The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 30, 1919, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th, 191¢
MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF the Susquehanna river from Harris ? ) t FIRE INSURANCE
ONE OF ITS MEMBERS pyury to its mouth will begin at once ! | ie TORNADO AND WINDSTORM
afte »_ | according to Secretary , James F, 4 | Harrisburg Pa. July 23—Gover INSURANCE a 5
On Sunday afternoon at three o Woodward, State Secretary of In | CW ll C. Sproul has signed the THAN EVER BEFORE rm e rs
clock the Maytown Alumni held a ternal Affairs, who announced today i | RSE din fi : y tems of State =
1 1 . y } 13! no { | 14 1} ‘ SYS } wile
memorial service in the Lutheran he had received a communicat on io - Dy tc townships for the cot | ALL LINES OF AUTOMOBILE IN.
church at Maytown in memory of |. “wn 3 1 ving, golonel, of the| yp . . | reward © lownsh Pe !" SURANCE, FIRE THEFT, AC-
Sergeant Oliver Shields, who died | {yi 0 CE KCC war | From Sutfering by Getting Stredon 91 Jownship oud 234 for CIDENT, ETC. nn
while serving his country in Bie ne Depart ent. assigned to the work Her Lydia E. Pinkham’s | t I hiv br lisas n township of the mn — -
war as a member of the nitec In the Rivers and Harbors act . ownship bri 5, in tov thy
: weond class. n appropriatior 111 vr “A &
States Marines. This Alumni Asso-( 0 0 Goce last March pro Vegetable Compound. second ol An tpprapriation wil LIABILITY AND CASUALTY
ciation had forty-nine of its mem- | oo eo 0 survey and preliminary : h | the Tt Ryall il Fm wie of that INSURANCE
ng © y fr orceant Shields E 3 ; i y a. —** For many months 1¢ new lay akes ¢ place o a : :
bers _t the front. Sergeant Shi Js examination were made. It was not gE o do my work Y tc | which provided for bonuses of 50 Employers and Public Liability
of Marietta, was the only onc to lose |}, until today, however, that f hich « cont. of , dt | Elevator, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass
his lif The memorial address was a weakness which | per cent. of the amount expended by B Aut bil
Ss y y ) al af 8 as Sy ’e start s « n : : : bh .
lelive d by Lieutenant Mervin E actual Work a. Rr 3 Xo. | | LIA II} Ii [{ cauiscd hackachs townships for road work, not exceed prgian Anomohie MOUNT JOY, PA.
Lollvel™ yen : ge — — | and headaches. - £9 ow rails ‘NN’
Bran and a special program was Ch Small Farm | ' lll i bi Soong called my | PE 20 per mile : WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION A. H. STUMPF, Proprietor
rendeced. Sergeant Shields died in | A Cheap De form 1 il ttention to one of By the terms of the new law the ALL KINDS OF SURETY BONDS , ’
: J £1 - | I have for sale the former hotel ( 8 : y > State Highway Department will pay OLD, STRONG AND RELIABLE
a hospital last November and was | ts Tord Sauare whic your newspaper ; y a.
property at Union Square which in-| J rewards when work by the township | 4 . —
buried in the Marietta cemetery with eludes on 11-room house, ice house | piversizements anc ; 8 ho x f y : ' wnsi ) | COMPANYS
SD try ne i vd i ly m 1a een completed and n Led . . a a . 3 a . a
military honors | chicken house, lots of shedding, cat-| nk AR Rewards will be granted by the Con Burglar, Liability and Casualty In- [ I SERVE ANYTHING TO EAT
_— > o—e | a ak : | sb lew: grant 3 \ | Sur gLar A
i tle yards, scales, and 31 acres otf | three bottles of { monwealth for improvements of the | ; surance, IN SEASON
SUSQUEHANNA SURVEY oravel land. Now who wants this| Lydia E. Pinkham’s | followine nature G. J. Gorst, a real ¢ tate dealer, This is an opportune time to con-
WIL L BEGIN AT ONCE [5 ntire outfit for $4,200. Cols i, phone Vegetable Com: Grading and d o ection of Lin ekun phe, I hiladelpl ! gider auto insurance.
i 3 p y ¢ lor write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf pound for me. lroad not less tian ball & mil ecer tly l su Feed Eo 5 Will submit lowest possible rates
arrisburg, July 24—Survey o | After taking twc : : als Wh tritis and Ok Ie 10 fon any of the above lines on request TLE \ VE
| bottles I felt fine | eraveling or ein TING A Sraded and ating 1a pam I solicit your patronaga. 100% PEVILED CRABS EVERY
| and my troubles caused by that weak- f4raines i not less than t os : Ia hive uw uf | service SATURDAY
ness are a thing of thepast. Allwomenr | mile in len>th; for macadamizi ty da nis ad ¢ an
‘ho s S 1 ( road or fi etn Pelf orl topped My
Tho fuser az) a C in E In wr ; youd t ; f pp X 1 yd | jep mo ~ v ITD ac “7 | He
Mrs. JAS. ROHRBERG, 620 Knapp St., | mile lor ¢ ‘ : 1 ere seems A per. S. HESS HERSHEY l soups ANDWICHESK TRIPE
| N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. i erate: tot of ! tbout 1m) n health. | : o SOUPS, SANDWIL Sy ’
pant < Women Rho gal Bid) > orm ©! Vroad af not I : : : I ] i 11 1 ( it 1 1340 WwW. Denese St on, PA ETC., ETC.
eakness, as indicatedb laceme Yenwths fo : tin ; oi ars ihe lel sone 63-
SS I | R > S L Nek inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, length; To n h n a eo J. I Gor Co. Tan Re Ss - La
backache, } aches, nervousness or [struction ) here by W ( nd : 2 —
) ‘“the blr~ uld accept Mrs. Rohr- |! par other leading sts. | OPEN EVERY DAY
berg’s su and give Lydia E |o in ! 0 5 Ci 1 «N LVILRY
Pinkham’s “Ver table Compound a | crete and stone, or a ste brid PROVISIONS OF DRY \ pe L <A
thorough trial. | with a floor co cted of ob ENFORCEMENT BILL eee terete ——
ao —— For over forty years it bas been | Pr ed by the State ich { 4 . i ; g
THIS ABY ER EVENT 9 BE READ BY WOMEN ovLY rrecting such Aitaps. If Jou havo | Den ’ | h ' : fhe prohibition enforcement bill Waltham Watches in 20 yrs. Soft Drinks of All Kinds
Useless to address it to the male members of the family when viateric complications write for oi 1s a sessed the House. provide { . i , L Cie
practically all of the earnings of the average family are spent by lin I. Pinkham Medicine d installa er in 2a a x Po ary} Gold Filled Guaranteed TRY WIZ THE FIZZ
our noble wives and mothers. : 1 pipes. : ( ¢ AAR) , 3 204 ey] i
The Lous of the family purse being held by you, Madam, the = I'he rewards are to equa and | person, pet itt d under the Jaw to | Cases 7-16-tf
responsibility of stretching your dollar to the fullest extent possible ALL GARAGE MEN MUST one-third per ce f the « f the |! ; uor in ni Danse sion hal x | . |
is at once a duty as well as a privilege. : aE A a a ET ETT > | Prope improvements, not to ex-|port the quantity and kind to the] 315 00
Every American Store solves the problem of economic jira KEEP COMPLETE RECORDS { ed cortaiis <u. | commissioners of internal revenne | .
We say to you in all sincerity, knowing whereof we speak, anc = a All of these rewards will be based | (This applies to chemists, physicians, |
ovis ality considered, ¢2h goods he bougis as hy ss 4h an Poy 5 of publ a on roads, the improvement for which | etc.) Tn d C
American store. an] onnay YY : yo a 8 I Z £1 is After February 1 1920: The | N York State and Erie Co.
e Q : . . 1s to be a width of not less than six- | After ebruary ’ | ew
oy DO OR SAY- IT 1S FOR YOU TO ACT. tention called by letter to the provi- | ae ; nhs]
A OR a he oo : of ait approved by Gover- | teen feet; an | a corresponding re-| Possession of 2h) Jaaok, athe tha id 0 COWS AND BULLS
: . # Bu ; ay jit rere duction or addition in the amount of |authorized by the aw, shall be prima | : : %
OR ICED TEA ior Sproul J » 30th, requiring that amour x 1m ] The Right Kind
NOSE BETTER # 45 ho! r p ou) I Ee of all Jo stored or | the reward will be made as the width | facie evidence that it is being opt! ° 1 ol he Righ in
fecords ie nep ® ida ; f yt { roa [for sale or otherwise in violation of
OUR VERY BEST TEAS, 12¢ } Ib, 23c 3 1b, 1 1b... iy ‘ left for repairs in every garage in of Bs none road Ta othe ¢ 1 ;
Four Kinds—Qne Quality— Blends to suit all gn Fain lack, the state. A special form has been or Peduse ; but no rewards shall he ae nt Bo recuived; However Je eler Bought Direct from the Farmers by
Mixed, Old Country Style, and our famous India and Ceylon. prepared by the State Highway De- Dade, for the UpTovme nt of any | hot od it wii ot be lesa) W the Undersigned
% : i % : , | road less than twelve feet wide. hbo y xd Be
partment; and this must be used by Boaul Joet W lin have 1 Is hadoenal ; a . AT PUBLIC SALE
BEST SOUP BEANS, Ib Le Oc the garage men. Records must be a -~ 2 Ii id © 5 ngs Bosesstey Soy n 37 WEST MAIN STREET ON FRIDAY. AUGUST 1st. 1510
Unusual price. | The quality ‘the best to be had. kept in ink or indelible pencil and LAST LEG TO FREE THE |oc ed ahd ised by tie POSSCSSOT 9 y ’ :
shall be open to inspection of police COUNTY OF TOLL ROADS | is his setvate dwalline. and the The undersigned will sell at public
14c¢ or authorities for one year from date. rm— ni I If . ® ; sale at their stock yards opposite
BEVO (The New}Soft Drink) Bottle. ................. A stiff fine is provided for failure The Free Highways Asvociation. | 100r is use for pe rsons consump. 95 50 the Farmers’ Inn, A. H. Stumpf,
SIX BOTTLES, 75¢c, $1.45 DOZEN ainteie the toned CAB hs Choltian is off oc [tion by the owner, his family or his . Proprietor, Mount Joy, Penna., the
(Empties Returnable at 2c each) ie to Monat € Jocors the | the last Yeg of the aw free | SUESS. : following live stock to wit:
Bevo is not only a satisfying thirst-quencher, but a nutritious Police authorities declare that e asp eg ol 1e campaign to free The possessor of such liquors Will buy a FRESH COWS
beverage as well—one that appeals to the taste of the whole family. keeping of these records will do fe cotiniy of foil oad and to givel,,, ars the burden of proof that the . 100 HEAD, OF
—— rem - mp much to end the stealing of automo- | to every citizen of the county a good | 5 5 in P | F
“ASCO” | SPARKLING BEVERAGES 1 bilcs. The vecord sheet containg)road to get te the business canter a acquired and is possessed 1pe ess urnace
EL Bottle]... ae ie va as 123c Shaces wherein 2 complete deserip- [he ontiook Now Is that the latter Intoxicating liquor is defined as a| Vrite for catalogue and particulars.
SSRSAPARIT ote gee tion of the car is kept—the make of | part of the campaign will be as suc- beverage containing more than one
4 edb ~ schine ‘ fac rs ir, | cessful as the fir ‘hich speedily a A , * i
i A satisfying thirst quencher for a hot day. Empty bottles re- machine, manufacturer’s number, Be P 3 3 fe first, which speedily half per cent. of alcohol.
turnable at lc each. the make of engine, number of en-|rid the county of the toll roads run-| Any house, boat, vehicle, or other
I © - = gine, and other information. The | ning each way on the Lincoln High-| ,10ee where "liquor is manufactured D. K. Mohler
12¢ sheet has been prepared to that it|Wwav. : Cs eT olds dcelivod 3 Blidanee, a.
RITTER’S PORK AND BEANS Can. Hs ar { mutittioss. Realy will be of great assistance to garage | The Free Highway Association No person shall manafacture, soll 266 Woolworth Building
Good served hot or cold. ery appetizing and nutritious. cay »n in keeping ‘‘tabs” »ir bus- | is composed of all the civic bodie ; Gi : ’ a
to serve and packed in a very spicy tomato sauce dressing. en i leeping “tobe on their Wis of a and in a HY bodied in arter, give away, transport, import, LANCASTER, PA.
Ritter’s Catsup, for cold meats, etc., bottle. .............. - - 12 Highway Commissioner Sadler in paign was backed by Ory os Jospont, iver fr or receive apr.16-6mo. SPRINGERS AND BULLS
— his letter to garage owners and oper- { Paper in the county, a most unusual an fe } his As Stock. Steers and: Cattle for
® 20c¢ ators sets forth the entire section | thing. The free Highways Associ: siquor for non-beverage purposes Shaving 2
FANCY CAPE MACKEREL, each..................... J ators sets for e entire section | U =n Iways Assacla-| nd wine for sieramental use May Peeves
The finest quality ever ut in brine. What's more appetizing covering record keeping. It is sec- | tion was gathered by the LaRegster fie sold under specified ‘regulations. . . Lot of Better Stock Bulls
than a fine cooked mackerel for your breakfast? tion. 3 of House Bill 395 (Act 284), Aliomonte Cb Joacers 2d the” nornatured alcohol, medicinal pre- Hair Cutting than the last
— Tr — as 7S: E: ( . . . :
— : : as mo robriet f everv bh. | the fray were the “pe Jf npes 380 on rations (including patent medi- About 75 cows, heifers and stock
NUTRITIOUS AND ECO- Big uly lic o ot : 3 prone oF > hor pub brous ht fr s a °Y t ind, w ! eh oivies) unfit for beverage purposes, | bulls. Don’t miss this sale if you
NOMICAL SIDE DISHES Ic garage and motor vehicle repai ong ee roads victory to their|i,ijet articles, flavoring extracts : | want good stock. Sale will positive-
° (Sound as a Dollar) shop shall cause a record to be kept | standard over opposition. which un| oC. 5 icles, flavoring extracts and Jos. B. Hershey ant goo OC I
B M B Ib 15c¢ . . PI ’ vinegar ar exer ted ly start at 1:25 sharp.
€s3 marrow go 5. 12 8 after the manner to be prescribed by | ti] the Free Highways Association | Br aemptad. i TION: —N t 6) d
California Lima Beans, Ib..12¢ | C the State Highway Commissioner of |, Inte action, Bad Toon tain Registered physicians are au-| TONSORIAL PARLOR CONDI ON:—Note 2h 2 urs
Choice Broken Rice, lb... .10c | the names of any and all persons Clo ’ ye gen mp egna- | thorized to issue prescriptions under! with approved security an ank dis-
owning or having charge of any mo-| : ; strict regulations for the use of li-| Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. | count added.
41 Cc tor vehicle stored, left for repair, or I'he launching of a new cam uors where it mav be n wry as | ¥ Good lled for Monday J. B. KELLER & BRO.
$ ’ alr, : : . q S re 11 ma e ecessary as | ca . : : i
OUR VERY BEST COFFEE, Pound, .................. any other purpose at any such pub- | Palgn will likely bring even gre: ater, medicine : : hie . F. B. Aldinger, Auct.
8 lic garage or motor vehicle repair | results than the original campaign | ih rtisements of all kine) West Main St. Mount Joy Coble & Kreider, Clks.
C shop together with the make, manu- | because there are more people inter-| 7 shila iat ® ome A ——————,—— gs We ar Iw in th rket for
ses Tinie via ei ie nase 4 > > . 3 jare prohibite e are always In the marke
UNEEDA BISCUIT, Pkg. ........ facturer’s number, name of State of | ested; more people who see the great [ n > i ‘ture : distributior . Fat, Bologna and Fresh Cows,
39c¢ Pops ratiy wd the tegisatig advantage of good roads and free lof rove ; Ge oh oo he pianon | A Loss of Appetite nothing Springers, Shoats and Fat Hogs.
number of sucn motor vehicle, Such rads ves Sonn | compounds endaec Or use in) s.a genera rye re 18 | 2%
FINE QUALITY NEW CHEESE, Pound. . Noe record shall be kept in ink or indel- gon Bie? { : Were oon Mr. (the unlawful manufacture of liquor serious about a loss of appetite, and
25c¢ lible pencil and shall be open to the ig oo or 3% ih me m- | prohibited, together with sale or ii vcu Ship 2 neal or _y cat two
3 ir eti ? ice icers or oy | PETS launchec 1eir Kree ghways bl i p . : Top cals a day for a few days you win
AP, CG Cakes, . .......: inspection of police officers or other ¢ Al I I publication of recipes for home '}1eal 3 : 4 A )
SO0D ‘QUALITY LAUNDRY i ’ * proper authorities. Such records | Association at that memorable meet | manufacture ! "soon have a relish for your meals
22 shall be retained and be available [ing at the Stevens House. Quite | E i — : when meal time comes. Bear in °
PAT-A-CAKE FLOUR, Pkg. ......... hh... C for a period of one year after entry | naturally, the Free Highways Asso | A E I mind that at least five hours should an
Ready to use. Add water, place in oven, and a cake in a few but not thereafter. He shall also ciation can carry on this campaten ; n Exce ent Buy always elapse between meals so as
minutes immediately notify the local police | pattap than auy. other becouse ot I have a lot in Florin, E: Done- to give the food\ample time to di 0 diatter Satorday 9
: authorities and State Highway Com-| = © Sa a © !* Bloal township, fronting 80 ft. in Main gest and the stomach a period of ; ins ie
7c missioner of any such motor vehicle | © oh De or ant Ie vacked by every |g and 200 ft. deep, corner lot with rest before a second meal is taken. |the barber shops will close
PURITY SPAGHETTI, Can... rena LE whereon the manufacturer’s number sb ae AYR: Senta Jano ost double house, frame stable and a Then if you eat no more than you P. M. cuts dur-
Packed in Delightful Tomato Sauce. Ready to serve. or mark has apparently been alter- a 11zation gan go all the credit [factory building 30x67 ft with crave and fake a reasonable Amount f. : 1 x 1 nd 1 Sat-
- - ed, obliterated or removed. . I'he Mount Joy Bulletin long ex-| t Nent aha oloctiie lah Yo of outdoor exercise every day you |
rs + . : [steam he and electric lights am! aa "ie ard
CANNING NEEDS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY With the Highway Department Donen! 07 good roads and free roads, | ying to sell the entire Pot with all pL oo ness fers pout tite | ree
Mason Quart Jars, doz. .--85¢c receiving complete information con-} congratulates the Free Highway 8 Fe huildine for ontv 33.000. Wie pC tite. 1 YHO0R The jou Olhpeitel W. B. BENDER
Mason Pint Jars, doz. ia ea ee aR 80 cerning stolen cars, and garages | Association on its latest move, and. |." ) dings for nly 3 : ; ho is caus by Sons] S2i0n 4% US, ofie) | \ }. BENDER
Jar Tops, Doz. ......c.coonuvruninnnnrnnrirrerenernarreipen 30c keeping records of cars received or| calling on every organization and | nts this bargain? Call, phone or the case, that should be as at ALLEN WAY
lly Glasses, Doz. . terrane -42c : : i hl niall oli d . : : whl write J. E. Schr Mt. Joy tf once. A dose of Chamberlain’s i
Jelly ’ stored, it will be possible quickly to | individual in the county ’ guce : . AR
Jar Rubbers (double ‘Tlip) Doz a Ne a 9c¢ ¥ ’ i ! t bil g oh | " : € county to join n, | ee tll eee Tablets will do it. july-2-5t | " HERSHI
locate stolen automobiles if they re- | wishes 1e Association greater sue-| 3 at | ST I
Parowax (4 cakes) 1 Lb.... .17¢ Dee So ny : re z : L Read the Bulletin. in
main in I onneslvanis cess thar the past, when score| Ty Baye to advertise in the Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. 4
Tr — was per i :
: { —
CHOICE TOMATOES, Big ean........ nos iovvissans “15¢ # ek Free s and good 1 A
: . = : : . : e Changed His Mind y
Exceptionally fine quality. Big red-ripe tomatoes, packed in 4 ; L section of TLanenctor |
: . » On September 10, 1918 I. Kun- 101 ancast n @
Analy ome Bai reater prosperity DOCOCOOO00OOOO00O0COCONOCOOBCIDO0 COOCO00000CO00CON00NCON0OCONO000000
sanitary can : tzelman, postmaster of Bainbridge ater prosperity | GOK OOOO HOO 2
Pa., sent his resignation to the Post |! it A .
BROOMS, well made, each. ........... 40, 60, 70c Office Department, Washington, D. Sows. Mo
Now is the time to buy an extra good broom at an exceptionally C. An examination was held and JUDGE FOR YOURSELF RX
{low price. Mr. H. Wilson Snvder was appointed —
1 Mr. 5 ison Sn rr was appointed
i . YF ye Which is Better—Try an Experiment |
OOOO 000000OOOO00O0OOOO00COOOOOO0000000OCOOOO0000 to the office but died before filing Prof Y § xperimen
1 t by a Mt. Joy Citizen's
A his bond. or oopnt by
Another examination was an- ay
oe nounced to be held at Marietta, Pa., Something new is an experiment.
5 July 12, 1919, but was withdrawn by Must be proved to be as represent
& the Department. Through the per-|ed.
Q suasion of some of the patrons of | The statement of a manufacturer 3
the office Mr. Kuntzelman has con-|'S Hot onnelag proof of m &
@ sented to continue his service and sut the endorsement of fi
oO throuch her siforts he ha : been Now suppos ing you h: 1 3
oa" ol r i : oh ha xe A lame, we ak, or ac
4 reinstated. ye °% now entered on Would you experimer n it?
& his twenty-first y of service. You will read of n o-called
Oo A ees cures.
& License Money Returned Endorsed by strangers 0
Bl AL Middletown liquor deplore will) 2" 2Y Places, 8
& oF So 3 y Ee per 2 ro) It’s different when the endorse
be returned 1 rtio of the ;
&S 23 4 | ment comes from hor
& and 1919 lic se money tor Easy to prove Ic l m
3 their establishme S wer T 1 this ‘Mount Jovy case:
& der the Federal bar vhich ruled that Jacob W. Groge, W. Mair rec
8 no such place should be allowed in “Every winter wi}
ide a half mile radius of the Avi: : cold it settled
@ tion and Ordinance Depots. Of the | 3nd made me miserabl
The Final Choice of Motoring Men § tion and Ordinance Depots.” Of the wis 50 SUM and sore
of Midd] $54 Li rye tried to get’on my f
nu Migate Din Mn. ay XLV Per much as my life Ww
cent. the county fifteen per cent straighten my body. :
it L F 0] by the State twenty-fi per cent | secretions were retarded, too. Doan’s
= TT Tees Kidney Pills helped at once. I
Made in
York, Pa.

Distributors for Lancaster County
Schlotzhauer Community Garage,
County Distributors for
Velie, Bell and Jackson Parts
Bell Phone, Garage 837-J—Residence 661-W





Tobacco Sold for Export
I. H. Weaver & Co. have just pur-
chased from the Seed Leaf Tobaceo
Growers’ Association, of Tr
fillers of
And the
from Frank
packing of
648 cases.
has purchased
28 acres of 1918 toba
three farms. Most of
will exported.
For a Quick Buy
I have a fine small bor in Bam-
| fordville, along the Lancaster and
| Harrisburg pike, 7 room frame house,
concrete porches and walks, frame
| stable, hog pen, excellent well of wa-

ne firm
from his
that tobacco

| ter, 1-3-acre of land. Beautiful place
[to live. Will take $1,500 for a quick
isale. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf
Hotel Columbia at Columbia,
| ceased to exist as a hostelry on Sun-
| day.


keep them on hand

Many Cars Licensed
Benjamin W. Enyon, registrar in

It is getting to be a regular habit
among some of our West Main

: Springs for a drink.
street business men to go to Donegal

them oe- |
casionally as a preventive. |
Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get |
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that |
Mr. Grogg had. Foster-Milburn Co., |
Mfgrs.,, Buffalo, N. Y.



but is always

the Automob division of the State Seco:
Highway Department Monday pre- a car. Willa-
dicted that before the end of ‘this | Ser S
vear at least 435,000 automobile | the b
licenses will have been issued. Up 3
until Tuesday there had been ex- . foun
actly 401,000 of the tags distributed
The 400,000 mark was reached last

Located On West

ard o organation is nev
r sa

ed merely

Main] Street,
d booklet
Three Reasons Why W

illard Leads
tisfied with a good battery,
r Insulatica is the latest
ut a Willard Battery on
tery care, and Willard
ir batt so as to get
nt, reliable places
f wu; and where
cil you need it.
3 ced 1 €
Mount Joy, Penna.