The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 08, 1919, Image 8

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night and the result was the Lan-
caster Chemical Works removed her


AROUND FLORI " ® prem: The tobacco buyers are going thru Jose ph Habecker, the rural de- - - =
ises at Di 1 linger 's Mill, %& mile west | this section. One day they offer 10 Of NEW SECURITY hee ry carrier from the Marietta — —
——— Sporting Hill, in Rapho town. 6 cents and the next day 11 cents i — = {
LL THE UP.TO.DATE HAPPEN. 5 p, horses, wagons, implements, through Time will tell what they | ——— le Dow from burning when the auto-: _ = | }
a INGS FROM THAT THRIVING ete. by H UK. Dillinger. Snavely, | will offer next week, A large amount | 0 he was driving caught fire, ONLY A FEN SC -— |
Habecker was running leisurely MORE SANS i AN ag = (
off BUT 2 |
. ~ ta. uct See advertisement. lof it was sold to Amos Muss rs, of A [M i $
AND BUSY VILLAGE ar lay, Oct. 16 At the sale N MS Toy ! : 'M any Orders Investing Fu: | Ll the route near the Christian Wik BE HERE?!

ostoffice, had a most miraculous es-









sal u
3 woribor ——— toh Co at. | @nd exchange stables at Anchor, west | I ES PP- | : Kod bl I Lease farm, in Fast Donegal tows: I'M A LUCKY GLY h"
jh i ; dp 4 : I Kh » horses, cows, bulls, and | x DONEGAL MAN GETS | il uick v géima g ieas- hip, when the blaze started. t is
tending York Fy today. hoat Harry H. Reed, Agt. a hd ol believed that a pipe under the car : ..-
All I | vs participated in PRIZES AT THE FAIRS | Rite 72 ange |
our so N I cibated ['rank, auct : { ury Saving uertificaies parted. In a moment the car was in
the big parade ! Lancaster. I lay, Oct 17 At the Florin Mr. Ravmond B 7.00} of 1 earl , flames, and he barely had time to
Mr. N. C. ar: en, « Ch Fy 18| Hotel, a lot of Potter and Tioga Co. | Done; 1 Sh wivizra SOT has | rize win-| a —— t out and save the mail. He was
spending the week in our village, J heifers, teers, attl for | , or Durge I ' hos At the } running slow at the time, and could
\ Messrs. Harry McGarvey | Earl v i a lot of home-raised | 1 + last week he took|. Among the fraternal organizations yin. the car to a stop immediately. f
iE | \ 1 1 ncast air t week ( ook . ng ! ¢ . .
Landvater have returned from over its by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, | ih ocn + ex ; Ri DA or 1d boar: | I the Third Federal Reserve Dis-lmppa ap was a total wreck, and in- i
; Seas ct first ov. or old sow With pigs; see-| FC! which have been investing th sured in the Donegal and Conoy
Mr. Jacob Loraw and two daugh Saturday, Oct. 18—At J. B. Kel- | ond’ 2.vear old sow with pigs ' first | 100Ke funds in the new U. 8. Treasury | Mytyal Fire Insurance Company of =
ond, <-V [3 {1 'W Vil NE : . ‘ : , | v
ters were Monday visitors to Lan-|j.. & Bros. stock yards, Mount Joy, | und second for boar under one year| DiVn& ¢ certificates are the Knights of [ M. wrietta. People who saw the blaze
caster, carload of western horses and colts | rd f st and se oh | on SOW under Multa, Knights of Pythias, Improved | | quickly responded, but their assist-
Mr. D. A. Dallashide “by D. B. Kieffer & Co. See adver- |, “ v sary : Order of Red Men, Patriotic Order |anece was too late as the fire was be-
) ), C., is spending nt = [oda wa . ons rie , rder U 3 rol as vVerv ate |
k hn, D. : ’ y 1sement, [ Mr. Zook was just as successful at { Sons of America, Jr, o le r Unite 1) yond control. It was very fortunate
in town. luesday, Nov. 4—On the prem-|ihe York fair this week where he | American Mechanics, Foresters of [that the car was stopped away from
3 . ~ . etd ) th kf $ k } !
Mr. Charles Sell, of the Capitol|ses in Maytown, a lot of household | was awarded the following: First on|Awerica, and Order of Independent pyildings. Vii
itv ade a business tri p ' as awarde lL owmg. rl s fs he . . e— ni —— RT
City, made 2 business trip to ‘* | goods, butcher and carpenter tools, 2.vear old boar: first on boar under | Americans, here are about 3500 —- AN
Village, Monday. x . etc, by Norman F. Arntz, admin. | one year; first and second on 2-year lodges in the 60 Pennsylvania, New Government Opens Retail Stores I
ti Me e. Mrs. H. Young of of Reah F. Markley, decd. | ld bre ding sow; first and second on | Jersey and Delaware counties of the No more orders for surplus war
ic 1Ly AN. 0, sper { several ror arn y -. 3 » 3 .
ur village : ; : \ ld r, auct. ow under one year; first for four | Third District and the War Savings |... 1c will be taken at post of- !
Sut him age 2nd Mors Shelts. of SE ————— | be st pigs over 4 months and unde r| Division has been interesting them ing "m1" S Government has
Misses Mary and Nora Shultz, of 6 months. the advantages, from the lodge stand- opened twenty-four retail stores § ]
Btiddistowr, are pending several Northwest Rapho EE. | point, of placing their funds In this | tp voughout the United States where |
aays in our village, , : i
3 ag - . | new government securit . CE dre At . ’ i
Miss Maude Landvat Messrs. — I have three of the best farms in| & y [ the se articles may be : bought over { v
. pig . A - \ od . : Many letters have been received . ter or f ‘hich the av
Earl and Llovd Landvater called on Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eby visited in East Donegal township for sale at! | the counter or from whic ey may ! \ 8
ol 1 Mi YdTeto ee 2 "| the f v of Amos Musser last Sun : io] oe D rn t delay if inter- | from officers of lodges endorsing the [po ordered by mail The nearest } | 1
role rok at dleto e Ia y ol 108 | sse ast » - ls 14 rice, ) 1 delay 1 ’ pp i
Te Ives at 1 ddletown. " To ) a right pe : : 30 19 > ; ] , | certificates as the ideal Investment for | store for this locality is at Philadel- { .
Mrs. Jacol Mrs. Ruth day. ester. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. t oa ar af SAP Ine ) $ ality 1s 4 : ‘
Ebersole and . F {uch called Irvin Heisey and family and E. ( tll isn lodge % A rustee 9f one of the most [phia. Orders can be sent by mail, i a
1: vast fp 1 Mo ndov. : Geib and f umily visited in the home N and Mrs. Bernard Ebersole of | prominent Knights of Pythias lodges accompanied by cash, money orders e
OR faneaser friends V on y, Thea ei 1 Ir. and Mrs. Ber on oars Sie 0 In Pennsylvania said he considers the | . coptificated checks. and the goods v
line Sr a. L. ( oll " : Se Sols ri Nos Lev: Cinder. of Pol Lan i, vig announce the birth 01 a jeguance of the certificates one of the { will be mailed direct to the purchaser } ‘
ling, S. E. llins, of Moorestown, 3 4 eV] nder, al- | daughter. ae Ine fy i i 1 op i
New Jersev. are here on a business Myra, visited in the family of C. G. A Ee in { biggest things the War Savings Di- (i; the same manner as if it were or- 8/15 i e
trio ib a "7 | Hollinger on Wednesday. | vision has achleved. {dered from a catalogue house. Avot “B t
I. n r A n If you want a home at a right fig-| “These certificates exactly fit the | Amone ale are y : rignt, INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO N.Y, ene anes
Mrs. Marv Kra * moved from Misses Mary ind Barbara Hol- ) d Among the articles for sale are army rete o
A . vary an me 2d m 8 Tr Hai . dle 8 . no RB Paal . t . ’ wy . rata - ———————— vt —— — 5
the E. L. N ip a linace end Lizzie Eby vicited the ure, gee J. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mourn! needs of lodges, sald this trustee. | blankets, boots, leggings, overalls, h
Amos Hiestand property on church |former’s parents on Sunday Joy, Pa. tL. “Their absolute safety coupled with goeks, towels, unde rshirts, gloves, | “- ————— ———————— a or
Amos 1estand property on cl I ay. . A
Street ’ David K. Heistand, who has seen | =| high interest rate and speedy redemp- fe: indles, brushes, ete. For a com- MOUNT JOY MARKETS | #2525352 ir
. - : ir . \ ge’ ira AGPARS . tion privilege make them the most | plete list and prices see poster in { 22 t
The Brethren in Christ vo yegrs’ service across the pond, bes ! ; re plete é 2 ay) |
regular weekly praver s now home with his parents. Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. | attractive investment I know of or by I yost office and other business places The Soliowing prizes. are paid #o- ti
; . AOL mm Ir rs snrv Ulrich s [ t § y organization which , & a
of Christian Malehorn on Tue sday | _ Mr and M ad Henry Ul IC h spent — EE ————— { he fangs of Sh 2 ganizat n whic in town. day by our local merchants: o ® d
evening. Sati and Sunday at Lititz and Who wants first mortgage on a|Tequires to have a string to its money ————— 0 Ee ——— FA F p B i
Mr 1 My McEl itn the airplane demonstra- | $1,500 property for $1,000 at 6 per |So that it may be quickly recalled in Keller——Cantz Eggs, per doz. armer, Tay: 63 d hn
Pf. and Mrs. McElroy and two yy ° 11 "i mev | ggs Sines vio ses DC
tion. en semi-annua ? Call | case of emergency. it folloy, | w oi a
children have returned to their home Maas CYathy 3 : . cent. pays 1b le Som, anny uly ¢ | TMeousnew Savings Certificates ar | Ross L. Keller, son of Mr. and Butter, per 1b........ terrane. 80 1
in New Jersey after nd Frank Geib is painting at the resi- | or phone J. E. Schroll, Mt. Jéy. if f Yeasury Davings Certilicates 2° 'Mms, F. WH. Keller, of Elizabethtown, lLard per 1b . 27 TIENT a
1 & . rsej < e spending sev- ; re . re : i s y | . . . ’ y i 4 s PEI ID. i civ vv tte sv vines LJ
eral weeks here with the latter's of Walter Eshleman. Die gp ne sommes -| 1ssued In the denominations y $10 {and Miss Hulda B. Gantz, daughter |Potatoes, per bu............. $1.75
be ss an will make a fine appearance FOR SALE—One single barrel] and $1000. Any sum up to $1000 can lof Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gantz of | Are You in Nead of L
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasob Zeller. : : fa | OS g rear Wan S om ee ls Brandt & Stehman Pays: |
: en ey : : is finished. hammerles$ “shot gun, in good condi-| be Invested by a lodge in one year. { Mitton Grove, were married Sunday | Wheat or 1 $2.25 a
Miss Ida S. McKinley, Mrs. Larkin, . Jacob Graybill, formerly of |tion. Apply W. Greiner. oct.8-1t-pd | The certificates are being sold in Oc (morning, at the parsonage of Christ C neat, per b DW. sss diseases 2.08 Tags
Messrs. John H. Larkin and John K.|Sweeden. save t Yecture : ‘hiques | = —————————— ———— | tober at’ the rate of $84.20 per $100 : dd Raed orn, per bu. sre sis vere el) H
Taylor of Philadelphia pent s psc en: Save a Sluts ag Sigues WANTED—A hou ok eper who 1s It held RJ 1 1924 I ill Lutheran, ohureh, Elizabetitown, DYifats, per bi. +. .veuvsvvrers Cards
aylor of tladeiphia, spent sev-|on ‘Sunday morning and in the even- i Olvene : 1eld until January tiey Ww: astor, Rev. F « C The re
eral days here with the former’s|ing at Mount Hope. be an he oo Wi and H % "| be redeemed at full tace value, $100, nt gig ay Brandt & Stehman Sells: Blan! & Is
arents . nav . Cp ee . os : : J ) ¢ r. ughe, | » é ) ‘ :
Dafents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Me- Gingrich & Bro. delivered a stable Paoli y Mires: Nl oct. 8-1t.-nd. | or multiples thereof. Should a lodge |, phrother of the groom, and Miss] Wheat, nes Bil....cove vies 3240 Fol EH 5
7 . . a. «O-2%.- . | : S < £1 , an .
Kinley. full of steers to John Sowers and ee ———Neged | 1{8 ‘money hook at any tme, iS {ma (C. Bachman. of Bachuanvillo. {Sores pe ou. see casinaise sieves 250 la ag
The following guests were enter- son. T'hey are as fine as you want to WANTED—A married man to | certificates will be redeemed upon 10 [The pine ceremony was used. Fol- | Bran, De 100 thy. ir oan! Do gers ar
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |see and the price is likewise. work on farm the year round. Good | days’ notice at full cost price plus 3 |]owing the ceremony a wedding Mixed Feed, per 100 Tbs. Cogs‘ Receipts ac
Jacob Rider on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Werner while hanging to- (wages. Rent free’ with other privi-| per cent interest. The value and In- [ breakfast was served at the home of {Glutten, per 100 Dbs......... 3.60 Envelopes b
Elmer Strickler, of Rheems, Mr. and | bacco in the J. W. Geib barn fell lege S, Apply to H. Cr. Hauenstein, terest are guaranteed by the United {the bride’s parents, after which Mr. iCotton Secd Meal... ....... 4.00 P
Mrs. Raymond Forward, Mrs. Caro-|from the overhead to the barn floor Elizs bet! itown, R. 3. oet.l-2tlgriges Government. They are not land Mrs. Keller left on a wedding Linseed Meal, per 100 Ibs...... 4.95 Sipe h:
line Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Gus|and cut a gash on top of his head w ANTE D. A mood housekeeper, Sobject to market fluctuations, [trip to Olean, N. Y., and Niagara | {Beef Sorap.... civ. 5.50 / i Heads fo
Coble, Miss Rosy Flowers, Mr. Daniel | requiring a few stitches =. Rood SO | COrlinchios. ATa able ysl 1 77ulta is ; aE | Calf Meal, per 100 hs. ....... 150 Bili Sj
Flo 3 S303) , an 1 a Tew stitches. between the age of 25 and 40 years. ertificates are obtainable at post | Falls. On their return they will re- ig sar 100 1hs. 1.70 Iuvitatio
lowers of Elizabethtown, Mr. and This vicinity was shocked to heap Apply to Edw. W Rhodes 5 2, | offices and at all incorporated banks [side at the home of the groom's] Straw er 100 Py ‘30 : 2s I
ae Rye ; . ~ 0 +1 1 . : hae o ) . : ’ 4 s ol ’ . Gd ps D Cis ee eivies OU 1
— Mrs. Jacob Brown and Miss Elva|of the sudden death of Mrs. Benja- Wrightsville, Pa. sep.24-3t | and trust companies. The War Sav { parents. ranks iE 100 Ibs 5 25 Packet Heads 10
Hilt of Mount Joy. min Garman, of near Mount Gretna. ! —- Sees eset : ; ings Division, 1431 Walnut street, | 0 i eh ainne. L Head 1
— She Tormioric wee : Is : “ANDY. or iv 3 : : : | { etter Heads | [- he
a She formerly resided in this section. CANDY—Earn $25 to $50 weekly. | philadelphia, will supply further In- Would This Suit You? | | r Id
PA concourse of people attend Advertise— -men, women. Start one! jpo.ati , : ou is Su ou? Mrs Margaret Brown. of Greens-| 3 > rE ai
£ ncourse of le ¢ 1d- Ap, : v ONC formation upon request. | , 4 . Marge ’ 1 § is ice } €
SALE REGISTER ed funeral “777 | of our Specialty Candy Factories in| = ! P ues I have the 7-rcom house of Mr. Lure, Pa.. accidentally exchanged Call at this office b c«
re od Mis Dawe . your home, small" room anywhere. | Elmer Heisey, on Fairview street for | 54 th % Toon Lhe Perna. via. x seis a El
Thurs 9-_0On ths By boon yr ayROn Shearer €I1- | Grand opportunity. We tell how and It is said that ex Yad renil |sale. Here’s a cheap home and its rd with a an 8 ne Ts na. Bu i n 4
fos 2 rtlos YE, qe Drem-|tertzined the following on Sunday: |gymish. everything. Candymakers v 1s sald that exposure to weather [3," a 1 condition. The price is right tion in New York. Hers contained g ul no
i 3 miles 1 of Elizabethtown, M oseph She and Walter | tiouse, 1810 Ranstead St., Philadel. | auses greater destruction to farm | for an immediate sale. Present owner Is $10, 000 in money, gems and stocks 3 fl
mules, cows, heifers, hogs and im-| Shearer and family fF Manheim, and | phia, Pp a. sep.17-10t ¢ than using them Avoid | will transfer at once and pay rent. and his contained collars, shirts and IH i ]
plements by Amos C. Fridy, Trustea| Alvin Shearer and family wr | : Saha “thisloss by storing all machinery and| —— ED ire ocks. iu i S
” Sankraptey of John T. Olmg | Mastersonville. ? iB A single heater in|tools properly under shelter before] (orn is a splendid crop in Penn- rit A AOU riitesie i C n
Aldinger See advertise H. E. Stehman delivered We | irs dition with pipe radi-| winter sets in. s out of reach of dam- f { y
» J. W. Geib the other week. ne | at Wilmer Givens, Delta TTT farmers have 250 printing plants effecting mv b -
f them was unfortunate Fall | » oct. 8-1 Pamiostc Beans Lo prov t damarce dine wheat to avoid [10,000 men locked their employes Be or
through the hay hole on = oe A [1 weevil, For directions apply to Potatoes are better out in New York on Wedrewiay be- qr >
ord AMON friends and !the Bureau of Plant Industry, De-|th n rage crop but some com-jcause tn 1 mployes ae Fate ATE
: ; i thi fo t in differe arts of unreasonable demand for in- 3 \ : ;
DSODOO000ODOO00000000000 | n bors 1 ge guaranteed | partment of Agriculture, Harrisburg, |plaint from rot in different parts of s He oe he ma Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
| full line for men, women | Penna. the States. crease of $14 per week,

Eliminates darning.
$24 a week for full “uti o x
erience unne sary. ‘ite. Inter-
national Stocking “Mills, Norristown, ‘
Pa. oct.8-8t-pdiy
POSITIONS—The census and pathy
way mail clerk examinations soon. MF
Men and women needed, write us|
for our Special Preparatory offer
and free information, Inter State
Bureau, 907 13th, St., N."'W. Wash- of
ington, D. C. sep.Z4-tf “
Statement Printed to Comply With

And we are prepared to furnish youwith modern Hunting Clothing

and Ammunition.
We have a complete line in all sizes of the very best make of

Hunting Clothing, the Auginal Dry Back Brand in Coats, Pants,
Leggings and Caps with reversible red on inside, also hats.

This equipment is positively water proof, and is used by all ex-

Recently Enacted Law of Con- ;
perienced hunters. gress BUILDING LOTS 1 Will sell one or both BUSINESS STANDS barn, silo, 12-room brick house, bath 3
I | NO. 91—A 2-story frame house n, 30__Store property and dwel-|and heat; a real farm at a right to
Come in and look our line over. We will be glad to show you Statement of the ownership, man- No. 2—Four Lots, eaci 50x200 ty on West Main °St., Mt. Joy. Lot is ling ith steam heat, bath, ete. Also | | price. Sh
these goods at prices, far less, than the city stores are aski y for Agoment, S10, ofp Monn: Joy Buln Rory Barbare un Mops Jo%: ts | 205 ft. deep. Price, $2,400. brick warehouse at Lancaster Junc- No. 136—An 18-acre farm with hea
I » than the city stores are asking for letin, published weekly at Mount No. 28—Seventeen choice ts No. 92—A 2%-story frame house tion. Price very low. | bank barn, tobacco shed, poultry 2
them. Joy, Pa., Oct. 1, 1939. | fronting on the pike east of Florin, lon West Main St., Mt. Joy, adjoining Th ti te block |houses, 9-room brick house, summer her
Jno. E. Schroll, publisher, editor|Some front on Old Line of P.R.R. Ny ‘91, Price, $1,700. a e Hy Soncre= block |} ouse; good water, land all tillable tak
A complete line of Remington shot gun shells in black and and manager. No. 29—Four lots on Fairview| "Ng 106—A fine 8-room frame Manufacturing plant of : © land good producer. wh
smokeless ve Known bondholders, morgages | St., Mount Joy. Tract contains 1% | house with bath, on West Main st., at Horn, {oasther we 2 aa No 137—A 69-acre farm of all mad
Smoke ess. and other security holders, holding 5 |acres. { Mt. Joy, excellent shape, good stable, machinery, i Ings, Sontracts, esc Unicstons soul in Bact Donegal T-
per cent. or more of total amount No. 32—Two Lots in Florin, 2a¢h | chicken house, etc. | Price Yoly «ow. [room house with steam heat "and
of bonds, mortgages or other securi- | "No. 55 Toes front of Man 3 . on No. 110—The monn) Sumpman TRUCK FARMS | bath, barn, tobacco shed, all build- I
ties—None. No. 35—O0One_ Lot 5 0 .y | ti 15 t. on BE. =o i : Sie ain ra ( :
Jno. E. Schroll, Owner. | West Donegal St., Mount Joy. i 5 12 room house,; No. 15—Fine 12-acre truck farm | ings good and % of money can re two
Sworn to and subscribed before me |, No. 36—Two Lots each 45x21 12 | 1 conveniences, excellent condition. | close to Columbia, good house and yal. So . .
FRANK B GROFF this 3rd day of Oct. 1919. -, on Poplar St., Mount Joy. | A real bargain. barn, excellent land; produced $1,100 No. 138—A 8l-acre farm of all Rv
. x " W. M. Hollowbush, jt No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x- | No. 116—A 5-family stone house worth of tobacco in addition to all [limestone soil in East Donegal, 11- a
Notary Public. |200 ft. They front on Church St. |, North Barbara St., Mount Joy the trucking. Price $5,200. (room stone house, barn, tobacco K
MOUNT 19y, =a. | No. 66—Building It ay 2 | known as Shirk’s Row, a very good| No. 70—A 5-acre truck farm at|Shed, 5 acres meadow, % of money tow
; . on East side Poplar St ount Joy. , vestmen i .|can remain. t
Black Bob Tires 6,000 Miles SADDLERY PUBLIC SALE . Very desirable building | hor, A Toul frvesment, in Master | or 23) Springs, on etn eal | No. 139—A 89-acre farm of all J
of Int ont on the south side of | sonville with frame house, stable,|good water etc. Price, $3,500. limesone soil in East Donegal, 9- Str
PERSONAL PROPERTY | Marietta street. Will sell any num-|pytcher shop, ete. Must be sold | No. 82 A l-acre tract 2 miles | room brick house, barn, new silo, to- tow
{ —_— | ber of feet you want at $6 per foot. [before April 1st. | Ne of Mt Joy, with oe home | bacco shed for 9 acres, 10 acre S
£00G0000000000000000000COCOCO0A0C00000000000000000000 | EIURIDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1919 | No. 57—A b-acre tract ia the bore | No. 118—Lot 50 ft. front on E. | obi oy tl rieademw,. i of rine can remit: 14
c ’ 2) . |
—— - | + 19.9 v 1be s of Mount Joy, fine large lot and Main St., Mt. Joy, has two houses | ; {
> fit 12180 pb. m, Will be sold hy ne! ald be a money-maker for truck- that together rent for $18 per month. | No. 107—An 8% acre tract of land FACTORY BUILDINGS J








SO00C00COCICCITCCOCOCOOTOOCOCOCOOOOCO00O0OON0CO00000 SO00C00COCICCITCCOCOCOOTOOCOCOCOOOOCO00O0OON0CO00000 | un dersigned, under an order from : |in East Donegal, near Reich’s church, |
- Jol n T. Olmsted, Esq., Referee in|ing or speculating on building lots. price $2,500. Ve ame house vi shed, barn, ete.| No. 127—Lot 40x200 in Florin 13
Jarkruptey, about three miles north | The Dr. Ti a ft. :n Flor-! Yiu I act of 1:3 of pike, 7|84, 000.00. | with 2 1-story frame building 30x67 Rap
( bethtc an abot > | No. Tm + Ty amford, or arrisburg pi le s, stes , 3
. | abies tow 3d a it res; in, East Donegal Twp, Fronts oni com bovse corners walks, frame| No. 124—A 6- arce tract of gravel | ., € lectric lights steam ‘heat, base-
( f N 1 n, - D s ; 5 : ent, ete. Was formerly used as a
nl phin county, Pa., on the state road, [Mai in street with good frame factory stable, good well. Price, $1,500. {land with barn, 7-room frame house, Shite Gctory.
jo th ly of Chas. C ‘Madeira, | building 30x67 with steam heat and No. 122—Lot 25x180 on Fairview good well of water, only 2 miles from |" . aa : Gg
ge net property and assets of | electric lights. Will be sold separate St., Mt. Joy, 7 room house, stable, | Mt. Joy for only $900.00 |... Two large frame buildings in the
S (ior will sell an 80 ft. front on pike chicken house, ete., all in good shape. | Rhee = slate roots, ample light. hol
f , | with this factory, double house, $1,700. LARGE FARMS F ag 7 canning factory. Will Mas
two farms. |Stable, ete. All for only $3,000. Nos. 126 and 127—Two °~ good! No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm be i build : na ground or sell An
S. NISSI, EY GINGRICH practically | ev frame houses of the Grey Iron Cast-|timber and pasture land in West ndings = 1 arate : : An
ew and 0% th best. i DWELLING HOUSES r Co., on East Donegal St., Mt {Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma-| “ °° ficres and 49 perches di
A FAIR OF MULES | No. 4-—The J. Harry Miller prop- Joy. Price is rigl | No. 94—A 149 acre farm, iron 0! land Donegal with large Li
3 mn re t 1 ny place they are hitched joy. on Cojumbia Avenue, Mt. Joy. No. 129—A fi ly |stone soil, on Scravel pike, bank barn, | stone 1 converted into flats for E
REAL ESTA E and INSURA NC A number of Blas | horses and s rt No 5—A 16-room apartment built b 8-room house, shedding for 20 acres! reside 32,000. 18
A 3° far gas and sc 3 families on East Maina | tobacco. $90 pe
w I surpise. oF iving srsas | DOuse for 3 families on E M litobacco. $90 per acre. SAY
dg Te ea and of ng hiotaes Street, Moun it Joy. fo 1 »—A 65 acre farm near Con. FACTORY SITES J
lead a t ar qua i w
7 A 3 AF Fein Soe G. 8 in F ion, all farm land, running NS 10—A tract frontin 107 M
FLORIN, PENNA. Bell Telephone %, LOT OF CGWS AND HEII ERS os bank barn, brick house, ete. on the P. RR slong In 44 7 = 2
Sim rth ad 1 3 3H $6,000. Immediate possession. pe many advantages and centrally oS
3 a I I 27. 2—An 86 acre in Wes § located. One of the best in the town. o
S0000000000000OCT00000000000000000000000000CI00000000 | T SHOATS AND HOGS : I ever offered. 7 4150 have a number of properties :
| Tw 14 Stacks prope bai that owners do not care to have ade of
” 5 I Lie ’ t ioeation ut. No better gertised. If you don't find what you COW
+ 100000000000000COCOCO0O00CO0ICO000000CO000000000B0000 | |1K¢ * Snt jacuson, : ¢ Want in this list, call and see me. I 2]
. new; gears rements—a real home. acre tract of pave it. Sal
“a ot team saddle and w room and would he f Square, large ds
he CHAS. A. WEALAND harrows, culticat for business and dwelling combined. use new, trolley es Etes lot “of she » for cattle, Also 20 Leb
9 nN nd single trees, No. 83—A frame house and busi- any time. Price scales, ete., good well, also running 50 ebanon Co. farms from
$) P : J P Y log chains ters | ness stand on E. Main st, Mt. Toy. wright. water. Che ap. 3000, 200 acres at $4,000 to $22,- M
$ ainter anda aper Hanger chains, r ar e in business center. All improvements. No. 141—A 6-roo frame housej No. 13: wr 192 acre farm known far
Ya PONS, Y 3 ag ) No. 84—A frame house adjoining the furnace at the southernas the "Bro e AT west he
LARGE STOCK OF-WALL PAPER mowers and 3 Tous % icles not| No. 83; fine shape, all improvements Marietta boro. $700.00. {of Lawn, , large! CALL, PHONE OR WRITE wee
- 2X tione : ull set ox am a f
Always ofishand at reasonable prices. ¢ | ness, cor te for 4 ses. Made ” ¢
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished TY ie te Co ere ore, Pa. be
1] » commence at 12230 p. m., wv
; Thur 7, October’ 9th, 19%9, at the . nm
JOSE residence of C. C. Made when |
VIC a hy ORDS. ALSQ, BICYCLES conditions will be made known by |
21 EAST MAIN [ MOUNT-JOY, PENNA. F. B. Aldi A rustee. t)
7 . . mger, uct. 1 day
: at I
