[ESDAY, SERT. 24th, 1919. WRLLOOOLOLO0O0O0L0000000000000000000000000000000000 LI) eV rE TORRES CO. MI IA, JUST AS THE PIPE LINE REVOLUTIONIZED THE OIL industry Ee the products of the great oil wells immense dis- 1ces, thus cutting down overhead by eliminating the necessity tank cars and locomotives, so every American Store forms a in the chain.that connects you directly with the Producer. No middlemen’s profit to pay. Every unnecessary item of ex- pense eliminated—just one small margin between the cost of pro- duction and your table. This is the answer as to why your living costs less at an ican Store, quality considered, than anywhere else. 1, in Amer- ALL MILL BRANDS FLOUR, 12-1b.bag Your choice of any brand | in 1 stock. OUR VERY BEST TEAS, 12¢ 4 ho. et 15 1b pkg. The very finest quality to be had. FOUR B f E ND S—ONE QUALITY—Plain Black, Mixed, Old Country Style of India and Ceylon. OUR VERY BEST COFFEE, Ib Why not buy and drink the BEST to be had. The BIGGEST VALUE SOLD TODAY. One SIP and you will say it’s the “Best cup you ever drank.” SNOWDRIFT, 1-1b. can Pure vegetable shortening. Try a can today. lend for FRY- ING, COOKING and making all kinds of PASTE CLEANING NEEDS Chloride Lime, can.......10c Snow Boy Washing, pkg. .4%c “Asco’”” Ammonia bottle... 8c “Asco’’ Bluing, bottle 5c Insectine, can or bottle. ..10c Peterman’s Roach Food, can 8c Lye, can Old Doth Cleanser, can.. 8c Fine Brooms, each. ...60c, 70c Scrub Brushes each, 9¢, 11¢, 13c Dust Brushes, each, Enamel Buckets, each. . ECONOMY POINTERS “Asco” Table can. Best Barley, Pure Jelly, glass, .s...... 10c White Distilled Vinegar, Bottle, 12¢ can. .9, 17¢ Tc pkg 15¢ 9¢ 10c Syrup, Hershey’s Cocoa, Uneeda Biscuit, N. B. C Butter Thins, Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. . *Asco’” Macaroni, pkg..... Heinz Baked Beans, can 12¢, 17¢ Choice Broken Rice, 1b... .10c 15¢c, 25¢, 32¢ .35¢ .10c “ASCO” ROLLED OATS, pkg. 2 pac <- Straight white oats, the best or own. Packed in ‘sanitary ages. Prepared so that very little cooking is required. CHOICE MACKEREL, FINE, BIG, WHITE’ FAT FISH. May we suggest a well sookod mackerel for your breakfast tomorrow? CHUM LIGHT PINK SALMON, tall can Very fine quality. An economical dish. Croquettes, ete. Splendid for Salads, ¥ Best White Beans, lb “Asco” Baking Powder, can 5¢, 9¢ Fine Sugar Gorn, can Ide, 18¢ California Lima Beans, Ib. Best Dried Green Peas, Ib. 10c Choice String Beans, can 1215¢ .5¢ at cake .ie HIGH GRADE LAUNDRY SOAP, big : Buy Good for all general household purposes. this price. CHOICE QuALITy PEAS, can... $1. 60 A DOZEN quality. At this ! for next winter. Ib a dozen cakes Exe eptio 1all y fine t\ Zen or a case .OW CORN MEAL, est to be had ust BEANS, b 8 Cars ready t viv 4 3 uy tnetl LRADE PORK & 1 Cooked 1 dressing 0 Serv AND TIME, MONEY LABOR Flour, p Icing, both SAVES MAKE OYSTERS TASTE BETTER Oysterettes, pkg : Pat Best Trenton Crac ke L's, 18¢c Zatek Ritter’s itsup, bottle. ....12¢ I Sour 3, big bottle. ..14¢ bottle. ......12¢ India Fresh Cracker Dust, Ib. ...13¢ kg 22¢ pk .19¢ satisfaction 1b 3M eas Soda, 3c ito Puree, LOOOOOOOOO0OOO0 DO00000000000 20000000000CO000 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S. A WILSON INVADES HOUSE OF FOES CARRIES HIS BATTLE FOR LEAGUE OF NATIONS INTO HOME OF HIS ENEMIES. GIVES COST OF GREAT WAR Informs Them of Lives and Treasure Poured Out to Save Civilization, (By Mt, Clemens News Bureau) Aboard President Wilson's Speoial train—Carrying his war agalnst those who oppose the adoption by the Uni- ted States of the peace treaty and the covenant of the League of Nations in- to their households, President Wilson last week invaded California, And there, where the question on which league opponents have ham- | mered the hardest, that of Shan Tung— | 48 of most interest, the president found | the same enthusiasm among the peo- ple for peace and for insurance | against future wars. The people want | the 'ong controversy ended. They | war this country to be able to again tur. its undivided attention to social, | economic and industrial development, Their leaders may not feel this way, | but judging from the expressions which met the president on every side, The leaders have overstepped the Hmits of the peoples patience in thelr stubborn determination to force a change in the great document, Must Take This League. “We must take this League of Na- tions,” sald the president, “for there | is no way in which another can be | obtained without compelling recon. sideration by the powers. And fit WILLLLLLLO00000000000000000000000000O000COOCOOOOOOOOONOONNN. would sit very ill upon my stomach to | take it back to Germany for considera- tion.” “All over the world people are look- ing to us with confldlence our rivals along wil the weaker nations. I pray God that the gentlemen who are de- laying this thing may presently see it in a different light.” Germany, the president declared, is taking new courage from our delay in ratifying the treaty and her news- papers and public men were again be- coming arrogantly out-spoken, Deeply impressive were the the cost of the late war, It was the first time statistics have heen m the tremendous totals president's audiences, Cost of World War. said Pri Wilson, fitain and and her Do- 26,000, figures in lives that ade of and dolla 8. the ofMi public and shocked the Shows vap Ar, 000,000; Russi 18,000,000,000; Italy $1 including Belgium ,000,000,000 the expenditures and other small cou C00,000 I t the Central Powers as fol- lows: Germany $39,000,000,000; Aus- -Hung $21,000,000,000; Turkey 20 ry, snd Bulg: “The 1 said, hot its this, ria $3,000,000,000 nited States,” president dollars an for two years in civilization. All into insigni- the ‘spent one milion ir night struggle however and day to save fades WWIILOO0O00000O000OCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOO DOOO0OO00000000000 DOCOISOCOOT Velie “Six” & Velie Trucks f § LN Bem emma “BELL FOUR” Made in York, Pa. A. ZAEPFEL & SON Distributors for Lancaster County Schlotzhauer Community Garage, GREEN STREET LANCASTER, PA. County Distributors for Velie, Bell and Jackson Parts Bell Phone, Garage 837-J—Residence 661-W 414 the deaths by considered,” leclared Russia gave 1,- Germany 1,600,000; Gre Britain 900,- Unite the 1 States when are president, men; France 1,380,000; 000; Italy 364,000; 650,300. In all, almost 7,6(0,000 men perished in the great s.ruggle, or 1,500,000 more men than died in all of the wars of the previous 100 years. Should Remember Recent Horrors. “These are terrible facts, and we ought never to forget them. We went into this war to do a thing that was fundamental for the world and what I have come out on this journey for is to determine whether the country has forgotten or not. I have found out. The country has not forgotten and it will never permit any who stands in the way of the fulfillment of our great pledges, ever to forget the sor- rowful day he made the attempt.” | Arbitration and discussion, ident pointed out, must replace force | of arms in the settlement of world controversies, upon the fact that all the nations in ficance battle the 700,000 the League agree to do one of two | things, first to submit their differences to arbitration, In which case they agree to abide by the dered, or, if unwilling to arbitrate, to | have thelr case discussed by the Coun. cil of the League, in which case six | months {3s granted for discussion, | Three months must elapse the result of this last step in arbitra. tion before the nation concerned ean | | declare war. Holds Out Hope for Ireland. | The president took advantage of questions propounded by the San Fran- | eisco Labor Council to give the infer. 0O00000000000000000C0000000000000000000000000S | ence that he believes Ireland can bring EE E PILLS. YOU SURELY NEED ve, industrious liver. Small doses of these pills insure that. You may also need a purgative hen take one larger dose. Keep that in mind; u rich dividends in Health and Happiness. pr . Small Pill Small Dose or HEALTHY COLOR indicates Iron in the Blood. Pale or x Ax CARTER’S IRON PILLS A betved by her case before the League of Nations {for settlement when the League is actually in existence. Shan Tung, he dec turned to China. Japan, he said, had given her solemn pledge to that effect. | And with the League of Nations in force, said the president, we can, if | | occasion arises, stand forth and say, | | | “This shall be done.” el ree Hay-Fever Easily Prevented If you would like to prevent your- | self from the oncoming attack of | |hay-fever in August—start now. I | can guarantee great relief this Au- {gust and permanent results if in- | structions are carefully followed. All other diseases suecessfully treated | and a guarantee in every one if in- [structions are followed. For further |information phone or write to Dr. 'Geo. E. Crandall, 147 E. Chestnut ' St., Lancaster, Pa. “A builder of | health.” 7-9-1yr. tl eee. Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. EVERYTHING IN COM. PLETE READINESS FOR LANCS. GREATEST FAIR the vast audience is waiting and in a few days the cur- tain will rise on what promises to be the greatest fair given to Lancas- ter. The grounds have been given their final grooming, and as this is printed exhibits are being placed. In the matter of amusements the fair officials have outdone themselves this year. Polack Bros., 20 Carnival shows will be there complete and will occupy the midway—a quarter of a mile of headlines—something for ev- erybody, nothing to offend. Seven of the country’s greatest acts have been secured as free attractions in front of the grandstand. Not the least among them will be Lottie Mayer's Diving Girls, the greatest water act in America. Larger exhibits, faster racing, bet- ter facilities for exhibitors and visitors is the rule. Among the most important exhibits is a $200,- 000 herd of short-horn cattle—win- ners of all prizes at the Chicago Show. A man fully acquainted with pre- parations already made and who at- tends practically all the fairs in the East said the other day, “Among agricultural fairs, it's a giant.” Forty-five cents plus five cents war tax will be the price of admission to the greatest fair in the history of Lancaster. eee etl) Gee CANNON AND CROPS CONSUME THE SAME MATERIALS is set The stage the pres. | Constantly he dwells | decision ren. | following ! lared, will be re- | izer Supply. Every cannon crash and every burst-| [ing bomb on the battlefields of Europe | | uses up important fertilizer materials. J A single skirmish may consume more! | potential plant food than would be re-) | quired to feed the fields of an entire | township, and the quantities burned up during a real bombardment are tre- mendous. Last year more than 600,- { J00 tons of nitrate went to make ex- plosives, in the United States alone. Millions of tons of sulphuric acid were likewise consumed. Fertilizers and warfare bear a most mtimate and most sensitive relation- ship. War decreases the supply of fertilizing materials and at the same ime increases the importance of their 1se. Food production takes on a pa-; riotic aspect. The farmer’s tools of iroduction become of import: d only to the needs of the Yet when Mars the preference on materials soldier rather than to th accounts for the 1 from which fertilizers nce army it- biter sec- . is the 1 now a new dar fortilizer has . plant tion » chance 'oduction next spring way to get « eded for ne I't In now ang ne ge ne that is to sta tory ast until spring. But manuf 10W weturing « 1 day. and ca nean actories storage shipping ever) do not have space for wulk of goods, Finished goods be loaded directly on the shipped to the consumer. || Here is where the farmer must help.! He must place his order i tely) | and accept immediate In no other way can the be | solved. this roblem CAN AMERICA PRODUCE HER OWN POTASH? | New light is thrown on this inter- esting question by and figures contained in a the bureau of of the United | States department of agriculture. Bulletin * No. gives a careful | analysis of the probable facts soils 572 | try when apparatus for its recovery | bas been universally installed. On the basis of an average | tion of 90,000,000 barrels of the total potash escaping amounts to about 87,000 tons annt y. It has been demonstrated commercial- ly that 80 per cent of this potash is recoverable and experiments that 95 per cent of this : available form or may readi available. On this basis we | have a production of approximately 75,000 tons of available potash year. | Since only about produc- cement, at ’ be made 50 per cent of tHe potash in the raw material is ordinar> | | ily volatilized in the process of making | cement, as handled at present, Is a prospect of still further quantities toc be made available from | source. there are encouraging installation of collect- Ing apparatus and when once installe | the cost of potash recovery is smal! ———————————— | Now Get Busy | On account of advanced years of | | the owner, who wants to be relieved {of responsibility, I have five dwell- | Bi and a lot adjoining on North | Barbara street, Mt. Joy, known as Sherk’s Row, for sale. The price is {right as I can show you a ten per | cent. investment. Who wants it? Greater portion of money can remain. tf J. E. Schroll, Zit. Jov. tl A Ame Here’s a Good Buy The lot with two properties on E. Main street, of the estate of the late B. S. Dillinger. One house has all conveniences. Now don’t delay but see me at once ' of good and I will always speak a | Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Wartime Conditions Threaten Fertile | Farmers’ Inn Restaurant MOUNT JOY, PA. A. H. STUMPF, Proprietor I SERVE ANYTHING TO EAT IN SEASON DEVILED CRABS EVERY SATURDAY SOUPS, SANDWICHES, TRIPE, ETC., ETC, OPEN EVERY DAY Soft Drinks of All Kinds +» TRY WIZ THE FIZZ 7-16-tf \ PAGE TH PUBLIC SALE Sporting Hill | Near 1919 on the | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, Will be premises [Hinge or! ing Hil l, [row ing |to wit: TWO SORREL HORSES with at public sale of the undersigned at Dil- Mill, % mile west of Sport in Rapho township, the fol- described personal property sold THE CLOCK YOU WANT TO BUY AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. THE CLOCK STORE, [One Champion 2-ton new rims and | capacity mill wagon tires, one 2,600 lbs. | wagon with top, one 1,200 Ibs. capacity mill wagon with | (top, one 1,200 Ibs, capacity spring | wagon, a 1 and 2-horse wagon with | {shafts and pole, set 14-ft. hay flats, | set manure planks. good hand dump hay rake, 4%:-ft. Wood mower, grain cradle, bob sle igh with bed, good] [Oliver plow, 3 castiron feed troughs, | spring harrow, shovel harrow, spike | harrow, 2-horse scorer, 2-hole corn sheller with shaker sieve, 2 sets front | gears, 2 sets truck harness, set Heavy spring wagon harness, set buggy harness, flynets, collars, | bridles, lot of forks, rakes, shovels | 1-barrel copper kettle, one small cop- | per kettle, lot of stoneware, fruit | Jars, lot of home-made soap, lot of |chestnut posts, large lot of leather belting, 3 to T7-in. in width and various lengths, rubber belting, dif- | ferent sizes; bag trucks, warehouse | trucks, large lot of grain bags, (150 good as new); elevator belts with buckets, 2 dust collectors, lot of pa- | per bags, 2 platform scales, 600 lbs. { capacity; 3 grain scoops, iot of shaft. ling, screw jacks, wagon jacks, log and other chains, lot of carpenter [tools and a large lot of articles too | numerous to mention. { No Public Dinner Served | Sale to commence at 12 M., when | W. W. Apple & Son 131 North Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. 121 NORTH QUEEN STREST LANCASTER, PA. tem s will be made known by | H. K. DILLINGER. H. H. Snavely, Auct. W. A. Ensminger, Clerk. Sale Starts at 1:25 New York State and Erie Co. COWS AND BULLS andj | recent publication of | potash sup- | | ply to be had from the cement indus- | present | would | each | this | - 3 Bought Direct from the Farmers by . the Undersigned AT PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 26th, 1919 The undersigned will sell at public | sale at their stock yards opposite | the Farmers’ Inn, A. H. Stumpf, | Proprietor, Mount Joy, Penna., the following live stock to wit: 80 HEAD OF FRESH COWS BULLS of Bulls Steers and Cattle Beeves AND Stock SPRINGERS A Lot Stock Also 1 tock you Il positive- CONDITION:—Note at 60 days with count approved security added. J. B. KEL} Aldinger, Auct. Kreider, Clks. We are always the market for Fat, Bologna and Fresh Springers, Shoats and Fat Hogs. .ER & +RO. F.B Coble & mn MR. FARMER, , I am always in the market for tremendous! | Na A 2 We Lal” VEAL CALVES | | And will pay from 16 to 18 cents. [If you lave any drop me a card and | I will call by truck for same. | Monday, Thursday and Friday are my receiving days. C. F. CREIDER gna Cows bought at all times R. D. No. 2 COLUMBIA, PA.! VW. lore i Jeweler 37 WEST MAIN STREET Don. show | nount is in | Wrist Watches in gold tilled cases $10.00 'Octogan Shaped Cases $12. 00 'W. M. HOLLOWBUSH " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Bell Phone 43-R4 West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- day at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Second Floor, with W. C. Rehm. The present high prices of potash | | | | | Just What She Needed “T used a bottle of Chamberlain’s Thblets some time ago and they proved to be just what I needed,” writes Mrs. Volta Bankson, Chilli- cothe, Mo. “They not only relieved | me of indigestion but toned up my | liver and rid me of backache and dizziness that I had been subject to for some time. ‘They did me a world | good work for them.” sep.3-4t Cows, | Fresh Cows, Springers, Fat and Bolo- | je | DESIRABLE FARM | OF 102 ACRES | | { | Do You Want to Save Some Money? Re-insulating a bat- tery is about the most expensiverepairthereis. And there’s only one kind of battery in gen- eral use that isn’t prac- tically certain to be re-insulated—orjunk- ed—within the next year or two. That one exception is the Willard Battery with Thread- ed Rubber Insulation. we'll AT PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919 | The will offer at] [public sale, the premises, in | Rapho wnship, Lancaster County { Penna., the following described Real | | Estate to wit: { | A TRACT OF GRAVEL LAND {Containing 102 Acres & 35 Perches | | Situate along the road le ading from | Mastersonville to Mount Joy, known | [as the Samuel Garber farm, one- | [quarter mil of Hossler’s Meet- | ing House and miles northeast | from Mount Joy Borough, adjoining lands of Rudolph Forry, Isaac Eshle- (man, Wm. Christ, Aaron Metzler and | others. The impro vements thereon | erected consist of a undersigned on west LARGE] 2-STORY FRAME DWELL =| ; ING HOUSE with Frame | iy Summe use and Fur- AB hace Attached, FRAME BANK BARN, hed ttached with un- | West MOUNT Come in and tell you why. CHAS. NEISS, Mr. Street PENNA. co Main JOY, and bank dis- |{ FIRE INSURANCE TORNADO AND WINDSTORM INSURANCE ALL LINES OF AUTOMOBILE IN. SURANCE, FIRE THEFT, AC- CIDENT, ETC. E — LIABILITY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE i P RS. ABRAHAM BRADLEY. K. Waser, Auct. aul Keller, Clerk. [ SAI TRUSTEE’S REAL ESTATE SEPT. 25, ned v VALUABLE Employers and iblic Liability Elevator Boiler, Plate Giass Burglar, Automobile WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LL KINDS OF SURETY BONDS OLD, STRONG AND RELIABLE COMPANYS iahility Liar ity [ON T1 he THURSDAY, under wr th 1919 ACRES OF | 4 in , Rapho A FARM 126 14 ) situate Ie and Casualty In- 8 an opportune time to con- - | sider auto insuran Will possible Large Bank | On any of the above lines on request. and|{ 1 icit your patronage 100% | service. Story Stone th Sum- | erected 214 {Double Deis House, mer House, attached. {Bun Shed, lon rates w Toba co The HESS HERSHEY 340 W. Donegal St MT. JOY, PA. Bell Phone 63-R2 o'clock) made | PUBLIC SALE 1 On Thursday, Sopte mber 25, ing His Hoo z, GIRLS WANTED | Her pfiel A Tract of 20 Perches -story House, two when will be by LANC ASTER JRUST co, I'rustee of artin E. Garbe Auct r ywbush, Attorney terms nown Fr . H 1919 18 acres and d with la ree tw Bwilting “House, 1 } Barn, v: Apply at Bachman * Chocolate Factory Florin, Pa. FOR SALE — FRANTZ PREMIER AND SWEEPER-VAC ELECTRIC CLEANERS ALSO MOTORS A full line of Welsbach Gas Supplies | Globes, Ete. \LBERT A. GREENAWALT Jonas L. Minnich, Auct. Miller & Koser, Clks. SANITARY BARBER SHOP H. J. WILLIAMS, MT. JOY, PA Successor to Allen M. Way ~—Mantels, Burners, Agent for the Manhattan Laundry | —— | Sh p open daily. Monday till noon. |B. F. PEFFER. MOUNT JOY, PA. SATURDAY’S HAIR CUTTING 35c¢| 53 W. Donegal St. nov.1-1yr. NOTICE CHAS. S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JQ, PA. ¢ Prompt attention en to the Call. ing of Real Estate Personal Prop- erty Sales. Terms Mgderate. I have removed from Mount Joy | to 144 North Duke Street, Lancaster, | have poise a barber will be glad to have you e me when in the city. Ww here I sh nd call to see ALLEN M. WAY