THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO UNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, 192 SALE REGISTEK hursday, March 18—On the pre- | ises, % of a mile east of Mount Joy | long the Manheim road, wagons, | arness and a lot of household goods | y Fannie B. Shelly. Vogle, auct.| Thursday, March 18—On the remises % mile from Maytown, in ast Donegal tow enanted by Morris Heilman, horses, mules, cows, bulls, shoats, chickens| d farm implements by E. L. Nissly. rank, auct. Friday, March ises, the Martha Kagle’s Mill, or etta, live stock and Michael J. Gable Saturday, 10. On plements by auct. *h 20—On the prem- tire lo t of household r Mrs. Barbara Hos- ises in Florin goods, ete. tetter At the Bul- at 7:30 p. m,, Jov, N. ar trustee to sell in the estate Daniel L. Hauenstein, dec’d. auct. See advertisement. Monday, March 22-—On ises Maytown, real estate and personal property by Norman F. Arntz, administrator of Jesse Klugh, deceased. Aldinger, auct. See ad- vertisement. Monday, March On the prem- izes near Good’s church, 3 miles west of Elizabethtown, live stock and im- plements by J. L. Ebersole. Hess, auct. See advertisement. in in 90 ll Monday, March 22—On the prem- | Brubaker. one mile southeast of Marietta in East Done-|and exchange ises, the Hiestand farm, gal township, 7 horses, 10 cows, heifers, steers, bulls, 85 shoats, 2 sows and farm implements by Chas. GPP d dir ded LJ 9, It is no trouble anything on which we Now is the time to 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ob. 0 0 0 0 9, 0% XE a a With features that provide faultless fit, comfort and convenience, adjustable waist band and hem. 9, 100 CHILDREN’S GINGHAM DRESSES EASTER NECKWEAR FOR MEN HAS ARRIVED o>. oO 9, XE O30 o00 a 0000030400430 50 030 400450050450 450430430 450 400470 030450 0 0T0 000 oS0 03050 40 030450 To edo e000 So Qo aZ0 eT e002 ip, on the farm| the prem-| Musser farm, near gt mile east of Mari- hon Nissly, executor | of | Frank, | the prem- | Easter is less than three weeks away. with material for your Easter gown assortment of material: Voiles, Crispette, Flaxon, Swiss, Dimity, Silks and Singhame. lw. Coller. Frank, auct.. Tuesday, March 2 ises at the western boto limits, a |\axge lot of household goods by Alice Brandt and Samuel B. Kiefer, ex- of Alpheus , Brandt, de- ceased. Vogle, auct. See advertise- iment. | Wednesday, March 24—At the stock yards of the Florin Hotel, Florin, Pa., lot of extra good cows, stock bulls, heifers, bologna cows and 60 home-raised shoats by C. S. Frank auct. larch 25- 300 -At his head of F. Mowery. Ex- p. m., he National Mo ount Toy Bank. Fr , auct. See vertisement Ek hur March | premises in Florin, personal property Arndt, auct. Friday, March —At the Far- mers Hotel Stables, at Middletown, 200 head of horses and mules by D. iB. Kieffer & Co. See advertise- \ment. or 25—0 the real. ets and by Jacob Brown. ly, 26 Friday, Marc |ises in the village of Florin, entire Los of household goods by Mrs. Susan Vogle, auct. March 27—At his sale stables, Mount Joy, 40 head of horses and mules by Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. See advertise- | ment. Saturday, & 9, EAST MAIN STREET to go to a lot of trouble to serve inquiries you can inform you. SILK STOCKINGS buy waists. date. Price $1.00 to $2.50. | household goods by Horace G. Farmer’s Department Store you to tent of our ability in these most troublesome times, and we will thank you to take the trouble to trouble us as well as any wish to make If you have not supplied yourself now is the time to do it. All colors and all prices. We have 150 waists. Everything that’s up-to- BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ MIDDY SUITS CHARMING WASHABLE DRESSES Variety of silks in new designs OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT 1S COMPLETE WITH GOOD EATS HAVE SPECIALS EVERY SATURDAY Saturday, March 27—On West | 23—On the prem- | Main street, Mount Joy, large lot of household soods by David R. Wag- ner. Vogle, auct. ; Tuesday, March 30—On the prem- | ises at Silver Springs, a large lot of | Her- shey. Frank, auct. i Wednesday, March 31—On the | premises at the LaPierre House, Mt. Joy, a large of Joseph F. Brandt. Frank, Friday, April 2—At the vards at the Florin Hotel, Florin, a lot of registered and high grade Hol- stein cows, bulls, shoats, ete., by S. Fre nk & Bro. Hess, auct. Friday, April 23—On on West "Main street, Mount Joy, a large lot of household goods by Caro- line Bott. Frank, auct. ree GD ere mere auct. The International Film Co. sent a to Pequea to make movies of ice and high water there on Fri- marl the day. Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. 3-17-tf FOR RENT—A Tenant house. Ap- ply to Norman M. Stauffer, R. D. No. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. Ind. Phone 744A mar. 17-tf LIME FOR SALE-Dry fine air- Blaked lime for agricultural pur- poses at $5 per top if hauled by purchaser. Mount Jéy Magnesis Co. FOR RENT-—A/ 7-room house at Rheems, bath and all conveniences. Large garden and extra lot. Apply to B. H. Greider’s Office from 7 to '8 in the evening, Rheems, Pa. 3-10-tf toate sdesfoadeadefosfeafosfodesoofosfoafocfefoedocfeoideadocdediodiedds & 9 ited o, 0 o® 7% 90% feeds eies 9, * the fullest ex- J * eile ale dled * certaining to 9, > 0, ¥ We have a fine CORR) ho® 0% 9%, J * G0, 0. 0. 0 $080.9 0900 0,0 0.90, J Ro NN + 00 0% o%% a0 4% 0, 3 toatoto dred he | # I I ! facturing Company of Flo other kindred products. rin, Pennsylvania, that NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS March 10, 1920 Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Bachman Chocolate Manu- a special meeting of the stock- holders will be held on June 21, 1920, twelve o’clock noon, for the purpose of author- izing the directors to increase the capital stock of the Company to the amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars. Authority will be asked at the same time to do a general creamery business, including the manufacturing of butter, ice cream and By order of the Board of Directors J. A. BACHMAN, President. Suda holders. requirements of a conserv OOOO0OO0OOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 March 10, 1920 ative business. proval at the meeting called for this purpose. J. A. BACHMAN, The stockholders present at the Annual Meeting of the Bachman Chocolate Manufacturing Company held in Mount Joy on January 19, 1920, will recall that at that time the President referred to the above capitalization plan which was discussed at length and favorably commented upon and therefore is not news to most stock- The President pointed out at that time that now at least three times the capi- tal was necessary to do the same amount of business compared with 1915 conditions. This recapitalization plan has not been suggested with the idea of expanding the business in a wild or unreasonable manner, but simply to provide for the actual The Board of Directors being in close touch with every phase of the business are in harmony with the future plans of the Company and approve thoroughly be- lieving this move to be consistent with present business conditions and ask your ap- President. lot of household goods | stock | C. the premises | | a man Navy Blacksmith Shop. Sa The vinage blacksmith shop under the spreading chestnut tree is for rent, The smithy has gone to sea to learn some new tricks of the trade in the U. 8. Navy schools. Blacksmithing is now a highly specialized trade in iron working. Once masters it he Is sure of a good living for life, either in or out of the service. A real interest in one’s work is as necessary in the Navy schools as in others, but Jack is paid to learn and is sure of his job as long as he wants it, providing he ig in earnest. The above photo shows a couple of | anvils doing a big business at a Navy Artificer School. The Mascot of the Pacifie The proudest member of the Navy with the Pacific Fleet is “Mick,” Ad- miral Rodman’'s spaniel. From the tip of his tail to the tip of his nose “Mick” is a real sailor. The her the seas come the better he likes It “Mick” stuck his head through a life ring, at the photographer's sigue, and is giving an imitation a true patriot looking for an argument. Every man on the New Mexico Is “Mick's” pal Kinderhook Pastor Ill Rev. C. A. Miller, the newly-ap- pointed pastor of Kinderhook United Evangelical charch, is ill at the home! of Justice Lichty, Klinesville, where he is temporarily domiciled. ema BORN Mr. and Mrs. Newpher Garber an- nounce the birth of a son on Friday. poet - MOUNT JOY MARKETS The following prices are paid to- day by our local merchants: F. A. Payasey, Pays: Eggs, per doz...... 3 Butter, per 1b Lard, perdb...... 0 iim 0k 24c Potatoes, per bus I. D. Stehman Pays: Wheat, per bu Corn, per bu.......... 0» Oats, per bu I. D. Stehman Sells: Corn, per bu Oats, per bu Bran, per 100 lbs Mixed Feed, per 100 lbs...... Glutten, per 100 lbs Cotton Seel Meal Linseed Meal, per 100 lbs.,,.... 4.16 Jeef Scrap, Calf Meal, per 100 lbs,,.. Timothy hay, per 100 lbs . Tankage, 100 1bS.,........5 5.25 Straw, per 100. 1bs.,.......... .85 Oat Meal Feed, per 100 lbs.... 1.95 et Wires Subscribe for the Jt. Joy Bulletin. Automaohile Painting If you want that auto of yours to look like a 1920, take it to Bruba- ker’'s Garage and get a job of real ¥ painting. Charges very reasonable and work must be satisfactory. Big Tire Sale I am closing out all my tires at greatly reduced prices. S. Bru Mount Joy, a SHE Hed Lily FEiilas caled with Take no other. RD 3 iS jaker — Pa. PILLS rf agin br b pd metallic Ribbon. ffs | cAiviyaiiciatie LL [ERYWHE FANCY CALF. Prunes Ib 20c, 24c, 28c ©0000EOOO0000000000O0000OOOE 00000000008 FANCY EVAP. CALIF. Peaches 1b 30c DE own hands ever canned. twee Se § Of California Canned Peaches and Cherries This sale is very timely, coming just when the stocks of home canned fruit are about used up. California fruit of extraordinary quality—the equal in point of flavor and quality to the best your OUR 37c¢ FANCY CALIF. PEACHEN.................. OUR 40c EXTRA FANCY CALIF. OUR 27c¢ CALIF. WHITE CHERRIES. Packed in a pure, heavy sugar syrup. ER : © ® © © : SLASH IN PRICES & © $4.15 doz. cut to 37c can, $4.40 doz. cut to 25¢ can, $2.90 doz. .cut to 35¢ can, e PEACHES -< ’ Do not hesitate to buy a dozen cans at this special price. PICNIC HAMS, Lb BACON, Lb CPPOROREEOREEPEEEOOREREROO® LEBANON BOLOGNA, EVAPORATED CORN, \ Lb. os in Re a Se a sea 23c ¥ v Lb SWEET TENDER SUGAR $1.50 Dozen Our regular very fine quality. 15¢ or more. CORN cut to, can, 12%c grade— It will be to your advantage to buy a dozen 25¢ Can BEST TUNA FISH cut to 22c All white meat, with a most delicate flavor. Serve as is on toast. Delightful for salads and croquettes. RICH CREAMY CHEESE Pound, 35c¢ Fine quality—and aged just long enough to give it that rich snappy flavor. BEST DEEP PINK SALMON, Fine quality. Fine white, fat mackeral. nice, tomorrow? BEST Soup BEANS, ™ beans grown. Delicious served crouquettes made Ww with our best boiled rice. FANCY NORWAY MACKEREL, each. .9¢c, 13c May we suggest a well-cooked mackerel for your breakfast Very low price on the finest quality White “ASCO” BLEND (Our Very Best) TEAS Lb., 45¢c tall can as is or in 14 1b. pkg, 12—15 1b. pkg, 23c¢ The more fussy you are about your TEA the easier it is for us to please you. Try a package today and note its RICH, FRAGRANT FLAVOR “ASCO” MACARONI, Pie. . .10c Made only from the best ingredients. "What s more appetizing than macaroni and cheese? Try it made with a little of our snappy cheese. Fresh From Our Own Ovens VICTOR BREAD, 000000000OOO® OO other. Buy the best bread made. Victor is the biggest and finest quality loaf baked. Buy a loaf today and note its Satisfying Goodness seldom found in any | HIGH-GRADE CANNED Vegetables Sugar Corn String Beans Mixed Vegetables. .. Roasted Fresh Daily ‘ASCO” BLEND COFFEE (Our Very Best) Lb. 42¢ Rich, Full, Heavy Body. When you buy ‘“Asco’” you are always sure of it being Fresh Roasted, which helps to add to its Delightful and Pleasing Pure Jellies, glass Delicions Peanut Butter, Pure Olive oil, bottle. Pure Assorted Yams, jar... glass, 13¢ ‘““Asco”” Corn Starch, pkg...9¢ Big value in fresh ready-to- serve vegetables. Aroma. ‘““Asco” Noodles, pkg Best Whole Rice, Ib National Rolled Oats, pkg. 10c Finest Pearl Barley, Ib... . = Heinz Clean Tomato Soup can llc Ib Whole Dried Green Peas, b., 10c Best Corn Meal, Heinz Baked Beans can 12¢, 17¢ “ASCO” OLEOMARGARINE, The best made—we know please you. TWO PURE BUTTER SUBSTITUTES OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT NUT MARGARINE, 1b Made from pure vegetable fats used. the quality will oils—no animal ~, ALL BRANDS EVAPORATED Milk can 6¢c, 125c Campbell's Pork and Beans, can 12%c¢ CARRY ALL BAGS — gach Sc American Beauty Ginger Snaps, bbl pkg., 35¢ Fancy Shrimp, can....... A —— Resolutions of Respect Whereas, seen fit to The remove, Ajrighy God by death, from 5 | our midst comrade!John Malehorn. Whereas, Being & member of the Walter Ebersole Pogt No. 185 of Mt. Joy. Whereas, We deeply regret the loss of this Comrade, yet, submitting our mortal selves to the judgment of this comrade, therefore be it, Resolved, That the Post Adjutant send our sincere sympathies to the [hererved family, and be it, Resolved, That a copy of the Post, and also published in one Lancaster and one Mount Joy paper. Guy Habecker, Wm. R. Weaver, Benj. F. Kendig. mar-17-1t For Sale I have the following used cars, all sale: Hudson 18) Touring Car 1917 Saxon Touring 490 Chevrolet Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Coupe Ream’s Garage MOUNT JOY, PA. We Buy Fresh E CROPPER of which are in good condition, for in oo Ta ap Tava ‘WAN TED! os Job Printing Business | If We Can't Please You Hicest Price Paid wo gos =k © © © ® © © 8 ®© ® © © © © © © 8 © 6 © g © © © © © © © © © $l ® & © © © © 8 0 — BIN has | | | | the immortal God in his removal of | : of these rome be placed on the minutes!’ yr = [8] 2) {=s CARNE lie 2 a | THE DONOVAN N SPECIAL | 3 9 4 $ A On Total Pur¢hases of $15 or More REOPENING DAY OF THE Ny NEW DAYLIGHT STORE SATURDAY, | MARCH 20th, 1920 Each adult customer will receive a souvenir. We will have several {Demonstrations, that we hope will be to your interest. Our specials for this flay will be worth while your coming. Many opportunities for profitable buying presented now. We would be very ingrateful if we failed to thank you all who have helped to make it possible for us to have the much needed improve- ments, and we hope you will enjoy them often, as we are sure they will be for your comfort. Come and enjoy them. No steps to climb. S. B. Bernhart, Mt. Joy, Pa. 2 OYSTERS! SANITARY BARBER SHOP OYSTERS! H. J. WILLIAMS, MT.-J0Y, PA. GTEA UE FAMOUS CHINC Q Successor to Allén M. Way OYSTERS GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONS | i { Ahe Manhattan Laund daily. Monday till nog RANDT BROS. E RO AY’S HAIR CUTTING | 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY, PA. | SAT! PP