=) 11s STORES CoO." HI®IYi%.1 MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 5 oP nish MOUNT JOY MARKETS Influenza can | re [ The following prices are paid today {by our local merchants: H. E. Hauer, Pays: De prevented easier than it dan be cured. Eggs, per doz 31 At the first sign of a [Patter pet Ib EAT i shiver Og sneeze, take (Wheat por pe Stoney Pave 230 GALL [Gorm ber Ju oe 80 Brandt & Stehman Sells: QUALITY and PRICES et decline. paying too much. Our Nearest Store Mt., Joy, Pa. These two $adtors have been instrumental building this tremendous business and are ‘productive of the confidence that enable 18 to keep on growing. We B8ee'that the quality of everything we sell is kept up t well defined standards, and our prices positively in line with every mar- If you are paying any more for your goods than our prices, you are GOOD PURE COD- Best FISH, 8 d 12¢ | an c Coffee PINK SALMON, 121; and 20c | 30¢c : Lb. RED SALMON, can. .26c¢ CHOICE TOMATOES Teas ASCO P. C. FLOUR. .10c — || 45c PURE JELLY, glass. .10c | CHOICE PRUNES BROKEN RICE, Ib...9¢c ca | GOOD CLEANSERS, 7c, 14c¢c || id OLEOMAR- GARINE, Ib. . 3lc, 36¢ This 1s pure butter substitute sold in hundreds of our stores. our store where you trade not sell it, our manager will you to the nearest AMER STORE where you can but it. SOAP, cake. ............. longer. A Scientifically Designed Electric Light and Power Is built on the principal of the modern automobile . and airplane. It is water cooled and is of the four cycle type. It burns kerosene or gasoline and has a pulley which can drive a pump, washer or churn while charging. It will charge your automobile batteries without removine them from the car. The General Gas-Electric Co., Hanover, Pa.,, manufactures their own engine generators and batteries, and has a capital of over a half million dollars, which means they will be in business when others are gone. Storage Battery Service Company OPPOSITE MARTIN'S CLOTHING STORE MOUNT JOY, PA. West Main St. HENS LAY MORE EGGS - WHEN FED CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS | 2OOOOGOHNN All Crades As To Size : 1.25 PER 100 LBS GLE, Mount Joy, Pa. he DOOOOG 0. H. EN BOOOO0C DOEO0O00000000000000000COO0S Qur Very SOUP BEANS, Ib 10c¢ LIMA BEANS, 1b... .12¢ TENDER PEAS, can. 1l4c - can, 12 and 17c¢ Our Very CALIFORNIA Hest FANCY APRICOTS BONITO, can 19c | Ib., 27¢ 16¢c, 19¢, 22¢ Lb. SWEET CORN, can. “15 FANCY SPAGHETTI EET CORN, can. "15 8 and 12¢ Asco Rolled BEST KROUT, big CAMPBELL SOUP. ..10c can 11¢ Oats MOSS ROSE CAT- Pkg. FRESH NOODLES, SUP, bottle 10c¢ pkg. 5c 8c WHITE CORN MEAL MACARONI, ..10 and 12c 43%e | Evaporated 7 | Milk 6 CAKES LAUNDRY BEST BARLEY.. ..... 5c | 1 SOAP, 25¢ Cc ARROW BRAND BORAX 5 Cc pargain in one of the oaps made. Buy a A little hardening Plant For Y ur F r farm and also stock and implements |advertisement. Oo a m if desired. Possession ‘ean be given| Thursday, March | General Agents | be redeemed upon maturity, and the | Re lot of acclimated h : ace a BOOOO00O00COO0000000000000000000000000000COO000000000 | cept in their stead new bonds of the | lot of acclimated horses and mules | 9 | Refunding Loan | {E. W. Newcomer, Secretary. 3-12-3t. [tral Hotel, a large lot of wines; | | CASCARA “%0 M\© QUININE {heat PENG + Oats, per bu.. ce Bran, per 100-1bs.,.......... u or 2 y w Mixed feed, per 100 lbs,,... Standard cold remedy for 20 year$g—in tablet | > . i form——safe, sure, no opiates——breaks'yp a cold | Glut ten, Be r 100 1bs., . in 24 hours—relieves grip in 3 days." Money | Middlings, per 100 Ibs.,. Seen back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top | Cotton Seed Meal. .....c. vu. with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. | 1 ihg0ed Meal, per 100 lbs,.... 3.25 | Deas Jerap, Bp : sn f Ca eal, per Soyeuse 4.5 Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. Timothy hay, per 100 lbs,..... 1.50 ORS Blue Hes uot wa | JK Jor 00 io Lid ter stove for 1,000 chicks. Apply POM kare “100 bs... - EH 4.85 E. J. Nissly, Florin, Pa. mar.12-3t | ell plies FOR SALE CHEAL—Good as new SALE REGISTER No."«£i5 Wherle Range, reservoir, re vater Daek and warming closet. Also Remember, if you have your sale Kitchen Cabimgt. Both these articles |bills printed at this office we insert were used only @short time and are a FREE reader like the following, » new. Apply to F=dl. Dukeman |from now until day of your sale. The Florin, Pa. Bell phone. war.5-1t | Bulletin is read by several thousand - 4 : people in this community every week, | POR.SALE—A 1918 Chevrolétigphioh surely is worth considerable, 190 in fifsvelasg, condition, fully t, vou as an advertising medium. equipped "and only rufi2/p80. miles. | phone us your sale date now and Call on D. H. Hernley, Mt. Joy. 3-5€|order your bills when you are ready. 1 B. ord oo iro) | Wednesday, March 12—On the bid Hi So : : premises in W est Hempfield township, 1S OHIC¢ on the Columbia and Marietta turn 3 pike, at Klinesville, 2 horses, 8 cows, | {fat bull, shoats, 3 sows and a large lot of farming implements by Mr. | WANTED—A hired man on a farm, 16-ta. 18 years old. Apply to arles Berrie . Sve >, £ Charis Beret Rey i hy |Jacob Goss. Frank, auct. - - reer | Friday, March 14—On the prem- WANTED“ "AN “whe-.qwe us for|ises in the village of Florin, 3 lois subscription to call and“pay up, |of ground with frame house, stable, swudf | etc. and a large lot of "household w&#oods by Barbara Breneman. Vogle, | TOR“SATE=Sjx Building lots 50-|auct. 1%x200 on DSi] Ls. Apply | Friday, March 14—On the prem. | te Henry H. Wittle. fepdmlat.pd. |ises on the road leading from Mount) | Em Joy to Manheim, 2 miles east of the FORRENIT—A 10-room house, the [former place, 3 horses, 2 cows, hogs, | former Dr. Brenemai home. Posses- | new farming implements and some | sion April 1. Apply to M. A. Roll- household goods by F. A. Farmer man, Mount Joy. mar.5-2t | Frank, auct. : i Friday, March 14—On the prem- FOR SALE—Property on Broad |ises the John Beamesderfer Seen Street, Landisville, 2-Story F rame | formerly the S. S. Long Estate farm, Dwellingwith attachment, containing | one-half mile east of Newmanstown, steagn heat, electric lights, [porse, 2 cows, chickens, light wagons | ory frame stable and other |;,q some household goods by Joseph utbuildi 2s. Apply, to H. B. Stauf- C. Witmer. Kurtz, auct. ! fe Lan ille, Pa. feb.-26-tf. Saturday, March 15—On the prem- «GT em 1SeS on West Donegal SUrec 5 Mount FoR SALE- No. 8 Othello Range Joy, a large lot of household goods by | vith reservoit«in, excellent condition. |fenry H. Wittle. Morton, auct. | evenings. B. PKauffman, Jr, Saturday, March 15—At Donegal | . Donegal St. Tem26-3t | Springs, entire lot of household Tres ENTITY AS. “4goods, complete set of fence-making | FOR SALE CHEAP -A 4-h. p. Do- vi lot of chickens, etc. by Earl! mestic Gasoline EnFine, Apply to Elam Wiliams, Vogle, nuct S~-Hows, B.D. 5. Mi. Ta¥maacof-tf, | ARMS, VOZ:0y 2UCH on | Ln ? > Sy Saturday, March 15—At his office TAR + Yin Le ince on East Main street, Mt. Joy, at 7| FOR-SALE-A. Jord truck in good | y. m. annual sale of stocks, bonds, | SABNIRG Orden Erie apn. 0%. 0p ete. by Mr. Henry G. Carpenter. | | Frank, auct. | a : wh, Saturday, March 15—On the prem- | FOR-SALE—Thoroughbred Duroc [gs near Green Tree meeting house, | {Jersey Hogs, beth sex, all sizes, large [large lot of live stock, complete line (type, easy feeding. “Reygond B. Zoo |of farming implements, lot of meat {R. D. 1, Mt. Joy. “feh, 6:3t and a large lot of hougensly goods by ! . = Mr. Eli Brubaker. Frank, auct. | FOR™SALE LCHEAP—A 9-pas-| Monday, Mar. 17—On the prem-| |senger Empire~Peuxing Car, in good |jses near Rowenna, 5 mules, 3 horses, jcondition. Apply at this 6fhee..2-19-tf | 10 cows, 2 stock bulls, lot of shoats, | | 50 chickens, harness, entire lot of | WANTEDP-—A new or second- farm implements, etc., by George {hand roadster. Address P. O. Box Rhoads. Frank, auct. Tuesday, March 18—On the prem- feb.12-1f '{ses, the former S. S. Long, estate FOR. SALE—Six Building lots 50- farm, one-half mile east of New- x200 on David 8t, Mt. Joy. Apply manstown, entire lot of live stock and to Henry H. Wittle. feb.b-13t. | new implements by John Beamesder- [fer. See advertisement. WANTED-—OIld Pigeons, will take| Tuesday, March 18—On the prem- all you ean get and pay 25 cents a !ises on South Jacob street, Mt. Joy, pair. Call or phone Bulletin, Mount | hogs, chickens, wagons, implements | please. 6 rooms, 163 Mt. Joy, Pa. tf township, a lot of ground in that vil- Very cheap. Call at this office. ! ” : lage with- frame house, stable, gar- Proof that Some Women Wednesday, March 12, 1919, Tae TEN do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says: “1 suffere®from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength so I ha&to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it. 1 thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great rehef and six bottles have entirely cured me All women who have nale trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegétable Compound.” How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. 2 Canton, Ohio.—*I suffered front female trouble which YR caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that 3 I would have to go through an operatiqn before I could get well. y ; “My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, advised me to.try it be- fore submitting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work witho any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege3 table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them.”— Mrs. MARIE Boyp, 1421 5th St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. Every Sick Woman Shot LYDIA E.PINKH / y A 1000 Commo WANTED Not Later Than Friday, March 14 White Pigeons 40c Pair Different Colors 30c Pair Joy. tf | and a large lot of household goods by PY iy — | Nathan Stark. Yorle, Nek 0 0 FOR SALE—Three large marblet Wednesday, Mar. 19—On e anie C Yo SUN oO a slabs 3-in thiek. and different sizes. premises in Milton Grove, Mt. Joy 9 9 ® Ploeons FOR RENT—A 10-acre farm ‘inlage and a lot of personal property East Denegal township, in a good |Dby the Lancaster Trust Company farming section. 8-room house, bank guardian of the minor children o barn, 82x14. chicken house; also Dr. Arthur J. Thome and Olive E. 10x12 hen house. Renter can buy the | Thome, dec’d. Minnich, auct. See 20—On the Dec. 1st. Apply at this office. 10-23-tf | premises of the undersigned, the e Pry . | Kame farm, at Chickies, Pa., along A fai the Marietta and Lancaster turnpike, to AND heen to Solicit orders if horses and mules, 4 horse colts, Roses, Shrubs, “gt Part or full thre] mule colt, 4 cows and a complete Permanent position Pay week ‘llot of farming implements by J. E. XD MON y. "eX Y. | Baker Company. Frank, auct. See Apply Quaker Hill Nurseries, New- J 4 ET . advertisement. ark, New York State. Oct.23-tf. Saturday, March 22—At their M place of business in the village of NOTICE-—Is there any one wants | Florin, closing out sale of their en- a good substantial buggy at a rea- tire wagon making outfit and re- sonable price? Apply ta. H. R. Nis-| naining stock and a lot of house- sly, Florin, Pa. aug.21-tf [hold goods by Young Bros. Vogle, FOR RENT—A tobacco warehouse | “Saturday, March 22 On the 40x50 ft, in Salunga; 2 floors and |, emises, corner of Mount Joy and large cellar. Has elevator. Built for Barbara streets, Mt. Joy, a large lot tobacco business, Immediate posses-| of household goods by Jacob W. sion. Can be bought, if desired. Call, | gp yrite. Morton, auct. hone or write Jno. Bu. Schroll, Mt. Saturday, March 22—At my ware- oy. july 17-tf. house, in Rowenna, an annual sale of ! new implements. Also some live stock NOTICE by Oscar V. Rannels. Frank, auct. Notice is hereby given that the Mt. Tuesday, March 25—At the stock Joy Borough School District will re-|yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, ceive bids for $5,000, par value, of [150 head of cows, bulls, heifers, bonds of said District, known as the | shoats, ete. by C. S. Frank & Bro. Refunding Loan of 1919, said bonds| Wednesday, March 26—On the dated April 1, 1919, payable April 1,|premises in Mt. Joy township, near 1924, with interest semi-annually at|Rheems, along the Colebrook road, 414 per cent. per annum. The sale|150 head of live stock consisting of of these bonds, however, is subject to | horses, mules, cows, bulls, heifers, the right of the present holders of |shoats, sheep, farming implements, bonds issued April 6, 1899, and pay- [etc. by A. W. Mummau. Frank, auct. lable April 6, 1919, to exchange their| Wednesday, March 26—On the bonds for the present issue. For |premises near Rheems, a large lot of | particulars address the undersigned. horses, mules, cows, shoats, etec., by {MT. JOY BORO SCHOOL DISTRICT | Mr. A. W. Mumma. Frank, auct. | | E. W. Newcomer, Secretary. 3-12-3t.| Friday, March 28-—At their stock | ¥ { : | yards in Mount Joy, large lot of live | § ? jas 7 { [stock by J. B. Keller & Bro. Al-| %: : . NOTICE | dinger, auct { 4 Notice is hereby given that the| gaturday, March 29—At the Cen, | holders of the bonds of the Mt. Joy (tral House Mt. Joy, a large lot of | i4 Boro School District, issued April Gi eho donde Ag By Rice. i 1899, and payable April 6, 1919, will | yoole, auct. . : 5 . ’ av a o9___ 2 % holders of said bonds will be given|, Saturday, March 22 At his sale | the right to surrender them and ac. | and exchange stables, Mount Joy, a SENPRL THE DAYS ARE SLIPPING BY. THIS“SALE WILL SOON BE OVER.’ ALMOST EVERYTHING REDUCED. WE EXPECT'QVERCOATS TO BE HIGHER NEXT SEASON THAN WHAT WE ARE OFFERING THEM NOW. WE ARE MAKING A~HARD CUT ON BOYS’ SUITS THIS WEEK. “ ODD LOTS IN MEN’S SHOES, ARE ABOUT ALL. WOMEN AND GIRLS WE HAVE'SOME GOOD NUMBERS YET. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. y, KNOWING THE KIND OF CLOTHES V HANDLE AND THE DURABLE WEARING APPAREL,ALL THROUGH, YOU NEED NOT HESITATE TO BUY MERCHANDISE AT SUCH PRICES. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MOST OE THESE LOTS MARTIN Clothier andfFurnisher, Mcunt Joy, Pa. pe of April 1, 1919. | by Mr. Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. Monday, March 31—At the Cen- y MT. JOY BORO SCHOOL DISTRICT RN liquors, cigars and a lot of bar room| { fixtures by Harry Rice. Vogle, auct. Friday, April 4—At their stock ® | Some Time {yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mt. Joy, | | 335 head of Ne Stock by Messrs. C. | / . . . Fran To. ess, auct. | You will be in need of | - EXECUTORS NOTICE Giptine of some kind. | Estate of Annie S. Swords late of | vr 3 . | Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster County, hether it be letter. |} Jo¥ Town | heads stat A Letters testamentary on said es-| ements wed tate having been granted to the un-| ding invitations QV |dersigned, all pengine indebted there- | : : to are requested to make immediate | public sale biils, re payment, and those having claims or | - demands against the. same will! member we can turn present them without delay for set- out the work at the tlement. to the undersigned, residing lowest cost consistept |" ToT | H. S. KOSER," | AZT . esutor. with good work. Chas. W. Eaby, Atty. | | | We PAYYour Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL Pure wastes OF, $15 \ OR MorE. IT Costs You NOTHING. Ask For 2-5-6 'NO CARE FARE REFUNDED ON RIDE LANCASTER FREE-~ — 2 |B EVERYTHING EVERYBODY, PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COLUMBIA PRODUCTS. STO BRI Or stock time Hem even stock by A lowir Fo shey, Fi Joy $130 Fi stock $150 Si Rich Tv Bank $159 Fo shey Fo dece: Fi Joy $130 Fi ner : Fo dece: Se Joy | at $ Fi Soud On stein Fo dece: Or Joy $130 Fo Pv Joy | at $ Fi Joy | er at Fi baun Or at $1 Tv cent. ML Or 10. Fo Tv Worl John Or bond Ty each. M;: has : Nati York delit, and « insur Com; surp! Mi rente the char, He v the and } age. and ciati Lanc Both Long were vice M: disvi ter ( this the Satu Snav 4 Tl SUcCCH Joy mg com] the they Tl of th cal g Our High preli 7.45 M will agen ance nang Ww mot] Beat hom her on | M at h son dent