LE WEDNESDAY, DOOOOOCO HAO OOOOO0O0O0OGO0O00OO0O0OO0O0OCO0O000OO0OO0O0O0COCOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOTONOTONNNNNNNT ” JULY 1919. 2nd, OOOO0OOOO000000000000000000000000O00000000VVLVLLLLICIY ey 5.C 0. HI™ IAT, STORE » Nation's Birthday, Friday, July the Fourth fur stores will be closed all day. Open until 10 P. M. Thursday evening ta better serve you. We have'arranged a very seasonable list of merchandise at prices much below) those usually charged, alike suitable whether you spend the day at home or “picnicing’’ in the woods. The special occasion as well as the ‘‘every day routine’ in readiness. ** finds us NEW CHEESE, Lb. 35c¢ Fine quality, very tasty, Just ‘the kind for a good "sandwich. 79c¢ FLOUR, 12-lb. bag. Ceresota, Gold Metal, or any brand in "stock. Sweet Juicy Quanges dozen ..... Big Juicy Lemons, 30¢ dozen ..... 8c 35¢ '14c¢ Every Day Eyapseatod Milk, can. Uneeda Biscuits, Pkg... . Wax Paper, voll......... 4¢ Pure Jelly, glass. .10¢c Best Peanut Butter, glass 12¢ Sour Pickles, Te bottle. ..14¢ Potted Meats, can..... Sc, 10¢ Finest Sardines, can. . .8¢, 17¢ California Tuna, ah... ..20¢ Pron Mustard, glass. ..... 7c Best Shrimps, can........14c Motor Mints, phe. . +»++ Be Fresh Pig Bars, 1b. .......20c Nabisco Wafers, Pkg......13¢c Tomato Catsip. .. 10c, 15¢ Sliced Dried Beef, pkg. ...15¢c Ritter’s Pork & Beans. 12¢ C oODcationery Sicar, hh. 12¢ “ASCO” rena Bottle... ....% o.oo 123c Ginger Ale Just what you'll need for Fourth of July. A delightful thirst quencher for the entire family. 1 CAMPBELL'S PORK & BEANS, can......A........ 123c Finest selected beans packed in a delicious spicy tomato sauce dressing. 45¢ OUR VERY BEST TEAS, 1b............ vein does Our teas are the finest quality to be had. Makes the best cu you ever served. CHOICE PEAS, can 15¢ Fine quality, sweet | Ju y h from th de : I ( 1 hottl 12¢ hott 12 25¢ 14¢ 10¢ 8 J )2 £ > 3 pid Q 18¢ © o & 7¢ Jc 5 ; 5 ¢ § £ 5 : i 2 Good Broken Best Soup 3 RICE BEANS RK : 9c, Lb 10c., Lb } N = To Look Well In That New Suit You Should Have a Pair of the Latest OXFORDS or PUMPS Just Received a Shipment of the Finest Money Can Buy To Be Sold at Prices To Suit Al H. Laskewitz OPEN EVENINGS MOUNT JOY, PA E. MAIN ST, » Q 2 LOOLOOLOLLLOLLOLOLOOO0ODOO0 AOO000000000OCO0000000000000 Willard Storage Battery Service Station I am now equipped to handle your service for charging and rebuilding those batteries charged &y and night. Bring your troubles to the Willard Service Station Located On West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. | partment { poison {will stop their raids | Now is the | fested by | sacks (the contents OOO COOVOCOOROCOOCOOCOCOOCOCOOCOO00C0ONACOCOOCOCCOCOOCOCCOCOO00 LOO0OOCOCOOCOO0000000000COOCOC0OCOO0OCOCOLCOOOC0O0O00000000 HOW THIS NERVOUS WOMAN GOT WELL Told by Herself. Her Sin cerity Should Cone FARMERS' COLUMN Items in These Columns Are Pre- | pared in the Department of Agri- | culture at Washington, D. C., and | Are Reliable and Trustworthy | i Items in These Columns Are Pre. pared in the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, D. C,, and Lydia I. Pinkhar 1's Vegetable Com- pound had done for others, I tried it of Agriculture. Traps, and rat-proof construction | | arch enemies of stored grain | The are dampness and rodent pests am no longer ner- | rats and mice. An elevator with a ! b yous am Fopuien, | leaky roof is only a little worse than | and in excellent one allowing free entry to rats and i health. 1 Jetiove fi Compound) Niu mice. The present price of wheat Sureany » iid © HELLER, Christopher, IIL {makes a telling appeal for rat-proof | construction of wheat containers. time to fill rat holes with weakness or some functional yi ment, which may be overcome b cement or cover them with sheet | famous root and herb remedy, Sis iron, and to build new mouse-proof | E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compouty , as { granaries of either concrete or thousands of women have found by | galvanized sheet iron. experience. If complications exist, write Lydia E. Where rats and mice have plenty Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for of food and are unmolested they suggestions in regard to your ailment. multiply overwhelmingly. For ex-| The result of its long experience is ample, in Australia, during the great | at your service. war, sacks of wheat stacked in high piles awaiting shipment, because in- mice which riddled the and destroyed a large part of before preventitive MOUNT JOY MARKETS by our local merchants: steps were taken. Under similar H. E. Hauer, Pays: | circumstances a like result would in- Eggs, per doz..... .. Mie evitably occur in this country. Where Butter, pet hi. ivssscviiies ...55 lit is impracticable to provide tight| Lard, per lb................ .. containers for stored products steps Brandt & Stehman Pays {should be taken immediately to trap Wheat, per bu...... . $2.25 or poison rats and mice in the gen-| Corn, per bu... «ce. .vvv.. 1.80 chaser business ablished ts daily ir ~~ Remedy number of lambs in Pennsylvania. § 390,400 tons one year ago. and was Lid I| Nervousness is often a symptom oF The following prices are paid today THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, US. A. Are Reliable and Trustworthy. | 2 Sa vince Others, GUARD WHEA AGAINST RATS | a AND MICE | The greatest wheat crop ever pro- | Christopher, 11l.—“For four years I Ee A oil hoi suffeved from ii regulariti s, weakness, duced in America will soon be har- | RorvonsHess,. anc vested. Grain elevators will soon | was in a run GOW. | {become eritable treasuries which | ( condition. Two of | [thieving rats and mice will break {|| our best doctors | into if they can. | failed to do me any | Don’t feed $2.26 wheat to rats | [| good. heard so | and mice, says the United States De- | much about what Vy abl remo brance for the lovel : beautiful br 9 da nty breoche; a | Md of richly patterned * ver; or an APPEI 2d Watch, those ‘unfailin MW tireless markers of the M march of time. Your M needs have been antic toot otttttiditidetld dist tddddddid td bape au wi I$ 3 pe | a br pd —t 3 pe pated here. pg * p+ 4 py b4 ~— re p< yt $ Lo: 33 W. W. Apple & Son} 4 pe 4 NM | 133. JEWELERS AND 35 | 1384 OPTICIANS 1331! rp @4 123 | bh $e al & I$] | hippo 4 TR 222 2X22 L222 14848 rear A dR AAA Alda 8 IIe $31 NORTH QUEEN STREET re Prd LANOCASTER, PA. 3 0000000000000 00000044 9980000000000 0p000000004 { BEWARE OF IMITATIONS | BUY BY THE NAME , | Q : : ve 1 .., | petition. Don’t Tonto & Y|J. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. tf er curing It ri BE EE ee ,,E. 1 | ! . ! Deer Changes Its Mind C 1( | T: of th 1 ] 3 hi th \ not ts of 1 A tn ] > : et - GW I * Sus a ( yo B st vy AS S 2 r Q r gs | 1 r : cent y str o G rti 1 T¢ I tJ. E re tf ) r | i P < n X ) bo A P : 1 a eel Gee nat 1 shed h t says = et errr ner o ( Chamberlain's Colic and Diarroea Th AT nic lo Fi p n 10 he of | Dy I L2 u |t > who use i Try i rou | onun have need of such a remedy. 7-2-5t | S—— es It is estimated that | Reports show that there has been | the State were still an increase of three per cent. in the | tone of hay on June 1 as against i ) | | LANCASTER, PA. ! apr.16-6mo. {eral vicinity of storage buildings, | Oats, per bu. . and should be continued till the last Brandt & Stehman "oller | bushel is disposed of. Wheat, per bu...... 2.50 | COLORS OLD "AND NEW | The United States Department of { Corn, per bu................ 2.00} STRA HATS Agriculture furnishes plans : ills | Oats » 85 | i griculture fu hes plans and bills Oats, per bu, ........... 85 HE magic liquid that makes of materials for rat-proof granaries, | Bran, per 100 Ibs., y= ve . 4.301 last yea aw hat look just and in its Farmers’ Bulletin 896 | Mixed feed, per 100 bse. 2.45 | like new. If vou bat is old and described various methods of | Glutten, pe a 100 ih wresee 5.08] soiled, don't throw it away, Make lestroving rats ; ive Those Cotton See ea . : 3.39 i a : a | destroyin 1 ind mice. I'hese Linseed Meal, per 100 1bs., > 3.80 it es good as new ar ] any color publications may be had free on ap- Beef Cerap. 6.00 you want with Colorite. plication, Series er vas ies Calf Meal, per "100 1bs yesmiseie 4.50 Millions of w BUY FEEDER HOGS IN SOUTH Tin othy hay, per 100 Ibs. 1.65 and have new Members of the county farm | Straw, per 1001bs.,........... .95| § using C bureau in Montgomery county, Ind., | l'ankage, 100 Ibs. 1.85 with a br with the assistance of the county > . proo! 1 I agent, corresponded with county THE FISH LICENSE m ! i agents in Ala and Tennessee | BILL IS NOW SHELVED ( in, Sand and have locat feeder | i | u 8s 1 } t | 1ate ( (1 3: L \] I | t IC 1 . Dull BI Y ( l I Jer ; CHANDLERS, MT. JOY g : 2 : 3 \ Inmmesmsocamnmsinss are cmamesel + oe a . i { ¢ 5 in i 4 1 1 1 y Florin Tt tock * 1 1 Pp nD ne ) > I C J. B. Long Co, it 18 Wool } i P : | : Bell Phone 1566-N i } 3.7 ) ir | ee ————————— —————————————— ye Larch « las ¢ D ( { I ! Te ! y y 4 nerea ut Sent. | ! + the Krall’s Meat Market ring March this nd r| ie y, but fro he indp ' 1 ul imbers the increa March | h wa 1 head, mpared with 1,8 1] | y he month a year ago. The sheep | one \ Ch pl eat ha Fab W I 1 11.9 per cent., or 6,394,000 ! 5 Te - I always have on hand anything i» March, as compared wit] in- | Good Business for Sale the line of rcase of or cont. or 3.696.000, 1 have for sale the entire duaay( _ _. a a odhex : yo Va 5 ; a outfit of Messrs. B. F. Kauffman & SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA Marct SU yt Y £ is plone 1# {neh NDS Cw Nah 1 sr , 1 th Bo re ALR wg TSS, DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. ag S rans, botties, » < ve :. > se of she 1s 20 ator, 2 OcTe r, etc 1 po ve _| Also Fresh Bee f, Veal, Pork, Muttos rr 204 ( ) liate posse ll Jusiness 3 yr a h an i ( f 9 1 outfit or H. H. KRALL MOUNT JOY, PA Bell Telephone West Main St For Sale Choice Duroc Jersey Boar PIGS February a Shaving Hair Cutting B. Hers Jos. TONSORIAL PAR Agent for the Manhat Goods called for Monday West Main St., Mourt Joy $95. 50 Will buy a Pipeless Furnace Vrite for catalogue and particulars. D. K. Mohler 266 Woolworth Building * 4 J Keystone Combined Using this machine as a rake, you can follow the { ing the fro Keystone | an | They make a light, airy windrow and deposit it on a clean stubble. The | work is done quickly and while the leaves are still active. | . countered : | onc THIS VALUABLE MACHINE CAN BE West Donegal St., Side Delivery RAKE and TEDDER This Machine Rakes Clean, Teds Thoroughly and Handles Hay Gently It's Left-Hand Delivery Means Better Hay, Cleaner Raking mower closely strik- know, the hay backward m the mower with heads uppermost. The closely spaced teeth of the Side Delivery Rake Tedder heads | the leaves, and rake as clean as if the stubble was swept by a broom heads of the hay first. As you falls and thus work against the Thus, there | is no chance for the leaves to dry ahead of the stems, resulting in anev- | en curing. The Keystone combined Side Delivery Rake and Tedder will grade your hay up to “choice.” If a right-hand rake were used two serious difficulties would be en- First, if the mower were followed the windrow would be de- { posited on an unraked swath, thus leaving that swath uncured. Sec- I, in going in the opposite direction from the mower, the teeth would strike the butts of the stems first, not catching in the crotches and not | doing as clean work. INSTANTLY ADJUSTED FOR RAKING OR TEDDING By manipulating lever, the cylinder can beadjusted to revolve in either | direction. There are three notches in this lever quadrant, one neutral and one reverse for tedding, the other revolving the cylinder for raking. BOUGHT FOR $100 OR FOR $95.00 THIRTY DAYS G. MOYER Mount Joy, Pa. WBS EE BBR EEREEBEE ESSENSE RRR BREN SSE =. n - "- nD . # f 1e former Dow - an oS A ¢ ne orf new " = 3X t e~-mint ds = / Notions x Yl n =" = about Sept. 1. Watch for my big = opening announcement. - ¥ ? ” 5 — 1] x : = 5 F. A. Farmer . = Mount Joy, Pa. = = = m = m uN = = J = m mE RE REE EERE EEE WR EEE un 2O000000000000COBBOO0CC0COC0CO0000ONNCICICT0D00Y TDTHIOOOO0 NOOOG0000 OOK DOCOOOOOOOOO00 YP MN. B. : Unde rtaker 7%) a ” and Embs Alle West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. NI A\RPI I ND ™M \ DON OOO000C00000 DOO0000000 ————— sini —— ———— OO0000OCI000000C00000CCONICO000COOCO00000000000000 © A i >| 0 —- Ar 1M Repair “hn PV 1 ~ AULD opdll IETUN OG aal ag i : 7 5(0--12 N. Cherry St, Lancaster Pa. Two Good FORD C CARS For Sale One Touring and a Truck Also Extra Good Speed Roadste: WE REBUILD TRACTORS FOR FARM USE OUT OF YOU OLD AUTOMOBILE AND CHARGE YOU ONLY FOR T' WORK. WHEN WE FURNISH THE MACHINE FOR THE TRAC THE PRICE RANGES FROM $200 TO $500. Bell phone 2227-J. : KRUNM 3 to “Bobby” H : --