The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 12, 1919, Image 4

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Wednesday, March 12, 1919,


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J L, ho WALK Your lo ' itl
Thursday, Mar. 20 the day after Xmas. It was fine.
The f
. . . Dear Mother:
he following list of stock and everal weeks
but we were
nts will be offered since I've wrote ' :
Kame farm at on the move and did not have any
chance to write or mail letters until
now. We'er still in the army and
although the war is over we still |
have to soldier at times, but we don’t
care. Everybody tells us we're on
our way home, so a few more hard-
‘arming impleme
it public’ sale, on the
h Pa., along the Marietta and
turnpike, just east of

H & M | ships won't count. We started to
Orses ules move about the middle of January
and moved back towards the coast.
: ¢ Ve are soon to move again and by
¢ 3 0 the last of March we might be home.
¥ I received your letter written De-
horse colts, 1 cember 1st and also Paul's letter. 1]
Mmong them are 4 id
mule colt. Four gdod milk cows. am glad to hear he has a good job
Complete set of Farming Implements and hope he holds on to it. I am also
Consisting of Binders; Mowers, Culti- glad to hear that Phares is making |
vators, Harrows, Plows, Corn Planter, | good. It seems as if I am the only
Corn Sheller, Grain Drills, Land Rol-|one now that didn’t make good. I
lers, one, two and three horse Wagon, don’t know what I'll do when I get
Harness, Forks, Shovels, Spreaders, back. We are not with the company
double and triple Trees, Hoes, but out with the engineers, so we |
Chains and many other articles too have At very easy. :
. 1umerous to mention. This is Sunday and was a fine day
| until tonight when it started to snow
T ra Q . : y
Terms of Sale—Under $10 cash. and is snowing heavily now. We
All sums of $10 or over a eredit of haven't had much snow, nor much
nine months will be given.” Notes cold weather. It has been a nice win-
with approved security and by paying ter so far.
discount, will be taken. All goods to We had a good dinner today,
be settled for, before removing from mashed potatoes, roast beef, dressing, |
the premises. peas, bread and butter, coffee an
Sale will “start promptly at 12:00 grapes. I'm eating heartily and am |
»’clock noon, sharp. heavier than ever. 2 Co
3 : | How is Dad and all the kiddies |
P. S.—Lancaster and Marietta now? 2Guess Dad is as busy as ever |
trolley line passes the premises every with the ice and snow
half hour. No Free Dinner. {
met. When I get home I'll tell you |
J. E. Baker Co. |v the day I got it. That day I|
surely expected to get knocked. The
C. S. Frank, Auct. Germans were shelling heavy, and
F. S. Kraybill, Clerk. |lots of fellows were getting hit
around there, but I never got
scratched. I wore my gas mask for |
about an hour, and while there a|
Ismall piece of shrapnel hit me on the |
| 1 [orn bus not hard enough to do any
Suggestions damage,
[ TU write again later and am in |
{good health and enjoying myself. Re-
member me to the people I know.
P. S.—Tell Paul to write again.
Your loving son,
| Bill.
I’m glad you got the German hel- |

We have just prepared a circular
Bsting 92 attractive bond offerings, |
Uruffe, France,
| barnyard fowls have
| and Mrs. Elias Metzler
| rise by leaps and bounds.
| a pleasant B.
{a half of Tonall, now I am so much
| it from others, how
{ has helped me so very much.
| it is wonderful.”
| Store, Mount Joy.
Amos Foltz Suspicioned of Implica-
tion in Reading Robbery Told
Strange Stories
\ man who at first gave his name
Amos Fulton, but who subsequent
proved to be Amos Foltz, of East
tersburg, was arested in Reading
Friday and sent to jail for ten
on the technical charge of being
L suspiciou character, and mean
his connection with the robbery
\ grocery store and the Reading

Y. M. C. A. is being investigated by
When arrested young Foltz was
wearing a non-deseript uniform of
U.S. Arm) He had been posing
an overseas fighter and on his
eve he wore a foreign service
tripe and his story of suffering sup
yorted hin for some weeks. The |
} vore a campaign hat in
| of an overseas cap and a cadet |
on the hat started an
the authenticity of his
wposure followed Hi
1S easy as he is mi
1 rs ( his left hand His
| blamed on the
r conf } th hi
wh ’"
rfer 1t
I } I
(YW al |
fall of ran
1 and re
Vit Monroe Metzler and
yb Reist and fan
atternoon. |
thaker and family at
{ Re Sanford Landis’s sale |
ar Wi Y Monday |
Don't forget the two public sales |
hich in this neighbor- |
hood part of this week, |
namely Fred Farmer and Benjamin

vton Erb and family of Landis
ind Phares Kauffman and fam-
visited A. H. Erb and family on
Albert B. Erb speaks well of his
feathered friends. His 120 common
been producing
70 eggs a day.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Becker and
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder and chil-
dren visited Daniel Metzler and fam-
ilv on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Bucher,
Levi Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Christ-
ian Brubaker and son Nissley, Mr.
and son Mar-
lin were entertained by Harvey Metz
ler and family on Sunday.
Automobile agents get busy, one
of our young farm helpers has the
auto fever, and a girl that lives down
east. The facts in the cove are his
trips down east caused his fever to
Yes he's

rl es
“I suffered with my head so much,
had such pain, and used a bottle and
better,” says William Fry, Inter-
course, Lancaster County, Pa.
“I bought Tonall when I heard of
it « had helped
them. I can now work with ease, at
the mines owned by Mr. Biller, ev-
ery day.
I remmend Tonall to everybody,
and gladly give this statement as it
I think
This testimonial was given Julg 4,
Tonal is sold at Garber's Drug
rr etl Qe
. : Resolutions
The following preamble and reso-

“Spring Opening Days”
March Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
25 Years of Progress and
Splendid Service to the Public .
Lancaster, Penna.
a" Anniversary Gelebration
In Commemoration of the Notable Event We Will Start Wednesday Morning With

An Extraordinary Sale of SPRING MERCHANDISE
Our “Silver Anniversary Celebration” is to be a notable event in our store history—to celebrate the
founding of the Leinbach Business and Twenty-five years of successful retailing and service to the com-
munity. For many months we have been planning for this very important occasion, the results of our
preparations will be révealed from day to day throughout the month, by many extraordinary features.
As a tribute to you—the public, who have been a very important factor in the success of this busi-
ness and enabled us to grow by rapid strides from a small beginning. to one of the city’s foremost retail
institutions, we will open an “Anniversary Sale’ Wednesday morning, offering thousands of dollars, worth
of high grade Spring merchandise at prices that are remarkably low and offer you real savings, such as
will cause you to remember for years to come this memorable event in our store history. "
Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers—and nearly every firm with whom we have dealings—have
been found eager to co-operate in this important sale and celebration—in hundreds of instances they
have favored us with special lots of new merchandise at a considerably lower cost than regular—simply
to assist us in giving values that will arouse enthusiasm among our patrons.
A Big Special Bargain Offering Every Day
Watch Lancaster Newspapers

The Old: The New: A Resume of Our

of Mount Joy, on Saturday, March 8.
Whereas, God, in His infiinte wis-
dom has removed from our midst our
friend and fellow Director, Christian
N. Newgomer, and
Whereas, through long years of as-
sociation we have learned to know
and appreciate his sterling qualities,
Therefore be it
Resolved, That we record our ap-
preciation of his character as an
honest, upright and Christian gentle-
man and a faithful and conscientious
Director of this Institution.
Resolved, That while we mourn his
loss, we may profit by his example of
uprightness, industry and attention
Resolved, That as a mark of r-
The Leinbach business has its origin in the
old building at 35-37 North Queen Street, a two
and one-half story brick structure, then known
as the “Boston Store,” on March 12, 1894.
The store room, located on the first floor, oc-
cupied a space of 28x60 ft, or 1,680 square
feet, with two small show windows. The staff
of employees consisted of seven people, and the
sales of the first year amounted to about one-
tenth of our present business.
The new “Daylight” store occupies four floors
and basement, or an area of over 30,000 square
feet, about 20 times as large as the original
store ; with a staff of approximately 100 people.
Compared with the “Old Store,” this “Day-
light’ Store represents a wonderful achieve-
ment—beautiful and commodious—planned in
the belief that the public appreciates a com-
fortable store—with avenuelike aisles, flooded
with ‘‘daylight”’—the results of untiring efforts,
of intelligent endeavor, to attain for the public
the highest degree of comfort, convenience,
efficiency and satisfaction.
There is no store convenience that any
modern store boasts of, that is not provided in
our up-to-date establishment. Neither is there
a better educated or more courteous corps of
salespeople and managers than those who are
always ready and eager to serve you at Lein-
Twenty-Five Years
In Business
On the twelfth day of March, Eighten Hun-
dred and Ninety-Four, the firm of Leinbach &
Company (composed of the late W. F. Beyer,
Esq., and the writer), took possession of a small
store room, which is described elsewhere on this
It was an extremely modest beginning—Dbut
the store PRINCIPLES which were adopted at
that time and which we have aplied every day
since, were such that the business was simply
compelled to grow.
The principle of ABSOLUTE HONESTY IN
ADVERTISING and in the sale of every dol-
lars’ worth of merchandise, was considered a
very important one—an& was adopted because
of the long-standing custom among stores (of
that time) of “price dickering’’ before a sale
was consummated. No misstatement or exag-
geration has ever been permitted to appear over
the signature of this firm. We deplore the fact
that there still exists in our community stores
who resort to ‘misleading and sensational ad-
The best interests and welfare of our patrons
has always been our first consideration—*‘“a
store principle” which is responsible for the

{they know what a pair of skates or
sleigh looks like over here. I didn’t
see any all winter.
I saw a French woman

18 PUBLIC UTILITIES | Dear Mother and all:— | lations were unanimously adopted at
5 INDUSTRIALS [ This is Sunday even- | a ‘special meeting of the Board of Di-
8 FOREIGN ling, and I will try and write my Sun- | rectors of the First National Bank,
10 SHORT TERM bid etter. We are still at the same |
. : : place, but expect to move soon. Prob- |
The rate, maturity, price and yield ably next week. Everybody seems to |
of these bonds are indicated as well think we are going home soon and |
as their tax-exempt features. Many I'll soon believe it myself. This has |
of the bonds are legal Investments heen a_good week, not much work
for Savings Banks and Trust Funds. [to do, and plenty to eat. We had a
Send for a complimentary copy of |little snow on Wednesday and Thurs-
this circular, No. 135. {day but not enough to call it a real
{snow like we have in the States.
B E Today we had a foot ball game
A. . L ACH & Co, INC. here The team from our company |
115 S. Fourth Street. played the engineer team. The score |
PHILADELPHIA, PA. was tie. It was a good game. The |
: [game was this morning. After din-
Lancaster Representative ner we took a trip of about thirty
J. L. WHALEN miles after a man that had been hit
by a truck. That’s the first we've
Post Office Box 22 been out on a trip for a few days, so
Ind deat Teloph 173 Z you see we have it very easy.
ngepencent /eiephone nee. 1 Gt Nashing io do but eat and sleep. I
247% lam healthy and getting fat. We got
some candy this week, the first for
EXPERT POULTRYMAN SELLS a jong time. ~ surely tasted good.
omorrow I expect to go out with
BROILERS AT $1 PER POUND | 0 fellows on a wild deer hunt.
——— It's great fun and they are great
One of the most prominent and | fating. If we get one we expect to
~ successful poultrymen of Pennsyl-|"27¢ @ subper. :
vaiiie is Mr. Lewis B. Sprecher, | I suppose you are having lot of
RoRrerstown, Pa. He is a Director of winter weather over there now, skat-
the Pennsylvania State Poultry As-
sociation and is generally recognized
ag an authority on practical poultry
Last gall, eis Bate
about 1,800 chicks for use as broilers have you try it the way she did whe
and sold the latter to a select trade | get back. She Sel pr dig ie
at $1 per pound. The secret of his| head and feet on and placed it on
success is given in his own words: [the table that way. ‘Don’t you think
“Regarding the success in rearing | Dad would like it that way?
the 1,600 broiler chicks that we How is Dad these days? Tell him I
hatched in Navember last, will say saw a bunch of negro soldiers work-
results were béyond expectation. ing on the roads over here and I had
“These were really ready for the |to think of him and hi
most exacting trade at from eight to | negroes. They stand : 1d and talk
ten weeks, and fof fall hatched I con-|and when they are f rh working

sider this very unusual. Of course, 1/0n a piece of road it’s more rough
used, exclusively for the first five |than it was before.
weeks, the chick feed, that I personal-! How are the kiddies, al
ly consider, after yea¥s of actual use, | 20ing to school? Tell then
the best obtainable, hamely Pratts
-. This particular baby chick feed has|U
n and out | IOT :
for them.
and find Euro;
named N
es west of Nan

always given results both i
of war times.”

Any feed which will ‘grow fine pow Then ell ( l f !
chicks during the winter months will 3 a long the
i ! expect

The £0

surely raise them in the
Pratt dealer near you will supply you n might mean

Ron. I wonder if they can
tc PRATT FOOD CO., PHILA- | American
agr free copy of t
name one
General, one English
pe General and three French Generals
hat were in, this war, ask them
How i y allotment money so far?
od all so far?
loving son,


ha. il 1st.
broperties on E.
ate of the late
house has all

pe at once
ing and sleighing. I don’t suppose |
: cook a |
Mr. Sprecher hatched | chicken last week and I think I'll |
gang of |
{ to duty.
spect to his memory the Bank be
closed from three to three thirty on
| the afternoon of his funeral; that the
| chair he was accustomed to use be
| draped for a period of thirty days
{ and that the Board attend his funeral
[in a body.
{ Resolved, That we tender our sin-
| care sympathy to his wife and fam-
| ily.
| Resolved, That these Resolutions be
{ entered on the minutes of the Bank
{and published in the local paper.
mar.12-1t President.
| eel eee
Good Business for Sale
I have for sale the entire dary
| outfit of Messrs. B. F. Kauffman &
| Son of this place. It includes horses,
| wagons, cans, bottles, clarifier, sepa-
| rator, i
mediate possession. Will sell business
cooler, etc. Will give im-
and outfit or rent the buildings to
purchaser or will sell buildings with
the business. Now who wants an old
established business averaging 500
quarts daily in a town with no com- |
vetition. Don’t think long but act. |
tf |
{ J. E. Schroll. Mount Joy.

| other food. Won’t blowgway, dry up, |
| est, safest to kill rats,
a a month or tw but that’s soon i
with Pratts Baby Chick Food ‘under a ha % hifi tha oc : n
a moneyback guarantee of safisfac they can put their books away. But |

aa a
Protects Your Chickens
and ‘sure enough it does. A rat wo {
leave al other food to get RAT- |
SNAP and“it’s the last he eats. RAT- |
SNAP chemically cremates the car- |
cass. Doesn’t be mixed with |
soil or decay. Surest, quickest, clean- |
mi¢e.and |
roaches. Three sizes, 25¢, 50¢, $1.06
and $3.00 Brown Bros, Mount Joy, |
Pa.; H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa.: |
G Moyer. Mount Joy, Pa tf |
Try This For Sour Stomach
Eat slowly, masticate your food
thoroughly. Eat but little meat and
none at all for supper. If you are |
still troubled with sour stomach take
one of Chamberlain’s Tablets before
going to bed. Mar.5-4t.
BE —
Look at our advertising columns
and see the many successful business
men they represent or rather speak
for. Why get YOU? ;

How well we have planned, can best be following—
realized by the following features:
Safe and Modern Elevator Service.
Free Telephone Service.
Free Rest and Reading Rooms.
Public Writing Desks and Free Stationery.
Pure, Filtered Ice Water Circulating on Ev-
ery Floor.
Post Office Conveniences.
Free Package Checking Service.
Information, Lost and Found Desks.
Perfect Ventilation and an Abundance of
This store, its business and its clientele, will
continue to grow—Dby reason of our modern and
progressive methods and the continuous appli-
cation of
A Free Delivery Service.
A Charge Account, for Thirty Days, as a
Convenience to Those Who Desire It.
The Practical Elimination of Discounts.
The Liberal Participation of the Customer in
Our Profits by the “Trading Stamp Method.”
One and the Same Price to Everybody.
Merchandise Always Marked in Plain Fig-
Our Absolute Guarantee Back of Every Sale.
It is with considerable pride that we review
the success achieved by this store during the
past quarter of a century—which we attribute
to our liberal and safe policy, carried out by an
efficient store organization—which in turn
merited and won your kind support—and which
we assure .you was heartily appreciated.
Our Foundation Principles—

Integrity, Value,
4 Quality and Courtesy (Signed)
together with the unfailing confidence of the
public, in the store, its merchandise and its WwW & I : b h
service. es J ein aC

Leinbach’s Double 44; Green Stamps: Every Day! Leinbach’s


Don't Fail to Look Over The Real Estate
Columns On Another Pag