The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 07, 1919, Image 5

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MAY. 7th. 1919,




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Share nt tl
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small Communit
card “Billy he fea
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We Begin Promptly at 1:25 p. m
Fresh Cows,
9th, 1919
and Bulls
Direct from the
the |
Bought Farmers by
ell at
{ 1 th nu Lo ard Qpposite the Farmers’
ko#¢ , i vhich Inn, A H. Styn pf, Proprietor, Mt
it little additional equi Joy, Pe .., tha following live stock y

£ I I {
| In ( a hinkh Ne 0 WIL:
i Third Federal R ¢ Dis © awa art hu 50 Head of Lancaster and York Co
Jgve you ever stopped to consider why it is American Stores during the Victory 1 " v Loan ¢il or ' for A ne —— —
areMnvariably crowded? Why it is, no matter what hour of the day : i t P I'hi my last advertisement for
you drop in, you 3lways find them busy? : | PRIZEN-—an opportu : Hoes In ] M altose u vhich in i or the avn Sia hr 5a abahibind
; We leave the A questions with you to answer, except to say in- ¢ come to the men and wont vi ve : +1 ! ein veet has a pleasant Jop the > Je _ se o1 skavilsing
telligent, busy house-keepers seldom go to a grocery store merely to 0 DI cities ric 1 \ \ \ | har ehornbles cane Ka coive your individoa} intelligent and
pay a visit; they are there to supply their family nee ds flag rais ( 10 | Ye ' : \ 4 1 tag y. v oyal financial suport
scvtnrmeenEo——— ———————— a, [ for throughout ee Stel n | It can De eq 10 acvaniage 2 NER fe | PNR Per
"There are “many good Yeasons “why hi American Store is the { Fo : hrougt y h : a : hes : N : « A . 1 umerou food product The > RY If you had for the last four years
centre of the business life of every community. | paign, those communities w ‘ n the v ed ny Wf M breweries. bolts lready equipped — 3 A properly supparted our policies, you
of airplane and d bie flights ) Tie 1 conn v th much of the machinery neces 3 would already have had a ready mar-
vill be a spe 1 on in aj A rr : gE ket for your 1918 crop at 20 to 26¢
eadquariers | Lede vill iry for the manufacture of maltose, AA “ RG . . p é
JR VERY BEST COFFEE, Lb 33¢ jdied fay diya I now being nged fos th i a. HS acquainted i Le for good wrappers
NR ( uality sold in these Unnted State Why pay more? (be howbied, ‘nol only on . Berks County u : vir with "o t of the TOCESS, the con- | COWS AND BULLS If you, Mr. Tobacco Grower, do
J We quarantee Our Vety Best to be the most satisfying cup you | ature, but with hun yy ucky showing of the g ersion the maltose from the Lot of Good Stock Bulls {not at once individually adopt our
§ wer Jim ik § : : er cards vhich wil In e the 1 ler Price of Pe Sl ] . ; About 50 cows heifers and stock |Policies, the remainder of the 1918
ever dran} 5. Blancs ons : f , | starch in barley, corn, ete, 1s A! pulls. Also one rood Registered cow |¢rop Will soon be selling at ‘greatly
104 souvenss,. dud the sovvenit © | exhibited Rea s 1 mie naner, coming in in September. Don’t miss [Feéduced prices and YOUR 1919 crop
LT TENDER PEAS, can 15¢ RITTER’S PORK & BEANS, [be a relic brough rom the Resi it the Mansion IH ( : Maltose propaganda on inything this sale f you want good ‘stock. {will go at still lower prices.
A can llc | Belde nt Bronce Wi Bap > [like a large sale vas Bogta by ex-|Sale will positively start at 1:25 sharp.| Come jn at once and adopt. our
: tes : : . | ; Loi the ; ef ot the United States Depart CONDITION: —Note at 60 days price stabilizing policies and guar-
CHOICE BROKEN RICE, Ib. 9¢ DE BE A oe Ea A '* ment of Agriculture when the sugar | with approved security and bank dis | tee yourself a
the larger part of P'ennsylvania, \ eld Ye cn rta became acute, 18 months!count added. | ber acre wreater returns or your
: : = FANCY SEEDED RAISINS, rs ; : til Sneakers Active I nriendea it J. B. KELLER & BRO. | 1919 crop, and double security, and
BEST SOUR KRAUT, can.. 9¢ pkg. 14c Jersey and all of Deliware, is pled Spears ve ' ‘ : F. B. Aldinger, Avot, Cosh : 0. annual income of 11 per cent., or
PT FINO y Fred with color and bus ik he v ey ar ' ' nb ] Coble & Kreider, Clks. nore, on your money so invested
“ASCO” BAKING POW DER 7 RITTER’S CATSUP, bot 12¢ dinary a iti 1 aid © he V Ory ula ind i xt ti i We are always in the market for
x a, 58 ix " ng - X Dicrrs : - S [ele ee] : y.... ° |Fat, Bologna and Fresh Cows, | i
id FANCY C ALIFORNIA : - L Lo mpaig ne ' ! : ¢ : Springers, Shoats and Fat Hogs. %
Eee antog RUNES, th, 23c §| ai me on Wich oll wih PST perme iter po) (IMBROHGH
F cmure———————————————————————— 3 Citic : . h 0, : ' i
$ 45 fies 3 he > : ters of con Krall’s Meat Markel Office at
ar in the Irives d there is so 1 : : p
2 OUR VERY BEST TEAY Lb IC : th Vine 10 t ; hia | ; te l 16 N. Market St LANCASTER, PA.
oo On \ Our Ver Jest— Ble : : ol p 1
X evi 1 1 ff th fr ; | 1 1 01 000 - —— ——
TIER > Td nt io “ 6 ol cnn : : ; ba 1 1 e thar ¥
SLICED DRIED BEEF, pg. 13c “ASCO” AMMONIA, bottle 7c 2 i : ret. 4 ; : roles d IZ the wth I ! } : FIRE INSURANC E
paig f rin | i) ron \ paride of Sq ( 1 1 i
HERSHEY'S COCOA, can FINEST PINK SALMON, & Billy Sund neeti to athletie con- diers ns, l 1 ! : : D AND WINDSTORM
9¢ and 17c¢ Big can, 21c § Sie lirigibl s and I N ( { INSURANCE
i , airplane and ble : CK M 4 ; | always have on hand anything
the most thrilling of mos Ls . : | mr
. ; ; © ) 2 A Voth ; Safety Lightning Rods the line of
$000 LAUNDRY Joab 25¢ A how noRat 30D, 5c §) Yopiays vin he parads y Linhinine Tote Terni Ttalled) SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGN |ALL LINES OF AUTOMOBILE IN-
tr — etait eee aera Counties’ Big Openings. e he e Of i face risk of Joss by lightning to a DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. | SRA DRE perl ae
121 As an ilius ion of the effo n Hie ie musical e £0 it YA "| Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton » ETC.
CHOICE SUGAR CORN, can 2C the counties, ment on may be made of cularly insp S od of 2 3 I of am | ————
Sweet and tender. Our price is exceptionally low when quality Lackawanna County's opening fe ! lone specla Se n mn i : id H. H. KRALL LIABILITY AND CASUALTY
is considered. | qt was a Sunday ¢ Billy ( win I tni the 1 ed States
| hn " it $8,000,000 far the [West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA INSURANCE -
- had an 1dier 1 I'he I i d |
: 5. & a | trail as ¢ 1 Vas in « Y rict. is a p vily x rp his n the Cele { Employers and Public Liabilit
. KELLOGG'S CORN GLAKES Soan trail y ; Dir Bell Telephone Po] ROYILY
CRISCO, Ib can 29c¢ she, ize davs when they h ‘ ) vhicl Sis 1 ; t : I ! 4 TT ee —— | Elevator, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass
QUAKER CORN FLAKES, A : 2, Bul 12. Moder Nth 3urglar, Automabile
MAZOLA OIL, can 35¢ ’ : A 10: ton 8 bhigges urn-outs, an 1 fb ( \ h ng.’ $955 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
fh CE ea os g — fron ; ALL KINDS OF SURETY BONDS
ST PEAR 3 / ZY, 3 Lbs. 10c © ® Ey : . £ Tp COMPANYS
Pinest ans to be had. Why pay more? & rr — worry Lipeies urnace Burglar, Liability and\Casualty In-
a 3 3 Vrite for catalogue and particulars. 7 , nhl sla : ‘
BORDEN’S EVAPORATED “ASCO” CORN STARCH, & or Sax, PL Sbporiune tie to col
5 MILK, Can, 15c pl 8. & i i Y Oat er auto insuranc
& , Can, pkg. 8c¢ \ i
& £3 5 Wi ubmit lowest possible rates
¢& EAGLE CONDENSED MILK Sipe pe C nA m any of tl 1 Reque
EAGLE CONDENSED MIR PURE JELLIES, Tulbler. .10c @ D. K. Mohle oe } quest.
can, 2 2 1 cit y nage. 100%
CON- BI PEANUT BUTTER, & Woolworth Building rvie
:D MILK, can 17¢ Tumbler, 12 ¢ ANCASTER. |
Q CS —. & 16-6mo. | I RS} i} Y
& <3 ay fa 7 ¥ OT
& GOOD BROOMS, each........ / : 40c X ow . : 390 W. Denes IT. JOY. PA
Now for ean sween-—Buy a couple for vous wmsine 3 : SOMETHING NEW, UNEXPECTED, Bell one 63-R2
5 3 couple you pring House >
& Cleaning § DELIGHFUI mm me gr
3 : . ! 1 n ¢ \ éxfu u 1 Every man,
y b ( a I NOW enjoy ‘the ¥
4 FINEST PUMPKIN, Big oan FRESH NOODLES, pke 5c o i hroduee Bnet ot ne that hts Lawn Mowers
. - GN . ariet: No. 108 ! ! I surround them.
i “ASCO” GINGER ALE, Bot- CAMPBELL’S SOUP, can. .10c | a lsoives wil facilities even| 'Q .
i y (lo) 1 Inve ] 729), : Ives with a £ facilities even | 2 = ~
. tle, 12¢ { te of the ited : to - better than bath reoms The Allen | SI arpened by Machince
S] ~ Sql a . | ; : : ibuted a fe Po )¢ Jath Svste ! sf in |
A UNEEDA BISCUITS, pkg.. 8c | STOVE POLISHES, can... 5¢\2 | ears ago, also has become popular | hort moon ih Systen and the Allen ———
from Indiana west to the mountain- ah : : E
4 GOOD CLEANSERS, can 4l3¢ IVORY SOAP cake 615 and 11c one co an, wes an ih tein) ih For further particulars .
| : nl Call on or write ‘Saw Gumming
j DOOOBO00O0O000OCCO00000000000000000000CCOCON000000000 Five-star honor flag awarded to communities in the Third Federal Re Richland (Iowa No. 105. Cereal In- | JACOB W. GROGG >
SS — serve District subscribing quotas in all Liberty Loans, SHignTions , } 787), 3 Cn W. Main St. MT. on 2 PA. and Filing
{ . A strawed, early yellow oat « eveloped | eb 3m
OO00CO000000000000000¢ | “BILLY” SUNDAY’S A MOTHER'S MEMORIAL from the Kherson, is especially de-|
VICTORY SERMON sirable for use on rich bottom soils | City Shoe |
= By MRS. H. F. WELDON where common varieties of oats tend |
A “pocket size sermon’ on the Vie to lodge. This new oat also is very | R K 3
tory Liberty Loan by the Rev. William for the aioniia tk eiteir on 7 shareh popular and yields from 4 to 5 all Repairing Company | eaper ives
All--Wool 4 Sinay, Te Baio Srna, Yo 1 Tu : : mas than US sooner Kherson. OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK ‘All Kj ~
given b i © ir Seder: y e yrnel Cxperimen Sts | -
geen by Bm to the TWN Fedor (eh 1 The Come] Brperiment Sation| LIKE NEW ONES | inds of Shears
And N thin teserve Distriet just before going I brant} f Tick hovond. iD distributed widely in New York ——— {
west on a Loan speaking tour. 8 11 fone, ireathe, as OO Paha selectio ‘rom : Welcome oat, |
0 g Tres im Wid ( ot ed up the [Tas my boy's soul crossed the bar? es ction rom the 3 3 om at 50 and 52 South Queen Street { S 3 « d
’ Phy i ‘ as oh { on! ; I d veloped in co-operation w ith the LANCASTER. PENNA. | CISSOY'S foun
ut 00l=- at Ss most infamous, vile, heartless, God- . [Office of Cereal Investigations.
forsaken bunch that ever outraged I vrapped about with a wonde Similarly, a high-yielding, very heavy sree
womanhood or trampled with dirty love awnless winter oat also has been dis
Our Guarantee bloody feet on the heart of a weeping Inspiration from none kno vhere! puted to a limited extent ir Mi
world,” Billy Sunday declared. fm Can I stop to grieve? I mu BITS [sis il and PR Soh » he n: by ALL WORK GARANTEED
On H S & M “He has slain Prussian militarism : Oly of Aurora It was developed at the Tinnin and 8 outin
- . . and he wants you to help him pay the I neet him Oy There Arlington Experimental Farm by the g P g I ask a share of your patronage.
S . fineral expenses Office of Cereal Investigations THAT'S MY BUSINESS
uits. “We belong to a nation whose flag M : s cheered! Oiler mothers’ Specialists of the United States De- | Also all kinds of repair work of every | pA : inomi™
fights to the finish, a nation that is SOLS partment of Agriculture report that, | description. Work must be right
vitally interested in—for no Suit is as good a proposi- known as the. cornerib of, the world, Must fili my life w h 1 rule, the oat crop the South C S Gingrich
tion as an ALL-WOOL Suit. the wheat bin of the hemisphere, the I'li ive a monumen "OV! came through the winter in excellent is . ait
5 wardrobe of the nations and the . [For one who is still my boy! ‘ondition A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS
Besides Hart, Schaffner & Marx garments, there are oth- x . t Highs mu pur SOLICITED W. Donegal St MT. JOY, PA
: eyor of meat to all mankind ips rin : is : ey ' .
ers that carry just as strong a guarantee of ALL-WOOL “Hundreds of thousands of our bovs. As the vellow poppies of Flanders Finger Prints” for Wheat Varieties see { feb.19-tf
—in fact our whole department is builded upon this one ho f : , his field Specialists of the United States De :
: Prot . o fought so gloricus n I a elds ¢ Iu nit tates . oe
Important prinsigle, and you are amply safeguarded in i ay 0 Sore Fo) Jans ny - bows. tholt loaves partment of Agriculture have been | Charles Ricksecker
the Suit you buy. tt a, when they NSe ther 0. gf . Sv. TOV 'Veril Veors in the clasat: |e | L Ci
$25, at th x : 4 3 and sweetheart good-bye, were one M 1 glow of love pour from oul by Y Y 3¢votal years in the ciashi-|gast Main St MOUNT JOY BRAZIL FLOUR CORN
abt e run o stores, is a pretty low price this sea- hundred per cent mentally and physi- od fication and identification of varietied) oo THE CHAMPION OF ALL WHITE
for a Man's Suit, but it buys a mighty good garment cally fit. The horrors and hell oF was Thro’ a rain of American gold, of wheat grown in this country They CORN
ere, whether you want the latest Waist-seam model or ie dao i = have identified approxi e 150 A A
: ave se them back crippled, msg 3 i Say a ?
the more conservative style of Single oh Double-breasted 2 we ne i a es IORled, maimed, Orit nat th the living and with the |definite varieties, but thes 10Wn CH S. S. FR NK | FOR DOMESTIC USE
{ Sack Suit. > \ “If there is a heaven for fools the dead | by al 108% 500 diff Im AUCTIONEER |
i Then there ore still better grades at $30 and $35, and fellow who haggzles over the debt incur- Le k widely known | or os heat be et Y 0-yes MOUNT JOY, PA. 2 is neither dent, or flint corn, but
| as you may care to go. red to silence the guns they faced, or Let a promise fulfilled be our answer vestigation ol the early history of : . | what its name implies. Rice and
gs who refuses to subscribe for a Victory gach avian from ite IRTogucnon PESwre J ansn 1d Pe >. wey lg sgseam of Wheat" are good, Dutta
wi pote will be there on the front sear.” In this Vietory Liberty Loan into the 1 nited States up to the wg of Real Lstate and Personal Propujsorn has an excellence’ all its owa.
; 3 . present stage of its progress. Wheat erty Sales. Terms Moderate. The supply is limited, and its dis-
i 0 soles Tanto star Tastee Tas Toa e a Ten tus ie Peale You Tan Teo To a Veer touts oa lus bis Tuatesle o Vos len tou Toute Testun? was sown as early as 1602 by Goss | tribution will be by packet, so that
Groff & Wolf © "oO shelleeleclrelelrlerlonle cll dele dlls ddeleledeledelelell ded wold, the explorer, on eae of ei W. MnHOLLOWBUSH!| the many may give it a trial. Each
{ ®: % Ties ha lands in a acket contains seed to raise 100 or
“+ HELP PAY THEIR FARE Elizabeth Islands in Buzzards Bay. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW {more cars of corn. Packet, 25e.
26--30 North Queen 3 . v His ae - — : {that — De Page Bg, Ra Notary Public Bell Phone 43-R4 Sample of flour, 2, get one and see
» . oe “Buy Victory Bonds! e wanna go home, hat, ® IES, neat was sown In West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. if worth your while to raise any.
’ Lancaster Ss Fastest Growing Store ole This is message three “doughboys” of the American of Virginia, wh le not previous to 1648 Days at Lancaster, Monda yd Fri- Full directions in each packet, how
a of Army, still on duty overseas. oe | did the total crop of the Old Do- day at No..56 N. Duke as Setord | to grow successfully and
] oe Their note, tied to a captured German machine gun they in- ef Minion exceed several hundred 4CTeS. Floor, with W. C. Rehm. : methods to prepare it for home use.
of spected and packed for shipment, was found when the gun was | The “fing r-print” work Wien the ——
— m— mm | ole delivered in this country. Written in pencil on a sheet of paper ‘ United Staies Deparenent hoe Pert y Y | CORN PRODUCTS CO.
, AE y : is conducting in identifying | \ «
A 9 . ofe was: p > y " \ | .
BOCOO0C0COCOCTOCOOCO0CO000NO0C0000CCOCO000000000000 | |, 5 “Packed and inspected at Mehun sur Yevre by Pvt. Henry G. of and classifying all varieties of this Don. | lore | | Walkersville, NM. 1520p
of Groth, Cedarsburg, Wis.: Pvt. Walter D. Robinson, Honesdale, Pa.; +k |8Yaln 1s expected to be of great s ) U |
2 5 + Pvt. E. S. Phillips, Jupesitte, Wie 3 [Con gme value fo the Neal gn owing | | FOR SALE — FRANTZ PREMIER
ole “We wanna go home! ‘e have done our bit. Do your bit! «|W In gener: and agronomic AND SWEEPER.
» o Buy Victory Bonds! We wanna go home! Toot Sweet.” ok workers in particular. J eweler 5 ERVAC
. KX The final phrase—“toot sweet”—is an adaption of the French «&| A Wheat varietal Survey or Suey ELECTRIC CLEANERS
\ “ suite.” aning very icklv tionnaire has recently been mailed to
% tout suite,” meaning very quickly. 3 nn re oH Host Pee 37 WEST MAIN STREET ALSO MOTORS
COLUMIA STORAGE BATTERY. ofeofeofestonfontonte slontontentonte slectuntunte clue teoten uc uote sfontentonte sfonfontontuote ofeofenerte sferfonte ducing counties of the United States. A full line of Welsbach Gas Supplies
"0 0-49"4°0- "9%" -.
The Best Storage Battery For Giving Service.
Try One And See How You Like It.
I Know You Will Like It.
I Repair All Makes of Storage Batteries.
hy You Are Having Battery Trouble.
C. NEISS, The Battery Man

Own Your Home | Would This Suit You?
Lancaster City h just d I have the 7-room house of Mr.
an ay City has § starts al | Elmer Heisey, on Fairview street for
big “own your home” campaign, |, Here’s a cheap home and its
which is indeed a very wise move and |i, A 1 condition. The price is right
there is no good reason why the same | for an immediate sale. Present owner
can not be done here. There are a Will transfer at once and pay rent.
number of good houses for sale in|APPIV to J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf
—el A een.
this section, I am listing additional |
ones daily and will cheerfully give Here’s a Good Buy
home-seekers whatever assistance I| The lot with two properties on E.
can in reference to financing their Main street, of the estate of the late
proposition. If you know of a home B. S. Dillinger. One house has all
you would like to own, call, phone or | conveniences.
write and I will be “johnny on the Now don’t delay but see me at once

t. Joy.

spot. | Jno. E. Schroll,
From a summary of these reports, |
the distribution of wheat varieties in
1919 is to be ascertained.
Incre ~d Use of Alsike Clover
The A 1and for alsike clover seed
this spr, has been much greater
than forinerly, because seed of this
clover is cheaper and has a greater
covering capacity. resent indica-
tions are that the area seeded in 1919
will be so large as to reduce the pos-
sible carry over of alsike seed to a
minimum. This will mean that the
1920 crop of clover must be grown
almost entirely from seed harvested
tf) this year.

~——Mantels, Burners, Globes, Ete.

Ww a t Cc h es 53 W. Donegal St. nov.l-lyr.
ClocKks . |
Community Silverware
Look at our advertising columns
and see the many su-~cessful business
men they represent or ratuer speak
for. Why not YOU? -

feb.20-1918-1y». “a
x ~
