BODO CIN OOO00C00LOUN yo lk OOCOOOO0000000000000CO000000000000000000000000VL fil af BOOC y) Special Shoe and Rubber Sale makes of shoes and rubbers for the whole room for other goods arriving daily they will all go at remarkably E. MAIN ST, MEDIATE DELIVERY. Both Telephones An Overcoat Clearance Sale \ You Shouldn’t Miss Before we put on our Spring showing of Suits we! still want to offer to late buyers every advantage of our Overcoat Clearance Sale. There are still some very fine Bargains in Hart, | Schaffner & Marx, Fashion Park and Monroe Overcoats to be had, and it is only a question of your coming AT ONCE to secure them. You can’t save more money Or quicker than by making an investment at such Reduc- tions: FOR $50 FOR $48 FOR $42 FOR $40 FOR $38 FOR $36 FOR $35 FOR $32 FOR $30 FOR $28 FOR $25 FOR $20 $60 OVERCOATS $55 OVERCOATS $50 OVERCOATS $48 OVERCOATS $45 OVERCOATS $42 OVERCOATS $40 OVERCOATS $38 OVERCOATS $35 OVERCOATS $32 OVERCOATS $30 OVERCOATS $25 OVERCOATS Groff & Wolf Co. 26--30 North Queen Street Lancaster's Fastest Growing Store ZZ, ( NO CAR = WOULD HAVE A SPARK OF AMBITION e handle the Reflex, Titan R.C. Stewart & Champion Plugs. \ EPENDABLE spark plugs are just a small part Bf lent auto equipment. I have just received a large and complete line of the best family—and to make low figures. Among this lot are some Ground Grippers, Lennox, Enticott and Johnson as well as other reliable makes. Special lot of Boys’ Shoes at................c.c000tnn $1.98 Lot of Misses’ Button Shoes $1.98 A good line of Rubbers to fit everybody. A great cut in Dry Goods. Lot of Ladies’ Waists at..........cco00itvttcccecsenns 98c Ladies’ and Children’s Night Gowns at big reductions. A lot of Ladies’ Black and Tan Hosiery, per pair........ 15¢ Lot of Men's Hose, 3 pair 25¢ Lot of Men’s Collars, 3 for........cciecverssracsnsvens 25¢ A nice lot of Blankets and Comforts at attractive low prices. . Come Early. Don’t miss this sale. H. €.askewitz Shoe Repairing a Specialty MOUNT JOY, PA. EOI OOOOOOOGCO0O00000OOO0O0OVVOVOVOL COAL COAL our excel- Talk automobile supplies\©°Ver with and you will find that our auto advice is as reliable as\Our mer- chandise. DE 00000 ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. F. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. LUMBER and GOAL M. HOLLOWBUSH Periodic Bilious Attacks ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Public Bell Phone 43-R4 | they Main St, Mount Joy, Pa, |Decause it is meal , Monday and Fri- | then take two time. If #3 .USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! MOUNT JOY, PENNA. A LA JL Persons subject to bilious atta will observe that their appetite fai them just before an attack. That is, o not really crave food but eat they will eat only a light meal and no meat, Lancaster, of Chamberlain’s 56 N. Duke Street, Secomd | Tablets the attack may be avoided. °° years Rehm. 2-4-4t SOLD BY ANA OOOOOO0O0OD0000000LLLVLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLU CU COOOO0OO0O000000VLLIIAANN i 1 A 1 TO MOVIES | THE MT. JOY AUTO SUPPLY li BOOOC 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOO0O00000000O00DLOLLLLL 0 | C. S. FRANK’S SALE LIST List is Spring Saues to be called by C. S. Frank, Auctioneer, Mount Joy, Penna.: ] 3 Sat., Feb. 14, near Florin, live stock & implements by C. Breneman Tues., Feb. 17, near Hossler’s church, live stock and implements by Henry Witmer. 3 Wed., Feb. 18, Near Florin, nold goods by Mrs. Shatz. Sat., Feb. 21, near Hossler’s meet~ ing house, household goods byHenry Shelly. : Mon., Feb. 23, near Maytown live stock and implements by A. C. Swei- gard. - . Tues., Feb. 24, near Union Square live stock and implements by S. G. house- Holignger. ; E ges Feb. 26, near Mt. Joy, live 8 and implements by Emanuel S m an. , Feb. 28, at Donegal Springs, live stock and implements by Roh- toner. Mga, Mar. 1, at Maytown, live ‘nd implements by John Hinkle Mar. 2, near Kinderhook, and implements by El Wed., Mar. 3, near Mt. Joy, live stock and implements by Jac. Brown Thurs.,. Mar. 4, near Florin, live stock and implements by Benjamin B. Hambright. Fri, Mar. 5, near Mt. Joy, live stock and implements by harles Berrier. ; Sat., Mar. 6, near Mt. Joy, live stock and implements by Monroe Sheaffer. : Mon., Mar. 8, near Maytown, live Sock and implements by Eli L. Nis- sly. Tues., Mar. 9, near Florin, live stock and implements by Jacob S Carmany. Wed., Mar. 10, near Marietta, live stock and implements by J. Arnold. Thurs., Mar. 11, near Marietta, live stock and implements by Jacob Hoffines. Fri, Mar. 12, near Milton Grove, live stock and implements by Amos Mumma. Sat., Mar. 13, near Marietta, live stock and implements by I. D. Keller. Sat., Mar. 13, At 7.30 at Mt. Joy, stocks and bonds by H. G. Carpenter Mon., Mar. 15, near Mastersonville live stock & implements by David Eby Tues., Mar. 16, near Florin, live stock and implements by Chas. Staley Wed., Mar. 17, near Masterson- ville, live stock and implements by John Ruhl. Thurs.,, Mar. 18, near Maytown, live stock and implements by Eli L. Nissly. Sat., Mar. 20, near Silver Spring, household goods by Aaron Leonard. Mon., Mar. 23, near Marietta, live stock and implements by Charles Coller. Wed., Mar. 24, at Florin, cows, | bulls, shoats by C. S. Frank & Bro. Sat., Mar. 27, ai Mt. Joy, horses & mules by’ Ed. Ream. Fri, Apr. 2, at Florin, 150 head of live Stock by C. S. Frank & Bro. UADER NEW MANAGEMENT (Pool and Pocket Billard Room MR. GROVE, Proprietor & Basement of Mount Joy Hall verybody Welcome Tobacco, Cigars and Candies Restauxant in Connection jan.7-3m This Space Reserved | For W. B. BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Hip! Hurrah! Bully far der Boon- aistiel! Are is widder uff em nesht! Es hut ebbes gevva sidder os ich der ledsht breef g’shrivva hob, un ich un de Polly sin widder so dick os we tswae buslin uff ma haese bocka- shtae. Es is oll room ¢ooma om Bill Bifiemoyer sinera gd-butts-dawg pardy em ledshta. Dunnershdawg oweét. Du husht, denk ich, shunt g’haerd os mae os ae wake is far en hoond farwarixa except mit budder. Well, ich hob onera tacktics ga-used uff der Polly un se ut ga-bissa we en oldte farrel won se nuchera g’schmase mick joomped. Ich bin owvets on de pardy. Es wore so en * | pardy we’s feel hut os net feel drin is un duch coomed feel rows. Es wora ordlich feel leit fum Barrick dart—weipsleit un monsleit, un we ich de Polly g’saena hob ware mere, be-chudes, es hartz tzu em lols rows won ich’s net drunna g’holta het mit em dowma. Ich hob de dolla ous meim hoot ga-dricked g’hot, my shtiffel ga-blacked mit bock-uffa roos, en shtand-up collar aw g’hot un hob evva lieb-hoftich ga-gooked we so en older wid-mon os onera mom- my soocha is. Ich hob mich sowver ga-bolveered g’hot, un hob de weisa briser fum ma ga-kuchta hem tsu mina ruck armel rows ga-tzoga g’hot. In fact, ich hob hipsch ga-gooked. De leit hen mich ga-kumblament uff my looks, un ich hob gli g’saena os de Polly mere shofe-awga noach shmised. Des hut mich glawva maucha os se reddy ware far ains fum General Grant sina “uncondi- tional surrenders” tsu maucha. Ich bin independent warra un hob aw- fonga mit onera weipsleit uff cutta. Ich hob “blinda-micely”’ mit der Sex- foos Betz g'shpeeled os es g’schtawb- ed hut. Now, ich gleich se net sidder os se my blawma bame so fardarva hut ivver em house butsa, un ich het usht so leeb en grut aw-ga-raked os we era kolda hend, un duch hov ich nix aw ga-lust un hob fardt ga- mauched os we en boo os usht ous sinera kelver-lieb coomed. De Polly hut net g’shpeeled un wore crlae im eck uff der huls-box g’hucked un g’schwetzed mit der Sus Buchtell. Now, de Sus Buchtell is about so feel coombany tsu ma mensch os en tswae-bushel sock foll huvvel-shpay, un de Polly hut en drookeny tzeit g’hot, un ich hob g’saena os se shtor- rick om jealous wara is. Of course, de leit en oll g’'maened ich daid mich enjoya, awver ich hob net. Es hut mere fun hartza laed gadoo tsu saena os de Polly schlect feeled un duch hov ich era net helfa kenna, un ich hob my mind uff g’mauched g’hot os wile se mich net tsu era cooma hut lussa don mist se now tsu mere cooma. About elf uhr is se cooma un sich navich mich g’hucked un mere hen annonner aw ga-gooked os we tswae kddza uff der gorda fense. Endlich frogt Se mich we’s Billy Bixler's aw- cooma daida uir farwass os se net on der pardy wara.! Ich hob era g’sawd ich daid net derfika os se ei-ga-lawda wara g'west. perno hut se suggest os mere daida jawenich nei gae uff unseram hame-vjrake. Now, si laeval hut ken general en campaign besserf gablanned g’hot far en shtodt nemm#a os de Polly hut far my hartz nemrja. Het se es usht g'wist—se hut’s| de gons tzeit g’hot. Mere sin ‘hame § g’shtart, awver es wore ken tzeit far ons Billy Bixler’s shtuppa. In falet, es hut kens fun uns mae ons Bilfly’s ga-denked. Ko Ape he we My shtory is ikartz un my “moral” is plain: Won ldu en weipsmensch aw-tzeega wit ddn musht du fun era aweck gae. —— OE ALL TRRED OUT TOBA O FARMERS Would you like to raise the high- est possible quality tobacco your present farm fertility will produce? Do you know that again—as usual —25% of Lancaster County tobacco is fit only for export— (inferior quality) and considerable of the bal- ance just ordinary good tobacco? “There’s a reason.” Tobacco will be bought more and more on the basis of quality in the future. If you are interested, and ree- ognize the fact, that a higher quality is a possibility—send for tobacco cir- cular “AA” and learn the “whys” and “wherefore’s” of quality tobacco production. This is for intelligent and pro- gressive growers only. Address GEO. W. BRINSER Middletown, Pa. feb.11-3t CHICHESTER S FILLS = Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue iO Take no other. B Prusgist for © D. OND BRAND P. for 25 | P known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable | Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Jog Hundreds More (in Mount Joy in the Samye Plight Tired all the time; Weary and worn out - night and ay; Back aches; head aches, Your kidneys are probably weak- ened. You should help them at their work. Let one who knows tell you how. Murs. Jacob Childs, Mount Joy St., Mount Joy, says: “I had been suffer- ing for a long time with terrible pains in my back just over my hips. Headaches and dizziness were fre- quent with me, too. My kidneys showed signs of weakness and bothered me on that account. I would feel all tired out. I was told of Doan’s Kidney Pills and got some. From the first, Doan’s helped me and finally I was completely cured of the trouble. I now feel like a different woman.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Childs had. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfgrs.,, Buffalo, N. Y. rt A AQ Bee Will Buzz at Newtown A spelling bee will be held in the school house at Newtown on Satur- day evening, Feb. 14. There will be two spelling and a general informa- tion class with four valuable prizes to each class. The admission will be 15 cents and the proceeds will be for the benefit ¢f the school. This bee will be held Tein or shine. Who Wants This Chance? I have a 114-acre farm near Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow, sand land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobae- co shed and cellar. Price $118.00 Act quick if you can use phone or write Jno. E. er acre. it. Cal Items in These Columns Are Pre- pared in the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, D. C., and | Are Reliable and Trustworthy LEARN DEALER'S STANDING BEFORE SHIPPING TO HIM When much produce is to be ship- | ped, it will pay the shipper to look up a dealer’s commercial standing very carefully before consigning in his care. Marketing experts of the United States Department of Agri- culture call attention to the fact that the rating of any dealer may be se- cured through firms which make a business of rating the financial and general credit standing of men in different kinds™ of business. They publish regular reports which give a general idea as to a dealer’s stand- ing, though, as is perhaps inevitable, in many specific instances they have been found to be inacurate. This general credit standing is of prime importance, as a man with a rather low financial rating may be one of the most reliable. Firm letterheads, giving trade reference, should not be acepted at their face value without verification. The chambers of commerce, boards of trade, and similar bodies are often of assistance in giving in- formation as to dealers specializing in different commodities. Local bankers may also help in determin- ing the responsibility of a particular firm. Limited lists of dealers in various commodities are sometimes supplied by the Bureau of Markets, United States Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C., in re- sponse to inquiries. Once a satisfactory representative or customer is found, it should be the aim of the shipper to maintain his connec with this firm, as by. so doing mutual confidence will be fostered and better results secured than where the shipper jumps from one connection to another in quest of slightly higher prices. LESS RENOVATED BUTTER Beginning July 1, 1902, the date of the first records, the quantity of renovated butter made has varied considerably, but the general trend has been toward a smaller produc- tion. This decrease corresponds in general to the decline in the quan- tity of farm butter from which reno- vated butter is largely made. It is probable also that improvement in quality of farm butter has helped to increase its consumption as such and to decrease the supply for use in the manufacture of renovated butter. BACK-YARD PULLETS MAKE GOOD EGG RECORD Chickens which lay so prolifically that they pay in a short time for their original cost and their feed are the kind of which all suburbanties dream. S. B. Horton, of Washington, D. C., has them in his back yard. On May 1, 1919, Mr. Horton bought 16 2-day-old White Leghorn chicks. The baby chicks were brood- ed with jars filled with hot water until they were old enough to be put in an outside coop. Later a 6 by 8 foot house was built for them, with an outside yard only 4 feet square, Seven of these were pullets which began laying on October 22, when they were less than 6 months old. Their laying record for November was 115 eggs, and for December 137 eggs, a total of 252 eggs for the two months, or an average of 36 eggs a pullet for the two-month period. In all probability they would have made a record of 150 eggs in December but for the cold wave during the latter part of the month. = Crediting the birds with eggs at the market price of 90 cents a dozen (they were $1 part of the time) for the period, they had paid for their original cost and all fed by Decem- ber 15. In figuring the total cost of the project, the cost of the seven other chicks raised, which were cockerels, was figured, and allowance was made for their market value when slaughtered. From now on the upkeep of this flock will be small compared with the revenue. The pullets were fed scratch feed morning and night, with dry mash made of equal parts of middlings, bran corn meal, and meat scrap, before them all the time. The ration is one used and advocated by the United States Department of Agri- culture. Nearly every day they were given a little green stuff, such as cabbage or sprouted oats, as well as table scraps and grit and oyster shell. TEN ESSENTIALS -LISTED FOR BEEF RAISERS General improvement in the type and quality - of beef animals the country over is one of the means urged by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture for bringing down the high cost of meat to the consumer and, at the same time, in- creasing the profit of the producer. Some of the most essential items in growing beef on the farm, specialists of the department say, are: Plenty of pasture and feed. The right kind of cows—those that will produce good calves regularly. A good, purebred registered bull— one that will sire good calves persist- ently. . A large calf crop. This means that all cows shall drop calves, and that the calves shall be properly cared for at birth. Proper care of the breeding herd and the calves. Selection of good heifer calves to replace old or inferior cows. Prevention of disease among the breeding herd and the young stock. Shelter sufficient to protect the cattle from both sever cold and ex- tremely hot water. A practical knowledge of fatten- ing cattle for market. Marketing to advantage. - There is a Farmers Bulletin, No. 1973, on growing beef on the farm that may be had free on application to the Division of Publications, United States Department of Agri- culture. > The Keystone hotel at Manheim, will be converted into an implement warehouse and salesroom by the new owner, M. H. Hoke of Penryn. 0 os MGSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1920 REE" 0—— 30 Sew Bini oY “ERLE F) How Many Women Are Like This? (an anything be more wearing for women than the ceaseless round of household duties? Oh! the monotony of it all— work and drudge ; no time to be sick; tired, ailing, yet can- not stop. There comes a time when something “snaps” and they find themselves “simply worn out,” and to make matters worse, have contracted serious feminine disorder which almost always follows the constant overtaxing of a woman’s strength Then they should remember that there isnoremedy like Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound—the expe= rience of these two women establishes that facet: Cedar Rapids, Ta.—% Aft the Sandnsky,Ohio.—“ Aftertheo. irth of my last chil uel I had organic trouble. t anid it was caused by ul spells that HS Spells and I would operation. I I to an operation go for 'r a year, havin ter «lo my work for me as Ik s not able to walk. One day my 8 and told me o—said it cured «. I took Lydia table Compound . Pinkham’s Sana~- y have cured me. 1 housework, wash- nd sewing for my also do sewing for other i still take a bottle of Vege- ound every spring for a imend your medicine y have troubles similar ine and you can use my letter if you wish.”—Mrs. PAUL PAPEN- ¥Use,1325 Stone St.,Sandusky,Ohio. thers w nn Out Women Should Take ) Ta : rT A A Rat Proof-Mouse Proof -Bird Proof Waste Proof - Fire Proof Lightnirg Proof and Thief Proof Write or phone for prices. M. S. POTTER 205 East Main Street, Ln) LETTS ESS ST TE TR es FT Te PE PE RE PE A TE RE TE TE RE RE TR RR At Wholesale Prices Direct to Consumer WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FISH TO THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT JOY AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES: HADDOCK BOSTON BLUE FISH FANCY HALIBUT SHAD FRESH COD WHITINGS FRESH MACKEREL RED SALMON SMELTZ Bring your paper or basket STAND LOCATED EXCHANGE HOTEL American Fish Corporation MOUNT JOY, FA. J I i a = | 1] mn mi = ® m m = " Bi - = " = » u = t ET TET TT Te Ts PT Ts TEE RRS BE TER es. FERRER RRR