PAGE TWO MOUNT JOY BULLEHN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, April 23, 1919. i ca) ’ MT. JOY BULLETIN vith a clean, brand new outfit, serv. SALUNGA ERISMAN'’S CHURCH] y ing our borough people with meats of — —— - Our Very Best Our Very Best MOUNT JOY, PA. all kind : \ Dora Souders spent Wednes The Metzler family visited Walter | T E A Ss Cc oO F F E E i J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Prao'r. Mr. and Mr Harvey I wv nicht with Mrs. R. Raffensberger. | Herr and family on Easter day. { Ib j ———_— ms Roy and Irvin, of near Manhen \1 Elizabeth Wherry, of Ger-| Monroe Metzler and family visited 32c sii , ,—— [and M and My Emil Fetter town, was the week-end guest of | Jacob Hitze's in Lebanon County, on | 45c ib y Kinde Tor 4 Subscription Price $1.50 a Year|] caster inetion wer ter ned Mm Miriam Kendig { Friday | 12¢ }§ 1b, 23c 13 Ib, Ree ree, mdi ; Six Months. ......75 Cents lon Sund: by tl family of Harr) 1 Emma Metzler spent the Huber Krady spent Good Friday | Chaice of Plain, dail Bav a pound Three Months .40 Cents { Steir n " : Y Manor township with | with his grandfather and aunt near| Black, Mixed, and | todav and try it for Q Single Copies. .... 3 Cents |W. 1 ! ser r) Cora Witmer Huber's station [8 our famous India your breakfast to- 4 . ‘REF och? ’ vi. Lira ! ¥ { Mr yort atisman, an © ¢ chang their d and Ceylon. morrow a Cc 8 FREE ( ! | { Mi Albert Datismar ar Wi men han heir min \ 5 ) 1OITOW. Sasple Se | bY find y nshit | ur t rth of a daughter, Em-! sometimes, fools never; therefore al I em j \ ner n tt Wer 1 on Saturday, April 19 Way remain fool ~ ~ 4 Entered at the post office at Mount | | he county nd retur th | Viv. and M3 William Bowers and Eli Hosteter and family of Mount RING IT AGAIN A oy as second-class mail master: | Clavtor ere Sunday visitors, of | Joy, spent Easter Sunday with Henry “Let Liberty once more peel forth throughout the land.” Let its voice echo and reach or the I The date ol the expiration of your | \ D | Goel Vr. and M1 Samuel Shertzer B. Erb and family earth until man to man his brother becomes, and Peace shall know no shadows. subscription follows Job name _— { 1 Mi il Mi Fra Montooth and family of Hiram Witmer and daughters Vast sums of money must be spent in reconstruction work before this era is possible, the label, We do not send yeveipls for || hilds | Columbia, were Sunday visitors ativisited Daniel Storer's near Peters Shall we withhold? NEVER, NEVER. BUY VICTORY BONDS until it hurts subscription money feseiver en: | Eat . Ru 1 i y Rr pi Mrs. Henry Fees yor th GC . I Is . Every American store is a big help in tying up the loose ends of the family purse, making bonds ever you rem, We thal you pe yo hey Mant | oi Me Wl : ’ | TE GE { Mh I Ry R r saving through Grocery Expense saving easy, to an extent not possible elsewhere. ser credit e credit a subsc -1 { 4 L < | vir, and Mrs, Jacob Risser ot near Re on the first of each month. | Ceph Hi jf \ V1 Henry Balmer and | Risser’s church took their Easter din-|€ TRADE AT OUR NEAREST STORE, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. All corresponde Bis mist Rave their Vi Har i n of N V1 Via Graybill Schaeffer of | ner with John Metzler and family. vications reach this office not |; i ’ Minnich and daughter, | A ‘ ant Good vid it Ire Yrs 7 k ' v attondae iia Ee aera . Sompmiin fe: ir iy Telephone ews | : ch an er] M i { Friday : Ira Noah W itm r an i family atte nded - rE ————————————=—h SWEET SUGAR CORN, cut 121 ¢ yortance between that time and : : I ler : : the funeral of Mi Daniel Snavely es to, can . 2 Cc i : i of impork EE EN ey. heroes Shr nd daughter, 1 3 \ Lou Stoe, of New York, and |at Manheim on Monday forenoon Choice Pink Two cans for 2b That's the price Ritter’s Pork and o. Mae, Kathryn and son Ralph of | | Mr. and Mrs. Willis G. Kendig visited| John Metzler and family and A. B nd the lity is all we claim. TI f advertisements must positively | M ! r. Aendig 1 ( 1 ¢ ler and tamily and ) | and tn quality all we c¢ aim n Youch this office not later than Mon- | tor y ) f his parents, Dr B. E.| Erb and family visited Mr. and Mrs. SALMON pice 1S Very specia ing Ww Il continue BEANS day night. New advertisements in- M nh ! | Kendi nd wife on Thursday (Jacob Snavely near Back Run School only untui this particular lot 1S sold. 1 (In T to’ Si ; serted if copy reaches us Tuesday \l 1+ Rebe [.a id cl | Norman Miller and family and Mr.|on Friday. 1, Lb. Can will pay vou to invest in a dozen ca n lomato Sauce) night Advertising rates on applica- | Py : i; ! ne ns La Fran i 1 Mr I of Lancaster, spent Rev. I. Brubaker and wife and Mr. 4 or more. Small Can tion. . Lib . Han ry, M1 ‘ tmaker and poster at the home of their parents,|and Mrs. Daniel Metzler attended the Oc The 4 usription lists of the lan daugt M Fran Le Vy nd Mr Milton Miller. | Mennonite church services at Ephrata CATSUP, big bottle 15¢ 8c disville ¥ v 5 ’ Stor and News. were) Jester Ph rea mn | mn Good Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn | on Sunday ~ A ———————— RAE A A— his i went question the bigaos! } ount Jo . “ ’ Mant M1 di w- 1 Mra R y, Mr. Benjamin Stauffe y : | tr Eup sp re catsup value on the market today. ¢ erged with that of the Mount Joy [ Herr, M ind Mr R. D. Raffens-| Mr. Benjamin Stauffer and family KEYSTONE TOMATO ne ostiane HE aelie Ih er : 5 : Bulletin, vi vhich makes this paper's J { el | hey ttended Love Feast at the|{and Mr. and Mrs. Phares Kauffman SOUP, can 7c Jiave Re esi y a Hunumie ing it t FANCY RED SALMON, circulation about double that of the ~~ | hurch of the Brethren at Lititz. ow family Sundayed with Elias MRS. MORRISON'S CHO ; Loa : Hau L can 27c erdinary weekly, T ROVE The Landisville and Salunga|Metzler and family ino, 3 = oo : MEDIUM RED SALMON, .. ee ene ree eee LOCUST G Oo | Au 1 of the General Hospital | People to-day would laugh at the COLATE PUDDING, pkg. Be FG BARRE, 3h | lid . 15 22¢c Big Can, 24c \1 . ¢ hor in Easter donation fifty-four suggestion of a concrete airplane. ’ "OC a w.LICSH iogled sSplendie. va'me. bi : . - LANDISVILLE Mrs. Milton Erb entertained her AB Se SE 3 foncre Jifpiane; | WILBUR’S COCOA, Can, 20c | lightful layers pastry, with a delicious = CALIFORNIA BONITA nother, Mr hl in and sister of |S 1 : RE lth ho i Sad uil aughe , . e fig filler. Wholesome for the kiddies TUNA, can 19¢ — i] i. Easter Sunda: | the not © sugges 101 0 build a concrete : 3 Miss Emma Swarr spent Saturday | : Rar: broth Yoh L "Mr. ar Mrs. Fred Aungst and|ocean going vessel fifty vears ago ARGO STARCH, 3 Ib pkg. 23c : a SL 14c¢ THREADED CODFISH, it Lancaste? | | ; | daugeht f Plainfield, New Jersey, | Fifty years ago the young spent 11 . 4 1.0 CHOICE PEAS, can ) pkg., 6c and 10c Me 1 M p mt Tuesday |. Mou 3 fy . 4 Mr. and Mrs. the first few years of their school life PUDDINE (Assorted Fla Fine quality—sweet and tender. Why Mrs. Harry eT Spent. Gib hro ! veel |) IS span AT [Le iS Cow yours OF heyy school if vors) pkg, 12c¢ | puy more elsewhere for peas not as | VANILLA LEMON FLA- Land o1 \ and | h Neide hit A ungst ind sister, Mrs. Irvin|in learning heir letters before they | 200d? VORING, Bottle 5¢ and 12¢ i! Elle Nissley spent Tuesday ended Sul S : @% Mar |B) met few days last week | vere taught to read, now they are CHOICE QUALITY RICE, 5 ! 4 x : tt Lay e1 Chu he Br | Paul Peifer and wife of Washing-|taught to read the first few week Ib., 9c PR Al 12¢ STUFFED OLIVES, Bottle wy a i bu trip s Hrren > I nent part of vir Easte hev go to hool ‘withoat kn the a . “ASCO” GINGER ALE, Bottle 4c : : I K. uffer made a business trij Ri nn | 2. rol Y Marietta for several ! Kreadyville | Williams and d hed daughter | 19th lof relatives i Marietta for ra 18 Miss Minnie Noll has returned from | 2lLizabeoth we Init . ti he daw ervice at six o'clock on | days ; : i | & visiting her sister, Miss Mabel Noll, |}. home of E. R. Neideicl I fam | Easter morni n the M. E. church] Gonrad hmiph, the veteran cobbler 8 at Christiana [ily was well atended and the spe akers, | Who fell some tim ago it the home 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swarr were "The old gander who plied his the Broad St. M. E fof Michael Kisling, is slowly improy given a rousing serenading on Wed- |. (i: bv bromen: dine Gv and. dow: Lancaster, gave a very in-|Ing Sn : nesday evening this historic stream with. Bead ore sermon on the Crucifiction; Rev. H. B. Pulsifer returned from — Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hess, of Lan me his fate the other night when A. M Breneman gave ana visii Ic Harrisburg and othe: caster, spent Sunday with Mr. and | he came in contact with a dog of a | on the Centenary movement, | Places, where he filled pulpits of the | Mrs. George Hess. suspicious diseription. Fe very much appreciated by | chur h : { Mrs. Mudie Nicholas, of Harris-| ios nd body badly mabilat eregation., | Frank Erb, of Allentown, was visit- | burg, is visiting her granddaughter, il that was left to tell | CO RUE his brother, Samuel, for several | ‘ Mrs. Benjamin E. Long | fortunate encounter, Tate Thursday d days. He went to. Middletown from | Mahlon Corbet returned to his| ioht ¥ WwW [Marietta to visit friends. | home in Lewistown, after making al Miss: Annie Neideirh. dauoliter of | ELIZABETHTO N Misses Rhobie and Mary McCloskey business trip to Landisville. ‘EE BN sideigh. who. is : cttliveo ' Contr oy Bae oo attending ( arnegie school, near Pitts- | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Staley ar d| at the Silk Mill, Maric tts > £40 = % hii on 4 Wil ond fe burgh, are visiting their mother, Mrs. little daughter motored to Lancaster, | with an accident on her way to worl 3 ghar yor : Ie guests of relatives; 4. ¥. McCloskey. on Saturday evening. las st week. In the ac of lich > = onegal Springs. : : Opessah Tribe, 1. 0. R. M., of this] . 7 x . 4 s iss Ellen Mumma, a student of | ne Act 01 aughting! A number of the Campfire Girls|place, admitted a class of pale faces This palatable preparation is a combination of Peptonized Miss E from a Columbia trolley she missed | took a hike to Middl 3 Thur p i ] i Millersville, spent Sunday with her hi ¥ footing and landed « A hor | to ah a hike to Middletown on Thurs-| on Friday evening. Osceola Tribe of 5 Ra parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mumma. ed ea Few brates other Je, day evening, greatly enjoying the!(Columbia, paid their local brethren a Iron, Cad Liver Extract, Malt and Manganese and is intended for ~ Reuben Miller and two daughte rs | capt ne uninqured of w hich he Pia is Anna. Beat ; Yisit that t night. als . ® ie . Nora and Mabel, of Mechanicsville, | fortunate. ich she was rs. Anna Beates and daughter, ete those persons requiring a reconstructive tonic in general ill health. motored to Landisville on Sunday. | eee etl Eee Mary, of Lancaster, were the guests Lieut. G. F. Gilgore has returned | i i Eos and fnily on Fae DOCTORED FOR FIVE Its ingredients are recognized as being efficient aids for to Camp Meade, after visiting his| ROHRERSTOWN ign do th I 1 8 cog 9 ie | . "DB. Idinger e we known | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Kilgore. | res fia i z Zz ] oy 3 . . . - . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Eshleman and | Miss Esther Meyers spent several | Popes, era 0 us Fegensy Ji YEARS NEVER GOT building up bodily strength, restoring impaired tissues to normal = : y . : Ti *hased property, No. 619 South Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Herr received | days with her sister, Mrs. Hiestand at | | 2 : : . see . . . a rousing serenading on Tuesday | Neffsvillc. ket sbreet. it ie er working conditions. Enrichening the blood and helping to alter- ; ening | Miss Lottie. Cooper of Lescol * boys’ and girls’ choir of the AS CH GOOD AS | Sas tee : : evening. per .eacock ; J Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swarr, of | town ship, is the euest of Miss Blanch aso Homes Sang By ne Sono} nate coughs, colds, bronchitis and similar ailments, also mn nervous > , vad SE » o'clock service St. Paul's U. 'B Philadelphia, are visiting their father, | Bushong. oo ory ge rr : J. M. Swarr. Mr. Swarr has just re-| Mrs. McFalls and Mrs. Cramer and Y hyrel 28 Foster a OT F OM TONALL ineders W turned from France. [s of Laneaster, visited Rev. Me- t = 5 Repsiey, the South Market y 1 C13 ’ cot Tedder Stree rene y S recting S . . . . . On Wednesday evening Mr. and |Guire’s last Friday Sree dt Sens op ly Peptona is pleasant to take and is readily assimilated even Mrs. Amos B. Cooper entertained the | Miriam Young, who spent some . 1 i street, a large ware- Aaron wv hen a farmer, and | ; teacher, officers an dthe Bible class |time at her home in Washingtonboro, oh to %e, used for storage yur. nie i 12 ibe old. 1 suffered by weak Stomachs. Its tonic action adapt it for use in those run wr of the Zion Lutheran Sunday school. [has returned to our town for duty |! Mrs Harry Fink and hild from indigestion, and’ ‘pain from gas cas . 4 In spite of the inclement weather a|With Dr. Ringwalt. OINe doh Bach at hee lon the stomach: down conditions resulting from Coughs and Colds, Disorders of the : goodly number were present and a | Harry Landis, who had been em- the es 2h Tih Ponte: here “I doctored for five y&ars and paid : : very enjoyable evening was spent. |Ploved by S. 0. Frantz, on the farm | © #lCsts of telatives h the borough |, ypensive doctor bills dpd I never Throat, Overtired Nerves, Aneema, Poor Blood, Wasting Disorders -— {left and started to work in Ringwalt |° John X. Heisey and wife of the [oot as much as I got frgm Tonall. | & Davis’ Store on Monday morning. EAST PETERSBURG Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baer and son — Guy were the guests of Miss Fannie Miss Lizzie Stehman spent some | Miller and Mrs. Anna Hershey and time at Rohrerstown with friends. [duet hter Elizabeth, who now is Mrs. Mrs. Kate Hoffman, who spent | Daniel Baer at Lancaster. some weeks at Mountville, has re-| Raymond Erb, who had enlisted turned home. land was over in France and in the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shreiner spent |treanches, returned home on Sat- Sunday at Brunnerville, with the |urday evening with an honorable dis- family of Milton Hess charge. The Rohrerstown boys are Miss Emma Hollenworth and Mr.|all home now from France except Daniel Guise, of Lancaster, were re-| George Will and he is all right some cent guests of Mr. and Mrs John { where Lopp. | The services held in the Church of Last Thursday afternoon the gram-|God the past week were well attended mar school accompanied by their { and the services interesting. The teacher, Miss Ella Manning, visited | pastor, Rey F. W. MecGuire, will Danner’s Museum. | preach next Sunday at 10:30, sub- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Graybill and | ject, “Our Interest in Missions.” and son Richard, of Lititz were week-end | at 7 o'clock on “The Breaking of visitors with his parents, Mr. and |the Fallow Ground.” The ordinances Mrs. H. J. Graybill. {will be held May 11, services begin Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Deitrich ning at 6 p. m. and son Harold, were recent visitors| ——--a— at Fruitville, with Mrs. Deitrich’s oh Mr a 1 el ot SPORTING HILL arents, ITS. nd family Samuel F. Andes, who has spent the winter at St. Petersburg, Fla., on Philadelphia, spe ne of A. H account of his health returned home| has enro the ‘week-end and seems to be very ster Bus ss ( much improved rl members of the Luther: D Miners Village Brotherhood attended the series V t ho f H H meetings at the Neffsville Luther: : 1053 : : church on Wednesday evening and} * 0. D X Mary Jan sane a few selections. Brub Saturday at La Rev. Samuel Oberholtzer and Mar-| tin Hiestand, of Risser’s church and | brother, Paul Rev. Daniel Leaman, of Millersville, |. dir he wee preached the sermons at the Menno- e Nae p ; nite church on Sunday evening . y “ay B x er, of ric kerville, is On Sunday, April 27, Trinity Re Be y ng several weeks in the home ( : : div] © i formed church will observe ny! me Uy ted Dor ’s Children started Day in the Sunday school and cht =, x os ! iidren started at 9 and 10 a. m. All members and y Ser the village church . . Sunds . % friends are cordially invited to at- 1 day © ¥e a tend. Wem : John Sides, one of our progressive Messrs. Jno. Miller and Oliver young men began the butchering Spickler attended the big shoot at business, and is seen on our streets Marietta on Thursday. same place. Had I known of Tonall%y before I I'he local Moose bowlers won an-|would have paid willingly tén dollars other game on Friday evening, de-|for a bottle. It is the best ‘medicine feating the Fulton A. C.’s at Lancas-land Tonic for the stomach%I ever ter 2211 to 2051. Eckinger, of this |used. ; Yo place, was high man. “Mr. Charles, the druggist at Lititz, Few trout were caught in the past recommended Tonall to me, and yfter few days in this vieinite. | The be the good results I got, now I regpm- ays in this vicinity. The most| mend Tonall to all sufferers from® in- successful angler was Albert Gale- digestion.” bach who succeeded in landing three Tonall is sold at Garber’s Dr | fine ones that weighed nearly two | Store, Mount Joy, Pa. pounds each. ON similar ailments. Also for fortifying the system against such con- ditions. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. Prepared by the Riker Laboratories Inc., Sold Exclusively in this Vicinity by E. W. Garber Luther D. Coble, an experienced | A KINDERHOOK NURSE rble cutter and a veteran in the | TWO YEARS OVERSEAS | business, will succeed the late James | ris C. MecLanachan at the old stand oni Miss Gertrude Smith, daughter of n en it ATi=Ci% 3 OO OOK ¢ ) 5 ss : i East High street. Good work at rea-| Mrs. Mary Smith and the late Cap-| of sonable prices is his motto. {tain Martin H. Smith, arrived home | : o Lodge, No. 128, I. 0. O. F., of this! Friday and is now with her Rother) R I ye a bole bubhli SR ae See Bn Gum? ihe Rexall Store Mount Joy, Penna. : 5 Y 3 {yrs . + I U. B. Church, on East High street; Kinderhook. Miss Smith, who is a| 2 on Sunday evening, Mav 4. at 7:30 trained nurse, was attached to hos- A $5 mm y 3 : 3 J 3 3 lock The tor, Rev. 1. N.|{pital unit No. 10 one of the first] h idee preach a special | units to go overseas, nearly two | 1 1 to them vears ago. The unit landed in Eng-| d The folowing pers were : land and was reviewed by King| : TOW INE ¢ Ons were admit-|} eit 3 I . ted to Christ Lutheran church dur-| Ge orge. Afterward the unit was as- wo } Bastor Lill cl rned for duty in Frar ve and had | LAILILLOLLLOOLVOOO0O0O0 LOLOO0000000000O0000000000000000000C 0000000000000 E: Faste season : illian C.|SI& ) ¥ 4 Rucey Mn BA Good, Sara A. Winters, Mildred B.!charge of hospitals where wounded =n i Kline, Caroline M. Weidman. Bertha British soldiers principally were \ ’ FRE EE~ Pes B a A. Winte Il B. Shank, Joseph | taken. The unit was cited and| \ 2 ‘RIDE Th > LANCAS T ® we F W. Eckinger, Hur! B. Shan! i decorated. Miss Smith is enjoying | a i 1 B. K. Eshleman, who is a cri pple, | excellent health. | y ==] . : ud ms a | g Y with ai wecident, whieh How is Your Comple:ion? i I o Ex FI \p il | SY idered serious caused | woman should grow more beau- ein a oe hn: I 1 Whii : { tifu yw She grows older and she will | y ie | pa While showing a!lh z ana Ss if THE =H 5 2 v penter so repairs he desired; Vt? du gard to baths, diet and ex- THA Jone EVERYTHING i [ Se ue tc hi SE > 3 | ercise, anc L keeping her liver anc Hynes; | | 4 a to his garret roo made al A > 3 o} : Zo g Ne % ade a bowels in gooWyaworking order. If| Hi i v ” FARE EVERYBODY, U iL Sh Ri Jackwards down the you are haggard™hgnd vellow, your Le garrei step ly injuring his right |eyes losing their lustP™and whites be- | [§ ER ASh BW A . VE p oi : c g He received the necessary) coming yellowish, your fiabby, it | Cr] [= g th ssar yellowish, you 3 abby, it| { RX ry er, medical attention by Dr. H. K.|may be due to indigestion r to a pi SZ AL Bi | sluggish liver. Chamberlain’s == he ————— |lets correct these disorders. 4-2-7 = he y k ——— i «oN : \ : g The pel ern on E.! | The A het Be Cominl t 1 We Par UR Ronn Tp CAr FARE On Au Pure HASLS Or, $15 . Main street, of the estate of the late | Atsor t “ oa Oy pea es fh re . BS Daler. One housg as al Me Geos Pon, wil peers sh OR More, Ir Costs You NoTHinG. Ask FoR Ir. =) " Sey pwn delay but see sie 34 ones grand modern minstrel show in Mt. 58 Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Jov. " tf > Hall, Saturday evening, April 26. NO CARE FARE REFUNDED ON PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COLUMBIA PRODUCTS.