B¥l JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVAN U.S. A WEDNESDAY, MARC : 20000 POOOOOO0000S0000B0O00000000000099 | AOOGOS0CEO000C00000000008 | : B® \ YOUR KODAK | NEGA. | H nN | : | . I ; |8 TIVES ARE WORTHY OF R The New Spring d | & BEST THAT |IS IN | 2 | 8 rH{M—USE VELOX, . Ww | OQ | | | Suits Are Here © y | | J r | | alia Bl ek. | Hart, Schaffner & Marx is an unforgetable name of an S| Ses i | » % unforgetable Suit once you've worn it. 2 | y | k i | It has character stamped on it from collar tg cuff; has { that air of elegance in fabric and trimmings and tailor- ing that, once enjoyed, you never care to give up. And these are the Suits we're offering for Spring and Summer. Don’t think we're premature, for Easter is only a few weeks off and you can’t afford to postpone Suit-buying. Call and have them shown-——compare them with any other line shown in the town. business if you want QUALITY AT A FAIR PRICE. We know we'll get your Groff & Wolf Co., 26--30 North Queen Street parses RAMWASESOCOORODOUV IA Lancaster's Fastest Growing Store SO FOU UANATF AY DOO0OOOOOOO0O00O00 OOOOOOO0O0OOO00O0O00O00O0000V TRO 10 ET GO UTO MOV IES 5 THE MT. JOY AUTO E £2 a PLY WHAT WAS IT } FORGOT ETTER remember those extra tires that you have been prom- ising your car before you start on your next trip. It’s a lot oreconvenient to take them with you than wish you had. This ¢. mileage station. 11 1 0 1 11 Special Shoe and Rubber Sale 1 have just received a large and complete line of the best makes of shoes and rubbers for the whole family—and to make room for other goods arriving daily they will all go at remarkably low figures. Among this lot are some Ground Grippers, Lennox, Enticott and Johnson as well as other reliable makes. Special fot of Boys’ Shoes at........... ...cooeuvene $1.98 Lot of Misses’ Button Shoes at........... LRP nrg $1.98 A good line of Rubbers te fit everybody. A great cut in Dry Goods. Lot of Ladies’ Waists at..........cc0ieivvecranarennes 98¢ Ladies’ and Children’s Night Gowns at big reductions. A lot of Ladies’ Black and Tan Hosiery, per pair........ 15¢ Lot of Men’s Hose, 3 pair for...........coieevennneenn. 25¢ Lot of Men's Collars, 3 for..........oooveenneeinnenens 25¢ A nice lot of Blankets and Comforts at attractive low prices. Come Early. Don’t miss this sale. - H. Laskewitz Shoe Repairing a Specialty E. MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY, PA. 00011 0 COAL \ COAL ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. F. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! LU MBER/ and COAL Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA. W.M. HOLLOWBUSH Periodic Bilious Attacks k. " Persons subject to bilious attacks “ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW will observe that their appetite fails Public Bell eo 43-R4 them just before an attack. That is, jhey do not yeally crave food | but eat Main ecause it is meal time. ey wi : St., Motint Joy, Pa. eat only a light meal and no meat, Special-—Regular—Contract | | The Wineert & Haas HAT STOR Winter Hats the acknowledged for Hats, Caps We have all kinds We are headquarters and Gloves. at all prices. JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. 144 North. Queen Street Lancaster, Penna. Please Remember * I Sharpen Knives All Kinds Saws Cutting Tools, Etc. I make a specialty of sharpening as< Repairing Lawn Mowers ny ® ° » C. S. Gingrich W. Donegal St., MOUNT JOY oct-22-1y7 Krall’s M eat Market 1 always have on hand anything the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA — i | | | | | | | | | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say ihis Week v / il Coom hare amohl nuchber, un sitz on ¥ 9 3 ' der dish. W ® B. BENDE] i De socha sin gons {Ae helft fu eit d MOUNT JOY, PA. De onera 1 Des glae se maening. “A eee doots fisha—de Husht du di laevs 1 h os d TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS he I take this method to advise you | {that [ have opened a sale room at { No. 70 Easty Main St., Mbunt Joy, | Pa., (Between'yny residence and the {office of Dr. W.AM. Thome) where I will carry a stock ‘of H {tomobile TIRES TUBES and ACCES- |SORIES and will be pleased to have | you call to see same befoxg you make | your next purchase. AN I have a large line of \ijfferent makes of tires and tubes and will en- 1 @O000L0000000CO00000DLLLLOLLLLVLVLILULLIILIINININAN igh Grade Au- |! {deavor to please you and savel\you | money. ; : . My line of Accessories is fairly sree but, should you need anything do not have, I am prepared to pro- cure it for you at short notice and will be pleased to serve you. I also carry the well known “TEX- ACO” motor oils, grease and gaso- line which are winning out by actual test every day and will save you la- bor, time and expense. I solicit a share of your business and thanking you for same in ad- vance, I am yours for service, J. W. ESHLEMAN. le I In rea Estate of Henry S. Brandt, County, Pennsylvania In real Estate of Henry S. Brandt, late of East Donegal Township, de- ceased, December Term 1919, No. 25 Notice is hereby given that a pe- "Itition has been filed in the Orphans’ 2a k glele S| Court of Lancaster County, Pa., by ga-dalec Dale leit Albert G. Walters, Trustee to sell the nit ma effel im m real estate of Henry S. Brandt, de- frulla in hkeit fun der week |eeased, asking for an order to sell at | bis i; In duch sin se net|private sale a certain lot of ground og d De hen mere en ex-jwith a twe and a half story frame ample om Hav Ba k. Em Sam dwelling house and other improve- jamie om aw : ; I ments thereon, situated in the village | He Zea brood r's nd, WOO IN{,¢ Florin, in Fast Donegal Township, |Fildelfy uff ga-brucht.is worra, dare|County of Lancaster, Pehnsylvania, |is so reich « n Si ei-coomas|of which said descedent died seized, iv dowsend dawler’s yohr eb|to Annie M. Hoffman, fi said town- odder net. Dare boo is now |ship for the sum of $4500.00 and vohr oldt. hut en geode|that a hearing on said petition will be held in the Orphans’ Court at Lan- ng, hut net der good Tar- J , shtond woo m reekt on mn T ich | caster, Pa., on the 18th day of March shtor vOO mer ¢ won mer sie [oes oT Oe A. D,; 1920, at ten q’clock a. m. |selver dorrich de We shlocked. Are when and where all persons intexest- [wa es fun shi is olsfart sow-1ad may attend, and hefore which ver aw-ga-doo un rdt en diamond | time all objections to the granting of | uff sime ga-kuchta hem. Are brouch|said petition must be filed with the Inet shoffa un es holdt ene bissy en }Clerk of said Court. . 2 EE : v an + | gonser dawg far de tzeit fardriva. > GC. G. STRICKL °R, ’ |Ave hut oll de tzeit os are will far Zad Assistant Clerk of the Orphans {gae fisha, awver is ts om far e LEED. 1 i |gae fisha, awver is tsu doom far enlyy, “yy Hollowbush, Attorney. jworrem on si ongel do, un won are’s feb.18-3t | wist don ware are tsu armlich far on |de grid awfa. Sell sin de sort leit woo: olstart fish Kenna SALE OF MT. JOY PROPERTY [ Javich eme wooned em Sam si 7 i ner se Are is im lond uff ga-|{ON SATURDAY, MACH 20, 1920 hardt 08 en At 7:30 o’cloék p. m., will.be sold is awrem, un duch|at public sale at the Bulletin Of- sich en glaena haemet aw-g’shoft| fice in the Borough of Mount Joy, iis g’hired un hut tswae kinner. En|the following real estate, to wit: |gonser dawg shoft are im feldt un All that certain lot of | owets coomed are hame meed un|land on which is erected a {hoongerich. Are con en yord brode- TWO STORY FRAME | waersht un tswonsich booch-waetza {DWELLING HOUSE and | koocha essa uff en emes. Si kinner|necessary outbuildings. Containing {shrit long eb are om house is eb are ebbes g’fonga hut. Won are glick hut g’hot don lobed se ene, won are nix winched dare boo olla dawg are het |sime cous i reichdoom are gons tzeit fisha kent. SO 0S de Luss mich dere sawga, blesseer in dara weldt consht du net soocha, aw- ver du finsht olsfart woo du net gooksht derfore. eDr mon woo tsu bissy is far blesser soocha findt es mensht derfun. Won mer olsfart gae kent fisha don daits em so laid w: a )s won mer’s mit da leffel g’fressa het. Der mon woo si laeva net mon woo si laeva net hoongerich | | MI SESS HERSHEY { Bell Phone 63-R2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Don. W. lorrecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET Bell Telephone | | | Jeweler Watchmaker---Engraver GRASS SEED FREE SAM PLE Wonderful Value Wholesale Prices Highest Quality Don't fail to investigate a. Sw these bargains, Recleaned Teste! Timothy $5.60 b eet Clove x isi and Timothy $8.40 & over $6.40 bu. Alsike Clove: other Grass & Field S to State or Goverment back guarantee. We: seeds. Located so as service. Send today fc at low prices. All sold subject under an absolute money ecialists in grass and field you money and give quick which explains all, f expect Higher De s all, free. expect hi ices--Bu; now and save big money. P Whe Briew pu fmerican Mutual Seed Co. Dept, ez2 Chicago, lL Mr. Farmer I am always in the market for | And will pay 18 cents. If you have any drop me a card and I will call by truck for same. Monday, Thursday and Friday are my receiving days. | | C. F. CREIDER | gna Cows bought at all times P. O. MOUNT JOY, R.D. 2 MILTON GROVE, PA. ter, Monday and Fri- [then take two of Chamberlain's 56 N. Street, Second | Tablets the attack may be avoided W. C. Bla... A 2-4-4 Read the Bulletin. Samuel L. Oberholtzer. once for Washington, D. C., on their { honeymoon. Fresh Cows, Springers, Fat and Bolo- | the wore wase net is. wos obbadit Der {tramp woo en nocht unich em hoy- shtuck shlofed findt mae blesser in i ma shtick booder brode far si morga- bower woo en gonser dawg hinnich em blook noach lawfed findt mae rhue uff me shprower- sock os der reich mon inera guldena bed-lawd. Der mon woo uff em top fum howfa is muss olsfart grotza far sich druv- va holdta. Der awrem mon, woo sich om foos uff holdt, con sich ruich he laiga un shlofa—are rulled nimmy weider nunner, un won’s ons shtarva gait don laiked are sich he, shlofed ei, un breuch sich net boddera waega ma willa wile are net ga-nunk lust far si freind drivver fechta. “Ae helft fun der weldt grawbed de warrem-—de onner doots fisha.” Tsu wella wid du kara? Tsu da fisher, of course. So doona se oll, un duch behawb ich is graessere blesseer in reddy maucha far gae fisha os we hame cooma mit ma laeera karreb. es Moral. Blesseer coomed oony £0 y g’'frogt un gaed oony g’haesa. ED Reem ~ Why Colds are Dangerous You are often told to “beware of a.cold,” but why? We will tell you: Every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. People who contract pneumonia first take cold. The longer a cold hangs on, the greater the danger especially from the germ diseases, ds a cold prepares the system for the feception and de- velopment of the germs of consump- tion, diphtheria, dJearlet fever and whooping cough. {The quicker you get rid of your cold, the less the danger of contracfing one of these diseases. Chambperlain’s Cough Remedy has a gregt reputation as a cure for colds andj can be depended upon. It is pleasant to take. 3-3-5t Rp i Longeneckert—Brubaker Elam B. Longenecker, of Rapho township, and Miss }Florence F. Bru- baker, of Conewagb township, were married at Elizabethtown by Rev. They left at Mr. Longenecker will engage in farming in Rapho in the spring. en Auxiliary Meeting regular monthly meeting of Ladies Auxiliary of the Lancas- The i ter General Hospital will be held at | the home of Mrs. A. B. Cling on | Thursday, March 11 at three o’clock. ! {A full attendance is desired. ment of yearly dues. meed wore wase net wos rhue is. Der oroddla uff eme room os we vunege|in front.on David Street thirty-five [kotza, un won are ols ebmohls enjieet and in depth two hundred and shtoond greekt tsu sich selver don three feet. . gait are on de in fongt a paw: H. N. NISSLY, farrella fa si} er. Won are hame Executor and Trustee to sell real coomed don shtaed si fraw olsfart im | estate in the Estate of Daniel L. hofe un frost ene eb’ are ebbes Hauenstein, Deceased. o’fonga hut. Se con sawea on sime |JOHN A. COYLE, Attorney. CHARLES S. FRANK, Auct. 2-25-4t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE [ hu aon gneouraged se ene un sawgt Estate of Joseph R. Strickler, late es naixt mohl de are besser do. So|of Mt. Joy Boro, Penna., deceased. en fraw we sell bringt mae blesser Letters testamentary on said es- ins house os en millune downsend [tate having been granted to the un- dawler uff inderessa. Un duch|dersigned, all persons indebted there- to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will pre- sent them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing in Lancaster. JOS. S. STRICKLER, Executor. W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. 2-18-6t EXECUTORS’ NOTICE tate of Alpheus L. Brandt, late of East Donegal township, Lancaster County, "Ra., deceased. Letters Testamentary on said es- g beenm™granted to the un- all persosindebted there- » requested to male immediate , and those havin®claims or inst the same Will pre- } = el } : : sent then thout delay for “§ettle- tessa os der reich mon doot in ma {nent to the undersigned hp tdownsend dawler banquet. Der ALICE E. BRANDT, &% EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Bstate of Jacob H. Greiner late of East Wpnegal township, deceased. LetterSytestamentary on said es- tate havin®, been granted to the undersigned, “all persons indebted thereto are reqtigsted to make im- mediate payment, "and those having claims or demands aginst the same, will present them withémt delay for isettlement to the undersi®med whose postoffce address is Mt. Joy, wPa. MINNIE E. GIBBLE, Executrix. Wm. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. 3-3-6t PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920 The undersigned will sell at public sale at her residence on the Manheim road, % of a mile east of Mount Joy, the following described personal property to wit: Three Beds, Two with Springs, Bureau, Lounge, Chairs, Rockers, Walnut Table, Hanging Lamp, Stove, Double Heater, Range, Lot of Stove Pipe, Carpets, Rugs, Buffalo Robe, good as new; Milk Cans, Lard | Stand, Washing Machine and Wringer, Iron and Copper Kettle, Pick, Two sets Harness, Lady’s Sad- dle, 2-seated Sleigh, set Sleigh Bells, Jennylind, Runabout, Shovel and other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 1:30 p. m., when terms will be made known by FANNIE B. SHELLY Geo. S. Vogle, Auct. P. G. Shelly, Clerk. { ADVHNISTRATORS’ NOTICE Estate o™John S. Keener, late of Mount Joy township, deceased. Letters testalgentary’ on said és- tate having beoy granted undersigned, all “persons indebted thercto are request to make im- mediate payment, and\ those having claims or demands agaihst the same, [will present them withod¢ delay for i settlement to the undersixped. MICHAEL HOSSINR, Mount Joy, Pa., JACOB E. WOLGEMNTH, Mount Joy, Pa., R.™ ALMOS S. EARHART, { \ | mar.10-6t FOR SALE OR RENT—-Acre of land with a 10-room brick house with J f J to the’ | | | NN Mount Joy, Pa., R. D. | Administrators. | & SAMUEL B. KIEFER. 4 Executors. B. Frank Kready, Atty. 3-3-6t O00 ' : ~To Our Customers and Friends § We take this means of thanking you for the business which y you have given us in the past. 3 Our deposits have increased wonderfully and at the end of our 3 sixth year in business, which we will celebrate on April 1, 1920, A our surplus will be $80,000.00 and we have invested your money so carefully that we have’ not lost a dollar /in all the years we have been in business. There is no bank in the County that ¢an beat this record. We will pay you 5% interest for money by the year. Personal checks taken in payment of certificate of deposit. Security—Over Two Million Dollars. All business held Strictly Confidential. PEOPLES BANK OF MAYTOWN, Maytown, Penna. DOOOOOOO0O0D000D M. R. HOFFMAN President ~ N. F. ARNTZ Cashier A Bronchial Catarrh, Common Colds of the Head, Throat and Chest; Neu- ralgia and Rheumatic Pains and Headache. prompt in action. Compound Mustard Ointmen for the relief of Coughs, Chest Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Stiff a tism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralge Sore and Stiff Muscles and Joints resulting from over exertion or exposure to cramped muscles, Stiff Neck, Sprain Strains, Lame Aching Back, Sor Throat and Chest Cold. IF YOU WANT A GOOD HAM OR CHEESE SANDWICH AND A Use as an aid in the treatment of the congestion and inflamation of It is easy to apply and A convenient rubefacient and counter irritant as a local applicatid ching Joints and Muscles, Sprains. Does not blister. Penetrating Liniment For the relief of Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains, Chronic Rheuma cold and wet, lame o Sold At The Rexall Store E. W. Garber East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. CUP OF COFFEE, GET IT AT GARBER’S DRUG STORE Farm Harness We are the only custom manufacturers of Work Harness in Lancaster County. We invite all users of work harness to call and inspect our large and complete line of Farm and Work Harness. Our Work Harness are all custom made right in our own shop. We As we have purchased Today’s Are guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. can save you 10% to 156% on Work Harness. the leather and hardware for these gears at the old price. prices are 15% to 20% higher than our quotations. We give prompt service on repair work. Carry a complete line 3 I I 3d of Harness hardware especially for repairs. OUR MOTTO—SERVICE, LEGITIMATE PROFITS. We Solicit Your Patronage Frank B. Groff Harness-Saddlery Auto Oils-Tires Mount Jcy, Penna. DAY OLD CHICKS Book your order now for Marchand. April deliveries from the following breeds: [IE R. |. Reds W. RsCks We have several extra W. Leghorn and B. Rock breeding cockerels for sale H. M. BAER & SON Re | & Pay- steam heat, along railroad at Chick- | % 2t ies. J. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf = QOOO0C J i SALUNGA, PA. | 5 D1 1 OO AOOO0000000000000 * ok ENERO OOCOOOUGSONOD a x x ; 5 {WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY x —-— % BY MAKING YOUR OLD CLOTHING SERVICEABLE : We are doing it for thousands of others. Why not for you? We ® believe a trial will convince you. t OS . . i 8 FOOTER'S CLEANERS and DYERS CUMBERLAND, MD. | AGENCY MR. P. E. GETZ, MOUNT JOY, PA. dec.31-tf i V i i § i 5 |]