The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 30, 1919, Image 7

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WED PAY, JULY 30th, 1919







18 cents a package
Camels are sold everywhere in scientific-
ally sealed packages of 20 cigarettes; or
ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glass-
ine-paper-covered carton We strongly
recommend this carton for the home or
office supply, or when you travel.
Winston-Salem, N. C,

AMELS' expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had! Camels give
such universal delight,such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you'll
call them a cigarette revelation!
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty
smoke Camels! If
for a rich,
Camels’ expert blend makes all this
delightful quality possible.
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste! You will
prefer them to either kind of to-
bacco smoked straight!
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price!
cigarette that has all that desirable
“body”—well, you get
some Camels as quickly as you can!



3 B
X - bat Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
fs ° » y What wilkey Bumblesoc
x AT LANDISVI X Say Vhis Week
» : (largoyle Mo ils lL
LJ) . ’
8 \_A grade for each type o CROWD SUNDAY MANY
* \ SON
: CAR al
0) \ [Landisville campmeeting 18 on
: \ nee more The season of 1919
x \ WAR opened Thursday evening with an at
: 100,865,000 piston strokes per year, the average of ‘hres tendance larger than for the past
/ Q popular four cylinder cars show that during each mile on En gear several years, as well as more cot
@ there are 20,173 piston strokes—20,17§ rubs YH ie un, or n ta permanently located in the
: ! : ’ separated « r by a 3- f a apes perman : ,
% the piston and I walls separated only by about C DicHIresiTe Frove, The grounds wv
x inch of oil. \ : in splendid condition and remodeled
* At the end of the'season, if the car has traveled 5,000 miles on and newly painted cottages greet
X high-gear, the pistons have made 100,865,000 strokes. the eye. The rains of the past Weeks
: have left everything refreshed anc
% 35 i strokes are made possible only by S era : rin ool URonR
There 100,865,000 pisten stro Are 2 a : n finest of fulsome verdure of trees
X A wearing quality of this pratective oil film, seldom thicker than 3 on card. . Forns and flowers
is sheet of raper. A x | idorn the porches and plots of nany Du dooshts mer far eicht 1
: Let us explain why the correct“drade of Gargoyle Mobile Oils 2 | ttages. Di yas and Walis ol in glawva, awver warricklich wore |
’ f Wi - ta | fine shape, and there is not a to ich bin in der jail! Geshter en
® will protect your motor. \ | The big pavilion is elaborately { — 8 2% 10 Ar J ia wana ou
x " ? | rated with many hundreds ofl... non sime shtoll, I
OQ SS———————————————— | nennant and other patriotic bunt ansicht frem mon wore (
3 x | insignia in the Interior. | re.ena is wares in der m
0 : - | Sol of these fixtures are electric, shoft hen se grawd uff 1 ich
0 a on ° he . QS 1d, illuminated. : htecked Es hut ch
ENNA | S 2 * Rev. J. F. Kings-| orquit wile des weesht we ley
* MOUNT JOY, PE . hy \ P Re: of the cooma 18, awver de lea
% > a brief 1 tee t |
= S 1E ( 1 a der jail shtecka se :
x HARNESS AUTO ACCE SOR 5 2% Other peakers were: Rev. loot mere mv har I {
X 8 harles Truax, of Cedarville, Pa., | ron hob forh 3s}
BOOC00000000CCO0000000000000CO0C000000C00000000000000 | ¥ ho eacl lr ver Se her 1 ! !
. er ind young peoples meeting wetive doh W
x 1 o'clock: Rev. H. R. Hoffmar wella un der deeb
OQ0O0O00OCO00000O0C0OVRODOOOITOTOVOTICOVVVCOOIVOOO0 R. who int 10 o'clock cach [S18 UR Ue Co i teams Bin onl
\ | morning conducts the praise Service, | hoh ken geld far mich 1
\ ® | and Prof. A. Casselberry, of Phila- shtane ich er oot ch far
1} ¥ | delphia, the popular song leader of awhile doh bliva. ch daid nix
® | the camp. droom gevva won ich arlac h
) ® | The sermon Friday afternoon was |. awver n der naixta ben t ul
® | delivered by Rev. S. R. Dout, of Ard mere in en marder ei g'shpart. Dar
RQ | more, who spoke again on Friday |, hut nix ga-doo dorrich si gon
R{ evenine The recrular aching | jnovs a : 1 1 un sowf un is
i i t Mount Joy, Pa. @§ |c¢vening. Fhe regular preac laeva 0s we rawva un wfa, un i
Corner Main and Manheim Sts. un y ® | service was preceded by a twilight ae nocht hinnich en shae, young]
; . t % service conducted by Rev. 1. R. |. shoodlich maidel an hut se g mardt. |
| Thombs ? sading Rev, Dout ! 5..rwons $s con mer denka |
J b G B wh Pro rie or ® | Thomp on, of Reading. ev “| Farwoss des con mer denka.
aco » ro ’ P X | was the Landisville camp leader of Des is de coombany os
i. & | the young people’s meeting two un es shtaid mere gor net
3 s ago, but enlisted in the nation- sull ¢’henked warra der dri
GROCERIES, "CANNED GOODS. 2 al sorvice and served as a TU. 8. 17.1 cons be-chudes sheer ne
- S ® | Chaplain a period of one year. da doh hin si won sell obes
CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, CIGAR ® | Miss Snyder, of Lancaster, is mak-| is aw net oll So
ICE CREAM, SODAS, SOFT DRINKS ® ing an effort to establish a class of bin don bin ich ga-glossed mit dem |
SANDWICHES, ETC. ETC. | boys and girls in nature study. The drechicha keyon Der onner daws
3 [grove with its many and various|gsin tzwae yunge mon doh ri coomal
. ° [ Q@ | trees affords ample opportunity for far der marder saena un hen grawd |
Good Pure Milk For Sale. I also 2 | thi work. She is encouraging the fonna on minera ben g’shtupped m |
™ R | planting of memorial trees in the | nich bagooked Don sawet anerl
Manufacture Butter. x grove in honor of the leaders who {tyum onera:
NG | in the past wrought faithfully and “Seller karl hut en weesht awk. |
® | effectively in the historic campniest- | Are daid en gonse house-holding |
® | ings arda far nt.” |
i N a > 1. fan 4 | Ings. marda far en cent
Pool Room, Shooting Gallery, Reading Room—in fact all kinds % | An innovation this year consists “Yaw? Hat der onner o'sawl.
of amusement and entertainment for young men. Q 1 of the three special days to be ob-!«geller kent ich selver ) "
d | served this week: Prohibition Day on Des hov ich net shtand:
& | Tuesday, Patriotic Day on Wednes- {un ich hob se g'frogt
° Bd | day and Home Missionary Day on waega wem 0S se schwetza.
d A i | Thursday! “Du bisht der Bloom, der mar-|
ome i roun ny ime ¥ The tabernacle bell sounding |der,” hut aner g'sawt. {
8 4) | through the woods presages a most “Ich denk net. Ich bin der Got-|
§ ® | enjoyable and successful campmeet- | tleib Boonastiel, un won ich doh |
Y ou re ways e come ® | ing season this year, according to|nows kent don daida tzwae dudes|
® | all indications declare the officers era rick farbrucha greega!” |
| and leaders at Landisville. Se sin un de naixt deer un dart |
¥ The cottagers spending the camp | hen se g'funna wos se g¢’soocht hen. |
season at Landisville are: Samuel H. Gli noach sellem sin en lot maid
5" Boyd, Mrs. Catharine Hughes, Miss|ri cooma un hen mere oranges un |
Maud Hughes, Henry Myers, Colum- | blooma dorrich de isena shprussa ni}
bia; Dr. and Mrs. John Herr, Mr. and g’hand. Ich hob se g’numma un ev-|
Mrs. Harry Herr and John Herr, of | va awfonga oranges essa os de bree
Landisville; Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Niss-| mere om bawd. ob ga-drupsed is. We |
ley, Elizabeth Nissley, Frances Niss- | anes fun ena ous g’'funna hut os i
- ley, Ellen Nissley and Alice Nissley, | net der marder bin hut se awfonga
of Lancaster; Mrs. E. A. Bender, | gereisha os we en yvaricher laefer won |
Strasburg; Mrs. S. E. Miller, Wm. |are in der fense shtecked. Se hen |
E. Miller and Elizabeth Miller, of | hovva wella ich set des soch widder |
Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. |nows handa. Se hen’s intend g’hot |
Shenberger, Hilda Shenberger, | for my butty in der onera ben. Ich]
Andrew Shenberger, Mrs. Susan | hob ena g’sawt der Gottlieb Boon
Phillips, Agnes Phillips, Mr. and |astiel het olsfart gredit g’hot far]
Mrs. H. H. Snyder, Anna E. Snyder, { gooter farshtond, un nemond os en |
of Lancaster; Mrs. Edward J. |narr daid so en boondle oranges uff
Byrnes, William Byrnes, of Pitts- | gevva won are see amohl het. Aney
+ burgh; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Blake, | hut g’sawt, ‘“‘nawsty thing,” aney
& Bur Blake, Dorothy Blake, Mrs. M. g’'sawt, “the brute,” un en onery
A. Wilson, Mabel Wilson, of Lancas- | hut g’sawt, “Oh, fi I only had him.”
4 ter; Dr. A. Bishop, Mrs. A. L. Bishop, | Sell hut mich ga-lechered, un ich hob
Boa ) g a William Bishop and Darius Bishop | era g’sawt se mecht mich hovva, libe
5 | of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. John | un sale, won se ni coma daid, wile
3 oy 3 B. Belford, Lancaster; Rev. and |des anyhow sholk-yohr ware! Ich
Vulcanzing and Retreading Mrs. P. Livingston, Clara Youndt | hob lots fun g’shposs mit ena g’hot,
\ and Martha Youndt, of York; Mr. | awver es hut mich ga-dinked os won
TIRES QF ALL KINDS and Mrs. C. H. McMichael, Philadel- | ich net so goot ware os en marder.
phia; Mrs. S. J. Geiger, Reading; | Sheer olla dawg sin en lot leit doh
AGENT FOR THE HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Lizzie Snyder, Alice Snyder, Lancas- | hin far dare raskel bakara. Se tzeit
) ter; Mrs. Rose Haage, Reading; Mr. | is kartz, awver wile are en divel
ALSO A FEW GOOD SECOND:HAND MACHINES and Mrs. Harry Haage, Pottsville; | wore in dara weldt daida se now
John Osler, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. | garn en engel ous maucha far de
g M. Phutzman Birdsboro; | onner. Ich wase net, awver's will
RACINE TIRES Jacob id ; : ,
Emily Bunting, Helen Bunting, Lan- | mere net recht in der kup. Won des
ras ; Mr. and Mrs. A. 8S. Del-|orem maidel woo are dote g-
PROMPT SERVICE SATISFAC ¢ linger, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bucher, | mauched hut net gons prepared wore
: Ty : {
Harrisburg; Mrs. J. Kissinger, Flor- | far der goot blotz don is se farlora,
E. S FREY ence Kissinger, Alice Kissinger, {un de wile 0s se uff da kohla law ft
° ° Reading; Mrs. Howard Z. Fisher, | un rooft far en druppo wasser, doot
i ris, Le : i il- | dare ketzer druvva in der hae sitza
. BETHTOWN, PA. Lottie Davis, Lancaster; Martin Mil- | i
15 West High St, ELIZA ’ ler, Landisville; Mrs. Fritsch, Lan- | un shpeeled de hariff. Are sawgt
caster; Mrs. Greninger, Columbia; |are het en ticket direct far der him-
Mrs. A. L. Nissley, Alice Strickler, |mel. Ich winch eme ken unglick,
Landisville; Mr. and Mrs. W. K.|awver ich wut duch os de train woo
pune Hougendobler, Wm. H. Hougen- | are druff gaid daid ivver en koo
“Ny 3 dobler, A. R. Hougendobler, Jr., W. |shpringa un umshmisa.
5% FLOR DE K. Hougendobler, Columbia; Cath- Da Moondawg hov ich my hearing
arine Wisner, Louise Wisner, B. O.|far em 'Shquire, derno fin ich ous
’ y Bishop, Mrs. O. W. Bishop, Lancas- | wos mit mer gebt.
ter; Mrs. Zinn, New York; Jessie = bt
Brandt, Chambersburg; Emma Good Business for Sale
. Kurtz, Landisville; Anna Chambers I have for sale the entire darv
reme ’ ’ . ’ s 2
The Cigar Sup b bi Lancaster; Marion Stauffer, Landis- | outfit of Messrs. B. F. Kauffman &
At the price FLOR DE MELBA, is Stier igger ville; Mrs. Strine, Lancaster; Mrs. | Son of this place. It includes horses,
and more pleasing than any mild avana cigar Howard Johnston, Strasburg; Mrs. J. | Wagons, cans, bottles, clarifier, sepa-
If your dealer cant supply you. Write us STRICT D. Denlinger G R. Burns, Ruth Taser, cooler, ete. - wa ve im-
)$ De ID 5 Sy mediate S : Wi i
1 LEWIS CIOAR Jire co. a Swati N. J “8 FUR Burns, Ann Burns, Ellen Burns, and eiisSesnon: a. Re a ness
heh Mary - Wade, Dorothy Bennett, Lan-| purchaser or will sell buildings with
caster; Miss Reinhold, J. C. Kinter, | the business. Now who wants an old
Harrisburg. established business averaging 500
— quarts daily in a town with no com-
: t. Pps petition. Don’t think long but act.
Summer Complaint in Children | °F Sopra Mognt Joy. tr
There is not anything like so merely Meee oan:
many deaths from this disease now : :
as before Chamberlain’s Colic and oo Marriage Licenses \
CORONA OR Diarrhoea Remedy came into such Melvin M. Derstler and Dora M.
SELECTOS SIZE general use. When this remedy is | Elsinger, both of West Hempfield
OTHER SIZES DIFFERENT PRICES given with castor oil as directed and township. |
rm YI proper care is taken as to diet, it is Milton L. Garman and Mary ‘E. |
— rcr— ———. ——— | s2fe to say that fully ninety-nine out 3rown. both this place. were
EE - Of every Bundrod Catcs Torcvor , L thi Dace, wer:
l SOOO000000000000COO000COOO00TOO0000COOON000O0OCICOOSS 5 0 Jane hover. ye Fray.
says, “I have used Chamberlain’s Hy
CHAS. A. WEALAND Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for > ford,
\ summer complaint in children. It is license Wednesday at
5 e : H far ahead of anything I have ever rstown, Md.
Painter and Paper Hanger used for this purpose” july-5.5¢ ————
Tr Tee Here’s a Good Buy
LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER Who Wants a Parm »’ The lot with two properties on E. |
Always on hand at reasonable prices. I have for sale an 86 acre farm ir B.S Sigel, of is ssteie of the late
: : Cheerfull ished West Donegal township, that is, be- | B- De Lhger. ne house has all
bX Estimates Cheerfully Furn yond a dobut, the best farm of its SN nienges.
s size I have ever offered. Limestone The °E Dt dglay but see me at once
Agent for land excellent producer, good build- | “1°: E. Schroll. Mt Jov tf |
h ings, excellent location. Must be seen
VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt Mrs. H. 0. Kauffman of Colum-
Joy. bia, aces aniec y iece Miss
«21 EAST MAIN STREET _ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. oy : 5} | bia, acc ompanied by her niece Miss

It pays to advertise in the Bulletin
{ Miriam Kauffman of Altoona, spent

a few days here as guests of friends.

Is YOUR Tobacco
Insured Against Hail
If Not, Why Not
Insurance Company
The Company with the Largest Loss-
Paying Power of any Fire In-
surance Company in America

Statement, January 1, 1919
Cash Assets ....... $50,291,005.74
Cash Capital 6,000,000.00*
Liabilities 29,034,302.14
Surplus Over Liabili-
ties 15,256,703.60*
*Surplus as Regards
Policyholders 21,256,703.60


Protect Your Growing
Tobacco Against
Damage by Hail
Thousands of dollars of
growing tobacco was caused by hail
the years 1917 and
loss to
storms during
Only those who were insured were
against the loss of the
time, money, and labor invested in
their crop!
Will similar storms happen in the
year 19197
Your crop is valuable to you!
Can you afford to lose it?
Protect it with a Hail Policy in
“the old Home of New York,’ the
largest fire and hail insurance com-
pany in America.
Henry G. Carpenter

eS |




“= FOR

We _ParYour Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL Purchases OF $15
\ OR More. It Costs You NOTHING.. Ask For [T. =}