The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 03, 1919, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3rd, 1919

BCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. |

“The Live Store”

ription Price $1.50 a Year
Sample Copies FREE
Single Copies 3 Cents
Three Months 40 Cents
Six Months 75 Cents
Entered at the post office at Mount
)Y as second-class mail matter
The date of the expiration of your
ubscription follows your name on
he label. We do not send receipts for
subscription money received. When-
ever you remit, see that you are given
proper credit. We credit all subscrip-
tion on the first of each month.
All correspondents must have their
ions reach this office not
intended to make “pull away?”

“act quickly”” and come here while our semi-annual
later than Monday lelephone news
of importance between that time and
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Charges
for advertisements must positively
reach thi ffice not later than Mon-
day nigh New advertisements in-
serted if copy eaches us Tuesday
night. Advertising rates on applica-
The subscription lists of the Lan-
disville Vigi, the Florin News and the
Mount J Star and News, were
merged with that of the Mount Joy
Bulletin, which makes this paper’s
circulation about double that of the
ordinary weekly.

Mr. J. B. Eshleman is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Miss Mary McCurdy is
her vacation at I
Mrs. Lew I
spent Thursday at Lancaster
Mrs. Walter Sharp spent Monday
in Marietta with her friends. |
Harold Antrim, of Parkesburg, is
visiting his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Grove.
Mrs. Emma Miller, of Philadel-
phia, Pa., is visiting friends in town.
Webster Buller, of New York city, |
friends in
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wolfe, of
Bloserville, Pa., are visiting their |
Charles Hollenbaugh
home after spending a week at Ak-
ron, O.
Harry Frank, Jr., and Elmer
Grove, are visiting friends in Phila- |
delphia. |
Mrs. Lena McDonald, of Philadel- |
phia, is visiting her brother, Clay-
ton Loucks.
Miss Edna Frank is spending some
time in York, with her cousin, Eliza-
beth Frank.
Andrew Albright, of Newton, N. J.
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Albright.
Reah Markley spent a few days at
Marietta with his daughter, Mrs
George Hoover.
Donald Houseal returned
having spent some time in Philadel-
and Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houghman,
of Lancaster, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
| daughter, Marion are
Harter and family.
Mrs. Annie Clark and children, of
Philadelphia, are visiting her sister,
Mrs. James McClure.
Rev. and Mrs. Witmer and chil- |
dren are spending the week at Cen-|
tral Manor campmeeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beny and
daughter Rhoda, of Westville, N. J., |
are visiting Mrs. Harry Sload.
Miss Martha Forrey returned to|
her home at Hellam, after spending
the summer with J. A. DeHoff and |
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraybill and |
daughter Mary of Harrisburg, spent
the week-end with the Misses Shue- |


: ' |
1 daughter |

spent the week-end with
B. |
Gangler and
visiting Dr.

Mrs. Lillie Welchans spent Sun-
day at Hummelstown, the guest of
her son, Charles Welchans and fam- |
ily. |
Master George Bower left for
Cleveland, O., where he will make
his future home with his brother, J.
Henry Bowers.
Miss Belle Fitzkee, who is in train- |
ing for a nurse at Jefferson Hos-|
pital, Philadelphia, is visiting her|
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitz-|
Mrs. Wood, of Essington, Pa.,
Mrs. Kelling, Mrs. Henderson, Mr.
George Pridgett, wife and mother,

ey cee seg a
TN 4 a eT £8 677

Mr .Smith, all of Millville, N. J., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Terry. |
Lillian and Jean Sload, Emma |
Hank, Mary and Susan Evans, Anna
Mary Evans, Mrs. Cyrus Evans, Mrs.
Patterson and daughter, Helen, pic-
nicked at Heisey’s woods, near
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Keiser, Mr.
and Mrs. George Shad, Mr. and Mrs.
North Loucks, Helen and Marie
Harter, Mabel Yeagle, Rose Harp, |
Irvin Neiman and J. A. DeHoff spent |

Copyright 1919 Hart Schaffner & Marx
Thursday at Willow Grove Park.
The following persons attended |
the Lancaster Auto Club picnic at |
Hershey on Friday: Mr. and Mrs. G. |
A. Harter and daughter, Helen: Mr. |
and Mrs. E. E. Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Hollenburg, Harry Frank, Jr.,
CImer B. Grove, Joseph Huntzinger,
Mrs. C. C. Hicks, Mrs. Cleve Sload, |
Mrs. Harry Newcomer, Mrs. Emma
Miller, Mrs. Frank Ebersole, Mrs.
1 daughter, Anna

r™ \
Neckwear Reduced
$2.00 Ties $1.50
$1.50 Ties $1.00

Florin painter with pleasure. $1.35 to $2.00 per basket.
Church of the Brethren held their
regular Sunday morning services in ing a few weeks at the homestead
Sunday with Revs. S. S. farm near Lawn, Pa.. has again re-
icob Loraw, the
lecorator with his
ing the B. H. Greider resi-
force are


rE +h nlace
ce nis place


terline families entertair
J. E. E zr to spend a week or more. The Rheems base ball
2 large number of t their Enos Floyd and John Roland made ' managed Enos Floyd
homes after church last Sunday. a trip to York county one day last/the Maytown nine one evening last
as the guest of Miss Miriam K. Bard.| Miss Anna Foreman, a student at week with the large auto truck upon week at
The P. R. 'R. Co installed electric | Millersville State Normal School which they loaded 238 |
lights around} the Rheems station, |spent last week in Phliadelphia, visit- Elberta peaches which they readily {they played an interesting game be-
illuminating Pe place quite bright [ing relatives and combining: business
last week at Philadelphia. team,
Miss Anna Olweiler of Elzabeth-
town, spent one evening last week
guests a

crossed bats
Elizabethtown, on the]
baskets of | Kline Chocolate Co. diamond, where |
Always Reliable
Mrs. George Greiner after spend-|
Mr. and Mrs nuel M ason enter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heiser and Shearer, Nathan Eshleman and turned to her son, N. N. Greiner and
tained their family Mon s Dick and Vince spent Saturday Hiram Eshleman upon the bench. family where she enjoys the long
Labor Day. ~~ un Pi yngst tives in Rica R. Kravbill days by watching the many automo-
i Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grei from Harrisonbur Va. ; i biles passing on the state highway.
Saturday at I ster, ( Mr ror vi 3 . 3 ’
¢ombined business with bpleasgr oF Yagtthtersl or at VA The juvenjles arose quite early
TAMAR, Dial y , l IN daughters tion: snnonit : :
Mrs. Bertha N. Kravb FT Ho nal Mennonite Monday morning very anxious to ap-
day with h Ar BE rches pear bright and .early at the school!
Harry Stoll 3 : Lanada . house in order to greet the teachers
tay ee Mr. H. H. Bard, hter Vr. a M I r t Joft one 1 a good seat Sirion B
Saturdav +1 1 M I A. L 1 L anda a good seat. olmon bL.
DE 1a] V 1 } EOS 2ahe net atur 3 . : 3 .
singing class will be organized at 1 son Robert spent a } last Sat their daugh- will control the Primary and
Sunday as guests of Mr. and ters hit \ 1 Yellen and Miss. Blizabeti r Creidor ities
Green Tree church. > i Ter TR ters A .eana, Hellen and Miss Elizabeth Ww. ireider, the
Henry Joose the P. R. RB. wide|”2S° bard near Lolumbia. son Steh a nauto camping Secondary. The enrollment was
awake, cut watchman spent one day lhe Eli Brubaker, Allen Ober and tour t Falls, Ohio, expect- quite large.

“Always Reliable”

Were you ever “left” at the depot as you watched the train you
Most everybody has had that same experience some
time or other in life--just because they were a few seconds or minutes late--Half of the people in the world
lose time or money by delays--We don’t want anybody to lose the big savings that can be theirs if they will
ina-DOWN Sil

Is in progress--Save Money! Why
That’s all there is to this sale--Our Customers
are getting the profits and they are certainly showing their
appreciation by spending moreliberally than at any previous
sale--They know that there’s no chance of lower prices for
a long time tocome than the extremely low prices for
which we are offering all our Spring and Summer Stocks--
Here you can buy at Mark-Down prices Shirts, Hosiery, Un-
derwear, Pajamas, Sweaters, Trousers, Boys’ Clothing and
Furnishings and the finest clothing that’s made.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
& Styleplus Clothes
August has been a record breaker--
We hardly expected it to be so big for last
August was almost unmatchable; our business has been
enormous--Y ou can imagine how good everybody feels about
this tremendous increase, and right now we want to thank
our loyal customers and friends for their generous patron-
age -- But if you want good clothes at rock-bottom prices
All $18 Suits............
All $18 Suits .........
ER ate
Ts res vm

All $20 Suits............

All $25 Suits. ..........
All $30 Suits..........
All $35 Suits...........
All $40 Suits... ...
All $45 Suits

a———y “AV mn,

this is your opportunity. Don’t delay!
100 School Caps 3c.

All $1.50
Gray Mixed Union
Suits $1.12

ning the decisive game by a score near Florin, last week.
of 10 to 8.

Tobacco cutting is
around here on a small scale.
Miss Annie Neideigh is on a visit
to her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Wiliams of
near Rheems
Threshing rigs are on the move
he sandwiched me
many, operating his
job. He has rented
a great advantage.
The Newtown School opened Tues-|
day and the kids are arraying them- |
selves in their parapharnilia for the|on Saturday over at Ed
horse bazaar, Mount Joy, were gems
vet the buyers
ily of Blaine, Perry county, are cir-|Were not very anxious to invest in|
lculating among their friends around |2 good thing that they left vanish says, “I wish to thank y or your
{like a snow flake in a March sun. ’
coming event.
Lewis Shuman and wife and fam-|of the first water,
here for several days.
Mrs. Katie Erb and her sister-in-|
We partook of a sumptuous din-| crowd:
em ner with our affable friend George | Paul Tressler, of
Mumper on Saturday and were some-| and Mrs.
what put in a blushing attitude when {sons Lou and Cloyd.
: those had a royal time.
going On two effervescent daughters of his. | We have been informed that our
Francis G. Neideigh, who has been | news items that are transmitted to
under the employment of J. S. Car- | the Bulletin office at Mount Joy fail
estate for a to materialize before Wednesday, al-
number of years has relinguished the | though we ship them every Monday
¢ 1 the Benjamin | morning through the exegencies of
here and the wheat is rolling out 10 Greider farm near Rheems and
| 1 . .
| tends moving ‘thereon April
The Virginia colts that were sold
| That was a good bunch of polly
: 3 } ! | law, Minnie Erb, were transacting |people we came in conjunction with
disposed of at prices ranging from |fore a thousand ball fans and win- ‘business over at the peach orchard, up at Samuel Tressler’s on Sunday. life this Summer.”
[ The following names constitute the
Smith and wife and
Middletown, Mr.
Samuel H. Tressler and
We certainly
in-; our amiable route carrier, postmas-
ter, of Columbia. Please take notice
and be a little more expeditious.

Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in Michigan
Mrs. A. H. Hall, Casevjle ych.,
|grand good § medicine, Chzmberlain’s
| Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. We
{are nevey without it in the house,
and I am sure it saved our baby’s
