The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 23, 1919, Image 2

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ole | A This Is
Tr Wa GR The Kind
Of Stock
Soon lo
5 saga de eo ipetSoucheluel BI a TY e Raised
i Great Farms
On The
Chester River
emma ——
BCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | " ‘ wes \ h relat t Lebanon
Faas amey eres ERREEENEee RES ame
pent a few | \ Bard pent Sunday
Nori School.
Price $1.5 a Year
12 «
for 0 } \ 1 1 g
reach ; . ne 3 } Miss Mary Snyder an Ralpl
day n . pn ts i | J ( th lace, who | Croll Philadelphia, spent last Sat
aerted if cop) Teng aes on aoclica. ( . ! | I from U. S.|urday and Sunday as guests of Mr
night vey . rt pr aie r P N \ t 1S | rtermaster, | David Esp xde and family.
‘ | now be Jacob Hea hauled 11 tons of
disville Vigil, the Florin New 1 the U. S.[coal in six hours one day last week
Mount Joy Star and News, were s about t hing the vhea § 1 1 and will {from the Rheems coal yard to his
merged with that of the Mount Joy I sSunno thev' ars nxious t e Ve ymetime 9 ek father’s coal bin, shoveling them on
Bulletin, which makes this papet 4 { 26 wheat looks like 3. Root jus turned from aland off. Jacob still knows how to
circulation about double that of the Rohver ed : tion trip stopping {handle the black diamonds.
ordinary weekly. t James Kreider's at Lan- J with Root, at Cresson, N. N. Greiner, P. R. R. signal fore-
i riven in honor of Mr. and | Pa., friends at Indian-]man, spent last week visiting his
on Yake on Saturday. apolis, Ind. al put in his days|brother at Sprinfield, Illinois. He
Mrs. Elias Metzler and | at the 1 Missionary Cen- [found the mammoth threshing rigs in
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel | tenary 0O., which cov-|full operation in the wheat fields
family visited Clay- | ered the entire State Fair Grounds— [along the line. Weather fair.
Manheim on Sun- ! June 20 to July 13 and attended by Mr. and Mrs. S. S._Kraybill and |
an aver: of 50,000 people daily. |family entertained the fol llowing |
. Bhs Metzler and Mrs. Elizabeth Keese entertained relatives last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. | the Gleane Society of Christ Re-|Eli G. Reist and two daughters of
ded the Ging- | formed church at the home of her {near Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Ab-
rb and daughter attended
F : D y O ti g I hi
ich ‘uneral at Petersburg on Friday § sister on Friday evening, which was|ner Risser of near Bainbridge.
fternoon a very enjoyable occasion for all} The weather man has shocked |
's needless to comment about | present. The evening was spent in]many farmers who got caught with | 3 i ° fs '
undance of rain the past week, | the playing of games, vocal and in-|whole fields of shocked wheat. Fre. & agi cell creage
made a business of our young friends re-|strumental music and social chat,| quent showers each day for over |m
Saturday even-| marke > needs cash moce than | after which a dainty luncheon was|[two weeks with sunshine just | 3
[rain just now. served in the dining room! Those [sufficient to start the wheat to |
the Lan-
s and the
The su ription lists
Chesapeak Bay and Chester river, are lo-
passed on by land experts as the height
Just now there is a demand for
such enormous
Carrie Forry | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stauffer and | present were Mrs. H. B. Keller, H.|sprout, making the shocks* quite | t 49 niles Tash of Baumore srr 30a famous O
p sat- | Mr ; 5 p 3. Steiner : if : . rree ‘ated our farms, / erica’s ¢ est soil. S$ S as >
visited friends in Ra irs \ Morin Stauffer of Mt. Joy, 2 Steiner ond , re and: three gi Rl : : Ld of nS for every description of plant, vegetable and animal life.
urday. |and Mrs. Samuel Stauffer and daugh- [ daughters, ; Geralline Kathryn and te REeems base ball nine crossed |g yp, products such as the world has never known. Never befcre have there been
Guy M. Habecker, has returned |ter Fannie, of Ohio, dined with Levi Erma, D. P. Witmer, Misses Daisy |bats with the Landisville Junior | profits. For years to come America must play a large part in feeding the world.
home after visiting friends at Me- | Eby’s on Sunday. Shearer, Mary Campbell, Etta Mec-|team one evening last week on the |B Strictly scientific farming and stock raising is our one and only aim. The entire working organi-
chanicsburg. | Mr. and Mrs. Christian Breneman, | I.anchan, Emma Wenger, Florence Landisville diamond with a score or ation will be under the direct management of a man thoroughly schooled in the most modern methods
Mr. and Mrs. Anna B. Coope are |Mrs. J. S. Nissley of Mount Joy, and | Shearer, Margaret Black, Alda Me- 3 to 1 in. favor of Rheems and the | of producing every dollar the soil can possibly yield. The finest seeds will be planted and the finest
spending the summer at their cot-|Mrs. Samuel Stauffer and daughter, | Lanachan and J. L. Heisey and |following evening the Mount Joy | live stock will be bred, so that at all times there will be a wide open market. : bi vonderivl
{of Dayton, Ohio, visited Elias and | family. team defated the Rheems team at Men from Lancaster county and adjoining districts have motored with wus to t ese wonder u
: farms and all have returned filled with boundless enthusiasm as to the remarkable outlook.
In a few days there will be another fleet of motor cars leave Lancaster on a delightful trip over
tage at Mount Gretna. : |
Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Perris and Daniel Metzler’s on Wednesday. —————t— this place with a score of 3 to 1. mn
Maryland’s scenic highways---big touring cars filled with men anxious to see with their own eyes the
int Flori , Sun Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bomber- A large number of }
little son of Florin, spent Sun-| 1 njamin Bomber nber of enthusiastic |g a SY
day at Mrs. ‘Perris’ home. Th er and Mr. and Mrs: Hiram Wit MILTON GROVE citizens from this vicinity gave a big | vast possibilities on Maryland's Eastern shore. YOU are invited to join us. The ride will be FREE
Mr. and Mrs. William Groul and mer and daughters Alta, Anna, 5 SE hs _-| surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jona 18 from start to finish. Fill out coupon TODAY and mail for reservation.
visiting at Mrs. [Mary and Stella took dinner at Richard Hershey was a visitor in Benny, near French Creek Falls, |® .
| Phares Kauffman’s on Sunday. this place. Chester County, Pa., last Sunday re- | m
The supervisors are busy repairing | gardless of the inclement weather, E
Kreadyville, spent Sunday with Mr.|and son and two daughters of Co- the roads. They all traveled in modern automo- |
and Mrs. J. Warren Long. [lumbia, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Herr John Rasp wishes to buy fifty { biles and met frequent showers. |B Fill Out This Coupon and Mail for Full Particulars, Date of Next Free-Motor Trip to Farms, Etc.
Masters Raymond Wagner and [and son Amos of Landisville, and Leghorn hens. J . They served their own lunch at Mr. =
Claude Wagner, are visiting rela- | Mrs. John 8. Nissley and Sarah E.| John 8. Kauffman is busy thresh-| Benny's residence, and look forward
tives in Hanover, York county. | asl ey of Mount Joy, were enter- ing for the farmers. to another trip in the near future. NAME......ccooiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiia iin,
Mrs. J. M. Swarr and Paul Dattis- [tained by Harvey Rohrer’s on Sun- i Rosas x Pps bought a rabbit| The following persons enjoyed the |H
1an left on Monday morning by auto day. dog from Samuel Koser. day: Mr. and Mrs. John Landvator,
for Mrs. Swarr’s home in Pike coun- | In looking through a diary kept } Oliver Rasp was a caller at Eliza-|children Anna and Elias; Mr. and|N ADDRESS... connvrinrintsrriasnrsnnrisrvninensnes
ty, Pa. | 10 years ago in July butter was 14c efiinwn, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Phares O. Frey and son Blaine;
" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pieffer, of|a pound,’lard was 8c per pound, and B acob Fry and wife attended the|Mr. and Mrs. John Zeager, children |B
Salunga, entertained Mrs. Thomas P. [eggs Were 12¢ a dozen. Wheat was | [-Vangelical church on Sunday. Monroe and Lily; Mr. and Mrs. Clay-| 2
Casey and two {
daughters, of Phila-{95> cent per bushel, flour was half S. L. Gingrich bought some | ton Tyson, children Jacob and Min- |
delphia, on Friday. I i Thi bi Samuel G. Hoffman t 1 Syl
A p Mrs. Alice Trout, |pound. lis seems a big contrast Sie, Te € contemplates son Sylvester; Mr. and Mrs. Frank |m
present’ cost, live chickens 10 cents a | e2iStered pigs from James Berrier. nie; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landvater, |®
3 ’ |
On Tuesday i i
\ engaging in > > S dlerce, sons Ear :
g the chicken business. H. Pierce, sons Earl and George;
Miss Barbara Trout and G. Frank|With prices to-day, as the daily pa- 4
29, rank B. Grosh is visiting several |[Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeager, Mr. ond
Trout, attended the funeral of Mrs. |Per says butter is 65c¢, lard 32c, weeks at East Peterst i Li m
SC Moar oille, s 50c a dozen, chickens are 40 |Y¢ i S at Last Petersburg and Lititz. | Mrs. Cletus O. Frey, Mr. and Mrs. |® M ] d St k C
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hess, of Lan. [cents a pound. It now takes $4.00 Ww Somme! L Heisey and son Jra,|Noah O. Frey, daughter Rosetta, | ® astern ary an ive OC 0 pany
caster returned home on Saturday [to buy what $1.00 would have Seas ikon at Elizabethtown, on|Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman. w
Blow drier even ding se ys [bought in these days. Is it any esdny =
evening after spending several day Jug in these duys Iv it any Harvey Garman sold hic Fores 808-10 Equitable Building
at Mr. Hess’ home in Landisville. ‘nder that it requires a full pocket ill $ Po Js form and SPORTING HILL ki
Mrs. Mardie Nicholas and daugh- frools to go to market today to buy a move in the village in the near y =
x . small basket f the necessities of
ter Mrs. N. B. Sloan, of Harrisburg, | mall basket of the necessities of : X mie
a : : life? Mrs. Louis: lingrich : ie Frank Long : : r spe EB =
spent Friday with their granddaugh- |life? Loos Louisa M. Gingrich and Mis. : ng and family spent a
ter. and niece, Mrs. Benj. E. Long ouise G. Thome were at Lancaster | Sunday at Mount Hope. |m
er, and 2Cce, MTS. nj. L, Long. 3 < Jal x cs
this week. Mrs. Harriet Balmer, of Manheim, | EEE EEE EEE)
On Thursday afternoon, Miss | Be! .
J h . S. Robert T ~ y . spent Sunday > >
Mary Baker entertained the sewing .ROHRERS I OWN fined vobert Thome, who was con-|S! Mis unday with relatives here.
| ined to the house several days, is Miss Anna Nissley spent the ’ | ©O000000000000000O0O0000O0OOO00OOO000000000000000000
well again, week-end with her cousin, Elizabeth Krall 8S Meat Market :
circle of which she is a member. A
very enjoyable afternoon was spent. | : i a oe !
ht or wote a | Trene Baker, of Salunga, visited Tillman Zug and family, of Eliza-| Brandt, at Oyster Point. :
2: : ] LStner Slary bethtown, were visitors in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haldeman and NS 1re S a e ew
3 FL g
2 L
two children are
Groul’s home at Brickerville. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mann, of | Mr. and Mrs. Phares Breneman
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Long, Miss ot AT this place,
i 2 t Many are 1 r ar butter as n Q g aughter, Myra ¢ A rs. A
Emily Swarr and J. Lehman Swarr, | = == © rv plent ul iter as ro Sunden “ daughter, Myra and Mr. and Mrs. A.
. Jov x Sq v | ? = i I oh ne Milton Grove ok
oF Mount Joo, WT +i to). | y Baer and family were visit- lis in bad shape and repairs are Sunday.
Waynesboro, Greencastle and Get. | "§ 3t Monterey on Sunday. necessary. Mrs. Emma Hershey and Mrs.
Ayneshord: oa : : Oscar Warfel and family spent Agnes Wi ; as iok | John Derr called > ‘mer’
tysburg They expect to be gone] : At] : my 3 Agnes Wittle, who was on the sick | } we ed on the former's
os 5 ) ’ y | several days at Atlantic City. is ros > or tos oi Hy |daughter, Mrs. Norms Fetter, : :
about a week. | red Weidman 4d to rabiavres Ii t, resumed her duties with B. O. Mant i S. Norman Fetter, at I always have on hand anything i»
Misses Rott Hoffiu: of Li lis id) eidman as returned { Grosh on Monday morning Manheim. 2)
Misses Rut offman, andis- |e. ¢ Contre. Tow. are at = ¥. 1 ng. Mrs. Joi 3 the line of
ville, and Ada Rupp, of Mount . entre, tows, where she Aaron Diffenderfer will .move tol, “I'S: John Nissley and daughter,
, 3 months. Elizabethtown, where he purchased Dorothy, and son Andrew, of C olum- SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA
of Menges Mills, York county, ; Ty as Ohare o% God J the Joseph Hollinger property. 2 ae Selime some time with DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC.
1 oR . v na: »U, subject, stroyving & ve . z Le ar yr, Mrs. / Z oon N
Grace Geitz, of Glen Rock, Tum ae Ahisc e 4 re ying Alle n BR. Gibble attended Chil- | ne : no er, Irs A. H. Vogel. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Park, Muttos
county, are spending ou two ie oT esus. rere will be no night ser- | dren’s Day services at the U. B. Mr. and Mrs. D. M Nissley and :
outing at Mt Qing | vices un September except the church, Elizabethtown, Sunday even- daughters, Kathryn, Edith and Betty, H H KRALL
Miss B ertha M Trout. of 217 East Junior Endeavor y visited Mrs. Susan Nissley, at the : : ™
> a M. 7 East] "Pr. Ambros H Stubbs and wife, Oreville Mennonite Home, on Sun-|West Main St. MOUNT Joy, PA.
Walnut stree .ancas e- 3 :
alnut street, Lancaster, has r [of Peach Bottom, are leaving on
rn. ‘o y : : day. ;
turned home from a month's visit | 3 ) ; myra, attended Communion services i : Bell Telephone
to Leonia, N. J. New York nd | Wed lesday on a yachtion trip, The in the Evangelical church, Sundav The Intermediate Department of ?
doctor ne a rest Their trip | afternoon, “|the U. E. Sunday School, of Man- 0 n ° y Son
heim picnicked in Hershey’s meadow
Long Beach. At the former place | 1: .}. is r several weeks ni 3 . H n n up
1 is for Rn weeks at least Samuel G. Hershey and family. K Sa le
folle ws: mostly by | Sarah, Lillie and Elizabeth Hershey, | 2% Saturday. The tots had a ery Ey Si
Or =
she was the guest of Mayor and Mrs. | oF 4
P.- § ) ose oi and planned as
Ye Wool, vi Saughten Le In ater, up the son then across to of California, were the guests of S. delightful time. :
Lancaster and Landisville vase Jntario, Tous Islands | L. Gingrich and family on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Miller and Choice Duroc DP
On Wednesday afternoon Miss town the Saint Lawrence past Mon- —_———a—— °' |daughters, Teressia, Pauline and =
Barbara Trout entertained the s sewin il to Saguency River and up as Mary, visited Mrs. Miller's grand- Jersey Boar Gi on
circle of which she is a n ber. . - as the Steamer will take them Northwest Rapho parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ellinger, PIGS ;
very enjoyable afternoon was si back by lake Champlain and Joseph R. Gibble spent the week-|2t Colebrook, on Sunday. 2 8
I fre : Pere George this is part of their |end among his friends in Manheim. —_— ee re— February and April Farrow
Light refreshments were rved to] ipin 3 ) :
the following member r Zap. oa : Francis Hunt and Joseph Heis- !{ MOUNT JOY : :
Minnich, ig Sar lV. Swarr and Ch Phe Ladies Bible Class of the [stand have installed the Bell tele- MARKETS Full Pedigrees Furnished ETC.
n hurch of God Sunday School en-|phone into their homes. The following prices are paid today Apply to Prices Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed
In connection with above will carry Tires, Tubes, Auto, Bike and
son Mrs. H. W. Minnich, Mrs. F. H. } toviainsd. th re Pil \
Shenck, Miss Fannie P. Long, Mreide.,. oo the Men’s Bible Class and H. H. Geib, who is staying with|by our local merchants: oN
. he TP Hea ichers of the school at the home | his nephew, expects to take a vaca- RAYMOND B. ZOOK . i
J. M. Trout, Mrs. John T. Herr, Resslor, last Wodrcste: cor. De : I flo 2 aca H. E. Haver, Pays: ~ Motor Cycle Supplies
nrv Kise . YY irrwar ia jr a ory ‘as ednesday even- | tion for eks « ge . i i
Henry Kiser, Mrs. Henry Miller. i A history of the class was read Fires R he wes See nn Eggs, per : Route No. 1 Mount Joy, Pa. A share of the Public Patronage is Requested
Mrs. McGuire, addresses were week-end at Myerstown, Lebanon pun, rl
SALUNGA given by the 3 v: or and teacher. | county, that being the place of his ber: 1p 3 TAKE NOTICE!
Willis G. Kendig Esq. called on his | endered by Miss | birth. i Brandt & Stehman Pays: \
iti x Wheat, per bu 2.21 The undersigned wishes to inform
father B. E. Kendig, Sunday. frances nersh and several very he most ambition farmers last!
The Sunday Schools of Landis- | Ptert: § readings were given by | veek started to turn down the] Son, per Hi i i
T h of Langs, : herine Fortent : E {wheat stabbld in oreo di ae fo Oats, per bu... the publie that he is prepared to do
fLaes After the pros am, ce | s g while some fortunate Brandt & Stebisn Sella: \ i COAL COAL
ily were AT Rhd caite Were 3 Fve 1. Mr. A. | were ly gather h sheave Wheat, per 2.5 Y = 4 \
€ S l washing dishes|Corn, per . . S g¢ 22 1
telephone line H. Degler autoed to Mt. Gretna. on
Frank Moyer and family, of Pal-

And will be pleased to offer you service for

per bu.

nger of her left hand. 1 Hada lixed feed, per 100 Ibs 2 | h ¥ \
Hay-Fever Easily Prevented f Elizabethtown, attended j #1 | Glutten, per 100 ; 3.05 R ;
If you would like to prevent vour- ProBATAL IO Ae Bae solcienniis | Cot ton Seed Meal 3.3; 2 : \ LP
F from the coming att | the CLT : a oy WY ye 'T | Li nseed M al, per { \ 8 &
| Beef Cera : 6.00 | > $
[Calf Mok per 100 Ibs., ins .50 | \ : Also Feeds of All Kinds
Gal othy hay, per 51
Jira, per 100 Ibs.,. : ‘95 JOHN BOMBACH’S ‘STAND
jh gh 85 MOUNT JOY, PA\ a hay, Straw, Salt, Etc.

Sornids HARRY HOUCK = Just'Received a Carload of Cement,
—— * of the | General Blacksmith and Horse-Shoer |
Now Get Busy MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Goverment Tested
On account of advanced vears of 1 the famil f . : I 1-1] mp1 he a . Be a fo |= “oy \ .
ho wants to be I toved J er >i lm Will be'pleased to fill your order. Price
Br Tho be refevud aia Ja San nd St.| SANITARY BARBER SHOP |= P y s reasonable

daughter Janet f lainfie vew [0 resp ty, I have five dwell-
Jersey, spent part of last week at|ines and a lot adjoining on North Who Wants a Parm [ pel veriain: ot th Ee} in i— | i »
the home of his parents, Mr. a j| Jarbara street, Mt. Joy. known as I have for sale an 86 aere farm ir [several] week ei ei \ 5 H R FH
Mrs. Elias Aunpst. i= k’s Row, for sale. The price is | West Donegal township, that is. be jfoicr ile wes aman 3 hi ALLEN M."WAY, MOUNT JOY, PA. | E ¥ ZE CC E
a 3 [richt as T can show vou a ten per | yond a dobut, the best farm of its | : =Y Tecovered 1 home po > -
Er ilies Mr and Mrs H or | 27% + JY rion of Who wants it? : i ve ever offered. Limestone ! Look a :
Ber Ke. nad Me aC {Greater portion of money ean remain. | lane excellent producer, good build. | 00K at our advertising columns| Agent for the Maihattan Laundry , N
Baer and Mr. and rm: wy 1. E. Schroll, . Jov. tf | in excel lent location. Must be seer | "Nd see the many su-cessful business | ‘h op open daily. Mondaw till noon. 4 3. CLING'S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
Baer spent Sunday a in , with | A —— to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt | men they represent or rather speal i
r. and Mrs. Ben Keener. Subscribe for the Mt Joy Bulletin | JO¥ . tf | for. Why not YOU? t¢« | SATURDAY’S HAIR CUTTING~35¢c en 0 OO