r . OOOO J 0 | I 1 GIFTS Ford Owner Peerless Starting System Your purchasing 1s not complete for Christmas unless you have : A Fé } B / $19.00 The best small investment a ford owner ever made. added several boxes of paper to your list. Garber's Drug T) the leader in stationery and quality of paper is the best, Our prices ave reasonable. Ustavo Linen Cards and Paper, per box ,50c to $1.50. LOOO000000O00O0LOO0O0O00000 Lord Baltimore Linen, 50c to $1.75. Tulip Linen, 50¢c to $1.50. Period Stationery in colors, 65¢c. Marquette Linen, 50c to $1.50. ‘ Will give you Safety, Efficiency, Economy and Satisfaction. Symphony Lawn the finest quality paper on the market today, g y ghd ¥ y to $1.70 You need not be a mechanic to see a difference between Gift Paper for the Kiddies, 20c PEERLESS and other starters of similar form, BUOHL & PEFFER Lord Baltimore Linen Cards, 3 5c Lord Baltimore Linen Envelopes, 25c. PERFUMES and FACE POWDERS: Harmony of Boston Perfume, 50c to $1.50. Agents for Harmony of Boston Sachet, 65c. Bouquet Ramee Sachet, 75¢ Rapho, East and West Donegal, Conoy and Mount Joy Townships Jontile Face Powder, 50c. BYRNE EE RE Jontile Combination, $3.50. Jontile Combination, $2.75. These packages must be seen to be wppreciated. x Intense Lilac Toilet Water, $1.25 Harmony of Boston Toilet Water, 50« Violet Dulce Toilet Water, $1.00. I almost failed to mention my Candy. Yes 1 have the best line both package and bulk in Schrafts, Guth, Liggett and Cadette f el. { lines. My prices are re asonable, Do you know a good hot water bottle or fountain syringe or combination would be an excellent present for a friend. The above mentioned articles can all be had at the R 8X al | Sto re by Simon Landis, of Elizabethtown X TOOOOCOO0O00QC0O00000CO00000000000000000000000000 OOOO East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS VESTA BATTERY Recharging and Rental Batteries for all makes of cars. CALL AND GET MY PRICES CALENDAR DAY, SATURDAY, DEG. 13, "13 E WwW { ARBER He will have an expert on Batteries and Electrical Wiring on ° . ; Machines. © : 0 & O 9, ——— —— i ————_T— Just Think! Only Christmas Greeting “Yo1 ; Co ka | Ihe [Jager Store A hes $. Oo 0 Sree $, oo and Novelties, Are Now Displayed in And Then CHRISTMAS! Abundant Variety f Early Choosing is West King Street, LANCASTER | ¢ ¥o ada $ » 4 Advisable ®, 0.0 A * This is to be a good, old-fashioned Christmas, if we may judge by the enthusi stic manner in which many are already engaged in gift shopping. What a wonderful thing is this unselfish, Christmas spirit with its sole purpose of making others happy--no more beautiful thought in the world. The store has naturally caught the enthusiasm of “Santa Claus Time.” Bring your lists to us and let us help you choose those sure -be- .rland of appreonrieat remembrances. to-be-wanted tokens from a wonde pp cir Bossy jie af tha gnnerior qua’ vy - ¥ Napnecially if. it ' atm a & Ul S O¢( Ks Especially | here, is sure to be acceptable. I 1S as we Our Holiday offerings for women and children present most unusual opportuni- J xq 9, > >, 9, > ®, ro? $0 0 0 RaXa Xe) >, 9, og J oe ties to choose utility gifts. Are Ready Women’s Pure Thread Silk Hose arefull fashioned, with mercerized lisle garter tops; lisle soles and high spliced iflost Men Will Welcome a Good heels. Come in black and good range of Excellent quality Priced, shoe shades. Warm Overcoat for Christmas $2.30. ois Silk Hose, are fine pure thread .nd a Hager overcoat, in those storm-proof fabrics, with huge collar, deep pockets, silk, with double lisle garter tops; double and a big belt, will be doubly welcome. Or, perhaps, one of those plaid-back coats, soles and high-spliced heels. 20 inches of 1 Heather Mixtures, will please him." Any way his taste runs, we have the coats, silk, with woven seam in back. Come in and our prices are surely right. Priced, $30.00 to $55.00. black and cordovan. Very Unusual Values, at $1.55. K P H { .s . Children's Wayne nit ony ose; Quality Gift That Men Prefer! medium weight; lisle hose ribbed, with double knee, heels and toes. Come in House Coats or Jackets--We suavost % i : : ; ; black, cordovan, brown and white. Priced AL ou OA rp Ee Fine Silk Shirts—( hoosing is easy be- according to size, 65¢ and 75c. : Xe a Ny h ge 1 =! Bx . nd t cause ‘the assortment of patterns is so Infants’ Silk Fibre Hose; seamless; fine solid colors SK fre varied and the materials range from ribbed; double toe and heels. Priced, 59c. ue and brown Ox- striped Crepe de Chines and Pussy Wil- —— i on - low Taffetas to less expensive fibre silks. CANDY SPECIALS I, $6.50 to $19.75. Priced, $9.50 to $12.00 Only pure wholesome confections are : ho ne 5 T . to be found in our stocks. We never carry Pure Thread Silk Hose—No danger of candy of doubtful pur that’s why our tt not pies od CA 1% que candy sales are increasing. SS Neipn's Ne Bunce Fancy Hager Chocolates —Extra de- comfortable licious chocolates, with fancy cream 1 nh many nut centers. A quality such as you will rhty hard to duplicate in these advancing costs. Pound, 50c. Y wear. Love e Drops; assorted flavors; 40c. 1b. = rav of combi ons. | su to be appreciate yrsted knit- L e Salted Peanuts. Special, 49c. 1b. Priced, $1.00 to $4.00. || ted ry handsome dark patterns. | Molasses Candy Kisses, 30c Ib. Ev otf} 50 and $9 1 Gl 50. 4] H. & B. Chocolates—Same as last loves o% AR) ot aX $, Xa 5”? X ot $0. 0 to eee & 1, varm litary I ob 4045 $. 6 *%° AX o Oo ¢ 9, bo? , KJ xg € Sat- » *' Priced, $6. $ oe? show un —— su a t ur Will You Have a Vocalion or Victrola in Your Home Christmas? \ 9. 0 NaX a) 4, Wh @ ¢ o. & oe’ *e? *%* ¢ $$, ¢ 200% ¢ ot? ¢ *& * 470% oo? ¥e bo + ho} + You will fi $1 $1.50 Very Unusual VALUES! WOMEN'S COATS AT $30.75 of recent special price tho, values are ced, $1.75. 25. $2.00 and $2 | CAMISOLES-—Mad f wash { lesh, various styles. One 1i ve | Dent’s Gloves Dent's 1 Aral ; resent Mocha Gloves: pri : ; ¢ it gia 1 E a! ther has Cape Gloves—Wa : gloves; pique sewn; two-tone avy si A & Ie Sewn : : le two rows of ray. Price, $4.00 pair. | embroidery backs. Ivory color. Pric ta at 4 Wop : y ore € {| at top and have ribbon straps; elastic | The smartest fabries are included Polo Cloth, Silvertone, Yalma Welour. Heather Mixtures, ete—fur trimmed, with huge collar, wide belts and novel pockets. y French spra 1 2 : : $2.75 pair. Priced, $1.29. a . ——— ————— Py os oF. > ! 34 West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. DOT OW ORR eats 9 *, ‘eadedledlededle dle de ladles nln dled 206% 6% 0% 6% 02% 2% 20-6%0-0%0-0%0-6% 6% 0% 6% 6% 6% 0% o% 0 a? at 05% 040 05 Frage age sel #7007 20T TP GT 0ST PS UT AS I SI SE OI GIO SIS OI SI SI AI I SI ESSIEN XE a |Chas. E. Workman, Atty. AMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced! You never tasted such full- bodied mellow-mildness; such refreshing, appetizing flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the rette revelation! Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to their quality—to the expert blend of choice Turkish and chpice Domestic tobaccos. Youll say Camels are in a class by themselves—they seem madesto meet your own personal taste in so many ways! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un- pleasant eéigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your LU s ; taste! You are always keen for the cigarette satisfaction that makes * > = = - mm mm n ol a Eve greater becomes your delight—Camels are such a ciga- - = “ = "n BR n = =m = Camels so attractive. Smokers real- ize that the value is in the cigarettes and do not expect premiums or cou- pons! Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or ten pack= (200 « *s) in a glassine-paper- vered cartor We strongly recommend carton for the home or office supply whemyou travel ~ 1 i Th Rl 3 A 2." C1 art a allery Service Stlion i ETE am Eocene i 2 ’ all a rette in the world at any price! & h \ Winston-Salem, N. C. P. E. Brubaker’s Garage | si €] RJ.REYNOLDSTOBACCO COMPANY OODOOOO00000GOOO000L0000000000000DOOOOCOOONY Do Your + eT TT A v— i “SKOQR SALE—Turkeys, Geese, Duck¥®=G as for Christmas roasts at my farni™n clorin. Chas. Ben- ted, Sale, Rent, &c. SPeeial prices on children’s Coats lat LaskewitZ"$ dec.10-1t © 0O000O0OCOOCO0CO000C0000CO0000000000000000000000000 | GO000COCC0000CCOOCO000000CC00C0CI0000000000000o0RE00a etl | Joy FOR SALE=-Two pure bred Hol- J $00 BB OB BBB BHD BBS 6 SS BB SO BO SO SO Ob O60 0 0b 0 0 00 1% 626% 62062002 420 +20 620 20420020 ede “istein gg EN TR " 430030 030430030 430-430 430 430 420-430 430-650 430 450 430-430 430450 430.430 430450430450 430 450 430 4 STH SCO TH CLO CHU CHAI ISIE ICI SII LI SII IOI 0 4g sicin bulls © Yenitagl and ons | Arle Ud Oy nov.26-tf = Bi \ J © One three-piece leather parlor -midew. black I suite, usec ve Shite, Apply to Harv ys. Newcomer. T32ai, Lo 2 y 4 u i Who wints first mortgage on a ne Store 0i d Million {$1,500 property for.$l,000 at 6 per | cent. payable semi-annuaMs? Call | or phone J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. «tf. i | { “Notice—I will pay from $6.00 to ° $9.00. per head for Dead Animals. : ° . | Also the highest prices for hogs and OX 1 re h / > XE 20-0, & + 9. 0, Sala’ * J * 9, Xa Xa) J > 0.00, (calves. Howard Yellets, Mt. Joy, Pa. Both Phones. nov.12-tf |? COW) * “ode | " | Girls’ i — Scores 2 SCOTes | PIANO = BAKGAIR +.0. o.oo Girls Coats and Raincoats—Scores and scores of | party here not being able to “keep.up girls of all ages. All are Donovan values, and t their payments, a fine Mahogany| they are better for less money. {upright piano, usedw not quite six| months, will be sold at.a sacrifice. | Boys’ Suits—In sizes 2% to 8 are priced Fow, particulars address Yohn Bros. | $12.50. From $7.95 to $20 are suits for boys o Harrisburg, Penna. now26-3t | from G40 18 / Xa fro 9, Ra J J Ra Xa) * FOR SALE OR RENT—Acre orl Girls’ Middy Blouses are priced $1.98 upward. land with a 10-reom brick house with| steam heat, along “railroad at Chick- Children’s Shoes in many styles f ee reo : : S in man) yles from $1.65 to les. 4.9. 9 hroll, Realtos, Mt. Joy. tf) children’s slippers from $1.15 tu-$2. 9. 0 ($000.00, J * WR) (0.00.00, i WILL BUY--Old Writing Desks, Silat . : Gated ot Drivers. Cornoe I Girls’ Sweaters in the smaller sizgs from $3.25 {Old Chairs, Dishes, Guns, Pistols, the larger sizes $3 upward. x I Goins, Home-spun linens, beaded | - Nee | bags, etc. Write CN. Heffner, 418] | Washington St., Reading, Pa., and | \ J + 9, Xa) will call. dee, 10-4t-pd. MEN LEARN BLASTING—=And | {nave a good substantial and profit- {able trade. We tell you how to blast | tree stumps, rocks, ‘sub-soil; blow {out ditches for draining; handle Toy Town at Donovans is open— What a we | quarries; blast well drill holes, ete. his Tne : : 1 | Brive 0B book, 31. Addtse J.C this means to every child in Lancaster County, Dupler, Marietta, Pa. 5.21-tf. in, both boys and girls to see what old "Santa fr rem re eee for them. There are Dolls of every kind, THOUSANDS GO ERNMENT | $12.98. There is Doll Furniture, and games, a POSITIONS—The census ¢ rails t i iddi POSITIONS —The census and rail | toys, and trains and wagons and kiddie kars an way mail clerk examinations soon. | ther things oll: isa or Men and; women needed, write us| oLaey msi prices that pt thew: Wit for our Special Preparatory offer] reach. You can make a kiddie happy for less and free information, Inter State] ovans—in toy town. Bureau, 907 13th, St.,, N. W. Wash- ington, D.C. sep.24-tf J S880 J Os o% 2 te eeded a’ * + + J o Nex J o® o% 9, oO dog 9, * % 4! 9 9, O05 ELECITON NOTICE i Notice isthereby given thut the an- 2 nual election will be held the % Union National Bank, Mount Joy, 3 ., on Tuesday, January 13, 1920 3 the, hours of 10 We Pay Your Car Purchases of $1 Ask for It \/ * 0. 0 0 0 UP 06,9090 ® 9, * re fa 50 9 , ®s +» 4 * be a0 20, AAR AX) 9 ¢ BOOQSOVOOVOTOTIOVOTTIOTOT SPECIE Owing to delay of window front we will our Opening Sale "as intended. However we afl all the old prices we“effered during our Rebuildfid > &. & > * 4 RIN REXTX > 9, We quote you a féw new ones added to * duced goods: $1.45 Men’s Heavy Fleeted Underwear 90c Women’s Heavy FleecedWUnderwear 50c Women’s Heavy Fleeced Steckings AN NJ v ®. & 858% Lancaster Ginghams ........ . 35¢, yard wide Unbleached Muslin es 35c, yard wide Bleached Muslin, cambrie ote ving be granted o fie Children’s Stockings, less each’ pair theists aT eet debe All-wool Dress Goods, less 25 to 45c a y mediate pay t and he { 25c Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs, each claims or der We have secured the entire line of samp} we [will present them without delay for sale house and can save you on Men’s, Wom : settlement to the undersigned, re-| Sweaters, Sleeping Garments, Underwear, Wo %* [siding at Mt. Joy, R. F. D. No. 3, Pa. Se | BERTHA A. EBY STAUFFER, | : sees §, B., Bernhart, t \ $0 9 » % Yo? %' pir 0 RA aE ANH » ot NE