The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 30, 1919, Image 1

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Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 30, 1919

$1.50 a Year in Advance


Tomorrow Will be a General Holiday in Tt. Joy. Everybody Should Attend Our Picnic at Hershey

| of |


: : red : > I > 1 “RI. ) local union witl vd of Mrs. | - the busir plac \ I | y ELL KNOWN PEOPLE
A LINGERS AND (irc occupants f.recth wo per- FRATERNAL PATRIOTIC AMERI. |Our Mrs. | ! MANY WE IN F
Ae Be Join "THIS SEC- h r our Re d Mrs. R dh on CANS ADMITTED A CLASS [Canfield Wilson, of Clearfield Co., | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE he indu u her p HAVE PASSED TO THE
TION WILL SOON MEET f Harrisbu who sustained a OF EIGHTEEN ON FRI- has added 46 new oie co shell MANY COMERS AND GOERS |mitting we predi rd crowd GREAT BEYOND
















" » y 1 : ~ | unior the drive ye continued : . . "pray I'h first « { ( Don
IN THEIR BIG AN- | crushed an and a four-year-old DAY . N GHT SOLDIER for several wi avery IN THIS LOCALITY t Harry R. lied at Columbia,
NUAL MEETINGS | girl, who suffered a broken neo MEMBERS HON- or is ery ; : | I
a— | ‘he automobile 1 b 1riy ORDED / |W ry ' ! 3 I 1 Mrs. P KE. Get l : |
: 16 aut L drive Vv Iw. cc 1 ha : oY FOUN
The Hollinger and Ream clans, of |, r H. Storm. of Harrisburg, and I > Mount 1 Uy Harrisbur 1 } I Y of Co-
: : . v3 n June )2, just twenty-seven J i My. Charl I Ph o) I ' ’ (
this section, and there are quite a |. ning his wife. his wife’s sister To Cs fu t I : W : rhiiad I nD ed 56
: : te y : 1 Camel Council 1 | p
number, will soon meet in their bis d six childre I tt 2 " D \ ) Oo Dollar Di !
annual outings as follows: hift fr hiol Wr to nd V1 3 , 1 atrio Ae :
Sulu n Thursd y i Tod
Heisey Reunion I vie } y i Duis ie great World | and Wor Prol ur q Me A Tors ES of : = Lue \ Sl I 1 1 Wed
T family w hol ts an- | ror nt ! ar a yy 1 3] \ \ ; cab " p ¢ t Columbig
I'he Heisey family will hold i 8 Alle | SRY A Dot ) : Ww h rd had an even dozen | do } hs h ith 4 h A
nual reunion this year at ibeth- | turt : Steaver Bainbridge, he ervice, one of |to contr [ Carboy I}
town College on August 14. Alpha |attended the injured a ! hoa 4 h 3} Bue: I Be preme | h be eer 1 : PI I :
Hall, the beautiful dining room and [® i the 1} 5 > : 1 { ( QO Friday evening a re-|are reque i 1 l \ I ben Zeager l Q W fing
the campus have been placed at their | Mr. | 0 ig Pq I 9 BDO ING eahtion. ti ban vas held in | butio ) Or f 1 } | : a Len et ) com=
service. A large attendance in \te ana body the other Bee X tl TO rs who wel nil I unior ; I n dd : ( i ur
prospect. A special feature this year |© Phrase ois 3 ; : kanes Fr J : "ow
: : t p n | t Leban \ | t iffmar vido
will be a reception in the afternoon | ! , ter n RO! u is Instead l ne the exercises in Can You Beat It? | An for : s : ) " lied
1 5g curred oser, of Landisy ¢ , > | . r 1 1 11 diec
to the returned soldier boys of the | €Urred, J N. Re / Wg ; ithe lodge rd sth occupied the lany ( t ! Ma Natha Sir ting | £24 e 1 Y it Sil
Heiseys and their relatives. A Gg. jc he jong In fs nutomobile and un auditorium in Mount Joy Hall. | kid 1 ough) | frien at Philadelphia and ( de W i I fvivd I. :
Heisey, of Elizabethtown, is presi ope hs ouLze a 3 : all 1 business session, a class | Mr. Samuel H. Mill I | nr 3 et 1p! \ pitcher for th r Sprin I raa)
¥ IS . is r | neath the machine unable | ¢ 1 ¥ rn N former te vi ( R
dent, and Anna Heisey secretary, of | aa I eighteen was initiated by the lo-|tendent of the Edison I tric Co Mr. and Mr ‘rover Winter 1d | Hormel am while Solon Barr w 1 . , oie} y
t} Saree | cate themselves He used a jack to 3 : ry ¥ nl tl ITis 1 \A71 : ; d AL and M Gi ver Wi Ler aid cl EE y : thet Henry Swarr ( Manor, died at
1e association. ivr . oe ’ cal degree team. Following this the [about h Hupmobile While may | daughter spent Saturday it Lan- oe YE LS nel. 8a LHAL 1; ‘roth Hor Neffsville
E [lift the car off the injured and was : : held Visitine dele- not look cuits ne wil of captain for the latter tean 16 Bret lome, NEITSYV1 Le,
Hollinger Reunion [surprised to find that only one was | Teception was held. siting 3 Bi noe! au as 1 d me | caster t church ‘ ’ hursdav od: & veal He was
m a’ 3 4 | go, ve on ) were nre y A *- | O1 ¢ J1Y models, him over | \ ye +o} . Py ana a. cnurct eagu play , vo.
The fifth annual reunion of the seriously hurt. ition wel present from Inter |2 : { him over | Mr. and Mr Harry Beamesder i) ; ] vo lest native of Manheim.
Hollinger family will be held at the ———— course, Lancaster and other places Day AY Ao 8 cel i fer and son James spe *Sunday at th : ei case —————
Jt at vice 'O1 dlor ( ¥ dler ertain 1 ha made Ore mileaoy nl . tney aed 0 a 1 Inge .
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hos- | State vice Councilor John C. k lero, | cet 32 2 wnfenge | Fontaine. ro os k : pin Albert Leib
tetter, near town, on Thursd: Wy, ‘WELCOME HOME fof Lancaster, was present and de- ) has Be € n more service and ha been | Mrs, Joseph Heisey and daughter y I Am ¢ xe P 3a n if 1 Albert Leib, once a native of this
August 7. The committee in ree Ilivered an excellent address. e- 10 the Foas longer Nn any car in| Ruth are spending several days at } ot A i 4k vill / 7 i H h place, died at Lancaster, Monday
ar ro als 1: y y rs | town e elloy ]1¢ t ar B avr ats. A collection Il be lifted which > :
of the affair is composed of Aaron marks were also made by other: vi fellow cal it a \d | Harrisburg. will help fo oo Tj ror 3 ye “evening at 9:30 He had been in
Hollinger, Joseph Hostetter, Monroe | COMMITTEE ACTIVE. attendance. J! ouse pat r a roller ate and all | Miss Lasetta Ke sler, of Rowenna, | el ? I , Vy all 1 11S Inter leclining alth for several years.
tor , S ( other : but the climax | ‘ bir . : Ing game. 3 :
G. Hollinger and Aaron 8. Hollinger. After the exe A In s a be i, wi t was |S ; ) f 1 3 name 5 but the climax |spent Sunday here the guest of Miss , . = Deceased who wa well known to
served 1 y r y | was reached the ther ever o whe rar lohar f | .
The reception committee ine ludes | = rved in the hall during which time | wa ch the other ning when | Esther Webet 0-9
| . | many of the older citizens here, had
Ella Hollinger and Sarah S. Holling- Ji: F. P. A. orchestra rendered a {a certain J2entisman referred to it as| Mrs. Samuel E hleman is chaper- SH E {been engaged in the restaurant busi-
= ( 2¢ ® |BIG CELEBRATION WILL BE | number of selections, both voeal and {a mechanical cock-roach Don’t you |oning a crowd of young folks at Mt. | ne s in Philadelphia and Harrisburg
The following programme has HELD SOME SATURDAY IN |instrumental. Miss Neva Wiley fo ‘e Sammy.





sed was born in
county, but had resided in this
county for many years. The follow-
ing children survive: Mrs. Samuel
whom she resided; Jesse, Steelton,
[and George, of near Middletown
The funeral was held Friday morn-
ing at 9 o’clock from the late home,
ong illness.
First National Bank on Monday | Mr, Jacob “Pop” Fenstermacher, on | Very modern ones in both our re Sunday guests of her mother, [this part of it too: It will come to | York
. Ream Reunion evening. Those present were: Mrs. A. Mount Joy street, celebrated his 82 | cently constructed bank buildings.
The third reunion of the Reem K. Manning, Mrs. Clarence Schock, | birthday on Friday. His many | It is needless to say they were very
family will be held at Reservoir Park, Mrs. J. L. Shearer, Mrs. William | friends kindly remembered him on | favor: tbly impressed with what they
Harrisburg, on Saturday, August 16. Tyndall, and Messrs. Thos. J. Brown, | this oceasion with a supply of smok- | saw.
The Reem family is an old family | Walter G. Brown, H. S. Newcomer, ing and chewing tobacco, which has rs.
being among those who settled in the |g, Fellenbaum, H. M. Stauffer and always been his favorite passtime. Pike May Soon Be Freed y
community over one hundred and H. N. Nisslv. ;
fifty years ago, and were among the

| {Gretna for ten days. | 1any years. He was in his sixty.
been prepared for the occasion. SEPTEMBER—MORNING, | presided at the piano. _ as. ——— [| mr Fran Snyder, of Bethlehem, NOW A CERTAINTY rar. His remains will be in-
Devotional exercises, Rev. Jacob H AFTERNOON AND Although one of the youngest or- | Bank Officials Were Here [Spent a few days in town with te rred in the Mount Joy cemetery at
welcome, Aaron S. Hollinger, Man- EVENING PRO. | ders in town, this Council has a | On y riday afternoon Messrs [ friends and relatives o'clock Thursday morning.
heim R. D. 3; recitation, Eva Hol- | bership of 123, is quite strong finan- | Jacob A. Loose, president; Eugene| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryan and | BOARD OF TRADE PLEDGES To eens
linger, “Stars and Names.” “A Mes. GRAMS cially and pays $250.00 death bene- |W. Bly e president, and di [son William were Sunday guests of | RAISE $150,000 AT ITS MEET- | Mrs. Susan Frysinger
sage From Over There,” song, “Over : : fits to Class B members and $500.00 rectors Rudolph Behm and J. 1, { his parents at Witmer. | ING MONDAY EVENING Mrs. Susan Frysinger died Tues-
There,” double quartette; Sermon, A meeting of the Welcome Home to C lass A. members. Another class | Bowman, of the Palmyra Bank, at| Misses Pauline and Iva Shoop and | MR. GERBERICH WILL day night at the home of her daugh-
“Reunion,” Rev. Allen B, Ruhl, | Committee, to take up the matter of [ will be admitted August 29. Palmyra, visited both our local bank-| Ele anor Gabel spent the past week | SELECT A SITE ter, Samuel Frysinger, near Ram-
Manheim R. D. 5: recitation, “The | entertaining and showing our ap- , NTT ww > Ing Institutions. The Palmyra bank | with relatives at Harrisburg. - sey’s tollgate, aged 73 years. Death
Road to Heaven,” Dorothy H. Kreid | Preciation to the boys who served in | \ Was 82 on Friday. is about to install new vaults and the Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzkee and| Well, the shoe factory is coming. was due to a tic stroke after a
er, Lancaster R. D. 3. : the great world war, was held at the "Our good old friend and townsman | officials came here to nspect fs children of Lancaster, were | Listens pretty good, doesn’t it? Get |]
Miss Leah Becker, a returned Mis-| Mount Joy thru the efforts of the
sionry from India is visiting Mr. and [Board of Trade—the organization

Mrs. D. H. Engle of this place. you all thought was dead but “far
Misses Elsie and Sara Wagner of | be it from such.”
York, are spending several days here | A meeting was held
n Mount Joy
Hall on Monday evening and it was
with Martin Garber and family.
“Pop,” as he is known by nearly ev- The Columbia and Marietta

Turn- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mummert and (well attended by the business men | with further services in Quickel’s
m It was decided to hold a parade erybody, is in good health and is|pike will be the next road in Lah- |family, of Philadelphia, spent a few |of the town. President Schock was | church, York county.
thrifty settlers of that day. The {on Welcome Home Day. The day’s always of a jovial disposition.

caster county to be freed of toll. ary In town with friends and rela-|ir




















1 the chair. At a previous meeting | ————
social committee are making a special | program will include the best speak- —_———————— Board of Directors of {he company | tives {he had appointed a committee of sev- | Mrs. Susan N. Garret
: effort to make this year’s reunion a|er the committee can procure to de- New Business Enterprise has by a unanimous vote decided to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Landis andien to ‘““feel” the people of this com-{ Word reached here on Saturday
Success in every particular. An deliver and address. Singing will be Mr. Paul M. Buohl, a native of |recommend to the stockholders that | daughter of Lancaster, Were Sunday | munity in order to ascertain whether |: announcing the death at Middletown
attractive feature of this years reun- included in the music and also com- this town, but who has been living [they accept the offer of the State |guests of Mr. Abner Hershey and {or not they wanted this industry. [o f Mrs. Susan Novinger Garrett,
4 fon will be an exhibition of Photo- munity singing. A good band will in Philadelphia for some time, has|Highway Department of five thoy. | family. | Obligations were solicited and in |who died from a complication of
a graphs showing the activities of this be engaged for the occasion. Yeturried to town, rented the Rick- | sand dollars for the purchase of the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Husler and about a day the committee reported | diseas s after a long illness. She was
clan in the West. Among the prom- A committee will be appointed | gacker property. vacated by under-|road. A meeting of the stockholders | Mrs. F. G. Pennell spent several | pledges to the amount of about $20.- {well known in this section where she
s inent spe akers will be Judge y whose duty it shall be to decorate taker Krum, and will open for busi-| will be held on August 14 to take |days at Shippensburg, returning [000 At meeting and upon mo- | formerly resided and where many
Ream, of New Philadelphia, Ohio; | pe place selected to hold the exer- ness. He will retread auto tires. by | final action. [home Monday. tion, obl ns were taken ar 1 | rela i She was a life-
Rev. Solomon Ream, ( ‘anal, Winches- | cises and all citizens will be asked to the Zwebell new dry cure process. | Torte Dr. and Mrs. John ( Shelley are|a short $57,000 or over one- |long St. Peter’s Luth-
ter, Ohio; Hon. S. E. Ream. Holton, | decorate their homes. He also does all kinds of vulcanizing | Klein's Big Picnic [Spending N08 ome on, Wesh Mainfinieg of atheun required, Wasiem res by
{ansas. > 7 Y Y re : : é é | 2 s Big J ) :
Kansas, and Prof. W. ( - Ream of All the boys will be given a ban- and solicits a share of your work. | The Klein Chocolate Co. El [Street at the home of Mrs. Mazie |subsecribed. these s Brene--
Altoona. j @uet and this will be in charge of the - ——— abethtown, will give its em- | Shelly, his mother. Fhe action on the part of these |ma Millers-
’ TTY ladies of our town. The office of -the : ar ployes the big treat of the can [ Miss Elmira Molson. of bseribers, together with ¢ ery ; thers, Thomas White,
Oy : Rev. Speakman at Newark y 1e | rea the season on | 4 . 5 7
A NEW LOCATION FOR | Ladies’ Auxiliary to open a canteen Rev. H. D. Speakman, who re.| Thursday August 21. The n- | more, Md., and George Mol e expr ns from all whom [of near Elizabethtown; James White,
: \ . . % » aKkman, V 1 ay, é £ust ne co | : 3 . ' '
\ WILLARD SERVICE STATION | for the boys on this occasion, 3% ce ntly resigned as rector of St { p: ny 1S wed for tl day a | Philadelphia, ave visiting their committee olicited, was cor Millerstowr na 1¢ ster, Mrs.
” accepted. | Luke’s Episcopal church in this place, | speci: Ph lelpt wd Read » | Mr: Ida M Gantz. vincin vid h: 1 L I I al
Mr. Charles Neiss, who at present It was also decided to procure 1a £t 1 Saturday for Newark. N | tra Vi Wi Frank ar ed here wante( lo I A o he r \ fternoon
a 5 ‘ Re . 3 | 01 or Ne ys N. ¢ ell ¢ 1 “v :
conducts the Willard Service station | souvenirs for evervbhodv and special he re he will B we char of the o | be 1 Grov Park (just | Thursday to spend a week w S Made to the effect th f b e M n
: y : ‘ 3 . . V re } WwW ave charg ) t De: e Pa just |
on ‘West Main street, on Saturday | souvenirs for all who in any way House of Prayer, the leading Parish | out Iphia) \ od | Ves and f St vas on her! Mr. Gerber proposit !
purchased from Mr. William Schut- | rendered their services to Uncle lin the city Re a )€ kn n Ww nm be | time i n stor for I Ee home fr Chicago fined by him, solicitir Fe iew
: $73 3s : . 1 { Ty. WV. = aKma 11 er ’ } LOI «4 wno ¢ ~ I e 1 1 nM J 1
tee, the entire plot and all buildings | Sam for such a worthy cause. The | there until a 1 hea middle as | along | Master Howard Johnson spent the ! and nteeing hii hat irs. Mary A. Nissley
> : + J nere intil a 1 3 m Lg 18 2 * \ A A vy]
at present occupied by his coach day's program shall include an even- | August, when the rector elect will y TTT ta past we at Maytowr vith 1 e 1 ; ! : 11 ’
2 4 gust, vhen 3 Q ec I . : \
\ works, on West Main street Mr. | ing entertainment and the day for... ioe : | x 3: . incle, N. F. Arnt ind | Pe vio the mot rried u W i
Neiss will tal Yeiohon Ls 3 oh J assume charge. | Must Hold Private Funerals : : H gi
? ess wi Fake possession ( ctober the ce lebration will be some Satur- ———ta— \ Hereafter all fun oh of nersone] Mother, Mr S mously a | ; I
Ist and will convert the place into |day in September. All the business Mill CI | o j : : El : M Y I . wel Dr. Jd. J wphe I -
a first-class service station and con- places in town will be asked to close | Mr. 0 K Ba gos Hands | } 1 nd hut I i 0 I 1 ( Ir. ( he ] ¢ ! h
template opening a garage in con- | that day. el a 8. X noe ho has been | : toob con Per wor les f : 1 h A ever s-
nection. This is an exeallons loca- The next meeting of the commit- | queting a mill h 2 Doveing Hill Ee pt 1 ter, D B Kauf J O : .
tion and will be the only gar: age on to will be held the First National | r en id YeRrs, au exchanged his a : Mr : £f 1 1 Vly ( ( ne 0} ed ?
the Main thoroughfare ur Tuesday evening, Aug. 5 |" building and small farm con- | f di Pi ) ! ) 4
: 3 y a CTOs i \ ove 3 3 f ih
. borough. le ole ror Lk ¢ 15 acres by ith improvements l a ;
el a OL a 1iel M. Nissley for his resi. tne 1? > of ! i; : h. lids I} f / £1 0(
Sporting Hill. They will [health administrati n van L4 ! ld
The Ice Cream Tax Yield Belew the Average 1 April Th 1d | paig to lower } ji
g April. e old | pt 0 cdi 1 z
The internal Revenue Commission- 1e wh rield is below the gy I i Pr haut nin n Greir 11 (
: 7 nantled and | f'ennsylvania . I FE. W { Ir .
er has endorsed the intern: retation of Ls age Hi out hi ction this |..:1 . ft} Yr ot AR [ - DO -——— r, Pp cob Zeller | M r, Ur 4 \ ! J. § 5
: 3 | Will soo of ast. - { - ? r \
the local revenue office as to the tax year. A number of farmers around | era | N Curl 1 I
. J 1 . | ive - o ar suttiey J Q
on ice cream T'hat sold at hotel Maytown and Mariett: have threshed | B C | C w EL 2 id titer ! Hoa ]
: . y 1 3 p ~-Garme ntractor 4 er Heise | TY NOY ral
with meals is not taxable. Sold at their crops and the Id is from | Miss M i RB ESrmiah | i : bil : t ( f ral
o : 19 1 1 ™ M1ss Mary ) rown, da er of | Ing down a concrete curb a
any place where soft drinks are (13 to 24 bushels per Mr. Eli | Mr. E] B iri X hs r of | i dey : 1 5
TEE OR : *. imer Bro f thi ace, bX rront Ha
sold it is taxable, as well as at con- | Sh on the Marietta pike, got an | i M It : : as or tis p ees and | DBe Ce
o : ‘ . | . r. ] tor ; arman. soi f . v 8 etz’s
fectionery stores. Sold for con- avers: 24 bushels per acre fron Be Q Aon b 4 n Mr Cj VI di : : :
1 1 : 7.3 4 . | ' irman, 10rth 0 tow were | Maly re 11st 1 1
Sumptien elsewhere it is not taxable 24 acre field. | i a a” ohn ; ) ore | ] h :
> i | ite in Je » at Marietta « also ha
willl Soft drinks sold on the premises TTT Ee... | 8B wediock, at . Marietta on |! } ; |
: : : | Saturday evening by the rector of |lar curb and te 1ake ’ \
where mixed are taxable, but the tax | Our Cows Not Good Enough i; By > al. Havel fe ik a t the fr , is na it 1 ! : V h n
; oy : : 1 = | .piscopal 2 3 at is 1e. nt I ( 1
on bottled soft drink is paid by the The representatives of the French [ 5 : : : ; d 1011 : y . ; | ,
i iney were unattended. torn fron Comfort
bottler. government who on Saturday exam- oy» te 4 — a Marke : Ir !
ned about 200 cows at the Union | F Le RB . = ariel i | home ¢ --
They Should Know stockyards, found only cont rane. & : Fo. Next Sale sok Jiist 6.0 I N K ri A) I Cy
: : Hous . . : YieS S oD ‘rar bro § of le {
| While in town last F riday, four |of them up to the stan t and | rt 4 Te deh het ° rac 2 Tul | al
; Foils of se . : ; p 2 hola their next sale of live stock at A son of George Barkley, residing
officials of a prosperous banking in- | the refore yurchased none. men, | I Hotel MeGi 1 "ar R :
: . i 0s » | the yards at ote VleGinnis on a farm near Ra eye ¢
stitution at Popmyre, stated Hat French offic are hunting | an oxo! Dietsinniy, I ; 7 : bia t
s : | place, on Friday, 8, Ww n East De I'¢ St bad- | Wi
\ | that borough Iready has four shoe ghest gra ows for breeding pur- | 3 " : . Lo nin 7 | Lr I
factories and is getting the fift h and | poses in France. rar : ’ Me-raison : » 0 3 ntr
| heifers steers attle ( ck Nn ¢ Ff {
that if this town ean get an in- _—————— Wi ! : : SETS, eattl X : 2 | tury
Ene Td - on : 2 L \/ 1 beeves and 70 head of she 1ts ( obac r he w i ind
dustry of that kind to locate here, it They Lost His Eggs V f stzos o¢ | 1 is
could get nothing better. Jacob H. Haldeman, of Florin, has | —— —— f
brought suit in Common Pleas court | - i
i ; : hk x : Has La > ber
Keller & Bros.” Next Sale. [to re cover 3152.65 from the Adams | Whil 3s Gi o tery 1d |
: isa . : While in town on Saturday our {
Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will Express Company for consignment | p h : RouYdny omy ody Q
: rts . | isherman, con 1 farmer
hold their next public sale of live | of eg which were lost in transit | friend 1 K : or Aarme!
. ~~ s WE] . I ena Saac aAover, )I near akKker's -
4 stock at their yards here on Friday, | while their way to Philadelphia. I Bride w th z ily paser oi Tu.
3 ; : | bridge saw 1€¢ large pota 2S In p > 2
August 1st, when they will sell 100 TT ——e I wind 4 H al h pumatoes m our LOCAL NOTES
g; ¥ r * . window, € Says he has some st | \
head of New York State and Erie On a Weste Trip | ay 1 > © hug Some, Jussi] —
Hh me e stern rif {as large but they are of the Amer- a
County cows, heifers and bulls. Also Rev. I. P. Zimmerman and familv. | ican Wonder variety H Id |
2 : . L104 amily, jjean V ariety. SO some | RID {
a lot of stock steers and cattle for | of Bainbridge, left for an extended iat $2 a bu sh 1. : S oid { BIRTHS
; 1 ) an extended [at $2 a bushe | i
beeves. Sale starts at 1.25 sharp. 2t| visit at Mansfield, Ohio. | ——ee—— 7 Tr :
-_ be no preaching services in | \/ | >
y ‘ biide I 5 ii 22H Moved to Lancaster v | S y
s Almost Completed ridge Lutheran church. ro- | Mr. Fred Stret h wi ol Monk = d Owl \/ ay
m . . % . € oirete 3 ( 1v on a y ent
The metal sides and frame work |turn. the second Sunday { Donnsci’s sins op 7 M: ed over | Bp IL A ol Doo hig Y | I Interment
1 . nave S Store, on Last & S . . AR, Lac annaic wat Y -
for the large new building that is moved his family to Lay Bly krsets arn Jo Fatrcote anna'd, on West |
. 1oved his family to Lancaster. onegal street, fo a fine specimen |
beings erected here by the Mount Jo The While Front Store (Stretet wo : roilion as 2 N oF « und i 1e specimen |
. - 4 » 1 was resiaent o ME oO monkey-taced Ww ‘riday "rn - / 0 ~ 1 —
Magnesia Company are in position Mr. Charles Wealand has yainted | Hall ay ; : oy 41 oy red, ow: by hom . = ; )
1 within the ne } . ; ie Rano nas pe all Association and his removal ling. It had perched on the high ten- . r 1 M ~ | .
30 wi am the next week the struc-|the front of the former Bowfan places vice president J. H: arry Miller [sion wire and wa lectrocuted : Te R
ure wi e under roof. Ss , 1 cubie ; . Fendi: . tf dif ad was electrocuted. S } Q B ns-
Store to .pe poeupic d by Mr. I red | in his position. When found it had a robir securely I M M East | S ¢ at
DG Wc Farmer. A beautiful coat of white - es ’ in its tal Mr. I. D. Ste} : 1 : . ;
On a Fishing Trip gives it a very neat appearance / : 1 Tis Bons. MT. - D.§ enman 1s \ < Sun-
Eves IL © 3 at & ‘ar: . Shipped 95 Carlo v 1aving the owl mounted S ! r, M I A Mil se
Messrs. George Mumper, Ed. TT ——ee——— 7 The Sr G : ! ads ; eels : Miller eases
Ream, Charles Berrier and A. D Struck © Poli / ie Aviation General Supply De- * h ( s F } y ¢ } » health
Gad ol ars rue ur Ioliceman pot at Middletown, shipped ninety= Will Move to E’town 0 - for me P Decease was a
arber spent several days in Perry Our silent policeman at the cor- five carloads £ hora alen ia : Mr. Joh £3 he} ; eel eee . Hein Isc
county last week Rs fishing | ner aj : ral o aeroplanes, aero Mr. John Martin, who has been a Another Big Stock Sale | da roft te Edwin and Lav-
8 €ek on a trout fishing | ner of Main and Market streets we as | parts and supplies to San Antoni tenant on one of the C £ ¢ 1 I { I
: . : 1 1es Se Antoni ant o n t ameror ms r Messrs y £ 2y heoi3 § 3; < COM -
trip. They returned with a fine | accidentally knock 1 do by Mr (aS : rig, r. ne ETHOION fam Off on a Trip D oe rea ere
A ry shocked . down "by Mr. Texas, on W ednesday at Donegal for a nium} £ Ig BR BH } | j
catch 7 {Lloyd Nissl dass am ll saay. é egal for a number of years, Mrs B Ham ht I g r S re | be 860. 1 g in the 59th year
. / oyd Nissley on Saturday evening : : : } ; I }
£ t-te purchased a fine brick double house | dau ! be Tr I : ) rowd | of husband she
and put out of commission, M tta M A from Jno. M. Gipple, on East h bof left t f k S
A Very Sore Arm " arietta Man ppointed r 1 ripple, on East High | of Flori e his reno ! k Or S ns 1S.
Mr. ‘apt L. S. Haldeman of Marietta, | Street, Elizabethtow n, last week, the | Northfi 1d 1. Mass., where they w Holste W Wars Nn ( ff at Arthur and
Ezra Engle, south of town, is Marriage Licenses. was appointed night clerk in the De. | consideration being $7.000 He willjspend two weeks wit Bde Thavid Thr fers brouyshi S15 ire. Two sis-
nursing a ¥ sore arm, the result William H. Davis of Hatrisburg, partment o H at H occupy it in the spring His s 0 ywil als pend ov ' i $1 nsel {f Lan
of an attacs’ of blood poisoning. and Sara M. Ellis of- thi x f ealth at Harrisburg Loup, 3 -Me Spring 15 son:Wi| ase .spend - sev 1 1 ‘ »1,889 1 he 4 sel, of Lan-
{ Sadi 18 of-this place. yesterday. will move into the other side. Springfield, Mass. eight heac average of 23 ch (Continued on page 8)