AGE TWO MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, March 26, —————————————— = Te . _- yt . \ } Pg Ss y ip ‘oe + an “rank We wv. doing army service TT . In y | ’ ' [vi iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Weaver, ¢ ) vie M [ . JOY BULLE il! L LIZABE i H [ OWN ERISMAN > CHURCH RHEEMS NEWTOWN Abram Mumma on Sunday. in New York City, He guest of Wis ‘ m . p i ar hs enry caver, MOUNT JOY, PA 5 id ok x . . : Long and Taylor, of Landisville, parent , Mr, anc 1 L J : : I BW | ; I nd ily transacted \ | \ IH \ visited Mrs \l \linerva Fogie of this place, were in this section buying tobacco. at Ironville {ROLL, Editor & Pr riend [ ( I oaturday } I | { eK ond isiting he ra cle, Mr. Harry Fegie | Hor are some of the farmers that Saturd vening Rev. C. H. Rol ( ( i \ I Braddock, Pa : : . {sold: Mr. Lewis Resh, at 15 and 5; tzinger. of the Otterbein U 3 | th’ vel i , 0 Petershui 5. M ni Elizabethtown, M1 a | Mrs. Peter Resh, of Balti-| My, Samuel Shenk, at 15 and 5; Mr Cah, Lancaster, preached in the $1.50 a Year| W.J kitel : Su the gu ff Mrs. S more, Md., were visitin Mr. and Mrs | Danie L Moore, 14% and 5; Mr. !Silver Spring U. B. church ny . . | | 1 N I letzler and is Resh in tox 1 un ' {John Witmer, at 15 and 5; Mr, Joh y , ' 75 Cents | a § x 1 Witmer's o 7 received wrload of Mr, and Mr Fra I'letcher, of | Haines, at 15 and H; Mia Christian Mh | Mi tian Jo 5 ‘ li +3 40 Cents " tH y bulk fo large herd Ma Vi. Wer ting Mr. and Mrs. | Nisslev, 15% and Mr. Nehemiah {of ro! le. ha rone to o } Pp 3 Cents [is . ay lairy cow i's 'ehemiah Hai town on Sunday. | Haines, at 15% and 5 ton, to visit Mh . ; rou 08 1et, FREE I I He th M Christian Heilig, ot Mt. Joy, Mr. William Witmer and son of — ho has returned irom u Pe ree sem \ he ( d ra y| spent a day last week as the guest | yy. re. wer isiting Mr. and | . LW Berntheize! x re ewe — } I W >» gu pent ay y Harrisburg, wer isiting r. and | MV 1 Josey Jernthed ¢ 8 bot eet me on Wem Tire: Baal Paisano aah Wimer oats paneer | CORDELIA Miglin, AL yost office at Mount lay M1 Norman Miller, of | Allen Ober, a retired farmer % Sanday i | St. Joseph's hospital, Lancaster, for : ss mail matte¥. | Our ba amd Rheem visited Mrs. Miller's | Mount Joy township flitted into the Mr. aul Shire nt p : tied three weeks, and is improving nicely of the expiration of your |; ted Hershey Saturday ¢ pin r 47 | pal Christian Longenecker on|E, H. Hersh residence on Friday. R i and ph | Paul 3 hi I and Pon Preaching was held in the Ironville| Se ysioy ; follows your ame on Ta : {ay | arrv Stoll, P. R. R. special duty |W" and avid Shire o Aancaster | yy, B, church Sunday evening at 7:30] Mr. and M Abram Hershey, 0 OWE TOMY [to 1! AnCuY { Harry Sto, uh Junction, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. | : | a ve returned from an do not send receipts for | Mrs. J. H. Binkley and Mrs. D. ( Mr. a M1 Monroe Metzler and | man and daughter, Mrs. A. Shetter, * D Mun ma on Sunday. : sei by the pastor. ‘ | Silver IEG, have ¥e SuLRe: ne h ro money received. When-| ii, I t it to Lar ly ted Mr. Metzler's brother [of Florin, were guests of Mrs. Bertha : ny on unday. Eli Singer will enter the employ of | Sended trip through soathern ,2 remit, see that you are given | .. .:.. Y ind family near Lititz, on|Kraybill. Mrs. Christian Hornafius and Mrs. | Albright & Rodkey, attending to the states, and on Sunday entertainec ry x ’ y 8 | caster 3 : A : y per credit. We credit all subscrip- | Ape. Franklin Hershey, of Phil | Mrs. Bertha S. Kraybill and daugh- Jacob Geltmacher of Mt. Joy, were farm and the coal yard. their children at dinner. yn on the first of each month. delphia, was th 16 of H. H ind Ma [sane Brubaker and | ter Dora, spent last wee k as the OOOO All correspondents must have their | |, "4 fi, A and Mi A. H. Erb attended |guests of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus 2R00000000000000OOCO0000OOOOO00COOOCOCCOCOOOCOO0CO00N0AOI OOCOODRD smmunications reach this office not! a ’ hier Mit Gal 's Church and visited Rev. John |Shetter at. Florin. \ n A. H. Hoffer and daughter, M ; : \ .r than Monday. Telephone news| .c Nofcville, were the guests of rel: Snavely ! Mrs. A. S. Bard, daughter Miriam \ importance between that time and tives in the borough Quit number of our neighbors and son, Russell, spent Sunday at o'clock noon Wednesday. Charges | The Moose Bowlers defeated the |attended a public sale near York, on| League Island, as the guests of Cor- or advertisements must positively | [1 pend Five of -Lancaster on | Friday. Th ale was a typical York |poral J. K. Bard. " each this office not later than Mon- |g 11. v cvening by 22 pins county sale. They report having en- Mr. Morris Heiser and son Theo- day night. New advertisements in- Mrs. Dani | Weidman, who resid i the day very much. dore of Harrisburg, spent several \ serted if cqpy reaches us Tuesday | West High street, is seriously ill any of the farmers are starting|days as the guests of his brother, ight. Advertising rates on applica- |, 1° i000 in her right arm) ! their brooders and the outlook is for|Harry Heiser and family. : tion Mis Irenc H ymbright is spending ome fine flocks. Monroe Metzler Mr. Herbert Mason, manager of The subscription lists of the Lan-|, , “"" yn A Fi xr od Ph ladelph 700. H. B. Erb 400, Mrs. Hiram |the Landisville stone quarry, spent A Tad | Thursday and Friday at iiladelphia, . wo CU Ag pas ne navonts isville Vigil, the Florin News and the | \ riest of Mrs. Paul Kordeuat itmer 200, John Metzler 790. lone day as the guest of his parents, Mount Joy Star and News, were andis Eby and family returned to On Saturday evening the Erisman’s| Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mason. ! serged with that of the Mount doy |) oh home i1 “Philadelphia after an | Church Sunday School organized the Misses Miriam K. Bard and Anna Bulletin, which makes this paper's Yandel visit to Geo Ww Hoffer and | same officers who served us so very |Foreman, students at Millersville | Cc circulation about double that of the wife Si satisfactory last term, and we again) State Normal are spending a 10 days’ | \ arx srdinary weekly. v YY Message From the Cross,” wa look forward to a very successful {vacation with their parents. = ad Cloth Fama rem the. ubiect of Rev. Frank Croman’s {term. The officers are as follows: The funeral of Mrs. John Berrier | otnes | i " wi nten discourse on Wed- | Superintendents, Martin and Harvey |passed through this place, last W ed- LA W N ne 1 a eve pin Metzler: Choristers, Walter Keener |nesday with 23 automobiles i Ho *SQ¢ ve 8. 1 te vs RXanrotarv 1 Se sir Wwnv lize " | Miss Mary Wilson has returned to gnd Joby Melzer } Se re ak oP prox ession on their way to Elizabeth —— { : A af srubaker: easurer, nN je own. her South Market street home after | Brubaker; : re olan. 2 aughters h i are soon an event of lan extended visit to relatives at Phila Bojihetger. bor Murch 25,10 Mrs. 4:0. Glynn and dug lors T i d ast | 56 radel 100018 iv Eranitond. SSL ” On Fridas Ta oo ¢ eo Rui Sa Heprl bs De Smif oO men on t e arm Ww 0 nee veh Bros. s ed H6 carloads iss ary Gingrich, of Middletow: ‘ v Is C Myd «© . MTS. . X et % IX cl Be 12 Dp: fu yoy it f ¢ Mifflin Lincoln School will give a program guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry | . . tock 2 days. : Miss M: Swartz, of Mifflin : ; ! i { k : oTwar eil | 1; : XT PR are | to celebrate the 25th anniversary of [on Sunday. 4 ° ¢ looking forward to April | spent a few days with S. B. Myers |}i0 C¢ { A . ¥ . ISM toteps A t t : os . sir teacher ohrer, w rom- ares 5 » U. S. Machinist \ settlement day. {and wife on East High street their teacher, ( Re hre r, who com 1 hares E. Groff, the U vod in {his \ £ O es iS gpri ng ther man says we had this|” Sergeant W. E. Lyons of Benning- pletes the 25 year of public school{of League Island, arrived in this \ A iat Si Abe Pp Sea i NR tur: WIE ork. The program which will be a|place on Monday with his family and \ iter last winter. {ton, VL, who recently returned from }{" 3 . [ tr : . Mr. and Mrs \ neenecker, is afflicted with | pa; e, is spending a few davs here | fine one, will consist of marches, |will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ \ he tr a ance, ub = BF Te drills, music, temperance and moral |[saac Groff ° n at this writing. {with A. B. Hambright irias, music, temper: Ah] mae } ° br: re 4 F 4 ? : linlogues e exte ‘ its [ "nr aver, § ‘elebrated his ares sinder purchased a 1919) Borough Council met in monthly injos ue hy W axerd an invit ton JIoniy Wenger Sr celeb 2d 0 one t ng you want to e si 3 Chalmers auto, last week. session on Thursday nicht with rou to the publi¢c to attend. NE ) aa ¥. ell 28 1. A ] g : § ) Coa rs Ld rag 2 tors 862, ¢ still pos winter we had a coal famine | {ine business demanding their at ’ {vas 2 yotoran of 136) an , 0 wien you buy clothes---you want to t summer an ice famine. { tention. In the absence of President G {SCS¥es Joo to have plenty of work : E. E. Sloat was a business jf, T. Horst, I H. Risser, presided BAINBRID Jad onlays fo Lave ey on! ] to “lizabe y Monday | Qaveral communicat S ere read : | 1e Penn Lame, » > £ k oo h h d tian Siow : Seve > "i ig 8 = yi / L I Yl I | f Mid lletown {Company are equipped to sel erighed Now t at t ey. re goo ® oy Ong on Was one row ! = Myr. John Floyd, of Jidd.e ' stone from their crushing plant. Four \ Heisey sawed wood for |cace Company in regard to a com-| “oy wn Saturday | Ae In oa concveviie It > Riser, Samuel Kulp, !pination scarifve and ww. HH Was in Lowi 0 to CAA RET large motor trucks are conveying seh P| bination ea Hyer y any Mr, Mrs. Joseph O'Connor an-j. chad stone to Elizabethtown. That isn’t sO eas if ‘ d end n the raster festival will be hold was decided to purchase i a | nounce the birth of a son ; 4 Mr. H G Thompson, TF. R LS y Y aU ep Oo i aster ies © . above named compar com- Rev H. Whitt r was on a busi} _-~ a: 1 oq . oo WwW. Krav-'® % A Pas b 3 1 ny v L. cent flitted into the Joseph . Kray : inity Lutheran church, Eas- |, ‘nication from the Choco: el Yi, Beware Monday |agen ] - hray- ie . 5 hove te oor, BL SET wa on bok grb ae to te Toni, Rp looks of the clothe th I made to look Be ay. H. Reed the first Lompany ves ay oan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Smith an Bakar. o retred farmer and country O0KS O tt eC ot es; t ey Ye al made to oo rs. Charles HI. heea was © SLiprovement Brown sti | the hirth of a daughter QD a, a . A : Thursdav | ) he DIY i butcher of near Green Tree filled the set onions on Thursday, essing tl willingne | Ww Mu a busi-|P : * a 3 5a [an ae | 2 a wo [PT 1, Rater, of Done, u 1 nice--if they weren’t.nobody would buy them Sarah muth 18 attend- The publi v commit H. J. Hawt | daugh A fraraer ant line Burner. who . winter term at Grantham ( ol-|¢ ructed to confer with i V nt S in Harris- Jona. ater and une panels pr 8 Grantham, Pa. | Chocolate Company in ae A tne Yast Tall. de N 4 k 2 1 d ; k d 1 h ® ¥ mn Th | D orn into his y is jast fall, de i ; Seventeen more days oz YOung | mat er. The public wor 3 1 Irwin hi eel wppointed gorn g sn Sa ! is thtown of i 0, O0KS alone on t make goo C ot €S 2 nerica in the Lawn Academy, rol. |, author 1 to ! sick Sor thelr Co us eer ae : 2 Slogh, Jape nipedliyy Of Live 207 7 me | ear Ye though style is an important part of it é 1 Association worshipec a and Eli n Gas | Nell $ op and daughters ron et OE . . * ty church, Sunday morning.) sked for permissi \f ont eal dows 4 a Mr. and Mrs x D Krupp, pastor. { pipes under t conduit | Fay Drverss WwW Aces have taken ad Boh which was granted ji M Samuel ROHRERSTO N | h bi thi 1 th t t : of the spring weather by| d to equip the borough | Rhoads sper Wo with Mr. == ne 1g ng IS e part you can See; ne their corn ground. | policeman with a uniform and cuffs|. 4 Mrs. Jacob ( Herbert Snavely is home on a fur W. H. Fox veterinarian, of 1 tl lephor V Sund lough th t i! 1 1 id { ini ... Bo} »terinarian, ollang install the telephone in hi { "Mrs. Caroline S Sunday | lough. . h rl I imelstown,’ was a noticeable busi-| dence on North Market street. Five | to spend so time with her daugh John McQueney moved his personal e al ormg 1nS1 €; t e inter inings,; t 1 eail- ss caller to this piece, . hundred and fifty dollars or as °h | . Mrs. Irvi at Chickies. property to his ia hore. . . : . 8. Stauffer & Co., shipped a car-|thereof as required was trai 1 Mrs. En and Mr. and Gertrude Brown has been very! i f b Th h h 2 " baled hay from town to Wil from the spec fund for Mrs Dar of Harrisburg, | seriously ill in the St. Joseph Hos- WoO a YICS. ose t Ings give you t e N. Carolina, Potegiay, chase of a ifver and 1 : Re of relatives and | pital. 5 Sterrett, of Colebrook, held [joan con e Wi - | friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lockard an-| . h sale of household goods and | har an ordinance er Misses Marian Wanbaugh and | nounce the birth of a daughter on| wear, t ec service. ing implements on Saturday. ~ lof above amount I { Marv Malehorn, of Steelton, were the | Mond | Joseph Riser, of Elizabeth {and on motion I or 1 Mr. and Mrs. 1. Kuntzel Jen Charles moved into his & t t ° t ] . santly entertained with i drawn in payment of same | the ond home he purchased from John | A h re b a vas pleasantly éntertained nF | g Tk the | Graybil is store you can be sure you're get | 1 $f God bethtown Dr. M. Ringwalt has men busy cut . now in progress MARIETTA din of dna of Ht ting the best of all of them; we sell Hart gelical chur 10 | y J Thursda even- | his farm | 3 tev. H. F. Mil V1 and Mi Bl 1 Hoff { ' y The notices for carrying the mail| . pay A haffner & Marx clothes, which nL Halde. |Brideeton, N. J, were town visitors | "Last eve are was de: | were take down on Mar. 20th. Who, Schaffner arx clothes, which are as goo Joie M. Li. Al" during the wee | oy hu 0 d Bethel Wil 1l be. ; Sy s seriously ill, is again | “yi Wohatfey, who spent Sb Hie tta tbject | Saint Patrick's Day was quietly ob- | - ¥ . is anvil and striking while lp "(in ¢ I her ste Mrs. | v T Yeal or The |S rved in our town. Some were wear- | inside as toey look outside. 1s hot. | it Burl ton, N. J.,} Story o lman, r one who | Ing the green Breneman Yar he rec : was tl meeting was held in A. B. er and wife and s Guy | from S 30n, t 1 | t I ¢ were entertained by Mr. and Mrs . r . . + 11¢ peop tr L1SS10 admis t : y . . & m E rance. h broken ¢ | bh in offering was John G nerich and son Elmer on Sun 2 All wool fabrics for long service; careful t curiosity. ; 1 [ntl | fit Vissi Xk. | day o Hors 3 1 ber neny, | enefit of Missio OTK od: * ay . reports 44 strong |L® : oorh: Moth Chek o Shes: Thavy 8B Stohbe and Mrs 18 toiloring, good style; a guarantee of ab favorite ewes ati" yw. ja \ Him al “Bi 1 Kine of Westbrook, were the guests rn . - 1t¢ Hipple, lias B pe { record that wa y n Sea. r MAYTOWN Ey TE Binoy on Pues solute satisfaction or your money back. on county . day. . 11 ( 1 France ( " . ter roads, I y { M. | Friday \ good program is being prepared . ve ; S 1 Vi y da 3 1 © a 3 | alm ai ps Waist Seam Suits $20.00 Up : E. Stat 1 1 | . \ hot Tednesd: wenine at EK. State 10.000 1 ‘ hat | Rey 1 Te house Wednesday evenin at 8 Flory, Supe Yio nt t / H g I h ‘clock. { 8 B Wer he b { ( We ( tin McQueney was home over i 2 vh | Bhs : . i Hoff i M lay on a furlough from Camp | : ( 1 We M « : f Dix, N. J. He expe cts to be muster- | on & : } t he I of Lanca | out in short time. n Ov o o n I \ | town with Preaching in the Church of God] . . 9 - of 3 G1 ( next Sunday by the pastor at 10:30] a Mrs, D 1" laughter, | o'clock, subject, *The Dissolving] L is th | Heavens,” at T p. ] ; | 3 S \ Mrs. Cvru S {getting God and its : Lvan- | & 1 ¢ I Mi 1 I listic services will ] assion | & 5 Mrs. Lyters | week 2 Hr re Thursday afternoon assistant | DO000000000000 of d M I k Cra nd | superintendent, Mr. Samuel NS, | wee vy Mr. | Mary, of H shu «pent | of the County Schools gave the Coun a. nd’ "the Standard for Rohrerstown and ue 1 y last Petersburg Schools. It isa oN REE~ f= 1 remar Re Str A be the 1 ount of the American Banl eat honor to East Hempfield Town j IDE : TO LANCAST ER F iC ected mileage passab e iar : ation Convention in Lan-|ShiP to have so many standardized | HE M Katha i er Saturday evening, the Peoples’ | Schools, as each school receives a ban — 1 = Gingrich, who report cd iq of Maytow vas = open that |ner. ie 0 thousand sheep for Culla | ey : a : at this writing, will BO { Tonic, Jr.. a udent at the oh roved machine with e: 7: d Ti at the Ge sburg Seminary filled the oe SALUNGA | a 2 ” He will also shear a tended 1} home and oS Te 3 John’s Lutheran church, . Eee | fo] THE STORE . 9 ERY THING & i / Angora goats, in Sc te 2 YL , Vitis OA Sor : . > 3 THAT PAYS EVER 5 ¥ county ved a 1 number of beautiful Sunday morning. Mr. Regular services in the M. E.| yor: ¢a A= FOR 111 C( . i m™ . 1+ y . i Or A, tion { 3 x Qo 5 > $ | wi C. Gingrich of town, had the ia : ] Those present were RA X regation. | hyrch next Sunday evening. i | wh RFARE EVERYBODY. rIngric Bs. t WE Miss Ellen Fiskey and Edwin Hum- | > died at the | A Spelling Bee will be held he | . : easure to exchange greetings v 1 T : Hy ; As i A Spelling Bee will be held in the | ) agure 0 exchange of ngs “| phreville, Lancaster; Miss Katharine son, William, Thursday | Landisville High School March 28th. | = Calvin E. Kinkelsham, Super-| Rig 9 “11 1.90) n'el ; ;andisvi gh Sch y =~ y alvin E. Kinkelshar v Riff, Mrs. Clarence Collins, Mrs. Roy 6:30 o'clock. Funeral ser- | mpg Reitzel family returned fa Fs Manager of the Fairmount |i, L : 3 1 : y The Q. O. Reitzel family returnec & Lie ~ XY / / hT et oe TM, aT f the Fair Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones held in the St. John’s|{, their Salunea home last Thurs- — = = c [0 01 upervising Manager of the aIT- | Mr, and Mrs. Norman Waidley, Mrs church, Maytown, Sunday {ay : _ = = —— t Park Sheep Far f Phil: ; day. ount Park Sheep Farm, o hila- | Harry Campbell, Mrs. Dora Riff, it two o’clock. Decea Dr ! Reondic made a S av} 3 Pr. J Kend 1 1 elphia, Saturday, comprising 363 | ce 1] td er p r. J. S. Kendig made a Sunday | iphia, Sz ay, prising | Katie ff, Clarence Fuhrman, Leo- { by the following children: | visit to his sister and family, Mrs. | eep with 90 lambs. nard The annual encampment of the |phous nna. Reserve Militia will be held at | . Gretna on July 12th to 19th, ac- rding to an announcement made by 1j. Gen. A camp of instruction for nmissioned officers of the Militia 11 be established at Mt. Gretna m June 8 to 13, 1919. Thy Iman, Robert Wagner. The beautifully decorated with and Stripes, and at a se: 10! refre Et BELLAIRE | of Lancaster; William, Hi- | prank L. Deichler. { es, of Maytown; Thomas, | My Jonas Waltz and family moved | an Expeditionary | into their home purchased from Mr zabeth, a trained {Jacob Gorrecht on Thursday. The Gabel’s of Columbia, and Mrs. Miller, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Kline. Ruby Bennett, Gertrude and Ray- | DB ee LANDISVILLE We.PAY\6uR Round Trip CAR FARE ON Aus Pure HASES Or $15 Or More. ITCosTs You NOTHING. “Ask For Ir. i NO CARE FARE REFUNDED ON PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COLUMBIA PRODUCTS. mond Deibler Enola, spent Sungy Helmar 1 these columns of the Miss Amelia spent Mondayv | de ws Chl fo: Sn ; By Re I a Thee its oy une I londa [37 Wig the } ales family, itv A . and sincere thanks to all s James Ri s-3 Mrs. Jacob B. Nolt is suffering from | gy. : f 1 cp ier ere th > wind vg: enero r contributed to his| a nel 1s breakdown: vans Sor ah Mr. : f M Wee . itr A . A y y : en Vis S Mrs. Me Shower, woo fer Jnloade « rs. Norman N. Nissley is at the! The wedding of Mr. Walter or) ite, Tuesday. [8% assph's Hospital ung ng anand Miss Edith Cooper in the Luth- | n Jeodate, W operation. 3 in Church, Landis ry | M da | Mi 3 ¥ B y MI 8 affair. It turned out to be | ’ sown, 4 Event Dunday heir daugl affair as the brother of the | flor, irs Harvey, : groom, Paul and Miss Mary Eshle- | Gt | 3. ano, Mrs It. OT, d in, of Mount Joy had beén n 1 tv | iG: Sgnaay oe ) $lin the afternoon. It was j € 1TIY € S | } AY iy ne f n E Mrs. J. F. M I Ylvishort tine we . situ BR ’ ¥ W rr . ? A neh Pe i Jol S n the | Hy 1 the | S( ch Fe “P, 3 v ! ress. al is re near and { * : I j th invite od friends | fa 5 k M y : F : | : around to enjoy our products. | A A and A led Look in n wee issue of this| Who Wants a Farm A Risser’s Ment tet’ {paper for the program of the Spell-| I have for sale an 86 acre farm in Rie a OW en ing Bee to be held in the Maple | Vest Donegal township, that is, be-| 1. 1 can Were « in sday [Grove Schoo] Pouse, ft Salaries, pai »ond a dobut, the best farm of its|; DroViiE. rit da Spent Eg, bri] A th for the | size I have ever offered. Limestone| 5. Witman, of ‘Campbell the ira vi, | Penefit of the Genera ospital land excellent producer, good build- |, = a range stove at the in Landisville ; ings, excellent location. Must beseen/, .. . ' jan Hiestand. epidemic Seelns to be For a Bad Cold | to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt.| certainly are sorry to lose our velling westward. After having |, Lake Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Joy. friend and neighbor, Harry Painter, Rohrerstown gma vicinity it {It has stood the test of time and can —_————— ms now io be Is ; be depended upon. Mar.5-4t. who moved to Campbellstown Thurs- |i in the house he purchased from It pays to advertise in the Bulletir Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Clarence Wagner. | ported among th z in Landis- ee Several eag re be en re- 2) SO MANY THINGS Cambe worked over and made practically as good as ne Dry Cleanim apparel witho : w in a properly equipped and Dyeing plant, that you should not discard any article of wearing wfirst consulting with us as to how it may still be made of service © you. Anything in Ney Cleaning and Dyeing line will be handled by us in a man- A ner satisfactory even t LET US DQ YOUR FAMILY WASHING i ———————————————————— Eureka Laundry, Mey Cleaning & Dye Works Columbia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER WORK IN MOUNT JOY, PA. Bel TOT) % { Subscribe for the Mt. Jog Bulletin. L$ othe most critical. =