The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 05, 1919, Image 6

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Wednesday, March 5, 1919.


Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
122 East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA

nteed oh ed on approval
i ail about varieties,
















know of. Some one is going to get a cheap

are no common barberry bushes, Doan’s gave me permanent
therefore the rust can not get started | results and I haven’t had to use them | home in Mount Joy and that some
in the spring. {in a long time.” fone may as = be hy a brick |
. |. Price GOc, at all dealers. Donlyj2hston, oh Fain Siiges, entre m- {
Foy Tis Shade Teas Pest | simply ask fof a kidney remedy—get | srioF Janished In pais, excellent
Hine 10 Shut Uh Ea i yo 2 2000 Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that |S pe, § ig garage. rite, or a goer
pillar, a serious pest of chads trees | TS Geistweit had. pFoster- Milburn 5 e 3 5 i d ou a wice hat {
Pr Now Ensind uy Shade trees|C, Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y to build it today. ood reason for
BE ev ngland, Middle Atlantic selling. Do not delay. Call, phone
States, and, in fact, as far west as i. or write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf.
the Mississippi River, except in the | Te vm :
Southern States. The way to get For a Bad Cold i
ahead of ofthe pest, according to en- Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. | Tho you may be satisfied to_carry |
tomologists of the United States De- {It has stood the test of time and can a rabbit's foot, your wife will re-
partment of Agriculture, is to go over be depended upon. Mar.j-4t. quire a set of furs. i


;2000000000000000000000OC00C00000000000000000000N00UY (the trees now and destroy the cu | Ty iva l U
: X . masses on them, either by hand A N nur
X ¥ igathering® and burning or by daubing |
: ) Ei rt 2 | them with a mixture of creosote and IDEN F
§ Don't Discard That Old Ford, But § OF AGRICULTURE iurveniine.” Eities Saly aiciea st: | \R#R} “ CE
4 A ten can make successful use of school | v ! ll
, Let Me ttach the . children in campy iigns of gathering -
. - * W wm Lead, H to Bread these egg ma . If, instead of burn- ay Confidence is an abiding faith in the honor and integrity of the per-
: 5 innesoty | ea gin omtemac e Sreas ing, the eggs are placed in barrels or | son or institution in which the trust is reposed.
§ : 2 | read like n } ( ake 18 hoxes snugly govered with wire
| mor I innesot in creen or cloth of a mesh fine enough R nl Busing 10 I Wall That this bank merits and receives the Confidence of the pul
x ® | any « t least Minnesota (to retain the caternillars \ US are Wer ; J dh ih ve! idence ok the pub
# 1).4 es 0 R )) UNI RB 1.. : Al DY W tion ) Fi mn oe eat IPL lars that Li ura BUS 5S Vi i AI6 WEI is shown by the fact that for the past five vears, our Certificates
| ( ¢ 1 | AuCLic 011 ol many parasitic ects w CTE ¢ :
0 . RQ bread, a lit ) re-!leased which will help . CONEY Ab I Tal U Cha of Deposit have doubled in amount each and every year over what
. 5 : h; e Which will hel; in he control hla 0 {dKe p dilale We Jot 27 ng LOR, i Arm : :
X . v st, si f the pest. Other timely ggestions they were the year before; which shows that we not only have our
‘ Thereby converting It Into a 1 1-2 ton X e te on VOT ers Je nit dof the enterielogisss are: Ba Wy Wit th Fonds old customers come back every year but are also continually getting
* © b | ; : \ BI ‘14 {Jusclble ous, following manulac JHU new ones and making new friends
is B 1 Per ania held | turers’ directions, trees and bushes . : ¥ :
5 truck. Res st and 1eapest truck A | 3. £0 He red l th hird jinfected with scale insects; cut out - — Another large item that helps Confidence is the knowledge that
\ \ 11 years urn lilac stalks ‘este
4 » d nn h od ar d I 3m lilac ha infested with we are very careful to whom we lend the money that you deposit
h k ot By | a ; 1 I~ {borers; burn fallen leaves and twigs More ) All here and most everybody knows that this bank doe h very good
2 t 1€ Markel. : he Federal and State ex-| that suffered during the past sum- | can fariner find mself in the pos ) ang J ybody knov hat this bank does such very £00
¥ ¥ rces througho Minnesota. {mer from leaf-blotch miner and twig | (ion of comfort and prosperity which financial “house-keeping” that in five years we did not lose a dollar
% | been abou 6,000 boys |girdler; hickory trees infested with | iis inst dae. Leda voars ave: for on a bad loan but that we gained a Surplus of $70,000.00.
{4 Sn— ¥ n these ul ch year, | hickory barkbeetle should be cut and |,” ©" oe Re > : cy . :
. ber } taken part in|burned or otherwise disposed o m no longer, We keep all bank business strictly Confidential and your neigh-
A Ao ent ‘or the 3 onstra i any | before spring; overhaul spraying ap- the ave A bor will never find out that you have money here unless’you tell him
? = ® a ntested at he fair. paratus in preparation for the spring ' earnings hroke Ie NIX m vourself
I't veal » Minneso vent into land summer work f Q 1 J . *
: elly-Springfield and Republic Tires §!third place, and in 1918 she took the | "gy ir i Sore ing Campaign | Worth SEZZS00000. 1 Vo Das i
: | ! { - 8 honor avy Evo nD nia by States Join nn Spraying Campaign \ a)! \
¥ 8 dur the op vio smount of [he San Jose scale, which has had | IS « nate : ren y { d 1) { ll I | Ie \ Ol | Il lIeY lor 1) til
N o he ol le br 1 of nv Sta the its destructive Vv in many orchards, | acreag ey ill hi h ¢
. | TTriiar received a body blow during the first | Nutu ] is making the
¥ & week in Fe bruary when the “spray | ymosi of his or es a y r
. 9 “~ . "~ Profit From One $587 {vour orchz id ’ campaign was held oO in a ) 1 ) (Y ) Ir 1 IX] : . )
1 M171" FQ TT” BD | Ample proof that pig clubs pay is Jointly by four Southern States—Mis- i ih : - 9 : J J )! | \ () [ d) LOW ll d
. fi5 |, U 8 | contained in reports being received |sissippi, haa Louisiana and | Dhices lor ove fg 20 d 3h a k ly HI Hy ’
. u ho) : | continually by the United States De- Tennessee. County agents in these | @utlook for him HOSE enco So, :
% - x | DREumen of Agriculture from club four States gave most of their time And Europe will furnish Capital, $50,000.00 Norman F. Arntz, Cashier.
> @ | leaders. One repart recently received | for an entire weék to lime-sulphur | doubtless for all he can grow, in- Michael R. Hoffman, Pres S
| on ! y ry Yt : £ ! i i X . . urplus, $70,000.00.
3 H. A. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna. R [tells of the success of a Fennessee | spraying demonstrations and talks on | cluding | fat hogs at $30 and h ? P $
. ® | boy who, in May, 1918, invested $50 {the how and why of spraying. The | steers $150 per
4 ® | in a pure-bred gilt, and now figures | Mississippi College of Agriculture | I Id a wu bile
® BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING @ | his profits at $587.35. She farrowed [estimates that there are nearly § soni hie Interesiing, if posse,
# x 53ven pigs, part of which the boy sold | 6, 000,000 bearing fruit trees in the | to assemble copa ative. smreneny
BOGOOOOOO0OCOCOOOO00OCOOOOGO0COOOOOO00O00O0O0000O0O000 for $133. With this money he pur- | State, and that 90 per cent. of them | ©! the farmers’ hank accounts now
chased a boar of excellent breeding, |; are infested with scale. | and five years ago, and, incidenta |
meee | which he exhibited at the East Ten- : i y ist of ortgn ces ave been |
- > HE Reta Division Far, winting Ton Show Milk’s Value to Children | th a P . ey ne thin hes en
PPESPE EPP R bbb hdd db dpb didi ddd bbe bbs | crand championship of the breed over| No more convincing proof of the altitd Me oul oe |
3 > all exhibits. He won $87 in prizes, [value of Rilke In fhe diet of chilarey | teresting perhaps to have a state
o . . . " ter pt hv 3 Pp i » Ff the il . } 1 \
) $45 of it in competition with ex-|¢@n Probably be found than in the | ment of the Liberty Bonds now in the
$ Everything for the Living Room, Ol eon I Ln ny oe |
+ . now valued at $595. This, with the | Several months by the home demon- | For it has heen charged that the |
3: I orch and Lawn--Low Prices money from sales and prize winnings, (Fla. Sh Agen in Manatee County, | farmer as u buyer of Liberty Bonds !
@ amounts to $745, from which he de- | She has weighed and measured | has cut a sorry figure. Which may |
’ To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock- ducts $157.65 for feed and care,|°ver 2,000 children, and has found have 1 2 gS
Iz ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed, leaving a profit of $587.35 that those weighing and measuring | Nave been (he case in spots, but not i GT NY
Rattan, Fibre Rush and Old Hickory. : : Se up to the standard, or a little above | Eenerally !
+ : i “ : sa € é € 3 E
+ Settees, Swings and Tables. o” Let's Do Something Big ; are almost without exception shove | And very soon the farmer will have {
-* 1at’s the slogan of the Glenwood !ing a great deal of milk. The children { an opportunity to prove that he is |
* USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR Mother-Daughter Club, organized in | much under the standard have be | i rs ‘ | ‘el |
a Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning PE Rare Tour Ir litt] & & Tk Rye een | not without loyalty as well developed | °
. » . - » » eavenwo 0 Vs oe eceiving little or no mi ArryIing | aq an’s For another loan is |! ®
bp (compressed air) Carpet Re-laying. years ago. The results show it has |the experiment further underweight | Ps any ; hrs ee a het k ia
A TALKING MACHINES lived up to its motto. Starting with|cHildren began almost immediately | most HY Bight, 2 oan hat will draw | Sales Agent For
‘ Come in and hear the ‘“Vitanola,” the sensation of the Talking 22 members in 1915, it grew to 68|to show gains when milk was added | [ODN EY hon 1s all, .
F Machine World. Prices from $22.80 te $145. in 1917 and had a c anning record of {to their diet. With such evidence as ; Because of his price guarantee of
- 11,545 quarts. For three successive [to the value of milk it is not surpris- | $2.26 a bushel, Uncle Sam stands to
& REFRIGERATORS is years the club won first honors ining that Manatee County has more | lose from 50 to 75 cents upon
* Full assortment of all the latest improved R ‘rigerators; a Kansas and, one year, first honor as | dai iry cows now than a year ago, and | hushel of wheat harvested next :
§ dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.00. a club in the 33 Northern andthe number is rapidly increasing. The | son. Trina ad % this ai cad 00. 10
t Yast Sgt Pye n with the |jesilie of this experiment are the hinia ho . | a y : : 1. That
4 > drought in Kansas last year, 9,220 being used as one of the arg ‘nts Sey 10 $09 i r
+ W estenberger, Maley & Myers quarts of food producted valued at|in a Statewide ae apnurents [ is Uncle Sam's way. Two good second-hand Ford touring cars can be seen {
# 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. $4,459.22 were canned by this club. ! lairy cows. : Jut what is Mr. Farmer going to at the Garage. !
or The whole community has profited by | i do for Uncle Sam in the next Liberty
: Way s Largest Pure-Bred Calf Club Hol ph ; . s
{ the organization which does not con g ye i u old Loan? R h d P T W h
| fine itself to canning activities. It] The S ( Sale | oe vpit Liberty Loan to date the ap Oo an enn owns Ips
= is se ldom a farm is now for sale in| ..1f EY Fouts, Ava, Late bred | farmer, : 1 elas Hast 12h
: : ! that neighborhood. The women have | Seid by local dealers to he | Tatmer, 2s a class, ‘lins hough i G d S I
Plet ease bear In mind that | I will continue foie) life in the country interesting. je large st club of this kind in the ! bonds than men in other prosperous arage an a esroom
{ The Sonntny church was in the last I Piiod Shares rcen ily held a sale at | classes. He has been able mean :
: | stages of disintegration, but through |, total of Be ree Ssifers wid for) time to get more sugar, and coal, and .
al e u | the efforts of the club it now is puls- | [manized ony. lost 1e club Yas 2 | everything else upon which the
jig he hy TaicplinaBy The county agricultural agent, and the | ao put a restriction, than othe Ath 9 .
| schools in the community, which were {05s and gis Th, are rhe mbers | is ur tl i ’
[ below grade. now rank o ought pure-bred heifers with money | course, nierc were exceptions to
Boots 08S dll l BIS ei Ende naw 1 IONE ne loaned by local banks. The bi { this rule. There were whole com-
a | paid teachers and best buildings. The | P1i€¢ paid at the sale was $650 for | munities, whole counties, and in a
i credit for all these changes, as welll Sng hoifer i cost its owner | few instances, whole States, where
| . C ) 3 - 3 3 . . z
Upon which this store has built its reputation during these many years 12 [pany others in that community |, as hy i xed DSitor Saf the farmer showed signal patriotism.
during the past four years, is credited |... 4 ast August, 1€ | Among those States were Pennsylva-
in business. If you want good footwear, the kind that wears, I will be | the efforts of the Glenwood Mo-|jccond highest price, $635, was paid | nia, New Jersey and Delaware,
| ther-daughter Club. for a sliorthorn heifer, which hag { "0, YeW rersey and Delaware
pleased to serve you. | cost 25 originally. About 1,000 I'he hig question now, when he
Southern Workers Study Food | persons attended the sale, coming | stands to cash in at a 235 per cent
: Spoilage jroom all parts of the State. | premium upon his wheat crop, is what
| Heed for insiruetion 3 Lhe pro County Officials Support Bureau | is he going to do next Liberty Loa
| vention of deterioration o ood pro Work | drive? g
» fous OF, ferensatian 3 Sstelving] So completely has the Saline Coun- And it interests every one of us, | ¥¥
the ) St aders, county ty, Nebr., farm bureau demonstrated | for in the finality we will pay the 3%
agents, home demonstration agents, it ] : : : ¢
® ® | and teachers of the South. The ji jisefn Bess Dot he county com- | bill. The chances are flour prices 8 These days of uncertain shoe values and expended shoe
{ 11SSi0 S e : onYiated Vas : . ; 5 by
general subject includes many phases. |g: 2 "000 oe ( a dei an igh A) S11) leon Tg Wher fey are prives, this House of Good Shoss protests the Woman that
4 OTK S 2 y i i i
i MOUNT JOY, PA. For instance, it has been found that | year, notwithstanding the fac : Europe is buy ing wheat right now comes hear from all shoe disappointments.
East Main Street ’ there is constant t that . tl ir amiint: rf] :
as ain | there i cons ant need for instruction | the farm bureau cost a little over | [TOW the. big accumulations of the We show only Good Shoes—Shoes that have a splendid
. Se —————————— —— — omemsm—— | 01 the kind of ater Klin use in can- | Uh Uf that amount last year. The coun- | 188! tWo or three years in Argentine Reputation behind them. Shoes that can be relied upon. Shoes
j hing, preserving, pickling, and simi- commissioners acted after | and Australia at something like $1.50 that W eari
| C on § ors P \y ah . tralia ¢ 1 ing like $1.5 a omen are wearing.
BOO0000000000000000000000OO0VVO0OLROOOLOVVVVVVN f lar operations. Under atrangement | spe cial farm bure: 0 ittee 2h i a bushel ’
{ with the States Relations Service of |: } au committee had It’s a pleasure for a woman to wear such well Made Sty-
. Oo bs 2 on Ah V Jos ef aid he Fore the Wi ie farm bureau Without the government guarantee lish Shoes as we are now selling.
A : ( States ¢ ne OT fmembershi ar ‘hese s 3 N io ar «woul y
uto epalr op darage | Agriedlture, Dr. Edwin Lefevre of |75 per ce nt. Gn Se shih towed d has | 1 Atberiean ki pe PivoRlg be In our shoes a woman feels Well Dressed and is confident
» Bureau of Chemis a & Se | ting re than S e o
je Bin von of es he inn cently de g unt are embers of the county | an is a bik ae f. Si of her good appearence.
= LE 0 se 0 \ es on ari ureau MEty counties. i Te £ S to S face, if he :
510--12 N. Cherry St, Lancaster Pa. mentation at George Peabody College | braska now have IY oo aties in N¢ | is to retain the respect of the Amer We've shoes for street or dress wear.
i for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn T ! : ia Ea | can public, if he is to continue to be
| institution is a graduate school for | Breeders’ Associations Assist in Sales | Sahn os. tha haikoong Gr Fre a NEW OXFORDS, PUMPS AND SLIPPERS—DULL PAT-
Two Good FORD CARS For Sale §| teachers. In connecton with it there, One of the many advantages which | yo" (1 J Gt HE TE ENT OR HANDSOME SHADES OF BROWN, GRAY OR
{is operated the Seaman A. Knapp |S 2 be gained by a number of live- | | 1] | au fis part mn Lug TAN
. | School of Country Life, Its student. stock breeders organizing an associa- | "eX! bond issue .
One Touring and a Truck {body includes teachers from all the |tion for their mutual interests is in Some Liberty Loan officials are sug
{ Southern States, men and women who building up a reputation for the sale | gesting that the farmer should buy
> |are engaged in county agent and |°f Stock more rapidly than would be | a $100 hond for each 100 bushels of ’
Also Extra Good Speed Roadster | home demonstration work, and others [Possible by each member working | wheat that he sells to the govern- Chas. H. Fry S Shoe Store
[ho are preparing for thar clase of Separtely. This is illustrated by the | yar He hax made the nrofii and
{ service. Dr. Lefevre will atte , (records which are being made by the } JES t oki i .
2 a lM onncssee meeting et Sind pis three community breeders’ associa- should have -ne iesianey 0 raking 5 fi LANCASTER Pa
WE REBUILD TRACTORS FOR FARM USE OUT OF YOUR | home demonstration agents, to be|lons in Waukesha County, Wis, | @ high grade security in payment for yg
OLD AUTOMOBILE AND CHARGE YOU ONLY FOR THE @ held in Knoxville in March, to con. |Buyers who come to this section of. | the difference hetween what the gov. BRIANA ETAT
WORK i { tinue the work begun at Peabody. {2 a the local county agent ernment gets and what he gets for his 7 ’
. L : whether or not the owner of stock @ wheat ! sso es — - ey S—
WHEN WE FURNISH THE MACHINE FOR THE TRACTOR Smut Losses Being Reduced they intend to buy belongs to one of | : i
THE PRICE RANGES FROM $200 TO $500. | Trerty five Jer sent more far- fhe se penis ations. The associations | BOOOO0000000000O000000000000000C00000000000000000000
| mers in the nited States treated |nave won the reputation of standing |
Bell whose 2227, tnd. Phone 72:Y | 0c 0” prevent cereal suis nthe | bebind all Sas nade hy th mnt || GLIP YOUR coupons GOOD FURNITURE
0 1p13 spring ane fall seeding seasons bers in buyers know that any ani- | Tl | 1 I
| than during the previous year, ac-{mal purchasec from an assoc 1 The Saturday vening ON .
{ cording to an estimate recently made | member will be ““as represented gives the following advice: la the only kind | sell—Furniture that is Furniture
y | BY the United States Department of three organizations are now affiliated It seems that many holders \ .
| Ag picnlinee, based on surveys and onlin an effort to make their community I 0eity Bonds. ave not. colle } Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks,
increased demand for formaldehvdeiad 1 iberculosis-are a b « : \ : eid
i 1 1 and ¢ ldehyde y repeatedly | he interest when it falls d i ies’
~O, °. COAL { and copper sulphate, which are used |Mmaking the tuberculin test and dis- Bo tals = Picture Frames, Ladies’ Desks,
in making the treatment. The esti-|Posing of all animals that show sions [§ It 5a small oon ig a
~~, / \ mated tional loss due to smuts in| of disease. The county agent reports interest is a small sum 'S %) Extension and Other Tables,
a the 1918 crop was ¢ 500,000 bushels | steady progress in this clea work 13 it does ot seem to the ld :
> 3 vas 2 bushel progress his clean-up work. | § 1 ke I ! 0X
ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM teat 110.000 000 jh 5 B-Werk If Wo 3 oo BO ie Davenports, China Closets, )
MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. a gis ane { does net kirow 1 o do Kitchen Cabinets.
™ inne i CRYING FOR Every six months an s
- a during er 8.000.000 > HELP S onoii 0 n . “5 In Fact Anything in the Furniturs
| of wi rom stinking smut j--coMDon, o i the bo $ { .
Ee 1 A = a OT 3 aang id : ; Lots of It in Mount Joy But Daily | due. good as mone) Line &
a ® « = | been pre ed by a simp re : ent Growing Less any ink Cut i &
orb va é ! ms nd : =
: previous edna lhe kidneys often ery for hel and SE 52
j ‘ ED FOR MORE MILK. os Sa IY. 1oy Seb ut the a y War 8 J Y {
. TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEEL m Dig Qut Common Barberry Now Not another or in the whole p ! 0 f UNDERTAKING &
Wn USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! g Th the time to arberry body delicate constructed; Stamps oi noth I %
= b Not one i health. Bond subs &
* LUMBER and CORL . Ellie Hb the || We hate funn bondholders AND EMBALMING §
£ ' : hl ] C 1 .
E = blood. d ) YONS mC
= . When they fail the blood becomes dea that by letting the government | :
® MOUNT JOY, PENNA. : coy the interest 3 Nov wis 5 PA ¢
2 Both Telephones # th Hora there | 5008 © est money they were § 2 MOUNT JOY, PA 2
. S Z on 1 the w; I \ 4
yh REE RES is one of the frequent in S not t wil » do Wi I : 8
dications of kidney trouble. aE I falls due Tre e1 1S
{ It is often the kidneys’ ery for hold 1 din 1s sufficient § 3 oo
help. Heed it. . to pay it al co r ne bo] EE 1
Read what Doan’s Kidney Pills terest and investing the proceeds ; 8 —
season for have done for overworked kidneys. in stamps you ti Ke is ff h [| E 5
frost begin thej Read what Doaw’s have done for || mroncurers bonds anid of hell 2
ground. At present f the | Mount Joy people. ps as hdllcean up the 4 ® § =
| black stem rust, the Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, West Main raass 4
. rust passes the on | street says: ‘“Doan’s Kidney Pills Fake your Liberty Bond invest ®
stubble and grasses wz: {have been used in our family as far ment seriously. Clip the pons i E
I ures to come so they can begin their des-| back as I can remember. My back when they fall due. :
tructive work. The black spore stage |used to pain and ache so I had to
' > { cannot spread to grains and grasses, |have it rubbed. My kidneys became >
Are Keeping the Home { but only to the common barberry, on (weak and bothered me on that ac- ,
Story of the War in a Million which it forms the spring or cluster-|count. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills Ses
| cup stage hese spores then cause !and certainly can say without a!
Homes | rust on grains and grasses. If there |doubt, this medicine is the best I At About Half Price
We are the acknowledged headquarters for Hats, Caps and
Gloves. We have all kinds at all prices.
JOHN A. HAAS, Proprietor
144 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PENNA