\WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1919, When the Week-Day Grind Is Forgotten A pretty grove nestling beside a crystal lake, basket of lunch, a few jolly friends—and who would not forget the ay after day, eight-to- ve grind in office or ~~ Happy days come often to those who ride a rley-Davidson The op n places that are not over-run by holiday crowds belong to you if you own ‘a motorcycle. Outdoor men appreciate Harley-Davidson stamina, its rugged get- there-and-back depend- ability. Country lanes are highways te this Master of the Road. E. S. Frey 15 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. “The motorcycle that is being talked about” Gaduoyle Mobil Oils A grade for each type of C AR 100,865,000 piston stroke$, per year, the average of three popular four cylinder cars show that during each mile on high-gear there are 20,173 piston strokes—20,173 rubs within the cylinders— Se pigeon, and cylinder walls separated only by about 3-1000 of an inch of oil At the end of the season, if the car has traveled 5,000 miles on high-gear, the pistons have made 100,8 5,000 strokes. There 100,865,000 piston strokes are made possible only by the wearing quality of this protective oil film, seldom thicker than this sheet of paper. Let us explain why the correct grade of Gargoyle Mobile Oils will protect your motor. / FRANK B. GROFF MOUNT JOY, PENNA. AUTO ACCESSORIES & 0 J * £0 * £3 * * 0 * * * 0 * 0 0) * * os * * J 0 *, 0 0 0 0 % % * * 0 0 * £5 * * * 0 0 *, 0 b * * J 0 LJ 0 * 0 ( *, 0 0 L J 0 x OOOO OOOO0O00OOO000O00000OOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLILLLILL HE roe a az . OSOO0 PO OOOOOO00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \ “The Hone , he Bors” Mount Joy, Pa. Corner Main and Manheim Sts. Jacob G. Brown, Proprietor GROCERIES, CANNED “GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, CIGARS ICE CREAM, SODAS, SOFT DRINKS " SANDWICHES, ETC. ETC. Good Pure Milk For Sale. I also Manufacture Butter. Pool Room, Shooting Gallery, Reading Room—in fact all kinds of amusement and entertainment for young men Come Around Any Time You're Always Welcome 2 *, 0 0 %, 0 0 *, 0 > *, 0 * 0 0 >. 0 0 oO % %, 0 0 0 0 0 0 *. %. LJ 0 * *. *, £0 0 * *. 0 *. %. 0 * *. * *. 0 * 0 * £0 QO 0 oO 0 * % CO o HEAL TH RICH RANCE one LIFE - ACGIOENT & RE RSSOO00O00000000 0000000000C0000O0COO00O0OO00 | size I have ever offered. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S. A, 5¥ km gems Didn't Pay Here. Down on Water street, Augusta, Me., the other day, two men met at the corner of the street and they both step ped to the outer edge of the walk to avold two ladles whom they met. Both men sald in chorus: “Pardon me,” then both sidestepped to the left. When they met again both sidestepped once this time to the right, and met again. Then they both stood still, and as one man turned to the right and extended his arms above his head as he flattened himself against the build- ing, he said to the other man: “Say, when you get by, whistle.,"—Keune- Journal, Politeness more, bee —————————— Pie for Breakfast. Some doctors are discovering and asserting that ple makes a first-class breakfast food. The decision is not as shocking an innovation as it may seem on first reading, for a good many people, who are not doctors, have been eating pie for breakfast many years. If pie is the indigestible thing so many people pretend it is, it looks like good sense to eat it in the morning—if you really have to eat it—and take the whole day for the business of diges- tion.—Philadelphia Press. Quick Breathing an Anaesthetic. United States scientists who have been conducting experiments in the art of breathing claim to have dem- onstrated that rapid breathihg of pure wets as an anaesthetic and renders a person immune to pain as long as it is maintained. Of course, after the rapid inhalations cease the pain will a little training, it is said, air ¢ be felt. By a person may induce sound sleep by deep and rapid breathing for a few minutes. Early American Post Offices. In 1775 the first post offices in Maine at Kennebunk, Fal- The malls were car- on horse- were established mouth and Bath, rled by carriers on foot back and the average week's mall did not amount to five letters at each office. The rates were high, 614, 12%, 1834, 25 and 371 cents, according the distance the letter had to be carried, and double the rate when the letter was of more than one sheet of paper. or to The Word “Magnet.” The word “magnet” is derived from the name of the city Mugnesia, in Asia Minor, where the properties of the lodestone are sald to have been discovered. It has, however, been as- serted that the name comes from Magnes, the name of a shepherd who discovered magnetic power by being held on Mount Ida, in Greece, by its attraction for the nails in his shoes. of Hurry Gets Nowhere, The man or woman who works in a hurry, always at high tension, with no knowledge of the value of relaxation, produces results far inferior to the quiet, composed worker, who knows how to conserve his strength. He can do more, do it better and at less cost of strength and energy than his hur- riled associate. “Safety First.” - Two recent cases of fainting in the bath recall the advice that the late Sir William Hingston, M. D., of Mon- treal was wont to give his patients. “Fill the bath,” he used to say, “pul out the plug and then get in. If you faint in the bath the water will run out before you drown.” Critic Colns New Word. Tired of the hackneyed phrase, a “gripping” story, originated by some weary critic and eagerly snatched up by book advertisers, it has remained for a Boston dramatic critic to dls- cover an new term. He has found a play that is “riveting” in its Intensity of interest. See Others’ Point of View. Half the troubles and miseries in this life would be smoothed away, if we would put ourselves in other peo- ple’s places, and try to see things from their point of view. It is the great blank wall of self that hinders us. Why Librarians Go to Danvers. Young Woman (to librarian)—*“I'm sorry to trouble you, but I've forgot- ten the name of the book I want. If you'll just mention what books you have I'll stop you when you come to it.™—Boston Transcript. Triumph Over Selfishness. The toughest nut any man ever tried to crack is a selfish heart. It takes a glant hammer, swung by superhuman power to do that. 3ut once the shell is broken, the sweetest meat ever tast- ed drops out. Saint-Saens a Prodigy. Saint-Saens commenced to play the pia almost to walk. He 1e learned a child the he clock chimes in no as as 1 could tell all t soon as notes struck by the house. of comfo not f } scl ; Confucius ee It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Who Wants a Farm I have for sale an 86 acre farm in | West Donegal township, that is, be- the best farm of its Limestone land excellent producer, good build- yond a dobut, | ings, excellent location. Must be seen | to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, gt. Joy. Ee Factory sale of Pianos at 41 East Main street, Mt. Joy, Pa., by the Weaver Piano Co., of York, Pa. ~aug.13-1t a PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Em Soondawg morga hen ich un de Polly unser beshte glaider aw ga- doo un sin nivver noach der camp meeting. Es wora feel leit dart. Dale hen Grishdendum g’sooched, onera blesseer, un de ivvericha sin cooma era glaider weisa. Ich glawb awver os de ledsht lot de menshta wora. Es wora leit fun olla sarta; grossa un glaena, longa, un dicka, shaena un weeshta. Un wos wora se | ga-dressed! Whew! De maid hen weisa dresses aw g’hot un shep-ga- dradena shoe, fancia bouch-garta un erosse bustles. Se hen, denk ich, nuch ous g'’mauched de Queen Viec- toria der Mrs Cleveland 10ach e’'mauched hut un der bustle ob g’- schnolled. De oldt Vie is so fet, se brouch ken bustle mae os wos nod- deerlich is, un sell is tsu feel far no- dewennich. Hinner-g'scharr is oll} recht uff gile far isht fora, aw ver | uff weips-leit is es we en sischwontz | | ornamental o ful. De boova | mae use wora aw ordlich uff ga-doo. Dale fun | ena hen kit henschi : hot era hend safe. Ich will ay es is hardt uff hend so en gor . Soondawg room lawfa un nix shoffa | won mer en gon wuch hovver bin-| ned oona hensch Se hen orosse | buggy-whippa g’hot, un se un era] maid hen grundniss g’fressa os der| shtawb eena tsu da ora rows g’flooga | is. Ich will dere sawga, ich un de Polly wora aw amohl yung, un won mae blesser im Himmel is os we en shae maidel om dowma room feera on der camp-meeting don do mich nunner far en kondadawt far en glaener engle-war Schwetza waega engel g’mawned mich on de i dich. Es wore en boomer: vs she breddich. Der porra hut widder fer- tzaled fum woldfish woo der an ¢’shlooked hut, un fum Moses we are shlonga g’onga hut in der wilderniss. Derno hut are si discourse uff de orma oldta Yutta ga-draid un hut se duch gor sobberments g’shtrigeled.” Ich gleich de>porra olls hara far de oldta Yutta gae woo shunt fier dowsend yohr dote sin. Es coomed ena goot. Se hen ken friend in dara nuchbershoft, un won so breddicha nix bot don shots nix, we der oldt bower g’sawt hut we are de gronk sow ga grotsed hut mit ma walshkarn grootsa. Es hut no en brooder ga- bade. Es wore’s same ga-bade os ich ene hara hob ob robbla far de led- shta fartzich yohr. Un ich hob usht gadenked won are net mae headway g’mauched hut noach em Himmel in denna fartzich yohr os are imbroofed hut in sime ga-bade don gebts nuch meede bae. Ich hob amohl en oldter karl in der West ga-lobed uff si ga- bade, don hut are mich aw ga-gooked un hut g’sawt: “Oh. Golly-hill, Boon- astiel, du hetsht mich hara sulla bada we ich yung wore. Ich hob olls woonerbawr bada kenna, awver sid- der os ich de raidla g’hot hob will’s nimmy recht gae.” Ich un de Polly sin hame eb dg] karrich ous wore. Mer hen feel socha g’sana os es gevva hut un ich denk es hut feel socha gevva os mere net g’sana hen, awver selly socha doona sich olls selver bakont maucha wc 1 de recht txeit coomed. Ich hob an ‘how g’woonered well os beed— be gota odder de schlechta socha, aw- ver we mere fardt sin hut der deifel es long end fum bendel g’hot un wore ols om uff wickla. —— te ——— IT’S SURPRISING That So Many Mount Joy People| To Recognize Are you a bad back Suffer twinges; spells? vietim? headaches, dizzy It’s surprising on oy suspect the kidneys. It’s surprising Bow few know to do. Kidney trouble what needs kidney treat- ment. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only. Have convinced Mount Joy people of their merit. Ask your neighbor. H awpralc «© M 11 y ~ ~ Here’s a Mount Joy case; Mount Joy testimony. Kidney sufferers hereaboutss should read it Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, W. Main St., Mount Joy, says: “Doan’s Kidney | I have been used in our gg 4 as f: back as I can\remember oli tidan Ar ack used to pain and ache SO 1 had to have rubbed. My dney ce he or the ' S Ki dney Pills | V ( say hout al this i he best] De : i “ ed 1 t I } I } to | ir ri | { a Don’t | pig *) | pe °c Ww , bottles, ete 1 give ssession. Will sell busi ness i or rent the buildings to pur chaser or will sell buildings with | the business. Now who wants an old | established business averaging 500! quarts daily in a town with no com-| petition. Don’t think long but act. J. E. Schroll. Mount Joy. tf Here's a Good Buy The lot with two properties on E. Main street, of the estate of the late | B.S. Dillinger, One house has all| conveniences. Now don’t delay but see me at once Jno. 48. Schroll. Mt. Joy tf Kidney Weakness PAGE SEVEN "the cost © otis, n hy a | i hi grmiums or t ante made to meet your taste! Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary—a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual- ity, compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Caniels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once—it is so new and unusual. That's what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste any un- pleasant cigaretty odor., And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can'smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! As you smoke or Take Camels at any angle—they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever They're a cigarette revelation! niums or gifts. niu experienced. You do not miss coupons, pret You'll prefer Camels quality! 18 cents a package C: ame Krall’s I always have on hand anything ks the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD; ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pcrk, Mutton H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone For Sale Choice Duroc Jersey Boar PIGS February and April Farrow Of Prominent) Blood Lines Full Pedigrees) Furnished Meat Market 3 Apply to RAYMOND B. ZOOK Route No. 1 Mount Joy, Pa. ™\.. Shaving Hair Cutting Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR | \ | Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. | Goods called for Monday. | West Main St., Mount Joy | $95.50 Will buy a Pipeless Furnace Vrite for catalogue and particulars. | D. K. Mohler 266 Woolworth Building LANCASTER. PA. , apr.16-6mo. City Shoe Repairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW, ONES 50 and 52 South Queen Street LANCASTE YOUR TOBACCO CROP Can Be Ruined In a Few Minutes If a HAIL STORM Should Visit It At This Stage Of It's Growth NO ONE CAN PREVENT THE STORM BUT A HAIL INSURANCE POLICY in The “Old Home” of New York Will Pay The DAMAGE Better Attend To It At Once Telephone Bell 24R2 HENRY G. CARPENTER AGENT MOUNT JOY, PENNA. OO00000000000000000000ODLOLLOOOOLDOLOLLOLLLLOLLLVVOCOOO CHAS. A. WEALAND Painter and Paper Hanger LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER Always on hand at reasonable prices. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Agent for VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES 21 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SOOGOOGCOOOOOOOOOO0O0000000L0OLLOCOLDOOLLOOLDOLOOLOLDOOS ARROW COLLARS LAUNDERED OR SOFT \| THE BEST THAT YOU ™ JE | A"yX/| CAN BUY AT THE | \ / | PRICE YOU PAY PE ~~ | MON Troy, N. Yu cE ARE LE ONOV/ A VAN is -~ Lon ERYBODY. 11} = Qi © DU o EV NO CARE FARE REFUNDED ON WE PAYOR Round Trip CAR ARE ON ALL PURCHASES 5 OF $15 \ OR MORE. IT Costs You NOTHING. °AsK For IT. ~~ _ 5 PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COL UMBIA PRODUCTS. . 4