WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1919 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S... FR - bossy } a | \ > Q 5 3 & AS WE AS YOU ; RECEIVE IT RECEIVE IT & 0 We Replace That Which Is Worn Away Not by cold cementing or sewing a ready cured | tread over your old tire but by entirely remaving old | tread and braker strip, then building up new tread with raw line rubber and new braker strip, vulcanizing same to fabrick under tuns of presure with Zwebell New Improved Dry Cure Vulcanizing Machine. Which we positively guarantee not to come loose from fabrick or to wear through for 3,000 miles. \ Paul M. Buohl, Manager 34 West Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. HO00000000000000000000000 3 DOOO000CO00000000000C0000000000000000O0000000DO0O000000 O HUNTING TIME IS ALMDST HERE And we are prepared to furnish you with modern Hunting Clothing and Ammunition. We have a complete line in, all sizes of the very best make of LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZEK - [ Was JUST i Im HAD MORE BRAINS | | [THINKING JOLIUS Yo DID HE) | THAN ANY OTHER. | TGEE wit | WF YOUR GREAT Bo ROER| | MAN IN THS Was eA | [|| FUNNY HAS, C Cr Q _— J | GRANDFATHER Some on - I ( { COUN id MEAT | l OOK IN \ \ | { : = ) PACKER & THING + | : 5 ACK Re I ( § 2 ( d / I ( 3 / I ERS BD ’ — : | \ Ly ‘ | "\ ; NS oo) | 1 f 750); 4 3 = (1) ed a | NY ) pe | A ) | GR NDS \ I \ | VI ( ) ll \ i - v \ |! \ ¥ | { oA I i : Il \ { 7 i Y ( l a r | ee il ; I J ; — | 5 SALE REGISTER REL ICIOUS Q NEWS ( Carl wArio Chu t. 30—The Hotel, at L ! arload of Masters le, 11 be sold at pub ( rina eke IN OUR CHURCHES MA UI ES Maste a. oct.22-2t-pd Friday, Oct. 31—At Hg “Florin Hotel, a lot of Potter and Tioga Co. cows, heifers, steers, cattle for beeves and a lot of home-raised hoats, 5 head of sheep by C. 8. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct. Saturday, Nov. 1—On the prem- ises on West Main street, Mount Joy, entire remaining stock of a coach works by Wm. H. Schuttee A. Martin, auct. See advertisement. Tuesday, Nov. 4—On the prem- ises in Maytown, a lot of household oods, butcher and carpenter tools, ete., by Norman F. Arntz, admin strator of Reah F. Markley, decd. Aldinger, auct. Thursday, Nov. 6—On the prem es in the Boro of Palmyra, 5 horses and mules, lot of farm implement 70 tons of hay and straw by John S. Bomberger. Also 50 choice cow by John H. Kettering. See adver tisement. Friday, Nov. Tth—At their stock vards at the Farmers’ Inn, Mount Joy, 75 head of New York State orie County cows, heifers and bulls B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, auct. See advertisement. Tuesday, Nov. 11 At the Bul letin Office, Mt. Joy, at 7:30 p. m., real estate by Frank Zeager, trustec to sell. Frank, auct. See ver tisement. Friday, Nov. 21-—On the premises in Florin, real estate by Chas. E. Ricksecker, trustee of John Gr. Jeatty, deceased. Vogle, auct See advertisement. NEW BALLOT LAW ‘MAKE S IT EASY TO CUT TICKET C. A. B. Zook, to whom ‘the county is indebted for what toll roads have been freed, and who is a candidate for county commigsioner with the view that if elected he can be instrumental in and hasten the freeing of every remaining toll road in the coumLy, has been nominated by the American Party, representing the great body of independent Re pribitesy voters in this /community. Under the provisions of the new bal lot law which goes into effect for the first time atithe coming election it will be ea 7 for either Republicans or Democrats to vote for Zook. Two marks on 4d Rallot will do it, one in the rgspective party square and anothen §n the, square opposite Zook’s game. The new law provides that a wetek who, places an x in the Hunting Clothing, the Auginal Pry Back Brand in Coats, Pants, Leggings and Caps with reversible red on inside, also hats. | This equipment is positively watey proof, and is used by all ex- perienced hunters. i i Come in and look our line over. We%will be glad to show you | : 5 i ; i these goods at prices, far less, than the ity stores are asking for | { them. | : . : : | A complete line of Remington shot gun shells in black and | smokeless. square of his party and desires to vote for a candidate not on his party ticket may do so by placing an xin | the square to the right of the can { didate’s name, and that this ballot must be counted as a vote for such candidate notwithstanding the mark in the party square. This will re- quire the election boards to examine every ticket, as no ballot can be listed as a straight party vote simply hecause it has an x in the party squs There may be another on the ballot and it will be the duty of the election officers to examine en ery ballot to see if there is an ad | ditional mark or more thereon. Mr { Zook / has issued a statement in FRANK B. GROFF MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Black Bob Tires 6,000 Miles SADDLERY IT - fl i TI Th ES "COAL COAL. 1 AM NOW RADY TO TAKE YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF COAL Also Feeds of All Kinds 1 Hay, Straw, Salt, Etc. m | - "n = | = n = 1 x od » s Just Received a Carload of Cement, Goverment Tested Will be pleased to fill your order. Prices reasonable ; E. H ZERCHER 5 A. B. CLING’S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. = un pr To 10 NOOOCOO0OCO00000000000000000CO000000000OOCONNONNGONNC CHAS. A. WEALAND Painter and Paper Hanger :E STOCK OF WALL PAPER 3 Always on hand at reasonable prices. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Agent for VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES 21 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. which he pledges himse If answerable to the people alone in the event of his /election, and states he wi hig ear to the ground to hea thé people want oc - CR Pui A. B. Erb purchased two cows the | past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and family enjoyed a visit in our capital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Bomberg tended a funeral near White Oak ne a dobut, the best farm of its Also Sunday. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Daniel |land excellent producer, good build- Mic ee Metzler and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton | ings, excellent location. Must be seen 3rubaker left for Montgomery coun- ty. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keener and | family visited Jonas Parrott and day. Mr. Monroe Metzler and family attended Erb’s church and visited his | brother Herman Metzler and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Metzler and son Martin and Jertie Brubaker | Sundayed with Kerwin Flinchbaugh’s | in Lebanon county. A wise man said undeserved praise is dangerous to the weak, unjust blame or criticism may turn even the strong from the right 7 Harvey Metzler Harry Roh- rer’s are enjoying their new cars. The former an Oakland Sedan, the latter a seven passenger Chandler. John Brubaker has quite a large herd of cows, again 22 in all He'll need a bushel basket to carry his money home from the bank this win- ter. The wheat in this vicinity looks fine. The corn about 1% husked which is an extra good crop. One of our progressive men H. W. Metzler uses a corn harvester. On Thursday morning Abram Bru- baker qui unknown to the neighbors motored to Lititz, where he met his intended bride, then journeyed to the courts of Lebanon, where they received a permit to be- come one, which was later done without the loss of a name. — Licensed to Wed Norman G. Ruhl, Rapho, and Ada M. Winters, Mt. Joy township. s and ERISMAN’S CHURCH | pm py | = | | | | | | | family near Elizabethtown on Sun-|: | | | | | | | | deceased, by virtue « | NEWS PERTA NING TO ALL THE | CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE | SURROUNDING COM- { TUNITY | Florin U. B. Church Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor | Regular church service on Thurs-| os nd cl ):30 { | ! 10 | C. LE. €4D. Zo & Sermon 7:1 at wt y Methodist Episcopal Church { Rev. Thom Roberts, Pastor At P e§ i Sunday Sch 9:15 A. M. rivate a e Preaching | Communion Ser-| 3 ea | At My Sales Stables Epworth Learue 6:30 P. M. | Mount Joy Preaching Service 7:30 P.M. { , .. have a carloal ot fn Prayer-meet Wednesday 7:30] YH Spon hoor os ong Jot fme P.M : voung mules, just the kind t : make money till Spring. Come in St. Mark’s United Brethren Church and see them. Rev. C. A. Snavely, Pastor | Sunday Sch 9:00 A. M. Fd Ream Worship and Sermon 10:15 A. M.| Jr., Int. and Sr. C. E. 6:45 P. M.| Worsaip and Semon 750 P. M, | DISEYIC SALE yer day 7:3 PM | elcome, | 0 w—— ‘Saturday, Nov.1,1919 Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor The undersigned will sell at public Rally Dav Exer tf 00 sale on the premises on West Main nally 3 xercises at 9:30 next i N 1 , I : gq abbath. street, Mount Joy, Pa., his enti re . tock of finished and un ond shed worl Special Program and a souvenir to! of his coach works, as follows each one in attendan ENTIRE LOT OF BUGGIES, The Regular Preaching services! BUCK WAGONS, WHEELS, ETC. 10:30 and 7:30. 5 Good Buck-Wagons that will carry C.E.at6:30 P M 6 milk cans; 2 Light Spring Wagons, iMd-week service Wednesday 7:45 that will carry 6 or 8 milk cans. | P. M. Three Good Second-hand Jenny-| linds, Top Bugg , nearly mew; Two Runabouts, Sid ts of Good Second- | _ Trinity Lutheran Church hand Light W heels, with new tires; | Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Lot of New Wheels, Axles, Fellows : y School 9:15 A. M and Wood Work ready to irgn; Lot ing Service 10:45 A. M {of new iron in full lengths. Evening Service 7 P. M Large Solid 1%-in. Walnut Cup- | Special Reformation Day Services. | board with Desk, One Old Fashioned Needle Guild, Tuesday Te ening De vith Drawers, Small Parlor Luther Lenctie. Wednesday even. > 2v% and many other articleg not i y mentioned. : Cot : io I On account of having taken paint | Ladie Aid Society, T'hursday | poisoning I am « ympelled to at Evening. business and having sold my place of TY business, everything must positively East Donegal Farms be sold , | Not many farms are offered for Sale to at one o’cloek sale thruout the Donegals but I have | Ps; M+ on baa Nov. 1, 1919, | succeeded in lising three wth when terms will be made known by g 1 ithin the past few days. I am also in a po A.M A wi. H. SCHUTTEE, | sition to give any young man that|’ fartin, Auct : yor Abram Martin, Clerk. has a little money, a chance to buy ke rcp dip aarp rng iedjed does these farms. I will sell any of them ~~ = and accept one-fourth the amount in | ORPHANS’ COURT SALE cash next April and take mortgage of | for the balance. Now if any one is REAL ESTATE | i interested get busy. 111 or phone ~ at once if interested I propose TUESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1919 elling these farms quicl They In ite of M 1 consist of 69, $. and 89 acres of |ecease limestone land. Juno. E. Schroll, the Orpl Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf | will offer at public sal he — _..-ooi leti Mount Joy, noe to 7 * | An Agrecable Surprise All That Certain Lot of Ground | “About three years ago when I|ppontine 0 feet, more or less, on as suffering from a severe cold on ihe South pel of West Main street, y lungs and coughes st of thel.nd ext de pth 203 fe to 1e night ald day, I ‘tried a bottle Henry street Th provement 3 and | thereon erected are a 21, STORY s with’ FRAME HOUSE, Story and Half Summer House Attached, A Frame yf Chamberlain’s Cough James Brown, C LS Stable and other necessary outbui 1d- Many another has been surprised an id ngs. There is an abundance of leased with the prompt relief fruit on the pi ses. Said 10§ forded by this remedy. oct.1-i be yn the y by We Main st Ome 1 rr , on the ea by property of Who Wants a Farm El eth Arndt estate, on the south by Henry street the west by erty of Me Spickler. at the same time and place will be sold 5 Shares Union Nation- al Mount Joy Bank Stock. I have for sale an 86 acre farm in West Donegal township, that is, be- PTO] | size I have ever offered. Limestone Sale to commence at 7:50 p. m., yn said day, terms and conditions Joy. made known by re ll een FRANK ZEAGER, Trustee to sell. Most of our farmers have their Chas. S. Frank, Auct. steers for this season. W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, PUBLIC SALE ORPHANS’ county SALE EY, Household Furniture, Utensils, REAL "ESTATE Implements, Etc. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER zit, 1019 | ,JUESDAY, NOV. 41}, 1919 To (hs ? Sate John €. Beatty, The _undezrsig med administrator of n e ¢€ ids Srdey of Reah F. Markley, dec’d., wlll sell at 1 a '" public sale at his late residence in Maytown, Lancaster, Co., the follow- the Orphans’ Court ¢ County, the und« ned ine to wib: } ic sale > lowing 8 It: : public sale the follc 1€ Very Fine Oak Bedroom Suite, [ae NT] | Now Do YA SEE TALI Gee WHIZ— ) THAT A [ YOUNG MAN? WELL : THAT WAS YOUR IS THAT ALL GREAT GRANDFATHER! THERE WAS - - BY BAKER Buy That Overcoat NOW Conditions in the {Clothing Market at no time during the war were as stringent as they are now. Deliveries are away off schedule; Overcoats that should have been in stock a month ago are ‘somewhere in 7S ROD & HEATH FREY America” as far as the average merchant is concerned. Keep putting off your purchase, and a month or so from now you may find it hard to get what you want, for stocks are rapidly being depleted, and new stocks are slow coming in. How could it be otherwise with gar- ment-workers on 44-hour wegk and less operatives than before. Our selection in Overcoats is still very good; how long it will remain so we can’t forecast. The best advice we can give, you have read in the headline of this an- nouncement. Groff & Wolf Co., 26--30 North Queen Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Stare Beeline TTTTTY & 4 4 dpefodfech Soodeaectoots sloctocte sectostio oko sk ov 3 0 3 2 2 0 0 2 od aaa Trt TERT T PTTL PTT TPTTTTPTTT La Zo obo cBoal TTT Everything for the | Living Room, Porch and Lawn--Low Prices To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock- ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed, Rattan, Fibre Rush and Oid Hickory. Settees, Swings and Tables. USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning (compressed air) Carpet Re-laying. TALKING MACHINES Come in and hear the “Vitanola,” the sensation of the Talking Machine World. Prices from $22.50 to $148, REFRIGERATORS Full assortment of all the latest improved R F‘rigerators; a dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $58,0v. Westenberger, Maley & Myers > ed Sdddhddh ddd dB 8 A 2 5 8 8 88 0.0.0 TT TTT PT PITTI TIT PTT YT YY 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. gpa CIN OSOOOOOO0000000000O00OOOOOOODOLOOOOCODNOOOOUO00 S. NISSLEY GINGRICH REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE FLORIN, PENNA. Bell Telephone | COCOCOOOOCOONCOCBNNNOOCOBOONNNEX SONO0000KE 0000000000 real estate: H i . : ome-made Poplar Bedroom Suite, F Al That, eet om the South side Walnut Bedroom Suite, Two Kitchen Jouimg L gel ou a Harrish hl Ranges, Carpet Sweeper, 4-dozen 2 L ae Aneasit sh J gnd h 200 Cane-seated Chairs; 2 Couc CUrhpi te 1.8 ion ns m av gs hs in Marble Top Centre Table, L Feet more oF less Bn Clay ws. Mirror, China Closet, '§ Piece Quad- gal y Township i anc: aster Coun 7 ruple Plate, Silver Tea Set, Ma- £2 1p, Sancta: * hogany Centre Table, New Leather Penna. Suite Case, A Large Ward-robe, 2 The improvements thereon erected Old fashion od Sideboards, Se consist of a 21; STORY ” chest, three clothes chests; old desk, FRAME HOUSE and Store old spinet, sewing table, cdrner cup- Room which was the well board, sinkbench, kitchen table, known Restaurant conduct- == wheelbarrow, 2 oak extension te abl es, ed by the laté Jno. G. Beatty. Frame refrigerator, sideboard, clock, Stable and Garage and other out- kitchen i lot f lumber, six 0 ladders, step lad- buildings. This is a choice location bushels i le, good copper Rettle, in a thriving town. The said lot is der, iron 1 t bounded on the north by Lancaster butcher tools, carpenter tools,’ cob- and Harrisburg turnpike, on the bler tools, axes, res, shawels, east by property of Jno. Freymeyer saws and other to ls and imple- on the south by Clay street, on the ments. All kinds of kitchen utensils, west by property of Levi Mummau, chairs, carpet, shades, curt: ains and Junior. jmany other artcles not mentioned: Sale to be held on the premises at Sale to commence at 1 o'clock 7:30 p. m., terms and conditions sharp, terms made known by made known by NORMAN F. ARNTZ, CHAS. E. RICKSECKER, | Administrator of the Estate of Trustee to sell. ;Reah F. Markley, deceased. G. S. Vogle, Auctioneer. | F. B. Aldinger, Auct. |W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. A. H. Martin, Clerk. Many Bargains During Our Improvements ‘ $5.00 LaResista Corsets, Baked Beans, can ER 7c Spira bone, $3. ss.s0} Baked Beans, large can. ...12%¢ $6.00 LaResista Corsets, | Best Picnic Hams, 1b... FEL Fromt lace, ¥ 00| Lebanon Balogna, 1b...........24¢ 35c Outings. . “ree hy 28c | Karo Syrup, can.. . «sinew TC 35c Flannellettes..............29c| White Sugar Syrup, qt........ .40c 35c Bleached Muslins. .. &...35c Th s the only substitute for 75¢ Window Shades, each . .65c | sugar—Has n 35c Unbleached Shades, each... .25c|Lima Beans, Ib............c... 14c Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour, 14c¢ 25¢ Unbleached Shades, each. ...18¢ Aunt Jemima’s Buckwheat Flour 14¢ $1.00 Wool Dress Goods, yd 85c $1.25 Wool Dress Goods. . .. $1. 00 | Jiffy Jell, pack. ............... 10c » $1.50 Wool Dress Goods. ...$1.25| Conestoga Blend Coffee, no 42c $1.95 Wool Dress Goods. ..... $1.50| U. Knew Blend Coffee, 1b., .44c | Nucoa Best Margarine, Ib. .... .38¢c This beats them all 10 pkgs Big Master Soap 1 pkg. Snow Boy Washing Powder .. ivivenwreTihy saree weeny 10 pkgs. Climax Laundry Soap SAVE 50c TO $2.00 ON OUR SHOES B. Bernhart, Mt. Joy, Pa. ~ “,