The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 26, 1919, Image 3

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Wednesday, March 26, 1919.


= | B | | What Shwilkey Bamblosvck Has To R
COAL CO AN EL n Unanimously elected preside it of Say !his Week hems in These Columins are Prepared
- the 1 ter Automobile Club at its | In the Department of Agriculture \
| L


¥ 00
| 121A tract OTT P=3 of an @u
4 rd, or Harrisburg pike,
4 YEI house, wencrete walks, fra
¥ wl

od well, Price, $1,600.
nual meeting on Friday evening at t W hington, DD. ¢ and are Re \
Hotel Brunswick, Lancaster, Prof. S -
{ Edward Gable upon assuming the |
liable and "Sruetworthy Ae ote BUSINESS STANDS
A ad ot 100x150 ft., on Wes
) 1.8 ( | ROTO Vis Cured by Ly¢ Vlount Joy, lot og on
Le Pinkham's Vegetabl: ling. Established coac
¥ ] vr i. Good large frame build-
ympound, ble for industry or present
chair expressed the hope fol the
\ HN | abolition of toll on more turnpikes of |
IN KINDS OF CO Ls ®ihe county and a hundred per cent.
m| improvemer in the dirt roads. In
‘ ' addition these hope President |
And make immediate delivery Will handle good clean COAL and 8 Gable expects that during the next |
my aim will be to maintain the good reputation these yards have had g|year the membership of the club will A tract of 15 acres in
¢ Oskalooga, Iowa. —** l'or years \ (
Lo el ! ich upon con-| gimnly in Yi wy from a weakness and } vnship, near Sporting Hill,


for many years. I wilonly handle the best coal and solicit a share mC increased to 2,500. The present | gs :
~ your patronage You Will find my prices right membership is nearly two thousand \ Oo ed upon to destroy | _ awful pains—ar d - Hl Dillinger steam flour mill,
’ - and with t election of ninety new | uch tni ' | nothing seemed to i bbl. capacity, fine residence, barn
. A method of applying the dis-| do me any good, A ithuildings. Here's a snap.
1} : ; ; * th t He I Ros! Iriend Rutvist : me No, I'he entire concrete block
i l h th ria to take Lydia LE. | yanufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline
Pinkham’s Vege t Florin, together with all stoek,
table Compound. 1 | ,,chinery, buildings, contracts, ete.
stride was taken in reaching the new
- m | presi dent's goal. President Gable de
. . lclared the automobile club is the most
rinfluential organization in Lanc

members at the annual meeting a big






i ~ {county and that it truly deserves lid so and got re- | p
~ A.B. CLING’S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. = paramount credit for the free and Dy nd eradication of dis-| th ! ] 0 pt : : [ rice very low
ar: dit and Prevention and eradication of s- | lie rht away. | B
®|.00d roads obtained CASES yestic animals, as well as| can certainly re- 99—A tobacco wareliouse
A communication was received of the in race, should be matters | commend this valu- Teint L., bait for ys og hig
. a: . Pr tiz * Bareville de 1 : swat s / 1S -
I Have an Unusually Fine Lot of from the «¢ ens of Bareville de- | “tn w i de door tooo. De of public interest table medicine to | | wy : r, ey on'y re niles I) oS
[pouncing tne bad ondition of the | Mommy manch do an i > On the wholesomeness of food, and | the r Women who ; SoSter. A130 A rame ho g
SPRING VEGETABLE PLANTS. ALSO FLOWERS m( New turnpike, which they | Demag rawda cooma, I e jecitino specially of meats and dairy pro suffer, for it has |W ith it
= . 5 | termed was almost impassable. Re- | Is farby, der oldt Grove: ’r hy der’ jets, depends in large measure the done such good No. 113—Dairy business of B. F.
= AND POTTED PLANTS [ quest was made that complaint be oh uff a nesht hag fia Publicans | poh and itality of everyone work for me and I know it will help | Kauffman & Son, aver: ging 500 quts.
. . red through the elub ¢ was y sin der Sols hever aruvva. th th BY mont of "Ms herve if they n ve a fair trial’? yr da no Y rpetiti v / 0
B® When in need 1 will be glad to supply your wants. Greenhouses on m | tered through the club and it was de- | Mer 11 doh un sin so tzimlich Wi he improvement of animal-| others if they will gi¥e it a fair trial. oid 1 on .. money
- 1 \ : | cided to refer the natter to the | Mer sin oll gon ur X me breedin nethods, with increased Mrs. Lizzie COURTNEY, 108 8th Ave., ker; good rea for selling. Can
B (Columbia Avenue, Mount Joy | Board of Director | goot g fixed, swvey won de tzeita 3 ue of live tock and larger in-| West, Oskaloosa, Towa, 1y busine buildings or will
1 i . «oot wara der rever drunna we de esd} : el] 1 t1 tor we low
mm =| A dolosa ti n was also Ire nt | oo! NAY Is op Tov oo : y 3 had © dividual herds, diseases become more| Why will women drag along from day | rent the ice log
f 1 | amar | the North Lancaster Good { Demagrawda uns farshprencha don |i, t.nt problems than formerly in| to day, year in and yeak out sufl'e
HEE EEN HEE EN OB BO N- » u sociation to complain of the I | oebts lots fun deserter hive-stocek FaiSis 1 1¢ ) a: a Th Nts - I} CK FARMS
N pe - _ " " = lition of the Clay and SI Se sawga in finf yohr ware en daw 1 > 3 Eg. : ¥ 1 mised ! . rwney,
| dita I 1 1 a 1 ardt ye n I Tuberculosis of cattle and swine, such letters as this are continually being No. 151 19.acre tru farm
N | nnik r « i vas asked | ler ar 0 are « ] i$ 1 1 * re “ : L 1 i 14 i 3
R Y V {tur fot The club's aid v A asked | a ) | Tos i holera, and the Texas-fever tick | published. Every woman's ho suffers | sjogse to ( olumbia, good house and
\ / , Ito effect a condemnation of the road | woll sc Sly Rs ; I ong principal sources of | from displacements, irreg iti in l . )
N a \ t Qt: aid ¥ w far snkert for en wler 3 Ey > eh y alas Flay 02 barn, excellent land; produced $1,100
ind the securing of y State aid road | L NOY { rdihes iy > Yael vee which the Bureau of Animal In-| flammation, u rati backache, ner ahi of tol co last year in addition
| from Ephrata to Re ng. t was de- irde on > un n ae en fustry of the United State Depart G or Ww » is passing th rough t to all the trucking Price. $5,2 00.
\ + \ ( 1 \ : t r waerdt we Or wase der © au a ‘ y all King. Dy 4
\ DON'T HESITATE TO BUY AT THESE PRICES QUOTED NOW, |G i ni Fe te ani nh Bl PHY iment of Agriculture is endeavoring to S07 iis Shook ape LF famous | © 1 no A p.acre truck farm at
< - ~ ange 10ol propel procedure 0 be | 1 ida . reduce through vigorous campaigy yd herb rer | | ia Pi ahs y dll - v
AS THEY WILL BE HIGHER LATER. a | to employ a competent us mich saena. I sb Wwe de, ¢ aducation and regulation : uratulle Comust rind Donegal Springs, none better, excel-
s = engineer and a photographer to se- | ;Publicans n power cooma ho [he principal diseases can be pre ecial ad I , | lent buildings, an abun Janice OF fro,
A 1 Hy are e i ick s hame-gami 3 has J . \ rood water, etc Price, $3,500.
an . All colors silk Poplin. .. $1.08 | cure ¢ fic 08 nan a vented or controlley by practical Medicine Co, Lynn, } he 1% t | HY ay . 4 "3 .
36 in. OuNugs, gray s triped 28¢ Woot Soroes: wor: $1. 1.00 Report was made by Secretary |gawora. Sella I i a awe IY id Alot Bain ofits lon ev park on ayes No. 82— A 1-acre tract 2 miles
39 in. Unbl® eed Quting 28¢ Ww an : | Fo rney of the theft of two automo- | Ver dawier preex - ilted in marked progress ena —— north of ROR with frame house,
: ool Serges, were 3. 50 | ws bel o t lub n nd | shoffa, un en dawiler \ ety op . E : ST _ stable, ete 900
Aeht es 1 - belon ! to cub members ang ji i> ar . . Y ) progress, however, de . pa Ih Ad
Ligh Calico Ng: yond 12e Wool Batiste, were Fools their prompt recovery by the Lan- | I 400Ker wort tzwell cent es poond end reely on ti pport of th Possession April 1st No. 97—A tract of good soil at
Light Pereales, Pe id 25 Window Shad h 65c | caster poli A resolution vas | doo tzwelf cent de yord , SLs Sab a . he lot with two p ties on E
indow Shades, each. ..... )ocC A Sey Rll be was | Vol Ve LO« grower public of 1 .
ess ( o Ss 15 ¢ : g ’ : Kid ERT | oo it fier poond tzooker ; i '~ Main street f the [ f the late
Press Ginghams, per Pad 1215 ¢ Tobaces. Mashn. ver yard. gc | adopted in which he fideli and | : loo hu fie I ker d Incational Jeadet bo rr la ec : of he ; h rte
Apron Ginghams, per y: a Fey, 1233¢ci , FAUSHN, e $ S€¢ 1 ability of the police was recognized. |d€l fic y yord kardoo NOW ers interested in the N Dillinger. One | ¢ 5 all
toed : Shoes Reduced, see them. i D.F. Mag '" re i 2p. | ereeked en mon yol j > ry Wi 14% onveniences.
Calicoes oht and dark rd 1; . F. Magee, county commissioner, > CON ¢ welfa public healt :
icoes, light and dark, yar wl215c 2 1s the ul | thai l e re ut on] > ore, bl healt} v don’t delay but see me at once
2, Tea, per pound ce tthe Souther 1 ciple hu : ple SUDpiy Oo wine esome (Jno. Hl. Schrofl, Mi, Jovy. tf
Small Soup Bean er 1b Sarsi Doel rT AWO 1 ] i ot ind aalry product — —————— ————
Onion Sets per quart 12c¢ a \ po Ons, § : y t t oine cna : ld Wa — Ne dy 8 . er Fhe publie’s co-operation with th
Potatoes, fine grade per bu $1.50 atéw, Crackers, per 1b fo Te ( rades 1 > . . a ; 3 : Te di Bureau of Animal Industry \
Amour Oats per pacl 12¢ | Best Grade Cocoa, per 1b. Curve Na : ! ’S | strengthen its efforts in eradicating
¢ ! ie 1 ! ng was th sult of t iWra ) ( ise t]
1 Cope’s Cox r 1b. ¢ aE | ock diseases and improvin he
Amour Oats, large pack 30c be v0 | rs: President, Prof. | Eiht wuality and economic vield of
I r LeY Soap, pe ‘ake. ( 4 : | " Jilly Jixler sawgt idder o i y £ : n 1 do
Shredded Wheat, per pack i2ci. 008 = 0 B, Cake G : first vice president, | Der I hy Bixler 2 : a. food products
Post Toasties, per pack. .... 11c | Sunny Monday Soa, per cake hs ge nad vic pre I. me tnred 1 \ : lvery farmer should be his ow
r 3 s . Fells P. & G. and Ivory Soap Ye treasurer, Dr. | BONAIX gd-lafidL © Rt Red re ins { r 1} 33 to
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pack. . llc : Shas RX S08, ; ' htt g'wist hut O11 de kay : IS OWI hire
gg aKes, ¢ 1Meakes for out; secretary, Joseph G. |! gw 1 | 1 1 ch . SaVE a : sid ; won]
ania] | Sin doh un bolidix Im topic tur : 1 : 1
Daniel | ( tin on fire p tio g

{Forney ; directors, city district :
d C das M Hal » | dawg tsu dawg, in der ebbex
iarles M. Re . ,



SATURDAY WILL BE SURPRISE DAY chan: norther + | shpeculate uff’ de neil in da I E FEED =.
; : . » i * | Demagrawd: ) ( ol P 1 : %
Do not fail to ask about our extra specials for this day. I nd 1 J 41 Sn : I tity ol great mmportance I \
} district. Levi F. |scheita r uns I Tor ful 4 "The best Te Here is a condensed list of Rea
S B. B = M ¥ oe D. Brientnall. erase s ean not be attained with anv Estate I have for sale. If interes
Z rw", (LV t : oy Atlee Teti Star er onner dawg hu fer Bench : LE GY Lin any of these properties ]
ha § [ \tlee retires afte : | rich i lished by the Hy ese properiues, p'cq
. ® n A 3 A » FJ ? QA. ident. the bylaws | Harris n goobho : Shots CO: ennianG {or call, phone or drop me a card and |
to three He | 2’ numma ur hinnich B M ead th be us: ot heerfully furnish particulars in
— ERT ee wu his entire time to his | Ki y A 4 ) { 1at arc detail.
BO000O0000000000000000000 OO000OCO0000O00O00O000000O rapidly crowing practise grawva Ther { ‘o i
pidly . y h B. 1k Hoy ! ges to be
ers of one BUILDING LOTS
a oe “Wos shofsht, 22 1 | AIC
ne breed 5 5
He 0 : No. 2-—Four Lots, each 50x200 ft.,
“An Agents Duties should not cease with the HER PERSISTENCY WL saat dor Bench, leh hob 0 cos ay be secured rom | on SoS Sahat ous aay
hunt uft ghaett os se war cucht oe the sale'of a uniform product and | ip "eT Jo Ters cach 40x197 It.
ding in der weldt ) 11¢ engetl table breeding stocl enn |
ck can pe s€-'on Frank St, Mount Joy.
writing of a policy and the collection | | mitucha kent by on da tzwae enner Lip Brosling
| THE VICTORY fun ob-hocka, un des ware en * : No. 28-—-Seventeen choice lots
orawb, un ich con mer’s selver sheer CHICKS LIKE VARIETY RATIONS fronting on the pike east of Florin.
of the pre mim | \ net elawva bis ich’s brovee ry, un won Chicks li} on s, johnny ¢ ON Some front on Old Line of P. R. R.
so is don is ae question g’sett nl alle espn No. 29—Four lots on Fairview
: talc | St, Mount Joy. Tract contains 13%

head oa










Along with every policy sold by this agency goes a complete and | | BD aera ping os. rch sh t long ga- pyead, as well as milk nie 1 A
5 : : ; yoddered hut the vounge fowl Ydew owed "acres.
} © ; CTT 119 . mil 1e young Is eet older and strong 4 -
competant supervision of rate; a loss prevention service; and, in the | i Un wos is ell hu ter Bill ihe hon of ae an tone No. 32—Two Lots in Florin, . vch
event of loss, an unexcelled supervision of adjustment. Buy your 2 i : . terensed and the amount of T« od py 90x200. They front on Main
: : | “Well,” sawgt der Bench, “won m The t A by No. 35—O0One Lot 50x65 £ on
i 0 | y 4 : cach nu may be increased. Cracked | wr vo hd
insurance through an agency that knows how to give you service. | by fun da tzwae enner' ou, ha be § Sonsed Sr ‘ West Donegal St., Mount Joy.
ich “os. del Chant onl millet on Tene ‘sac bo No. 36—Twe Lots each 45x212
i hame far era’ pg, viv be al led to te ele ie ft., on Poplar St., Mount Joy.
1 1 vella es o ’ Chel es NT : 3 : n
{ raw ; vella : No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x-
Wnseram mncome ob: HAVE THE BROODER READY 200 ft. They front on Church St.
1 ocka ur la v e expecta unset D ‘ . hie .
/ Ga < i t : r -nlus incre X le. mere ¢ buy hick hould h No \ G-acre tract i. the borc
Henr . Carpe 11¢ 3 IuEpius mnerensen, un wie mete 211 brood ich a5 As required for the | of Mou large lot
mn | orawb 1a . a } n end & retire L th arge lo
| aw ¢ Aut ss ! SE be Vf vie ks vrorket or ride wu d-he ke
JE awit vu TmlEr “of chicks Jongh. Tandy, (oui ta
WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. &| if doce Bi on gravh anes en el oy feguated Mie The Dr "
same ding si.
{ “By gosh,” s: reason, the brooder 1s ( lot
bisht ‘en schlitz ol 2 4he Shick from St.
{ Amm, 2645 Na Colorado | one. Coom ri un geb mere Ev} i warm Foom, Need, vi id Very des
: delp tells Yow she | ous sellem Carnegie f \ % os b 3 } 1 n the soutll de of
r persisgency In | helf ich dere grawva. by lap X i ; NE | Marietta street Will sell any num | SP
I TF m rag from Der Be } el un groobh I hed. r of feet you want at $6 per foot | g w= ’
ligestion | h ic ‘shtelt ) : , e) le : : ) §* 8
HENS LAY MORE EGGS x =: ve wo tus of i. 3
( ir rou le bo in 1 G $ Ul 1 DWELLINC i.
Ee 3 ( yub )
gee ? ss 3 1 \ I iarr
WHEN FED u thu heard of ) ; RCs A
l i 1 1 1 lea | :
t a Re
a: ne I ( I n- | ( y : ,
ND OYSTi Es A re
I | 3 ( I | De [¢] I
| \ DP. « ler | 1 ( ¥
d i Je y 1
memes tl--R—
/ ( i J ¥
x oR ¥ Jill 1S he WN BEE
S, 2 “7 B
= AJ -
2. We Build Har ic hat's ( Susiness 2 pt
» : 4 x :
& — ys, a =
& wa = “4
=" oH :
& &
= cents each = .
= Harness ‘ : th
FH Har ness 1llon 8 ) 1
E Yve are A 1 ha " nd carry the 1 t € !
x stock 1 1e County. g eer fully quoted ® y ; DN Supp u :
& : 5 { A : > 5 a= 1 Fe
© rs = YE 2 You will i ; ip are
d € } ! nt f rad ; § 1 Busin for nent
1 x ) ures. ¢ $ iy :
a e : > CE 20 & ot} e earlier ndorsed LP ne oh eS Gof Sale Ie onli : be ec
Bs x <n GE booia alana: Pe Fob. % B Aaun
MOUNT JOY, PENNA. d Far ED T | av Boa S ¢ tis lace. J : Hey Wel
= eis 3 : : 2 us " = irr EPO | rere S¢ 0 +1 rE Ae X >i.
a Get Our Tire Prices. And We'll Get Your Tire Business™, AT MIDDLETOWN WILL STAY | n comes from home : ) 2.8
4 oe 5 5 | 7 to prove local test st M J \ ICE
I 1 I maintain a 1d this Mount Joy t : ) : I: te of
— Depot west of Jacob W. Grogg, W i} . frame U ounty,,
= emblov 300 | Says: “Every winter whe % 2 .
HOO k he work. This little cold it settled on "0 : n sa es-
Captain A. A.|and made me miserable i to the un-
CHAS. A. WEALAND fine officer. an. | Was, 350 stif and sore that Fk Ions b a > i COT? there-
rders « . tried to get on my feet, it ¢ Mount Jov. +f convenience big mediate
i : | much as my life was we to ep -——— "1 $5,000.
Painter and Paper Han er be dis 56 raighten my body. The kidney xs No. 10( I in Salunga 48 % x10(
: S secretions were retarded, too. Doan’s Protects Your Chickens ft : Ra Vv y for sr
num- : . it d
Kidney Pills helped me at once. I 2nd sure enough it does
keep them on hand and use them oc- | leave.all other food to
SNAP ‘and it’s the last he e:








Store . . "”
Always on hand at reasonable prices. i ae MBS 2 Pres OE Don’t 1emically > the i
Estimates, Cheerfully Furnished simply ask for a kidney remedy—get | ¢2SS- Doesn't have to be mixed rh ah
Do: Kidney Pills—the same that | other food. Won'thlow away, Ba up, vy =
Agent for Mr. Grogg had. Foster-Milburn Co., joo OF Gon: 7. Surest, quickest, clean F 1 >
5 { number | Mfgrs., Buffalo, N.¥ 1&5, safest to kill rats; mice and 15€ WILL
VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES |be erected ir few days to El Meee roe Lt 508, $1.0 r
a take care of ft XC supplies. {and $3.00 Brown Bros Mount Jay Jjmpan
21 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. rr roe Own Your Home Pa.; H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa. : u
Mouth _ Lancaster City has just started a G Moyer. Mount Joy. Pa tf TO LOOK
ye ut our | PIE “oWn your home” campaign, SY ONES
“ ’ oe nn ins Shichi indeed a very wise move and For a Quick Buy ; -
“ ( dese ob Chaz. jrneraisno good reason why the same ive a fine small home in B No A 5 tone hous 50 and 52 South Qu ’
. HOLLOWBUSH | tose of Cham-1can not be done here. There are a t} Lancaster North Barbara Mount Jo i NC AST IR EE Re -
i au! [Forest number of good houses for sale in 7 room frame } S wn as Sh s Row ery 0c —— PENNA,
: | ause a gen- ; this section, I am listing additional ! nd walks, fra: A real. im t I 5 :
Notary ‘Public e 43-R4 | in Hed and metallic ones daily and will chéerfully give |stable, hog pen, excellent well of i—Lot 10 n Mast Ne mach
West Main St., Mount a. cr. Bux of your. di home-seekers whatever assistance I!fer, 1 re of land. Beautiful j s th se, st Eat ie your food
ws Re la can in reference to financing their fo Ii Will { 21.500 for a qu cl h 1 be tdemeat ang
Days at Lancaster, Monday and i Bia) fa os nerel ® now oagisale. J. ES nS: J Raf co lg If You,are
day at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Seton SOLD BY DRU Safest, Always Re vou woul e to of vn, cal 8. phon oO | all 3 : ; tomach
Sb : : A 2 ike C v ’ one or Ee _———— N< 1 Lo n I § 3 a
Floor, with W. C. Rehm. DRUGGIS¥S EVERYWHER. } Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. * write and I will be ©] ohnny n the Subserit Mt. Joy Bulletin St., M h

Suze 1-1yr