ah, Sa ) avd ” > SA LEY Jhoice ,-at Garber’s Drug Store. 2-4-1t JOR SALE—Refrigerator, Two ow Cases, Parlor Heater, Range, ne Gas Range. Will sell cheap for , quick sale as I want to move. Ww. D. Easton, Mt. Joy. feb.4-2t.pd WANTED—A farmer to occupy ‘onant house on Mt. Joy boro line Wd farm tobacco on shares. Apply Jos. T. M. Breneman, N. Market d Mt. Joy. 2-4-tf IEN WANTED—Steady work - @d wages. Apply Mt. Joy Magnesia Co., Mount Joy, Pa. 2-4-2t Dry fine air- pur- LIME FOR SALE— glaked lime for agricultural poses at $5 per ton purchaser. Mount Joy Magnesia So: 2-4-6t Big reductions in Sweaters, Un- derwear and gloves at Laskewitz’s. 2-4-1t WANTED—Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh- bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full lines for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c an hour for spare time or $24 for full time. Experience un- necessary. Write International Stock- ing Mill, Norristown, Pa. 1-28-4t.pd MOVING BY TRUCK—People contemplating moving will do well to first consult the undersigned or his agent, E. L. Floyd, whose several years’ experience as packer and driver will give the very best service. Our truck is ample for almost any size household, but if too much for one truck we have the sceond to assist. Charges reasonable. Telephone Eliza- bethtown Exchange Bell 23R2 resi- dece, Bell 109R3 office; Ind. 612A D. G. BRINSER, Rheems, Pa. 1-29-3t Farmers’ Inn, FOR RENT—The Mount Joy. Apply to J. B. Keller Ny y t vegetableds if hauled by] § ethtown, : 8 ranging from su shlets weighing 150 lbs; nice shoats come to thi Levenight. FOUND—A Gold Pin Owner will please callja and prove property. 1] v FOR SALE—Choice Fd Different Colors of Paper Many businessmen have a system of using different colors of paper for different printed forms, thus distinguishing each form by its color. We can work this system out for you, using AAMMERRNY, » BOND “ the Utility Business Paper, and you will find that it saves you time and money. Let us show you the advantage of stand ardizing your paper and_ your printing. DO0DO0CO0OCCDOO0O000000000 This & Bro. dec.17-tf FOR SALE—One three-piece N aCe home-made black leather parlor , suite, used very little. Apply to Harvey S. Newcomer. 11-12-tf : Wanted—A hired boy 14 or 15 Reserved years. To work on farm by month. Apply Amos N. Mumma, R. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. 1-28-2t-pd. FOR SALE—Set 20-ft. hay lad- ders; set 20-ft. closed hay flats, good as new; Case Tobacco Planter, To- bacco Press. Apply to F. N. Hertz- ler, Route 1, Mt. Joy. 2-4-tf Motor Generator Set For Sale— In Al shape. Apply to Willard Ser- vice Station, West Main street, Mt. Joy. dec.31-tf WANTED—A housekeeper in a family of four. Apply to Jacob Landvater, Sr., Florin, Pa., 12-31-tf FOR SALE OR RENT—Acre of land with a 10-room brick house with steam heat, along railroad at Chick- jes. J. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT POSITIONS—The census and rail- way mail clerk examinations soon. Men and women needed, write for our Special Preparatory offer and free information, Inter State Bureau, 907 13th, St., N. W. Wash- ington, D. C. sep.24-tf PUBLIC SALE—Public sale of HO000000O00O0000000000E Tractor AND LEARN HOW TO GET come anywe is going to If you have none, farming. The tractor plant. When he buys it, he often power and depends upon the tra Should the machine get out of or wait until help comes from a nei to locate trouble when it occurs much valuable time and expense of the tractor. proposes to hold in various par tractor schools. One will be held The school is to be conducted tures on many subjects of intere terested in power farming. up are: What takes place inside FREE The school is free to anybody There will be nothing offered there be any selling talks. The the best possible service from it. EXPLAINED SO THAT All the lectures will be illus These have been prepared with and easily understood as possibl tunity will be given all who come which they are interested. De tractors and engines themselves to instructions in repairs and ad] containing all the subjects taugh to each person who attends. The school will be held at Feb. 16th and 17th next. to operate it, whether he is a make arrangements to bring have a neighbor who has a us through the entire school. East Main Street, us | “ome To The YOUR TRACTOR chines on the farm during the coming years. It is the farnger’s power derstands the tractor so well that he can tell by the symptoms that trouble is likely to occur, he can overcome this trouble and save To this end, the International Harvester Company of America WHO TEACHES AND WHAT IS TAUGHT had long experience in handling farm tractors. Some of the points that will be brought tion; why it is necessary to follow certain instructigns laid down by the manufacturers of a tractor; the symptoms of a fractor or engine which indicate trouble; how to prevent this troubles how to look for causes of trouble and not overlook them. will want to hear about will be discussed at this school. the material necessary for the school work will be furnished. NOTHING TO SELL benefit of those interested in power farming jn order that they may have a better knowledge of what a tractor ¢an do and how to get VALUABLE BOOK GIVEN AWAY In order that every man who atte take away with him everything that js taught in the school, a book This bgok can be referred to after you have returned to your home if yoy cannot recall all the points on any subject that were brought up/in the school. WHERE AND WHEN TO BE HELD If ygu own a tractor and employ a man in wish Tu fo this school. ctor and who has possibl - looked by wus, invite him to jcome with you. [oSSiDI? Den over H. S. NEWCOMER For W. B. BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. | GRASS SEED B Db Wenderful Value ¥x oO Wholesale Prices LR Highest Quality g » bargains. Recleaned Teste! 0 bu, Alsike Clove Sc Ib, Clover ana , 2All sold sabject absolute money imgrass snd fie pe a back guaran | seeds. Located sc ve qu service, 1 toc money-saving Seed whic} 2. expect higher prices- | now and save big money. American Mutual Seed Co. Dept. ci Chicago, Hil School BETTER SERVICE OUT OF 1y, if you are interested!in power be one of the most impgrtant ma- disposes of some other sources of ctor to do certain kinds of work. der, this work stops, and he must ghboring town. If he knows how ind make minor repairs~—if he un- for himself as well ag the maker ts of the country a number of near you soon. by practical tractor men who have They will give lec- st to tractor owners and those in- of an engine when it is in opera- Many gther subjects you TO ALL f interested in power farming. All for sale at ‘this school, nor wul school is conducted simply for the f YOU CAN UNDERSTAND trated with charts and diagrams. the idea fof making them as clear ae In afldition to this, an oppor- » to ask/questions on any points in monstrations will be made from and spgeial attention will be given just re nfs this school shall be able to t inf the school will be given away S. NEWCOMER’S GARAGE on ember of your own family or not, If you Plan now to be with Mount Joy, Pa. me | : # J LAF TER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1920 FYANIA DUTCH J Bumblesock Has To Say ihis Week EF — Vel\dt lite vu im Grundt Ox glaw- va, data besser era shoufela un recher ready grega bekaus es gebt en freer soomer. Of koars es gookt net se hite ower mer missa oll votta fer tzaena wos der Wetter Mon doot. Mer hen en bower es net vite fom shtettle voent des sawgt des es is nix a so es ve en bull. Aer sawgt se sin oll kee usht a dale fonna geva ken millich. Aer sawgt es is aw so mit de hinkel. Es is nix ve en hawna. see sen oll hinkel usht a dale fonna dena ken oyer laega. Ich wunner ep aer aw so denkt vaeich de weipslite un de monsleit? My opinion is des so lite im a narish hous si setta. Shwilkey Bumblesock. meet A Ae HARP RECITAL WILL BE HELD HERE ON THURSDAY A harp recital will be given in Mt. Joy Hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 5, by Miss Elizabeth M. Schlegel- milch. She will be assisted by Mr. W. Clyde Shissler, tenor; Mrs. Theda Stewart. reader and Mr. Stewart, ac- companist. The following program will be rendered: Vocal: (a) Dream, A. Seismit Doda; (b) Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and Holy, Otto Cantor. Harp: (a) Mazurka in E Minor, Schuecker; (b) Souvenir, Hahn. Readings: (2a) Da Voice du Germans Mused, T. A. Daley; (b) His Courier, O’Henry. Harp: (a) Priers, (b) Marche Mili- taire, (c¢) Au Monastere, Hassel mans. Vocal, Selected. Reading: Musical Recitation, “Flying Jim’s Last Leap, Emma D. Banks; Music by E. J. Beiderman. Harp: (a) Be- lieve Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, Arranged by Ches- hire: (b) In the Garden, Schutze; (¢) Valse Mignonne, Cheshire. The admission is 50 cents and the pro- gram will start at eight o'clock. Wess More Than 1,000,000 Face Death Is Message Brought by Miss Dakesian. Imacine a bread line of 120,000 fam- ished people waiting for twenty-four hours a day for the dole of food that is the sole barrier between them and death from starvation. That is the situation in Alexandropol, a city In Russian Armenia, according to Miss flermine Dakesian, a pretty Armenian girl, one of the survivors of four years [MISS HERMINE DAKESIAN. of the horrors of Turkish massacres and deportations. Saved by an Ameri- can woman, she has come to this coun- try and entered Oberlin College. With her came fourteen other Arme- nian girls in charge of Miss Adelaide S. Dwight, a Near East Relief worker, who has been instrumental in helping to save hundreds of thousands of their people from death by starvation. Miss Dwight, who is not given to exagger- ation and has seen conditions at first hand, says more than a million people are facing death by starvation in Ar menia and will perish unless America aids. Herself an eyewitness to the slaugh- ter of hundreds of helpless women and children by the Turks and a vic- tim of the deportations, Miss Dake- sian, an unusually pretty girl, says and Syria. the Near East Syrian Relief, to save as many of these people as possible. the capital of the Armenian republic, an average of twenty. At Alexandro- pol, where the refugees from Turkish Armenia were driven by thousands, the says. deaths that Near East ‘Relief is making 2 nation-wide appeal for funds. The Pool Tournament On Monday evening Frank Ger- mer defeated Harold Brown 100 to 78 and last evening Chas. DeLong defeated Sol Barr 100 to 61. mmr sent Qe Most of the hemp produced in the United States comes from Kentucky. ’ SALE REGISTER there is untold suffering in Armenia | _ i » She praises the efforts of i seeds at Garber’s Drug Store. 2-4-1t Relief, formerly the | American Committee for Armenian and | At Erivan, | one hot meal is given out daily, and by | this relief alone the city’s death rate | has been cut from a thousand daily to | situation is appalling, Miss Dakesian It Is to avert these wholesale | J \ § i — Good Printing Is the Dress of Business. That Is the Kind We Do. Plo BrrrrrrrrRREEELECLRLEEEEEREOCCICQC | And will pay 18 cents. If yeu have any drop me aycard and I will call by truck for same. Monday, Thursddy and Friday are my receiving days. em —— C. F. CREIDER Fresh Cows, Springers, Fat and Bolo- gna Cows bought at all times R. D. No. 2 COLUMBIA, PA. Thomas Willett was the first mayor of New York and served in Thursday, Feb. 5—At his a ©) N in Strasburg, 33 head of home- | — : " _- 2 raised shoats by B. F. Mowery. | B Myers, auct. See advertisement. ©® \ ; Friday, Feb. 6—At the stock \ Bd yards of the Florin Hotel, Florin, \ —— # % Pa., cows, bulls, heifers and shoats \ ? 7 ' oO g by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct. \ — T ® R S ) [] Saturday, Feb. 7—On the prem- \ J = a ; ises in Florin, entire lot of household \ { i | i | | O "MM goods, wagons, harness, ete. by El- \ : : , mer E. Schlegelmilch and Leah E. \ a —._— ss mY Weitkamp, administrators of J. H. - . 3 Schlegelmilch, deceas-d. Frank, auct. \ . Saturday, Feb. 14—At his sale The Value of a Dollar 1s Always Measured and exchange stables, Mount Joy, an \' 3 P : express load of Ohio horses and colts 3 b ig ’- DP h 3 wer by Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. @ y it's « urc asing oO Saturday, Feb. 14—On the prem- y ith i et for it. There are thousands and isos at Braneman's. school house, 2% © In a word what we can do with ior what WE S20, 8% Jliyvestimony to the Fact, that— miles northwest of Mount Joy, live A dollar will’\go further, purchase more, in an American Store; quality considered, than any- stock, implements and household where else A goods by Clayton B. Breneman. ? “ Frank, auct. = Tuesday, Feb. 17—On the Henry © : \ . s . : . rei rumbs, pkg. Shelly farm in Rapho township, one Fancy Lima Beans, gi \ z California Dried Lima Beans, Victor Bread Cru pkg 2 mile northeast of Sharp’s ial) c, kic coal : _ ! Ra TL ag by he 8 Best White Soup Beans, lb. 108, “Ascol Farina, pkg. ...... 10c American Maid is i Saturday, ds wi Fapho Tootsie Rolls, each. ....... 5c [hPost Toasties, pkg........ 1c . : » i "id oigihi imi a rs 4 ” National Rolled Oats, pkg., 10c hold goods by Henry M. Shelly. | © Quaker Biscuit and Pancake Temtor Preserves, jar 35¢ 35 ee Honeer ats vr 7% a Frank, auct. @ Flour, pkg., 14c \ c Vs JAF: Lh A Monday, Feb. 23—On the prem: © ises near Rowenna, live stock and | h farming Tmplemenis by Clayton A © FINE QUALITY CANNED VEGETABLES PORK AND RE Ste. : : Sas 10s Sweitzer. Frank, auct. Sco TOMAtoEs, i's ssn a icc vs Biz No. 3 cans chock full of selected do- Tuesday, Feb. 24—On the prem: |S tues RE re Se ] 1 iz me marrowfat beans. Cooked, ready to ises on the road leading from Ba-| Stringless Beans... ............... -4 : serve—a slice of pork, and a delicious tomato con’s Mill to Shenk’s Mill, one Mite Mixed Vegetables. ................. CAN \ sauce added to give them zest. north of Salunga, horses, cows, bulls, | ee em re ah Ei ver : ee shoats, chickens, implements ,ete., by © “ASCO” BLEND COFFEE (Our Very Best) “ VAN CAMP’S TOMATO SOUP C. S. Longenecker. Aldinger, auct {© 1b., 42¢ \ Vegetable and Chicken, can, 10c Thursday, Feb. 26—O0n the prem- Rich, full, heavy Yoly, roasted fogsh Lally, hg er = a ises at the LaPierre House, Mount Delightful aroma. Yhy pay, more? Seo? FANCY EVAPORATED PEACHES, Ib... .30c Joy, real estate by Joseph F. Brandt. | ig the mest satisiyinz “eup™ you e Extra fine big California Muir Peaches. Try ’ Frank, auct. 2 crane. a el : 3 Pei Pie made with evaporated peaches. It’s Thursday, Feb. 26—On the prem- : delicious. ises 1% mile northeast of Mount Joy, FINE TABLE SALT (Free Ronnilt) phy. He EY on the road leading from Mt. Joy to | ae a FANCY N@RWAY MACKEREL, each. .9¢c, 13c Milton Grove, live stock and imple-| @ Live QUALITY CHEESE, Bb............ 37¢ Fine white, fat, gtender mackerel, Who ments by Emanuel Sumpman. Frank © Rich and creamy. Splendid served many doesn’t enjoy Rickingthe bones of a well-cooked auct. @ different ways. The “snap” to it is just right. mackerel at breakfast time? Saturday, Feb. 28—On the prev 16 : : 3 CHE ah. % ises in Florin, large lot of household | IMPORTED SAFETY MATCHES Special “ASCO” BLEND TEAS (Our Very Best) goods by Mrs. Kate Winters. Vogle, Price) 12 boxes for 7c y Ib., 45¢ auct. { Regular price, 10c. This price. for one week Minest selecte vas gr . \ a Monday, March 1—On the prem- 9 only on extremely low rts for matches of . Te Se ch, ou Co ises In Mount Joy township, near | this quality. Now’s the time to lay in a supply. India and Ceylon. \ 5 : Green Tree church, 3 miles east of © _— re en ee Lan A. . Elizabethtown, live stock and im-| “ASCO” BUCKWHEAT 1f-Raisin 5 N Fen alent. TV. Prabuker, x SC uc (Self-Rais 8) ios ASCO” BAKING POWDER) Ib.......... 17¢ dinger, auct. | Prepared with milk. Highest grade packed. ——— — ” Tuesday, March 2—On the Garber We guarantee ‘“Asco” to make the finest cakes FANCY CALIFORNIA PRUNES, “lb. farm, 2 miles south of Mount Joy | © ever turned on a hot griddle. Serve them with 20c, 24c, 28c and a short distance north of New- | our delicious Fine meaty fruit—thin skin, splendid flavor. town, in Rapho township, live stock | © “Asco” Golden Syrup, can................ 15¢ Stewed prunes are delicious and economical as and farm implements by Abram M. @ een —-—— roms ee well as wholesome and nutritious. Hess. FANCY NORWEGIAN KIPPERED vo P: i ial Wednesday, March 3—On | 5 iy JIERRING, i 2h Two Pure Butter Substitutes of Exceptional premises a short distance east of | An economical and appetizing dish. Splendid > tes S g ' served hot or cold. NUT MARGARINE, b......:..ccoc...., 32¢ on Toy of ve foo tor 1 | © : Made from pure vegetable oils—no animal Jacob G. Brown, Frank, auct. i tay © PURE. APPLE BUTTER, Ib.,............ 19¢ ZRiS weed, Friday, March 5—On the prem- Whi Se Th LM LR ug i) “ASCO” OLEOMARGARINE, Ib..........40c ises one mile northeast of Mt. Joy, ES OR SoA for tHe ew Tread pis Yost iadeseeie know the Paiity ‘will ve stock and implements by Charles | ©) BERL a. bn wt hicage you. ® Berrier. Frank, auct. { 2 Samnley, Marl 6— On : He ©PePeREEE® CPRPEEREPLEEEEEPPEEEPEREREEEEE® ! Jreneman farm 1% mile north of Mt. | a —————— i \ Joy, lot of live stock and implements ! . by Monroe Sheaffer. Frank, auct. [ SPRING OPENING SALE Monday, March 8—On the prem-{ Of An Express Load of Ohio ises on the road leading from Sa- | v lunga to Erisman’s church, one wile HORSES & COLTS north of the former, live stock, farm ¥ th? implements and household goods by Isaac H. Brubaker. Snavely, auct. Monday, March 8—On the prem- SATURDAY, (FEB. 14, 1920 ises, the Benj. R. Bender farm, 1| At my Sale and Exchange Stable mile east of Mt. Joy, live stock and Mount Joy, Penna. farming implements by Aaron R. Hess. Aldinger, auct. See adver- tisement. \ Tuesday, March 9—On his farm | tenanted by Frgnces Neidig, in Bast | Donegal, one mile west of Florin live stock including specially fine Holstein cows and implements by Jac. S. Carmany. Frank, auct. { Saturday, March 13—On the) y hy \ premises in Florin, entire lot of vA f household goods by Mrs. Fanny AE : ; g ; Hambright. Vogle, auct. a Tuesday, March 16—On the prem- i PRO, # ‘BECAU | — a ises, in East Donegal township, on FE ei 8 : Gal the road leading from the Cross Road | They range from 3 to 8 years olds A : =) Sa g church to the Mt. Joy and Marietta land weigh fram 800 to 1,400 Ibs, p J Sse ty ; E P turnpike, live stock, farm imple-|and consist of draft, driving and ) ; “& ; Denis aod fonsod goods by Chas. general DE es a fow wi 3 ] . . Staley. Frank, auct. gated. 2 > are E flay — Thursday, March 18—On the some well mated teams and a few p premises % mile east of Mount Joy, ig good drivers and road horses. On Total Purchases of $15 or More". | household goods by Mrs. Fanny B. [Ale a lot of gingle line leaders. This A | Shelly. Vogle, auct. ie 33 S¥ecoptiopaiy Food load ,and in- Saturday, March 20.-0n the prem cludes some good thin chunks. _— : i ises in Florin, entire lot of household pole to commence at 1:30 p.m. | «mm me m0 ORL EME EOL goods, ete. by Mrs.” Barbara Hos- |" 1en terms will be made known by - Tet 70h West C. S. Frank, Auct. Ed B “ THE QUESTION : " g , 27—On es &= h = Main street, Mount Joy, large lot of J. H. Zeller, Clerk. : gam OF FURNITURE QUALITY n household goods by David R. Wag- : - ; y = r ner. Vogle, auct. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! . There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- a ure. \ : RA Often things that people buy for personal wear and for home m Mrs. eo Nes Eliza FAMOUS CHINCOTEAQUE use are not always expected to last a long time, but this connot be » bothtown called’ on her fathisr Vio OYSTERS said about furniture. When yoihbuy furniture you are buying = wee -mdispoted Tor ‘Several days GROCERIES AND CONFE = something you expect to render you long service. It will if you ® Mrs, Cyrus -Séhroll Soont 8 ral CTIONS E buy it here, because here we think of quality first. All the furni- m days wb Brickerville the foost SHI m ture we buy must measure exactly up hy, req irements which we a deughior Mrs. Elmer Rub) The Rao BRANDT BROS. a make as to the manner of workmanship. w And, after all, in the = Vicieod this fomil I : a § ® long run, well-made furniture is the a, of furniture to = § his family ony recently. 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY, PA.|m buy. We invite comparison, look around, compare qualities and m Who Wante This Chaise? m prices and then come here and see our vast assdzfment. "J ave a -acre farm near | 2 : Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow, sand M r F arm e r = “ag n \ land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobac- | *'& 4 ® 1 Westenberger, Maley & Myers _ n co shed and cellar. Price $118.00 1 am always in the market for = "m per acre. Act quick if you can use 5 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER)NPA. ° { it. Call, phone or. write Jno.” E. : A ‘ 3 Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf. 5 1 0 OR — “ a be. 18 FOR SALE—Choice vegetable 3 rs a N “THE DAYLIGHT STORE We thank you all for the business you gave us in 1919. It helped to make our biggest year, and enabledus to make the much needed im- provements. With values and service we shall endeavor to merit a still larger share of your business for 1920. _ We advise heavy buying of all cotton material, wool dress goods, hosiery and aluminum“gare and many other goods. We will save you mbdygey this year as most of our stocks are com- plete at old prices. By, . |: Just a few of our specialuprices: 1 75¢ Brooms, four sewed, good |35¢ large size, fine flavored : heavy stock, each 58e, Prunes, lb., 28c 50c can automobile polish. ..... 38c | 7c Roll fine toilet paper, per roll 5c 38c 15¢ well fine toilet paper, per roll 10c 50¢ can furniture polish. ...... h wide muslin, per yd...25¢c 7c _ laundry soap......... ide outing vioth, yd. :25¢ 7c piece fine soaps, 5 styles each 5c |40c yard wide dress goods, yd...30c Wie can save you 50c to 75c on all our wool dgess goods, if bought in February. 1665. Mayor Hylan is the ninety- eighth man to hold office.