00 “ay WEDNESIJAY, OCTOBER 1019 Vi) lle KR Stores Co. NI IY LY), N © % : \ \ THE BUSY STORE TELLS THE STORY! Popularity is Always a Mark of Quality Fair Prices and Entire Satisfaction on JSOO00 = his fact\will be brought home to you very forcibly every time i 1 visil an\ American Store—the busy store tells the story 8 [he reason is patent, known to hundreds of thousands of the Q hou Wo. our customers—that our producer to consumer & f merchiindising is a reality, nothing visionary or theoretical Q out it, just the perfecting of one of those elements of human \ ) ideavor that Yeaches out towards the ideal. 7 ARE WE SHRVING YOU? If not, you are missing much in mey-saving pe ssibilities. A i \ NEW PACK J / 4 i \ Fine Quality Canned Goods h | It will pay every housekeeper to buy a dozen or two at these & i prices. i w® ;. \ Can Doz. J f Choice Tomatoes . \ as seh cn rr Ase Ere tens 13¢ $1.55 J Big Red Ripe Tomatpes bss v entrar Ta rey 18¢ 2.15 Choice Peas ...... %... ..ocicviviecinaie, lde 1.60 Fancy ‘“Asco’’ Peas EE ae es 19¢ 2.25 1.65 1.90 1.50 Choice Crushed Cornd................cciiivnian, l4c Fancy Crushed Corn.} 16¢ 12 Vo ¢ Choice String Beans. Campbell’s Beans 12%¢ 1.50 California Asparagus 19¢ 2.25 Campbell’s Soups i 10¢ 1.20 Best Tomato Puree.....%. 8c 95 \ OUR VERY BEST COFFEEX, Ib. ............ 42c insuring you uni- Blended and roasted in ofr own plants daily for n flavor and superl drinking qualities. \T AND} PANCAKE FLOUR, pkg > EAMY CH £ OTOONGO0TOOS0000000000000CO0I0CON0000I0T00 : » : IOCCO0COCICIOOCTE TOTO NEW FALL G A - At Lconomy OCCOT00CO0O0000000 12 9 WH A WICH SOC Ns WN DOO0K 3 OO KROUT, Big can... \ 4 1 3 2 Absolutely ciear packed n THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT RED CROSS TO FURNISH RELIEF — Preparations For Disaster Ald SO00SSO ve | a he Final Choics. of © “BELL FOUR” Made in - a —— ee HOOTODVHOTOOTIOTOTOOOOOOVOD0 — ROS ag AI HIHHA HK OOOO OK OOK A. ZAEPFEL & SON, Distributors for Lancaster County Schlotzhauer Community Garage, 414 GREEN STREET LANCASTER, PA. County Distributors for Velie, Bell and Jackson Parts Bell Phone, Garage 837-J—Residence 661-W ’ structions are followed. For further | information phone or write to Dr. { Geo. E. Crandall, 147 E. Chestnut | St., Laneaster, Pa. “A builder of health.” 7-9-1yr. ’ JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENM .LVANIA, BIG RED CROSS PEAGE PROGRAM (New Plans of (Organization | Bring It to Every Person \ D. B. Kieffer & Co's | SPECIAL of Colts and Mules FRIDAY, At Farmers’ Wd SLOCK § ON 'eloek | \ Hotel ’ Middlet tow n, will sell the follow one Look at our advertising columns and see the many su-cessful business aah men they represent or rather speak | ure, see J. E. Schroll, for. Why not YOU? tf. Joy, Pa. If you want a home at in OCTOBER 24, U.S. A. PUBLIC SALE ‘Acclimated and Western Horses, 1919; Penna, [ on a Gigantic Scale One Carload Western Horses and d Ho : 0 f Colts shipped direct by W. M. Grove, and Home in Gounlly, | Shor. doibed, direct by WM Grow Now Being Made. v load iof the real nd W ter { can buy, a ch anc ry or — | .. real godd one in fact a load (th | ) A : \ tt . | (AS IMPCRTANT AS IN WAR best that ero). they h (NATION'S WEALTH AVAILABLE | Anni, EEO Dalit, Net | . chun wagon horses, busine al -— Li purpose Western horse al | | : ches colt I'he nd that are alway | Nation. Wide Activity For Improving demand—not to laree or to s | New Plan is Part of the Peace Pro. | Public Health and Expansion of its but the re ind Wi two good end | | and a mi ind shape all over, with | - ~ \ 1 vi | gram and No Disaster is Too Big Nursing Resources Two Objects the size, weight and bone ti be | | . long t : rood : For it to Handle Efficiently, | The peace program of the American | Woh: 1. 0, 21 Bood bred d horse [ I Will have everal closely mated | Preparedness for disaster relief | Red Cross has jus public ; be 4 and 3 few good shapey mare { ntic a with calss fl wer These h os [on a scale never before possible is | and it Is gigantic in its scope. It dsj oo eolt 1 hl os P: y ORS 5 : 3 and olt Ange In age rom to o | being undertaken by the American | 80 comprelcnsive it it will bring | years old and will have them weich | Red Cross, us one of the importan the activities of the organizatio nto | 1 Bg To to 14 hundred pounds each Riot nd ntl n | features of it eRce DrOCr: . | practically every home and into the | 5 all Qyiet And entle and | teat : its peace program, for | ’ : { most of the horses broke to double | the support of which an effort will be | life of every person in the country, harness. i le 2 | made to secure a record membership The Program, bab 5% Phis lis positively a sal Ty | | vou shoul 10 SS, as y ’ { during the Third Red Cross roll call, : RT hs gas . I you should notimiss, as we will cer | Norocber 2 to 74 Foremost will be nation-wide ac | tainly have a, load of Western horses | tivity for the pro ion 0 publie | anda colts worthy the inspection | A Frightful Record. I Lit ! “ any person in need of a colt or two, | lealth and hand-in-hand with 118 C | keey wer for we ur ow taps : re 4 .. | keep « or yo wn u ir to | Because of the lack of the spec- | sade will go a vigorous campaign for | get ready for those havin wh Spring | tacular in many of them, it is not | the extension of the country’s nursing Sales, and you all know how profit | generally realized how frequently | resources; the broadening of the Red [able and growthy the W. M. Grove [ disasters occur, bringing death and Cross Home Service, which in the war | HOTS are to buy i suffering in their wake. Since 1900, proved so helpful rough the assist Special Consignment of 17 Head | | disasters of peace have cost thousands | ance It was able rive tie families] 4% High Class Saddle and Driving | of lives and have brought persona of ldiers and sailors, to b Wf en Norses and 17 U. S. Ar 1y Officers’ injury and . tv : ees t C1" | Saddles and Bridles, cons ned 1 { tury and property losses to no | eral usefulness where other social{to be sold for the hich d.llar fewer than 1,500,000 persons, at the | agencies are lack g req horse 1ave been used the na same time destroying property valued | Junior Red C acti 0S: ex he Dupont Powder ( f at over $£1,000,000,000. IS yf Red ( 38 { es fo | Md., for gnard du During 1917 alone, eighty disasters " ev d te { etic ! further use f came to the attention of the Americar 1 ¢ ) 1 ms o 3 ! tor Red Cross; sixty-two tornadoes, fi ( n th v and overseas 0! col ne IPOS C : 1 ) i { chinks floods, four great fires, two « 1 cepa ever nd Hor quakes, two serious mine explosio 14) 1e vol ou ire bi two munition plant explosion 1 ( 1itho ( \ riot, a shipwreck and the {ra ; S bY l I, el , lamity which bef Halifax. 1 i ( public : tal f deaths ent:aile 1S 1758, w \ opera I 0927 were niured 1 the pro ; loss iched $110,000,0600 n I : & Unde s dire n the e . 1 € | sour of all « mities y hi W ) t Rh | 2 ) 7 1 vd ¢ I S wh | Red ( | ; CT ns I ( ( ¢ J 1 Prepa Mn era \ 1 1 ho é < Sul ) ou 3 e 1 10% y | li Vi ith 3 ne i $l } WS 0 LIEK I S 3 2 ) \ : Relief Su Center & Inf 1 % VS xX 3 & hd ¥ & & ‘ ml 0! > ; y 1 I | 8 \ ) Ln & varied experien he all nee t C 3 places it ir DI oth |! cits : | ! & | sition to offer so ) I hand | 1 @, built up a ied and sone Lys Red Cros hol | Qi of Wf workers 1 y S eady for instan service & kK ( ach 1 & office will have its list o of public disast ich : : “| disaster workers under ag y Blt fires, floods sh go, at a moment's notice, cks, earthquakes, pes ce, fan - stricken territory. ine and epiden . Expe in the | h lL. The Red Cross is thus pl var and the it organization buil | ] “put disaster relief on such a 1 ip through that emergency will witl u basis that it will become in the f vailable funds make this | sense, nation-wide in scope, ar hi of Ted Cross activity more ef | ; > g (oh assure a swifter mobhilizat ective than ever before, | y plication of whatever may be needed The Junior Work. after calamities, no matter what their xt Fisk > : size or where they occur The JUN OF Red Cross, with its m | ; : aaa ions of members in the schools, pub. | 4 a O > € lic, and private, throughout the Unite : 153 . RED CROSS PHOTOGRAPHS States, has laid plans ng fo GRAVES OF OUR HEROES $500,000 for relief work abroad, this |? Mar I Of the 130 American av amount constituting 60 per cent of the | : Ameri 1 av S 1 3 3 : | lost their lives in batt 16 money the Juniors raise, the remaind | © k 4 3 b of 143 have been photographed b er wo fed for iocal fin « | American Red Cross for the a operation wih Home Se I h Bvery effort is bein also planned to have the junior me > J : = » hors & ment 1 ass he w and photogrs \ he 4 \ pers Ihe nt and S YW \ v J not yet been found. of the fom. ganiza he |B In many cases graves ever. possinie, vith pecia Lo ers nly after hundreds I a the needs of children. Q onl 1B 1 ed 1 ¢ r r Sri pf man soll 1d been co +" \ a urning -ovel 0 Ar 2a] ‘TOSS S i 1 as they were found o| Bed Cr : : ¢ 2 | marked in accordance , sargical supplies and supplement Hi thov "Wore: i y | food stores of th Ae re ons they were photog 1. same syste h abroad or dist n ng in France, where the Red Cre | Sy 2 op ons, y , y raphed thousands of graves \ with the 1 pi : i : can soldiers for their families. These | Srams stil being d arge R A olan the D& Y nd | photographs are in a special ho n Poland, he 1 : Sib Es y supplied hy the Red Cross necessiaes he vo tance of Red |D 5 { all markin as the exact io | UT0SS operations overseas. |: ’ cation p ——— i ———— i 4 1 { : | cha S 3 h Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy { records by ! This remedy is intended especially ast upon or { Hay-Fever Easily Prevented for coughs, colds, croup and whoop- ‘ rt or | ing cough. ‘rom 1 2g z r | If you would like to_prevent your- iis io and Pro i Bk sal : best inmng S saije ¢ us > all | self from the oncoming attack of oof the United Rear ga 3 nl {hay-fever in August—start now. I Paps for Ca I a wT “0 . : al ioreig Flees, IS ¢ 1e ve can guarantee great relief this Au- ;. .. ISiEn Jounin i | oust d : is enough to convince one that it is a. heust and permanent results if in-l, edicine of more th linary | afor 1 | structions are carefully followed. All javit Give it a trial ] granary iaioresaic. AA jother dive anes successfully treated me bt 3 ® 8 ial and you ol C. G. Garber, s ( s 3 Ie ifliam IT whe A $iwr land a_ guarantee in every one if in-| ® Otlel-bi. | William BM. Hollowbush, Atty. 8 er p ——— West Farmers’ Inn Restaurant | MOUNT JOY, PA. | A. H. STUMPF, Proprietor I SERVE ANYTHING TO EAT THE CLOCK IN SEASON STORE, ; —————— + pd 4 tH DEVILED CRABS EVERY 1 ww Nn 8 SATURDAY 3 W. W. Apple & Son fg L . 4 131 North Queen St. be! 4 i i123 LANCASTER, PA. 13: SOUPS, SANDWICHES, TRIPE, || [$31 133 ETC., ETC), : $1 oH te 4 pir 4 eset re IIIT TI IINNS [S90 0000000000000000000004 OPEN EVERY DAY 38 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET soe 23 LANCASTER. PA. ° i — re ee 3RETIITLIITIIINES THE CLOCK YOU WANT TO BUY AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. FEE EEE Soft Drink. of All Kinds TRY WIZ THE FIZZ 7-16-tf VIR. FARMER I am always in the market for k wv F oy X78 A ¥ &™N LE rs VEAL CALVE nd will a from 16 to 1 eents f ye ie any drop me a card and I call by truck f same. Monday, Thursd 1 Friday ar my receivir la oT CIDER 2. Jr, IDER h Cow wnd Bole na \{ t ) 0 ) > § is 8 } - ¥ g 5 wis 1 11 : by b i 1 reli bsolu cur U Pa Mount Joy, Main St., In Baseme Come in and Look Us Over hog Come to the New “ool ad Pocket i ard Room 2, Props. 7 nt of Mount Joy Hall E vershe dy Welcome 340 W. Donegal St . AL : { . . bi bar 4 gv A IX > t4 What Keeps D f a batiery v/ mw roung.: 1 hi - t must { olution 1 prop require A A 3 Ni 1 Fr1 ¥ 0 iC vigl v ‘ i A prm— EN N \ 3g { ION N( v In- Nis Y to con- : 8 I rates 11 i ) n request. 100% HES Phone 63-R2 Bell TR ns ct.1-on BARBER SHOP SANITARY H. J. WILLIAMS, MT. JOY, Successor to Allen M. Way PA. A —Mantels, the Manha ly. Mc pen daily budry till noe. | ttan La Agent for Pp OF naay SATURDAY 'S HAIR CUTTING 35c ~W. M. HOLLOWBUSH | | Notary Public | Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri | day at No. 56 N. Duke Streed, Secon- ¢ | Floor, with W. C. Rehm. FOR SALE — FRANTZ PREMIER AND SWEEPER-VAC ELECTRIC CLEANERS ALSO MOTORS full line of Welsbach Gas Supplies Globes, Ete. Baraers, F. PEFFER, MOURN, JOY, PA. 83 W. Donegal St. n 4 Bell Phone 43-R- | Mount Joy, Pa. } ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | | West Main St, ! | CHAS. S. FRA ing of Real Estate and Pers {erty Sales. AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt attention given to Terms Mode