oS 00.4% ogee 7 ot *. 0 So * 4, » + ©, 9, oe? 4! 9, ho? 9, bot ®, VR) XaXg 4, 4 be! 9, o> 0% Ge? *, > 9 000%, , » 0 9h *. 0 ' a? 06% 050 CERIN a aS rod &, Poe? te @ %s $a a0 a8 ror ede ede a... i: ky RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES unday School 9:00 J yo. oT - HN *\ ET ” ) / of that Some Women s. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wi is., says: I suffered fro female tr 1 caused pi ke a Ki i rh my LWCK al i | 1 trength so I} ad t te but I woul Lydia E. bottle br IC All women who | male 1 Lydia E Pinkham S V eget ab le Compound. How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio.—*I suffered from a fe male trouble which aused me much suffering, and two doctors de i 18 1 that I woul d have to go through an operation before I could et wel e “My Eoter who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, advised = e to tryit be- fore submitting to an operation. It relieved mefrom my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise an y woman who is afflicted with” female fre ible a to give Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vege- 1 Jokhanr's Vi table table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them " - MIS. MARIE Boyp, 1421 5th St, N. E., Caaton, Ohio. #« THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, VEGETABLE COMPOUND) Before Submitting To An Operation] DLA E.PINKHAM MEOICINE CO. LYNN, MASS, J # LANCASTER COU » PENN: 2 ) end CAN. tor) making up the set. ing system. and generator. STARTING LEVER on control panel. The SET can be used as an engine only. Western Electric POWER and LIGHT DUAL-CONTROL method of battery charging. Bat- tery charging, an extremely delicate and difficult pro- cedure, is made simple by the dual-control method which is a feature of this plant. The engine and generator are designed to give the battery a tapering charge—the en- gine automatically stopping when charging is completed. This TAPERING CHARGE allows just the right amount of current to flow into the battery at all times. It is the best way of charging and prolongs the life of the battery. In addition to the regular charging it is well to give the battery from time to time what is known as a ¢ ol 2:30 P. . ‘ re sale a farm containing NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE 6:30 P. M. Sue. perches, situated in the CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY | 7:30 P. M. Fu. krvice. of NEW PROVIDENCE, BORO AND THE ENTIRE Mid-week prayer service Wednes- State lighway, near trolley : SURROUNDING COM- day evening 7:30 P. M. road, having a large two-story brick MUNITY | dwelling house with heat and vault, a tenant house, | co sheds and farm is a licensed hatchery, — Trinity Lutheran Church Mark's United Brethren Church | Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Rev. C. A. Snavely, Pastor | Bible School 9:30 A. M. A. M. | Morning Service 10:45 A. M. stable, hog pen, excellent well of wa- q ar, 1-3-acre of land. Beauti’ul place “.: Edgar Sherts, Atty. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE LANCASTER COUNTY FARM & FISH HATCHERY The undersigned will se 11 at public “VILLAG E along the and rail- bath, hot air! frame two tobac- | On this commercial fish | a series of two-story bank barn. other buildings consisting of sep.3-1t soaking charge. This means extra long life to the bat- tery. The battery switch provides for this periodic soak- ing charge. By the dual-control method the battery is charged as it should be. EXTRA POWER. This is more than an electric power and light system. The set can be used as an engine only. A 6-in. pulley on the main shaft of the engine may belted to line shafting and other machinery and run by the engine independent of the rest of the plant. SPLASH-FEED OILING—the perfect oiling system— best system for plant operation—saves lubrication cost. BURNS KEROSENE—vacuum-pump system—most economical; most satisfactory from every standpoint. 47 Worship and Sermon 10:15 A. M.| Evening Service 7 P. M. thirty-three fish ponds in good con- | a . tii ; Y.P. 8. CE. 6:45 P. M. | The Women’s Missionary Society |ditibn. | CLEAN-—no oil drippings; no fumes. Prayer-meeting Wednesday 7:30 meets Tuesday evening, Sept. 9th At same time and place there will | Watt Hour Price P.M. in the 8S. S. room. be sold a wood lot in Providence C : ie Choir rehearsal Friday 8 P. M. township, containing 144 | T 8-h Apachy : : erches. ype -hour Basis Fl U. B. Church rel Qe perc : ] Rev MH Miller aos Sale on farm in village of New : 15-DC- 90 2700 $550.00 Sundc Sa h 1 9:30 ) For a Quick Buy Providence at 2:30 p. , on FRI- 15-DC-180 5400 645.00 RO it Broiee 10:20 tol pore 8 8ne gue poms in Baw: DAY, SEPTEMBER (five), ommunio ervice iU:o%. for vil e, along the ancaster an 1919. ; | Alwa Ss a ne th a . oe Harrisburg pike, 7 room frame house, ANGIE W. PEOPLES, | Hod y dic h $size of any Dettery in toys of Watt concrete porches and walks, frame Executrix of Hiram Peoples. urs as discharged on S-hour basis. is is the stand- ard for determining battery capacity. live. Will take $1,500 for a quick e. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf remem men they 'ubscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. for. Why not YOU? 20030400 30-630 430 a3 e30 30 030 os 30030 0304 0030 430030450 0504304 Joaleddodeddedds * * A Rare Bargain Here’s one of the best properties I have offered for sale for some time, especially when condition and price are considered. Four years ago the late Horace Cox built this Bungalow for himself at Florin, and builtit right. As it is too much house for his widow, she will dispose of it. Lae 2 Pr There are five rooms and bath on first floor, and three nd floor. Hot water heating plant, electric gp closets, rooms and attic on Sec lights from cellar to attic concreted, large porch, all Yale positively in this section. even in two large cellars, one ardware used thru . LL In the JNO. E. SCHROLL Both Telephones Mount Joy, Penna. ’, bn J CW) e pe plas RED’ BOOOOC Look at our advertising columns snd see the many su~cessful business represent or rather spiel: | 9, ®, 0 9. 9, 0 9. 9. Se adeefesded Seeded co nf ORS 0, eae aes 030-050 050 4 oiled XX Sede ed 0, Seadeade adel CX ead O04 > ot oy ood FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ASK > *%* 9, %* | 8 I A IM 3 RRR TR RA ET ET eh NER SETI RR 0. 0, & 0% 46% > 20-0 * La’ 9, * O ** ®, ho J Xa) ret J 90.00, > ®, * > re ety 9, 9, @. > 20-4, . RE | __ . >, ® U.S. A. 00100 BETTER THAN WE CAN TELL IT WHEN WE SAY THIS POWER AND LIGHT OUTFIT OUT-DOES ANY OTHER FROM THE STANDPOINT OF PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE, WE ARE ONLY GIVING YOU THE JUDGMENT OF THOSE WHO KNOW BEST—THOSE WHO OWN IT. THEY HAVE USED IT AND KNOW, SO THEY TELL IT BETTER THAN WE IT PUT THEIR FARMS ON A HIGHER PLANE—GAVE THEM EVERY CITY CONVENIENCE—SAVED EXPENSE-—GAVE DEPENDABLE SERVICE NIGHT AND DAY. The engine, generator and control panel are mounted on one base (the engine connected directly to the genera- 16-cell battery for service when engine is not being run, makes up the outfit complete. The ENGINE is air-cooled, throttle governor, burns kerosene and develops 3%; horse power. Kerosene supply tank in base—fuel pumped by a vacuum- feed. Special air-cooling method for engine The GENERATOR is supported by two bearings and designed to give tapering charge. Device for stopping engine automatically when battery is fully charged. H. S. NEWCOMER, E06 AL ESTATE ' WEDNESDAY, - SEPT. Slum ) 1 1100 OO 1000 0 Splash-feed oil- EEE Wester, POWEREL : 5 s : : f ; - 2 : gq o x : . ® Mount Joy, Pa. . 9 * $9.00. 00, BUILDING LOTS No. 81—A 3-story brick mansion ” I I 200 £ Maytown, excellent location, has No. 2—Four Lots, each 50x2 2 ro. Yak y : Tn «ig St is on all improvements—a 1ea] home. Has o | Fe BEY Why x v. [large store room and would be fine 3 | No. 6—Two Lots, each 40x197 ft.. [for business and dwelling combined. 4¢ on Frank St., Mount Joy. | 3 c | No. 88—A frame house and busi- %| No 28—Seventeen choice Jia vem stand on E. Main st., Mt. Joy, DIRE ron iting on the ig i ast of Rilo in business center. All improvements | Some front on C Jane oO . | 5 oe oa | No. 84 —A frame house adjoining 2 1 No 29—Four lots on Fairview | No. 83; fine shape, all improvements. *e St., Mount Jov. Traet contains 114 will sell one or both +o» | ACTS. { NO. 91—A 2-story frame house oF No. 32-—Two Lots in Florin. each lon West Main St., Mt. Joy. Lot is ? 190x200. They front on Main St. | 205 ft. deep. Price, $1,400. oe % s No. 35-—One Lot 50x65 ft., on| « No. 92—A 234.story frame house #3 | West Donegal St., Mount Joy. ton West Main St., Mt. Joy, adjoining * gy | No. 91. Price, $1,700. %* No. 36—Twe Lots each 45x212/! &. | 't., on Poplar St, Mount Joy. [ No. 106—A fine 8-room frame T : Ki 2 oh | house with bath, on West Main St, oo No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x-|Mt. Joy, excellent shape, good stable, & 200 ft. They front on Church St. | chicken house, etc. 2 No. 66 Building lot 45x213 ft.! No. 110—The Emanuel Sumpman 49% | on East side Poplar St. Mount Joy. |property fronting 150 ft. on : - i arn] S ov 2 10 ole 77—Very desirable building | Donegal St., Mt. Joy, i room house, 3 ting on the south side of 111 conver riences, excellent condition. Y v reet. Will sell any num A real bargain. 0* of feet vou want at $8 per foot. No. 116—A 5-family stone house os 7 A 5-acre : , the borc | OD North Barbara St., Mount Joy 3 an ze lot #hd known as Shirk’s Row, a very good %° aev.maker for irgek. Puy: A real investment. of lating building lots No. 117—Lot x200 in Master- ® tract : e with house table +, Must be sold %’ Bh £ 3 m E 5 uses . nth [ ING HOUSES ¥ ¥ rv Miller 1 Mt “TOC = or tJ : a's 4 5 iC nouse 1 r.orm, M Gob A. Wiley property : s. row of six newly built Lancaster. € uses on Hazel St., ). 51—A large frame house in all n, the S. S. Stacks property. S 4, .$, s* *e > ground on two sides. 25x210 ft on David [sonic Homes : a quick sale. St., Mount Joy, with 214 story frame | $30 an acre for house, slate roof, concrete walks and | No. 94—A 149 acre farm, iron pavement. {stone soil, on Scravel pike, bank barn, No. 182—A fine modern frame |8-room house, shedding for 20 acres No. 130—Lot house, 8 rooms and bath, heat, gas | tobacco. $90 per acre. in every room, large stable, resi- No. 95—A 65 acre farm near Con- dential section; Marietta St., Mt. JOY | awago Station, all farm land, running water, bank barn, brick house, etc. for $6,000. Immediate possession. —An 86 bungalo in| electric light, new, trolley at No. 102 No. 134—Beautiful Florin, hot water heat, bath, 8 rooms, house acre farm in West door. Possession any time. Price | Donegal, finest farm I ever offered, right.. . goed buildings, on piked road, 4 BUSINESS STANDS acres timber ready to cut. No better . : | farm in the ccunty. No. 30—Store property and dwel- ling with steam -heat, bath, Also No. 128—A 3l-acre tract of brick warehouse at Lancaster Junc-|87T¢ avel land at U nion Square, large tion. Price very low. house, lot of shedding for cattle, scales, ete., good well, also running |water. Cheap. No. 133—A 192 he Brool dale No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, | machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. |? Price very low acre farm known farm TRUCK FARMS price. No. 15—Fine 12-acre truck farm | close to Columbia, good house and barn, excellent land; produced $1,100 No to all the trucking. Price. $5,200. |\ith -acre truck farm at s, none better, excel- an abundance of fruit Price, $3,600. tract 2 miles house FACTORY BUILDINGS -acre rth of Mt. Joy, with frame able, etc., $900 No. 97—A tract cf good soil i y Grove. frame stable, ete. For quick 1 on’t find x this list, call and see me f water Also 20 Lebanon Co. farms from LARCE ARMS 40 to 200 acres at $4,000 to $22, 12 re tract of Tasm 09000 12—An e tract oI Iarm er and pa land in West ——————— Dor egal township, tract adjoins Ma- | CALL, PHONE OR WRITE 4, Po, 4 % CW) %* et Pe 9, Aa X > oe BOTH TELEPHONES & MOU! INT JOY, PENNA. Ng » se lw io kas R 7h Bas =] te th la ga Se ha wl Zi mi pa de we Ne Se be on eig nu by Scl wil fer hol sto Se; hea Con a l } bee oa } tio: ject the 17 Re in tl | i ( inju fam | ago wer hon 3 Ric Pre; Rhe con: