet Touring One Model 90 Overland 1917 One 1917 Ford Qoupe Ream’s Garage MOUNT JOY. PA. NOTICE Have you any tobacco on hand fillers or If yet, such as wrappers, scrap? Or do you know of any? so, please drop me a card. | Abner M. Hershey, New Haven Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 3-17-tf PEOPLES Restaurant and Pool Room 62-64 West Main St. MOUNT JOY PENNA. CLAMS, CRABS AND OYSTERS IN SEASON CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS ETC. SPECIAL DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 to 1:30 Fa IEE I ILRI I IEEE IRAE EEX RES. 4 9. 0 0. 0 Xa Xa Xa X COR) ($080.00, / * 9, SaaXa’ 9. 0. 0 Xa Xa X 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ($000 PEP 000000000, * IR Ss OR 9, * RR) $0050, 9, * 0. 9 aaa’ / % *o a’ * ®, * Or %5.0% 6% a% 0% 00 0, 0 od o% To Ka Xa Xa Xa Xa Xo) 9, ® 4, $492, * 9, * 9, 9 {a aka’ * > * >, $0. 0 0 0 0 a? 06 4a 44 404 9 * and other light 9 eidede deeded dodo ddndededed @. 0 o%% o¥ % o. 0. 0 Oo 0 ee > 9 * @, P, Po oX o® % COR) W094 SS up to the middle of May. and June is open for some orders. While we were over crowded with orders for March and April we had to apply the rule “First Come First Served.” If I had my say March and April would be given to the heavy breeds\and May and June to the light breeds. The Despised May Chicks While May chicks are despised by many, | could tell of cases where May chicks done exceed- ingly well and people are beginning to realize that May and June is the proper time to hatch Leghorn We are filled with orders The last half of May breeds. Donegal Mill Hatchery Bell Phone 140R6 ) 3 20.6%0.6%.6% 6% 10.4% <2. D062 6%.6%-€%-6%5-6% 4% 6%.6%.6%.4%.4% +% 42.6%. 4% 4% 426-42 6%. 4% PABBPRBOUDPPDEPBIOOSBOBDPDPDPoSSObHdPOP a Mount Joy, Penna. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1920 3 Single Comb White Leghorn 7 * &, eo? 'o Bo 00 Oy obo oO. Ee eels Pe $, *% 20 % be Os o¥s oF SOLO EE J * +e 9, ¢ ho? © 9, *> 9. 0. > J > 0 ot %* 9, & seeds oe %' 9, «or o, Yu? & ** 3 *s od Ye 4* Order now. : °L 3 9 on *% os * op * Qe Wdefrdrfodedrdedrdodofedodededdeddrdodefeddodrdodeffofodedodd EXE XEXIX IX IX Fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes, &c. I will supply the sales place at Ed. Ream’s, East Main street, Mount Joy with FRESH BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, Ete., daily. Jno. Roth SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN BAKER FLORIN, PA. feb.11-tf ! I Get the Necessary Tools and Enjoy Your Motor Trips Nw ¢ We Solicit Your Patronage Frank B. Groff Harness-Saddlery Auto Oils-Tires Mount Joy, Penna. ILL out your kit with good, dependable wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, etc., sc you will not have to borrow. We have everything for tool-box and work-bench. Please Remember I Sharpen Knives All Kinds Saws Cutting Tools, Etc. S. HESS HERSHEY Bell Phone 63-R2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Don. W. Gorrecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET A. H. Stumpf, Propr. Ind. Phone Why Not Use The Best Then the right oils, greases, cleaners and ol polishes. Bu He pet poi ora; his an a Egy there stren, eiephi captiv how to “ ‘Bu off Eg) take yc ing him This week we are making a special display of the things that smooth the way to moto: ing enjoyment. Come in. H. 5. Newcomer, Mount Joy THE WINCHESTER store =n I make a specialty of sharpening and Repairing Lawn Mowers C. S. Gingrich W. Donegal St., MOUNT JOY oct-22-1yx Ls Jeweler Watchmaker---Engraver TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TREY. CE ; ONOVANS THE LANCASTER STORE ve ACT SVE (TT NBR CUTER ciated him | I have a large line of different ih : | makes of tires and tubes and will en- {deavor tp please you and save you {money. |. My line of Accessories is fairly {large but, should you need anything {I do not have, I am prepared to pro- {cure it fok you at short notice and {will be pleased to serve you. es Martin’s Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St, MOUNT JOY, PA. ra 0 The Aim Of The New Daylight Store Has met with great success. Many important Savings in our SATURDAY SPECIALS This is a good time to buy needed bed wear. Buy no save Full size double bed sheet, good muslin ¥ DOW, suave gv Blankets, single size, each....$2.25 Table Damask worth today $1.00 Blankets, double size, pair.... 3.50 at “ Blankets, double size, pair. ....$4.50 |Table Damask worth today $1.45 Compare these with today’s regu- at $1 lar prices. Table Damask worth today $2.50 Comforts, home-made, each. ....3.50 at $1. Comforts, home-made, each... 4.50 |Table Damask all Linen worth Only a limited number of these. today $$3.00 at $1. This will be the last chance at the prices quoted above, Extra special for Saturday, April 3rd. Women’s House Dresses worth $2.90 The material alone would cost you $2.45. Many other specials for Saturday. : See our window display of floor coverings necessities. Extra specials on sweepers. S. B. Bernhart, | I take this method to advise you {that I have opened a sale room at [No. 70 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. (Between my residence and the loffice of Dr. W. M. Thome) where I (will carry a stock of High Grade Au- tomobile TIRES TUBES and ACCES- ISORIES and will be pleased to have City Shoe Repairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 80 and 52 South Queen Street SANITARY BARBER SHOP LANCASTER. PENNA. H. J. WILLIAMS, MT. JOY, PA. Successor to Allen M. Way reached t Shaving Hair, Cutting Agent for the Manhattan Laundry | Shop open daily. Monday till noon. | I also cafry the well known “TEX- ” - |ACO” motdr oils, grease and gaso.|SATURDAY’S HAIR CUTTING 38e J B H. h line which are winning out by actual OYSTERS! OYSTERS! 0s. . ersney test every day and will save you la- i TONSORIAL PARLOR bor, ti of Sime anil expense. Agent for the Manhattan Laundry { I solicit ai share of your business / {and thanking you for same in ad- Wee ona, vance, I am yours for service, Fast, she d him again her warm FAMOUS CHINCOTEAQUE OYSTERS GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONS and house cleanj ANA - Mt. Joy, P: urchases of 315 or More I J. W| ESHLEMAN. | East Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. Read the Bulletin. it pays to advertise In the Bulletin Subscribe for the It. Joy Bulletin. BRANDT BROS. 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY, PA.| /. alin)