UBLIC SALE {DAY, MARCH 8, 1920 reigned will sell at public Benj. R. Bender F arm, PH erriebiey pike; 1 by Ma Joy, in Rapho fo» Sancastertuo., Pa., the folln stock and farming implemen driver and general pu 9 Head of Draft and Driv Horses. No. 1—DBlack cl coming 4 yrs. old. No. : fancy fearless of all ol le and dauble. No 20 Head of Choice Butter Cows, tind farmers are [00 Fine Heifers, 6 Stock Bulls, F 3 Brood Sows with pig 15 Head of Fine Shoats hogs are all registered} China) ; FARMING IMPLEMENTS Thomas 4-horse Wwe horse wagon, low-dowh wagon, spring wagon, Jennylind, rur wbout, 2-horse bob sled, g new sleighs, I linger No. p. gasoline good condit on, 10-disc grain dr season; Mountville rake, bedd r, planter, hs ATTOWS, row WW, corn oubl oD a iding cul fobacc nanure spreader, go breec "hb nd; hart harness 9 harrow, ators, as good ev halters, lars, dle, evener, h corn sheller hay knife, ha ay ¢ rope ter, hay hook, ng. hou h, g 60-gal. coal meat bench, ettes ang ti ned. 30 o’clock 8, 1920, will be be nds, : variety Sale to commence ¢§ : on Monday, Hare h when terms and conditions made known by F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Miller & Koser, Clks. AARON R. HESS Mt. Joy Trolley Passes! Place of Sale m., “SALE OF MT. JOY PROPERTY ON SATURDAY, MACH 20, At 7: public 1920 sold Of- 30%0’clock p. m., will be Sale at the Bulletin fice in the Borough of Mount the followingh real estate, wit: All that cértain lot of land which Ss erected TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE necessary outbuildings. ( Joniining in front on David Street thir ve feet and in depth twa Win and three feet. Y at to on 18s 58 and Abi H. NY NISSLY, sell real Y; LT) Executor and Trustee ¥¢ | Daniel estate in the Estate of Hauenstein, Deceased. . JOHN A. COYLE, Attorney. CHARLES S. FRANK, Auct. TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS I take ‘this method to advise you | that I have opened a sale room at No. 70 Eas Main St., Mount Joy, Pa., (Betwedn my, resi idence and the office of Dr. W Thome) where I will carry a stoek of High Grade Au-| tomobile TIRES LUBE S and ACCES- | SORIES and will he Te to have you call to see before you make your next purchase. I have a large line makes of ti and t deavor please Bo iv. same f. different and will en- ang save you bet to of Accessoriesy is fairly but, should you need ‘anything not have, I am prepared, to pro- eure it for you at short notice and will be pleased to serve you. I also carry the well knowr ACO” motor oils, grease al kine which are winning out by test every day and will save you bor, time and expense. I solicit a share Ve using and thanking you for in ag- vance, I am yours for service, J. W. ESHLEMAN. line large I do “TEX- xaso- acy W PUBLIC SALE OF BANK STOCK SATURDAY EV&., FEB. 28, At the Office af Henry G. C penter, M¢unt Joy, at sever P. M. 1920 | ar- MOUNT JOY BANK STOCK For the Estate of Lydia Greiner, de- ceased, and at fhe same time and place will be offered at public sale | the option of th 15 shares that are allotted to the estate. These fifteen shares, with tha allotment, must be! paid on or befo¥e the first of March, | 1920, at 3 p. my, as per the w arrant | of said bank. is H. JI. MYERS, C. S. Frank, YAuct. In rea Estate of Henry S. County, Pennsylvania In real Estate of Henry S Brandt, | late of East Donegal Township, de- ceased, December Term 1919, No. Joy, hosiery, - | land with i ste: ji heat, igs. Joy, J MOUNT JOY MARKETS oo ee ae a 1 [FREDDY FARMER'S EA Famer Pom INTERESTING NOTES F. A Farmer, Pays: TWENTIETH CENTURY DOPE BY | ONE OF OUR MOST ENTER- PRISING AND HUSTLING MERCHANTS 27 | i { | Beginning with this issue Mn. { Fred A. Farmer will use a space this the mouth-piece store here. No one should items and please bear in is not purely eg g you news as as these mind advertis ive as well. 08 : Hel Fine folks. ather if dandy eaters for Spring. { We want to make Our { Store. Come in and see. | The sugar situation is a little | easier here and we have lots of it. sive form eof | From the appearance of our coal testing of | bin at the store that Groung Hog efore | lied. the | There was an auto crash back of nnsyl- | our store Sunday night but no one lture. | was hurt. see—————————— The stock in our Grocery Depart- | Wanted, Sale, Rent, &e. we’ll admit is fresh, but WE - lo, it holds. Slip-Over: and S Store, f inferior | ment, is | never Our very course The 1d : says a word to us. andy stock didn’t go fast the past few days. “Huss” Charles was sick. beautiful line of Stockings for ies that we bought last Fall have arrived. Now is the time to lay {in a supply. Aaron R. Hess i farm sale Monday rere {in the store the 4 miles | good eats so 1 m Grove, Just received plen ity 01 | Dresses with the adjustable waist y, . B ro wn, Man- nds and seams. All colors and {4R2 bell phone, . ; cor te 70h. 11-4 Men your wives will like you : i if you buy them ( | | down Of | | 1c | J st us ust having big a week. other day guess we'll all a nice lot of is a : : buying 20. House hoiise Milt 10 ots better these. We reporters, one Ham or Cheese | of Coffee, get | Store. 2t. | become a it have no ambition to but ambition is to have and without very far. one time to paint a foot and put it in his hen house and feb.11-4t-pd | Paint a sign under it, which read: uu 1 Look at this hens, and your to occupy | best” He thought that put boro line Apply N. Market 2-4- tf hing | gets On the |p,yv 3acan’s Mill, live ? Sl { white implements by do would er Joy n shares. E: has two two eyes Le We have FOR SALE=Dry fine tr looked ahead and provided liberally lim for agricultural pur-|'°T your wants. 5 per ton if hauled Be Visit our dry goods department Mount Joy Co. | and see the lines of Voiles, Suitings, 1 Dimidy, Magnesia { 2-4-6t | Madras, Crispette, Flaxon, ree i Swiss and Ginghams. [Prices to suit {all. We are very optimistic about the future and believe everything i will turn out advantageous to all. Do you know the difference be- tween an optimist and a pessimist? An optimist can look out into the Write International Stock- | darkest night and see a light burn- Norristown, a. 1-28-4t.pd | ing where there is none, but a pessi- —— ———=— | mist is the son-of-a-gun who sneaks - Set 20-1t. hay lad- | in and turns out the light. adv. closed hay flats, good | ————- eer Tobaccot Planter, To- | Apply to F. N. Hertz- | § Mt. Joy. 2-4-tf | = in f:1™~ Jacob | 2-31-tf | J: 1 obacco o M. Breneman, bigger eggs. Ambition in it. You must have | to look ahead for anything. 1 | lay i's LIME slaked poses at purchaser. Al -Men or women to orders among friends and neigh- for the genuine guaranteed full lines for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c¢ an hour for spare time | full time. Experience un- take bors necessary ing Mill, °F OR ders; set 20-ft as new; Case bacco Press. ler, Route 1, WANTED A family of four. Apply to Landvater, Sr., Florin, Pa., 12 RENT—Acre of | SALE Mine Sweeper No. 38. housekeeper FOR SALE OR a 10-room brick house with | along railread at Chick- | . E. Schroll, Realt ar, M Mt. Joy. of if you we ure, ant a home at a right fig- | E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount | if. see Pa. J. way and mgton, Florin, : cher V of Mt. tate having been granted: to the un- | dersigned {| payment, and those having claims or 60 SHARES UNION NATIONAL demands against Administrator | Brandt, | Notice is hereby given that a pe. | tition has been filed in the Quphane’ | Court of Lancaster County, Pa., Albert G. Walters, Trustee to sell the | (4 real estate of Henry S. Brandt, de- | \{ ceased, asking for an order to sell at 4 private sale a certain lot of ground with a two and a half story frame elling house and other improve- mts thereon, situated in the village Florin, in East Donegal Township, | unty of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which said descedent died seized, Annie M. Hoffman, of said town- for the sum of $4500.00 and a hearing on said petition will be in the Orphans’ Court at Lan- , Pa., on the 18th day of March 1920, at ten o’clock a. m. ; d where all persons interest- at; attend, and before which objections to the granting of ion must be filed with the said Court. ) STRICKLER, ; ant Clerk of the Orphans’ bllowbush, Attorney. feb.18-3t. by | horses rent with Stable THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT POSITIONS—The census and rail- mail clerk examinations soon. and w 1 needed, write us our Preparatory offer free Inter State | Bureau, I. W. Wash- | sep.24-tf | Men for 907 N. D. C. FOR RENT—10 (occupied by ford), electric lights, house and at barn front porch, lots of fi &e., hog pen, chicken house, sheds, large barn for four | ind four automobiles. Will and give permission | to sub-let stable. Rent, $20.0 00 per month. For further par- all on Henry G, Carpenter | TNE ‘hos z 9 owner Chas. H. Staley. 2t. I'his little boat was one of the fleet EXECUTOR’S NOTICE f 59 which cleared the North Sea of Estate of Joseph R. Strickler, late | "7000 mines. Joy Boro, Penna. 5 deceased. The Fleet has just returned to this Letters testamentary en said es- | country and was given a big recep- tion in New York City. These boats would sometimes be out for as long as twenty-five days in the storms and seas for which the North Sea is noted. The work was declared impossible by other navies, but the United States went ahead and com- pleted this work before the scheduled time. The U. S. Navy once again did the impossible. room house in J. H. Ruther- reservoir water | stern n water, | it, grapes, ries, 2 wooed for tenant I the iy all persons indebted there- to are requested to make immediate t the same will pre- sent them without delay. for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing in { Lancaster. STRICKLER, «Executor. W. M. Hollowl yush, Attorne ay. 2 -18- -6t | Mr. Farmer I am always in the market for JOS. S. Vw. VEA L CA LVES And will pay 18 cents. If you have any drop me a card and 1 will call by truck for same. Monday, Thursday and Friday are my receiving days. C. F. CREIDER Fresh Cows, Springers, Fat and Bolo- gna Cows bought at all times P. 0. MOUNT JOY, R. D. 2 MILTON CRDVE, PA. CHICHESTER S PILLS Ladi fv ki 3 as adies! As ur Dru yor Chi-ches-ter ¢ Diam Pills in feed and old of Bran oxes, seal h BI Take ho othel ru DIAMOND BRA ‘years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE roiling the Bones. No indeed, they're not shooting craps. They are playing ‘“Acey- Doucie,” a perfectely safe and sane pursuit, Wherever there are men of the seas you will find a game of ‘“Acey- Doucie.” It’s one of the favorite di- versions “of Uncle Sam's sailors. An “Acey-Doucie” tournament de- | velops almost as much excitement as a good stiff boxing match. If you { would be real salty you must learn to play fp Cor¥ica produces the largest quan- tity of wax of all the countries in Europd, if not jp the world. ; { _pmnth | es such | for his miss Your | it | He was | of | great | no one | It prompted a little | ball | ambition in the hens and they would | ‘| cost you? THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A | Our Morturary Recording (Continued from page 1) | Deceased was a member of the | United Zion church. The funeral | services were held at the house this | morning, with interment at Geyer’s | church. Webb Robert G. Robert G. Webb, son of Charles Min E. Webb, on South street five o’oclock death roup, four about he 1 sters: 1 pl and Bar- bara Sunday from sp: four nodic ¢ and 0 rents mon aw aves fol- Ad- of Mrs. Landisville; Anna, Charles, Vouniy and | Ernestine, all at home. The funer al | which was only attended by mem- bers of the immediate family, was held this Wednesday afternoon. In- terment was made in the Eberle cemetery. the Mrs. ace; brothers and ¢ Habecker, Ed. Kline, of { Maude, Mabel, 3 : lowing this Lnis | dison Mrs. Susan S. Kauffman late Jacob B. Kauffman, and a life-long resident of Ironville, - West Hempfield township, died at the home of her son, Jacob D. Kauffman. at Ironville, aged sixty-six years. Besides her son, she survived by brother and the following sis- Barbara Kidders, Columbia; Mary Crumbling, Harrisburg Mrs. John Kauffman, Ironville. as a member of the Iron- U. B. church. The funeral was [ held on Monday morning from i home of her son with services in the | Ironville U. B. church, | the pastor, Rev. Albert Dombach { Interment in church cemetery a Ironville. the is one { ters: Mrs. | and ville the t Jacob Greiner Greiner, a widely known resident of East Donegal township died at his home near the Union school house on Monday morning at two o’clock, death resulting from the a stroke, aged 72 years, 8 8 days. Deceased was many years and since his wife he has been farm with his son-in- Gibble. One daughter, survives. The funeral] from his late home on | at one o’clock| Jacob effects of months and | a farmer for | the death of living on the law Enos S. Mrs. Gibble, | will be held Thursday afternoon | with services in the Mennonite | church on West Donegal street at tos o’clock. Interment will be made | in the cemetery adjoining Kraybill’s | church, in East Donegal. Mrs. Theophilas Theophilas Arndt Arndt, a former | resident of Florin, but the past few years had been living with her| daughter, Mrs. Elmer Gise, at Ber- | wyn. died on Sunday evening of a complication of diseases, aged 81 years. She was a member of the] Florin United Brethren church and | is survived by the following children: Mrs. Elmer Gise, of Berwyn; Mrs. wi Faus, of Sunnyside; Mrs. A. J. Ri- neer, of Florin; Mr. Eli Arndt, of Elizabethtown; Abram, of Sunny- side; and Ephraim; of Florin. The] body was brought to Florin this| morning on the 10:15 train and taken to the German Baptist church | in the westend of Florin, where ser- | vices were held. Interment was | made in the Florin cemetery. Mrs. Mrs. Ella remains of Mrs. man, wife of Ellsworth were taken to Bainbridge on Wed- | nesday. evening and taken to the | undertaking parlors of Undertaker Hawthorne. Mrs. Haldem: an. was a | former resident of near Bainbridge. and resided at the old Haldeman] homestead, just above Billmyer. She was about seventy-three years of | age, and besides her husband, is sur-| vived by two sons, Herbert and Max. | and a daughter, Mae, all of Phladel- phia. She was a member of the | Methodist Episcopal church. Her { husband a number of years ago,| before removing to Philadelphia, was| proprietor of the Central hotel at | Bainbridge. The remains were buried in the cemetery at Billmyer on Thursday morning. Haldeman Ella Halde- | Haldeman | The Harry R. Grissinger Harry R. Grissinger, died at his home in Rapho township a short dis- tance east of here, on Thursday af- ternoon at 3:15 o'clock from pneu- monig following an attack of in- fluenglll; Other members of the Gris#ger family are seriously ill with the same disease. Deceased was 46 years of age and was a son of the late Stephen nad Fianna Gris-| singer. He was a member of the United Brethren church here. He is survived by his wife and the follow- ing children: Frances, Earl Clarence and Myrtle, all at home. These brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. John Longenecker, and Mrs. John Engle, of this place; Stephen of Lancaster and Jacob, of Keswick, Va. The funeral which was private, was held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock from the late home with interment in the Mt. Joy ceme- tery. re “CH Creer eee Dollars and Cents Counting it only in dollars and cents, how much did that last cold A man may not always stop work when he has a cold, but perhaps it would be better if he did. It takes about ten days to get com- pletely rid of a cold under the usual treatment, That time can be much shortened by taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and proper care of yourself, in fact, a bottle of this remedy in the house is a mighty good investment during the winter and spring months. 2-4-4t Pennsylvania is one of the forty States of the Union that is taking an active part in the national Better Sires— Better Stock campaign. Of- ficials of the Bureau of Animal In- dustry, Pennsylvania Department of | Agriculture, predict that the next de- cade will mark a general passing of the seruh live stock from the State. R.A Mrs. Susan S. Kauffman, widow of | conducted by | Te ras @ When § by nomic pressure, fancied or real, in existence, Dollars a More Whereas, technically, the 3 contains one hundred cent its purchasing power—by what ‘you can do with it. the CROWDS LEAD, TO OUR STORES have long since learned by experienae, but a living, energetic business principle working out to your advantage every day in the year. are doing more today to reduce and hold down the cost of living than any WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 19 4 0/00/06] C0CC/0QClOOEOEELEELRCELELEEOEOCCCEI Q@ £ ¢ Lo i Hundred Cents in an American Store s, its true value can only be measured Little wonder then, that in these days of eco- Everyone should know what our customers is not a mere claim We either i BS Ai Tha: that our Prod Hcer-to- Consumer Plan other’ agency, Mount Penna. ’ oF DY, 00000000 ai LUE FRA Man Yo! Canned Vegetables Fomatoes. ......./ ... Corn. vies String Beans Mixed Vegetables. . . . Fine quality. Big value. This price is very low, quality con- sidered. the | HERSHEY'S COCOA, Can 10c, 19c¢ BEST WHITE BEANS, Ib. 10c WHOLE DRIED GREEN PEAS, Ib Cc , 10 SQUARE BRAND CONDENSED M IL K gal 16¢ \ Splendid Van Camp Soups Chicken can 1 Oc low Very fine quality. for your tea, coffee, and mak- ing all kinds of puddings. Cheaper and more economical than fresh milk or cream. Vegetable. . . An for soups of this quality. exceptionally price ROLLED OATS, Pkg., 10c FINE RICH CREAMY “ASCO” CHEES Ih 37c¢ value in mild cheese. to it is just right. > ARROW BORAX SOAP Cake 63%¢c “ASCO” AMMONIA Big bottle 8c The “snap” PURE THREADED CODFISH, Absolutely boneless. Just a potatoes—and then some cakes. full, heavy body, more? Rich, Why pay try Style or India and Ceylon.. APPLE BUTTER, Absolutely pure—and spiced dd of those “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE (Our Very Best) delightful “ASCO” BLEND TEAS (Our Very Best) Your choice of Plain Black, Mixed, O FANCY CALIFORNIA RAISINS, pkg Your choice of Seéded or Seedless. home-made tarts. pkg: .~ .7¢,. 12¢ your mashed delightful fish Splendid for .33¢ COOK- CRISCO, 1-lb. Better and ing and bak can. . more economical for frying, Yor Ib. 42 aroma. kL CHOICE PORK & BEANS, Tomato Sauce can 5¢ Ib., 45c Cooked—ready to serve. 1d Coun- “ASCO” BUCKWHEAT, pkg Prepared with milk, ‘“Asco’ es you ever ate. ““Asco’”’ Table makes the finest ca just right. Syrup, ean 15¢ 19¢ .22¢ Pure Hakefish, brick. .... Choice Pink Salmon, Ex. Fancy Red Salmon, can. 35¢ 16¢c 25¢ Best Shrimp, can Calif. Tuna Fish, can. 15¢c, Campbell's Celery Soup, can + 7C, 12¢ Choice Sardines, can. . 17¢ LENTEN NEEDS AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES Nova Scotia Herring, bunch Columbia River Shad, can..18¢ 25¢ .15¢ .13¢ Fresh Trenton Crackers, 18¢ .19¢ 13c¢ each. . . ib... Victor Bread Crumbs, pkg., “ Pure Assorted Jams, jar,. Pure Jellies, Glass. ... Best Whole Rice, Maconochie’s Kippered Herring, can 15¢, 25¢ Smoked Bloaters, Fresh Cracker Dust, 13¢ 7c 17¢ Oysterettes, pkg. .,........ Pride of Farm Catsup, bot., FANCY CALIF PRUNES, Ib Fine meaty, luscious fruit. according "to size. “ASCO” The best please you. made—we know ©OOEOEOEE® 000000000E000000O0000000EE000 Big value, TWO PURE BUTTER SUBSTITUTES OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT OLEOMARGARINE, Ib the .20c, 24c, 28c priced CALIF. EVAP. PEACHES, Extra fancy big golden Puir them stewed for your breakfast Peaches. tomorrow, NUT MARGARINE, Made from pure ats used. quality will vegetable oils-——no animal ® Bt cee aastatta C. S. FRANK’S SALE LIST ; — | List is Spring Saues to be called by C. S. Frank, Auctioneer, Mo int |Joy, Penna.: Thurs., Feb. 26, near Mt. Joy, live |stock and implements by Emanuel Sumpman. Sat., Feb. 28, at Donegal Springs, live stock and implements by Roh: rer Stoner. | Mon., Mar. 1, at Maytown, live | stock and implements by John Hinkle | near Kinderhook, by Eli 2 &y Tues., Mar. five stock and implements v. Wee. Mar. 3, near Mt. Joy, live stock and implements by Jac. Brown ‘Murs., Mar. 4, near Florin, live and implements by Benjamin Jamb'right. Fri., Mar. 5, near Mt. Joy, live stock and implements by Charles Berrier. Sat., stock and implements by Sheaffer. | B. Mar. 6, near Mt. Joy, live Monroe | Mon., Mar. 8, near Maytown, live | Stock and implements by Eli L. Nis- sly. i y uth Mar. 9, near Florin, live | stock and implements by Jacob S.| Carmany. ! Wed., Mar. 10, near Marietta, live | stock and implements by J. Arnold. | Thurs., Mar. 11, near Marietta, | live stock and implements by Jacob | Hoffines. Fri.,, Mar. 12, near Milton Grove, | live stock and implements by Amos | Mumma. Sat., Mar. 13, near Marietta, live | stock and implements by I. D. Keller. | Sat., Mar. 13, At 7.30 at Mt. Joy, | stocks and bonds by H. G. Carpenter Mon., Mar. 15, near Mastersonville live stock & implements by David Eby Tues., Mar. 16, near Florin, live stock and implements by Chas. Staley Wed., Mar. 17, near Masterson- ville, live stock and implements by John Ruhl Thurs., Mar. 18, near Maytown, live stock and implements by Eli L. Nissly. Sat., Mar. 20, near Silver Spring, household goods by Aaron Leonard. Mon., Mar. 23, near Marietta, live stock and implements by Charles Coller. : Wed., Mar. 24, at Florin, cows, bulls, shoats by C. S. Frank & Bro. Sat., Mar. 27, at Mt. Joy, horses & mules by Ed. Ream. Fri., Apr. 2, at Florin, 150 head of live stock by C. S. Frank & Bro. MPI, PRINTING Kivi not the cheap kind but the good kind done here £4 LY a LLB Aig Sal $ Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. ey lel SERRE | | THE DONOVAN SPECIAL | nN ’ \ On Total Purchases of $15 or More LY “THE DAYLIGHT STORE 3 95 1.40 | $1.35 Women’s Knit Skirt.. .$1.95 | $2.00 Wowen’s Outing Skirt. s Chambra Hbuge | .90 Infant’s Night $2.50 Women’s G med House Dresses $2.65 Women Dresses " | $2.75 Flannellette | $2.50 Infant’s Crib Blankets.. 1.95 House 2.25%$1.35 Infant’s Outing Rompers 1.00 $2.50 Women’s Outing Gowns 2.00 $1:40 Women’s Flannellette $1.50 Wowen’s Outing Skirt.. 1.00 | Dressing Sacques These goods you can buy—lay away : money. Outing 25 LD Women’s Dresses for next winter and save Some Graniteware at the old prices. A good line of Aluminum ware at old prices. . * . You can save money by buying sweaters for next winter. Ny Every Saturday we are offering some extra specials. : ph B. Bernhar rt, NN Mt. Joy, Pa. Farmers of Pennsylvania are urged by Secretary of Agriculture Rasmussen to order their lime for | fertilizing purposes before they are| ready to apply it. Companies supply- ing agricultural lime are crowded, pti being rushed with orders, and tRe; Subscribe for the iit. Joy Bulletin. farmers who delays securing his s¥p- | jie pays to advertise In the Bulletin aha ply until spring will find difficulty in securing it. In his Postoffice Department Uncle Sam keeps 250 women at work day and might mending mail sacks. 3