PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S. A. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1919 We do not have to'bribe our Genco--Light users to speak highly of the\ Reliability, Economy, and Durability of the Ger:co- Light Plant. A a Service Co. OPPOSITE MARTIN'S CLOTHING STORE West Main St. MCUNT JOY, PA. General Agents VOOOUGBOTO0OV0OTOOTTTOTDOTOOC SERS aE ER Conerete a ERE ERNRD® Going to Build A House, Barn, Garage, things to consider by all who contemplate build- bear in mind that con order. Come HHOOOO £ OH Dk! ok FHIDO HH X OOO anne HO ao SOOO Sox OOO OTHHNRIIT BOY H. crete has come to stay % and it is rapidly replacing brick, r and cut stone Then again you Want of their high cost. % of building block agd ornamental work made Any style and color nd see by comparing price KLINE Bell Phone 137-R14 DOCOODBOCDCODOOOE OQOOGOCS SOO ACU NE © a. ra 4 HOON HK Price >d 98 Sct, $3.9 ————Ny an Extra Fine TRAW ji a ma —. Pat = 180 & ) 2000000000000000000OONO0O0E LOOOOOK FOTOVOTOODOOOT i § | ARROW COLLARS, MONROE A = LAUNDERED OR SOFT C=) AS) THE BEST THAT YOU PRICE YOU PAY Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc., PHILADELPHIA LOAN CAMPAIGN ~~ OPENS WITH SIOWY SPLENDOR Unsurpassed Anywhere the Gouniry Celebration in Third District Q oO ¥ oO oO oO 3 MM EB a Bees a8 BE / — o 2 The 0 YOOO0 Cha s ric ( \ dl a ,poL Would This Suit You? ym house of ¥ tree : i A } i The j f Present \ : ay A Mt. Jo A You Happy 1 1 eas sy and ple ND cmc = Eee “hamberlain’s Cough Remedy ig . :e Chamber rrect these disor- re prompt and effectual, sant to take. apr.2-5t at our adverusing columns nd see the many su-cessful business | men they represent or rather Speak Why not YOU? tf.) IN MISERY FOR YEARS | Mrs. Cluriney 1'ells How She Was Cured by L dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Oskaloosa, lowa.—** For years I was simply in misery from a weakness and awliui pams—ana nothing emed to dome good. A friend advised me to tal Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Con mpound. I did so and got re- lief right away. I can certainly re- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who suffer, for it has done such good work for me and I know it will he Ip others if they will give it a fair trial.’ Mrs. Lizzie COURTNEY, 108 8th Ave., West, Oskaloosa, lowa. Why will women drag along from day to day ‘ar 1n and year out, suffering such mise ry as did Mrs. Courtne y, when such letters as this are continually being published, Every woman who suffers from displacements, irreguls ir flammation, ulceration, bacl I- vousness, orv O18 pa It Change of Life should MOUs ind herb 1 i s Veget ( 1 r ) I ad caicin t of i Horse Still a Going Concern H ( hard r bho 1 1 I ) " f th tot " obile itn ( I | there are ly ny untry now as a year tin » the Bureau ( te f the Unit N ff Agericultur Iu 1 : are now one-tt i o lion re than at the begi h 1 It w the war npede the he ' y unt ind wuld send price n 4 0 orl 1 10¢ 1 farn Nere: little each | 0 't ( e \ 100.00 ; T'o t] Jer 1 vi Hn \ ; 1 J¢ I , 1 a 1 ) ) TI u Y 1d Bu stigators have 1 i §-O- Own Your Hc Lancaster City ha 1st started a “own your home ca gn whi ch is indeed a very wise move and 1ere 1S no good reasor t not be done here mber of good h ( ition. i you know of az home | A 1 would like to own, call, phone or ite and I will be “johnny on the - —_— een as, TE It pays to advertise in the Builetin NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE vase fe REAL ESTATE In the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County Warning In re: Estate of Irvin H. ‘Fair, late of | East Donegal Township, dec eased. | No. 7. January Term, 1919, Notice is hereby given that a re) tition has been filed in the Orphans’ Court of, Lancaster County, Pa., by | Normi®=}. Arntz, Administrator of ' the estate of the said IRVIN H. FAIR, dec'd., asking for an order to sell at private sale for the payment of debts the real estate whereof the said Irvin H. Fair died seived in his demesne as of fee, consisting of one purpart, situated in the village of Maytown, East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pa., adjoining two public alleys and land of John A. Tome, to Amanda F. Keener of the said Jownshin of *East Donegal for Se sum of Nine Hundred and Fifty- two ($952.00) Dollars. And that a hearing on said petition will be held at the Orphans’ Court at Lancaster, Pa., on Thursday, the first day of May, A. D. 1919, at ten o’clock in the morning when and where all persons » | interested may attend and before which time all objections to the granting of said petition must be filed with the Clerk of the said court. . C. G. STRICKLER, Second Assistant Clerk of the Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County, | Penn: = | Chas. E. Workman, Atty. apr.9-4t Krall’s Meat Market 4 Se wo E by, Ws; | always have om hand anything is the line of i SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGN/ DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttor H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, Pa Bell I el: ephone $95. 50 Will buy a )s ae Fuw Pipeless Furnace Vrite for catalogue and particulars. D. K. Mohler 266 Woolworth Building LANCASTER, PA. apr.16- [SOMETHING N NEW, UNEXPECTED, DEI ACHP, Tohace Growers This is my last advertisement for for the express purpose of stabilizing tobacco prices unless hereafter I re- ceive your individual intelligent and loyal financial suport, If you had for the last four years properly supported our policies, you would already have had a ready mar- ket for your 1918 crop at 20 to 25c¢ for good wrappers. If you, Mr. Tobacco Grower, do not at once individually adopt our policies, the remainder of the 1918 crop will soon be selling at greatly reduced prices and YOUR 1919 cro will go at still lower prices. Come in at once and adopt our price stabilizing policies and guar- 1 rself from $30.00 to $75.00 greater turns for your and do uble security, and an annual income of 11 per cent., or 10re, 01 vour n mey oO invested. RL KIMBROUGH 16 N. Market st. LANCASTER PA. FIRE INSURANCE TORNADO AND WINDSTORM INSURANCE ALL KINES OF AUTOMOBILE IN- SURANCE, FIRE THEFT, AC- CIDENT, ETC. LIABILITY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE Employers and Public Liability Elevator, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass Burglar, Automobile WORKMEN’S GOMPENSATION ALL KINDS OF SURETY BONDS OLD, STRONG AND RELIABLE COMPANYS Burglar, Liability andiCasualty In- surance. This is an opportune time to con- sider auto msurance. Will submit lowest possilfle rates on any of the above lines on \ 2quest. ' . \ ’ I solicit your patronage. 100% service S. HESS HERSHEY 340 W. Donegal St. MT. JOY, PA Bell Phone 63-R2 Seeds of Every escription Ye ee — br EH in en £ I : nT 3 i { : : " r SYD C 1 pouting HAY INF 5 BR f aver V nus ight "i SINESS r fr ° 1( S CX " x 1 ¥ 1 xX MLA eh emma ~ Tk A - Af MN JOY P C if A er ion € e Bi g Rea > a Sales I I % M AE J SF { W 43-R4 Pa ay and Fri ¢ Second SLAUGHTER NARROW LEAF BROAD LEAF SEEDS IN BULK AND IN PACKAGES ALSO FLCWER SEEDS MOUNT JOY, PENNA eaper Knive Hamilton Watch All Kinds of ow Scissors Ground ALL WORK GARANTEED I ask a share of your patronage. Din i! HkL6 I C. S. Gingrich : W. Donegal St. MT. JOY, PA. § cweler feb.19-tf. 37 WEST MAIN STREET EE Th E i CHICHESTER S PILLS eH, X% L a ot an So Pa hy for ©hi-ches-tor # Dismon rand JAC) Pills in Bed 20d Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribben. Take fe other. Bay of Druggist._ Ask for OF LOWES TER 8 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Beat, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS.EVERYWNER. jure 1-1yr feb.20-1918-1yy. - i y ATTORNEY AT LAW . 48 NORTH DUKE LANCASTER, P |