i) a we 3 i] \ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1919 NEARER SE WR ~ J AN / rls \ ~ %, 5 GH \ NA ; A 4 YZ WNC N77 OC NDZ VN x y Y/ NHL a S— ) a ‘ 3 el ov TN S~— J Si > — 7 ogi) Inn er is : oe a = x 7 ; = : LN al GVE 1° \ LD Surgeons say that through indescribable suffering the hi lips of maimed and mangled heroes were as sublimely si- lent as the cathedrals in which those broken bodies lay. Let no man, with eyes to see and a firm, strong body —— - ———————————— MIOUNT $ Victory Liberty Loan" Committee This space contril uted by A — A CT WT Al IE S. B. BERNHART & H. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. yn i ——— —- iN to fight less cruel battles, whimper in his final reckon- ing with the Victory Liberty [Loan when it isn’t even giv- ing, but lending! Buy, as they gave, to the full limit of your cash and resources. oY Once =~ Did They Whimper EERE by pC ~ #y Rc ha Ri PAGE SEV oY ET ~ < SS 3 ’ i NINN INNA ~ \ A 7 : OC Jf. l ( < ZAAAN J AS OZR NO > ” yy 3 oN A \ IN N KS 7 L {LAAN N A RN LY VA A ) 25 ud I ~~ NIZA