J Pa N -y on the Wednesday, March 12, 1919 MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. : PAGE THREE BIG OPTICAL OFFER FOR ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY, MARCH 17th, 1919 3TO SP. M At “ CHANDLER'S DRUG STORE, MOUNT JOY, PA. position to lenses and nose‘.pieces from the manufacturers, That is dust. the reason why we are now 00 Doing business on a cash basis, We are at times put in secure lots of frames, due to an overstock with them. able to give you this offer. First quality spherical lenses for either far or near, fitted in gold-filled, guaranteed 10- year mounting, with the most modern finger piece, shell rims, case, including examination, Our Usual Charge For These "Glasses Is $7.50. No drops used in examination FWJBIN @ RUBIN HARRISBURG’S LEADING EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Established 15 Years. mar.12-1t, Penna. Railroad Concert Company IRA L. BEHNEY, Director J. P. Gibson, Tear C. N. Jackson, Monologist R. C. Smith, Baritoné-_ H. W. Keitel, Monologist J. W. Shaffer, Reader “ J. Stewart Black, Pianist MOUNT JOY-HALL Tuesday, April 8, 1919 at8 P. M. 203 Seats at 30c. 100 Seats at 35e,_ Seats on sale at Getz’s Clothing Store (Children under five years occupying seats will require tickets) 3 POOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCO0OOOO0000000OO0OOCOOOOOOOOO0OOO00 3 J 101 I “We Build Harness Right That’s Our Business “Specials for the Farmers 4-in. Plow Risre, complete, $10.25 to $11.50 per set. Team Bridles;$4.50 to $6.50 each. Horse Collars, $2,00 to $5.00 each. No. 1 Hair. 5 Ring Chrome Halters, $1.75 to $2.00 each. The best Tie Hame S s, 15x54 in. long 25 cents each. Harness Oils, Neatsfoot, .00 to $1.25 per gallon. We are making a specialty of. farm harness, and carry the most complete line in stock in the County: prices cheerfully quoted. F. B, GROFF MOUNT JOY, PENNA. And We'll Get Your Tire Business. =n § § & = 2 Get Our Tire Prices. DOOR OT 1 1, 1 TE a . gti. 4 a Agent for VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. ALSO BICYCLES q 21 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. by Seeds of EveIyD Description Wi \ BROODE. RS Becolie there is a local hardware dealer hgndling the Blue Hen Brooder, I ‘shall discontinue selling same but | hawe a few on hand which 1 will sell at a very reasonable price. {Any one in the market for a brooder will do well to ask for [prices before , r \ buying elsewhere. : jo 0 aha | ( \f Al P. E. Wolgemuth SLAUGHTER % D.1 MOUNT JOY, PA. NARROW i » BROAD LEAF | MM E WY IST SEEDS IN BULK AND INT d PACKAGES \ ALSO FLOWER SEEDS \ CHANDLER'S" DRUG STORE o# MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | PUBLIC SALE | SKUNKS A ; As high as“§8.00. Muskrats $2.20, Mar. 18,19 price list and how to catch every Tue mink that confes up your stream, The undirsigned will sell at public emises, the former S. S. free. Will buy one fur or 1,000,000 furs. We have oven, 100 Pure Bred m, one-half mile east . the following: Chester White, Berkshige O. I. C. an One Mule Duroc Red pigs. 12 weeks old, $15, COWS, lot of Long estate of Newmansto Three Horse All single line leaders; hogs, chickens, etc. farm, two for $25. Must ma room for springers. HAHR FUR ., Maple Lane Stock Farm, Neshanic,"N. J. as. -4t. ACHES TER § ERS 3 PILLS der, AMESDERF= “| Dwelling House PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week en howns laeva gakawfed fun ma mon os im barrick wooned, woo harly ebbes tsu essa hut 1 Husht do in dime nuch feel wen- si hoond? Won du husht on sawg mere, wors net di experi- lence os seller hownse dere olla mohl hame ¢’luffa is os du ene recha roond [un fet g’feedered husht g’hot? Un ‘are ware aw nimmy tzurick cooma tsu dere won are uff em barrick-man sinera deera schwell farhoongered ware. Is sell net de case? Won du [ols der hownse hame hulsht un |sheldst ene far dere fart lawfa don henked are der schwontz un gooked | dich da-meedich aw un sawgt so , noddeerlich os en hownse schwetza ‘There is no place like home.’ Sell is now grawd wee’s is mit { mere. Ich hob doh on minera nia haemet olles os ich will. Blendy tsu | essa, en goot waurem bet far drin | shlofa, un duch bin ich net g *satisfied. | far sich selver un | nicher far SO con, { We ich my essa soocha hob missa fun house tsu. hovse hov ich blendy | awaret g’hot far my gadonka. Sidder os ich seller droovel nimmy hob don denk ich sheer de gons tzeit on hame fun de Polly. Ich wase net eb’s hame- | wae is, awver ich will dere sawga mer | wase net os mer garn hame gaid bis {mer amohl nimmy hame draiff—un {de rno will mer es oller shlimsht hame | fun ebbes. Sidder os ich doh bin un leit finna ous os ich der genuine | Boonastiel bin gooka se mich we en grosser mon, un ich ware feel | consult waega politics. Won ich olls [nix wase waega politics (un sell i heer olsfart) don holdt ich my hoot | uff un my mowl tsu un derno maina se ich ware en grosser polititioner un [wet mich net committa. Ae ding | wase ich un sell is os der Moses in der Shrift sn Demagrawd wore tsoonsht het are net si pardy fartzich vohr im doonkla room g'feered un dern®s.net g'funna wos are g’soocht hut. Yo, are hut duch endlich ins lond saena kenna awver are net ni cooma. Der graesht druvvel is ich hob is mich sober holda. Ich hob far- sprucha net tsu drinka so long os ich doh bleib un ich con denno konda- dawda by ginerosity sheer net refusa. Es wore en tzeit os ich ‘nae’ sawga hob kenna oony druvvel, awer ich con dere sawga es gaid mere hardt now. De leit schwetza olsfart waega dem sowfa awver se sawga nee nix waega dem grossa dorsht. on yunger mon nembt en drink un mained es daid gross gooka won are shtaggered oonich sinera load. Are nembt ae drink noach em onera un locht ivver der yung mon woo re- fused. Are holdt aw bis are en ob- badit hut far licker un won are amohl si schnopps recht goot gleiched don {de aw os { is noach ma siffer si grawb g’mauched. un derno gaid are far de buddle far si druvvel drin farsowfa. Ae drink licker g’'mawned mich os won mer en mon on en bawn binna will mit ma naitzfawda. De arshta sich lose shoffa, awver won are amohl pawr dowsend fawda um hut don findt are sich fesht. vel is en grosse shpinn, un are shpin- ned en fawda oom der mon room olla | mohl os are en drink nembt. Ich bin shunt ordlich farspoona un won ich amohl widder feel ‘“keffer-bree”’ du di mind uff maucha os der divel widder en niar glingle naits greeked hut. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE —0f— ‘VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ow 1 meme m— ™, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919 At32:00 o’clock p. m., by virtue of | an order of the Orphans’ Court, of | Lancaster County, the undersigned, will sell at public sale on the prem- ises in the village of Milton Grove, I, Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County, Pa., the following described | real estate, lately occupied by Dr. Arthur J. Thome, deceased. All That Certain Lot of Ground Situate along the public road leading | Church in the village of Milton Grove aforesaid, containing 88 perches, more or less, adjoining property of Isaac Kopp on the north and Sarah K. Good and A. Emenheiser on the south; extending in front along | said public road 70 feet, more or less, and extending in depth 346 feet, more or less, on which there is erected A Large Two-Story Frame with frame attach- ment, containing twelve rooms and arge closet. The dwelling is heated by modern pipeless heater and is equipped with electric lights. Also large two-story frame stable and garage, chicken house and pig sty. Stable and garage also lighted by electricity. The premises adapted for a private home or for a physician’s office and residence. Sale to be held on the premises in the village of Milton Grove, Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County, Pa. on Wednesday, March 19, 1919 at 2:00 o'clock p. m., when terms and eonditions will be made known by the undersigned. THE LANCASTER TRUST CO., Guardian of Louisa G. Thome, Roscoe Marlen Thome, William Les- ter Thome, Bernard G. Thome, Ar- thur J. Thome, S. Robert Thome and Ralph G. Thome, minor children of Dr. Arthur J. Thome and Olive E. Thome, deceased. Also at 1 o’clock m., on the p. d (same day and place will be sold th following items of personal property: Beds, Bureaus, Divan, Cabinet, Tables, Sideboard, Lard Cans, Jars, Jugs, Crocks, Kitchen Utensils, Egg Stove, Range, Oil Stove, Steve Pipe, Washing Machine, Lard Press, Ice “Cream Freezer, Incubator, Oil Cloth, Matting, Rugs, Chairs, Doctor Com- bination Chair, Books and miscella- neous articles of household furpiture. LOUISA M. GINGRICH, ELI F. GROSH, A Administrators of the Estates of Dr. Arthur J. Thome and Olive: E. Thome deceased. Jonas L. Minnich, Auct. Samuel B. Kieffer, Clerk. pawr | sich room | Der di-! are in every respect I in good condition and are especially hon hut are shunt der lengsht wake | Are mawg derno shtuppa drinka un | sober bleiva bis are in druvvel coomed | fawda con der mon good farrisa un | | | ae dawg tsu | greek don consht, from Milton Grove to Green Tree | nN ‘Our allies fought for us nearly A 4 : : : : v : Young Man's chance to Evade Hy ofiye reitoman tie fll: Every farmer in this locality will be interested in this machine. Hed veuars bh 3 y on = [8 ~1 Mi ddl Lif 0 d vith them. For nearly that period of The E-B Spreader is built low down—easy to load—easy to | 8- lie epen ency. | he United States profited tre- pull. Water-tight bed holds liquid in manure. Drives nie nendously, in a commercial and indus- through a 6 ft. door. Double steel beater with 102 chisel al sense, by the Runepans var pointed steel teeth and 18 wide spread steel blades thoroughly 1 r iin =4 ‘ort NS ne ade; ros . . , Any young man who l take na | Dmmense do up Pe. ade To > shred and evenly spread in most available plant food form. i tal i 0 v pervaded our land. ur domes- : minute to study the tables upon which | perity perv ai a i Wheels track. Turns square corner. Weight only 1800 insurance companies base their risks | tic frade Was almost Pasi; np! pounds. 55 to 70 bushels capacity—only 3 ft. 5 in. from ground te will find therein an incentive for | fon; our foreign trade in many lines top of box. Glad to talk spreaders with you. Come in and see us. : i : { Vl 1 ] aking he biggest possible i stent as epochal, : : : pg hig | Y Pos i i “France and Britain lost millions We kindly ask your patronage for anything we have in the rerory Aberty oan ane i rit ne 104 ] The tables were compiled to enable of men killed and mitlions of others Respectfully, insurance men to get reliable death wonnded less than sixty thousand rate averages. But in their prepara | Americam heroes sleep heneath the tion very interesting facts were also | sod of France. These men made the Oo ey u established bearing upon the earning | supreme sacrifice. Should fe as ® 9 n O capacity and ultimate fortunes of the | honor their memories or diminish the | subjects kept under observation, fdory of their Service by pausing : | »furl i , we of § i % It should point i woral to every | ¢ cheerful performance if an m rr i ; I aotalive dary? { ih 1 1 I EERE REE RR voung man to learn that in one hun Par J’: ne : a dred cases upon which are based Do we quite fully appreciate he m ® ri < ie r rey 3 . Si many important insurance tigures, only | sat flee made by the Se boys for us = ® fi y £11 ubjects died essed of | When we talk about discharging our = = ye Oo es pjects die POSSESS Ol 2 ? Abe ra Ta “rl sufficient means to pay for their own | (debt on a commercial basis, in a cold- | . fuierals : { Wooded way? May we not, in this |R = rails. ti chat . nal = When observation was begun, one [ 'tmpern, present : distumied samy =. = hundred men of good health and | hh the spirit : that an ery sor | = = Voy ) 3 r at the ‘ink | = standing, aged twenty-five years, were | ‘lit vho, standing a 1e brink of | 2 " "Th ei a of .. | eternity, pulled out and gave over his | = w selected. Their careers were follow- | oy Ni Yelp “i Red Cr §: E ip = | last fart i elp c e( "OSS = ed through life.” At the age of 45 'a%t Jai ing o i : 1 — [Nr — . : " n ! aid ather wounded men! | sixteen were dead, fifteen were 10 | ot EE - 2 | “ 90] BS S » ailing longer self-supporting, sixty-five were | l i eh Ee ph fr Toalips I a | with the ‘tory Los 8 still able to work but had no other | ‘With tit ictory By | " means of support than their wages, | question looks to me, we should not |m 5 and only four were wealthy { approach it in cold Blood. We have a |g oun oO a Think of it! Only four per cent | right to invoke the patriotism of the IE of these young men, who started in | People. Upon this I shall confidently = the prime of life under the same ecir- | and I predict that the response |m : ; Ee : a hy asure dis int the ex- |E cumstances, in the same town, with | 1 no TE dishppor He on mm the same health and the same oppor. | Pectation ol t 0K 2 do Ser i on = | > 1 ale 110 2 > SpDIr 1 1 e - | tunities, reached the age of 43 with | ¢Stimate upon the Bne sj [= . . 1 $ face with American nation, |. w means to enable them to face with | fats 1 v ET = on “we call t ast the Victory Lib- BE ! confidence the downhill path of de- | We cal De si 1 i 97 ; I | And Clever Company of = Ir arn. IS that and more. ! = dining years. L Joon : ing ah “We 2% not |= = At 55 vears thiriy were dependent Isis a ‘Thanksgiving Lo: : = = . At BX as y > Sos topes \( | cing to approach it strictly in a |B SINGERS, DANCERS AND COMEDIANS—A BIG 5B ipon children, relatives or charity. At | =" IGT enlwl 'e are I going | [ 65 only ten of them, including the commercial sph ou We are wh |. SHOW IN CONNECTION WITH PIZARO'S =” four wealthy men, were still self- to float it strictly % a COTIION i 'm a supporting. And at 75, sixty-three of | basis. It 1s has 2 i Ee ay ry Im HEALTH TALKS s : | little o teac e wisest | the original 100 were dead without | little Ehsan Yoi imate nh le wisest | = leaving any estate and all of the | among the financiers of iri |. Pizaro is introducing IRONTONE, a preparation A t is img sible v f at = X0e tir o the few ossessing i is IMPOSSIDI¢ NOW 0 O s | . “ others, excepting the few poss E | nurelv. fOr investment Duiposes. oj for stomach, kidneys, nerves and rheumatism. wealth, were supported by their chil ’ 1 Gite we toll ® i a ir relatives or bv charity loan of five or six billions of dollars. | 5 © dros, their relatives or by cha I We ave got to appeal tothe pe Hl The following are among the many who have & ’ 1ese are no nnaginary instances, | : Bh | z but hard, matter-of-fact illustrations | triotism of the American people, and |g recommended Irontone: = 2 : s \ not he done in vain. There | oo upon which the biggest insurance com- vil i a 2 lm % : = panies of the country stake their re. | 4r¢ vet two million American boys in | Carl Herr, 508 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Stomach = sources France and Germany who must be IR M v re vined comfor d brought | rs. i ng. li i == There is a wonderful sermon to | i im fort aad ng |= S eeny, 214 Birch St., Reading, lived four a young men in this little story. It is | Dome in safety A Shrovified hom | years on Puffed Rice and Shredded Wheat. Irontone = taken from the Book of Life and it nel on. neip Teturp ule | = 3 : wisn ie writing off the Books S15.- sl restored her stomach to normal. & preaches Thrift. Unless the habit of | Congress Is writing off the books $15,- |Z A = : : : 3 0.00 ) of ¢ riz S ‘hich | . 5 3 SF saving is acquired in youth the pros- | V is 0.500 or anne ¢ ORs for i h |. Mrs. John Bisher, 455 Birch St., Reading, Rheuma- jects of reaching old age with a eom- | PUI unds would have been expena- pg : Depts as | ed had not the war suddenly termin- | tism and Nervous Weakness. = petence are very poor. | wr J i i = = ; RE ce saving is offered | ated, the government is still expend- - " o : No better means of saving is offered | 4 5 20! i 18 Se pe i I John S. Fuhr, 1239 Greenwick St., Reading, an - to the young men of the country than | }DE lwo billion dollars per month to [MR : ; 3 - - that presented by the Victory Liberty | meet the honorable commitments of |g iron puddler, relieved of Rheumatism. a : 1 he 1 mir EE Loan. You can share in the loan on | tht country. 'm : ; = the easiest terms imaginable. In buying | “The homor of the government is | : Mrs.Ida McCoy, 816 Franklin St., Lancaster, Pains ® you will be taking the first step | involvedand I know that the appeal |B in back and Nervousness. N tors rervidi ‘oF VOuP : of the American government to the lj 2 toward providing for your old age. ! g ® . Perhaps it may be the foundation of American people will meet a response 'm HEAR PIZARO NIGHTLY and enjoy a clean : of which the nation will he pr : : a fortune. Heh je proud ls show that will make you laugh. Take heed of the unfortunate ex- I — — | periences of ofhers. The law of av-| VICTORY LOAN LIMERICKS. |® MOUNT JOY HALL 8 P. M. NIGHTLY erages never goes wrong. It has point- - . |= | 3 ed an infallible moral in the case of There Was 3 young fellow aame/| Sim ERE EEE" ERE EERE ¥ i the one hundred young men of in- ose old-age savings were slim. = At MOYER'S SPECIALS OLD WAR BONDS GLASS HITS : a fin QYY SOLD OVER PAR LOA | Ho DOM TT 0 Viv RTA TYE 1 PRAIRIE STATE INCUBATORS S—————— Se We haveNtaken the agency for the Prair Incubators and - Q Brooder WeNhave some Brooders con nd would ask Y nor inroni > 1 > Y L > Civil. War Securities Brought Treasury Head Has SUDICHE [Poultry raisers tdexamine these Brood we have the best [ . ‘ Brooders on the market [3 1) nt Ah 0 ait ING t HU¥t i { 23 Per Geni Above Gost. Faith in Americal BLATCHFORD'S MILK MASH FOR CHICKS ——— Fairiotism We also sell Blatehford’s Milk Mas! We have sold sev- i wv ' y If History repeats itselt, Liberty eral tons already this sping. It sells at 50 per 100 lbs. We can give Bonds will id 4 very 8 ue after -— you plenty of references who used it befor We a we meat meal fer the peace pact is signed, be worch, it Ynor e patriotism of the Amer poultry, as well as almost’ all other kind f feed for poultry. the open market, probably more than | can people Carter Secreiil DIGESTIVE TANKAGE FOR RAISING HOGS their face value | I're p place relian . rou : io : '% the recon : uv wavs i a hid : he Viel Lib We also offer you digester Tankage for ra Every farmer ernment bonds issued wu " me of | . should feed this as it makes them 1} growth, { ' : \ h a ch \i Hass doe or ag . nr. . he Civil War a J. Tass does not af CLOVER SEED, ALSIKE AND ALFALFA Low te ol Hniery N Li an le ] y= end is all d on 1 1 Bonds n the hearts o peopl In clover seed, Alsike and Alfa we onl 11 th ghest grade and In 1861 eo firs e ( (a Sp are ready to supply your need 3 Ww el of toe R10: ds Ye ; s MAPE’S FERTILIZER FOR TOBACCO ld in the marke s N y rifice ar : : . . : - within u veal to $107. clos lied to We also sell Mape's fertilizer f ba P agricultura al y vear In [ hrought anbaign as thev were to lime, two of the highest grade prod $123.12, H S tider : This is practica he ) of hi Sueceed | & = RERY V. SLi Js praenely the isang of tile. : arming Implements and Wagons They sell low soon afiel lance be cial or profit-taking a1 en A CARLOAD OF SWAB FARM WAGONS cause i olde of ‘¢ Tool 1 be eotive . . tre . v - — ‘ 3 J) > hs Pe ! y A CARLOAL OF DEERING BINDERS AND MOWERS ish enoug ) 1 mto ¢ [ intervie 1 S ! — hands of speculators when they need «toy holding toithe | view "A CARLOAD OF FENCE WIRE money Instead of obtaining loans upon | follows A CARLOAD OF EMERSON MANURE SPREADERS } he Io banks or responsible tinan one an te » il HpPos . : : : ‘ ' y -— i anks or om Ines : A) Ie Hw > ea wi ; In farming implements we will have large supply. We will have Eecrohady knows that a first mort DS a iy bd 3 eo] : Foal in soon a carload of Swab farm wagons, a carload of Deering binders gage is one of the mest desirable | q ft despnl of mY Ceow ir |and mowers, a carload of fence re, a carload of Emerson manure forms of securities, The Victory Lib- | (his we exactly true. 1 wonder if [Spreaders, as well as a lot of riding cultivators, Iron Age potato planters, erty Loan is a first mortgage he | (1 x uk in this fa peak (eorn planters, ete., ete entire United States and is the ver) | considerately? They tell aho the Here we show you a cut of the Emerson Spreaders. We can not say hizhest form of security in the whale erifices’ the American people have 545 much for this machine. world. wid in their voice ere is Holders of Liberty Bonds need tone and in their mien un concern themselve | } ! ¢ sterit price of the honds 1 ) he s meant by the ‘s fices price for the bonds America? Where ; disposed of by unw ¢ de 1 field nd ruined ( hond actually Ss wort ace value \ our cathedral destroved | all the time Thos re quick nrofaned Where o 0 Oo buy | a 1 ) MW { y facto \\ their va i ( ) filed wo and I Su \ ! ‘ Ve 1) of other ) ’ { i , : ; 1 ror s State nie of n ‘ | he IK ) 1 ds of vietim ti al 101 t 1 serious ‘sacrific E \ ’ " hem, besides h ought vou in Wav: in ; ter pl ; \ Ra terest all of the tim n ig ms of « OVern : ? t n order to make everlastingly MAXE VIGTGRY LOA anure ! prea er MAX } N wows, property? 1s 1 | ‘ srerifice o devote one’ labor AN 0LD AGE PROP © co nd i the roves to Spreads Evenly A Strip Full 7 Feet Wide : L cquire the habit of thrift and san ; . < J ‘ $ , sadly lacking as a character WO tons of manure applied with this spreader the American people? has the efficiency of three tons spread with a fork. But one day he cot “wise” { And since then he just buys Every bond that is offered to him. { i surance study ard observation. Don’t drift into old age penniless as they did. Subscribe to the Loan! rt es B00000000000000000C000000000000000000000OOOOAOOne Are You Going To Wire That New House? Why Ng Light Your Old One Inghe Only Real \ Every one knows the convg e beautifying your hor vith | Protects Your Chickens and aure enough it does. A rat wi leave all other food to get AT may know that your di- | SNAP and'it’s the last he eats. RAT- gestion is fa A dose of Cham-| SNAP chemicaily cremates the car- berlain’s Tablet il usually correct cass. Doesn’t have. to be mixed with the disorder. They als cause a gen- | other food. Won't blow away, ary y 1 tle movement of the els. You soil or decay. Surest, quickest, clean- will find this to be one ofthe best |est, safest to kill rats, oh and medicines you have ever becon .ac- | roaches. Three sizes, 25¢, 50e, $1.00 quainted with. Mar.5-4t. 3nd $3.00 Brown Bros, Mount.Joy, ET Pa.: H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa. IG Moyer. Mount Joy, tf.] BOOOG0000000000ODOOOONONN Bad Taste in Your Mouth you have a bad taste in your over: a postal will b Electric fixtur solicit your patrg C.D All 4 satisfae a Can- nother | There are 40,000 widows in ada as a result of the war. bill to be paid by Esser B grass widow sg s under her jhe