AY, MARCH 10th, 1920 ’ | FARMERS’ COLUMN PROTECTS USED AT HOME BIG ITEM IN FARM INCOME Dairy products constitute the most important group of foods, measured in money ‘value, consumed by the average farm family, says the United States Department of Agriculture. Milch cows are kept practically on all farms. The average farm family uses annually about 2,600 quarts of milk in the form of milk, butter, cheese or cream. In dairy regions where milk is shipped or sold to creameries or cheese factories, practically all the butter and cheese used is bought in- stead of made on the farm. Very few farmers buy whole milk. About four-fifth of the dairy products con- sumed by farmers are produced on the home farm. In the South Does a dry cough keep you ie? KEMPS BALSAM Will stop the tickle that makes you dairy products are used very freely. The common prac- {ice is to churn the whole milk for butter, producing a large quantity of buttermilk. The average annual con- sumption of “butter per family is about 230 pounds in the South while for families in the North and West it is less than 150 pounds. It is not unusual for the averaged-sized fam- ily in the South to consume 2,000 quarts of buttermilk a year. But- termilk is a cooling and healthful drink for that climate. Most market men are close to the selling end so are well informed. As a rule they are ready to aid by giv- ing information. It is to their in- terest to serve the growers’ interest. ADVERTISING HELPS FARMING Not long age a South Dakota far- mer gave a country editor in his vi- cinity one of the surprises of his life. Stepping into the editor’s of- fice; he announced briskly: “I want to contract for some space in your paper weekly for one coming year.” The editor gasped but then smiled {| happily. “I always have something to sell or trade or else I want to buy some- thing,” the farmer continued, “and We Have Just Added TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS and SUITE CASES They Are On Disply In Our Window THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT Joy, LANCASTER COUNTY, so I want this space reserved for me. That will save my running to town every time I have an a veriisement to insert. Regular advertising is sort which gets results.” That editor is losing no oppor- tunity to point out that in one very real sense a farmer is a business man and can promote his business by in- telligent systematic advertising. SOLVING MARKET PROBLEMS Keep market reports, reviews, and special articles on file. They will help in following and understanding the markets. Producers are invited to submit their marketing questions to the representative at the nearest market station. If he can not answer them he knows some one in the Bureau of Markets. United States Department of Agriculture, who probably can supply the desired in- formation. If the inquirer does not know the address of the nearest Federal representative, he should write to United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. FARM LABOR EFFICIENCY Are the man-labor requirements of the productive enterprises of the farm as organized sufficient to make the best utilization of the time of the regular men necessary to operate the farm “If on a given farm we find the number of days necessary to do the contract and miscellaneous day wage work and subtract the amount from the total number of days’ work re- quired by all the productive enter- prises, the remainder will be the number of productive days’ work re- quired of the regular men of the farm. “If we divide this number of pro- ductive days’ work required of the regular men of the farm by the num- ber of days available for field work at their command, we will get a num- ber expressing the percentage of efficiency with which their time has been utilized. “For example, a group of five best farms has an average of 4.8 regular men per farm. These men had a total of 1,016 days available for field PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A DEPENDED UPON IT20 TEARS R ci: This Woman’ All That : me. Omaha, Neb.—*1 have used Lydia E. Pinkham’ ’s Vegetable Compound orover twenty years for fe- pale $ronhies and it as he me ve much. 3 have pA used Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Sanative Wash with good re- sults. I always have abottle of Vegetable Compound inthe house as it is a good remedy in time of need. You can ; publish my testi- mor... as every statement I have made 1s perfectly true.’’—Mrs. J. O. ELMQuIST, 2424 S, 20th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Ww omen who suffer from these dis- tressi, o ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are constantly publishing in the Pevsaspers of the Shier of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound to restore their health, oe know whether Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will help you, try it! For advice write to Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. There was a total of 1,184 days’ work required by the produc- tive enterprises. Of these, 512 were cared for by contract and miscel- laneous hired and family labor, leav- ing 671 days for the regular men. This means 212 days available per regular man, of which 140 days, or 68 per cent., were required for and utilized on productive enterprises.” This is the system used by farm management specialists of the United work. § Eshleman Bros. QUALITY SHOP 49 East Main Street Bell Phone 66-4 DOOOOO000000000000000000000000IDOOOO000O000O000000 GOOD FURNITURE Is the ealy kind 1 sell—Furniture that is Furniture . ) Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks, 3 Desks, Extension and Other Tables, Davenports, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets. In Fact Anything in the Furniture Lime Picture Frames, Ladies’ UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING H. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PA. OCOOOOCOOOOOO000000O000COOO0O0000COO0OCOOOO000CO0000. A RT ie TO OUR PATRONS I wish to announce to the public that I am prepared to supply you with a line of GOOD FEED, SALT, LIME, FERTILIZER, CE- » 0 i 111 A i MENT, COAL, ETC. Lanc. Dairy 20 per cent Protein | Handle in Cow Feed Red Rose 20 per cent Protein Also My Own Make Feed I have a special Good Pig and Hog Feed to carry your pigs all through the season. I have quite a age lot of friends on this Feed. I also have Hog Tankage that will do them good (try it). I have Chicken and Chick Feeds in 100 lbs. or ton lots, either Laying Mash or Scratch, Beef Scrap, Gystor Shells, Oats, Corn, Cracked Corn and Wheat. FOR HORSES, I have a molasses| feed that horses like and do well on. Try it and you will be convinced. Also Bran, Middlings, Cotton Seed Meal, Gluten, O. P. Oil Meal, Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Straw, Hay, Cement and Land Lime. Call Bell Telephone 81R2 and get my prices. I deliver in town Also take outside draying by truck. I solicit your business. ———— E. H. ZERCHER 28 PLR, R, Freight Station MOUNT JOY, PENNA. i POOO00O00OO00OOHLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODONNNC CHAS. A./ WEALAND Painter and/ Paper Hanger LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER Always on hajld at reasonable prices. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Agent for VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES 21 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. DGOOOOOOOOOLLLOLOOCOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOCOOOONON "[OSE You HEADACHE a 2 USE THE DEPENDA LIQuiD REMEDY EASY TO TAKE-SPEEDY RELIEF). APUDINE GOOD FOR GRIPPE AND BACKACHES, TOO Bootee. you. an ordinary shoe. walking, what do on your feet? Ordinary leather shoes get soaked and caked with mud in no time. What you need is something that will give you the comfort of a leather shoe, combined with the protection of a rubber boot. Here at last is a shoe specially de- signed to meet this need—the U. S. It's a water-tight lace rubber shoe—designed originally for miners, and now becoming popular with farmers everywhere. Solid comfort all the time—that’s what the light, pliable U.S. Bootee means for It fits smoothly over your sock like It gives you perfect freedom of movement, yet in the wettest weather—over the muddiest ground—it keeps your feet absolutely dry. Ask for "U.S_RUBBER FOOTWEAR United States Rubber Company - eg Wear them all day- Your feet tay dry and corloveable / A new rubber shoe for farmers—the “U. S.” Bootee HEN the ground and your job means a iot of is wet, you wear States Department of Agriculture in arriving at the percentage of ef- ficiency attained in the use of man labor. FAMILY AND FARM SUPPLIES Is the farm producing such of the family foods as are adapted to local conditions in ample. quantities for the welfare of the family? The value of the family living fur- nishes directly from the farm is one of the important factors determining the amount of income of the farm and the degree to which the farm business is safe and profitable, says the United States Department of Agriculture. This is especially true of the smaller farm. The garden and live stock whieh supply the larger part of the family food are usually cared for at times that interfere comparatively little with the regular farm commercial enterprises, and by labor which otherwise would not be utilized. Further it has been found that up to a considerable size of farm business, when the family food is produced on the farm, this item, plus the fuel and shelter furnished by the farm amount to an equivalent of the rent for the entire farm or interest on the whole farm investment. The natural earth silo will yield just as good results for beet-top silage as the perpendicular structure, but greater care in pack! ¢ is neces- sary. fr ero—— i acans Has Had Stomach Trouble for Seven Years Theodore Sanford of Fenmore, Mich., has had stomach trouble for seven years and could not eat vege- tables or fruit without pain in the stomach and restless nights. y taking Chamberlain’s Tablets he is now able to eat vegetables or fruit without causing pain or sleepless- ness. If troubled with indigestion or constipation give these tablets a trial. They are certain to prove bene- ficial. 3-3-bt RE — ee REE Why not use the best? Martin’s| Sanitary Dairy, West Donegal st. | Mount Joy, Pa. Mrs. C. JM. Ji 25 S. Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. Announces the Opening of Fi inef up to date Milliners On March 21st, 20 10 per cent. off For Opening Day Only It will pay you to aitend this open- ing if you want to save money and get the right thing to wear. A DESIRABLE HOME Situated in the Best Residential District of FLORIN, PA. A ten-room frame house, steam heat, electric lights, first quality bath room outfit, many outbuildings, in- cluding garage for four cars. Electric lights in garage. This home must be sold within the next few weeks. Price $4,000. S. NISSLEY GINGRICH FLORIN, PENNA. mar.10-2t Ask your dealer today to show you a pair of the new U, S. Bootees. their waterproof, smooth rubber surface Note —feel how pliable and comfortable they special Look over the rest of your dealer’s U. S. line— boots, rubbers, arctics— whichever you need. Tough, heavy soles— reinforcements at toe and heel—and al- ways the highest quality rubber—these points are winning U. S footwear thousands of new friends every year. Ask for U. S. rubber foot- wear—it meanssolid wear and long service for your money. are—examine for yourself their wonder- ful built-to-wear construction. point of strain is heavily reinforced. Every rubber blaek, “U.S.” BOOTS—made in all sizes and Half H:p, and white. styles—the Knee, and Hip—in red, NO DOPE —NO ACETANILIDE.