The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 02, 1919, Image 1

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    ‘I'he Mount Joy Bulletin
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 2, 1919

$1.50 a Year in Advance
s the Time to Have Your Real Estate Listed if You Want to Sell it This Fall. See Schroll
Now i
d——— This event was cor actod very suc ce, announce the birth
HARRY GARDNER HAD A HAND | cessfully last summer. and a good | ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Br ry PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT T | +} 4
Sonic 2 dE F. an d ert Brosey is | PE . ME OUT THE | of the nds were - DT
he program
CUT OFF—JAMES GLATFEL- attendance is again expected. The [ place, announce the birth of a MANY COMERS AND GOERS presen ased with GREAT BEYOND
AND BUSY VILLAGE | Mr. and Mrs. Phares Peters, of IN THIS LOCALITY ft} =
; [as rendered i appended Grace tachae a , Colur
t and
TER CRUSHED A THUMB affair is being sponsored by prom their musical ability. Je eee
—FRANK STOLL IN- | inent itizens of East Hempfield i ir town, announce the birth : bia’ dest
JURED bowonun partisieny residents of Miss Emily Freymeyer was a Mon- | SO! M TA Eshleman De : Waltz (Dutt), Bohm, Anna Mumma | resident, died I: veel
There seems to be a jnix hovering a ’ Pe SOE Rohrerstown [ 4, y- visitor to Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zerphy, of {eek at Mount Gretna. and M Welsh; Walt (Trio), : :
§ § J and East Petersburg. Mr. James Shatz. of near town, announce the birth of a Mr. James Schatz of Coatesville, | Streabbog, Anna Mumma, Alice
Martha Moyer; Mim-|terday at Mountville, aged 78 years.
as there The big tabernacle of > Let : ‘ ohte
he big tabernacle of the camp |yigited his mother over Sunday. daughter. visited his mother on Tuesday Longenecker,
Geib visited 2 ) » Heins, Song
euben NM ridy, died yes-
over this section of late
were more accidents within the past {oround is to be used for the Chau- Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geib of Mrs. Fred Lieberher and: two sons] 982s Caprice
Sunnyside, announce the birth of a are spending the week at Yorl | Wit hout Words, Streabbog, Kathryn
rook ‘ re've ‘ 3 « ‘ ‘ 1 « .
week than we've had in months. tauqua, and is ideal for this purpose. | polatives at Rheems, on Sunday. 5 zabeth Mowrer died at the
i | Nissley; Maypole Dance, Bugbee,
Home, Oreville, aged 90

A splendid program has bee ar- r 1S > . 4 J le )
plendi Prog 18 een ar Mr. Louis Lesher, of Myers stown, ghter. Elizabeth Zerphy spent the week |
| Alois Heilig; Little Birdie in the
ranged for each day. A distinct is here on a visit to Florin friend Mr and Mrs. Samuel Ober of near end with relatives at Columbia
| Tree (Duet), Barbour, Alice and ™ .
Mrs. Wm Amos, formerly of
Two Fingers Injured v
and | Milto n Grove, announce the birth of Mr. Ed Ream made a business trip |
Mr. Jay Klugh, who is employed PABA Ti ll :
at the Grey Iron Works, had two | lealure o 1¢ event wi ve the Miss Elizabeth McKinley
fingers crushed by a machine one Jynioe SenaTtmont yo SEevialiy Harry Hawk were Sunday visitors a: Jog hter te Harrisburg, Wednesday afternoon. | Oliver Longenecker; Bicycle Galop, Hd : : i
s Tne reals ad: » pr IS rirls There et , ( rs. Blaine Y POS p : 5s CARE Ty > A . mihiraleres Columbia, died at Parkesburg, aged
day last week. adapted for boy ind girls. There | Hershey. r. and Mrs. Blaine O. Grosh of « a I op dae : Bechten, Lester Brubaker: Dancing ’ ’
» will be a big pageant, a story hour, a Mrs. Wili: Hamilt y Milton Grove, announce the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hgisey and Wavele K : 31% 61 year
Steel in His Eye iid tg) 92 ) } + Mrs. iliam amilton and two | 207 yf 16 birth of H two sons spent Saturday at Lancas avelets, imery, When Lyi
. j Jes $ se ay hour, and many new anc auchters, S: ‘daved : , a daughter ! Smil Mar : 1 : Pla —
Mr. Ed. Shires, who is employed [interesting oame daughte rs, Saturdayed at the Coun- |? gh Mer ; 0 | ter. [ Smiles, Martin, Anna Mumma; I Mrs. Ella May. wife of Earhart
with the Rollman Manufacturing Co Presung games. ty Seat. Es Mr. and Mrs. Emmert Whistler of Miss Beatrice Craley pent the |!N8 In the Garden, Fairy Bells, Strea \ oy ny : Ba
Wins ails The progrens for the first day will Mr. Samuel Fair of the Capitol |D oa Salunga, announce the birth of past week with relatives at Colum. {?Po8, Lillian Backenstoe; Polkn. Ma Metzgar, died at Columbia Saturday,
s sing a bac ic, $ ve featured by the Del Mar Ladies | City. nai : ont a daughter : en Hf My url :
: . : : y= Me i § z § arents a vi ( £ . . urka, Dana, O )aken Jucke
a piece of steel lodging therein. Dr. Quartette, consisting of four v Tony, b iid his paren 3 sit on | Mr. and Mrs E : bia. | In 1 tna ld Oaken Bucket, a
a TE Basher tu attendine him us , consisting of four young | Sunday. I and rs. Ed. Henry of near Miss Sylvia Hershey vf Harris | Weber, Esther Lindemuth: lorest Mary W ¢ £1 Get lied
a, 6» e S ¢ 3 g . oirls sweebtions z i ? . 1 yssler’ . an . ‘ My . J ol & 5-1 > ar y W saac tz, 3
3 eirls of exceptional talent with Mr. Roy Hershey, son of Mr. and | H a S cn h, announce the birth burg, spent some time here with her | Ech, Lynes, Oliver Longenecker:]|_, oo Yami y eo 5 1 : ! led
musical instruments of various sorts; | Mrs. Jacob Hershev arrived 1} , | 01 a daughter 4 sis yy Robin’ 1. Zs . 4 at Columbia om a complicatio )
S § y | Mrs. Je rshey, arrived home . arents. | Robin’s Lullaby, Krogmann, Southern r
also a lecture on Germany’s problem from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hershey, be ha 1 r. Irvin Geistweit is busy | [Folk Song, Weber, Dorothy Nisslev : diseases aged 50 years.
in 1919 by Prof. Howard Spicer, of : Sincer an JE [tween here : “lorin, an co 1 9 : revert JS ousy ayv-iSol Lo : of ———
( ! a or oward Spicer, of Mr. H. H Singer and family of birt ere and Florin, announce the ing his residence painted on West] ldiers a Coming (Quartette), Maria, widow of Samuel Hogen-
with a badly sprained knee. He was |l.ondon, Eng., who, has been an eye Ephrata, spent Tuesday with Mr. H birth of a son. Main street |B ! Heilig, Karl Engl lobl } | Phil 5
y Ha : i sed Of vn ‘ Be . Yoo . A . Mr : re . ped LICEL. | © 1dobler, who die near 11la., was
bedfast for several days but is up |Witness of various phases of the Ger-|I.. Stoll and family Ir. and Mrs. Howard Shuman, on Miss Rachael P. Hoffer pend- | robert Heilig, Oliver Longenecker;|y, ried at C an bi > Sh Ww os
: ‘ 2 pov i ; 3 oe : e ariobic ache . IS spen uried : 0 1bia. She ras f
and about again. Dr. Snyder at- | man revolution. Mr. Daniel Flowers of Elizabeth h Marietta pike, announce the ing the week at Stevens Hill. visit umming rd Schiller M: he 1 ®
= L « » vi 5 1 iy SI > : :
. . Ir 3 P, x 101 ~ 1
tending him. Boum, he famous magician, and |town, was a Sunday visitor to rela
: : Maude illis, in a dramatic recital | tives in our village
Had His Hand Split. of “Turn to the Right” will be the Mr. Dale Garber has accepted a

aged 42 year
Sprained His Knee.
Mr. Clarence Brubaker, who was
working at Atlantic City, is home
| vear
| birt a FY years old.
I 35: of a Son: ing her aunts. 3 Song, “Somewhere a Voice
r. and Mrs. Christian Brubaker, Mr. Samuel Suydam of Lancaster [is alling Alice Longenecker: On Jorey Miles
{ : ‘i Parade Mare >a Tyee aC. y $
[tt arade March, Barth, Twinkling Jerry Miles, a former resident of
Hs Lay, of near Erisman’s Church, announce |i : :
Mr. Walker Brown was picKING! want atid: : 5 ! the ? visited his aunt, Mrs Mary Zink] ’ .
HErrios Bs thor tay, Wi he Tne Fron Ziman io pans day. Sy 3 Wasa, D. C., and he birth of a son, : here Saturday. ay K Pos a, Ethel Newcome r; | Marietta, died Saturday at his home
der upon which he was standing,}Montaville Flowers, and Foals I ig iad oo : Raney: Elizabett | Miss Bertha Wertz of Philadel Y ge, Devaux, Sohort in Middletown, aged 72 years. Death
: He put out his hand to pro- | McIntyre will Na ie hy ok Es Bo : oop er of lizabe th- THE ye phia, is spending some time here id R1pp mz Wave , Millw: iH; was due to a complication of diseases
k { ay; ’ as a week-end visitor to Mr { with her parents ng Andemuth; Sweet Kiss Polka, | after a long illness Deceased was
| 1 Mrs. Wm. Beamesderfer/|, © ! arnival of Venice, Streq coachman for the late Colonel James
sot himself ¢ in s ing a branch |, ;
tect himself and in so doing a branch |. 4 the Haskell Indian Orchestral | William Henry and family ind
Longenecker; Mountain Young, of Marietta, for many years.
of the tree caught between his sec- }and th fourt} {av
; > : : >and the ! day; with the Mrs. Herman Brinser and Mrs 1d I Yichar \ v DO
third fingers, splitting his | Douohbovs’ M 1 1 nor | ang on Richard visited at Eliza-| x 9%
ghboys’ Male Quartette and the | Martin Liggins were Saturday U tht 3 nchottische Kinkel Carl | H :
Me Ag 1 i | De own, Sunday x : t e, AInkKey, Karl | He wa 81 m r of Bethel church.
u | Mr. and Rudolpt t | fungles Austrian S r, Pacher, Anna a. -

ond and
flicting a very painful wound |... 5 Si psd /
hand, inflictin ery } | great humorit, Strickland Gilliland | visitors to the County Seat nd Mr h Gut ob}
: ( $ Iph Guttman o
a (Trio), Mrs. Hettie L. Brandt
Kath | Mrs. Hettie L 3randt, widow of
Dislocated His Arm the final day Mr. and Mrs. Emory Inner ff the
— > -————— County Seat, were Sund visitors | os WILL TE VE N BE. OPEN | .,vor 1%; ol ond
SUNDAYS HEREAFTER AND Hinds 1 1 ~¢|lT'yn and Dorothy N er ’
| L \ Ivi } bill and friend aie 1€y : Christian 1dt, d Thursday
[ pent J th in * | morning i th reside » f her
While picking cherries from a tree i
near the Marke street bridge one |GAVE A RECITAL AT { Mr. John Eichler a ; C
of Be ig Ig ih E'TOWN MASONIC HOMES | Mrs. Wesley Royer and children o WILL SELL NEAR BEER,
off a ladder and dislocated his arm a~wp Elizabethtown, a ; 6 tor.) SOFT DRINKS, ETC of
at the elbow. When the ladder fell Miss Caroline Nissly, pianist a ets mother, Mrs Flapbotl, Sid ] | b i yo : |
k Mr. John H. Stoll, who was | sisted by Miss dred Feller i on: Sin : | Hotel thiorieh i tv \ ( \ rubaker d I a 1 rVesvnr ord rh: 54 Vo. Bellaire, : 4
rait } r ected ! ng office | Yea I bet She wa
Jaker, near

standing arby, knocking him d¢
He was slightly bruised
§ ce f recital at
Thumb Crushed ¥ ot
Glatfel ) omes, zabethtowr
riatfel u l0Ce :

and bruised
s being
Had Hand Amputated
Mr. Harry G
rardner, who y n
ployed at t y ell em
Manufacturir ( pany, at Florin 1 pei
yaln buying
Dee A \1 I -)
f 1 AL
t ternoon, with se
Rev. Arthur
the Marietta
Shoot Tonight
Few Were Caug
Westerday the fish season
pad in this state ar IS now hn )é his place of | Joy. Newtown. Colu her x
“ful to catch bass, s: perch/4 I 3 iS prey 1 to d I t I toy Rachel
tc. 3A number fish. I f SY Dr. Maecl nd I I = : lass of 1907,
0 and hving ARs nba be atdiia : ho Powerit. + i ‘Lan 2 it 3 nt t : m
: Man has decided to spend The reve: it Lancas-|and M itner sang two beautiful] If you your property | mere, being sent from S
ddy i) 3 theo more f itsjter will rea : 0,04 mark election A the evemmny service f {this I a : S i tin to have it |a a delegate to the Y
od ; hroll’s list Conference,
ir | ir.