MAXOTIR PREVENT ACCID} \ We read of accidents da’ly, resulting in dé The cause—a tire blew cut causing the car tc bak ont or turn turtle. Just a little expens wold have prevented the accident. \ REMOVE FEAR OF TIRE TROUB Before starting on a pleasure trip the question will the: tires hold out unti! we return? There is always a fear of having tire trouble to spoil what would otherwise be a very pleas- ant journgy. When your tires are equipped with MAXOTIRES, you need not worry about the spare tire, or feel that the next moment you will be\compelled to stop change a tire. \ MACHINE NEVER TIED UP A flat tire Wjll tie up your expensive machine. tive of the righi\gic and make is not available. There is delay in meeting business \engzagerients. This trouble often comes at a time when you mos need the car. These troubles make the use of your auto very unce By using MAXOTIRES you really have double tires on each w -the most improved method of scientific tire construction. PAY FOR THE MEELVES IN TIRE REPAIRS The expense of repairing blow-out in the outside shoe, to- gether with the inner tube if h, » more than the cost of a MAXO- TIRE. Many times the tube is ruiged while in most cases it is im- practical to repair the outside shoe. \MAXOTIRES would have pre- vented this blowout and paid for themselves in this one instance. always arises— Many times a DOOOO0OO0O0O00OOO0O00NON fain. cel \ DOOOOOOOOO0O0000OOODO0 " Watch this space next week. For further reference see John H. Tysan 208 East Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. AOO0O00000000CO000000000000G 0000000 0000000000000 SPECIAL SALE OF MORE--LITE LENS We have on hand a limited quantity of 8-in. more-lite lens we are offering at the special price of $1.00 per pair to fit the follow- ing cars: Buick’s model B. 24, B 25, B 36, B 37, D34,D 35, B. 35; Campbell all models; Chevrolet Model 1913-1914; Lercington all 1914-1915. models; Monroe; Scripps-Booth model Also a limited quantity of McGraw tubes sizes 30-3% at $.250 Distributor for the famous Black Bob 30-31% $20.00 tires. 6,000 miles N\ bY FRANK 'B. GROFF HARNESS HORSE CLOTHING FULL LINE ACCESSORIES MOUNT JOY, PENNA. OOOOO00000000O00000OOO0OOO0OOO0OOO0OLLLROLLLLLLOLLLLLL OO00O00O0000O00O0OCO0OOO0O000OLOOOODVOOOOOOOOOLROOOOVOOOT “The Home of the Boys” Mount Joy, Pa. Corner Main and Manheim Sts. Jacob G. Brown, Proprietor GROCERIES, “CANNED GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, CIGARS ICE CREAM, SODAS, SOFT DRINKS SANDWICHES, ETC. ETC. Good Prd Milk For Sale. I also Manufacture Butter. Pool Room, Shooting Gallery, Reading Room—in fact all kinds of amusement and entertainment for young men. ome Around Any Time You're Always Welcome —— CLARENCE SCHOCK : MOUNT JOY, PA. LES i COAL AOOOO0O000O0000000000000000 RAHN DDDODDOODOOLOOGOLO0 LIFE I & HEALTH - HIRE S. NISSLEY GINGRICH REAL ESTATE and INSURANC FLORIN, PENNA. Bell Telephone & Let #3 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Ich sae du worsht on der Waldt's Fare un hare du bisht widder tzurick. Won ich’s ga-wist het don het ich dere, by-chucks, g'sawt du sedsht uns en blotz ous-gooka far unser Hawsa Barrick Museum. Ich un der Billy Bixler hen en goote collection fun curiosities un mer hen’s ganawmed “The Great Hawsa Barrick Aggrega- tion of Natural Curimosities,” un hen g’maned mer wétta de gons bis- niss noach Chicago nemma den 800- mer, un hetta garn g’hot os du uns awennich ga-adfertised hedsht. Mer hen feel fun da ardickle der Sols Rever runner ga-brucht, un wile vader ebber ga-interest is in selera lond-shoft, mane ich, mere mista or- dlich geia waucha kenna derfun. Mohl’s arsht hen mere em Bench Harrison sime grose-dawdy si oldter shtitsa hoot woo de Demagrawda eme ivver de awga nunner gatzoga hen em ledshta Nofember; derno hen mere anes fun Grover Cleveland sina bobbeerna collars os dri-un-tswon- sich tzoll messed, un em oldta Hen- drick’s si bandanna schnoopdooch woo are nei g'hiled hut we de re- turns rei cooma sin fun der ’leckshon in ocht-un-ochtzich. Mer hen anes fum grossa Demagrawdisha politician Breckenridge sina reck woo are mit gale-feever kutz g’schmeared hut un se tsu da Union soldiers g’shicked dorrich der greek far es gale feever in de North shicka, aw em Mat Quay si nawma woo are ¢'signed hut we uff em pardon board wore far der Bill Kemble ous der penitentiary greega noach dem os are dri milluna dawler ous de Pennsylvania treasury shtaela hut wella. Mer hen aw en bocka-tzaw yadem asel im Pennsyl- vania Legislature, un es pickter fum ansichta member os sich si laeva net farkawfed hut tsu em Pennsylvania ligel-wake un der Shtandard Oil Coombany. Mer hen en wishly hore fum ansichta mon im county os sich net der hols ob f’schhora hut we are in office gonga is, un en finger-naw- eel fum mon os nix g'shtola hut de wile are in office wore. Mer hen de tzaw-lawd fum mon os oll si far- shprecha g’holdta hut tsu sina freind un de ansicht finf-cent segar os si laeva ous gevva is warra by ma kon- dadawt. Mer hen en shroub ous der lawd fum mon os tzaea yohr in boli- dix wore un is en grishtlicher dote ¢’shtarva, un feel onery socha os nemond si loeva derfum g’hared hut. Mer hen en weipsmensch os liever in de bade-shtoond in en mil- i liner-shop, en os liever in de karrich gait os fisha, en m; aide) 0s net | olla mohl in der sphigge draw farby lawfed, en monskarl feel fun sinera agena fraw denkend os fun sime nuchbar sinera, en duckter os si aega medicine nem- bt, en waerdt si shtuft net gleiched, en lawyer os net shtaled, en drooker os net leeked, en shtore- keeper os net badreeked, un en dri- banich kolb mit sivva serwentz. 0s galt os boo gooked os | se 0S SO 0S Now, won du in dinera gonsa trip en graesery aggregation fun curi- mosities g’saena husht don luss mich’s wissa. Shribe nows un sawg sella karls os mere cooma daida un se setta uns en shtand uc holdta naixt on Demagrawdisha head- quarters wile mere em Chicago was- ser nat drowa. etl ee FROM COAST TO COAST A Remarkable Chain of Home Testi- mony. And Mount Joy Adds Its Voice to the Grand Chorus of Local Praise From north to south, from east to west; In every city, In every state in the Union Rings out the grateful praise for Doan’s Kidney Pills. 50,000 representative every walk of life. Publicly testify to quick relief and lasting results. And it’s all for the benefit of fel- low sufferers. In this grand ‘chorus of local praise Mount Joy is well represented. Well-known Mount Joy a: Tell of personal experiences. Who can ask for better proof of merit? H M, Brown, Mt. Joy St., Mount Joy, says: “I had a dull, throbbing ache in my back just over my hips. Soreness settled over my kidneys and my kidneys were frequently in action and I had to get up at night quite often. In the morning I would feel all tired out. 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they promptly helped me and soon entirely relieved me of the trouble. I haven’t had to use Doan’s Kidney Pills for quite a while now, but I keep them on hand to use as a preventive.” _ Price 60c, at all dealers. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney I —the same that Mr. Brown had. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ——— every community; people in Don’t Despondency Sufferers from indigestion are apt to become discouraged and feel that plete recovery is not to be hoped con for No one could make a greater n tke. Hundreds have been per- tly cured by taking Ch: Tablets and can now eat : 12 that they crave. These strengthen the stomach and it to perform ly. If you have So at once. ——————— Who Wants a Parm I have for sale an 86 acre farm ir West Donegal township, that is, be- yond a dobut, the best farm of its size T have ever offered. Limestone land excellent producer, good build- ings, excellent location. Must be seen : enable its functions natural- not tried them do sep.3-4t to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt { Joy. tf THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, NT JOY, LANCAS MERS' COLUMN J Items in Fore Columns Are Prepared In the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. and are Re- liable and Trustworthy GRASSHOPPERS FOR CHICKEN FEED Grasshoppers make good poultry food, and wherever the insects a- bound they may be utilized, if desired for egg and meat production by eith- er capturing them and feeding them to the flock or liberating the flock on the range that the hens may catch the grasshoppers. A grasshopper catcher, 16 feet long with an upright piece of curved tin at the front arranged that the insects will hit against it as they hop about. thus causing them to fall to the bottom of the trap and backward through a narrow opening into a box at the rear of the machine, may be useful on fields where the grasshop- pers are abundant. The tin front does not extend quite to the bottom of the trap, where just in front of the tin shield, is another strip of tin placed so that there is an opening about 1% inches 2 inches wide. This front strip USE SO SO or 2 or lip may be made by using a 16-ft. length of gutter, one side of which is flattened outward. The back and top of the box in the rear is covered with wire screen, while the top should be hinged in such a manner that it can be easily opened and the acumu- lated grasshoppers removed as de- sired. A horse is hitched to the extended beam at each end so that the catcher may be dragged over the infested field beginning at the sides and working towards the center of the area. Ordinarily a boy riding on each horse can easily operate the machine. A heavy rope attached to the hames so that it drags a few feet in front of the shield is advantageous in that it stirs up the insects just before the catcher passes. The grasshoppers can be dumped into sacks and hung up to dry, sub- sequently being fed as dry grass- hoppers, or if the poultryman de- sires, he may feed the grasshoppers alive, the grasshopper trap being hauled into the poultry yard: and placed so that the front end faces the light. The insects will make their way out of the cage just about as fast as the ordinary flock of chick- ens can eat them. By such manage- ment the grasshopper catcher is transformed into a poultry self- feeder. HOW TO KNOW A BAD EGG The absolutely fresh eggs against the light shows a distinctive pinkish glow of goodness. Let that egg, how- ever remain out in the sun or in the summer heat for a little time, and ny U. 8. A. 0 NTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TR» SeORRRE SEP What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction—and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! XPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi- nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. 18 cents a package low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re- taining the desirable “body.” Camels are simply a revelation! You may smoke them without tiring your taste! For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll best realiza their superior quality and the rare enjoyment they provide. Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. + * BIGGER Than Ever-- THE GREAT I always have on hand anything is the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttor which char- flooter.” the top and shift easily, acterizes it a “light as another type of bad egg which most people would think for food. The yolk is a firm golden ball and the white a clear liquid. But the white has a greenish color-- and the green indicates that the egg is full of bacteria—it “green white egg.” good is a LOCATING A POULTRY HOUSE Select a location for a poultry house that has natural drainage a- way from the building. A dry, por- ous soil, such as sand or gravel loam, is preferable to a clay soil. In most localities the building should face south, which insures the most sunlight throughout the year. Allow about 3 square feet of floor space to a bird. Proper ventilation and sunlight means a dry house and healthy birds. Chickens should always be provided with fresh. clean drinking water. Charcoal, grit, and oyster shell should be placed before the fowls so that they can have access to them at all times. The hens’ greatest egg-producing periods are the first, second, and third years, depending upon the breed The heavier breeds, such as Ply- mouth Rock, may be profitably kept for two years; the lighter breeds, such as Leghorns, for three years. SHEEP AND LAMBS MAKE REC- ORDS July receipts of 457,619 sheep lambs were the largest on record for that month at the Chicago Stock Yards, exceeding by 1,906 animals an increase in the number of market- able lambs and a oslto the fact that earlier lambing and marketing are being practicec Drought conditions in the Northwest range district and the late start of Tennessee and Ken- tucky lambs marketward also were factors in swelling the July receipts. -.. LL i lo®ibhbh’bL’rpih An Excellent Buy I have a lot in Flori in, East Done- gal township, fro 80 ft. in Main | St. and 200 ft p, corner lot with| a double house, frame stable and a factory bu r 30x67 ft. =with steam heat and electrie lights. I am going to the entire plot with all the buildings for only $3,000. Who wants this bargain? Call, phone or write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf ——eetl Cee Harvest Home Services The annual harvest home of the Maytown Reformed was held on Sunday. Vegetables and flowers all kinds added to the decorations and the efforts to surpass serv.ces church of former events was a successful vogue. Rev. C. M. Mitzell, pastor, within a day or two it will begin to show “blood,” a tiny series of little blood vessels forming around the embryo of the yolk to go toward | Again, the yolk may mix with the| white and make a “white rot,” a con dition also revealed by the candle. The final stage is che “black rot,” where no light at all can be seen through the egg. The egg has now reached the explosive stage, which makes it such a favorite misile of the average boy. There is, however, the former record of July, 1912, ac+ cording to the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. This year’s run exceeds that of July, 1918, by | 117,277 animals. The increase is attributed to the mild weather and favorable spring which resulted in | H. H. KRALL % Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone ALLENTOWN FAIR For Sale Choice Duroc Jersey Boar PIGS February and April Farrow Ful pedir Fumiea (3 SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 RAYMOND > Z00K THE ONE BIG FAIR OF THE YEAR Route No. 1 Mount Joy, Pa. $35,000 in Purses and Premiums 16 Trotting and Pacing Races Automobile Races on Saturday ROUNDS more beautiful than ever. G 10,000 people. Nineteen vaudeville ADDED ATTRACTION Double-Team Race, Friday, Sept. 26, for $2000 Purse Winner Takes All. All large buildings handsomely decorated. cles and novelties will be shown that the United Shaving Hair Cutting Grandstand seats over and circus acts. Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. Goods called for Monday. West Main St., Mount Joy $95.50 Will buy a Pipeless Furnace Write for catalogus and particulars. arti- uses and Over Sta 70,000 ites manufacturers. The Big Midway lined with new and novel features. Largest Poultry and Pigeon Display in the World TRANSIT SERVICE UNSURPASSED All Roads Lead to Allentown—Accommodations the Best Km M No Fair can offer better travel accommodations than this Gi- D. . ohler gantic Exhibition. Special trains and reduced rates on all rail- 266 Woolworth Building roads—The Reading, Lehigh Valley, Jersey Central and Perkiomen LANCASTER. PA. R. R. The Lehigh Valley Transit Co. will h Ave direct connections to the grounds from Sixty-ninth Street, also Chestnut Hill, Phila- 8pridveme, delphia ~~ DO NOT FORGET THE FAIR WILL BE SIX DAYS, MONDAY, BIG AUTOMOBILE RACCLUSIVE. COME TO THE SE 22 f N SATURDAY NOTICE FARMERS! SEPT. 22, TO SATURDAY, 27, INES ON SATURDAY H. B. SCHALL, Secretary Have you any tobacco on hand yet, such as wrappers, 7 fillers or scrap? Or do you OO0000000O0CO00000CO00000COC00000000ODODCIOLOOOOO000 know of any? If so, please . - drop me a card. Yours very truly, I . rshe { Abner M.tle ¥ || Insurance Rates Have Been Reduced New Haven St., Mt. Joy, Pa. aug. 6-41 10 per cent. as of Sept. 1st - J EE ETT Now is the Time to Take Out That City Shoe | Additional Line You Need Repairing Company | OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES Henry G. Carpenter West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. LANCASTER. PENN .. ne | 80 and 52 South Queen Street . ui Jory Covington, Soren) NURSERY STOCK AT ONE-THIRD AGENTS PR FS jain's Colic und Diamhnen Remedy | fg camp as ETERS or Re a was in charge. spraying. © THOMAS E. SHEERIN, NURSERYMAN. 13 RIVER ST., OANILLES prompt relief.” sep.3- i